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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1940, p. 8

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N - ARMY DAY VICITOR ATCAMP Society, took the seivýce at St. -John's church Sunday morning. Mr. Donald Scott goes Tuesday ta Toranto to attend Naval School. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ilhe season. He bas had 12 bits in iherpensatercoag 'Sal m uuscors 2 Urns atbatFerguson, Bownianville, Mr. and Students 14-9 Jim Powtersachndis oro friends. . . Mr. and Mrs. Russel High School, striking out 5 be- Wlllan, and famlly witb Mrs. Win. I n FaCst Game t'ween tbem' and walking two. Steele... Robert Bruce and ____Richards on the mound for Salem Miss Mae King at Cobourg.. Mr. TeoutplcSae uitstruck out two and walked two. and Mrs. Norton aCm and L NF AR I H I tarced the first place High ScbooSaleml e nbswiefaxnily, Listowel with Mrs. W. A.THS W E I ta otsetebte ilofHg colet8runssrad VanCamp. . . lâr. and Mrs. Wil-- THSW E 1 teeataforte secone bit his hScol et unestan-bert Taylor, Margaret and Bey year wben they outscard h High Scboo - D. Jackmafl, 2b erly, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yirka-d Vitone 6 oz. tin 23C Aylmer 2 1 i dee o teseo d t e Tomao Juleald students to the tune af 14-9 in a and cf; Ames, ss and 2b; Colville, Murray, Owen Sound,1 at Mr. W. Cowan T ma bard fought softball gamne Thu-lb; Powers, cf and p; C. McIlveen, L. Scatts. -C Ca2e Pn e day evening. c; Siemon, p and ss; D. Mcflveen, The Statesman is now on sale Cca - - l.2c PfkSa b i Atter scoring 4 runs in the ini rf; G. MIliveen, If; F. Jackman, eacb week at Gilbert's Store, 5c Salmon - - lS tial stanza and adding 8moei 3b: a copy. Brtd the second, the Salernites were Salem -Art Richards, c; Mac- Peas 20 oz. tUn 10c Ch se'Cae able ta bold the upper band donald, cf; G. Rickard, 2b; Werry, traugbout the rest of the gaine,- lb; A. Rundie, 3b; R. Richards, P; hi desietetc httesuet Brereton, nf; B 1 a c k b u r n and Tyrone Certo - boftIe 2ft ri kèpt pecking away at their lead, Hamm, If; Horn, SS. . eomc's Butter Creaau and at times seriously threatene d R H E Visîtors: Mi. and Mis. Tenny- Seodasc ta break out in a scoring r-ash. Salem 480 002 0-14 15 5 son Perraman and Gardon, Coai- S da lb. bag 17e Eleven Salemplayers came up BHS. 032 210 1- 9 10 4 umbus, Mi. Lamne Haskin, Osh - ________________________ ta bat in the second iuning and Ûnpres - J. Cale, E. Tweedle. awa, at Mi. Lamne Hoskin's. . ar.f erion. eight ai tbem crossed tbe plate Mi. and Mis. Harry Hathérly ad brsofP'a.. a &1CrystaGasD W with counters. That seemed ta _____________Lairy, Dixie, at Mi. R. Hatherly's. lfo 27 spefl finis for the High Schaolers. . . Mis. A., B. Stephens and Ar-Aifo 27 But by the end ai the fiiith the thur, Toronta, with friend... Mr. studeuts bad came withiu 4 runs eA s alendu and Mis. Squie Yorke, Oshawa, u" .- of their appanents, the score sheet I ~ ~ ~ ~ at Mi. Walter Park's.te A 1 J Ir. readlng 12-8. It looked as tbough - Several from bere attended the-,m z LI i~Li£I readingG1ar8ous TwelkedhasttCobaurg. îhey rigbt draw the gamne aut of One of the mare pleasant Jobs the vstors the use oi the equip- ou the use ai a Lee-Entleld Rifle. Laieus arelbushqtinobor.tHeRYA the tire. But "Ace" Richards set- Town Leaguè for the men at the Lansdowne;x ment. R. T. Pattersan Is seen here 1Il-RLaCrossrTwoyuilisinefocthe H O N RG O -tled down ta work in earuest ta To-night-Courtice vs Salem. Park Army Camp was shawingI instructing au iuterested visior ed Cros.toqt wer oe m T EC RN R GR C R hald them ta one bit for the rest Monday-Goodyear vs Local 189. pleelcoet woek. Eveou isWeii« et the gaine. Tuesday-Salem vs Mike's Place. lSumofmum. vrie hmn"Ju welcotme t or dnatins el ithn36- "Dug n"Mfveen came up Thursday--Caurtice vs B.H.S. .r it5S lias Iam.isfaortebyu Jut th cure.o oain uti wtthe s t n whe ng ath po-oodyeart--4 v 3. MO. J.W. WatchrnTa mouin bis lau faur survw- Annual S. S. plcuic was beld th saonwenh rnth roT-ngt- s .Mad MidlandsmmJW.athr ing brothers were- present, Wil- Thursday at the Cream i Barley pawder in one glassful af water. verbial mile ta suare Garuet ____ amn John and Morton David ai camp, with 100 present. Games Iu this country sunstrake la ex- Rickard's bard bit fly bal lu deep Foresters Girls There eutered inta rest in Bow- Toronto, Robert Saznuel 0f Stouiff- and races were beld sud a deli- tremely rare, but beat prostra- rlght field Charle MeIlveen had Friday-Pedlàrs at S. Oshawa. The Mad Midlands, who are manville Hospital, June 27th a ville, and Albert Lewis ai Milton- ciaus picuic lunch was eujoyed. tion is prone ta affect elderly pea- ogh Ureoft at bat, big Ken C.O.F. at Bowmauvile. statianed at St. John, N.B., are bigbly respected, persan, -Rosanna also twa sisters, Mrg. C. J. Mount' Mi. Clarence Brooks, Clarksau, pie. Preventuon, that la a strict B Erry camiug up with twa bril- Foresters Boys getting into their surnrer battueIHar t anMs. .L.Joes ux an r eorge ioJksattedregard fR D Y nhbit Lrig lin aces i is POwerful To-night-Foresters at Pickering. dress', Lieut. H. Long writes. Aimstrong, belo.ved wife ai John 3ylft roto.suMis. AddiJoe sth u Mi. Gorgoeoeks at Btene for ailha its durinthe a grounders. Friday-Bowmanville at Hydra. This letter will deal mainly Wesley Watchorn, Hampton. De- (Lulu), St. Petersburg, Flanida, River. Mi. Joues was seriously bodily beat as 10w as possible, isi_____ Incidentally, Werry bas really Tuesday-Sea, Cadets at Bowville. with my awn platacu, No. 15, ceased was a daughter ai the was absent on account ai distance. burned about the face sud body mare satisfactory than treatmneut T AR bit bis full stride wlth the wiilow. Wednesday--Hydro at Foresters. wbich bas a persounel about 80 late Mi. sud Mis. Edward Arm- She telegraphed a pillow ai rases. while engaged lu sprayiug weeds If prostration occurs, the victim TRA Hie got "three for four" this gaine, Thursday-Pickerlug at Oddfel- per cent Part Hape 'lads. sru iNeteosu a o lower begrers were uephewswith sodium chlorate. l In bbsaneae pt .8 frsd- should be mved inta a coolOW A VIL Girs' oitaIIououtastdut, sd hilvitlatnd Allenby Ja)kema, Parry lîng the tols a spark ignition set place, iluids given freely sud Fnda-amtn tOrn. mAssibe te, fi au weare or erariaerl ai,'ine, 18 76ta HyundPercy Chambers sud oy bis lotlug, saturated with the medical aid sought. W Mo irasHampon tutice. on wha t are gadngd ie it i Jor hn Weey atchstonu wre a Trut.Paleaesdeadly solution, ablaze. He was _______ _____________ taOon. imposibttellare severmesorhe movae ta Sut Ste.'Marienied ofis rnto aisletres-taLiday hReo ~ pssed YongCaad a roiu tllrThusdyO y ROUND_____________ out i St John sudlu avent-Mich, sudlete move ta hen uighbrsbos wh car rushdbtaRasshomorar-Hapi- ITTE N ile ilaem anto ial et aaynsd heavier our statisticians tellidi able wilderness. Yau dan't have tletoaiBurketoansd* for sev- eTh eeStats m'a Sonaw an aef us. ine19,tyfehenveae beigh -B ARGAIN FARE S WHAT GREAT MEN ta go very far out ai the city be-:I aruav ed 1% luches, sud the weigbt bas each week et Byam'mpton.LStore, 5 c r uer*it frem en bas144%mp -________________ JuIy 18, 19, 20 HAVE SAID fore you strike either the acean ta mouru are ber busband sud 2 Cadmus cp.________lcesdta 3 a14kls rdyadStra ornscrui land. 'sn Thomas o Cleveland, Ohioa e years aga h estiniated Bowmanville To ABOUT ALCOHOL Oua utpast like this we are sud Harry et home. Two children Oranugemen and their faminles JUNE ACCIDENTS height ai ail mankiud was 5 feet JrL 1,9 Tomeont. $1.30 a self-cautalued unit, the platoon predeceased her..(Daisy) Mis. AI- celebrated the 12th at Cobourg. Sfr RECORD more5 luc hat is perhapès alilee u Chatham $6.65 Sir Francis Bacon. «Ail the commauder beinig the medical ai- Ian Gardon sud Harry ai Cleve- oets htnw uecieeD ul .u Goderlch $5.20, crimes ou earth do mat destroy ficen, quartermester, padre, !mess- land, Ohio. She is survived by Mu. sud Mrs. Norman Elliott, lu Canada bas replaced the usuel Hllton $2.45 50 msuy af the human race, on ing afficer, sud eveuything gse tbree brothers aud two sisters Jimimy sud David, Peterbora, While the recarda far the month six-iaat bed by a seven-footer, dMASII A Owen Sound $&90 alienate sa much praspenitY as needed lu e unit. Needless ta say, John, Edward sud William sud visited Mrs. J. E. Elliott. af Jume show the greatest mumber because the boys' feet were bang- A Parry Soundi $5.80 druukeuness." the office ai pedue requires very Lins. John Williams, Nestleton, Lis. Norman Philp, Edward ai accidents reparted ta The ing ove the ends. We hope aur Sobrelber s21.50 Benjamin Franklilu: "Temper- little attention lu a bunch ai lads, sud Mrs. J. McCawl, Port Perry' aud Catherlue, were et lber. bro- Warknien's Compensation Board spiritual natures show growth sarn Sudbury $9.00 ance puts wcod on the fine, meat such as Part Hope knows us ta There was- a large atteudance ther's cottage here. aiof Ontario durlug suy manth aiso. Anm SothemLwAye i Md i neermediate PoIz*$s il the barrel, i lour lu the tub, be, but it was suggested the ather. et the funeral couducted by Rvy .Mis..Pattersan,. Orano, is visit-. since the . commencemnezt, ai the _____________C. Abe imt (Gvehhet ax10 xtra> money lu the purse, credit lu the night that Pte. Junior Hadgsorr, W. Rackham, the service beu ing ber daughter, Mus. H. A. Gai- Act, it midght be painted out thatan Cou tttiu pour0% ircountry, clothesaon the bairns, lu- wba la belug married early M held lu Uuited Church, Hamptn. braith. apoinately 60 per cent ai the spiuitg JuPrcuelyer elibec intarniedan byrt uly myseled y yslett hthe res "FREErtU acANDs ;eslAina is Candiaàn Canadian lu the canstitution." autpost. Nat having a collar iBars wçJ S. oarh, Sas l- Corongraulaon s uy-su epor lto ed acc id s eut u dEV NG LS Paclfl . tiu.nai Lord Kitcheuer: "Yaur duty ta can tumn backwards, I renegedls, J. csad . rt . MColweltGrdnnaan passing their siating l ess tha ofseediasEobrt umingL Lth I youn country csu ouly be doue by but na daubt the affair cauld be floacks butsd . rtt. Many n- iR lnce Eams aid only. asfrJn, ,3cin-edicACEaRber C bard wank sud strict sabrîety." are houhwt r a i cmp luding anc iram Hampton Wo- brseeMu.Ryar Osb- parg Te ith 9203euy, ey su _______________ Audrew Carnegie: "Yau are sud cenemony. Wc do a lotof.hrgseM .Ra liO -prewt920dun aYad mor lkey a eUluyor arenthings whem we iind aurselves meu 5 Iiistitute. luterment was in ewa. 6,206 durlug June lest year. The 4Jhurch with the Ful _______Ai_____ mrem cikeluth aitai rink-e stuck out hee utterly aloue, that Hampton cemeteryr. Frieuds fnam Mi. sud Mis. Alvin McGill, Or- The benefits ewarded during Gospel Message. wouaqirl h hbto dik d erhaeocrét u a distauce came 1,rom Toranto, land sud Harold, Lindsay, Mi. June amounted ta $846,570.39, aiOfA EVCSMo.-Te.-W d ing liquar than from suny or al nye hvWocuud a sOshawa, Lindsay, Victoria Har- AluinPreston, Enzuskillen, visit- whicb 707SERVI4CwES orncam VA TE temptations likely ta assail you."1 befare. bon, Bowmanville, Part Pcrry, cd Mi. George Fowler. ALEXANDadER$3,81.5 or 110KORDAwrsip RE N OYIA T E better use for my bralu than tQ For instance, can you imagine Enulakillen, Enfield, Cedmus sud friemd, Toronto, are staylng with The accidents repartcd durmng A poison it with alcohol. Ta Put the lads enthusiestically playing Burketan. Mis. Wilson et Lakeview Cottage. the tirst hall ai tuas year number- 7.30) pm.-"The W o r 1 I 's peet YOUR SHOES acohal i the buman brain la like horseshoes or checkers, with cd 50,909, as campared wlth 33,- supermen Of To-Mormow." "dTHAT ptigsnintebaigofa ohn leta pass the Urne? Hlast esieo It aysengine." Passes wakott botaclesà-ý Chambhers 396 duuing the saine periad ls Ford:ayus.resantem- whîch us weoutoseeavery Another year, sud the benetits ewarded ta Wed.-8 pm-DBible Stuly HAiL N Henuy Fr:"u peeti-week, wihmasw e ey Aohrpioncer iu the persan teenf______td o onteBokofRvlain WMTE BROB ]RE-DYM dustrial systemi simply cannot littue ai the city. Tbree ai the af James Henry Chambers pssscd V $r:M .Go.NsIt o 4,908,431.12, as campared wlth Cmecn udytt OR IM ANSHO OS RE- work with liquor. There la no boys have gane fiiaing this siter. eway on JUiy 7tIi lu s 76th year. Viitors: is. G boter. J't othe e,5,27.dinghe maunt six Vivien Li WHm SOL PLISH middle grouud. Bramas and booze noon ta a pond about one mile Deceaed wes a lite long and rua ihbr rteM. montIhs oaiIsat year. CAMP MEETING ATVien elhn arne W no OIH Winl mt mix." - distant tram the outpast. They bighly respected ressident o ai - s u tt-Mran_____Mlvlle_______ AR A" ~1jLord .Robet Baden-P o w e 11: hive promised us sanie lanid- vers. He was the eldest af tweîve 1'racey, Oshewa, Miss Catherine I~H R A AIBn&"Liquor-that la, beer or spirit- locked sairnon for suppe, but children ai James sud Ann Jane Jobison, Elmvale, et Mis. R. M. HOT WEATHER Just eut of Cobourg.Nes L.em Pmmbl iriss lnot at ail necessery ta make a will probably returu with e frw Chambers who were ail boon li '5. . Mis. Jas. Wiflamson Lewst ossblePries. man strang sud well. Quite the eels. It being Fridayr, tish dayim the hamesteijd adjolulng the nortu 021d Mi. Artutrf Jackmsu wlth BRU NGS HAZARDS cotrary. The ald saylug, 'Strong the Army, we agelu bad deliciaus hall ai lot 7, concession 2, wherb er brather, Mi. John McGiil, Ju n LEI[ drink makes week me»' la a vey barbour sainon for dinner. They for the last 37 years deceased liv Janetvlle. .. Mi. LMarsheil Mal- Heat prostration sud sunburn, truc ane. Once a man gives way are e vcry light pink lu colour sud cd happily witu hisw1fe Margairet Mr$SL.uetlard, .l.uMis sMisrmtwaate morst commoevntbot 810e ad Hamnea Rei.mir ta drink it ruina bis health, bis quite the most deliciaus sait wet- Sceens. She predeceased hùn îust L.Jbn. MsMuim eahraadsaepeetb1 Williams with ber niece, Mis. by the use- ai prudence sud pro- XIn S. t ilercareer, sud bis happiness, as weil er fisb I have ever tasted. six month aega, et wbich time hi as-Ktiibingr St.hrela Oi oosetrndfrm h filn baihscm'sn rekClarence Gin» Cadmnus.. . Mis. per cere. as thatof hisfamily Thereis Our ook reurned rom, te fai.igWhlliam,,emd »abrake» Mis.amsobt.kThis laobtpaThsicu pr rlyutructr aiofthe only one cure for tula disease, sud seashore witu a large pot ai and was coritined ta bd or tW eloWtrdwa herIdvdalwal xpsdt * - tuat la-neyer get it." winkles lest night, wblcb we bave months. WhonNestetdon . u. dth reme beet al his ewark.t bas are smal sbellisb, abut the ora sudhoieninetNbislunenai . . Pr.Pandy tem el mllorion<f --sud Ithee CAsRW A S HN _______________________________________ iund exceptianally gcod. They The large atteudance ai neigh- Mus. Stanley Malcolr n luWbitby. bec» tound thet a workma in lua size ai the suail found lu Ontario, testifies the gaod will sud bra- wlth ber iter, Mis. John Wil- arc few farmers that will admit but wbcn boiled teste like ays- tbely kindues. he enjayed. H li ams. . . Mr. aud Mis. Martin there lsansy hotte spot than aW r lcnlungcrwmlgallb fers t~Cpl.Pry C a n sd was truly a home laver and e Libby, Nareen sud Walter, Mr. bay mowunder a steel radi - rication la ftue evelIifs and on Sunssdet Pte. Tom Pemberton haveu't been regular attendant sud member Of sud Mus. Robt. Eweus, Miss Noue may lase upwarda ai thlrty grama h hraec kle lbralwulknI a able ta overcome tue sUfilaity Bailyduft Presbyterian Churcb. Porteous, Oshawa, et'Mi. C. H, ai salt per oraeoffldlbranwud ai these winklcs ta suails or His f uneral service was beld Juiy Porteous'.. Mu. Walter Samells, Conseauently, it la essential Our Patrons t. have ts work loue dmn h Worms, but as Cpl. Harwood fsys, Mtb ram tue tarnlly residence, Mu. sud Mrs. Geo. Sanels sund thet this loss ai sait througb heavy W.OI- HA CK "The only taugb part la the cars.' conducted by Rev. Kennedy, Jan- famlly, Scugag, at Mr. Win. Sam- perspiration be replculshed. lu a.Pon 86adwewnpc W OE HXDCYSergt. Mac Hardy, wdll re- etvillc, Rev. Smith, minister of ells'. .'. Mi. sud Mis. ac1Mal- actares tesi auulyptand dellver IL 4AWYGarON YIE ^LLmcmbered lu Port Hope as Our Pontypoal United Churcb, wbo colm sud Harvey, Yeiverton, Mi. up for couvenleuce lu 10-grain ____champion begpiper, bas bis wifc rcprcsented tue tamily churcb, Leslie Wright, Toronto, wlth Mis. tablets, but the marne protection (y1 PtNX< MILI< PROM abled many ai tue boys ta have minltes bad been visitors aud Frank Waldon, Lindsay, Mr. sud may be obtained by taking a level C e n l « ï nàMEDAr v their wives came out ta sec tuem could testi3T for comfort ta the Mm. Robt. Wialdom, Wate-rdonteaspoonfl+ itnl roportin appreiate earin fromfolks -witjaop«arkIogeas ovelyduetand htapplicationappic aiosunf.unSomee ailsresaie from tue home tawn. MIIo latue *1fPfk.dgu Wt a solo. Many lavely baskets beneticlal, but comman sense sud ~C~ mo o rbequamr T B OMBUt mou important thlug lu aur -daily ofu f hOt e lowers were plae ou tue graduai exposure are the main 'eî' o Iet aetopbi u pasau routine, pies me viCO. due ceotaph lu metnory ai those wbo preveutives ai sunburu. n? Address: i Mid. R., Barmack smare, alt..odwtona dcou. <ied In tue leut war sud lu honor As remedies there are a nurn- Green., Saint John; N.B. tisenal mi LnUt.. t hoe htin utuis wai. The ber ai weli-advrertised nreaa WDOsroada1k.fis4maeroi ol op China up til uext week. low Summ'* Rail Fansm. qpeles were vlalted sud It is tions, but in tue e-veut of b iner and buy me a biglaye87r ake frong Uc th, amJ Thnittasom ness wrrln ~ aj g~jy~ ~Prthy the care tb*t Is belng iug, tuesimplest sud mot f j j~~~ About wbet become Iiffl W. Vin -io Uj p ab,~Uytu-Uv pearel t p yc U month's incarn. . - ! - , -trlzis,1o -r 1' THE CANADIAN ËTA*SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, OlqTAJUO ,PAGE EIGHT TEURSDAY, JULY 17, 1M

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