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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1940, p. 1

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With Whlch Are Incorporated The Bowmanvllle News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News 1O VOLUME 86 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST l5th, 1940NU ER3 fON T FORDET 'LIONS CLUB CARNIVAL TONIH OreMi ildSxhtue HGWYDEPT. 1 ardvlPlansCoped hi Hea - Ou uto ColisionINSTALLS SIGNAL +Poie ob i vn A t Pstoiwale Testerday A ODHZR il et _ Y Flaabfng Llgbt to be Installel at Mm viiieg Stanley's Bridge to WarnI John Reid, Toronto, laTlTI Mistantly Kiled, HiBU~JVETA BtOnrfl FORMER CITIZEN [M:ArPrsta Wife adSnCritie- AH K U JeAf jEnglneer's Office of the On. ~E TJS~ G I CtR fLosCu aliy lnjured in MostA T R70Y Sta w1oebte edioza&s we ____ -LISth Cmmitt Serlous Car. Crash are sure will begreatly apreciat-Hed Ano cd Ti erWlnnipet Mau eustoPr ed by the motoring public who Former Dowmanviile Citizen Wus This Year ebasehm Homestead at Enniskillen wiil heave a sigh of relief thatReo endFrV.C - f1 Weil In Weut something is being dane ta over- As W-enddForinl ranem.t erCc. Oemnwsklehssncorne the dangerous curve at pAedfrsh sainWf h bg One an ws kiledhis OflStanley's Bridge. The letter reads: and bis wife, and four other Per- About 70 years ago a young getcria9ve ymmeso sons were seriously injured in a man stilLin bas teens Ieft Ennis- Toronto, August 9, 1940 Local citizens who knew Jackc t]eLosCu tterMna head-on auto collision at Preston- killen for the then great unknownM.G eeW. James, French when he worked in the eveigmeig nojcieo valeWednestayay fternoon. Wsen aaa omebs for dtor "heCanadian Statesman D.O. &P. Ca. factory and inter $2.0 sbb lmda bsya John Reid, 65, of 58 Rose Av- tune and carve a career. Last Bowmanville, Ontario. 4.. the Glodyear plant were inter- smc oemny hnee e enue, Toronto, was kifled instant- Thursday, ti4s same man, William Dear Sir: ested in tbe item ini the Toronto for i lberuidfo e ly when the eastbound car ta Ferris, 162 Walnut St., Winnipeg, An editorial ini your issue of .St.:4C whicb he was a passenger met a Man., now in bis 88th year, step- Tbursday, July l8th, regardmng . John Benjamin French, Lams- Mangarptonhemy westbound car driven by Jack pe4 into The Statesman office to the overbead crostg of No. 2 4'dawne Ave., Tororito, called the actv e fteWrSrie Bryce, Woodstock. Reid and bis renew bis subscription. Althougb Highway immediately west of the ' most decorated N.C.O. in Canada, Co iteLnJeONela- party were on their way ta Balti- old in years Ile is youtbful ta Town af Bowmianville bas been bas been called for British ser- noucda h cu ol s more ta attend another son~s spirit, with a keen mtad and brougbt ta aur attention. W vice. He obtained a minor post sisii h ainlRgsrto weding. memlory and an alertness wbich greatly appreciate yaur construc _,,in ht Otio go. ne erieby rvdn rnsotto o Alotate adcar were. hi belles bis advanced years. He bas tive criticism in ii atradashort ie .thoewocudno tews e son George, the driver, his.-wife hadl in bis mtad for same time we are pleased ta advise that at__ French awarded the D.C.M. oi: eas eotdia Charlotte, and Miss Lois Grant af ta buy the old Ferris bomestead, the present time arrangements and two bars, the Military medal ladewrtgangwhte cal condition, as is Mrs. Raid. tenanted by Ed. Strong and own- lahing signal intailed t e seso hi ahr uhCm msaf h snwwt h natv okri t nr sd ure the egaCridet Miss Grant bas minor injuries. ed by Wilfred Sanderson. Sa he wesi of ibis crossing. seps , o thei ate,wHugbCs- e RCA.ansTr toisnoBrwitb the an acte rkeChr hintlAnrew' deGuerre, atheasBelgin Croin de tetop n bttecu erntBwanileqhosrvdR...F n rntn Buewo rabtrinChrh.rtîr G err, nd wsmtane ta seft t sitte ybyn In the Bryce car, the driver W88 On bis way t renew acquI n combination with this ligbt overseas three years ta the Great lait bis position ta Skinner's, Osb- well tremble in tais boots wedsace ala tan4txe ua orternes D o suffered severe bead injuries;,acst i atv ilg n we will alsa endeavour ta bave War, was wouaded twice and ata jota up; Alec and Hugh this f anily of sturdy Scotch stock durtag bis service witthe n ayo the Milnd RaPin Mis'HeenBadwn uieri egpercbance satisfy bis ambition ta adcitional signs erected w îeredwth distiction, his wi e a b odoetWo lotou gis ~-P~IfnryBto ate atwr adifre h cu htte injuries and bead lacerations; again bave the old hamestaad of matorists of the sharp turn ahead. sons lait no time ta rallying ta mî4iville, and Jack worked at the by John M. James. For bis action ta savtag the life wer al ane isot Miss Norah, Dlrby sutie 65 acres back in the Ferris fam- the colors ai the second World B~kdale Nurseries. Ail are of Capt. Gardon H. Graham irequpetadte lb.adn fracturai, ièà, à*fe. and jaw. ily. We have not heard as yet if Yorsvry truly, Wr )o ettrgt o,1Ggnr xetDn h rv the batile of the Somme, Frencb atel 2 a ept Th as fteacdn a da"wsmd.A. A. Smith, Wa. Pom eftta lgb: Dn, iWnforxcettDn. heirav-eali fltbendeiitl dtrmnd y We cannai jusi undersiand why Chiai Engineer, u .n. toria Cross., Ha was also appoint- cma ateftr r 'al police at a lite bour lasi nigbi, but Mr. Ferris want mare land, for Fer J. D. Millar, - * L*J Ptche ed a King's sergeant for gallantry s80 siisi neseta af the cars was on the wrong sidehGi at Durhanm Old Boys' and DTIDP& E capturai a Garman machine-gun msiecsaytkaphamr oth odwe hymtaGil'u haonanWielg,ba GOODEA <PLOYEES A o enest, killed several Gerinans dils-. Pleanyaculdt rh hloawb e tofyPetonai au nleontwne e __ OODYNAAslovais l'OIR DU -0Corne back and balp us posai ai two enemy bombesndt tle boaus west Poincian- fine fanas tan the fertile -distt REGISTERED AT PLANT ___ during ibis .time of emergen- capturai saveral.OnbalaitaBcleaet stale bot2D . Prs ovinca Of Holland, Man., as WOUl ai 8ev- 'Welcome reliai was faît by the cyll, is the cal being sent ta ClbLoCariCrtrepan ville, investigated and Sargeant eral apartiment bouses ta Winni- Deputy Regisirars ai the townRilsadSogn For the second time ta bis former membars ai the Bow- EDITOIR ON BOLIDAYS a ht ar lid ose a ýHnero teO. . laeci cainai enit -Walllearnaci that al:em- MUSe Rgî.teMdyoitbful career Ed WitherMdge manville LginBand by EPl e.W aesbstk bar Stra ona n ,ce statd, but the date bas not ambitions. be registered int the national bypitcbi* a na-bit no-run game iifteen ai bis mari have ans-an a week's resi irom bis editorial tt egtcr eeneait been set. On bis trip bere bhe was ac- round-up the waek previus te cond os 9 a h &defeat Port Hope 6-0 bore lasi wered the cal ta the colore duties ta accompany 25 American trapotm brshe.Atne Btauo eedamagai badly. companieci by bis daughters andi the î9th. Tiius ibair work wM ha Recmenaiosmaetote t. Not only did the local andi ara no langer ai liberty toeaditors wbo are making a tour ofnaa 01ofceeaiteMiun Bohatswr ons-.ta-law, Mr. and Mm. Di M.lianie consicerably ihtr. TeRouie of Commons by its.specfl 1m~dthe Ontarios hitless, atten4 practices and Paradas. the intaresting toxiriatlocations inta- Ragiment who were theraCotiue asror 1e ri Wbeng--on g hdqgmn.q.qqp ~ _ LL. ._Mil.n S. JhnNB su diison i Bmmnvre, Ed Reulilos povdesforth re- utsfAnrwat'hmoeha ave t axitfortheduatin a dcte bytthe aadan eeky i te dspsaIof heclual H. MVVElEa5,St.lJohnwar is-the reason Bhamagives.NewspaperstiAssociationforThelOn-g-xpressedprbisssgratitudeThforn-he i)IAiaJMl Lt4i~iJAIBy the way, 1Mr. McMllan is ac- ward Nickarson and Alan Tamnb- istratian ai al rifles andi shotguns Bowmnvill~e aspt inthe ake tfor lis thforsvonthees t aa enan's Association m an aor eciru ro h XTEE %lmrif- y uaitedwiqualz nia, ormrwln hveAeenin hEreliotingformereLeaulyntembaveeplb-efrnctain chargenterntotord Hteg jeweller ai ibis towii, nrint the answers there ail ibis week. wath the authorities. This action downs. step itt the places now the Ontario Tourit Bureau an anLan.ioMoBrliwsap FE DSON M N business in St. John n prois-f will arable the govermnenita e Tnx ga wllb layeci vacant. Whether you cari effort ta fimiliarize aur naighbors poititce htteyugtr rED N Aetrn llainv eeA en inl D.m Ms ro ànol iacomplata check-up on al types bere Friday evening, with PBtoothai forabit the Carnival com-sotsinOntri. TVLtur n ovy proa.D.adMs ro -àccço Hope once again supplying the music an a tuba, your offer ta greetings fom. the edtor to oseeruthe ban S.,twroughesibisfPartoandeDonn.Westnuhe werethpriseththePatladoDong:eQuakerweOetP LOCAL GIRLS LEAiui eeiing Scorntch re ediio -a Truro HererLa et o . a ea.s rgsrai opposition. teRaas crisis inits existence will be recently on a noiar trip ta Mon- wlh niJnmapesn refusai would ha raquireci ta de- displayed same ai their besi base- îoucb witb ccti. Gw- ra ttawa.Que boys Treped iver Four Bawmanville grs bave U u I Pa de liver up their firearnas within ten bail of the seasan. They took ta member aof t -o ny Otaa he boys raponiaed bavang supe.ervia yWlrdCruh completeci the courses in Nutri- Cr AYack biEAUand RegimA ent Par des ys. Amy suspected of ai vtg an Tommuy Pamntar's pitcbes in the ______________________ 'eil 01ehet -Ae c tao m Nusig wic wee eli u* nreisera soign r ifii l for four runs, by buncbing Gre C n lit on LuauuNrigm c eehedurgstrdsog rrfetbrebits and a sacrifice. Rick- g, ana o Nost ony pet, hOAwn w Gelphn-. Mwould ha subjeci to avi b is ard haci been bit by a p'bhd a ha. vr niUrdrSv No nlhatrs O.A... Gutp.. ohu's CWon havandpuce owmanvMe*,-M.- uv.eam News be aiei ~~,ni presented ,cQurse, but two ___ premlises searchaci. Persans guil- bail ta open the inning. (B beDrh)Bacni osSeen niiusl former Bowmanvilae people wha ty ai selling or purcbastag fine- Bob Kent lad the Bowmanville 01yAt ae)Ohre oeyBg ae now hold, positions there lecturaci, Historic St. John's Anglican INTELLIGENCE OFF]ICER armi withaut permits would ba attack by connecting safely tbrea Mm;Riehnns-Ca.Cr namely Mass Greta Polard, wbo Cburcb was iilled with worship- liable ta a fine ai $100 andi costs limes in four trips ta the plaie.EATSDMran s..N.Be tIdlt: baci mucb tao do with organizmng ping_ people Sunday monning. or tbree months imprisoninent or Witheridge andi Roacb misa play- EAST CoMt.andeM. MC.Byn i id-te;roais-LornaA1l; the courses, and Dr. G. Elinora when more than 100 soldiers ai bath. ed a prominent part, each hitting Mr. and M&a. N. C. Hutchinson, byhCottae. gl lat bo-Crinac nhr o 'eU Reaman, teachar ai Englisb uand the Midland Regiment, wbo bave The proposai amencinent pro- sfl w"Tiha Btmsatbt oto n rs oeMr n o eacorh ulas eeBlasi"Vls arB1, Mea adsn;F psycholagist, farnier supertatenci- bean on guard duty ai the C.A. vdsfrtecnelto fp sfely Th e otaHopeautfit e ain at. ocior and M. Jonds, . dNo.m, ei oth astweklyashleet ony- ei aeB( Ing ont ai the Boys' Training Scbool S.F. station, Trenton, beld aan eovrprtsi hyaeatraeigsoigpsto ob M.C.okr.ndr.pulhdb heBchAoi- bare. 1cburcb parade. Thay were lad by ointepbi neetThsolonetruhuth aeRe.HroMsR.Serto eei niemfmti e Misses Dorothy Eciger, Mar- the Midland Reginiental Band flte mnmn s rbbyteAdti wsi ainigwenMs .PtikadNedMs miiu ew-he:Fnnilt janie Bradt, Anma Buttery and Campbellford, very smart ta thair ôttnigfaueo h eo-Kn n son eegit fT od ootM.adMs eun nte"prsDy eet Jean Morris took the course. Miss scarlet tùnics, playing cip cnlspin fra rsetteeeros uig one nthr .H emliiufao-r .a iteude atya, u ilp Morris specialized ta nursing and tary airs. The detacbmeni was ta vafr th can eleainipsiotnlbase.Pot ono pedti wea ta Mn. esswaick , land Mns. C. No 1 bengalhin-weetkngshetBotex Hre ae th thr n uriin cageo ajrF.L ude.rftevoer ermitwes thy athrWatson itscond gfositiohe br.C Cookagn.e. 1 e.pblsheci oytheBatch Assca- io uthJmswoea 'Te ere an hnsfo ftrmrhn runftw r fno e publc esi. hi out.oc irogouMtegan . e . Cnorio , Miss R. Stewarttion Rare sis .ane rmidns beacareahike ae o tuhetandtag iaaiure ai the racom- Kart and csborne wee guilty ai T. Ford, Toronto, Mn. md Mn.andturnsEon ta "SportsrDay"oware ibetclubeishsdoltag for $1.0Ofra aci them on a variety ai aliieci cial church service ta their hoor. ' and aduits. came ta the lait Ibrea tanings, Happy Family Inn. the Beach Association is campai- rouda an iI ahra subjects. Incarnas wan't ha ap- Major Rev. Canon C. R. Spencer, two mer ta each stariza gotag oui Misses D. Knigbt and A. Snow, lad ta pay the salarias ai two welate idiotdc reibly lowenad durtag the war padre ai the negiment sace1912, " oi ann rnadJmvatasnk-out route. wthe nodrta h odo Eut people will bave lesmoney conductaci the service. W F. S. *,.Kennedy, ai Bowmanvile, waee Bowmanville - Kart, ni; Raach Trlia krsCtae watbma r i et n.ertaibanan rtc aos bas lws te sperd because af baavy taxes Phillps, a veteran ai the World badly >njuradint a car and mater- cf; Bradd and Waltor, 2nd; Os- Mn. J. Henderson, Oshawa, ai may h iofp en.hmen a n ilte oo and glanionw that will bave ta coma ta finance War, reaci ibe lasson. cycle mix-up ta Orora Thursday bonne, lst; Amas, 3rd; Rice, ss; Mabdo Ctae na sbould realize that the prob- tha ersa on dado * the war. That is the opinion ai Canon Spencer spoke plainîy ta naght. A car driver hy Mr. Fogg, Witberidge, p; Crombia,mI. Mr. A. Raye, and Sandra, Mr. lem ai raisin g ibis money is nat carnvlngt iawn -Ue, was praceeding nrth Port Hope - Dawley, ss, John- and Mns. T. Fisher, Junior andi only ihat ai the Association. Ev- Guszaibcuhweofcs thase experts who ana supposai ibe mer andi congregatior, telling in the vilgebente collision son, 3rd; Polis and Foota, 2rd; Helen, Toronto, aI Leaky Villa. eryona who uses theroad is par- aitoMfadRaiaitto ta know. how eacb could prapara ta aailg banHdo adCnsta f Ewr- Mns. R. Challis, Mns. K. Lux- sanally liahie for same ai the cost. duceib inCp.JeONil The Bowmanvilla girls wera "1gooci solder ai Jesus Christ." Ha occurred oppollite Mns. Orville Clamon an hiti, ni; ; Ew -tan, Mns. P. Cawan, Bawmurville aybv led adta$.0Ta eeL.Cl .H ob inambans ai a dlaisoa i nety-nine said that he feli ha knew wel Hoay's bouse. Bath Kennady's son, lst, Ceet, ;Mann, c f__ e ayhv led adte$.0T t Reormts evic embers pi Clellan ai Toronto, an esemed Put on bat thie carci and the RCNG 00 REBTMsB.HeyMisDWlcxwekdrcutngoran eercri faamsintaabl thummnt Sric onnI~former student of the bigh achoal registraion catililcate. j LOCAL MAN Miss R. Wllcax, Mn.a J. WHeeny, grariad leava fn orwandays ta gamas BowmanvilllaWornan's In- tees ot the Rotary Club ai talnthe days ai Mr. Ellloit's prin.. Yat another new rula makas Mis. B. WHeeny, M. . ard n W. raesiUplTey wfr i ae r g& hug oifrmto a stitute wlsh to think al those luncheon meeting lait Frldav i.Nalastpaiistiro-apoesa lbu rrn "o as misalt MCrp .en, Toro.,aid Rend. ez-t-day to-mow . is t- ee dmi, hnoeay op wbo donatai barries, main- vidai pîenîy of statisticaf rov- cpas o or t-orw ioi.b anc daca~aiclu ativtie ae ai-indulgeal nerjoyable remin- furmens to faciary supemiterd- taBar Dîllilng, South Wurd mer- vous Coltage. cluded intathe numbar are sevaral te aaterulonswtt bans ai the Bicycle Club andcaeci chaiclabout Bawmirvreig-leatartnesponsibla ion seng thai chaniman, thar the bat weather Mn. ind Mrs. H. Raynen Sr., qualifiadi nstructors.shrtun wanhywila othas fo piktagbarIes ,ta "from strength ta strangthI and the -Rotary and Ilions l place of a regularskr pasi and prescrit. thair employaes hava ragisterad. ai Augusi. Haei a well knawn Mr..and Mns. A. limynen, Miss J. Sports equipment, which wai holigfaunprdethuh spakrThey are nequiradc ebck up an creator ai canine perfection andi Rayner, Mr. and Mns. G. Camp- lacktag ai the haginning, bai theiown Clubs for donations ai sugur. saveral Rotarhans gava an id ithe carda or the lait day ai nagis- was pratty pleasai lait week bail, Taranto, and Mn. J. Laggatt, been purchasaci througb the kinci angi h oaan ilpr Ovar 800 Ibs. af deliclous counting ot thair ycar's activities. Mr. Archia Woods, minager of tration qî uhorly thercafier -and whan ha beard thît one ai bis Scoiland, ai Jittars Inn. nais of the Lions Club War Scr-tilcpaetteLonClbard strawbarry and naspberry the mcn's depariment ai Coucb, report vry l Ipses, athcrwlsc thcy prloteges, Maple Prince, wblch ha Mn. and Mns. Fred Crabe, Mn. vices Commrittea wblch contribut- capaii Isiboae b b jain bave been torw red te Miss Chrissia Freeman ivisit- Jabnston & C ry don man'a, la whil ha habla ta a heavypnalty. sald t Harry Chapman, Maple, and Mrs. Wale Rayson and John ai $25.00 to the. Conmpany and RimatBr.TeMltaui the Rai Cross frorn the In- ing ai han broiber's, Mn. E. R. spending bis wdl canai vacation Llkewie, employers wMl9haguil- baci won twa tirssoui ai three Mr. andi Mns. FraiFord, Mn. iýd offared any funiher co-operation wl] ismahiwllteV- stitute. Freemar, St. Catharines. ta Ottawa. iy. of an otiecIf they take ay tries ta races ai Ulster Siidlum. Mrs. F. Cashmone, Tarante, with raqulred. oso hi pr-ea' oeGad

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