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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1940, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO I .SOCIAL AND PERSONAL I Phone 663 Miss Marian Wardcn, Tam- Rev. H. R. Campbell, Concession worth, is home for holidays. 1 Street. Mrs. A. Flint visited Mrs. B. Mrs. A. J. Crawford, Detroit, Fenteer, Toronto. Mich., is guest o! Miss Winaie Mn. Byron Vanstone is holiday- Mordrndbrbohr.r .H ing with friends at Lethbidge,Wadn Alta. Gunners Bruce Lunney and 6 Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Virgin and AlCingston, en2Sndny h at ter family and James Stutt are holi- Kighome spn udyathi daying at Lake Nipissing. hms Mastr Jon Sttt i en~ Misses Kathenîne McNenl and Maste JohnStutti noying Kay Laphen and Mn. John Ponien, bolý at n boys' camp at Ben- Sydney, Nova Scotia, bave been ve17wn.- visiting Miss Helen Rundle. Mr. Eric Swiadells, Loyerng, Rev. and Mrs. Carman Arm- speat the weekend with bis par- strong and son Ronnie visitcd ents. Mrs. T. G. Mason en route to Pont Mrs. Fred Hughes spenit tee Carling, Muskoka. Wcekend with Mrs. Harold WiI- Miss Gloria Martia and Mn. liamson, Toronto. Bud Pickard, Cleveland, Ohio, Mn. George Pritchard, Christie! are visiting thein cousin, Mn. A. Street Hospital, Toonto, spent a i W Pickand.t Week Witb bis family. 1Mn. and Mns. W. J. Watson (înec Mns. Harvey Joint and son Daisy Cully), Hamilton, spent thec Stuart visîted ber parents la, weckcnd with ber parents. Mr. c Lindsay. and Mns. W. Cully. Miss Joyce Long, Toronto, wasý Statesman is on sale at all book- c guest W)f Mrs. Wmn. Roberts, Sl- stores at 5c a copy, on subscribej ver Street.' direct to this office, 6 months forN Mrs. F. C. Pethick is visitiag $ I0 bier son, Mr. Chas. H. (Bud)1 Miss Phyllis VanSickle, Man- Pethick at Gnavenhurst. mora. is visiting bier unclc, Mn.c Mr. Ted Mason, B.A., Cliaton, BIlMcut n Ms Rt Se is visiting with bis mothen, Mrs yns T. G. Mason. Wan Iatercessony Senvice is t, Mis Lilia Capbcl, ewbeing beld la St. Paul's Cbunch li Miss illin Cambell Newto-night (Thunsday) at 7.30 p.m.v York City, is visiting ber brother, July l8th it will be held la St. Andncw's Cburch.a Congratulations to Mns. Doro- t thy M. Lynch who passcd ber ý Grade 1X Singing examination t ~oe mwith honours. Mns. Lynch is aF SPE IA GITS pupil of Dr. T. A. Pantridge. sý Wiith bolidays and deplcted ti in staff you can help get The States- IL V E R man out on time by sending in, your news items eanly. Don'tJ S 1 L E I waittillWcdncsday monrning. S Ptcs. Hubert Hooper and Jackg s i ço oAllia wene home fnom Kingston g mIEover the Weekcnd, their first visit û home since thcy joincd the antil- 0 *.0Oleny.R Mrs. F. C. Lehmann and son T1 Billy, Brooklyn, N. Y., have been si visiting bier mother, Mrs. Elgin IV. Salad Bowls wlth Sîlver Wight. One 'week was spent Wite S Spoons - Cake Plates With Mr. and Mrs. Wight on the Bay yr Servers -Honey Dlshes with o! Quinte near Picton. Spoons - Bread Trays Mailing lists o! The Statesman ti bave beca corrcctcd Up to July d Also lst. Look at the ycllow label and M~ sec how you stand. If la arrears, ni Nut Dishes wveIl that menas you sbould send bg Flower Vases la your nenewal at once. A Butter Dishes Mns. Geo. Kreig and son George Mr Bon Bon Dishes and Mrs. Jack Chitty and daugb- ki Cande SickHolers ter Sally, Kingston, and Messrs. e: Candl Stik Hoders George and Harold Carter, Kapu- g( - Etc. - skasiag, visited The Carter Fam- vi ily. Io Dflf(1Mr. Rex Muascîl, Sebring, Flon- la M A RR I ida, Étopped at The Carter Family el Tea Room on bis way tbrough JEWLLEY &GUT town this weck and bnought IM SHOPPEY &GR grectings !nom Col. Edwy White,92 1Miama, Fia., to al bis !riends th TExpert Wateh Repalrlng here. ar hwmanville Ont. Rev. S. Davison, chairman o!an Oshawa Pnesbyteny, prcsided nt Wl the induction service o! Rev. A. gý SMART VACATION FROCKS The ultimate ln cool. washable, colorful. smart frocks for vacation wear. Available i a varlety of colors and styles in Inany sizes for young and nslddle aged ladies. THE TOWfl SHOP RATS DRESSES HOT WEATHER SUGGESTIONS BY KRAFT We offer you the followlng suggestions to aid in your meal planning for the hot summer months. AUi tems will add to the tastiness of your menu. Miracle Whip................ 4 oz. 16 oz ....... 33e - 8 oz ....... 32 oz ............ 49c Miracle Whip Sandwich Spread............ 4 oz. ....... .....8 oz. Kraft Fresh Lemon Juice Mayonnaise ...... 8 oz. FeUrh Dressing... loc 19C lOc 19C 21C .8oz. 22e Kraft Boiled Dressing ............ 12 oz. 22e Kraf t Cheese for spreading or sicing 1/2-1b. 17c 1-4 lb. 10c I aft Cream Cheeses Jain, Pimento, Pineapple, Rellsh, Olive n Piniento. ln tullp glasses ------- ------------ --- .............1 C Kraft Dinner..................... 19e Kraft Loaf Cheese .............b. 30e FRESH FRUIT DAILY ]Phone 596 LI FEBUOYô IUNSO cou[osHr Bowinanville t 1' 1~. About forty friends gathered te home o! Miss Nellie Muti naughter o! Mr. nd Mrs. D Mutton, Concession St. E., Fr1. ight to honor ber and pres er with a miscellaneous sbov After the gifts wene presen NESS Mutton responded to land wisbes which had been tei ýred ber, thanking ail for th ,ood wisbes and inviting them isit ber in ber new home. bvely lunch was served by idies and everyone bad a mr rîjoyable time. Trinity United Churcb la vas the scene of a pleasant soc ,ateing Thursday evening wl îe King St. group o! the Wc i's Association spoasored a kd strawberry festival wb: vas ]argely attended. Under1 uidance of Mrs. Stuart Jan abies were tastefully armaIg nd about 175 sat dlown to enj hemselves. The weather was pg ect for the occasion. Funds na d by this means go towa hurcb work. The committee harge o! arrangements deser-, uch credit for its painstaki fforts preparing and serving t ncheon. In tee many pictures appeari 1Toronto papers last week efugees fromn England who ha rrived la Canada was one mai elatives and friends o! the Ai] amily, la Durham Couaty WE iterested la. It showed a ph< fDr. and Mrs. E. J. Spponer ýgina (nec Marjonie Affn, da hter o! the late Dr. and Mrs. E ar Allia of Edmonton, Alta r.Spooner bad been in Englai ikiag post graduate work b rs obliged to retura to Cana fore finishing his course. Thq ,re looking after sevenal ch: ren o!f fiends who had se, lir kiddics to Canada. Lco Rammel o! Kingswa 'cenhouses and Flowcr Shop r .ived special mention la the Ju sue o! The Canadian Florist. not the first time that th )pular fiower shop and nurse ireceived favorable commen e article says: The Kingswa lwer Sbop wiil have 15,000 h: mageas ready tee end o! Augus ere is a good demand for thes id over balf of them have a ,dy been sold for fail deliver: atail trade at the store bas bee od during the summer mont] t, la the summen, the people( )wmanville have such goc )wers la teir gardens thz ide bas falca off. To hear teat tee war bas ai cted at least a part o! Bowmar le business favorably is checi gnews. Wrhile the major loci ustnies bave suffered onlyt rainor degree, loss o! centai 'rseas orders and loss to pez nnel tbrough enlistments ai :ly to prove depnessing. Th )wmaaville Glove and Mitt Co ined and operated by C. S. Hall in, is advertising for eigbt o )re skilled glove workers fo rmanent positions. We leari at be bas received a large orde )m the Dept. o! National De 1e for a certain type o! pull er mitts wbicb wiil keep hi ,ory at fulproduction fo iny months to come. Ignorance is a prolonged in ly, only deprived o! its cbnrnr Boufflers. ta' an th, fei cc mi cfl lui ia nel ari nel fai il of gin gai Dr taI bel WE drt thE Gri cer isst is Pol has Thg Flo dra Tbt and rea Ret goc but BON trac 7J fect VIlI ing ladi air ove soni like Mar moi peri thal fror fea:ç ovei faci mai 4 fanc -Ei - 1 ýai to in ýr- i., Je on Dr e- l- ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Albert Copp, Toronto, announce the engage- ment o! their youagest daugbter, Vera, to Pte. Robent R. Gourlay, C.M.S.C., Ottawa, son o! thee Ite Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Gouriay, Egan- ville, Ontario, tee marriage to take place at St. Andrcw's Presby- ternna Cburcb, Bowmanville, Sat- urdny, July 20te, ut 4 pini., wim fmris £011 r- fUsii Rathbone -SECOND BIG HIT- 'Henry Goes Arizona' starrfng Virginla Weidler Monday OnIy JULY 15 Stamp Out Hitler With War Stamps at 8.30 p.m. Admisalon Froc on Produclng Two War Savlng Stamps Tuesday - Wednes. JULY 16 - 17 SP.ECýMN 'Wuthering Heights' starrlnt Lawrence Olivier and r AUl - Star ftogramnme formerlq 'w BARGAINS Peroxide ---- 4-oz. le - l-oz. 33e Mineral 011wa -- 16-o. 37e Jar Rinsx-- lb's 4c J.Dar Rine 12y Pills - ------- - 27e Certo--------------- 25e Powder Pt a or9 Woo -- ------ Prescriptions a Speclalty MINTY T 0 T E Nlorc Ilmi. clhiý lit ýl/li/ 1. ll"/J- 1 . 1/1 , , 19c 2 /ý j r 35c ALEX Phone 792 w. McOREOOR E. LUNN GROOMR POLAR MMET HURT? JUST nue 17 IN Icemmaded ky leur .mi D. Cornett who succeeded W. R. Tanton at Simcoe St. U IChurch, Oshawa, on Friday ing. Provincial Constable D. P. wre shis fe and faptiste ris his oiind atapite been vacationing. Mrs. VN Thompson and family spent week with Mrs. Morris and turned to Bowinanville Sund Miss Kitty Storey is sper her holidays in Quebec brushing up on her knowled the French language. She is! ing with Miss Madelaine Cai who spent several months the Storey family iiere spring. A new Lending Library Is b installed in Johnston's Book. this week. Hundreds of thei est books will be in stock. C in and see for yourself the stock of reading material town. Bowmanville Legion Bran< keeping ii record of ail men listing in Bowmanville and vi itY. Clarence Hall is work:in the records and would be gla, any information as to units, r bers, etc., that the record maý c!orrect. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morris daughter Betty, Mrs. N. S. James, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ec were in Guelph on Sundav, v .ng Miss Jean Morris and 1 Dorothy Edger who are takir course at the Agricultural lege. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rehder tertained some friends on t] launch the "Barbara R." over *veekend. Dr. and Mrs. Ver H1. Storey, Mr. Ned Rehder, To and Miss Jocelyn Bowden, M~ treal. took th e ruise with th Also Miss Barbara Rehder hree friends, Margaret Sto: Patricia Dustan and Jean Pal son, on a most enjoyable hrough the Kawartha Lakesé ing the latter part of the weel The Senior Auxiliary of John's Church sponsored a lo ocial and tea on the chu grounds July 9th from which t] aised funds for church work. good attendance and favora veather guaranteed the suc( of the event. Canon and Mrs. R. Spencer greeted the gue The Junior Ladies' Auxiliary isted with the serving and A Margaret Raynes poured tea. A Spencer was in charge of arrar ments. Rev. g ood will prevailed uy3dwe Jnited la 2 0 1 i U o îv fh the Hooper-McFeeters Clan met even- Thr an Cancel I.BWane~a t Orono Park for their annual picnic and a very happy time en- Mor- .. Tables were laiden with the Lake K[ I! IIll ost delicious viands and Mr. J.u Aaenesàdditional ProtectionigM UI TS have AWm . McFeeters supplied the usual M treat of ice cream while Mrs. D.______ t last Hooper supplied an abundance of 'd *r eF* Prvide at each CrosinUstrawberries. Many friends at- ly Pr v d d a B a h C o sended from far and near. Mr. N S0.L nding an Tri C llio GARAGE OPERATORS HEAR and Mrs. E. Silver was re-elected ON S L City Car adTanC liin ISRCscytes Ige of CVi rmISRCIVE TALK scytes stay- Brings lim fo ýntain C. N. R. Council to At a meeting of the Garage REV. CRAGG wit1h Operators' Association (Durham this Meet W i t h Beach and Northumberland Branch ) As'.held at the Balmoral Hotel recent- (Continued from page 1) Be well dressedl for your swlm-, the members were addfressd gation adrrittedly expect of hlm. mlng activities, wear one of u :store by Mr. Pocock of the Raybestos We were unabie to extract from smartly styled suits greatly re- new- A car and train crash at the Brake Lining Co. of Peterboro. this modest young miflister a duced in price. Suits of Crlnkly He began by pointing out that complete account of ail the prizes orte C.N.R. Beach crossing on June the benefits of the organization and honors hie has won thus far, Materlal. best 7th brought repercussions in the extended to the motorist as well but in addition to the travelling 28-n counicil on Friday and Monday as the garage operator in that the scholarship which took hm to Reg. $2.95 ehi ihtwe heCNR sbitdmotorist is assured his car will! Europelhe won the Governor- Fr - - - $14 ~h ~ nghtwhe te CN.R sumitedbe taken care of by a govern- G eneral's gold medal when grad- ien- a dlaim on the town for $189,00 ment licensed mechanic. uating from a difficuit Arts icin- damages to tracks andcuer. Tesakrho djutw t course. The first part of his edu- g n asdeiddto turn Llte daim, percentage of the customer's cation was completed in Alberta. aduof ove to the town solicitor who is "service dollar" goes to upkeep Then he took a year's course in Sye y C tln bet otatfi isrne opn on the various parts of the car: Philosophy to fit himself for the Stni le od oe fordeais f labliy.brake repairs; 20 % body repairs; with the additional degree of green and black. and At. Monday's meeting, a coin- 15 % mechanical; 15 % electrical M.A. and winning a scholarship. e 3.i B.munication Irom Red Sawan and the remairider for various Mr. Cragg came to Ontario g dger McNaught who handle the insur- incidentaI expenses. f rom Calgary, Alta., to attend: For Sale at $2.2 unîssarrng- Noiv that the public is edu- Emmanuel College in the Uni-' cisanesated htuls rag- d to lubricate automobiles versity of Toronto. Here hie con-. ________________I ng a ments were made to provide suf- regularly, these periodic visits to tinued to distinguish himself in Col- ficient protection- to comply with the garage provide an opportun- his studies, in the first year alone, Also smart styles i woolen suits. the agreement made with the'ity for the mechanic to inspect a winning a General Proficiency en- railway, the insurance wouid be car and advise the owner about Scholarship and a prize known as their cancelled in ten days. In any what other services should be. the Rowell Scholarship. It wasER the event, the town is to return the performed," Mr. Pocock explain- at this time that hie became ac- I lI 'non insurance policy immediately to: ed. quainted with the young lady: S U MM ER NAT >wn, the company where it will be held1 The value o! this service to who is now his wife, Florence lon- pending developments. the customer cannot be too great- Clare. She is a graduate o! Vic-r 1cem. Councîllor Chas. Searle moved lY stressed for thus hie has the toria College and former teacher REDUCED had that the executive o! the Beach benefit o! advice from a skilled at Mimico. The Clare faily are ~ rey, Association be requested to meet'mechanic. which, if heeded, wiîî well known to Bowmanville peo-..............Smartly styjed hais, that are tin- with council o husa ngtunldoubtedîx' ehimlm arsin Pl *. e ahrprahdmdr ndsinytd o ot trip to discuss plans to overcome the the future. many years in the Bay of Quinte' emodemesin desi eto sut go to dur- difficulty. The speaker continued, outîin- Conference and at one time was .< - k. Discussion revealed that the ing problems that the brake lining'stationed on the Welcome circuit.' 9 aste. Speciaily $ 0 St. Beach Association had paid one companies have to meet. The ln- 1!lI Northport, where Mr. Cragg i redueed. UpWards fromn awn watchman's salary in past years, formation lie reveaied concerning held his last charge, hie had five' irch but that this year the watchman different materials used in brake'congregations under bis pastoral, they was coilecting a toîl from road linings and drums was most en-! care. In Bowmanville there will Summer Dresses are being offered at substantial sav- :A users. As the town was respon-i lightenîng to the garage operators be only one, but the large repre- ings to clear our stock In preparation for the new able sible for making the agreement and o! value to their customers. sentative turnouts which greeted! dresses we are expecting shortly. rcess with the Railway to open the The next meeting of the assoc- hlm at the reception service and LC. farm road, the councillors felt iation will be held in Grafton onI for the Sabbath service give pro- ests. that something more definite July 23rd. mise that he wiil have more than as- should be established to compîy eog to do to occupy his time. M/iss with regulations. Ail denominations were present o c .J hn t & C y em M Nrs. A letter from the Fire BrigadeSae Friday evening to greet the new ]Phone 836 Bowmanville ige- secretary asked councîl to in pastor. The ceremonies were in -________________________________ creaÉse firemen's pay $25.00 a year. Recent Visitors: Mr. Ewart formai and afterward at a social d at It was laid on the table and the Poilard returned to Toronto on gathering in the Sunday School ______________________________ ton, clerk will write Port Hope and Tuesday. Miss Ruby Lane, room ail had an opportunity to Neil Whitby fire departmnents to as- Poidene with lier sister, Mrs. meet their new pastor. Clerk of both the Cragg and Clare farni- Mr. Cragg spoke to the congrega- [day certain rates o! pay and number L. Richards. . . Mn. and Mrs. H. the Session Geo. L. Davidge and ent Of firemen enrolled in those Barrie and Mn. Gordon with fr1- Mrs. Davidge introduced them.. lies for many years. He reviewed tion; hie spoke clearly, impressive- ver.tows. ndsat antn. . astr B Re. Wlte Rakha, Hmp-briefly tee history of the five ly, unaffectedly. He acknowledg- ted Local police were granted the Parker, Toronto, at Mr. A. Rich- ton, acted as chairman in the ab- a gsof vhr.ave eehmiis tersei diis apeit of the wel-tas teusual holiday leave for some time ards'. . Master B. Lockhart is sence of Rev. S. Davison, chair- adfe.rCaehitecorne ands kefhhgta nd- la August. home from Toronto and littie Miss man o! the Presbytery, who was that side of thebouse.whcwstobbiwthteon heir The Counties' Clerk advised Helen Hooper returned witbhlm conducting induction services at gregation. On behalf of )&s. rto that tee county rate for 1940 to visit. her aunt, Mrs. E. Silver. Simcoe St. Churcb, O s h a w a. The status o! Mr. Cragg i St. Cragg and David "1who if hie were A amounted to $15,169.77, a reduc- Master Walter Frank had bis Canon C. R. Spencer read the Paul's was a littie complicated by here would certainly speak for the tion o! nearly $ 1,000. face bitten by a dog, the cuts re- scripture. Rev. W. P. Rogers and reason of tee war situation but himself" tee greetings were ne- aost Accounts were passed totnlling quiring several stitches. Adjt. Hart of tee Salvation Arxny Mr. Foley explnined a happy cepted. $2,538.45. Salem friends are glad to see brought their felicitations. For- situation hnd been nrrived at by Rev. Fred Joblin, wbo has been àwn Fire Comnjttee was autborized Mrs. H. Rundle, Hampton, out mal introduction of Rev. Cragg 1 designating his position that o! supplying at St. Pnul's for some ,ca opurchase a siren for the fire again. was made by Rev. W. H. Foley j Associate MJinister." montlis past, also took part in te litruck. This bas nlready been i- Ideal weateer and the spirit o! who bas been ncquainted with Ia reply to ail the greetings -program. M- stnlled on trial and bas been used_____________ tea for tee last two fires to good iicb effect. the Elgie Harnden and H ube rt --- nes Hooper were given lenve o! ab- ged sence from the fire brigade, bote N NS T )er- and Walter Woolley were np- pca ais pointed firemen to filI tee vacan-1 HNS T ard cy. in The parking by-law again came Gillette ves into councîl with Councillor the had been reportednadstating Bae igabout double parking on Satur- of day nights. The Police Commit- Lowest we still have complote stocks of ail British goodi, many of which' ive tere will meet to discuss the mat- Prices are justly famous. Throughout the war we wi.ll feature British 6 for i n y e r . a d t . w a s e q u st e t oa n d C a n a d i a n g o o d a e x c l u s i e l y . O u r' p r e s c r i p t i o n [lin bringinaureport of the estimate2 c er otad et euie fadepartment will use British dlrags and chemicals 5 o! storm sewer to drain the wnter wherever possible. from the vicinity o! the corner o! au Horsey and Elgin Street. by-law was passed reguîating f ENO'S FRUIT SALT - - 53C - 87e BARGAIN the height o! bedges to three feet ind within 25 feet o! intersections. It 5ePohlci mt wa fel tha thismovewoul de-YARDLEY'S PERFUME 55c-75c-$1.1O Tooth Brushes ------ 25 tda crease the traffic hazard at sev i ii- Deputy-Reeve C. G. Morris was DElTOL ANTISEPTIC Soc - 50c nt the only member not present. N E 1W R tC Kotu ____NE__________________ Health Brownley Soaps -- 25e up y-n 'e*. Salts ------------ 1e4e Tiermogene -----49P-98c Wt Milton Antispetie Wardonla Blades..-------25e BOWMNVsoi 294 22 Hoeontg.Etrtlmn set FOMCNTIATOLe0a9 0 0's t M ee il- TOWr of Lno'LKrsbnSat à3e c Pwdr - -7 C SP CIA THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ir) A Éý ý ý - ý " 9 16-oz. 37e 1 fer 24e Z

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