PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, 0 THRSDAY, AUGUST STf, 1940 Brunt who had pitched three no- Real Estate For Sale bit innings was transferred to_______________ - hortstop position, exchanging FOR SALE - SU ýRC The ewc stle hid pend nt with Geo. Walton who held his house, east qlde1 of Centre St. Phone Clarke 1114 erstwhile pals of the diamond to Mo d er n convenlences. Senl three scoreless appearances at the cheap to close up an estate. plate. In the playoff game with Apply A. E. Bellman, King st. Newtonville, Roach and Rice West. Phone 526. -t Mr. Howard Allun has been laid the birthday of two of aur citi- made the circuit twice, which was_______________ Up with an infection in his foot. zens, Mrs. Stella Anderson of the four. Witheridge, emulating the Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Rodger took Newcastle Arms, and Mr . fa fhsc-iceObre n Llvestock for Sale Clu edA aeWokW n dN tcs a motor trnp to Ottawa and Huill. H-orrocks of Half-a-Hil and the first game, mnade the round ______________ Major H. W. Dudley is visiting Greenfields - twins? once i this, which made five. FOR SALE P~U RE, B R E P . atdT e borne. the. winier o! tvwo. games and the run for the Newcastle team and O~ots loyugrb~ a! neon (iiu AO OI ATD- Dr-BiTlis' o! f 1%'ýc .ëeclosed FAR ATD ORN foraîët nCii Hlda n -ppyS.Hckdyi tn (iimmchre Plastering. Phone 2501, Bow- îst inclusive. 31-4 Hmtn hn 67 21 TTehe sofa ewasle' of ounamntonCivc oldaeinJa nimbîlth sme orNe- .AplyS. ocady,25cptn. .5cChhagerfe5eeOra a25oilee.x.tkoyas Brk firehalwere completed last week Newcastle, eliminating Newcastle tnil.Phone 2182. >32-1 made wen advrA. e.nt Is eon. A Buru, Newtonville in the second, and their game were: I. Sisson 1, B. FOR SALE - TWO DURHAM flot pald same week as Inser- 29-4Srkesofiewilb week. by Uic way it was Newcastle boys' McDowéAl 1, E. Sheckleton 1, 0. heifers due to renew shortly. tion. Extra charge of 10o when cl7th. 31-2 ROOMM o Agus Mrs. Fenwick who has been first game o! the season. Bethany McGil 2, D. Smith 2, A. Hend.ry 1, Apply H. B. Foster, Bowman- replies are directed te a Hep WantedcosdfmAustthoAgstNDBA -E serousy il fr to mn s girls doubled .Newcastle's score in V. McGill 1, M. Hannah 1. New- vil.Poe745 32-tf St~a tes ma n boxfl9ber. WA EDMNFRE~RLloain ApyF. cn, recovering slow ly w ith riends in the softball feature, w inning 10 castle girls: M . B rereton 1,O R A L E l Y R K S IR E H O G 50c ea h l a nde m r a a, sOc in. e r m a nn .F alO R E Ra l H t l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fisher, 1, . Pearce . Bonl .Hle months aId, 1 Yorkshire hog for notice plus 10e Per lune for ville.aent 32mral-2'l Belleville, who were weekend Rev. Wm. Sterling, Shannon- ,DPud 5 months old, 1. sow duc te far- verse. Classlied advertlse- 32-1* WANTED-USED P UMP JACK. guests o! Mrs. Gco. P. Rickard, ville, occupied the pulpit of thc Newcastle Basebaîl Club, New- row within a month. These were mente kicepted up until 6 WANTED-GIRLFR E A omvle. Phonutery 2 63 ,____________ are spending this week holiday- United Church Sunday morin castiste Red Cross and Nesle ail sired by Orchard Valley p.m. Wednesday. housework. Phone 413, Bow- ing in Muskoka. and took for his text, Theycs Intermediate Red Cross Commit- Coaqueror N&a. 188873. Werry- manvile. 32-1 ________________ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Enwright four anchors ouf o! the stern, and tee collaborated in maaagiag the Bros.,, R. R. 1, Hampton. Phone 32-1* ME 0F3,4,5!HAT and family spent the holiday wished for the day, Acts 27:29. A eveat and ail net proceeds wenf Bowmanvillé 2471. 32-1 D A H- XEINEDLs v~Pp unrii z weekead at their old home town mixed quartette, Mr. and rs. H. eually to thc two Red Cross or- _____________W___A__ girTh EfD - eren emutbeOtrx aleao!tonseiuu o! Strathroy, Mr. Ray Brown M. Allia and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur ganizations. Besides the gate re- HOLSTEINS FOR SALE - HOL- 25rycara or oer ApîLST -ROSN IGTRmaustosereemnt e i motoring themn up and back. Baskerville, sang, In the Shadow ceipfs amouating te over $96.00 stein bull, 9 moaths aid, sired GLANVILLE-In Orono, Augiiet 25 yeaRos, o y .al htr recovey o! nomal pop If ne Sergt. and Mrs. Williams, M!iss- o! bis Wings. Rev. Thos. Wallace, there were Uic proceeds from Uic by 4% sire andfrom a 3.85% 1, 1940, Samuel George GiOn- d.e.lisshtRodl withe. resulta firetwar. Pon es Phyllis and Aresta Martin, To- Greenbank, may preach in thc games, Bingo, Crown and Anchor, dam. Aise 2 registered cows, ville, age 79 years. 32 1 523. 32-1 pakgmirreudislw ronto, motored to thc Thousand Unitecd Church next S u n d a y Coins and Ring Tees, aise from fresh 2 weeks. Apply Noble CRDERvjjfl At lF nMan.LADI ES WATED - A EW pie aI rt uy&~v Islands and Otfawa and called on morning, August ilUih. Uic booth and from thedtance in' Metcalfc, phone 2259, Maple Jl 19, 1940,Wra Nra more ladies wanted: Must be Ntc n i te oddu~rs Mr-. and Mrs. J. P. Martin, New- Ernie and Talbot Alldread have Uic community hall at alght. In Grave. -32-tf JWilliacmviniNgtarmrsta Neotyice___. ~2 castle. been ovrhauling Uic Saw's Syn- ll if was a highly' successful day Cryderman, ini ts 71sf yar. xplin advntaes aro se -. l ER'yO I E 0 I S Mr.C .B tUicaetrshn ahn ndgt o h Red Cross. It was a long, Brother o! Mr. J. Il. Cryder- hold necessites knawn a s en- Bowmanviile tata pd 1ý Mms. ting., ia tip-fop shape for teoaadevagfr ilex Pod at ffer obyr.P T]N OFV1RSLI' Edgar Osbornc's bouse, part o! thtèsing season which tbey ex- many o! Uic ladies and Uiey werc bMGL-aEnailn uut Aiad mes b fO ullalyc whicb is eccupîed by her son-ta- .etdt pn uut7ia on- er ain tirfwh nif wa ilLfitJl 7, 1940, John E. McGill, -beloved quantities. Door ta door can- Votera' LAuctioncpait o law and daughter, Mm. and Mrs.aid Gibson's. Two o! Donald's oyverA number ao!nca, hed husband of Adelaide Fowler vassing flecessary ta show arti- Darllngton, County of Durham Mutton. barley harvesters have been his ~vtrnT .Jcsno i Somewhere ta Eng1liid, McGill, age 73 years. Funeral cles and take orders for sanie. FiaA gs The girls from C Dept. o! Uic cousins, Aldea Whecler and Ar- show business, gave hcartily o! JuIy 16, 1940 from n niskillen UnitedCbrh Gdcensi.Uamtd NocelhrbyivnhaI in h ae..on Saturday, Auguef loth, et carntags possible. F r i en des,bv complied with Section 10o! tf m J.Adroomt a cdathursWyoftholik eea i ue and ailit3rta mang- De r r- aentwftn 23 ..stnadtm.Itr nihos saldl eaonth lwne!Ui oons !tUceal yutafomna of amsthmeory ahvene wffea 2.0 .m sandrdfiie Ite- legthe, nyne il b gadUi Vtea'Lit cfAct, taf a10ndalcfstckr atie sooner taviUiaandyautferisendiig ment at St. Mary's Cemefery, tao rder, For free catalogue hae posfed up t my office af re e 0 bm ph ea t Moi sse Ire n thedoFrancsiBron ow adcty aebenwr-me The Statesman'fer if sure 15 Manvers. anid details write: Familex, 570 Hampton, on Uic 1sf day of Au- 2 e fgascle n Miss Kathleen McKay's birthday. the hay and harveet fields and 'ao ice oeohrpend saec Ui aes So TT1 Nichol's Heepi32-1a, ani'94,oates. Sale wlil b.on Mm. Roy Ashton and MisReita cherry orchards. This week Harry _are___ o! a la ano! peop e n COT -know. t PeerbraHugutpt194 , -WATDIMMEDIATELY_-EX- cialfy 1fo vMoer te. o!Paruei- hda CoakeMr, adBreafoannJak ilRickardf lt fapopd ouHolbecketrbroAuusd5 1Jackm WNTEilbeckfi bes ftwoia Miss Jean Bonathan feok a motor Toronto boys at Uic lake, have Receat Visitors: Mm. . and Mrs. seems like a long time smnce I sew ma Louise Huggins, beloved Perieaced cea general for sum- ment, and atetunicipal Mettions,, ENS ERYSPR trip ta Kingston. Mm. Ashton bas been helping Jas. Quigg aad Bob Russell Wright and f amily, BeUi- Bowmanville and yet Uic deys wife of Thomas Scott, Bethany, mer home. Muetbe ever eeigh- and that euch 11st remains there 1ml ot o nikle been transfcrred from Bankc O! Gray stack fodder oats at Mme. eda, Miss Amdlia Nichals, Port seecm te pass fast. age 57 years. . teen ycars. APPlY in wriftg or for inspection.,1 Commerce af Bowmaavillc ta W. H. B. Chaplin's. Jack Cannon Hope, Mm. S. Lancaster, Newton- We have moved eround Eeg-iCacerca, Ot . H.31-2' crAnteIfee Imed ate poceiangs ly orhavot-bt Campbellford. bas also been belpiag with Uic ville, at Mm. C. Slemoa's. .. Ma-s. land a lot and if l e cmeet beau- Casra n..12 r ta ae any eroreor omssins- dl> cul yu tce Mm. J. H. Smith o! Ue icngj cherry harveet at A. O. Parker's H. Werry and Marie Ashton at tiful country te travel Uirough I IN M EMORIAM W.NE APBEGR orrhcved accerorr domeiswsiatetee o rie1v and Wellington branch of Baak and Frank Gray's. -Mm. W. Bowman's, Ea!ieid. . . . have ever seen. Whaf surPrised foAnTEr APALEcwrSetG~IRcose daor ppa bto aWee- c.At eryeSlsou of Commerce, bas been appointed Visitors: Master Bil VanDusen, MisKtletlvr saa eme a i rees. Thcy anc MOUNTJtY-In memory a! Fred 2 adulte, 1 child 6 years, bub- day, Uic 21sf day o! August, 1940. piel ypie ateh te succecd Uic late C. T. Batty as Bellevile, with bis grandfather, with Jean Creesman . . . ..'Ma-s. cverywhere, in Uic middle of Mountioy who passed BwBa/ urbe o! Toronto, nwhm;c- Dtdti U a !Age, o omsin ai utb Manager o! Uic Newcastle branch. Mm. W. VanDusen. .'. Mme. Leggit Stone, Columbus, Mrs. T. MéGili, fields, aleng Uic roads, and large Auguet lOth, 1935. rycveine v e;-y esirabl e d 1940. y f ug sol He wili assume his position heread daughter Miss Lottie, Keene, kr.landatMms .C stn ni-wos h amr eednt Ti wrdmycag rý r ovnecvr eia 90 about Sept. -sf. with Mme. S. S. Bragg... Mm. and kile, r L. Ashfan's... -Mm. eut a tree down so they can gra'. year ta year, Apply me. .Ng .00 mantey, lyeb-.le J.o!D. ARlatnTwnHipE AKOAeIn Civic Holiday in Newcastle, Mme. A. H. Fisher and Miss Mer- and Mme. Cyril Avery, Broniclin, a liffle marc grain, and it sureP And fricads from day te day, wdA veyr.,J.YorkSMille, nae, 32-2 o alfgonTwnhp Au~stSt, asRe Cas ad on Bllviie wfhMr. eo~a t Mm. C. Avcry's..- -Miss Bessie makes tUicocuntry a lovcly place Bt eyrshilflcanAveR . York 3-4____________Ontario,_________32-2___ BanTounâentda. I wa aso icard . Mss lie Hn- Blackburn with Misses Black- and I neyer saw euch, a lot o! ioved Bail eurnaent dy. If~as ieic A.,- iss iveNorhindo- burn, Newcastle..-. Mm. and Mme. different ktad o! flowcrs, esec- Froin mcmory panseway. FrSl ___________________ lroncA, ibrMis arin NorTe T. Mounfjoy with Mm. Wm. Chai- ially Uic rases. -Ever remembcred by Wi!c ___ For____Sale ___ renA,wit. Miss MrarlonRickardo, lis et flicir cetfagcet Bcwdly... London le a vcry mféèrestýng and Daugliters.TRIE FO SAE-ABS B.. MssBacen eratMm. and Mre. Fred Ashton and city. It'e different from aur cities, Go-CLer FOJ.A E BB' at Mm. Howard Cooke's with M.tMr.e A Mrgn bt icbicieuJ.pil i,.adFEOry, ondreemrace ! hoSt87 GanfPorter. .. -Mm. and Mme.faniily, Tarano FryAora btthScugogsolsi, n YO Infn rmmbacSt.W Y YO H H M arvey Curtis, Orono, with Mm. and Mm. Ross, Oshawa, Mm. Ed. wlien I say blackouf Uiat'e ut my dean friend, Mme. Wm. Yeo, Poe47 21 * M ~~oward Gleney. .. Miss Mebel Smith, Detroit, at Mm. E. Brad- wliet I mcan. If would seem wofund-wyAuuf12h orRn Tarnte wfliMr. Jo.ley's... -Mm. and Mms. L. Ashton ay- coming itt Bowmanville et 1939. ________________________ R * ro oou. Mand wthMr. Philpad family, Mme. H. Werry et Mm. night and sec al Uic liglits on.9. Sadiy missed by Scofty. FORoEN -ROOMSTO LT Asuglas. . .kr. and etrMm.hiLipGire-Palotat eyoey fhendar nd e< h ase wy uufFOR RENT - RO-and BUOItLET _______ VenDusecand aa mily, Belleville, .Ormiston'e, Ennisicillen...Mmr.hI peaple e h vtey fcandly on Liberty Street. Phone 2385, L __________ t Mm. W. VanDusen's. . . Mm. and Mrs. C. -Avery with friead Idatscho iycsb beaten YEO-Ia lovtag memory o! a dear Bowmanvilce. 32-1 [ I I j j B W NVLE Chas. Moise, Toronto, et Mm. Ben. et Littl tie . . .. Miss Anale as Uiey sure bave te put up. wif b wife and mother, Emma Alberta - ,@FPort Hope, et Mm. Sami Browa'e. *And family, Oshawa, et Mm. C. thaf Uic people I lovead mf ri- i. Wchav lstau93u9.cen- iacates. Pssesi odn eptemen- nd1. - ma ooa-w(Bus- Garrard'e. . . Mm. and Mme. L. ends are ta Canada. pasion, Apply J. H. Bafemen, Scugag Thur.-Flr1. -S t er) Hennis and children, Tarane iasn ontopo,,Mm *N We offen hear German Plas A life linked witli aur owa; S.Pin 5.3- E A S arecttg.. aod oknHlClinfon and BrlMr.L'but as yet Uiey haven'f drop(ped Ad ayb dy cmie e A.UU8 8- 1 smilatage. Poli e riheld HckmH al and Dorothy, and Vera Hall, any bombe near us, but I've heurd marc, TO RENT -6o ROOMED H-OUSE deliveries ma> be elupltr Mi, KinysPolcn, with ic mthRC Osliawa, et Mme. D. Graha'. . - Uiem and eew flic damage -As we walk tha-ougli life alone. with aul convemiences on con- BiggDoubebl enFatu ml- ArGeorgeetonngwa thehie .moth d,,bMm.tGeorg.F.C.oj.iagk et.Lieut.CaG. ocanndo, LbutsUic. R.A.F.H.mhar for thr-Htobge d rd FemHuly.d cession St. cesionySChas. HeCas.,H.aBECAUSES non, Trntwthhsgrn-Wotten et Mm. Gea. Ferguson's, day fime. epoe222 t can e ha nce j "Shining -Heur mother, Mme. T. M. Gibsea. -- m.H a- Living 15 deaer e eethan . Articles For Sale I FOR RNTI-nSUMER COT Mm. John Quigg, Tai. rntoWmth r ndShirley, Centreviliee, t asedeaad if le stii going up, fage, Bobcaygeon, !ully furnish- wihur . gg. .. r.on i- b ut Uic people realize ta theli RASPBERRIES FOR SALE - d, fire place, garage, outboard BECAUSE Mr. Jas. nt, Msodon irs m m . ec'.-- m onG war bas f0 be paid for and yôu Bring your own containers and mefar boat; Auguef 2nd or 4Ui demand frmnh h rym> hd~ Joan CraWford, Margaret M.adMs eoNowBul l. benk et Mm. E. Teylor'e, Solina... fosro me nbd ik- pc hmo! h uhse 5 ek .W Fly omnile rmt<en> ltr Sullavan and Robert Young Mre. Adoîpli Henry, Orono, with adMr.E.Sepeso nd _______hu______ic-_______ftebuhs t5cwek . .Foe, omavll.prmt eivr Mre. Fred Pl.. . Messire. Gea. Vaughn motared fa Parry Sound. . per quart. Excellent crop. Peter Phone 2378. 31-2 Mm. ad Mm. Osmnd, essie. W get oun mail feirly weil but Stackaruk, south o! M ap 1le FRRN IE-ROE EA S End«a-Mr.and FranksmoMissrs.eyhave trouble wifh parcels. A lot GaeonUcFOe 2- RtmENT,- ai m Rodem .it.aîa'scnsdre trtt abttef1 - nT n renk Tretat a N ran hmponies nvllO!cigarettes neyer seecm fagef your ceai binamodehactne summer Rcwt, arante,.t M . Nra hmen omsilMiss here. I reccived 300 from Uic RECONDITIONED TIRES - veniences. Oil bum-er, fireplace, orcabisl "'High School Rcads.-.Me Wm. Cowen Lamna Thompeon, Toronto, Mm. Lions Club in Bowmanville and Save up te 50 % on tires ad ganden and garage. Very~ moa- WICalerdouhnrMie.aeanL Kerr, Bowmnville... CnnSe-Lloyd Thompeon, Maple, at Mm. sure thaugltif i was nice o! tbemn. tubes. Full stock bath new and erafe rent. Plione 388. Apply ta RECAUSE starg Jane Withea' mas, Clereaceville, Que., and bro- e.thoon. . M . AM. Bullh Well I gues lil close for naw, recoaditioned, some real bus. Mme. Archie Tait, Division Sf., 'Mue CearIs erenieas,à hgot ther, Mr. R. H. Seamen, Pert GrnM. .Fnaie hUasking you, egain fer giving me G. F. Jamiesan, Tire and Bat- Bowmanviile. 30-tf-i'qai> ei nt* akt Hope, celling an their relative, runthMr.ND.FoetaMm neA.Millss a lot o! heure o! cajoyable reed- tciry Shop, King and Silver Sf5. APARTMENT TO RENT 3 Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Mm. W. H. Anderson. -..Rev. Wm. R fahmci, MLre PhcNileig.Pe.F.E Trnoth 3-f Ramed apanfaENT i oeEI o uee ctho es Ca ehv iie AUGUST 1.2 - 13 - 14 Sterling with bis niece, Mme Her- . . Mme. Frank *Sanderson mg' Yaure fruly, ___________________ i acca VitorMenanloiAnt- IfourerScthr lsi old Coucb. . -Mre. J. F. Edwarde and fmlMs ar hl mPe .E rnuh ente, ingViSf.rWcsf. Applarst-li n ad £firn ber summer canpap t Port Toraxpto, et Mr. R. Sanderson's... MY eddnese le: B84512, Pte. F. Mart i ongeySbWstop, Victor on Intermezzo Ry-san ieJenRc rM. and Mra. Louis Ashton and E. Trenoufli, I15f CarpeKy TroopVcto Oeicville, et Mm. W. F. Rickerd'e. Mary Lau, Mm. and Mme. Sta Supply Colunin. Thisise Uic third Manoir. 28-tf AanW ugs o e nYu __________ Woollinga Jr., and fasiily, To- part O!fthc army I bave been ta. AanW ugs Notice ToMr.CH.editorss.Winter's Supply of FuelEay Phn 75 Berpign RESULTS IN NEWCASTLE a n operat ion ta Bowmaaviile Mme. K. Baird o! Uic Marjorie ______ Hospital on Satunday. Kay Shoppe bas reccived thc fol- I H SAr !MR ~l On the Sanie Progrmme1sG Sympathy is exfcaded ta Uic lowiag ittresfing letter froni ber IANRTH, E E te a!UicVilAge ShY Y Bowmenviile 0 0 0 4 0O0 0- 4 femiiy o! Uic lete John McGill, brother, Capt. Fleber-Ba rhem,o!N cateiUcCuny! ~ ntflgoc Nwcste o~ ~oZiEnaisicillen. MC. Wedhunst, Sussex, Englaad. Of'HNewDu asteiteuyo 2nd Game Hclptag Hasds Ciase hcld their He is credited with an cxception- Ki t with Bethany Girls 0 4 1 4 0 1-10 plice t Ceesarea, cnjoying boat- ally distinguisbcd mlitery cancer Fre Parking Phone 1011 NOTICE lu licrcby given that 13rsiaif n agrt Newcastlc Girls 0 1 0 O 2 2-_ 5 mg and swimming and e bounti- ire rea t anand i fleter ad ean egina lc eae ori _____________ Bos alofan Mrart3rd Geme fui aupper. rfEngshe ahigh morale o! thec sadsayGalbrethe swbof edo LtaayBomavile 02 01 0- Eglbav a whole who seernite adMr abaih h ido Uic otth slighfeef fear a! im- NOW PLAYiêNG or about Uic 30th day o! June, Ncwtoavile 1 0 0 O 0 0 0- 1 TAKE NOTICE pendtag invasion. A.D. 1940, et Uic said Village o! ------U mplir es: Handbeil, Edgar "Thankasa much -for your let« n , Newcastle in Uic County, o! Dur- Corne te the Royal wheue Keaefick and Thos. Brown; saff- The Anmouries et Orono wiil be fer asd for o!!ering .to teke cane mOihem, or cîlming any imteresi bal ontaadadGog loe ni ute oie xep Nw Mo' R L AGT ealfon. Ruas by Bowmanvllle ta on Manday and Wednesday nights hsfrUyarawrrjutedbypfpcedoUiudr-n- S i: - Dene ch firet game were made by fer training purpases. now. I thtak as thinge are wc bcd Jeet s~oadigncd Solicitors f Uich Execu- ut Roc, ObreadAe, et-a.A H.nouthll, beffer keep therniwith us. There trices o! Uic Eatatc o! the eaid ai atefourti, effeir which Bill O. C. Midlaad Regt. le Uic crossing ta face, also tbey REVIVAL Mr abaUo rbfr i 75Ç Each -2fo $1O ___________________________________________weuld be boundf'o pine fanrborne, 1sf day af September, AMD. 1940, and if does look as if wc cas give a etatemeaf o! their intereaf or f etc).Buines le impi-oving but AUGUIT 15-16-17 claires net rpoelved on or before ormefr id i ay haveybe l ~ the lst m entioned date flic Ad- & ii Our car ha ta ave It eheg k d o e y c lc n e W IT m~~:. Ig'Iv wI..e l a lc pn fortig iv en Comtat at latl AU newl zmlalsfrator wM linvoko Uic pro- -U T & very Lbad. t tection o! The Trustee Acf .SO w ~ ~ RImE g1,j~l 1937, Cbep, 165 and ameaodmeafe JÇ ~The Ideal Goverament, a therete. ..f . isnWe TestEyes If là Done PpeIY' vicw If, le that whlch cobinesLawrence C. Mason, Bowman- a~vsu w 8 y W U.V S Fér specoaté@Ulveq1. Uic greatest emount o! 'frecdom with Garyr Cooper ad"y ville, *Ontario, soliciter for the Oi 60~n t for Uic individuel wlt thUicgi-caf- M»Admimlstrefor, WIIlani J'ames Cll26 ct co-operetive ectlvlty aof theKneciwo sdeet e- cemmninly-Havelock mls, 193$ cse, n teul o eide atNe