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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1940, p. 3

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE TT41t~! ' RADWITE »FOR YOU fly John C. Klrkwood 'You may imagine that you bave troubles and auxicties amany - and it may nat be wboily imagi- nation. But are youi- troubles and auxieties and bardsbips and shor- tage af maney worse than the troubles which distrese others, and wilich make their outlaak a very gloamy one? Considen, fan example, those wbose business is the grawing and curing ai tabac- co -lunbath the United States and AÎada. The war bas cut off h. r foreigu mar-kets - lu Britain, ]Europe, China, and elsewhere. it is nOt alone the loss ai these mai-- kets; alsa, there is thc inevitable drap in the prices which can be obtained for tobacco. Then, tao, there is the cirucmnstance that there bas been a vei-y bcavy cari--ven from last year. The farmen who graWS Othen craps can count hiniseli lucky when be kAND and WATER heetothings are alrlght ln thefr place, but ln a watch they Just aren't neces- sary ln tact they can do a great deal of harm. Dring lu vour watch or elock now for a thorough overhaullng to masure keeplng the pro- Der time at ail times. Our work hs guaranteed for. one year, and our prîces are nioderate. S. J. HARTWIG WATCH94MKE Knlght Block DBowvmvlie .%eeT SERVICE UNITS OF CAUAI REA MOORINWUSTRY Atth. Toronto Exibiion, Aug. 23 ta Set 7, be sure ta seehe outstand- ing General Mators Exhibit in the' Automotive Building. SEE te display of mechanized srmy vehidles pro- duced by GM.:; LEARN about the activitles of the Volunteer Auxiliar Drivers Cor a , youug womeu traiae go serve by GM ... INSPECT the new, 194 lPootiacs and McLaughiu-Buicks ;; ATTEND te. showing of two thrillic ovies-"Futurama,- ini techncololunthe GM Theatre lu the AuomotlveBuildig-"Motors on the Msrch,' ai Marry Foster's Outdoor Theatre on thepgrounds. Everything fr... everybody welcome. GMX.67 looks at the farmers who gnaw tobacco. So bad -is the situation and the prospect that the tobacco grawers ai Virgirnia have valuutarily agi-ced on a 3-year programme of neduced production. They have agi-ced ta produce no more than 618,000 ,000 lbs. ai tobacco lu each af the uext thi-ce years - this as agaluat a production af 1,100,000,- 000 lbs. lu 1939. Whereas a year aga the fui-mers got 22 cents a lb. - an an average - for lest ycar's crop - wbat waa séld of it, they caunot hope ion mai-e than 15 cents fon this year's ci-ap. The carry-over irom lest year amounts ta 650,00,000 lbs. Sa thé tabacco fui-mers ai Vin- ginia are now considering a di- versification ai their farming - they will produce food ci-eps, poultry, dairy products, pigs and cattle. *Speuking ai tobacco: tabacco manuicturing hs ratcd as belug the oldest of America's big indus- tries. Iu 1939 Americans smokcd 172 billion cigarettes, and aven 5 billion cigans, and they uscd 88,- 000.000 lbs. ai snufi. There is iu the United States eue rctail ta- bacco autlet for every 200 persons! We cansumers are quen folk: wc do surpriug thinge. Thus, by wuy ai example, tuking us as a whole, we buy moi-c luggagc in December than we do lu the manths ai greatcst travel. Wbcre- us September and December i- main the twa best manths for Uic sale ai silverware, yet June bus now became thein rival. Un- daubtcdly Uhis is explained by Uic fact that June is Uic supreme mariage month. Mothens buy junior misses' cauts lu increaslu'g quantity from Fcbruary ta Apnil, and no langer arc the autumn manths rctaining their long lead- ership lu thsclase of merchun- dise. Despite the pr-esure put up- an us by advcrtisers ta make i-e- frigeratons a Christmas gift, wc bave nat rcsponded ta this pres- sure ta, any cansideruble extent. We buy marc refrigerators lu April, May and June than su uny ather montha. Despite Uhimmu-ense power ai advertising, 'it docs not always make us change aur ways or pi-e- ferences. This iact bas becu faund out by the big depertmeut stores, wbsch bave tried, for yers past, ta get us ta buy certain classes ai merchandise lu scasons sclected by thcm rather thun by US. Put it lu youn diary for next year: you can travel from Winui- peg - a cnuise - te Churchill in Uic Arctic, via Lake Winnipeg - wbicb bas a leugth af 300 miles - via Hayes River ta Hudsan's Bay, thence ta Churchill and athen nartberly points. Par ycars I bave b een keeping my cye open for a vivid account ai a ceruvan journey - such as that tuken by Uic traveilers ta Europe fram India lu Uic pi- Columbus days. But so fer I have failed ta get the sort ai picture desired: wrlters sccm ta take it far granted that we know al about ceravans and their wuys. Sa when I read about a present- day caravan jaurncy lu Thibet, I tried tn imagine Uic caravan jour- neye ai Uic Mididle Ages and oi priai- times. This Thibetan cera- van was cerrying tea - test growu au the western mauntulus ai Szecbway and sbipped ta Uic tent country ai Noithcust Thibet. The tea, put up lu bales, is compoeed ai Uic leaves, twigs and even Uic branches, ai the wlld tea plant, and h * considcrably adultcrated with leaves and twigs ai aak and laurel. The ceravan is made up ai "kette." Thc "lkettle" ih thc ba- sic unit ai Uiecacravan, and num- bei-afi-rnm thi-ce ta ten men, bav- l-ng firn 20 ta 100 or mare cattlc. Each kettie h camposed ai men who eut out ai the same pot and who dlaim the sarne ire. These JUST'ARRIVED NEW FALL DRESSES Alpacas Crepes Woolenes \I 'AI $2098 $3098 N Malker's present a dlep]ay ai new isil frocks created by the leadlng dress manufacturers and invite yau ta make yaur sciection naw while the assortmnent hs at its best. Phone 451 Bowmanvllle FALL FAIR DATES Dates af nearby Fali Pairs and Agitural Exhibitions: T ort (C.N.E.) - Aug. 23-Sept. 7 Oshawa - - - - September 9- 11 Part Perry - - - September 13-14 Lindsay - - - - September 18-21 Orano - -, - - - September 17-18 Blackstock - - - September 24-25 Millbraok - - - Septegrber 26-27 Port Hape - - - September 27-28 Markham -- -- --Octaber 3-5 Tweed -- -- -----October 8-9 Dates af ather Fail Pairs may be learned at the Agricultural Office. rtea caravane do not use camels, 0but Uic mdzo - a bybrid yak. s Among the 26 kèttles of the ycamp there was intense rival-y as 5ta travel technique, speed ai load- Ling, making camp, building fires, and lu gettlug started. Maklng camp is as mad a race as hs break- iug camp, the palm golug ta thc kettle which, havlug stuckcd laads, laosencd girths, and turned the cattle baose to graze, furet gets 1 moke going fi-rn its fire: Alter- noans are taken up. with nepair- ing gear, doctorlug soi-c backs, and eujaylug the plentiful leisure. Wben the camp does mave, it gaes at a pace of. about twa and a bal miles an heur. Always 1there is the thi-cat of uttack and 5rabbcry. i If you arc an important persan lu some educational or research or scicntific institution, and al- ways lu quest ai money ta belp it carry an, you may bave laokcd rhopefully ta the Carneigie or ta ithe Rockefeller Poundation for igrants. What ai-e your chances? You can be sure that you- appli- cation for funds is but anc af hundreds - perhaps thousands. Oue man had a chance ta examne 3the rcquests assembled in the files af anc ai these Foundations. Amang them he found these: anc fi-rn an educator wbo wanted an Funti-caniinunistic campaign sub- sidizcd; a plea ion aid lu syndicat- ing ideas ou economic rcform de- Ssigned ta do away witb capitai- ism; eue ta pramate singing and dancing; anc tta ke aver the op- cratian ai a denaminutional cal- lege. This examiner ai a faunda- tian's files cantaining requests for funds bas this udvicc ta give ta yau, if you asic planning ta apply ta the Carnegie an thc Rockefeller or other Poundation for fiuancial. assistance fan your institution or project: ««A good approacb is ta beo u itelligeutly lufannicd ai the areas ai its interest, and 'then seek its aie lu these tenms rather than go ta it with a formulated programme af ueeds." If yau are a scicntist and want' money fon research, some. kow-towing and wii-e-puiliug arc necessa-y, but flot neanly 50 mucb as you msght suppose. Your beet advocate is youn pi-opooal itacif. More and more are grants made by the foundatians lu ac- cordance with a well-cstablisbed system. The days ai apen-bandcd gîving wiil soan be aven. About hay fever. Experts have expncssc4..a lw.~po.about pollen pill. A num er af suffér- ci-s wcne given "fake" pilIs, and were told that Uiey werc made ai pollen. Oi the 32 cases reportcd on, 21.9% showed some improve- ment. Of those given genuine pollen pilîs, 29.8% wci-e benefit- ted. "Evidently," it was statcd, "the wish ta get better is as im- portan-t as is the pill." As agaluet the pollen pills was Uic pollen lu- jectiar treatment and ai those thus . 'aUj 569~ reported im- provement. Herc's a way ta cool youn iev- ered brow. Take a piece ai nu- tural eponge, and cut it s0 as- ta make it fit over youi- iorehead. Then semi-satunate it with wate-, and place it lu Uic freczing com- partment ai your s'cirigenator. Now place the frozen sponge on your iorcbead. As Uic ice lu Uic cells melts, Uic waten remains qi-pped therein so that it docs not aip an yau. It might be well ta bave a numben ai these'spanges ready ion us, anc ta iallow the other, until the aching brow hs betten. Nestieton S ervice in Uic United Chunch $uuday mrnng was weil attend- cd. The service was in charge af the cottagers fi-rn Scugag Point and the cburcb was decorated with ilawcrs lu memany ai Mr. Tackuberry. Service uext Sunday in charge ai the Woman's Associ- ation. Mr. Merle Thompean will be thc speaker. The Nestîcton Woman's Asso- ciation met ut the home ai Presi- deutMns. R. W. Narlaw an Thurs- day evcning, Auguet 15. Meeting was in charge ai Mis. S. Mal- colm's group. Sci-ipture rcading by Miss G. Bcacock; reading by Mie. K. Sarnelis, "At Breakfast Time"; rcading, Miss G. Beacock, "Na and Her Check Book"; cam- munlty singlng led by 1M4is. L. Thampson. Ladies planned au ice cream social and ehowe-foionen ai aur Neetîcton girls au Friday nlght. Visitons: Mis. Jas. Wfllanusan wiUi ber brother, Mr. John Mc- GilI, Janetvillc. . . Master Bily Johns wiUi iniende ut Madoc... Mn. and Mis. H. Wbecler and Glen wiUi ii-icnds ut Midland.. Miss Merlan Taylor with Mn. Mai-vin Nesbltt. . . Miss Helen Deyell, Janctviilc, wli Miss Ev.- lyn Carnpbeil... Ni-s. K. Wilson and daugbter, Singharnptan, have been visltlng ber parents, Mr. and Ni-s. E. Ar-mstrong. .. Mns. Bella Richar-dsou, Blackstock, wlth Mise Mai-y Malcolm. . . . Mise Manie Marlaw, Oshawa, baidaylng wlth her parents, Mr. and Mis. R. W. Marlow. Ni-s. S. Malcolm entertuined a number of friende on Tbursduy, it belng Uic accasion ai ber birth- day. Mi. Elwoad Pearson, an Osh- awa lad, is belping Mr. Arthur- Jackman on the iarm. A number af W. I. members met on Tuesday and canned eamc fruit for Uic relief. Sergeant Leonard Cubbage Mns. Cubbage bas liormed us that Leonard cablcd h. has ar- rived safcly lu Englund, and bad a good cnasslug. Shirley Shirley W. I. branch met at Mrs. A. Tripp's an Thursday, Au- gust 8th, with Mrs. Maare pre- siding. 1"This harrid kuacking ai the knees, This hateful, sickish feeling! I passed a church the ather day, A signboard urged the remedy- 1Par kuacking knces - try 1 kneeling." .Scripture, Psalm 61, and silent oprayer - "Lard shaw us the way 1and teach us haw ta follow it." A Red Cross branch was organiz- ed ta wark in conjunctiap with local Red Cross with Mrs. 0. Franklin, president; Mrs. A. By- ers, secretary; Mrs. R. Robertsan, treasurer; Mrs. R.- Caates, chair- man ai wark camxnittee, with Mrs. Spençer, Mrs. Wm. Lambe and Mrs. Hocken as assistants. The girls ai the community were urged ta jain the branch. The meeting was Hlealth and Child Welfare, Mrs. Haaey, canvener. Rall cail - A Health Rule; report of Achievement Day ai the Home- makers' Clubs af Durham at MinI- brook was given by Miss Annie Wright; Blacksto 'ck: Club girls' trip ta Peterboro Pair an Wed- nesday and a repart af the judg- ing by Miss Marie Tripp; brief sumniary of "Work and Methods of Girls' Homemakers' Club" by Mrs. Haaey; and a reading by Mrs. Moore, "Prayer Versus Hitler" fi-rn Globe and Mail, campleted the pragrami. A sho wer ai old kid. and leather glaves, ta be used in coat making far salons, is asked for ait September meeting. Any- anc passessing any please bring or send. None preaches better than the ant, nd she says tiathing.-Frank- lin. BOOTS and SHOES For anmtues or lor sturdi- ne« -we 'bave these- lu, the bout ai bath. We feature dress shoos at Iow prices te give yen that smartly dress- ed feeling. Ou- workbeets give yeu that extra amnunt or wear at ne extra coat We Fix lem Too with spood and dependabil- lty your ahees wll be 11k. new atr we have tivtn them au overbaul job. JOHN LENZ Shoe and Hameau Repira Klng Sit. W. - Dewmianvie SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURtSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA GOING DATES DAILY SIEPTEMBER 13 te 2V, 1940 RETURN LIMiT: 45 days. TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES Excursion ticket@ good In Tourist, Parier and Standard &loopin g cars al&o availabie on payment of siightiy higher passage lares, plus prIce of parier or sleeping car accommoda. ROUÏTES - Tickets good going via Port Arthur, Ont.,* Chicago, Ill., or Sault Ste. Marie, returning via sane route and Uine only. Generous op- tional routinga. STOPOVERS - wiil b. aflowed at any point in Canada, ou the going or re- turn trip, or both, wlthin final lirnit ot ticket, ou apillication te Condtie- tôr; aie at Chicago, III., Sauit ste. marie' Mich., and west, in accord- ance wlth tariffaeto United States line,. 22-29 Pull particulsrs -frein any agent. t CANADIAN PACIFIC1 Flach pad wâl kW Mfies iii dey and every day for three weeka. 3 p ada lnu cdipacket. 10 CENTS PER PACKET et Druglst, G,, Guel Stores. WHY PAY MORE? TME WILSON FL? PAO CO., HaImeOmi Roy S. Hall Roy was bai-n lu Wales and bas naw been with thé Goodyear Ca. 15 yeurs. He is inspectari-nl thé bcd, dcpartmcent. He takes an ac- ýtive interest in sports - via radie. Ebenezer L Services on Sunday were in »charge ai Mr. Chapmnan, Picker- ing, and with agood attendauce. Supply next Sunday will be a tempenance speaker. The W. M. S. met Thursduy, August 15, with an attendance of 21. Group 1 was in charge. The devotienal was lu charge ef Mis. Wilkins. Mis. Penfaund gave a short i-eading an Frayer and con- ducted devotional. Several pas- sages ai sci-iptune were rcad by the ladies. The guest speaker was Miss Mamaon Burns, Oshawa, wbo Lspeke on "Stewardsbip ai Lufe." Vocal solo by Miss Hazel Rundle. The many friends ai Mr. Sid Nichols wish for a speedy recov- ery fi-rn bis illness which con- Sfines him in a Toi-auto hospital. Ni-s. Walter Suiden, Vivian and Don, and Mis. John Montgomery spent the weekend at Wagarville. Group Na. 2, with Miss Louise Osborne as leader, were enter- tained ut the home aifNi-s. G. F. Annis on Friduy evening. Mn. and Mns. J. S. Felton and Mn. Alan Ai-natt have i-eturned te their home at Norfolk, Va., aiter a pleasaut holiday spent amang relatives. Cadmus Miss Helen Fawler who bas been taklug a summren course at Midland returned home lest week. 5h. is holidaying at Penelon Falls this week. Mr. Stewart McRabert, Oshawa, who taugbt Mahood's Scboal last year, has resigned in order ta ac- cept the offer ai a school near Oshawa. The service on Sunduy was fairly well attcnded and was ably taken by Mr. Smallmau ai Part Perry who took for bis text "Fol- low Me." He urged bis hearers te stop, look and listen, lu orden te aveid danger. Mr-. and Ni-s. Gearge Johustan Mdris F. Jobuston Si-. and Mis. eceGinu attended the fun- 'f tlie até Stephen fKulbert ut Nestîcton. Visitons: Ni-s. Gilbert Gibson, Douglas' and Aflin, Toronto, are holidaying ut Chas. Gibso's. ... Mr. and Ni-s. Russell Batten and famnily visited at Ni-s. Russell Bi-awn's on Sunday. . . Mr. and Mis. R. E. Cooke, Vera and Ernie, who have been spendlug Uiei- halidays ut Mns. Russell Bi-own's, rcturncd ta Toi-auto on Saturday. ..Mr. and Mns. C. H. Faillas visit- cd Ni-s. W. Jackson at Mount Horeb au Suturday. . . Mr. and Ni-s. G. Wilson and Joan, Mi. and Mis. R. Wilson spent Uic weekend with Mi. and Ni-s. J. Wilson at Lakevicw Cottage. . . Mr-. and Mis. Clare Pallis, Jack and Jean, have returned ta their cottage hene after spcuding several weeks lu Midland. Enniskillen Visitons: Mi-. and Mis. M. Gi-if- fin, Blackstack, Miss Ada Rahm, Union, ut Mn. W. Rahm's. .. Ms-s. Mai-y Rouch, Webster,, N. Y., Mi-. and Mis. T. Humes, Derothy, Doris and Narman, Landau, with Mis. Wm. . . . Mn. and Mis. J. Pansons and family, Miss Bnamn- ley, Mr-. A. McKillapc, Timmins, ut Mr. Wm. Wright's. . . Mi. and Mis. R. Broawn and Miss Viola, Butlei-, Pu., U.S.A., Mns. Sai-ah Brown and Viola, Bowmanville, witb Mis. Burgmaster. . . . Miss Bernice Pbillips,. Ni-. F. Pethick, Mi. aud Mis. B. Wood and Nancy, Toronto, ut Mr-. S. Petbick's.... Mi. and Ni-s. R. Grifflu and fam- ily with Mis. Griffin's parents, Mi-. Aberuetby's, Tottenbum. Mi. and Mis. F. McGil an Donuy, Tai-auto, bolidaylug with Mis. J. McGill. .. Ni-s. E. C. Ash- tan with Mis. I. Traveil, Oshawa, and Mis. S. Rodman, Part Ferry. ..Mr. K. Kent, Paris, Mr. and Ni-s. R. C. NcLcan and Ken, Mr. A. Mitchell, Toronto, N. uand Mrs. C. Robinson, Ncwtanville, ut Mi. Sharpes... Mr. and Mis. G. Fenguson, Mi. and Mis. R. Hun- ter, Ni-s. T. Ferguson and Miss Velnia Fergusan, Mount Foi-est, at Mn. A. Ok's... Mi. and Ni-e. A. Oke and family with friende iu Toi-auto. . . Nies N. Werny, Misses Willa and Benyl Mauntjay, Kedron, visiting relatives bei-e. .. 1&. and Mrs. C. Lloyd, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Olde and son Garth, St. Thomas, ut J. A. Wei-rys. Rcv. and Mns. Luckey have ne- turned fi-rn their holidays. Miss frene Sharpe had hen tan- sils remaved in Bowmnanvllle hospital laet weck. PROU TE£ WINGPOOT CLAN ily, Enuiskillen, Miss Laura Phil- Lips, Tai-enta, at Mr-. R. Sander- san's. . . Mn. and Ni-s. M. Elfard and Donald, Nestieton, Murray Adams, Newtonville, Mr. and Ni-s.C L A T. Tabb, Murray and Lawi-ence, c " M~'r. J. Drage, Tyrone, Miss Minnie rabb, Godericb, at Mr-. T. Cowl-COACH ing's.CO H Mr-. Walter Blackbur-n bas i-e- tui-ned home aiter attending Summex' School at Kingston. Congratulations ta Pte. and r. il. l »-«»R 1 1 j Make your dollars and cents fight. Buy War Savings Certifi- cates and Stamps. It is the temper af the highest hearts ta strive mast upwards when they are most burdenecL- Sir Philip Sidney. Z ion AUGUST RVR _______Oh for the jay ai an, Visitons: Mr. and Ni-s. Ivan When the sun's in summer beat, Cochrane and Betty Marie, Bow- When the reapers' hum is plainly manville, Mr-. and Mrs. Delbent heard, Flintoff and gnand-daughter, Jean As they cut the rich, ripe wheat. Flintoff, Kedron, at Mr. Wes. 'When the harvcst apples, yellaw Camêron's. .. Mr- and Mr5. Thas. turned, Martin and Lawren 1ce at Mns. Hang heavily on the trees, Louisa Pord's, Uxbridge. Shirley And late red cherries, so over ripe came home with them.. .. Ms Stiil swing in the summer Mary Geissberger taak a trip ta breeze. Haliburton with her uncle, Mr-. Eugeue Geissberger, Pasic, New A rabmnette runs across the lawn, Jersey. .. Mr-. and Mrs. John Pel- Stili wearing ber speckled tan, Mr-. Alan Arnatt, Norfalk, breast, Virginia, Mr-. and Mrs. Harvey Which shows shc's stili in the Hagerman, Meda and Ina, Baw- birdling class, manville Beach, at Mr. J. W. Bal- And flot long fi-rn her nest. son's. . . Mrs. Gerald Balson witb her sister, Mrs. Wilfrid Brown, I lave ta sail on an August lake, Caurtice. . . Misses Kathleen and When a light wind blaws off Jean Cameron at the Lians Club shore, Carnival at Bowmanviile. .. Miss And fills the canvas sheets sa full, Mary Geissberger at Mr. August There's never a need for an ear. Geissberger's, Harmany. . . Mr.An iperfltthsunr and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Whitby, at AdrpS ec hesmne Mr-. Pi-M Cameran's. Mildred re- hlgryulsoehadfat turned home with them. .. Mr. AndWhe gry uisa'n ead flote and Mrs. Fred Cameron and nthe bezi etalz h Helen, Mr. and Ni-s. W. Smith Wthet edo orwie and, Mildred at Orana. . . Mi-. and Wite ed aiu wic Mrs. J. W. Balson and Jean at Wne ot Mr-. Harvey Hagermau's, Bow- I love ta rail li an open Car manville Beach. . . . Miss Hazel mhraugh the highway country- Colquhoun, Toronto, at Mr-. Ail. side, Ayre's.'. . Mi-t. and Mrs. Anson And drink the beauty ai August fBalson and daughters at Chalk scenes eLake and Kînsale. Ruth and.Doris Where farmer-folc abide. ;are stayiug for a week ut Mr-. aVictor Parkiu's, Kinsale. . . Mrs. Sa let us eujay the August days, -Newton Edgar, Miss Joyce Edgar, Ere the harvest season dies, -Mrs. Hansen Richards, Oshawa, For seau the sun will be sinking eMrs. Ross Lee, Diane and Brian, south, sKedran, at Mr-. A. T. Staintan's. .. Into southern winter skies. 3Messrs. Ivor and Arthur Gerry,RA HGRD . Toronto, af M. F. B. Glaspel's...-AP ODN Misses Bereuice and Eileen Stain- 628 Crawford St., Taronte. 1tan at Ni-s. Ross Lee's, Kedran. Mi-. John Staintan aud bis S. S. Mrs. Don Cameran (nec Gladys class ai boys took their dinner ta Downey) an their recent mer- Qi-ana Park on Sunday. riage. SeveraI fri-anbei-e attend- Misses Elleen and Berenice cd a sbawer given in their honor Stainton attended au aiternoan at BowmanviIIe an Monday uight. tea at Mrs. Ray Scatt's, Oshawa. Everyone fi-arn this vicinity is Mr, Au. Ayre recently badl wending their way ta the Hall some clear sheep dip in bis eye at Enniskiilen wbere Messrs. M. and had - ta go ta the dactor. Habbs and E. E. Staples are pi-e- 1 Mr-. Genny Glaspel,ýWbitby, was siding aven the Registration. )burned quite badly and is lu Osh- rawa Genenal Hospital. He is same betten at turne ai writing. vveddig Mi-. aud Mrs. A. T. Stainton ___ took Miss Berenice Stainton ta Cameron-Downey Peterbora au Suuday. She bas gone back te wonk aiter a hýoliday A very quiet wedding took place at home. Miss Eileen Staintan bas at Tninity United Churcb parson- gene ta BowmanviIIe again. age au Saturday, August 17th, when Gladys Leonora, only dau- 3 ghter ai the late Mi-. and Mi-s. D. W. Dawney, becanie the bride af SolinaPte. Duane J. Cameron, Royal Regimeut ai Canada, Camp Bai- Visitai-s: Mi-. and Mi-s. Will den, anly sou ai the late Mn. and Williams, Bowmanville, Mi-. and Ni-s. D. J. Cameran, Halifax, Nova Ni-s. Chas. Stungess, Mi-. WiUl Scatia. Rev. Sidney Davisan af- Blanchard, Oshawa, with Mi-s. ficiated. The bride loaked lavely Chas. Blauchard... Mr-. and Mrs. iu a navy triple sheer street dress Roy Laugmaid and family at Ca- with navy accessanies and corsage bourg on Suuday. . . Mr-. and Ni-s. ai sweet peas and baby's bi-eath. C. Hallett and family, Seagrave, Miss Jean Rice was bridesmaid at Mi-. Ralph Davis'. . . Mi-. and dressed lu dusty pink with white Mi-s. Gea. Gibson and Mai-ion, accessories. Ni-. Edwa-d Pbillips Taunton, at Mr-. Edgar Prescott's. was best man. Fallawing the cere- ..Miss Fauny Smales, Taranto, mony a buffet lunch was senved Mi-. Bob Smales, Pickering, at Mr-. ta, the bridai pai-ty at the home Jas. Smales'. . . Mi-. W. E. Gil- ai Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rice, aiter bank, Mr-. Eru. Gilbank, Misses wbich the happy couple leit amid Myrtie and Beruice Gilbank, shawers af confetti far a short tShaw's, at Mr-. E. R. Taylar's. .. . matai-ttip west, foilowing wbich Miss Lena Taylor at Peterbaro an the groom leit ta rejain his regi- Sunday. . . MiÈs Muriel Lang- ment at Camp Barden. niaid is holidayiug with Miss On Manday- evening friends Maion Johns, Lakefield. .. Mi-s. fi-rn Haydon, Base Line and R. J. McKessock with Mrs. Bryce Bowmanville communities gather- Browu, Wbitby. . - Keith McGill, cd at the home ai Mr-. C. W. Enniskiilen, at Mr-. Roy Lang- Dawney lu bonar ai the bride and maîd's. . . Mi-. and Mrs. A. E. groom and tendered them a mis- Whitneil, June and Lai-raine, To- cellaneous shower. The many routa, at Mr-. W. J. Reynolds'. . . useful and beautiful gifts were Ni-s. A. Gibbons and Vera are apened aiter wbicb the recipients balidaying here. .. Mr-. L. J. Short, thanked ail present for the lovely Courtice, Teddy White, Oshawa, gifts. Refreshments wene served at Mr. S. E. Wei-ny's. . . Ni-. and by the ladies and the nemainder 1Mi-s. Livingstan Miller and Clii- ai the evening spent in social fard, Catherine Miller, Mr-. and chat. Mrs. Wilfi-id Dewell, Roy aud Harold, at Niagara Falls on Sun- day. .. Miss Ireue Bragg, Toronto, at Mi-. J. Baker's. .. Messrs. Gai- dan Scott and Haroald Balsan in Southampton. . . . Mr-. and Ni-s. Alex Prout, Glen and Ross, Bow- manville, Miss Plorence Lander, ~ 7 T U Rosebank, at Mr. A. J. Balsa's.E Mi-. Bob Scott has accepted a XI position as junior herdsmau at the Elmcroft farm, Columbus. We welcomc Mr-. and Mrs. Fi-ank Gilbert and Mies Velma Miss Danis Milison gave the SE missionary story at Suuday school. We were vcny glad. ta welcome ou- pastar, Rev. W. Rackham, back aiter bis vacation. Reducci return rates (iei the grounis, commenelng Haydon toSaturday, Si EASTERN DAYLIGE Recent Visitons: Mi-. and Mrs. Hai-old Gay and family, Oshawa, at Mr-. C. Gairard's. .. Ni-. and ý,eave Cobourg 7 a.m. ITION e 11AL idlng admission) direct te IMenday, Auut P26th, Wpt. 7tb, 1940 ET SAVINO TIE« ____$2.85 __ $2.55 ---$2.40. $1.5 $1.40 )UNDS-- 9:30 A.M. DUNDIS --10:45 PM CUTT LINES uaeful aouroe of Vitamnin BI. .A total look cf this vitamin iii the. diet caume oolyneuritie. Cubeamr made from the. who)e whoàt in vrhich the. wheat derm la retainod ini its entirety. 0 If you would have plenty Of zip and energyr and keep in the Pink of health, you muet have your vitanen. Sa etart the day with a bawl of Cube. Cube are whole wheat-the bran, the minerais, the protein, and the precious wheat germ with it e upply of Vitamin Bi. Cube are delicious too. Mellow malt blende ite goodneee with the nut- like flavor of the wheat. Cube corne ta your table criep, crunchy, toaated a golden brown, Get a package of Cube fi-r your grocer taday. h.A poduet of the. Canadien Srdd.4 Wheat Company Limnitid THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Jf TH U, WHEAT SEIN that la found ln 1.- -1 ý PAGE THRM ri

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