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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1940, p. 6

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?AGE SIX THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, AUGUST 15TH~ 1940 _____________________________________________________________________ - _____________________________________________________________________ w SPORTNEWS On Pay-Off Game Wn Dy Mike's Place.Agaiiist Clerks Mike's Place staged a blitzkrieg i the local softbail league when they blasted Front Street pitching for 22 hits to defeat the Main Streeters 20-10 ln the first gaine of the play-offs. Leading hitter for the winncrs was Ken Werry who smacked out two horners and a triple in four Urnes at bat. Aiso to the fore in hitting honors was Waly Wilson with four bits including three doubles. Mike's Place went into a three run lead in the first inning, an advantage which they neyer te- linquished. The rnaroon-clad out- fit added seven more in the sec- CMEARTUECAUSE 0F BABYeS DIARRHOEA rIT ffl rbb'a sWeaat.Loera Us reb. tane to diseue. Lesvubh= a m oo - k . R4ulae tibe s eh anhU RaMi tho oeerlmoe of Mm. EIth Sî ai Bo UnLie PMO, Oui.: I bmavenn m1 drm lave nt .m one sime.iim ams Ilems, and omsibitoe abwa veTa0ea. y« dluoatbL me Inwsub Tae - cie mr up mue. p emetivea1oN n Mmcf 51U510 M - - MoW bu& kIf y= e e fltbb ond. Thea Uic Merdhants camne inta Uce picture nornentarilY wiUi a 7-rua raily ilatUc lait hall of thc second ta make Uic score 10-7. But a 6-rua hitting spree by Uce Billiard boys ia Uic third settled Uic ontcome oaitUc issue igît then and there. Dave Osborne on Uic m9und for Uic Westemacrs pitched gaod bail exccpt for a lapse in Uic sec- ond. In Uic first inning hc e- tired Uiee men in a row on strike-outs with Uic bases loadcd. Bil McFeeters was hit lard for 15 ruas la thc first thmee inalngs until rdlieved by Dick Rickard, wha lirited Uic apposition ta 5 runs for Uic emainder ai Uic gaine. Rickard, with twa for thrce, and MeFeeters with two for four, including a triple and a double, led Uic attick for Front Street. McFeetcrs and Rickard walked live bctwccn them and struck ont anc. Osborne walkcd four and strnck ont three. No less than egît doubles werc lit - Mike's Place getting five aid Front Strcet Uhrce. 'he largest crowd since caly July witnessed a mcal slugging bail game. Due ta two lardbal gaines this wcck and thc Lions Club Fair, Uce next game wMl not take place until next Monday evcning, August 1Mtl. .Mik's Place - Litte, c; Mc- Kaiglit, nf; Piper, 3l1; Wcrry, lzt; C. Osborne sa; D. Osborne, P; Gay, 2nd; *ilson, cf; Moore, If. Front Street - McFeeters, p; C. Mdflveea, c; Jackzn, Sd; Rice, sas; Cale aid Rckard, lot; Ruadle, 'J GUARD THEIR HEALTH À A souà &ettof goal orefuily planned mb i' hthe b guwanhe of piur cbhIden'a good ii twmp.sblà Sooen o f d&et for ohU&rem and s U> e Ti.lateort iequpmnt nfegwadàOlen lRU U.pquaiity OS our Table. <RAZDAKATI King st. If; Brongh, cf; Allan, 2nd; Craw- ford, If. .RE Mike's Pl. 376 012 1 - 20 22 5 Front St. 070 001 2 -10 10 3 Umpires - Hobbs and Large. ROYAIS BEATEN BY COBOURGPONIES Bowmanvilce almoat c hasecd Uicrnsclves ont of a play-off berth at Cobourg Augnst 7Ui when Uic Ponies laced -the ~Ioyals ta Uic tune of 11-1. In iact, Uic score was so bad that Uic score-keeper wias nnable tà kcep up wlithUic gaine, Uic result beig that Bow- rnanville's best weckly lacks suf- ficient details ai Uic cacounter. If Uic Rayais win Uic remai- der ai their gaines, and if Cobourg co-opeý,ates by defeating Port Hope a couple of Urnes, Uic locals will be able ta snatch a spot in Uic finals. Apparently Bowmanviile was neyer in Uic picture in Uic Co- bourg gaine. Thc Paniez scared thrcc runs in Uic second inning, added three in Uic third, and two more in Uic fourth. Jnst how Uiey gat Uic rest of Uder runs rernains a rnystery - Uic official scorer didn't seem, ta kaow. Anyway, who cares? Baternan did Uic pitchig for Cobourg and must have held Uic Rayals wdli check. Osborne and Witheridge 'sharcd niound duties for Uic locals. LEAGUE- LEADERS DEFEAT OILERS Goodycars took full advantage of White Rase's feeble playig to score an impressive 17-6 victory an Thursday cvcaing. The Rub- berinatoyed with Uieir apposi- tion for six innings, Uicn having amasscd a 17-1 lead, Uicy con- descendigly gave Uic Qilers live ruas la Uic seventh. Goodycars scored i evcry ina- ing cxccpt Uic last, whcn Uicy munst have grawn tired of swing- ig bats and running bases. "Ace" Richards pitdhed great bail, al- lowing only two lits and anc run i Uic first six iaiags - and Uiat run was unearned. Despite four errors by his team-mates he was afforded excellent support in Uic pinches. Thc Tiremnen took a 3-1 lead i Uic first inaing and from Uicn an wcre neyer headed, addiag ta their total in each stanza aad holdig White Rose scoreless un- til Uic final frame when tlie 011- ers scored 5 ruas. Goodycars - Bagneil, cf; G. Pi- per, as; A. Osborne, 3rd; Colwcll, 2nd; Iurphy, if; S. James, lut; O. Hooper, c; Oke, r!; Richards, p. White Rase - Rice, 3rd; Ron Richards and Depew, as; G. Mc- Ilveen, cf; Summerford,2ad; Large and Hobbs, lst; Nqickeron, c; McKniglit and Bird, r!; Ray Richards and Blunt, If; Semple, P. R HE *Goodyears 311'624 0 -17 13 4 White Rose 100 000 5 - 6 7 6 Umpîres - Moore, Hobbs, and Large. LOCAL LASES LOBE TO OSHAWA WITH 23-9 SCORE one bad, inniag spefled defeat for Bawnianviile girls lait Wed- ncsday evcning when Oshawa Blues won 23-9. Thc Bownianviile. R o a n e r s started D. Dowaey on Uic mouad and were womkiag fine til Uch fourth ining wlen Oshawa bats started ta click aid a total ai 14 us cropscd Uic plate befome Uic third out was made. Dnriag tUus barrage ai mruns, C. Calville re- placcd D. Dowaey but without nudli auccess. The Roaniers wce gitof bad ficldig wlich did nthelp Uic pitcher any. On the other ide, Oshawa was cickig i fine style with Uic inlield o! Saowdea, HaInes, Prest aid Stark playing heads-up bal, ail Uic way. J. Stark stanted on Uic mound for Oshawa but was replaced by M. Hughes wlien Bowmianviile begai ta lit. Hom- crs were made by R. Prcst, G. HaInes, D. Atterslcy ai Oshawa ànd i. Johns and D. Dowaey ai Bowznanville. Oshawa Blues - D. Mincmi, r!; S. Snowden, lb; R. Prest, sas; D. Attcrsiey, c; G. HaInes, 2b* PF Goyae, 3b; R. Claus, if; M. len- alngton, cf; J. Stark, p aid 3b; M. Hughes, p; J. Claus, If; M. Blake, Cf. Bownanvile Roamers - D. Goulah, r!; M. Wiseman, c; L. Large, sa; 1. Johns, lb; L. Wise- man, 2b; D. Downey, p aid r!; F. Clarke, cf; J. Large, 3b; D. Bickdl If; C. Colvilie, p; M. Rice, as. LOCAL FORESTERS MiEFEATED BY 21-10 A sdheduled bail gae played at Oshawa Beach Augustl12ti saw Jerry Blrd'z Court Bowrnan- ville Roamers go down again in defeat against Uic f ast stepping Court Ozhawa Blues, 21-10. Mary Hughes, tire bail pitcher for Uic Blues, went Uic route, and neyer found aay .dfficulty la puzzling Uic Roamners. Ia addi- tdon sIc was given errorless sup- port. Jerry Bird tarted D. Dow- aey, and C. Colville, southpaw pitcher for thc Roameru, flnished thc game. Bath pltclied good bal but Uic Roamers were weak boUi i Uic field and at bat. The well coached Bines are a amnart bail club and have only logt two games ts season, boti ta Court »owmanviile. Isabel Johns starred for Uic Roamers, her hcavy hitting and her plays at fit was Uic anc br ht light ai Uic game. Marlon Mconald miade lier flrst appear- ance lor the Roamersand haadled bath pitchers in big leagiîe style. These two tearni play again ia Napance August 17t1. Anyone lsngtransportation get i Royals Tum, Tables on Poules ToSteghi Chances for Finals Ffnt hut-out Geeof the Ymar - P1rovMd Bpwt,uIar Boai'. m&1'ro*d Of Fmi Bowmanville -Royals tied partial reveage for theîr ,iurce- My defeat at thc harids,of Courg Paniez enedywheuitleyde- fcatcd the Canntytownehl 8-0. The gaine was played at thie local bail park Saturday a eno.and lncldentafly the park hàsnt't ook- cd better thanks to «'D" CMhpany of the Midland Regiment who so painstakingly cut ail th« outfield grass and piled it neatly 'up ini anc corner of the field. «Lanky"' Dave Osborne hurled thc Royals ta victory, pitchlng the entire garne with an mrm sare from averuse. A total of. 8 rnen struck ont on Davc's wandcr ball and nobody reached tirât on a free ticket. Smilth, an thc mouad for Uich Ponies, struck out '7 play- ers and waikiag none. The services of Alex Colville were .put back into use. After being laid up with a spre anh:e cornes back without any.practice and whams out a triple in Uic fîrst inning ta bring in ýtwo "ruas. A total of five runs came acros home plate in Uic Rayais hlu af Uic first ianing. The lads ta nake thc four base tri p were Roach, Rice, Walton, Colville and Os- borne. In Uic third frame Dave Os- borne pravidcd a littie humor for. the fans, hltting a triple out to centre field, got goiag 50 fast around Uic bases that when he came ta third lie couldn't stop so had ta keep on going home where he was taggcd aut by Catcher Zeaiand. The rernaining three ruas af thc Rayais came in Uic sixth, when Osborne doubled, Crombie singi- cd and were bronght home whcn Jack Rice tripled. Rice arrived horne an a single from Walton. This was the first shut-out gaine that Uic Rayais have had Uis year anid iacidentajiy It secrned as if Uic local lads cauldn't do anythig wrong except- start about an hour late and then it wasn't Uicir fauît. Bowrnanville - Raach, Ist; Rice, ss; Waltan, if; Kent, Srd; Colville, cf; Tighe, rf; Osbor;ne, p; Cran- bie, c; Aines, 2nd. Cobourg - Zealand, c; Payne, ss; Bateman, lst; Smith, p; P. tonch wiUi Ted Clarke, Bowinan-. ville. Court Oshawa Blues M. Blake, Miners, Snowdcn, Prest, Addersléy, Hughes, Sak, Pen- nington, Gibson, Hfomeg and Clans. Conrt Bowmanville Roamers - Woodward, Wisemnan, J. Rice, I. Johns, J. Large, L. Wiseman, F. Clarke, C. Colville, D.Do e, M. McDonald. Umpires - Ted Johns, Harry Collocutt. SAXBLY's. OAEBONATECD BEVIERAGECS OsH4WA PHONE 5 Johns, 2nd; L. Johns, r!; Camp- bell, cf; Brooks, If; Medhurst, 3rd. R H IE Cobotirg 000 000 000 -0 7 1 Bow'vileé 500 003 000 - 8 13 1 Umpires - Alex His and Mic- key Devine, Port Hope. POLICE CHIEF ACTS AS JUDGE Plans were completcd for Uic big Jamboree ta be hcld at Peter- boro on Saturday at Uic weekly meeting ai Uic Lions Safety Bi- cycle Club.* The Jamboree is be~ing spoasored by Hsrry 'Red' Foster and should provide plenty aif en- tertalament for Uie young cycliste. Thc weèkly traffic court was con- ducted wiUi Chie! ai Police Syd- ney Ventan acting as Uic judge. Bil Morris gave ai intereating accouuit ai lis vacation. A wlcaer raast is to be hcld on Frlday; August 23rd, wlth a committee leaded by James Stutt looking alter Uic details. Jack Cliilds acted as chairmali ai Uic meeting. Thc Rayais seen ta like going fran ance extreme ta anotheri Uie series just played with Ca- bourg. It is ta be hoped that Uiey have scttled dowa ta same caracst bail playing until Uicy have won thc Intermediate A championslip. Davc Osborne certainly de- serves credit for pulliag Uic team Uhrangh on Saturday - it seemed as if he coul't make a mistake. He also lad a limte backing from Uic rcst of lis team-mates, a thing that las been rnlsing in most af thc recent games. "Ticker" Crombic aiso did his share for thc tcam, baagiag out thre lits out Mi four ines at bat. Tickcr also was "beaned" in thc head when a foul tip glanced off Mis glove aidito his curly locks. Fortunatcly le was only stnaned for a fcw minutes. Bowmaiviile completes its lea- gue schedule on Friday cveaing whca Uiey again neet Port Hope. Il the Rayais win Wedaesday night's gaine and agai on Fiday they arc deflaitely in thc play- offs, but if Uiey ýshould lose, it will mean Uiat Cobourg will lave ta trimn UicOntarlos ta give Uic local lads a furtlcr chance ai playing. Thc soldiers are ta be certainly credited for thc excellent shape Uhey had thc bail diamond in on Saturday. It is thc first ine that Uic outfield lasa't been a regular liay f ield, aid the inlield was cleaned- up so it..looked.second ta none. Thc crowd at Satnrday's game was meagre ta say thc leait, but with thc fightiag chance Uic locais have, it seems a pity more aren't carnag out to cheer their favorites ta victory. Ia Uic realin o! soitbail, It looks as if Uce ruiez govemnlag thc cllgibillty ai players las been Uhrawa ta the wind. At Uic firat play-off game Monday, several players weme nsed 'that have neyer been seen around Uic town softbail leagne. Thc league ichedule fiished with Uic Goadycars fa hi Uic lcad, aid Uic White Rose teani just as fa behiad as Uic ubber- men wcre ahead. Thc other twc. teains were falrly well b>nched with Uic Billard Kings havig a aliglit advaitage over Uic Clerks. Thc daw for Uic $5.00 War Savings Certificate 'was won by Private John Graham, Midlaad Regirnat. Thc funds secured fron this draw wlil be used ta purchase cquipmcat for thc soit- bail play-offs. Thc next garne will be Manday aight wlea Mike's Place again neets thc Front Street team. Courice A misceilaneaus slower was held at Uhe home ai Mi. aid Mis. Luther Barrabail on Frlday evea- ing i honor of Mis. Gordon Bar- abail (aoc Frances M. Reynolds). Mis. Haold Scorgie, a former Suaday ichool teadlier ai Uic bride, was in cIarge ai arrange. ments. Aound 75 persans as- sernbled an the lawa ta view thc opcaing ai Uic gifts. Car lights t1lumrnated Uic circle, wihUtc bride aid groom nea Uic centre. An addrcss was read by Mis. R. Tooley, aiter whlch Uic young couple proceeded ta open aid display Uic aunerous gits, which included silverwace, cut glass, pyrex aid china wae, electrical appliances, a mantel dock, alu- min wae, aid nany other use! ul articles. Owig ta Uic busy ucason maiy friends sent remtem- brances who could not attend la persan. Thc groom Uiaaked ail preseat for their kiadacis. Fruit aid caady weme semved, and danc- ing folaowed. Ainang those at- tcndiag fram a distance weme: )&. aid Mii. Wm. Barrabail, Miss Joyce Aldred, Mr. Chaaies Dow- ney, Bownanville; Mr. and Mis. Jack Goyae, Mr. and Mmi. Jack Barslay, Mir aid Mii. Wm. Sul- ley, Mmi. Wrn. Hobbs, Oshawa; Mr. Gordon Plckeil, Detroit; Mmi. G. H. Robinson, Thornton's Cor- ners; Mis. W. Boyce, Brighton; aid Mr. Clarke, Ncwtonville. Syrnpathy is extended ta rela- tives of Mis. Thomnas Scott, Beth- aiy, wha passed away Anguat th. Wrn. Whlttick, son ai Mmi. Paul Antil, is now wlihUch Ordnance Camp at Landan. Pte. Whlttlck's father gave hli 1inehe icAllied cause during Uce World War. Visitons: Mis. S. Paternoster wihMis. John Trick, Osa. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scorgie, Mrs. Earl Gatchdil, Misses Myrtle-and Hilda Scargie at Port Pcrry. Mrs. W. Boyce, Brighton, wli her daugliter, Mrs. Clarence Pen- ionnd. . . Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Phair Misses Dorcen and Audrey, and Mr. and bits. Herry Baldwin at Port Boister, Lake Sîmoe.. Home over Uic weekend: Mr. Win* Rornhaayi, Jr., Fraaktord; Geo. P. Reynolds, Peterboroughi; Gun- ner Rex Tooley, Lindsay. Solina Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitneil, June and Lorraine, To- ronto, at Mr. W. J. Reynolds'. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. ,Pascoe, Col- umbus, with Miss Mary Hogarth. ..Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott aad fainily at Mr. Wilbert Smitls, Oshawa. Donald rernlad for a vi. . . Miss Catherie Miler, New Toronto, at Mr. L. Miller's. ..Mr. aad Mrs. Lumb, Tampa, Fia., with their daughter, Mrs. W. Leask. . -. Mr. and Mrs. Nom.- Muttan, Oshawa, at Mi. W. West- lake's. . . Mr. and Mrs. -Donald Yellowlees and Helen, Columbus, at Mr. J. Yellowlees'. . . . Mrs. Charles Scott, Southampton, at Mr. R. C. Scott's. . . Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Stevens at Port Bolster an Sunday. . . Miss Beryl Larnier, Blackstock,- at Mr. A. J. Balson's. ..Pearl Leach and Ileen Balson at Mr. Burney Hooey's, Burkctaa. Worn's .Institute met Thurs- day with Mrs. S. E. Wcrry pre- siding. Prograin was in charge ai Mrs. Wilfrid Dcwdil, Uic subjet being "Canadianization." Thc ad- dress "Four Square Cornmunity - Whosc Task?" was weil preseated by Miss Harris. Cormnaîaty siag- ing was enjoyed. Current events werc given by Mrs. A. J. Balson. Ia connection with Uic National Registration, August 19-21, regis- trants in polling siIb-divisian No. 7, Darligtoa, cornprlsing lots 25 ta 35 inclusive in concessions 4, 5 and 6 tare hereby advised Uiat Uic Deputy Registrars wiil attend at Solina School on Monday, Aug. 19, from 8 a.m. ta 10 p.=., and on Tuesday and 'Wednesday, Uic 20Ui and 2lst, at Mitchell's Corners sclool. Gad save Uic King! Zion .Miss Elleen Stainton and Mr. Donald Beckel have lad toasilitis. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson and Jean, Mr. and Mis. Gemald Balzan, Mr. Harvey Balzan, Miss Eniily Killen, Mr. and Mis. Anson Bal- son and fainily, Mr. and Mis. Jesse Araatt, Beraice and Jack, were at Geneva Park at a picnic for relatives ai Mi. and Mis. J. Felton and Mr. Alan Araatt ai Norfolk, Virginia. Mr. Al. Ayre sold 10 yearling registered. Southdown cwes ta Don Héad Faniers, Ltd., Richi- mond Hill. W. A. Tea held at Mrs. J. Shackeltaa's August 7 was quite a success. Proceeds over .$32. Mis. Gerald Balzan attadcd. a shawer for her sister, Miss Ann WilkiasCourtce, at Mis. Kniglt's Bowm Wile. Visitors: Mr. and Mis. Thos. Martî,Shirley and a wence, at Mrs. Ford's, Uxbridge. Shirley is .t igwith her gandioter. .. Mses Pearileadl, Slia; -and Jean Leach, Bowrnviile, at Mr. Norman Leach's. . . Mis. T. H. Harohaw and Miss Nancy Bar- ohaw have returncd ta KIng City. ..Mi. Jas. MeMaster, Toronto, at home... Miss Vema Balzan, Kin- sale, at home. . . Mi. .and Mis. Chas. Mitchell and Russell, To- onto, at Mr. Russell ..a. . . Mr. aid Mis. Frcd Cameron and Are YOU SBUll Piomeerhiq7 JIKE, log houses, iron pumps and 'ontside sanîtaryL J.accommodation are reiics of pioneering days. They arc out-of-clate, inconvenient, uahealthy - and your farnily should not have ta -put up with them. Running water under pressure enables you ta, replace such antiqtIated arrangernents with a Modemn EMCO Bath- room, and up-ta-date kitchen and lanndry f a- cilities. An. up-to-date DURO Water SUPPly systeiu will fumnish ail the water necessary for these hèine improvements and it wili also gup-ply unang watér ta, barns and other buildings wheme required. The Dura Special System, capacity, 250 gais. per hour, compicte with 25 gal. Galvan- ized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only i 86.00 For a iovcly bathroom, as iliustrated, the EMCO Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatamy with trimmings costs only .........136.00 <Soil and iran pipe and fittings extra) Other Complete Bathroom eciuipmenif as 10wi as............. ....................... 83.90 Can be pùrchased under our Basy Payment Plan or tbe Home Improvement Loan Act. BERT PARKER PLUMBER Plane 2884 DURO SPECIAL coa-ais. h. sigppbd fo Gasolina Enin. OPO!tifofl I-elen at Mr. Win. SniUi's, Whit- by. Miss Mildmed Smilth came home with then for a .1..... Miss Olga Lang, Toronto, wlUi Miss Audrey A..... Mr. George Hoikin, Thomtoa's Corners, et Mr. J. W. Balson'i. . . Mr. aid Mis. A. Ayre and family at Lakc- vlew Park, Oshawa. . . Mr. aid Mmi.. M. Prout and fasnily at ?&. J. Shackelton's. . . Mr. Engene Gelssberger, Pasic, New Jersey, Dowmaige$ EMPIRE IRASS MFG. CO.. LMD. London Hamifton Wlnnipog Toonto SU,~ Vancouaver 2;5 with Mi. Hans Gissberge... Rev. and Mis. George Killen, Cob- den, at Mr. Robt.> Kiflen's. . . Miss Audrey Ayre at Mrs. J, Mar's Bownanvllle.. . Mr. and Mis. Tecf Chant, Gary aid Carol, Hampton, at Mr. Refond Camern'... Nmis Inez Cameron la liolidayiag with 1er graidmother, Mmi. P. J. Gif- fard, Osaca. . . Mr. and Un. Iva Cochrane aid Betty cai, Bw- manville, et Mr. Wes. Caieroo'. Ifiucan use ablodied willing youth frhprvesting and gen.nal fa=m h.lp, :Wymmeatel toyour R»v., Agri- = = O»UatLveor local Employ. mentOfce UCHOOL Boys- If you ire wifing to serve your aountko needs Iby h.1l21ng ou the f rm, enrol with your achool principal at Yomr owu achool.- Watch forenralluiezt dates. ICHOOL GIRLS If you are wllliqta serve by sellig war Sentficates enrol wlthyour ahool prhilp t Y=u owu sao. Watah for enroilment dates. The. Maintenance of a continuous supply cf food for Pritain's fighting forcesiand civillau Populaion is of paramount importance lm the suc>-ý cendau prosecution, of the. war. Thei financlng of oui' war effort i. 1ç another battls which must b. won on the. home economic front. - The, Ontario Gov.rnnint seeks the. co-operalion of en in meeting the prent cûitical situation. . B HPBUMR M. Oà NNPML mmaImISr FmEOR ONTARIO EMZRGZNCY CALL ré faruaêr fé achool boys a.ud to secondary sohool girls as .............................. TEMI)AY, AUGUST 15M IM PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVII.LE, ONTARIO 1 ----

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