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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1940, p. 7

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ThUiM8DAY, AUGUST 8TH, 1940 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Fred Truli secretary-treasurer i j I place o! the late Dr. Neil Colville. Sce andPeoa Milton Morris la his assistant. Phone 40rl6 IMis. Madge ahd Mis. Ridout,i _______________________formerly citizens ai Orono when1 they were the Misses Hunter,9 ' The starm put the dlock on the were in the villdge Thursday re-( blink. newing ald acquaintances. h F. Awde was taken ta Miss Margaret Milson motared Ïhpil this week. her mother and Misses Louise and Darothy Trenwith, Newcastle, ta k- ~lIi Tamblyn is on the sick Brockville, and visited Mis. R. D. Biat. Carruthers at Perth, taking in thse Miss G. Mitchell ai the Bank Thousand Islands boat trip. staff la on halidays. A peculiar accident happened1 Mi. James Mofatt sprained his ta an Orono lady. She tripped on 1 ankle. a mat and fel 50 that hier head1 We welcame the new butter and face hit a table. As a resultJ niaer a t~.bath her eyes are black, but her1 Best wishes ta Mamaon Dicksongasenma ucted on lher marriage Monday.. Friends ai Ross McKinnan, for-1 Mrs Pheb Gadonha re nerly identiiied with the Genenal1 turned irom the Sunny Souths. Mtrowregivdt learn ai his sudden death Monday at hMs9 Bill Baldwin is home irom the home at Elora. He la a brpther o! Chr#bie St. Hospital, Toronto. Mi. McKinnon ai Kirby. Be*t wishes ta Mi. and Mis. About hall ai the people o! Allison Cowan on their marriage. Orono toaki the field day at1 i. R. Mclsaac, Toronto, is hali-Kna when the Orono teamn daying at the cottage here. secured fist place in the men's Mis. Wm. Dustan has neturned saftball competition. P ro ce e ds -tCalifonnia. were for patriotic purpases. Mi. Wm.,Neale -enjoyed a visit The weddig took place in To- from his daughten Marjorie. ranto Saturday af Helen'Grise, Mi. Hobbs Jr. lsasaaisting in the daughter ai Mi. Phil. and the late nifil.Mis. Grise, ta Allison Cowan, son af Mi. and Mis. Thos. Cowan, Mia. Cowan, who was badly Orono. scalded, lai iproving. The soldiers staged another Mr. Fred Sisson expects ta leave route mach Friday evenig. :for Rio de Janeiro this week. One o! the best softbal games î ~A truck ai bennies was upset a! the seasan wâs beld Friday niear Hartwell Lowery's. The driv- night when Orono deieated Kirby 'er was fromn Toronto. 11-10. Orono now plays ForestrY Misa Margaret Millson won a thse best three out aif five games yNear's.subscriptian ta a magazine for the cup, the first one being et Millbrook Achievement Day. to-night (Thursday). Master Cochrane fel out af i Between 200 and 250 memabers lather's car Mondaybut was only ai the I.O.O.F. and. their families slightly hurt. picnicked in the Orano Park Mon- 1Ted Woodyad and LeRoy day, with Oshawa, Whitby, Pick- Myles enjoyed'a trip ta Buckhonn, ering, Cobourg, Peterboro, Bow- 13obcaygeon and L. Mississagua. manville and Orono îepreseiited. Races and two bail gaines wene Mis. B. Stinson, Callander, was enjoe.Ooownoe o, hene owlng ta the death ai her manilean Orono onde Bow- father, Geo. Glanville. mnanvmle pîckeci teamn won aven Bll Glanville is on halidays, Oshawa, A bounteous supper ws Znvin Rainey taking his place on partaken ai by ail. -the bnead route. Several Onono people attended Mis. F. Peason is now living Port Penry day ai sports. Dr. -with Mi. and Mis. Frank Pearson, Kane was a winnen in bath horse- 'Tononto. racing classes. AI Brown o! New- *Mi. and Mis. Horace Best at- castle and Harold Hooey, Orona, tended the Deçborn-Goldsmith were less fotunate. Rev. T. Wal- * weddini at Oshawa Satuxday. lace, Rev. Wm. Sterling and Ormne Mi. and Mrs. W. H. Rowe have Gamsby were among the specta- niaved inta his ther house while tors. Rev. Wailace's son was a -the new house la being bufit. wmnner i the 220 and 100 yard ~Orna irl' sftbll eamî~tdashes. He is credited with doing - Oshawa beach Friday, score h 0scnsflt 7-13. Evidently a party ai Port Hope Mi. and Mis. Turner and Helen picnickers were peeved at having and Mis. Wm. Cowan enjoyed a ta pay fan a pail ai hat waten at dripta Lke ! tie Muntaisoui popula park, for hene la an £ing on Mis. oxathontaisitem fram the Part Hope Guide: ~"A local picnic party at Orano -wms. A. Henry let Wednesday was surprised ta leain there is a ion Québéc with Mis. I. B. Stark iee for use ai tables. Patronage ai and the Misses Hallowell, Stark- the canteen was considered the ville. ,rturn for the park pivileges'but Prince Albert Churcis, with Rev. they were mare surprlaed ta leain 'W. J. Smith, Part Penny, in charge a pail ai hot water cost 50 cents." bheld their picnic in Orono Park Orono Red Cross ýmet Thursday Tniday. with Mis. J. J. Mellon presiding. The Shetler building is now Minutes were read by Mrs. Mc- «cming along faster. Next sum- Laren, treasurer's repart given by nier ramn won't bother quite 50 Mrs. H. Murray, financial corn- inuch. mittee's report by Mis. R. Forres- Mr. J. J. Melor preached Sun- ter, purchasing committee report day at the United Churchin lathe by Mrs. J. R. Cooper, and work- zxorning, at Kirby in the after- rooni report by Miss M. -Davy. noon, and at Leskard at night. Rest ai thé time was devoted ta Mr. nd is.Howrd alsh study of the financial question, Miss F. Cobbledîck and Mrs. M. discussion ai drive for funds in Searle attended the funeral at September, and pyoposed bazaar Pnrf, Hone Tsdav f Ttrs. E. December. --elanta ntern&,o rourtn. .usa liib eler hti hi ato Orsono Telephone Company met thoughtlessfleSS, in putting in the Friday evening and apýointed new hydro pales in aur village the powers that bc neglected ta saak the part of the pales which goes into the graund in creosote. Hawever, our tansorial artist who is a member of the board, and is as full of ideas as the barber's cat, we understafld, makes the suggestion that ta mnake up for the creasote that when they paint the upper part of the pales a fin- ishing taouch mîight be added by striping the pales. Anyway, v4iat- ever they da Oronao will be the first place in Ontario ta have its hydra pales sa decorated. The 26 Scouts, J. J. Mellor, Syd Rutherford and "Spot' Cooper, the mascat, returned Saturday af- ter eight days spent in four tents by Lake Mississagua. Here they had an opportuflity of practising archery, -a iiTiflg; d iving, etc. About ad ozen received heir tests in the latter. Tey alsa enjoyed an ail-day boat tnp around the lake. Most of them rought home souvenirs, snapsho0s; etc. Even «'Spot" pracured a peculiar (s)cent while there. Three prizes were donatecL in connectian with the camping tnp:war saving stamps bymemberof the cammittee who desires ta remain incognito, a flashlight by Captain P. Lycett, and money donated by Mr. Thos. Cowan. The winners will be an- nounced and prizes presented an Monday evening at the Scout meeting and investiture. No meet- ing this week. 1 In the battle of 1f e, goad ia 1ýýý"c'1t1M made more industrious and per- è sistenit because of the supxiosed activity of evil.-Mary Baker Ed- dy. À AND Rus olu STIFFNESS mIN ARDS VISITORS Miss Florence Fields, Part Hope, visited Miss Grace Hudson... Mi.' and Mis. Stan Payne and Bever- ley at Bobcaygeon.. Mi. Orme Gamsby in Toronto.. Miss Mae Glenny in Toronto... Fred Whit- taker was.home on leave. . . Mis. W. N. Myles, Hamilton, at Mi. D. Myles' and Mr. C. Myles'. .. Mr. and Mis. Aulison Cowan, Toronto, at Mi. Thos. Cowan's. . .. Rev. and Mis. Wolfraim and family, and John Keane at A. H. Keane's. $3ordon Leamen, Toronto, at home. . . Jack Cobbledick and friend, Toronto, at home. . . Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto, with her f ather. . . . John Milison, B.Sc., Welland, at H. A. Millson's... Mis. J. Hienry, Misa Mildred Hen- ry and friend, Toronto, at Mi. D. Hooper's. . . . Mi. and Mis. S. Hughson and Glen, Toronto, at C. J. Hughson's... C. Walker with frienda. . . Maynard Clough at home.. . Bill McKenzie with friends.. . Mr. and Mis. H. Lin- ton and Florence, Marmora, With relatives. .. Miss Doris Lowden, R.N., Orillia, and MissaRuth Low- den, Toronto, with C. M. Lowden. ..W. C. Lynch, Camp Borden, at home. .. Mi. and Mrs. G. Keith, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. L. McGill, Pontypool, at Jas. Mofiatt's... Mr. Carscadden at Mi. Dean Car- scadden's. . . Mi. and Mis. Wm. Irwin, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. Farrow, with Mis. I. Winter.... Mr. Roy Corniish, Camp Borden, at Wm. Corish'sa. .. The Mann- ings, Garden Hill, with friends... Misses Flans Tarvis and Beatrice ]Hamm, AnÉcaster, with relatives. .,Mi. and Mrs. Gordon Suggitt and Nancy, Toronto, with Mis. Wm. Seymour... Miss Edra Best, Toronta, with Mrs. H. Best... Mi. and Mis. Ray Car'leton, To- ronto, at Mi. M. A. Carletons.. Missës Leman and iriend at Mis. C. Harrisan's. Miss Lemon re- maining. . . Misses Tourjee, To- ronto, with Mrs. McPherson..* Mi. and Mis. Hay, Toronto, at R. E. Logan's. . . Mi. and Mis. J. E. Richards holidayed at Thurs- tonia Park, Sturgeon Lake. . . Mr. and Mis. Ed. Morton, and Mi. and Mis. J. Morris and Betty Staple- ton with friends in Hastings... Mi. and Mis. R. Ë. Logan visited in Tweed. .. Mis. Alfred Chap- man with Mis. N. Colville. .. . Greta Mercer 'at Roy Mercer's, ~Kendal.. .. Mi. and Mis. Bert Smith, Mi. and Mis. Walter Ha- ney, Toronto, with Mis. Cooper and Mis. Searle. Mis. M. Henry returned home with them. . . Mr. and Mis. Allison Cowan are hall- daying i Quebec. . . Mis. Neil Rainey' and childien visited in Oshawa.. Mi. and Mis. E. Por- ter are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. Caverley near Kirkland Lak... Miss Nelie Glanville, Brampton, *visited relatives hene. . . The Por- ters holidayed at Bobcaygeon. TUE DIXi AND DISTANT PAST1 From Thse Orono News of August 2, 1917 Tise Redlands (Cal.) Facts ai July l6th says: "Miss Jessie Odeil, wiso visited hen aunt, Mis. W. F. Stutt, leit for her home in Ca- bourg, Canada. Miss Odell, who came here last September, has won many friends flot only amang students o!ftle Redlandsj high school, which institution she attended, but outside the pale o! scisool activity. Mi. and Mis. Stutt had planned for her a fane- well party but on account ai the passing away o!fisen friend, Miss Hildneth PoWers, tis was given up. Pontypoal again sufered inom ~a big fine Monday evening, taking néarly al the buildings let on the east ide a! the principal street, including tise Coulten house and ail tise stablIng which covered nearly a half-acre o! land. The fine broke out i Richardson Bras. garage, whicis was fonmerly W. Morow's blacksmith shop, and owlng ta it having been a store- house for gasaline, almost before they were awane ai it tise place was enveloped in flames which passed ta tise hotel sheds adjoin- ing and thse large brick hotel. It was fortunate that the wind was from tise south-west, otherwise neanly ail this business section would have been wiped out, as there was no fine !ighting appara-L tus except the bucket brigade. Tise fire was seen a considerable distance and auto loads came in froni Onano, Millbraok, Bethany and otiser points - more than twenty people irom Orano. Kendal News: Proceeds froni tise Red Cross festival amounted ta $217. Comforts shipped for sol- diens since Jan. lst ta date: 15 quilts, 70 pairs a! socks, and 7 Dains o! pyjamas, and 5 individual boxes. Thse committee wishes ta correct a statement in ast week's issue in regard ta boys salting ice cneam, an accident due ta leak in cream can. PATLY PoeoQeDm MORE II MPMS A FORMER ORONOITE BEREAVED 0F SON IN TRAGIC ACCIDENTI The followmng appeared in the Regina Leader Post of July 29th: "Crushed beneath one ai the Royal American show's big wag- ons weighted down with tans of- midway equipment, 12-year-old Ernest Winter, 1175 Retallack St., Regina, was killed instantly at the corner of Robinson street and Tenth avenue Sunday evening be- fore the eyes of hundreds o! Re- ginans watching the unloading o! the Midway for Regina's exhibi- tion. It was the first fatal acci- dent i 31 years that midways or circuses have been unloaded at Regina. The youngster was the son a! Mi. and Mis. Ernest A. Winter, and besides his parents leaves one brother, Melville, with the Regina Rifleg regiment at Dunduin camp, and four sisters, Eva, employed at the General hospital, and Gladys, Dorothy and Rita at home. Ernest was apparently hanging ta the rear oi one ai the motor trucks used ta pull the midway wagons ta the fair grounds when he feil under the wagon wheels. He was tenibly cnushed beneath the weight. A string ai five trucks were moving in a lime ta the fai grounds at a turne and it la un- known who the driver o! the truck was. Youngsters watching the midway unload fram n ailway tnacks paraileling Tenth avenue had been ordered repeatedly off the street by police patrolling the section. Ernest, howeý.rer, is be- lieved ta have darted out from the other side of the street where there is a string o! coal sheds. Dr. C. E. McCutcheon, coroner, was notified and an inquest will prabably be held." Mir. Winter, Snr., was born i Otono 52 years ago, and his fri- ends and relatives here extend sincere sympathy i his loss. Obituary George Glanvilie The death occurned i Orano August lst, alter a month's ml- ness, ai George Glanville, wel known retired famer, i his 8Otis year. Deceased was bora- ini Cornwall, England, January lst, 1861, and had lived ia Clarke for aven 45 years and in Orona since his netirement. He was an honest, upright citizen, a good neighbour, and a successful fariner. Years ago he jied the Methodisi Churcis. He was also a member ai the S.O.E. ladge. His main re- creatian was honseshae pitching and cards. - - He married Miss L. Mercer forty-five years ago, who survives isim. Nine children were born tc theni, one son Samuel payig the supreme sacrifice ia the Great War of 1914-18. Four sons, Char- les and George Jr., ai Kendal, and William and Robert o! Onono, and four daughters, Mabel <Mis. H. Lewis), Mary (Mis. M. Harri- son), Beatrice (Mis. H. Morgan), ail o! Orona, and Elizabeth (Mis. B. Stinson), o! Callendar, and one sster, Miss Nellie Glanville ai Brampton, also survive. The funeral, which was largely attendeil, was held Auguat 3rd, with Rev. Bunner ai Bowmanville officiating. Bearers were George Bail, James BaU, Edward Bahl Thomias Cowan, Thomas 1gcNeil and Charles Miller. Fienda were present from Callander, Bramp- ton,ý Bowmanviile, Windsor, anc Toronto. Floral tokenas were ne- ceived from inienda and relatives, frain-the S.O.E. lodge, and fanm Dean's Bakery where William is employed. Interment was made in Orana Cemneteny. NBSws e Brown*s Mrs. Gea. Stephenson and Bet- ty, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner attended a shawer for Mr. and Mis. Bab «endry, Lake Shore, held at Mr. Thomas Simpsan's, Cowanville. Red Cross met at Mrs. Welling- ton Farrow's July 31st. Several akeins of yarn were given out ta the ladies ta be knit. Next meet- ing at Mis. Roy Branch's August 14th. Visitora: Mrs. M. Verstraaten, LocMiport, N.Y., with her niece, Mrs. C. Turner, and her sister, Mrs. R. Graham... Mr. Wýll Rae and sons, Toronto, Mr.. and Mis. S. Jameisan and family at Mr. Wellington Farraw's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Branch, Pauline and Russell, and Mr. Bill Clarke at Mi. Wattam's, Verna. .. Mr. Ray Brown, London, Miss June Brown, Tweed, and Miss Audrey Webber, Orono, at home. . . Miss Helen Couch, Newtonville, with Miss Wylma Farrow. . . . Miss Betty Stephenson with Mrs. Bob Hen- dry,. Lake Shore... Mr. Bill Mor- ley in Kendal. . . . Mis. Henry Reichrath in Toronto. ., . . Miss Bessie Law, Oshawa, at hoipie. He that wrestles with us strengthens aur nerves, and sharp- ens aur skill. Our antaganist is aour helper.-Burke. Every mnan that strlveth for the mastery is temperate in ail things. Now they do it ta obtain a cor- ruptible crawn; but we an in- corruptible. - New Testament, I Carinthians 9.25. &~SoaIime vile&m Newtonville Mis. Nanman Samnis is.spending this montis at tise farm with Mr. Ed. Sanaus in order ta care for tise fruit and has engaged Miss Annie Wragg- ta assist iser. 1&s. Cecil Burley la impnoving nicely but must remain in the hospital a whîle longer. Earl Walkey was injured wisile at work when a fellaw worker accidentally drapped a wrencis on his head. Rev. and Mis. J. McLachlan are holidaying at Nantis Bay. Decoration Day Services at Newtonville Cemnetery Sunday, August llth, pt 2.30 p.m. standard time. Rev. H. W. Foley, Bowman- ville, conducted service in United Churcis Sunday eveaing. Visitons: Miss Phyllis Gorthy, Toronto, Mn. MacGregar Jones, Markham, with Mrs. Dudley Jones. . . . Miss Doreen Bunley, Port Hope, with Misses June and Pat Ware. . . Miss Mabel Mea- dows, Millbrook, at George Mc- Cullough's. . . Miss. Laureen Mc- Cullougis witis IMiss Jean McCul-ý lougis, Part Hope. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Milîson and Doreen with Mrs. Oliver TUrner, Cobourg... Misa Betty Stapleton and Mi. and Mrs. Jack Marris, Orono, at a. cottage at Hastings. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore, Scotland, at Mi. Tisas. Burkell's. . . Misses Hazel Reid and Gwen. Gilmer at Mid- land. . . Miss Margaret Denault with Miss Mabel Wallace, Green- bank.. . Mrs. Ken. Ware and June in Toronto. .. Miss Dorotisy Sta- pletaný at Mn. George Smiti's, Starkville. . . Mr. and Mis. Spen- cer Burley at Belleville.. Miss Joan Curson in Toronto.. Starkville Mi. M. Shutka isas purchased a new wagon. Mis. H. Harringtan and son Paul and Miss Bertha Hallowell miade a isunnled tnip ta the city owing ta illness ai ittie Paul wiso is mucis betten. Glad ta have Mi. and Mis. Ha- old H-ancock, Oshsawa, wlth us at Ouri ce creain social. Oui W. A. ice cream social on Mn. Rosa Halloweil's lawn on Friday evenlng was a neal success wltli lots ai good thinga ta et plenty of ice crearn, sa a goon pnogramn. Orono Brasa Quartette was exceptionally fine. AUl the Mis. Shutka and family at Oshs- awa. . . Mr. and Mis. Wilfred Wood and family, Newtonville, at Mi. Lew. Hallowell's. .. Mi. and Mrs. Rusk,' Port Hope, at Mr. Sid Hallowell's... Miss Gwen Gilmer and Miss Hazel Reid, Newtonville, at Midland. .. Miss Bertha Hallo- well, Toronto, with Mis. Jacob Hallowell. She took in the sparts at Caesanea on Mbnday. . . Mi. and Mrs. Gea. Yule and son, Osis- awa, at Mi. Wm. Savery's. education the Alliance would seek ORE)NO. Township Councii oc l h Cdouncil met Tuesday with nl ______________ present. . Intise matter o! railway cross- . Auguat 1, 1940 unga in tise southera part o! tise Dear Sir, township, Mr. Teniy, contractan, In your issue o! July 25th edi- ai Toronto, explained his propasi- tonial comment on thse question ai tion for doing thse work. Couacil Sabbath observance appears, with wil interview local engineers be- these statements included: foie making any arrangement. "Tise Mosiac injunction ta 'Re- Answering tise letter from Mr. member the Sabbatis Day ta keep McGill, corn boner inspector, the it holy', has its modern champion cleik was instructed ta pay James in tise Lord's Day Alliance. At Nixon $5.00 for wonk done. present this arganization la eagag- Robt. Little addressed cauncîl ed in a desperate !îgist ta main- ne conditions on isis noad. Refer- tain legislation ai manys decades ned ta Road Supeintendent. standing which is designed ta weemake people remember tise Sab- Hospital notices and bis wr bath Day by neason ai tise power gone inta tisoroughly by council ai tise law. It la doubtful if holi- and tise clerk was given definite ness can be brought ta people en- instructions re collection of these tirely via legislation." bils. Thsis statement indicates some By-law striking rates for 1940 misconceptions ai tise Lord's Day was passed as folaows: County legislation in Canada, and also o! rate 12.1 mils, township rat e 4 the work o! the Lord's Day Ahli- milia plus 1 mill provincial sub- ance. aidy, general scisool rate 6.7 mnils Tise !act was nevealed that theé The Lord's Day Act o! Canada tax rate will be about eigist- was passèd by tise Parliament af tentiss oi a mili higisen than îast Canada in 1906. That can hardly ya.This can be accounted for be said ta be "tof many decades y e. ha lhog h standing." Older legislatin on county rate is lowen tise province thene by s fCaad s o hms allowed only one mll this teeb action o! tise Lord's Day year instead of 11/2 last year; also Alliance, non is their retention because tise Dept. ai Education specially sought by the Alliance. hasraied isegenralscioolratIn prniple this 1906 Federal Act basraied he eneal chol rteembadies tise essential features 10 %, necessitatig raising an ad- necessary ta pnotect our Canadian ditional $1200 more tisan last year, Suaday fron commercial exploi- and also because ai tise f allure o! tation. thse 0.C.S. ta get ts nequisition into tise caunty ceik in tume last It is nat true that tise Lord's yean. This bas iorced the town- Day Alliance seeks ta promate ship ta raise aven $3500, instead holinesa by legislation. The real ai about hall tisat amaunt, ta sanctities o! ie are notniatters caver last year's deficit. Altisaugis ai civil legîshatian. The Lord's the total amaunt o! money raised Day Act a! Canada does not ne- ion ail purposes in tise township, quure tise religidus observance a! namely, $56,971.02 is only a little Su nýday. It la an Act ta maintain ave $20 mretha wa raaiSunday as tise natioaal weekly îast year, tise total towasip as- day a! rest by eliminating un- sessment, which la $1,948,9i30 is necessany business and toil on lower than last yean by auout tisat day a! the week. AIl will $3000. concede tise vital values o! this By-law relatig ta, police vil- weekly day o! rest as a means ai lage o! Orono was passed and tise mental and physical health, as treasuner was authorized ta col- well as cammunity well being. lect $788.54 for street lighting As fa as the nelgiaus observ- and fire purposes ta be levied ance o! Sunday, on any otiser day along with tise other rates in the of the week ion that matter, that village o! Orona. is a natter o! personal conviction These nesolutions were passed: and decision. But tise weekly rest Granting Horticultunal S oce et y day pravides tise opportunity for $15.00; authonizing J. J. Me il a a day ai worship under favorable ta collect taxes during absence a! conditions, by neason o! the leis- C. . Ade isola îî;coninungune and quiet ai tise day. We are C. F. Awde in tis p; ositin aitaxconvinced that individual charac- collector; expropriation a! cen- trfnaistu onaini tain properties necessary ta im spiritual. fellowships, and that Prove th iskno railway cross communitye and national lie iind Sterbest safeguards in the pro- o h rknfot motion o the spiritual values ai Clerk was instnucted ta arrange 111e. But, ta have neal worth, ne- for painting o! towa dlock tower ligious observance must be volun- and fixing towa hall roof. These bills were ordered paid: Ia tni he e reegae Orono Harticultural Soc. $ 15.00 in the great conilict for tise free- Orano Times ---------------120.25 dam ai human personality, and P. A. Blackburn, Oshawa frte future ai Christian civilil. relie! charge back 9.62 zftoth us rtti Cnd aE. L. McNachtan, indigent zainwem tprtt Cad ptet------- 143tise ight ta weekly rest and wor- Brookes -Cowa-n,- supplies.------ 2:2513siip. In safeguarding aur Cana- Broos Cwan suplis --- .25dian Sunday laws the Lord's Day IlJ,; J. Mellô, salary, etc.---- 6086 Alliance is perorming a distinct E. Wlso, BO.H~. .00service toalal Canadians. Oui rest r rna H-ydlro, tawn hall day legislation must be conserv- S lghts ------------------------- 8.07 ed B y persuasion and Christiar aLaurie Cale, 1 sheep kiiled 15.00 _______________ eClarence J. Allen, 3 trips t valuer------------------------ 7ffl otiser numbers on the program W. E. Davey, taxi B.O.H.- 2.25 were real good too. Mr. W. Laing, Gea. Richards, repair dlock 4.50 Newtanville, actai as chairman, Mis. J. Clydesdale, suppl's 11.85 and ta all who iselped we extend Dean's Bakery, supplies ---- 5.04 aur thanks. R. H.. Waod, labour, town Mrs. Clysdale is under tise doc- hall --- ----------------------- 1.25 tor's care. Ira Thompson, 5 sheep kili. 41.00 Visitons: Mis. Silver and iniend jRobt. Little, 1 lamb killed 6.00 are on holidays. . . Mi&s. Franks Jas.Nixa, pougiing ana Hawse and daugister Lois, Toron- ground-----------------5.00 ta, witis Mrs. Jacob Hallowell. . H. Bailey, supplies------- 29:99 Inspectar A. A. Martin and wife, Road-Voucher Na. 8 ----- 952.38 Brighston, with Miss Jessie Mc- Counil will meet Sept. 3rd. Kay... Mrs. Ge. Plumi, Trato, -1 !Klr ot.".n Unr+nn TAn -*AUSET IlAT REF RESHflES Authrized Bottier of "Coca-Cla" HAmBLY'laOARBONATED BEVERAGES OSHAWA PHONE 755 ta pramate a wholesome attitude towards Divine worship and Christian service on this day o! freedom and opportunity. Per- suasion, nat compulsion, is aur method in this regard. Yrours sincerely, Gea. G. Webber,- General Secretary, Lord's Day Alliance. ONE LITTLE WORD one little word of encouragement, One little word o! cheer, One little word that helpa a heap To drive away one's fear. One little word that's boosty, One littie word that lifts, One littie word that gives you help In changing lufe's' gear-shif ta. One little word that's hopeful, one little word f joy, One littie word that makes yau feel Like when you were a boy. One little word that's smailey, One little word af love; One little word as yau climb life's hill That gives you a helpful shove. Sa gather these little kindly wards And keep themn well in store, For those you think may need them least, May need thei f ar, far mare. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. Materially minded menan _____________ women don't really unite; only il 10flI I thraugh spiritual unity can Pe- ple progress.-Lady Astor. He who sees clearly and en- lightens othen minda most readlly, Light, la sown for the rlghteous, keeps his own lamp trnimned and and gladnesa for the upright in burning.ýMarT Baker Eddy. heart-Psalnis 97:11. EIJOY UTSSEIE MINI FLAVOR S E v er day mBilons afind real nometl the coolln ,ln-'astn fiavor gof WRIGLEY' SPEARMINT GUM- blended from freuh Q~ren mint. gslIt's good for you, too- Shelpa keep teetis bnught and attractive. Dentiste recommend it.

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