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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1940, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST lST, 1940 SPORT_ NEWS WHITE ROSE TEAM gaine for Jack Colc's boys, lirnit- ed the East Enders to eight bits, LOSE DE ISIO stuckout four, and allowed only TO MIKES PLACE three walks. lI addition to this, ______ redthrec hits in as rnany Concerted scoring drives in Uic times at bat. latter hall of the gaine cnabled "Ticker" Crombie, Bob Cale Mike's Place to defeat -White Rose and Cecil Mutton were recruitcd 19-2 in a town league softball fix- frorn spectator ranks to play for turc Thursday. Excellent defen- the Qulers. sive play on the part of Uic West- Johnny Semple on the mound enders was the feature of the for White Rose was taggcd for gaine. fourtcen hits, walked six, and The Billiard Kings slammcd out struck out fine. His support was a total of 17 hits and werc quick poor in the pinches, his tcam- to capitalize on the costly errors mates making six errors. of the Oiuers. Pitcher Gay, on Uic Front Street - Merle and Ash- mound for Mikc's Place, was giv- ton, ss; Allln, 2nd; Crawford, 3rd; en alrnost air-tight support, while Rundie, rf; C. Mcllveen, c; Cole Jobnny Semple had to cope witb and Rickard, lst; Brough, cf; Mc- no less than 11 miscues commit- Feeters, p; Morden, f.. ted by bis team-matcs. White Rose - Crombie, c; Hl. The initial stages of Uic gaine Depcw, cf; Cale, rf; Tighe, sa; featured close play, with Bun Large, lst; Summerford, 2nd; Moore's boys holding a 3-2 lead Blunt, If; C. Mutton, 3rd; Semple, going tato the fourth inning. Then p.RHE came the avalanche of poolroomnR runs - a total of 16 counters in Front St. 032 405 x -14 14 1 four innings. Ken Werry led Uic White Rose 001 000 2 - 3 8 6 assault wiUi four bits, încluding Umpires - Hobbs and Moore. a borner and two doubles. Jack Gay held Uic White Rose outfit scoreless for Uic rernainder of Uic PgTSne.a The two White Rose runs were I TS9 PATS1 countered (in the third) wben ___________ "Mutt" Summerford doubled to left field wlit Cowlc and Semple Local hardball fans were dis- on bases. appoînted on Saturday to bave Mike's Place - Little, c; Mc- Uic gaine bet'ween thc Royals and Knight, rf; Piper, 3rd; Werry, lst; port Hope Ontarios called off at Osborne, as; Gay, p; Hallmnan, the last minute. The reason seemas 2nd-* Jackinan, cf; Moore, If. to be the shortage of infield play- White Rose - Sumxmerford, as; ers causing thc executive to field H. Depew, cf; Nlckerson, c; Coop. a raUier scrawny teain that would erand Dilling, 3rd; Large, lat; gîve a doubtful exhibition of bail. Blunt, If; Davey, 2nd; Cowle, rf; Sempl, p.R H E Tbe local-lads have only a fcw Mike's Pl'ce 201 334 6 -19 117 1 more gaines to play and it secms Wblt Ros 002000 - 2 ilas if Uic gaines to lie played wil Uprs-Moore and Hobbs. Uic the deciding factor wheUier Umpîrthe-Royals areintheUictwo team. playoff fixture or flot. Last night Uic Royals journeyed to Port HARDBALLERS FAIL Hope to play. TO ASSIST ONLERS The aVnearance 'of Messrs. Paced by Bill McFeeters' cight- ~tpitching, Front Street pound- out a 14-3 win over White Rose in a town league softball gaine Monday evening. For thc firat six innings thc luckless Large-ites were held to a single rum - a borner in the second by Frank Tigise. The outcome of the game was seldom i doubt. Front Street scored their runs mi bunches, going scoreless only li thc first and ftfth innings. Dick Riekard made his debut for the Main Streetera, smashing out tour bits li five trips to the plate -two of thein doubles. BillMcFeeters, hurling bis first OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Now Playlng Irene Duun and Cary Grant tu "My Favorite Wife" REVIVAL Friday at 11I p.m. JParis Honeymoon"i gang Crosby - Franclaka GaaI NEXT Monday - Tuesday Joan Crawford and Fredrie Mfarchin l IlSusan and God" - Added Featurette - Canada Carriez Ou! "The Front of SteeV' NEXT Wednes. for 4 Days ,ne. bMualTreat of the Ycart Jeanette MacDonald and NelmsnEddy In "The New Moon". %«hi MUai Selam - H. B. Warner Tighe andOrorabie playmng for Wbhitc Rose against Front Street bringa one, thUicconclusion Uiat Uic softball league executive must have waived Uic rule forbidding inembers of thec local hardball teain to participate in Uic town league softbaJl loop. This is definitely paradoxical - f or it was not so long aga Uiat thc powers-that-be in local soft- bail circles forced Wbite Rose ta replay one of their gaines whcn Frank Tighe appeared in their lime-up. It would be wise for thc soft- bail executive ta enforce this rul- ig in every instance, or abandon the ruling altogether. 0f ixtenest to local softball fans h Uice neWs 'that ticksts'arc to be sold on a War Savings Certificate, thc draw for which will be held on Auguat 8th (the hast softball gaine o! Uic year). Money froin the sale of tickets wil l e used to replenisb Uic sadly deleted ce!- fers of Uic softball treasury. The state of affairaintheUicTown League is certainly pitiful when gaines are consistently late in get- ting started. Every night without fail Uic harried managers of boUi competing teains have te fret sud foarn, wondcing whether their players are going te show up late -or at all. Each téamin thUi league is al- lowed to bave fiftecn players on its noster - sud surely at least ninc of these could be expected to show Up proinptly at gaine- tine. If Uic required number of jplayens do not appear, then Uic managera bave only on, alterna- tive - and that is to recruit play- ers from the spectatons. The re- sult hs obvious - thc players thus obtained, suffening from lacis o! practice sud lacis of natural abili- ty, arc unable ta give a good ac- count o! thernselves, and so the gaines develop into unexciting, unintenesting affairs, usually end- ing in lop-ided scores. And Uic fans (yea, Uic wbole twelve of therni> go home more than a little disgusted. That both Jcws sud Arabs in Palestine were convinced Britan was net trenting thein fairly. Tliat Uic Alles, wth Uic con- sent of Britain, were said te have liposed tee harsh teris on Ger- many afWér Uic lest war. Envy hs a self-executiener. The best attitude is eepat- it-ude. Who lo*s net before finds hirn- self behlnd. Thse place for a knocker h eout- aide the door. PORT PERIT SPORTS DAY CIVUC HOLIDAY p.hday, Auge 5th tition wiil taise place between the boat Hunters ln Canada. Vprse for Horse Race - $350 W.çmt SouMng by thse World's Champions 8~oe ~W Cbws -Entertainxnent and Bootss STREET DANCE - Camera Hunting ini Jasper Park T HE 4,200 square miles of Jasper National Park la Uic beart of Canada's Rockles comprise the greateat wlld lite sanctuary la North America, contalnlng thou- sanda of big game animaIs, Includ- Ing Rocky Mountain aheep and goats, mule and wbltc-tailed deer, caribou, moose and elk, and black, brown and grizzly bear. Deer and e1k are partlcularly tame and are daily visitors to Jas- per Park Lodge, the luxurlous Canadian National Rallways, Rocky Mountain resort. Elk are also ob- served almoat dally ln the vlclnlty of the Jasper Park Lodge golf course wblle trlendly black bears and their playful cuba are frequent visitors around the Lodge. Smaller animals lncludlng beaver, lynx and marten are also numerous, au weil a; the hoary mgrmot or *"whistler" 0f the mountain. Jasper Park la a real paradise for camera hunters, Its frlcndly boun. daries provlding a haven for the Tyrone We welcome te our village Mr. and Mra. Drege who have pur- cbased Miss Viola Sbortt's pro- perty. Visitors: Mr. and Mns. F. L. Byam sud farnily at Mr. L. Robin- son's, Peterbero. .. Miss Bernice Robinson, Peterbono, at Mr. F. L. Byam's... Mr. sud Mis. George Brooks at Mr. C. Slernon's, En- nikillen. .. Mrs. James Dudley with Mrs. Wrn. Bradd, New To- ronto.. . Mrs. Floyd Dudley, Bil- lie, Donald sud Jean, at Mr. Wm. Turner's, Markbam. .. Mrs. Viola Smniths with friends iniToronto... Mr. sud Mis. Chas. Mutton, Bow- manville, at Mr. Herbert Burgess'. .Corporal Gordon Cowling sud Mrs. Cowling, Lindsay, Mrs. J. Kincaid sud Grace, Toronto, at Mr. R. Hatherly's. . . Mis. R. Ha- therly is spending a wcek with Corporal and Mis. Cowling at Lindsay. Mis. Robt. Burgeas is convales- cmng at the home of ber brother, Mr. H. Stevens, Ennisisillen. ]Burketon Visitons: Mr. sud Mis. A. Mof- fatt sud Marilyn, Mi. sud Mrs. P. Moffatt, Mr. sud Mis. W. Alex- ander sud Biily, Oshawa, Misses frenc sud Lucille Hyland, Nestle- ton, Mr. sud Mis. J. Rahm sud Allen, Blackstock, Ronald Hud- son, Toronto, at Mr. S. Moffatt's. - S.Mi. sud Mvrs. Walter Vivian, Maxine and Manjonie, Oshawa, at Mr. D. Gtchell's. . . Mr. Thos. Gatchdil, Bowmsuviile, at Mr. J. Gatcbdll's. . . Misa Mac Glenny, Orono, at Mi. G. Carnocben's.. Mr. and Mis. E. Wilson, Mr. Har- old Wilson, Mis. W. Rahm, June and Biily, Oshawa, at Mr. A. Wil- son's. .. Mi. H. House, St. Cath- arcns, with bis family . . . Rosa Aldied in Little Britain ... . Mr. sud Mis. H. Giil anrd Mis. J. Gil at their cottage nean Bobcaygeon. ..Miss Betty Moffatt, Miss Effie Avery sud Mr. A. Runddil, Hamp- ton, Miss Roene Avery sud Mr. I. Cook, Toronto, Messrs. Clarence, Norm and Harold Avery, Mi. sud Mis. R. Wilson, Oshawa, who are visiting Mr. J. Avery, with Mis. E. Grahamn, Musselrnan's Lae... Mr. and Mis. Thos. Bailey sud Ruby in Peterboro. We are fortunate in baving Lake Scugog se near these warmn days sud evenings. Hnying bas been detained duc te se mucis ramn. We are glad ta hear that Miss Ruby Bailey and Merle Hubisard graduated te Forin HX at Black- stock High Scbool. xIn business, as in basebail, yes- terday's bits wml not win today's game. above mentloned four-footed viai. tors la addition to perky little rock rabbit-the only animal tu the world to cure lit own hay-sly coyotes, fisher and otter. For those who are *dispoaed, there are camera troDhiea without num- ber to be badil I. Jasper National Park, ln fact, even on thse Jasper Park Lodge lawna. Gaine animals may dally be acen trom the trailsaüad motor ronds lta this vast game sanctuary and ani- mais pictured here, readlag from le! t, are mountain goat, caribou. mule deer, beaver and miontain sheep. At thébôbttom are a. few of the black 'bear resiAnts of Jasper Park anapped wlÏlo "Iat- lunch". The natural overilow of wild lite Int the unprotected areas beyond~ Jasper National Par#c,- tanes Jas- per one of the most popular jump- Ing off points for btg game hunters going to nearby -Mount Robson Park and other Alberta and Brtsh Columbia big game hunting dis- tricts. Maple Grove Visitors: Miss Mary and Master Gary Pickard with Miss Betty Rogers, Hampton... Mr. and Mrs. Chantie White, Misses Gertrude and Madaline White and Master Eddie White, Oshawa, at Mr. J. D. Stevens'... Miss Doris Buttcry, Salezn, with Miss Joan Munday. ..Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman, Miss Thelma Freeman, Miss Mar- ion Fole_%ý, Mr. Thos. Snowden with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Pasco,, Toronto. Thelma remataed for a visit. . . Mr. and IMrs. Fred R. Stevens sud Master Harold Ste- yens bave been holidaying with friends at Wilberforce. Church Scbool on Sunday at 1 p.m. standard Urne. Misses Jean Stevens, Greta Munday, Betty Snowden, Elleen Hately, Mr. Lorne McQuarrie . - le. Tôm Lyle lfiave returned i6Ttr a 1800 mile motor trip through Quebec sud northern part of New Brunswick. 1Y. P. U. beld their annual pic- nic at Osbawa-on-the-Lake with a fair sized crowd in attendance. At Uic conclusion of a sumptuous supper a presentation was made ta Gordon Jarvie who is leaving the community ta taise a position in Frsukford. A nicely worded address was rend by Clifford Swallow who prescnted Gordon with a camera. An. enjoyable gaine of ball was played by al until dark. Solina Visitors: Mrs. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller, Kalamazoo, Mich., Dr. L. M. Hogarth, Detroit, Dr. and Mrs. Ells Reynolds, Hillsburg, with Miss Mary Ho- garh.... Mrs. Verne Trott, To- ronto, Miss Mary Millson, St. Marys, wîth their sister, Mns. Maurice Baker.... Mr. and Mns. W. Ockingden and son, Toronto, wiUi Mis. Jane Bush... Mn. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Wbitby, with Mrs. R. J. McKessock. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Carrick, Mr. and Mrs. W. Carricis, Mr. and Mis. Robb Wbite, Mr)"W. Speirs, Mns. Hamn- ilton, Toronto, at Mr. W. J. Rey- nolds . . . Miss Helen Langmald with MIrs. Geo. Stephens, Salemn. ..Mr. and Mrs. Lew Luise, Miss Etta Richardson, Oshawa, Mins Gwen Sharp, Toronto, Mrs. J. Di. Hogartb, Hampton, at Mr. Thou. Baiser's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott, Columbus, at Mn. J. Sinales'. ..Mr. Tom Appleby, Miss Lois Boag, Mrs. Bll Cross and Ronald, Toronto, Misa Jessie Yellowlees, Oshawa, at Mr. N. C. Yllowlees'. ..Mrs. Mary Bail, Oshawa, at Mr. E. R. Taylor's. . . Mrs. Eric Elvidge, Ronald and Billy, Mrs. M. J. Durdle, Windsor, Mis. H. Carpenter and Marilyn, Bowmnn- COMPLETED 25 VEAUS SERVICE1 George Callan, Department 230, completed bis 25 years with Goodyear reccntly. Hie bas been n thUi Preparing Departmcnts even since coming te Goodyear. Other twcnty-five-ycar members gathered in Uic Recreation Roem te witncsa Uic presentation. After an address by Mr. Hardy he presented George with bis' cheque. i. Prout, fereman of Prcparing, prcsented thc diamond pin. ville, Mr. N. C. Reynolds, Toron- te, at Mr. Jack Yllowlees'... Mrs. Ed. Miflson, Verna and Ella, at Mr. Meredith Fallis', Nesteton... Mr. sud Mrs. Burney Hooey sud Barbara, Burketon, at Mr. B. G. Stevens'. . . Miss Marion Allin, Newcastle, at Mr. Wes. Yellow- lees.... Miss Lois Larmer, Blacis- stock, at Mr. A. J. BaIsons. Mr. sud Mrs. R. Luke, Miss Nanai Werny, Kedron, Mr. sud Mrs. Bert Luke, Misa Olive Luise, Toronto, at Mr. A. L. Paacoe's and Mn. S. E. Werry's. .. Misa Jessie Heys, Toronto, with Mrs. R. J. MeXea- sock. We were pleascd te sec Miss Florence VanNest, Toronto, wbo hs visiting ber sister, Mrs. N. E. Wright, Hamipton, back in ber native village on Tueaday rcnew- ing acquaintances and viewing the happy scenes of ber youth. She was accompsuied by Mr. sud Mrs.- Leslie Keith, Toronto. Solina football teamn played Zion bere Tuesday night to a draw, one ail, and thus won Uic Darlington Fo ot balIl Lea g ue Cbainpionsbip for 1940. Congrat- ulations, boys, you put up a splen- did brand of bail ail season. Thse LIONS CLUB CAR w ------------------------------------------------------------ I Thursday, Auge 15.i,*i w 'Oe . KIDDIES' PARADE 1. Decorated Tricycle 1.00 .65 .35 2. Decorated Dl Carniage 1.00 .65 .35 3. Deeorated Wagon 1.00 .65 .35 4. Pataietie Costume 1.00 .65 .35 5. Best Cestumed Boy or Girl 1.00 .65 .35 6. Bust Pony Outfit ___ 1.00 .65 .35 OPEN CLASS Patriotie Float 5.00 'Ï.0 2.00 (Open te Car, Trucks or Wagon) c 0-U R T ICE Phone 25 10 Yeu are doubtless aware that the Bow- manvilie Lions Club Carnivai takes pVa" August l5th to be preceded by thee usufl parade commencing at 7.15 p.m. sharp. We are anious te make our par ade reach thse standard of other years, but feel we should nlot spend too freely on prises due te the war situation, We eall your attention te tic prises for a patriotie float. Thougis yen are flot Inter- ested ln enterlng this clas we would ap- preciate yen belng rcpresented ln Uic parade. FREE ICE CREAM COKES Or Bottle of Pop te Evcry Child I Entering in tthe Parade Parade prize winners wlII be announced immediately following the parade and prizes wiII be awarded at the sound truck in Rotary Park PLAN NOW TO BE IN THNE BIGGEST PARADE BOWMANVILLE lIAS SEEN IN VEÂRS GEO. L. DAVIDGE, CHAIRMAN 0F THE PARADE COBUMTTEE players duly celebrated Uic oc- casion by rnotoring ta Bowmsu- ville sud elsewhere for n blew out and then rcturned to Uic village wbere a moton parade created considerable noise bonitg their borns as Uic happy tbrong gave vent to their feelings until around mnidnigbt wben- silence reigned supreme. Temperance program at S. S., with ?&s. R.-. J. McKessock in charge, included a tallc by Mia. J. Baker sud vocal solo by George Werry. Churcb service was con- ducted by Mi. David, from Uic Federated Temperance U n io a, who vividly outlined Uic work o! that erganization and gave four ways in whicb ecdipersan rnay belp: (1) By prayer; (2) By per- sonal exemplification of abstin- ence; (3) By belping in Uic coin- mtrnity; (4) Witblnanclal assis- tance. Mis. Tom Wcstlaisc's gnoup of Uic W. I. bad a Tr~avefllng Tea last Wedncsday at Uic homes of Mis. Clifford Naylor, Mis. Wes. Yellowlees sud Mis. R. J. Mc- Kessocis. Short progrms were given at al places. The afternoon was inuch enjoyed and proved very successful. I!rCHMN qsietfot,@mie% aadoh tz ~14 General Motors Sales & Service ' Calithumpian Parade Prepare Now To Take Part 1i WHY ASK FOiR A GUARANTEED USED CAR ?? ? WHY BOTHER about a guarante. on a used car? Thse anawer is simple. It's for your protection. It miglit save you moitey, and it wifl certainly save you needies worry. MAIE SURE you bave a car that bas been thoroiugbJy teated and all thse faulta oofrected. That's why people buy gnaranteed cars at Nichola', they know wbat they're getting. NO PRICE ADVANCE YET We are atüli offering aur Guaranteed Uued Cars at thse regular Pro-Budget prices. 'Used Caa' are going up everywhere but Roy Niobols h holding Ida prioes at rock-bottom to pan, tlu war.thne savlnt on ta you. WHY NOT ENJOY YOUR VACATION IN A GUARANTEED U13ED CAR. ROY I CHOLS 1 TE[URSDAY, AUGUST 1ST, 1940 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ýl 1 tort,-,

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