PAGE FOUR TEE CANADIAN STAWESMAN, BOWMANVIELLE, ONTARIO THRDAY, JULY 17, 10e Thé 014 7TownHU fly David Morrison, Ni The Fami]y Herald and Weekl Star had an article rccenrly o the old town halls in this countrn So we thought as BowmanviIl had in the diii and distant paE one of the most intercsting tow, halls in this part of the countr, we thought it only prôper tha this oid and historic pile of biricý ihouid flot be lef t without a woi i its roniantic. life. * The aid tawn hall, with its mar ket place and other buildings wa built about 100 years ago by mani Ruse, a native of Hamptor It was a two-story building wit] a run-way ini the centre ini whicl people couid go up to the butche stails in the market building whcrc ail the meat in town vii kept and shown for sale. As peo pie generaily took a short cut ti the market this run-way wa finally closed to traf tic and usec to store a hook and ladder appara tus for fire protection. Later the place wàs closed an( conVertEd uta a store which vis rented and uscd for many yean by R. axnd H. O'Hara, book anc utationery store, wallPaper, ais( potos and daguerre-o-type art ,a style that was in vogue ir hsineuDirectory Legal IL G. V. GOULD, B. A., L.L. Barristerý Solicitor Notary jhonc 351 Bank of commerce Bldg. Bowrnanviile W. R. STEIKE Barnister, Solicitor Notary Solicitor for Bank i Montreal lioney ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. -MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches Office ixnmediately east of Royal Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 Dental DR. J. C. DEVITT Asitant- Dr. E. WM Sinson Graduate af RoyaJI Dental Col- lam. Toronto. Office: Jury Jubile Dldg., Bowmnanville. Office hours 9a.m. ta 6 -P.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 883 X-Ray Equlpment i Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORLS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Ce. Modern Motor Equlpment, Amn- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- phone 480 or 734,« Assistant 573. Veterinary R. B. MUERAT, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veterinartan Churoh St. - D.owmanville Phone 843 29 ti * WILFRED W. SHERWIN I.V.Sc. V.8. Veterlnary Surgeon office: Main St., Orono Phone 56r7 KEEP YOUR CAR GROWING 010 Here's liOW! KeP 1 f ilId wth good quaUty 9IL The kind et oil yen use goes a long way ln determlnlng the actual useful Utae frour mator. Use good quality gasoline. Give your car a chance ta show whar4s in It. Keep It greaaed. Sqaeeks 'date' a ecar. Lubrication coata littie. Keep 14 dlean. Wlth a wash Job we give your car a rge ne ra1 claanlnt. 1 desn't take long. Garton's Garage mhoue 866 - omavi il and Market Square roneganaran, Historlan and tu Celumniat. [y thoso early _days. This tlrm vwas Dn the tirst ta seli melodians and T.later pianos. The vidovi ai Robert O'Hara is le stili living, vo understaad, in BBn- st tishi Columbia. Henry O'Hana leit m lere and bocame ane ai Toroxta's ry finaxiciai magnatos vihero prab- it ably some of the family stili re- ýk side. rd I those days the aid tovin hla vas a centre for Uic commuaity Sat largo. Tho agiculturai people as held thoir iirst fair there, that is a the iancy viork, vamen's calic- n. tions, and gardon gravin vege- th tables. The farm stock vas gon- .h eraily held up on the aid cricket r graund, acrass from thc public gs selool, tagethor with piavis, vag- as gons, and ail such like viere viovi- 0> cd from out ai doors. tO Fair day vas certainly a busy as day witl shopkoepers, hotel meni ýd and tovinspeopie geaerally. Pea- pie would came from Orona, Newi- castle, Oshava and athon nearby Ld places. The music by the band 'S vas an extra attraction especiaiiy rs vhen Hampton Baad vas engag- d cd ta play which caused s'ore Ï0 jealousy amoag the tavin bands- t-mon. n Our police officens would have -their vank eut out on sudh evon- - iags as tair day. Hotols viauid bec' the cextre ai attraction, espccialiy for fellavis ai thc baser sort.. In inxter mantîs thc aid tovin hall vas thc centre ai attraction for Uic youngen set and also ion -many ai more mature age. For thon thc assenibiy clubs vene Just like yesterday li thc me- * ormed and dancing parties viere maries ai al vilia attended the f onaed and as niany as 75 on 100 annual Goodyean auting. B u t couples viouid take part once a tlese pictures serve ta keep it vieck vitl a iloor manager, and a band ta furnisl thc music. There more vividly in mind. (1) shows w as no sucli caxtortion acta as Bll Dadson and Stuart Lhngard. jazz or tonfoolery monstrosities (2) Langest iamiiy on the grounds as at present ini those good aid (Wmn. Kilpatrick). (3) N. Brook- times. 1 At anc time vilen tic Old Fur- niture Factory vies prominent, - with apprexitices in every shop in tovin, thene vas a dancing club in ' u H I N the aid Almia Hotel vihiad a I H I 'N fine ballroomn.'But thc hotel club From The Sta dances did not ilourtali and peo-_____ 1pic chose the aid hall vihere the chance for liquor vas lesas desir- TETFV G c d than ini theliotel clubs. _______EYERSAG In thc way ai slows in those days there vies no dearth ai From The Canadan Statesman, -amusements or vaudeville attrac- July 204h, 1916 tions and the townx hall lad many shows vihl vere viel patroniz- c d. One ai Uic grcatest traupers A very cordial, receptian ves .that ever struek this burg vas given Dr. John Hoskixi, K. C. iHarry Ltadlcy, anc of the mast Treasurer aiofUic Lawi Society ai comnical' troupers that ever ap- UprCnd n ooayCl pcancd betore an audience. Hoe pe aaaaidHxoayCl v as in the Anicnical Civil War axici of Uic 235th Battailli n lis and fauglit ini thc Saith. >He waar first- visit ta Bovmanvilc sunce -a great favorite with the yaung rcccithUi latter appotatment. menonfaithc organ and piano cm- Tcbtain i ul ad Sployeca. Tebtain h ul ad Thon there vies James O'Neil Mayor J. B. Mitchell, Uic editor ai "Mante Cnisto" fm and Don- of thc Statesmaxi and others met man Thompson ta "'Uncle JoshI" Uic Colonel ut thc C.P.R. station. and the "Old Hiomestead." Harry In an address Dr. Hoskta. said "14 .Lindley vas also ini Uic aid Hol- is truc that I have been iighting man troupe in sud pînys as "0li- al MY lite but on my fields ai .vette," "Mascotte," and icEust batties fia biood has been shed- . Lyrne.Pyonly tears by Uic unsuccesstul . Thc Halman famnily played in litigants .. . Our cncmy is alrcady Toronto for many seasons in thc beginmtag ta bite tic dust. But thec old Royal Lyceurn on Kiung St. end ta flot yct-furtlicn efforts They were vieil knovin lene, for muat be made." Coi. Hoskin ta in the sumater scasan Uicy viouid proud ta be known as a Durham stay ion, a veck or tvoatuthe c ad boy. He studied mvi Icre in Uic 1Eastern Hotel, vhitl was thon office ai Uic late Robert Armaur, .rua by Robent Brodie. Saily and Esq., father af Miss Armour vIa Julia and Mrs. Halman vene well StUR lives lere.- known ta many -inBavimanvilie At Vuicartier camp thene anc and wcre veny capable actresses. about 30,000 troops under canvass. Mrs. Holman vins the planist. Thc klnd of mud that "stieketl Harry Lindley died ia 1913 ta dloser than a brother" vihiel la Uic !Utc United States but la lis lite kind ut Barrlctield, ta an unknavn le brougît a lot aifvilolesame quantlty hene. tua ta this and allier places and Fnam Pte. Ed. F. Car ut Val- it did nat take long ta Inow wvien cartier: We lad a nice trip lere. Harny carne ta toviu. Had only been in bcd a tevi min- Among the celebnities vIa utes vilen vie vere aviukencd piayed licro vas "Leberetti," thc and told ta be up at 5.45 vitl best cclcbrated canetitt vho vies a suits an and buttons palisled. particular friexid ai W. S. Russell Later vie learned Sir Sam Hughes ai Uic D. O. & P. Co. and head aifvies going ta review us that day. thc orga turing department. This man viould stay fon a viel or. Entrance Exams-Honxor Stand- tva and le vias ani inspiration ta mng: Viola Slortt, Marjorie Colo, thc Organ Baad boys vihen. le Enid SoucI, Lamne Hastings, Ruth woud payand conduet . TIen on MatyiGodon Marris, Ted PetI- otuid ay afeno h osand ik, Rosie Slortt. Philip Tilley,1 le would muke a little tour aiLori Plummer, Jsi odn tIc district and ail this viould Miidred Laurie. At Blackstock, make a moat agrecable holiday. Ali Bell and Ralpl Jackson goti Thc aid tavixihall vins in, cn- on la InOrono Jessie Pollardi stant use. lI polities it vas thc and Kenneth Hall. centre ai attraction. Many ai aur ablest statesmren spoke there, li- aur iirst chiot magistrate, also tIc cluding Sir John A. Macdonald, beit ai police afficers. At anc Hon. Gea. Browin, Sir Chas. Tup- time thene vicre 10 establishments per, E. B. Wood, Sir Richard Cart- selling liquar, as vieil as tva or wiright, Sir Leonard Tillcy, Sir thne ilquon shops. Stil thec order Oliver Maviat, not iorgetting Sam was ai the beat evexi vithout tele- and Edvard Blake. Many a poli- p bancs,- matar cars or electrie I CHIECK YOUR HOME AND REPAIR NOW! I 1'm Doroa h le i ff w ai Scenea at,1941, Goodyear Picnic ini Cobourg ing, F. Samis, H. Lee qp . a-(tley vere fast nunnens). (6) ataxievian prizes ion akill ip liane- Henb. , Murphy sure can tîravi tshoc pitching. (4) Polieec~orted that basebail. (7) Supemtatendent thc motorcade ta Cobourg,» ebtit and Mns. A. M. Hardy liavcn't Traitie Otticer Charles- Siple aif missed a picnic in 31 years. (8) Part Hope, anid niglit, Officen Wrn. Some ai thc pieniekers enjoying iThompsoxi, Bovimanville. '<5) Bet- lunch. (9) They ané married meni ty Kilpatrick and Jean Fletcher over ionty; but hene Maurice iDISTANT. PASI àtesman Files Mn. H. A. Fletcîcn's rose gar- dca is a vision ai loveliricas. Han. Col. Johtn Hoskin, K. C., Toronto lias given a genenous don- ation thUicôcst of Uic nevi band instruments ai Uic 23.5th. Band- master C. C. Laugler ta smiling. Mn. and Mrs. Arthun Mingeaud lave rccived word that their cideit son. Pte. Harvey Mlngcaud ta vounded. -Rev. and Mns. A. J. N. Strike betane leavtag Marrisbtggý.&4cr n pastarate ai tour years vere given a presentatian. Tlcy are gotag ta Granby, Que. Marriage-Bray - Everson. At Uic nealdence ai thc bride's par- enta, Oshawia, July 15, by, Rev. F. L. Farewell, Whitby, assisted, by Rev. Prof. A. J. Joliastan, Geo. J. Bray, Lieùt. 13Mt Batt., and Levdila Douglas, eldcst daugliten af Mr. and Mns. T. H. Evensori, Oshawa. ENNISKILLTE:- Fniday Vas ideal veather ion Uic League Garden party. Receipts $87. Bull ganie bctvicen Harptoxi and Sol- inavias atie.. .Luke Potter is in Toronto General Hospital i on treutment. .'. Rcv. W. S. Smart and Rev. H. Wilkinson exclungcd work Sunday. . . Wm. Trewia marked Is 8641 birthday July 12. FUFIY YEAES AGO From The Canadian Statemnan, 1 July 22n1, 1891 TIe 201st annivcrsuy ai Uic Battieote a cByxie vas celebrat- cd ut Orono an July 13th. Thas. Patterson. district claplain head- cd Uic parade. Our vorthy tovinsman and suc- cessful mendiant M. Treleaven lins gone ta England ion a short nest. The Methodist S. S. lad a pieas- ant timne at thc Drill shed grounds. Misses Annie, Veale and M. A. Bunner vene Uic tendhers. Sergt. John Horsey ai this tovin is reparted Wi EnglisI despatches as having made higli scores in Uic Quccn's Cup contest ut Bisley. TYRONE: Congratulations ta Miss M. Welsl, Chas. Saunders and Calta Campbell on liasging Uic entrance exanis. . - . Wcd- nesday a fine baby boy urrlvcd ut thc lame ai Jabez Moore viith -intentions oi making it lis per- manent residence. .. The neilmains oi Miss Emlly Lewis, Exiniskillcn, vene piaced in Uic littie burmal graund north ai Tyrane. NEW HAVEN: At the trotting match ta Oshawa Dean Plckel's White Stockings took fist money. . . Samuel Bunker lad thc fore- finger oa iltaict laad takeri off with Uic mover. . . Mns. Jas. Mc- Millan, a veny old and respected *itizen ai thia lacallty ton ovdn hait a century las died. SIc Louves tlrce sons and tva daugli- [ens. . * The pienie ut Sum ý,]vem- son'a luke grave vas a pl»aaet at air. . . Ebenezer Y.P.C.A. ver doa taigaby lalves. CLANKCE CHURCH: Mir,, and Mrns. Moses Covian lave tho sym- pathy of Uiecocmmnunity la Uic loss ai a daugîter ]Blanche. Oeit- rice, aged 16 yar. At the tire- men's picnlc Miss Maggic MoLean s'as pronounced ta be the pý.ttlest girl. Miss M. Grant, Bowvi ~lIle. s'as next. CLABKCE UNION: Mr. Sander- cock has Improved lis prýmiic b4 emectlng a nevi fence,. .'. J. .,onndl l as Uic tramnevô* ai his bouse compited... A içumber ttendcd thc f estivai ut D. BROla. ..Fred Rundle lias improvd ,hi# buildings by puttlng on echa ORN:Mr; and Mme. james Browin an July 3rd ceiebra*idtUi .541 viaddlng anniveriany.. ,,.Ed- wgrd Davey received a n eut qn lin q t bandwvilea 1ýP':jWadell's fucto ~ TWENTY VEARS' SERVICE1 Randolzih Woo dward emplayee for tva decades ut Goodyear neceivcd lis tvicnty- year service pin aften vanking ton Uic Porter Service fan Uic pat seven ycars and before thnt ta-the Reeeiving Dcpartment. RED CROSS NEWS 205,000 food parcels have nov been shipped ta British prisoners aiofvan ta Gcrmuny frami Uic Ton- onto Red Crois dcpat. The Inter- national Rcd Cross handîca their distribution ta Uic variaus prison camnps in Genmaay and neutra] 7officiais doeck diasely ta be sure that these parcels actually Feacli thc lundi for viliam thcy arc ta- Stcnded. Aeknowlcdgement carda handcd dircctly by these officiais ta thé prisoner and ta turri aigri- cd by him and rcturncd ta Uic officiai wlo forviarda thcmn Uiraugl Uic Red Cross organizu- tion back ta Canada are being re- ceived ut Toronto headquurtcrs ncguiarly. These carda arc posit- ive pnaof thut our pancels arc neudhing aur mon n theUi German camps. During April and May more Uian 352,000 ganients for Britisli bonmb victims, ïmiuitary laspitais, armed forces and vomen in Eng- land's voluntary services vere turned ta by Red Cross viorkers in Ontario. These included 131,- 511 garmonts ton Britisli civiliaxis, 208,617 articles for armcd forces and lospitais, 12,525 comionts for vomnen'sauxiliary force. Red Cross vonkers une strongly urged ta not let up durtag the sunimet months. There lus been a distinct decrease in shipmcats during the past moxith. For in- stance shipmexits ta thc Ontario Division viarehouse ton' January, Febnuary and Marel totalled 898,- 752 articles; ion April und May thé total vas 352,653. Thausanda ai lettens ai gratitude pour ta ta Red Cross Hcadquarters these days beartag vitiesi ai Uic up- preciatian ai Uic brave civilluns, Uic merdhant marine, navy, army and air tance for the excellent supplices sent Uicmn by the Can- adian Red Crois. There arcefia lot days and niglits in Uic North Atlantic and Northi Sou non in altitudes ai 20,- 000 feet and upward. Moonlit sumnicn evcnings only brng more bomba and desoiation ta the civ- ilian areas. We have set sanie excellcent standards-vie lave f il- led many a gup-bmouglt coam- tant and reaeved lape and cour- age ta many stnicken hearts-vie cannot tail on even faiter nov. We beileve that Uic vomen ai Ontario need anly ta be told ai Uic gronter aeed and thc aniver viii be quotas fiiled by every branel on scledule. Thc local Red Cross are very gratetul ta Uic organlzation head- cdby Sidney Little and Cui Samis for Uic splendid returns trrm'tUicsulvage campuigri nniounting ta $279.75 received ta date. Salvage collection, sorting and packlng ta not pleusant vark but a corps ai wulllng and effici- cnt lelpens did a tino job. TIere vill be another salvage collection ta Uic early fnll, Funther receipta grateiully ne- knowledged' arc tram Maple (Qrove Rcd Croîs gmoup $14.50. Cnook and Melville Sleep exhîbit MeCrea, Varcoe, Nichais anid Cnt- the fruits ai their proveis in a tran.* (14) Soitball vitaners, bift race. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t (1)S eutrT a-t iglit, C. Grcenham, H. G. Bal- race (10 S. eMuterT. Bg- on, M. Convay, F. Samis, T. Bag- neli, R. Avery and A. Baison. adil, C. Vanstano, B. Colveli, D. (il) Wtnors ai marricd Women's McKnight, "Spcc" Milison. (15) race, Mrs. Coole and Mrs. Wm. Tva good reasons vily the boys Kiipatnick. (12) Winners ofthte like ta attend these picaies, Es- hoop race. (13), Messrs. Hardy, 1 thon Barnet, Grace Hall. j' 41ainlv .IDerscnai By John C. Klrkviood A man novi past 70 years of and renovations, fo r taxes, for age said ta me that from his summer servants, for interest on eariiest years he had been hean- the mortgage which lias been on this property for quite 20 years, ing about crises. When he vias a for caretaker's services. This man lad he heard about thoentrais ta af whom I write kopt his sum- China-that a dollar given then mer home in the confidence that viould be viorth as mucli as thirty his children viould wish ta awn dollars later on-this for the sal- It when their circumstances vation of the Chunese from thein would make ownership possible. ovin sins. Every year lic heard Now, however, lie had it '«out" about the Armeniahi crisis: aiways viith his childrcn, ta tind that somebody vias collecting money they do flot wish ta buy the home, ta save the Armenians from vihich is tao large for their respec- something or othen. AUl through tive familles,- for one thing. and his lite, riglit up ta the present, nat modern enough. or near cen- le lias been soliclted ta cozntrib- ough ta places of gay life. ute money ta some mission or I t a anc of the griefs of par- cause ta prevent a crises." And ents that their children, when his feeling la that long after lie they gnow Up, %do not always lias been dead there will be an- want ta live after the patten set, nuai crises which some good peo- for them by the parents. Parents' pie will be tryung ta avert or dreains for their childnen are not nullify wlth money collected from always fultllled by their dhildren. persans wliom they my succeed This is truc ta relation ta voca- in gctting emnotionally ltlrred up. tions, marriages, dliaracter and These crises do not al-Ways relate habits. Many a farmer and his ta the souls of leathen races, or wvue have hopcd that their dliild- ta the souls )f Uic submergcd in~ ren would remain farmers, only Christata Iands; Quite aiten they ta fintd them ieavtag Uic farm relate ta Uic bodies of men, W0o. for city or town men and chlfdren-the starvirig t ta qulte rigît Uiat children peoples of Uic counries wherc slould, in the course of their ad- arc floods, or famine or pestilence olescent development, have mmnds or war. and wills anid desires of their *Perhaps there ta neyer a time ovin. It may not be right for par- in any counitry whicl ta flot cnit- ents ta try ta mould Uic shape ical; and perhaps there is fao time ai their cliildren's lives. What ta onc's private or personal 14 e cy can and should do ta to whicl is flot critical. -mouid tUichcaracter ofi Uir Is it not truc that. life ta ful of their children, and ta set be- of crisis most ai which do flot fore them fine examples ai dlean happcn? and whloRme living. Also, they J C K may quite properiy give shape to "Novi I am gotag ta try tu selI their minds. But chiîdren must it." Thus spoke a man ta regard be alloved, in their dcvcloptag ta his summer lame. It coat hlm maturitY, ta mnake their, own quite $15,000 ta build. He could choxces and decisions, even vihen have sold it at anc time at a prof - tîcir cloices and decisions lead it. Taday le icels Uiat lic vilbe Uiem astray. lucky if he can get hall of $15,000 A man wlo I sec mère or less for Uiis summervliome oi lis. of frequcntly vas telling me ai havi course, it lias cost hlm far more he slipped lýadly at a certain spot than its erection cost-for repairs ta lite. Todtay le ta middle agcd, PNABISCO SHREDDED WHJEATIO The foodya u a much to do with your capadity ta perform the extra work that l ighd =demaded from every citizen in' wardrne. Eut the food tInt bau made Canada "the grunary of the Empire -vIole wheat. Nablac Shredded Wheut la 1009 o, le wI>eat, vitl nothing udded. You g8« rthe protelus, carbahydrates, phosphorusa nd iran cantaiaed ln pure vIole wiat. And because tIheviheat îla umfltd, ail tIe Important wbeag#m la emi"od To benefit from tIe abundant food-encray tInt Nae pt lutta Canadlaajwbis ~.b nserve Nabisco Slredded Whae x esuaaly. kfôrit by the fuitnaoe Sbeddwbeaat, j and lias had a' rather liard Urn afiIt for thc pabt ycar. Ife la 'e universlty graduate, arid for sev- eral years, inthiUiel 120%shli ,,made" over $100 000 a year- on Uic stock maniceét. He lived high, vide and handsome. He, married a ridli voman, and 14 vas her moncy that cnabled him ta live, sumptuously. Then, vlieii- Uic 1929 smash came, therew smash-up In Uic domestic ~ tionship. The husband viaîî- fcrcd $100,000 in cash ta have Uic marriage dissolved, or alten- ativcly, an annuity of $5,000. He ncfugcd ta oiier-for some reas- ons vihidl he dld flot tel me about, and let hta case go ta thé courts. It cnded up viith lia los- tag Uic case. It vies lis bad tcmpr-by lis ovin admission- that put a hump in lis back. He becanie vindictive. And ho endcd Up his talc ta me by sayhng, "Arid lere I am taday working .for Smith and Bror at $25 a week."y I viander if it ta not almost uni- versai cxpcriencè, namely: vie give free reigri ta aur temper- ta aur vindictive spirit.-L46tohUi 11111 show you"' spirit, only to repent at icisure. There arc mafty, iights flot viorth wile, even vihen anc vins. Not long ago I vias taiklig with a laviyer about a certain mani whom I lad dcscribed as bclig very mean and sttagy -7a tarmer; and I tald ai an incident vihere the allcged meanness lad shovin' itseii. 1"1 remember Uic incidentt," said thc lawycr, "but you are wroxig vhen you aIl Henry Westinghouse meun. Hre vas in- duccd ta back a note for a kins- man viho had got into trouble, anid ho lad t a py thc note- several thousand dollars. For ycars hoélias been paying off Uic- tadebtedxiess which le assui»ed. He's an honorable man. He and his iamily have had ta go pon fon several ycars. Evcry dollar to him counts leavily. .Ne just îcannat be gencrous. Ho ha not gone about bewailhng his mis- fortune. He's à proud hnàný' I neced eicrebuke ai Uic 1açiyer viho told me the story afI-Nenry Westinghouse. Thon I thougît ai anather tam- Ily vihich hud been compelled ta go for years wlthout many thIngs vih their neiglibors had,'ail because anc of -the fanuly lad sinned. TIc errtag son ladgat itt a liole. by crimtarpractièes, and 14 requlred $2,500 ta kecp him fom guol. Ho vas a f armcr's son, and ho vient ta lis brothers and sisters to get'Uic $2,500. To, keep Uic iamily name cdean, urid ta save a brother from a prison sentence, these brothcrs and sis- ters, from their savinga and by means of mortgages, naised thc essentiai $2.500. For years arid years aiterviards thcy denied tlcmselves many Uitags. At louat tvio Young people viere preverit- ed ram gotg ta Uic univ rsty . bccause ai thoir parent'q unabllity ta send t1cm there. And wlat about Uic errant son? He vas non-repenta4it. lio contunued ta be a crook ta lia heurt. He neyer rc- paid a cent ai Uic moncy obtain- ed from his ktadred-never meant t0. Probably if vie could lit th caver wvihhidesImnysorravi and distresses, and whic conceaI~ findthatwelave uncovered meI knovi Uic full stary of a lite be- fore vie Paso judgnient on it. Most mon, I iancy, slip badiy sometime or other in Uic course ai th1cm lite. They may slip be- cause ai some error af judgment an their p art, or because ai some sin ai theis-same grave mi-ds demeanor. Or Uic cause may be outsldé themselves, as for ex- am ple, unavoidable or unforseen basa emnPloymcnt, or some dis- aster beyond thecm control. One man vins telling me of lis slip- from a $100 a veek Job ta a $70 a vieek job, viith a viarsenhng ont- look for him. For Uic moment ho ta discouraged. Yet hl e rmans a Young man wlth abilities un., impaired* and Uic day vil corne ven lic vilrecovel' from bi» slip. Dr. Time viill mend lis situ- ation, vith, ai course, good'co- opération tram the patient. Dr. Time is a universal frlend. ,,,' I ~ il i 'i (3m