THURSDAY, JULY 17,1940 lie ra iv- hie acd Drs toy thi e xe 55- Lic le E Alflu-Cole Regal limles, bydrangea and Union Jacks formed the back- cg~und in St. Paul's United Church, Owmanville, on Frlday evenIng, July llth, for the marriage 'of Math Louise Cale, daughter ef Mrs. Cole, Bowmanvllle, and the late W. H. Cole, to Sgt. Arthur John Aluin, Royal Canadian Ar- tillery, Debert, Nova Scotia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allun, Bowmanville. Rev. J. E. Griffith officiated. Miss Helen Wiliams played the wedding music, and Miss Dorothy Nichols, cousin of the bride, sang "Because." The bride, given i *marriage by ber brother Glenn Cole, iookéd charming i a gown of white brocaded satin. Her fin- Sger tip veil of tulle illusion was caught with a halo of white del- Sphinium blooms, and she carried a cascade bouquet et white del- Sphiniums, Briardlift roses and bouvardia. Her only jeweilery was a cameo pendant, the gift of Sthe groom. marquisette with matching sweet- ~heart hat and carried blue del- ~phiiums and carnations. Mr. SCecil ï5nowe, Oshawa, brother-i- Slaw of the groom, was best man, -and the ushers were Mr. Mervin Oke and Mr. Harry Depew. A reception was held at the bride's home, where ber mother received in a gown of black triple sheer with matching accessories, and a corsage of pink roses. The 7groom's mether, assIsting with the receiving, wore a beige ensemble and a corsage of Talisman roses.. Later the bride and groom lef t on 7a motor trip te Western Ontario. For travelling the bride chose a crystal blue frock with white ac- cessories. Allun-Logan Park St., Orono, decor- ated with regal iles, delphiniums and hydrangea was the scene of a pretty wedding on »F'Hday ev- enmng, July llth, when Ruth Eleanor Logan, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. R. Logan, Orono, became the bride of Norman Edward AI- lin, çnly son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Allin, Orono, Rcv. S. Little- wood officiating. Miss' Lillilan Naylor, Bowmanville, played the wedding music and durig tbe ceremony Mrs. A. A .Drummond Orono, sang "«O Promise Me" ana "Because" The bride, who was given i marriage by her father. was love- ly i a gown ef white embroider- ed organza made with sweetbeart neck and shirred waist lime, the full skirt falling in a short trai. Her finger-tip veil of tulle illusion was held te her head with iles- of-the-valley. She carried. a white pible with streamers entwined witb roses and baby's breath and wore the gif t of the groom, a fgold locket set with emeralds and pearis. Her bridesmaid was MiSs Velma Gay or Courtice, who look- cd charnung in a gawn of paie. blue flowered Organza witft matching tlower head dress. She carried pale pink carnations and baby's breath. 1Mr. Norman Witer Oshawa, was groomsman and l'e ushers werc 1fr. Milton Morris, Orono, and Mr. E. G. Hay, Toronto. Sixty guesta attended the I- formai reception at tbe brlde's home where Mrs. Logan and Mrs Allin received. Mrs. Logan wore navy sheer wltb corsage etf rose carnations and Mrs. Alun powder blue with corsage of plnk crna- tions. A moter trip te Niagara and points west was taken by Uie hpycouple prierta their tak- ing up residence. in Orono, Mrs. Ali travelling i a navy blue sheer dress wlth whte bat and accesseries. Jacques--selerm The Salvation Army Citadel, Victoria, B. C., was the seene ci a pretty weddig on June 10th when Grace, daugbtcr ot Mr. ;a Mrs. Thos. Sellers, Bowmanvllle, becanie Uic bride of L.A.C. Edgar James Jacques, Toronto, son ot Mr. Abert and Uic laIe ,MrB. Jacques Toronto, and now with the R.<.A.F. i Victoria. The fadreeof Uic groom'unit pr- ormged Uic ceremonY, assistebY thc Major et Uic SalvatianAni Clearing Sale CINA AN» GLASS,1 PAGE FPMI THE CANADIAN STATESMMt,, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO N N WEDDINGS Citadel. The hall was beautitully decorated for Uic occasion and Uic bridai couple stood bcneath an arch et tlowers. The Citadlel band played prior te the cere- mony. The bride, given i marriage- by Baudmnaster Tuttle, warc lier Sal- vation Army uniform and carried a bouquet o! roses and carnations. She was attended by Miss Ruth Pearce as bidesmaid who aIse worc the Salvation Army unitorm and carricd roses and carnations. The groom was supported byl L.A.C. Stuart MendIe.1 Following Uic ceremony a re- ception was held in the Junior Hall. Telegranis of congratula- tion were rcad frein the groom's tather, Toronto, and the bride's1 parents and friends in Bownian-1 ville. For going away the bride1 wore a grey tailorcd suit~ with, matching accessories and corsage1 et orchids. The happy- couple' speiýt their honeymoon i Van-i couver, Uic groom then leavmng te rejohi bis unit. Whttaker-Forbes A pretty but quiet wedding was solemnized at Park St. Churcb, Orone, July 12Ui, when Annie, daughter et Mr. and Mrs. George Forbes, Kirby, became thc bride o! Rosa Wbttaker, son o! Mrs. E. A. and Uic late Mr. F. Whttaker, Toronto. Rcv., S. Littiewood ot- flciated. The- bride looked lo.vely in her travelling costume et royal blue, with white accessories andé corsage et red roses. She was at- tended by Miss Leonora Bail, at- tircd in rose crepe frock' with blue accessories and corsage o! salmon roses. Mfr. Roy E. Hough- ton was best man. - A reception was held at Uich home* ofthUic bride's parents. àfter whicb the happy couple lctt for a honcy- moon trip te Niagara Falls. On their returni Uiey will reside in Toronto. Prier te Uice wédding Uic bride was Uic recipient et many lovely gif ts, including a silver tea service frem her brother, now in Uic New Zealand Air Force. She was aise Uic guest et honer at a miscellane- eus showcr at her home. Out-ol-tewn guests i ncluded: Leonora Ball, Leskard; Mn. R. E. Hougbton, lirs. E. A. Whittaker and Fred, Miss L. Inkley, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gallagher, Miss Kath. leen Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Gallagher oMiss Elizabeth Rank, Mn. W. G. Dlckson, Miss L. Kelly, Misses Myrtle and El- caner Dunbar, Toronto; Mr. Den- nis Gallagher, G. G. H. G., Camp Borden; Mrs. Joseph Grýves, Misses Frances and XEleaner Graves. and Miss Marion Wright, Oshawa; and Misses Eleaner and Nellie Wright) Orono. Paterson-H1uthes Miss Agnes Paterson youngest daughter et Mr. and r. John Paterson, Guelph, and Mr. Jeeffre Hughes, son ef Mr. Isaac Hughes and the late Mns. HUghes Oshawa, were married June; 28Î1W at Uic home ef Uic gromr's sister, Mns. P. Chappel, Quebec St., Oshawa, in Uic presence et members et Uic immediate familles and a tew intimate friends. Bey. Mr. Ander- son otficlated. Mns. Wni. Knott, sister ef Uic groom, played Uic wedding music.. =e~ bride, who was given i marniage by ber tather, was at- tired inhian,.atternoan dreu eof dgsty rose sheer and worc white accessorles. Hën corsage was o! piic roses,, sweet peu and pik corntlowers. Thc b ride was at- tendcd by Mrs. John Gleve ia eurquoise sbper dres wlth white gccessories and wore a corsage et pink rose , sweel peau and blue cornflowers. The groom was at- tendcd by bis. cousin, Mn. Richard Lewis. At Uic recept4onlins. Paterson received i navy blue sheer wiUi white accessorles. She was assist- cd by Mrs. Chappel in a tlowered Éheer dress wth white accesseries. For going away Uic, bride wore a black and white ensemble. Af- ter a motor trip lhrough Nortlierrn Ontario Uiey wlll reside IOsh- awa. flartlett-Ruaile Carlton Street United Church, Toronto, decoratc d wtb ies, del- plaand tfnawas Uic scene ea double rn weddhi June 28 wbcn Doris Elzbeth Rundle, 'daughter o! Mr. and Mmr. E. W. jRundie, Oshawa, was unlted i manrige wlth Stewart B. Bart- lett, son ef Mr. and lins. C. B. BartietI, Ascot Ave., Toronto. The cèreonywaspertormed by Rev. . M._Findlà-y. The weddigs munic best man. The ushers wiere Roy Hamnilton and Emerson Lyons.' The reception was held at Uic Diet Xitchcn, where Uic bride's mother received ln a gown o! Miami blue sheer with large navy blue hat and navy accessories and wore a corsage et roses. The groom's mother wore a gown of powder blue prited sheer over sati and corsage et roses. For travelling Uic bride wore'a dusty rose redigote, ensemble with Irish crochet, turquoise ac- cessorles and a corsage et roses and forÈet-me-nets. On Uieir re- turn Uiey will live in North Tor- onto. Mrs., Mary Bragg, Miss Allie Bragg, Mr. and Mo. P. E. Green- field and daughter Joan, Baw- manvillg, attenided Uic weddig. Garon-Purdy At thc home oethUicbride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Purdy, Peterborough, their dau.' ghter, Grace Miriami, became the wife of Mr. Clarence John Garton, Bobcaygeon, son et Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Garten, et Bowmanville, on July 1th. Rev. H. L. Roberts conducted the ceremony, and the house decoratiens were delphi- niums and roses. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore ber travelling dress et luggage tan with white accessories andi a bouquet et sweetheart roses. She was gt- tended by ber sister, Miss Agnes Purdy, in turquoise flowered sllk and white accessories and a bou- quet et Premier roses. Mfr. George Torditt, Toronto, was groomsman. At the reception Uic bride's mother received i blue sheer and the bridegroem's mother, dusky rose crepe. Both wore a corsage et roses. Mr. and Mrs. Garton lett for a motor trip'West and will spend the summer at Thurstonia Park, and in the fanl wrn take up permanent residence at Bobcay- geon. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Garten and daugbter Mavis, Bowmanville, at- tended the wedding.\ý .Ainxong those in tedn wr Eriniskillen Mrns Clare Allin, Bownianville, ________!&a. Harrison and son, Pertb, and "Blesscd are the pure inheart Mns. May Henry, Oshawa. for Uiey shall sec God," was Uic S. S. pienic was beld at Oreno text Rcv. J. A. Plant used at Uic Park Tuesday. sacametelservice When a good- Mrs. J. M. Roberts, Ottawa, ly number attendedti hurch on Mrs. Alec Ross, Miss Eloic Ross Sunday.. and Mr. Garrett Ross, Montreal, ,Mns.! Lloyd Ashton was lisess Mns. C. C. Washington and Miss for embrs oUtc W. A. ad W.Jeyce, Sauit Ste Marie, were visi- ter S.emberhoet o anygt tors with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gay. M. S. atober35 lde eepe- Master Ray Dudley, omn senabeotionl as twee Ville, is holidayîng with the Bic- Msn. DHvoina andMs. Moen;>? u boys. pira.o Hardog a Mns. oare*a;,Miss Edna Johnston, Oshawa. pian soo byMns L. amb a.visited Mrs. Herb. Nichoîls. playette was presenteti by Ï6e-' *Wisbes for speedy recovery are dames E. Page F Werry, W. San- cxtcnded te Mn. and Mns. Sam derson, *A. HEaning, L. Ashton Vinson wbo were in a motor acci- and W. H. Moore entitlcd "Ad- dent, and te lirs. Arthur Pascoc ventures of Friendship"l; vocal whe' had ber baud caugbt in a duel by Mns. E. C. Ashton andpatefam aciry Mns. G. Beccb. Social hall heur partof _________ery was spent and daity lunch serv- cd. 300,000 Lb.. Jam Visitors: Mns. F. Spraggc and .dC .Sn s Diana, Miss Jean Robbia, M. F. Re Crs nd Pethick, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Tro Great Britaln B. Wood and Nancy, Oshawa, at __ Mn. S. R. Pelhick's. . ,Mn. and Threc hundredti tousand Mns. W. Abernethy, Dorothy and pdunds et Canada's fruits will ho Evelena, Mns W. Childs, Totten- toBiani i ome hoa, at Mffn. . riffhi's.M""S ja b y Uic Canadian Red Cross DonldaGril h reurntiwith Society during Uic seasen of 1941. berr-grandparents for holidays... Rcd Cross Branches and thc Wo- Mn. W. Smith, Mns. Otkcns, Miss men'à Institutes in fruit growmng Elsie Otkens and Miss June Prin- districts aIl over Canada are now gle, Peterboro, with Mns. Ella erganizing canning iitchens te Smit.... Mn. and Mns. S. Turner preserve Uic fruits this summer and H-elen, Oshaiwà, at Mn. Wesley and faI. Cana, labels and car- Okezs. . . Miss Veinia Peterson, tons arc being supplied by the NrhamM.D. Massey, Morgans- Red Cross and Uic Wemen's In- tona the pasng..M.a? stitute members are giving the Mn.A. aiS 15. H aris, fruit, sugar and labour. MisJ. WilimOono, at Mn. This ycar's undertaking bas Uic W. E. Sanderson's. . . Dr. and support et every provnce in Uic Mns. Clarkce Dôrland, Ann an~d Dominion and bas been greatly Judith have rcturncd from a trip stimulaled by the succesa ef last Urough Uic caul and are 110w seasen's jain projet when Uic with his parents, Mn. J. Dorland. women et Ontario and Britisb ..Mn. andi Mns. J. Borrowdale, Colunibia canned 125,000 pounds Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. J. Osgood, et fruit most et whicb was sbip- Beimont, U. S., aI Mn. J. A. Wer- ped overseas for British civilians ry's. . . 1fr. and lira. J. Shor, and mlilary bospitais. Women's Wallern'and Luther, Courtice, at cburch and club greups Ureugh- Mn. A. Brunt's. . . Mns. R. Bur- eut Uiecocuntry have aise effer- gess, Tyrone, Mrsi' G. Step>hens ed their co-operation. Colonel andson Arthur at Mn. H. Ste- John A. Cooper, et Uic Canadian ves...Sapper Cameren Oke, Red Cross is national chairman North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. W. ,H.f et i Jam Committee. Mns. AI- Veale, Toronto, aI Mn. A. Oke's. ian Stevqnson, Rcd Cross Nutri- Missionary prograin was held tien Serv~ice, is supervising Uic at Sunday Scbeel. Readings were projet under Uic direction et a given b>? Mns. H. McGill and Mns. national comnittce. R. Ormisten. Mn. J. A. Werry In British Columbia and some favoreti wih vocal solo. , parts et Southern Ontario, wbcrc Wedding belle arc riging. Uic fruit season commences carly, Mission Baud met Sunday morn- strawbernies bave already been fi.Ms t. Stainlon told an in- canned i local kitchens by groupa teresting story, tollowed with aetvuterWmnGraqu- stor by Mns. F. W and a tities et raspbcrries, reti currants, by onadaGifnd goosebennies, blapkbcrnies, pluma, ,ri7ig -byDoand -picling r peaches, grapes and app les will keeping Uic ladies ail occuplcd 1sberadit aneo.Rdlyrassi these 'days. While Uic vegetables smo dace.Rt rs are uit plntiultheberiesBranches outaide Uic fruit bell seemle b a tIlebebid lshave offered money or sugar in yeeacrn op. .ltlebhidla support o! Uic jain projecl and Thareuh s c oenet. the Western provinces wiil con- Our "Wing W orkens"forthetribute hene>r instcad et fruit. Oui ros mcci l Woesly fr hieic Great Britain bas aiready sig- Le.oss hall.Woulinothe a-nifieti that all Uic jaithat can dies hll lik otuadn'hi theedyland hi cd will be greatly in de- dieork oadi hi e mn s 9ce uam is now rationeti Congratulations te Gordon Ste- aIonehal on erpro e vens on wnn heUi $25.00 prize.mnh for sclling Uic lucky -ticket on Uie- Lions car. Gordon speaku higbly Bra «S Srdl ef Mn. Kopp, owner ef lucky tic-CatSr o ket, and stated III cauld net have on Priay.u Points been more tbrilled bad I won UctheT.Go Lions car myselt." ____ Te___c The Statesmani is now an sale each week t Slemen's Store, 5c Mrs. James Nokes bas kindly a copy.given Uic oditor a copy et a ser- Germoni-Heani The home eftIhe bride's parents,1 Mn. and Mns. Orville M. Heard, 46 Fairbanks St., Oshawa, was Uic scttig fer a pretty wedding on July 12Ui, when Miss Margaret Elizabeth- Heard becamne Uic wife1 et Mr. Robert Frankilin Germond, son ef Mns. Germond and Uic late Frank Germond. Rey. G. à. I. Wilson officiaîed and lins. Theo- dore Wilkins, aunt et Uic bride, played the weddig music. Rases and other suitiner flewers tes- Iooned- Uic large bay wlndow, from whicb white wedding belUs were bung. The bride, given in marriage by ber tather, wore a charming gownh et 'wbitê chiffon mouseline over taffeta, with a slight train talling from Uic bouffant skirt. The bo- dice was sbirred and had long sicevea. A bale bal with shoulder lcngth veil completedti he en- semble. He!' only ornament was a neciclace et pearis which had be- longed. le bher laIe graudmether, and ber bouquet was made et pik roses, iles and streamers et love kxots. Miss Dorthyr James, ber cousi, was bridcsmaid and wore a bccoming turquoise blue net gown, cul with a square neck- lime, tigbl midnif! and full bouf- fant skirt. Wilh il she wore a bat et malching mohair with a slllch- cd taffeta brim, and the bride's gifî et a star-shaped brillant necilace- Her bouquet. was pik roses and nied garden flowers. Mn. William Gcrmonid, brother et Uic goom, was groomuman. Folflowing Uic wedding a ne- ception was held when Mns. Heard and lira. Germond receiveti the guests and a buffet lunch was servedt l about tif ty guests. The former wore a bandsome navy and white floral sheer with white, bal and a corsage et mixcd sweet peas and bouvardia. Mns. Ger- mond was smnart in a black and white sheer, with black and white accesseries and a corsage et mauve and purple sweet peau and bauvardia. Later tbc bride cbangcd le a travelling costume et baby-pink dovelone crepe, with white tur- ban and accesseries, wbich she wore for their wedding trip te Strattord and St. Marys. The greom's giftlte the bride was a matchig sel et Mirapak travel-' Jing bags! Upon their relurn UieY wlll reside at 206 ]Division Street, Oshawa. OuI o! tewn guests includeti Mn. and Mns. L. E. Braiton, Hamn- ilton, Mr. and Mns. H. G. James, Columbus, Mn. W. Munday and Miss Jean Johns, Bowmanvillc. BRIDE AND GROOM 0F COWANVILLE GIVEN SHOWER On July 4Ui Kirby and Cowan- ville cemmunitUes honoured their meut recent groom and bride, Mir. and Mns. John Lowery, nee Vel- ina Cowan, aI a social gathering on the lawn o! Mn. Hartwell Lowony. Cowanvillc community lendered thein a miscellaneous sbuwer o! household articles, wbile the Iirby communlty presented thein wlit a studio couch. On Uic arrivai o! Uic bride and groom frein Oshawa where Uiey now live, the Kendal Baud et whicb Uic groom is'a memnber, greeteti thein wlth mnusic. A midxed pro- grem tallowed et readinga, music, and short speeches wihMn. T. A. Reid as chairman. Other musical numbers werc given by Uic Far- row Orchestra, Misses Marjorle, Hazel and Doeen Farrow; Vocal solos b>? Mua Kathleen Simipson and Mr. D. McKinnon;; Vocal duel by Misses hîldret and Ruby Allun, and a rcading by Miss Mary Gel- lick. Miss Dorothy Simpson read and, prcsented te Mr. and Mns. Lowe:iW, an address canveying thc cemmninties' geodwlll and kind regards. The recipienta Uianked *es daiorgs4 nd uyted evpyopo M.A., mInlutcr et Knox Preabyter- ian Cburch, Toronto, aiong with a personal lelter tbanking ber for her iteresl in bis Monda>? morn- ing broadcast* "Morning Devo- tiens." In this parlicuiar address Mr. Inmes used the lurid ncws- paper description et the toreat tires wblch recently swept Nor- therfi Ontario te îliustrale a great spiritual truUi. He asks: "Would it be proper te seek God's merci- fui intervention tbmough prayer te prevent these torest tires as long au men foolisbly leave slash iying areund? Should nol Uic slash be removeti betore prayer for Uic preventien et tires is nmade? Sheuld wo net keep our powder dry and trust in God?" And aller delivcring a pewer- fui sermon on Uic value et pra>?- er he cencludes: "What willi tel- 10w the end o! this war? la il net tbe lime te realize the bitter dis- tance we have gene trom Ged and God's IIely Law? Lies wlll net die Uic moment Hitler dieu. Righteeus dcaling betwcen na- tions wil net ho cstablished ho- causq another million mon have nobihl y lt and bled. AUl lh. WHY D»m YPU GO? 1 don't know why you had to go And leave me here alone, So ail alone, with none like you To call me ail your own. Wîth none to share my joys and hopes, And share my sorrows, too, You, who could always under- stand, As no one else can do. You, with your loving sympathy, Your sniiles, like some sweet song, Brought hope and cheer and glad- ness, too, When things sometimes went wrong. You, who when trouble 'hedged me in, Tore ail its tences down, And led me out to brighter moods, To wear a joy-jew'lled crown. But now you're gone, my sorrow's full, For you alone I yearn, And ail my sadness mul±iplies, Because you'l fot retfirn. -RALPH GORDON. 628 Cr&kwford St., Toronto. NEWCASTLE Mrs. Thos. Moffat Marks S7th Blrthday Two Brothers Heum The home et Mr. Thos. Moffat, retired farmer, church eider, Pres- ident ot the Newcastle Bible Soci- ety, and ail round goed citizen, was Uic scene et a happy tamily gatbering on Monday evening, June 30th, when about 50 relat- ives gathered te teiicitate him on* the attainment et bis 87tb birtb- day. 0f special importance was Uic tact that'two ef bis brQthers Mr. Roger Mottat and Mr. Alfred Moffat, were here from Frobisher, Sask.. aise a nephew, Rev. Al&. Mottat, recentiy ordaincd United Church minister, et Frobisher, Sask. QUiers present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rickard, Mrs. Dav- id Moffat and Blake, Mr. and Ifrs. Sheldon, Robert and Will Mottat and tamilies, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alihi and daughters, Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Morton and Laur- ence, Mrs. Norman Pingle and Mrs. Marjerrison, and Mrs. John Lord, Bowmanville; Mrs. Robt. Gray and MIrs. Dave Gray, New- castle, and Mr. and Mrs. George Walkey, Newtonville. With Rev. R. E. Morton as chairman short speeches werc deivcred congratu- iating Mr. Mottat., Mr. Motfat's granddaughters. Miss Helen Ly- cett, teacher on. Oshawa Public School staff, and Miss Majerie Lycett, Newcastle, who make their home with hum, made ideal host- esses. Refreshments, whicb al heiped te contribute. were served and a joliy social time spent. The present war bas shut Uic expert door to many Canadian products. How te use Canada's unexportable surplus will be Uic theme et the Canadian National Exhibition's Cooking School this year, wbere intriguing Canadian dîshes from Canadian food pro- ducts will be featurcd. NEWCASTLE Str.mln.d tbks N.arlng Compfleon When J. H4 Jose's cattie stables for the housing of his'pure. bred Hoisteins are comp leted by Messrs. Albrecht, Freemnan and Miller, Elmira, they will be the most up-to-dat0i Newcastle dis- trict, wlth a maximum of per- manency and a minimum of ob- struction of the natural lighting. There is no wood in the construc- tion and the only metal wifl be the piping for the water, the Water basins and thec round iron posta that have been put In ta support the floor timbers of the barn. Al the rest is of concrete construc- tion, the floors, stall partitions. the top lines of whicb are bufit in gràceful curves; the mangers with their circular ,built in sait and minerai basins, and the fronts of the mangers facing the fred alleys.. Electric lighting will be installed for night use. Anyonc wlshing to acquaint himiself with the moat modern ideas of sanitary stabling wiIl find a visit to Coun- cillor Jose's well worth bis Urne. The stables are the Iast word ini streamlined design., 'Auctioneer ELMER WILDIJE Licensei Atationeer Hampton - Ontarlo Specializlng i Farm, Livestock, Implenients and Furniture Sales TEEMS MODERATE Phone for Ternis and Date te: Bowmanvillc 2428 ENTERTAINER Secure RALPHl GORDON, the wenderftuly« versatile e n t eor- laier, for 70W fextentertala- ment. Miustratei circular free. - Adiren - 628h Cr"wfor4 Street, Toroutoýi READTHESEUNW DOGES 1. Out et the Nlgh"-an Valtin. ' 2. What Makes Sanuuy Ruun-Bud Sehulberg. 3. .ob's House-Carolne Siade. 4. Berlin Dlary-WilUiam L. Shirer. 5. Bethel Merrldày-Sne1a1r Lewis. 6. The Black Cainel-Earl Der Dîngers. 7. Those Torm Frei Earth-Frederlek Hoflander.' S. Lamps at Hlgh Noon-J. S. Balcb. 9. Far Frein Home-R. H. Newman 10 Broadeast-Mchael Hayes. aud maur ailiers equaily as good. iohnston's.Bookstore and Londing ibrary Phone 651 King St. Ii;aeese 24e .raMITBC 1011115Liby's 8g U 0-= ~tn'.2 for SI Cuasup Iubbis ml'14 SOcsýo' Lba...23c PICS eup a5 u-. C;m«. RHinzSo s 2i 25e lIE V~U80's Each 5c JWO ShttIIlog 1 CIAEFIT Lrg SIz PZ-9C ches Demert Tmli LageSe es 2c Lomffl Fmu 2 li D OR1IE~casoia Don 9Z IIISO2 ;& 43c' il TuulBisk m~: 33C À& P COFFEE PEUmL GUN BOKAR ~39e 8 OClook ~35e Roi Chois ulb,31s lted Rose Te Labil Evmp. MiDi A àP W Muiyou'àse =m Lobstsi hr"« Pork a Reins caî.rn Spagheti ti liat le. %l.ý 38Ç g~. "27e 2 "os.23t. ARPFPm 2 25c A& P E il STEM M OU TS N AUEO SUR ExEtra Lon Lb. 17C E@~8TLb. Is< ffj~ ~ E8STLb. 19C Sond nd oledLb. 16i Legs Lb. 315c Loins Lb. 35@c Fronts Lb. 23C »0W& Large Soiling Select A, 4 te 5 lbs. Lb. iei BP8 NDS Fwesh Z Lbe..19e Slic.d lb. 18c I&UIWS, Top Quelity Lb'i3e 3061" vUTelm 087 WLb. 25e Miss Dorothy Rouck, only daugbter ef Hon. culmination et a romance whicb began when William L. Houck and Mns. Iouck, Niagara Uiey were students at Uic Ontario Agricultural Falls, and Mn. C. Boyd Slemon, gon of Dr. and College i Guelph. Miss Houck graduated last Mns. C. W. Sîpinon, Bawman-viile, wboue en- year from Uic Homemakers' csas at Macdonald gagement is announced. The maftiage will take Hall, and Mn. Slemon receivcd bis B.S.A. degree place hi Uic early fail. The engaement is Uic this year.1 AEbinezer, Services on Sunda>? Wcre well altended as Uic Sunday School session is being held ln conne- lion witb marnlng service fer a short period durig the summer months. Misses Gwp Osborne and Dorothy Hlggis, With Eilecn Piciccîl as accompanist, centribut- cd a nice vocal duet. The WrM.S. met Thursday wih the centre group i char g eand Mns. A. J. Oke as leader. Fayer was made by President Mr.. Bos Pearce. Woahip perlod wau lak- en by lins. Ted Rase, assistd'by Elleen Picel and Ada Annais, and closed wlth prayer by lins. R. E. Osborne. Piano solo, lira. Cecil Worden. Quiz prograni on Racial Brotbcrhood wau cannii eut by Mns. A. J. Oko. Miss Anan Hol was hosteau 10 several ladies on lionday aller- noon wben a nice quilt wau made for .the Red Cross. Xa. 4 Iffiaulon Band held Ias pic- nie WednesMdat athUi»oe e! 1 Luz i LIDy' bu L iuo ci-b BAKID GO0DS JOUI om is u. 15e &Pl Cb pin a e 3 D.ubu CM. aes.1 DIAD ~Ann Pages j1c~ ýl - 1 1