PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM-ANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 1ST, 1940 BIRTHS BRUTON - On Monday, July 22, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bruton, Orono, a daughter. DAMANT-At Bowmanville Hos- pital, on July 27th, to Corporal and Mrs. Arnold Damant, a son, Lance Swire. MARRIAGES SCOTT-CANN-At Newtonvila Parsonage on July 2th, 1940, by Rev. J. McLachlin, Wilma Olive Isabel Cann, granddaugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Car- son, Kendal, to Mr. John J. Scott, son of Mr. and Mis. N. A. Scott, Clarke. MASON-DAVIDSON - On Sat- urday, July 27th, 1940, at Trin- ity United Church, Grimsby, by Rey. R. B. Feris, Almeda Jean Davidson, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. J. J. Davidson of Grimsby, to Edward James Rundie Ma- son, Chanton, son of Mrs. Mason and the late Thos. George Ma- son of Bowmanviila. DEATHS BARCHARD - In Clarke, Thurs- day, July 25th, 1940, George Edward Barchard, beloved hus- band of Alice H. Dickman, age 65 yaars. Interment Necropolis Cemetery, Toronto. CASSELMAN-Suddenly in Mor. risburg, July 23rd, 1940, Arthur H. Casselman, age 76 years. Fathen of Mrs. W. R. Strike, Bowmanville. DUDLEY - In Newcastle, Thurs- day, July 25th, 1940, Estelle Blanche Dudley, beloved wife ef Major H. W. Dudley, age 68 years. Intarment Bowmanville Cemetery. HARDY -In Oshawa, Thursday, July 25th, 1940, Alfrad Henry Hardy ,age 71 years. Intarmant Bowmanvilla Cemeteny. IN MEMORIAM GREER - In loving mamory of Mary Grear, wifa of Dr. W. A. Connoly of Los Angeles, Cali- fonnia, and daughter of M-n. and Mrs. John Greer, lata of Cart- wright. Wa often think of you dear Mary, With haart both crushad and sora, But in the gloom the sweat words coma, "No lost, but gone befona." God knows how much we midss har, Ha counts the tears we shad, And whipars, "Sha only sleeps, Your loved onaela flot daad." So we'll be brave, dear Mary, And pray to God aach day; Amd when Ha cafls us home to you, Your smila will lead the way. -Mn. and Mis. E. Milner and Family. Cards of Thanks Bob Keana wishes to thank the mambers of the I.O.O.F. and his many friands and neighbours for flowens, fruit, and carda which ha raceived while in hospital. Major H. W. Dudley and tam- ily wish to thank thair friands and neighbours for expressions of sympathy and condolenca and beautiful floral tributes extendad te tham during thair suddan and Sad bereavement in the loss of a dear wife and mother. Mr. W. J. Virtue and famnily, Tyrona, wish to thank friands and naighbours for floral offerings and many acts of kindness extendad during their recent sad bereava- ment. lasfedAd Rates Oacent a word cash, each Insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra hs made when advertisament la not psu marne week as Inser- tion. Extra charge et 10e whau replies are dlreeted te a Statasman box number. Blrths, deaths sud marriages 50c each. ]ln Memorlams, 50e for notice plus 10e per lina for verse. Classifiai advartise- meuts accepted Up until 6 p.m. Wednasday. Help Wanted WANTED - A YOUNG M-AN TO drive truck and learn good trada, must be handy around machinery, staady work. Box 61, dlo The Statesman Office. 31-1 W A N TED IMMEDIATELY - Capable girl, must be good at ironmng, steady work with chance for advancemnent. Box 62, d[o Statasman Office, Bow- manville. 31-1 WANTED IMMEDIATELY - EX- perianced cook genaral ton sum- mer home. Must be over eigh- teen years. Apply in writing on in penson to Mns. H. Dnew, Caesarea, Ont. 31-2* WANTED - CAPABLE G I R L for general housawork, Sept. 1, 2 adulte, i child 6 years, sub- urbs of Toronto, new home; ev- ery convenience, very dasirable surroundings; $25.00 monthly. Apply Mns. J. N. Stanley, Beach- wood Ave., York Mills, Ontario, R. R. No. 2. 31-4 Weekly Feed Speclal WEEKLY FEED S PE C IAL - Mixed Chop (oats and barlay), $1.35 par cwt. or $26.00 par ton. Offer good until Aug. 8th. F. C. Vanstone, phone 777. 31-1 Wanted FARM WANTED TO RENT - Apply Clarence Yeo, R. R. 1, Hampton. Phone 2697. 31-1 WANTED - BUNGALOW OR small housa, to rent. A. C. New- man, dlo Mrs. Densam, Chunch Street. Phone 476. 31-le Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - 9 SHOATS, UP TO 70 lbs. Phone Bowmanvilla 2208. 31-l* FOR SALE-ABOUT 30 BARRED Rock pullets, 3%½ months old. Apply Mrs. Fisher, R. R. 2, Or- ono. Phonea 116. 31-1 FOR SALE-SADDLE HORSE, 7 yaars old, broken to harnass and quiat to ride. Sound. Sali chaap. Apply 35r7, Orono. 31-1* FOR SALE-GASOLINE STOVE, 3 bunnen, excellent condition. Apply Oasis, Bowmanville Beach. Phona 2543. 31-1* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE-EIGHT white Yorkshire pigs, six weeks old. Apply to Michael Burns, phone 2159, Bowmanvilla. 31-1 FOR SALF-10 BARRED ROCKS 1 yean old; chestanfiald suite, organ, sewing machine, other furnitune; moving. N i e 1lsean, Hunt St., Base Lina. 31-1* HOLSTEINS FOR SALE- HOL- stein bull, 9 months old, sired by 4 % sire and fnom a 3.85% dam. Aiso 2 registared cows, fnesh 2 weeks. Apply Noble Matcalfa,' phone 2259, Maple Grove. 31-1 Speciol Summer Prices $1.00 Hind's Cream............... 49c 50C Bile Beans................... 47c 35c Freezone.................... 29C 50c Zam Buk ... ......47e 25c Listerine Tooth Peste .. -.. 3 for 49e 75e Kruschen Salta.s......... Giant 69c $1.00 Eno's Fruit Salts ............ 87e 60e Chase's Nerve Food... ....... 49c 35e Odorono Cream............... 33C 50e Dodd's Kidney Pilla .......... .33c 50c Pablum................ ...... 45e 4 Dm 50e Montserrat 1 M Kotex IKolynes LimaeJulce Epsolb.u 7ePaste 133c - 44e 9CpsmSai 1 39c I79e 9 we= g Fitch u i s- Tonie ps Nu-Feet - ~rc~-Films for the Holiday - J nrcLOVELL *V8WU Tt«c It Is Donc Properly For Specl Dellvery Articles for sale FOR SALE- 1928 CHRYSLER Sedan, good runining order, cheap for cash. Phone 456. 31-1* FOR SALE - CABINET GRAND Kern piano, hardly used. Cheap. Apply phone 506, Port Hope. 31-1* FOR SALE - QUEBEC HEATER and cook stove, mattress and springs, ail articles as good as naw baing used very littie. Phone 555. 31-1* FOR SALE-1932 FORD COACH, excellent mechanical condition, good appearance. W il1 sali1 cheap. Apply L. G. Geisel, Hampton. 31-1* FLOWERS FOR SALE-LARGE bouquets of beautiful Gladiolus of various colora, 25c. Not de- livered except in large ordera. C. J. Mitchell, Newcastle. Phone Clarka 1914. 31-1* FOR SALE - UPRIGHT PIANO and bench, Ai condition, Heintz- man make; small table, set of 6 dinmng room chairs, kitchen chairs, perennial roots, pullets. Frank Gilbert, Enfield. 31-1 RASPBERRIES FOR SALE - Now ripe. Bring your own con- tainers and pick them off the bushes at 3c per quart. Excel- lent crop. O. P. Hertzberg, Sa- lem. Phona .Bowmuxiville 2200. 31-1 FOR SALE - ALLIS-CHALMIER tractor'plow, single furrow; ona Massey disc plow, two furnow, like new; one set lever harrows; one Fleury tractor double disc (new). Apply T. S. Mountjoy, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 2503. 31-1 FOR SALE-RENFREW SEPAR- atons, naw; also usad saparators namely one 650-pound Renfrew saparator and two Magnat and two Mellott, ini good running order. Pricas reasonabla. Ap- ply T. S. Mountjoy, R.R.6, Bow- manville, phone 2503. 31-1 FOR SALE - QUILT PATCHES Kaep warm (next wintan) undan a wool cloth quilt, wears longer than print, generatas more heat. We sali the makings: 8 oz. trial, 25c; one pound, 39c, thrae for $1.00, postpaid. Don't delay - do it to-day. Button Shop, Whitby. 29-1, 31-1 FOR SALE - 2 ENSILAGE cutters, 1 type B and 1 12-A; Mc-Deering geai driva Coin Bindar; Cultivators; Mowers; Gang Plows; lots of Grain Lift- ers; Reaper; Disc Harnows; Single Plow. AUl in Ai condi- tion. L. R. Wood, McCorxnick- Deering Agent. Phone 597 - 726, Bowmanville. 30-2* MATTRESSES & COMýFORTERS -Mattreasas rebuilt, absolutely new. Feathar beds made into s a n i t a r y folding mattrassas. Feathana washad, strippad and made into down comforters. Eîdardowins ra-covered. Reason- able pnices. Rap. hare now. Phone 362. 24-8 RECONDITIONED TIRES - Save up te 50 % on tires and tubes. Full stcck both new and raconditioned, soma real buys. G. F. Jamiason, Tire and Bat- tery Shop, King and Silver Sts. 23-tf Radio Service RADIO SERVICE AT NOMINAL cost. Ail types. Ail radios ne- paired in town. Phone 575, R. Quinn, King St. 31-1* For Rent1 TO RENT - 6 ROOMED HOUSE with all conveniancea on Con- cession St. Apply Chas. Heal, phone 2622. 31-tf FOR RENT - GARAGE (SEP- arata) to rent, Masbn Block, nonth sida of King St. Apply office of L. C. Mason, Bannusten. 31-1 TO RENT - SUITE 0F ROOMS oven Jury & Lovell's Store. Light and water. Apply M-ns. T. G. Mason on L. C. Mason, Barnistar. 31-1 FOR RENT - SUMM-ER COT- tage, Bobcaygeon, fully furnish- ed, fire place, garage, outboard moton boat; August 2nd or 4th weak. H. W. Foley, Bowmanville. Phone 2378. 31-2 FOR RENT - FIVE - ROOMED Apartment, aUl modern con- veaiencas. 011 burner, fireplace, gardan and garage. Vary mod- anate nent. Phone 388. Apply to M-ns. Archia Tait, Division St., Bowmanviile. 30-tf-1* APARTMENT TO RENT - 3- roomed apartmant, ail convan- iences, in Victor Manon Apant- ments, King St. West. Apply Manjenia Kay Shop, Victor Manon. 28-tf Agents M-EN AND WOMEN WANTED - A few achool teachers, male on temele, te maka $25.00 weekly, salling our Familex Products which are actual household necessitias guaranteed quality; wented in eveny home. Write: Familex Products Ce., 570 St. Clament, Montreal. 31-1 INTERESTED IN EASY MONEY? --Sall two hundred popular, guarentead preducts. teilet ar- ticles, spicas, extracts, tea, coffee, etc, from housa te hp use. No nlsk under thirty-day =ral If enxlous te work, ask for cern- plate free deails witheut axiy obligation. Jito Products, 1435 Montcalmn, Montreal. 27-5 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - FRAM BUNGA- low, 2% acres land, lien houses for 250 chickens, and small fruit, one mile froin town, hy- dro. Phone 2448, Bowmanville. 31-1 FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK house, east sidae o Centre St. M o d e r n conveniences. Sali cheap te close up an estate. Apply A. E. Beliman, King St. West, Phone 526. il-tf Comlng Event The West iGroup et W. A. et KIÇrby United Çhurch are holding an ice cream social on iawn et M-r. D. A. MeKinnon on Fniday, Aug. 2nd, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Brown, convenor. Admission: Adults 25c, children loc. 31-i - Notices Dr. Birks' office will be closed tram August 16th to Septemben lst inclusive. 31-4 W. Ri. Strike's office will ba closed from August 6th to August 17th. 131-2 As tue doctors of Bowmianville wiil be servixg on the madical axamining board et Company "D" of the Midland Regiment, thair offices will be closed in thea star- noon tram i te 5 eech day until necruiting is completed. 31-i ai deslgus - rance. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of WILLIAM HAYES, late of the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, Farmer Decgasad. Craditors and others having dlaims against the aboya astata ara required to sand full partic- ulars of such dlaims to the under signed on on before the 26th cey of August, 1940, atter which date the Estata's assets will be distri- buted, having regard ohly to dlaims that have then been ne- ceivad. And as regards thosa dlaimis not raceivad on or before the lest mentioned data the Ad- nilnistrator wiil invoke the pro- tection of The Trustee Act R.S.O. 1937, Chap. 165 and ame.ndments therato. Lawrence C. Mason, Bowman- ville, Ontario, solicitor for the Administrator, William James Kenafick, who resides et New- castle, Ontario. 30.3 Work Wanted Youcanot us yorsef fr- People, like pins, are et littie MASON WORK WANTED - ward by patting yoursalf on theuswhnteloehirhds Brick work, stone work and back. Orthodoxy is my doxy, hetero- plasteming. Phoea 2501, Bow- A mule can't kick while he's doxy la the other man's doxy. menvilla, A. G. Skoyies, Burk- pulling and can't pull while he's The man who maires a spectacle1 eton. .29-4- kicking. -of himsalf la easy te sea through. 7 ,. ae u - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ---- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - Addras----------- ------------- Draw MÔ.de at Conclusion et sale KROEHLER - SNYDER BARRYMORE SUITES At Pre-War Prices FLOOR SAMPLES from $39.50 up - lu thue large selection. - Rundreds et eccasional places - fine glft temstables, chairs, lampsnxirrors, desks. 20 to 35% off Velour Pull-Up Chairs Venetian Blinda 38e B.f 12 Sq. Ft. Minimum Complete! Flua baasweod slata ln a choicae o colora. Complote wlth corda, brackets, etc. A seusational bargain! 1 MOTHERS RECOMEM CREAX OP BARLEY FOR BIGE NUTRITIVE VALUEC Z4ny mothers in Durham Countyr and eèsewhere in Canada have found a marked improve- à ent in the health and sturdinass otheir children eften includiùg in their reguler deiiy diet CREAM 0F BAP.LEY. This populer cereel contains ingredients whlch not only teed and build Up the body but has haalth-giving prepertias of great value for adults as wall as children. Only the choicest Cenadian barlay la used in the manufacture et CREAM 0F BABLEY, contein- ixg vitamins B end G, and alse e useful amount of ieon. Because of its high nutritive value we recemmend CREAM 0F BARiLEY as an ideal ail purpose cereel. Easily digested, the most sensitive stomach can retein lt. CREAM 0F BARLEY conteins proteins, which aid in building body tissues. Infants and children thrive on CREAM 0F BARLEY and adults find it a tasty and nourishing food. 20-1 M - 25% t. 50% OFF AT1 5 te 10 me. SUITES . Claint $22.75 and up VANITIES ODD DRESBERS BEDROOM SUITES CHESTS 07 DRAWERS Auction a Friday, Auguit - at 1 p.M. - 1 100 head ot stocker cattie, consistinir oftgoed beet breeds, 500 ibm. up hn weight; 25 head oetgrams cslves ani suckers; number of suckers and sheats. Sale wlll be helu at ERNEST WERRY'S FAIM 1 mile uorth et Enniskillen This will be the last sale be- fore the harveat, it will ay you te, attend whlle cattie are sellig at reasenable prime. Buy where you get va4ie and quallty at your, publie auction price. Te' cash. Free dellvery. TED JACKSON, Auctloneer The way to kaep a cidce of friends is to be on the square with them. Be sure to send ini naines of your sunixner visitors to The Statesman. Phone 663. A glorieus vanlety ef stylas from Cansda'm iaading factorias 3-pce. Bedrom -Suites ...$.........I......... 39.50 4-pc.. Modern Suit ..................................................$ 54.50 'Tw in Bed Suites ........................................... 67.50 $195 Black Walnut Buite-------------------........ ................$129.00 Odd Dressera Vanities - Chests Clearing at Haif Regular Pticqs Auguat Sale ........................................ $10.75 te $19.95 - ei,,Wm .SAVINGS BOREATER/ Wa're. eutting prices on sl unes et summer furultura, rugs, nursery frnl- turc and toys te maka room for Fal Samplas on whlch uew hlghar prices wlll take affect. - Buy now! Porch Chairs Speelal ... ... 51.35 DECK CHAIRS Prie .... 79c. FREE STORAGE $1.00 Weakiy Buys AMY Item UV to 25.0I 17.50 te 39.50 STUDIO COUCHES, Reg. $29.50 te $95.00, ini repps, homespuns, velours Pull Sprnxg-filled construction . ...........................u........... .t..... .... ...Sale. ... ... ...... u u t s l $19.75 te $49-50 MARSHALL MATTRE>SS and Slip Cover, Special for August 1 -2 - 3rd only. SIMMONS Spring-filed MATTRESS - Reg. $27.50 ...................................................................... On Sale $19c. 8IMONS Spring-filled MATTRESB - Reg, $21*110 -. .............. ,,,**On Sale $15*50 C.0.C. p i. C.ed M A TR S - Re.r1475 ...........................................................$1475.............................. On Sale $ 9.85 455 L olb.-ileCotton-fi- Reg $ .7 .......M...TTR........E....-............$ y$pe3.8$9.8 e1 . , BED OUTFITS, Reg. $22.50 value ........... $14.95 DAYBEDS, single and double ........................ $ 9.75- SAGLESS SPRINGS ........:.............-....... 3.95 te 11.50~ CAMP COTS .................. ..... Special $2.19 te $11,75 DROP-BACK COUCHES..................... $13.75 te $18.50 Cedar Cheuts - Linoleum - Congoleum Foltol - Vel-Foît - Axniinster Rugs "WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD " 1 = $10. REWARD Morris Ce. guar- atitee tegave yeu v.aoney on eveey purchase ln this great avant. $10 reard if wc are undersoli by ad- vertisei p r1c e s on any article i t hi1s adveritise- ment. on 2 and 3-piece SUITES AU Llin-roou ducai - Pari( sud Conventiona Pricai for Clear FREE!1 TRILITE LAMP - or - OCCASIONAL CHAIR JUST TILL IN THE COUPON F. F. MORRIS CG. Lbucky Draw Coupon DINIG1 ROOM SUITES raSitsre qulChne lNothlng te Buy - Ail stand - DINETTE - lod ýMoer ,LeveThis Couon At The Store BREAKFAST SETS loi, XModm____________ 1-'~"- wlth mauy 1' 1weaks et hot weathar, lý Yeu'il be wise te buy for uew and next es- sou's comfort! 1 i J i sj g - - ~ J,, ~ - FREZ - Any article ln stock up te 10 % eft your cash purchase, your premium iuring this Sale. HELP CANADAS WAR EFFORT - Liva - Think - Buy Normally - Keeip Canadian Facterles Bumy - Tu F. MORRIS COn Deowmanvilie 480. Oreno 27-1 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO