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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1940, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 1940 flh ..Ll.. witty chairman. Miss Verna Mc- Alden, Miss Jessie Ferguson, To- HARVESTING IN DURHAI COUNTY and our own sub-Arctic areas pro- DIackstocIk Nally, Coiborne, acted as pian;Ïst, ronto, and Mr. B. Slingcrland and vide rcady made stcpining stones also gave a number on the pro- J. DeMille spent Sunday in Rag- ..tevr er o hFcniet Visitors: Miss Eva Brown is grain- Rcadings wcrc given by Ian attending a birthday party This tant er heart of t apaconint visiting at Kingsville. . . Misses MrS. E. Dorreli, Mrs. Clarence given for her father at Mr. R. s its harsh reality. Jessie and Wilxna VanCamp are Marlow and a monologue by Miss Davidson's.. Mr. and Mrs. W. 2 visiting Mrs. O. Carley, Cavan... Jean Wright. Speeches were made Hoskin and Dorothy with Mr. and............ STE Miss Lucille Forder with relatives by several, including Reeve C. P. Mrs. Nelson Bragg, Lindsay........AFRT IG SE at Bancroft.. . Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Dcvitt who extended the best Mr. and Mrs. A. Aldred and farn- 1 regard the establishment of lace Marlow and famnily spent wishes of the municipality. Lunch ily with Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry, U .bsso rts ot m Sunday at Rice Lake... Mrs. Tom was.scrvcd'and a dance with the Janetviilc. .. Mrs. L. Abbott and U S asei s ofBrth isheot Ar- Venning retunedhome from To- jic arvide<1 by Myrs. Dave Wil- Jeanne yith Rev.and Ms V ree ou as ofther anigh est rl rnoon Sunday, and Mrs. JOh son, *~is Helen Fowler and Mr. Robb, Camahie. . . M s. .Mo- pon. t neis hefiststp ow Venning and Joan arc now in Geo. Fowler. Many useful, and fatt with Mr. and Mrs. A. Moffatt, htBis-Aeca opr- Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Gea. beautiful gifts conveyÏ4 best COshawa. Mr andMrs E. Ad- tio hat Bris-Axeran o-operea- Sadlcr and friend, Cobalt, with wishes to the popular bride and ami, Albert and Mary, with Mr. dti hichportcei rally o lfand- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sabr. . . Mr. groom. and Mrs. B. Cochrane,,Oshawa.. fair play among and within na- and Mrs. O. Carle, fl , spent W.MS. mne* at M&x-Ias. Henry's Mr. and Mrs. H. Gin and Mrs. . tions are not to perish from the Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Gin at their cottage near Bob- eartli. Marlow... Mrs. Robt. Bruce and J. Marlow's group was in charge. caygeon. .. Ross Aldred wîth Mr. Our raetnmyev t Miss Mae King are visiting Mrs. Bible study - Mrs. Jabez Wright. and Mrs. E. Aldred, Oshawa. ... gretet cdrecys, ven at R. Curtis, Baltimore... Mr. and Program: Reading, Miss Ferga Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith and Orvis th oment of diore cisais, is o Mrs. Gco. Wells, Detroit, and Rev. Johaston, a Surnaer Camp in with Mr. and Mrs. L. Vonvaiken- Adif t elr, rh sNazishnres., and Mrs. Newell and f amily, Fen- Angola; letter read by Mrs. E. burg, Oshawa. . . Mrs. P. GlennyIt the h o sy te lfness, a a elon Fanls, at Mr. Jabez Wright's. Dorreil from, Mrs. M. Ferguson; and family with Mr. and Mrs. G. hthe sho r sitednuss omtht ha Mis. Florence Thomson and Mrs. Taylor read a letter fromn Wiison, Myrtlc. ithoroeented s from to- Àýe is ta i Toronto. Miss L. Hambley, China; Mrs. C. We arc sorry to hear that Mrs. Here is a familiar scene ta bel is great but the harvesters are ingeforaur worl nideight ntos Thé Young Peapl's Union is in Hill conductcd questions. T. Bailcy is under the doctor's found on many farms in Durham 1fcw due to s0 many young farm- thc English speaking peaples are charge of the Unitcd Church ser- Eleven girls from the Black- care. County these days. The harveat icrs enlisting for active service. willing to unie on some plan to vices thus coming Sunday. Every- stock Homemaking Club compet- Many sodiers and prisoners of preserve in the world those ma- body wclcomc. cd this year at Peterboro Exhibi- war have been seen an the trains ence Burns and Mr. D o u g l as THE OL TIiN cup terlal things and moral and politi- Howard and Harold Farder tion and ecdione brougt home going through herc latcly. Rackham. . . Mr. and Mr. Bob càî values which tlicy have heîd wcrc at Peterboro Fair with their a prize. One hundrcd and scvcnty- There lias been quite a change Burns, Janctvîlle, Mr.. and Mrs. HoW I'd like ta go back ta the old prccious, what chance is there of colts and won saine prizes, six girls rcgistcrcd that day. They in thc wcathcr since Sunday af- Fred Wilson and Miss June Wil- village school, other peoples, unlike in thcir Registration ini the Comxnunity were graded according ta the ter being so warrm. bur, Toronto, at S. Kcrsey's. . Whcrc we studicd aur lessons world ideas, from gctting tagether. Haliste i usnsso teenumber of unîts taken ta date. Ms ooh dmo ile ohr I ani an. optimist and not a Hal isthebigbuines o thseThe girls from aur group wcreMisDrtyAaonvied nd o r,.st buthewl n dy.frîcnds in Oshawa. . . Miss JessieAn have ône good drink fromn pessixnistaottcwrd The .Y.PA. pesencd t eir rig t, Reta SWin, Doranh valeu o e Hogarth, Bowrnanville, at home. that tarnishcd tin cup, whici wc live. Wc will corne phay at ScugagrIsand theirWihRt.San oohy M peG o eThat was chained ta tic pump througi tuis ordeal, and bef are pl aSaeuggeslndn as ek ospAm aaAdent in.theUicyard. many years pass tic world will be h laat vn all Friday Stmnson, Annie Wright, Marie Recent Visitors: fr. and Mrs. a better place ta live in thian it at the comxnunty hl last rdy Tripp, Kathleen Stinson, Veina Wm. Clokey, Mr. and Mrs. James VVeuulngs That old cup was dinted and bat- has ever been. But I think things the Mis.son o Nsesbitt M r . Gibson. Grovner, Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. ____tcrcd and bent, are likcly ta get worse before thcy awMiford was very capable an It w»! tpay yau ta attend Wcrry's Lîyn H. Coates and Master Damiy It was'blackcncd and wcather- stait ta get better. Wc cannot Crwor asaveycaaleadsale of cattle Saturday marinfg, Coates, Brantford, Miss Mally Hlmes-Rutledre - worn, taa, rcally begin ta win the war until Aug. 24th, at 7 o'clock sharp, at Hynds, Toronto, at Mis. L. C.*e am lcsok How w'd ail make W rush, caci we take the initiative from Hit- Werry's Faim, Enniskillcn. 34-1 Snowden's.. .. Mi. and Mis. Ev- At FairviewFrBaktc, ta get Uic first drink, lcr. Wc have ta attack. And tve ____________ rett Hall, Misses Muriel and the home of Mr. and Mis. Carl J. Whcn aur noon time and reccss cannot attack on Uic ail important Audrey Hall have returncd tai Wright, sister of tic bride, Uic came due. political front till the United their home in London aftcr visit- prctty August wedding took place We would pusi and w'd pull, wc Sthemstand Brtt r.ieta Queen's Bouquet Burketon ing with lier sister, Mis. H.* R.' ____,Ags 1ta pm oldsole adsoe _______ .. Ms.W.J. Snowden WdFdy uut 4h t4pm o ulod shouler and s hae Visitors: Mi. and Mis. L. Dean has returned home aftcr visiting of Emima Pearl Rutledge of Ban- Frga anr ihu a - ~ and Carson, Oshawa, Mi. and lier sister, Mis. B. J. Gay, Osi- croft and Mi. Wallace Ambrosc If ancno IR STRENOT i~ MMis. A. Lunn and faniily, Orano, awa. . Mi. Clifford Swallow Holmes, Oshawa. The bride is Uic ioerdoUldic k, chata whcnecomatn et. Ne wtMi. and Ms. . esnand at.tsendithg Sumer Scal Oak Mis.daugiter of Mi. and Mis. John He wouid get what was left in keep on losing planes and plane L. nC. . egsn n ttnig mrSno iholer cousnP. Rutlcdge, Bancroft, and par- Uic face. cîcws at thc present rate? What Ln fsl Bobby, Mr. and Mis. R. Joncs adL .Sodnwt e osn r r and ek is Uic real comparative strength -E bb Diana, Toronto, with Mi. Mis. J. W. Hynds, Toronto. .. Mi. ents of the groom r i n enw nat hygiene, neither of Uic German and British air and Mis. L. Gatchel... Rev. and and Mrs. R. L. Wordcn at Mi. Ev- Mis. Norman J. Holmes, Oshawa. germa wcrc we taught, forces to-day? What are the pros-' -Mrs. V. Rabb and baby Mary erton White's, Bethesda, on Sun- Rev'. J. V. McNeely, pastar o! But wc must have been stuidy pects for changes in that relation- R i1nna Willa, Camiachie, with Mis. L. day. King Street United Ciurch, per- and gaine, shlp in Uic future? What ailier Abbott.. . Mis. w. Hall and Don- Miss Joan Munday had lier ton- formed tic ceîemony, and Miss For a hundred sciool kids used factors are there about air war- aid, Toronto, Mi. Oîland Bailey, sils removed ini Bowmanville Hos- Verna M. McNally, Colbor7le, to drink frorn that cup, fare that migit affect Uic winning Linsa, wthMi an Ms.T. itl.niece of Uic bride, played tic But no sickness to thcm ever or losing of Uic war in that ele- A replica of Uic bouquet pie- Bailey. . . Mrs. B. Raiim, June wcdding music. came. ment? These are Uic questions ' sentcd to Ber MaJesty Quecli and Bll, Oshawa, witi Mi. and Given in marage by'her fa- wîicî are running tlhrough many Elizabeth during her Canadien Mis. A. W... i.H ose Atien, tie bride was lovclyiynta aYs ' et obc ata of our minds Uicse* days as Uic visit. Mi. and Mis. J. Stredwick, Cao- AJ.j.f ie U pictune gown of Bianea creamn old village Échool, stories of ieavy losses keep pour- An exclusive reg- lme and Jackie, Oshawa, Mrs. J. faille tafeta. sîirring accentec Wliere we youngsters with joY ing in. Iscedoe sok Bligit, Broaklln, witi Mis. H. Miss Ruth and Master Herbert tic basque bodice, wit he A nd- wouid ail jump, It is safe ta say rîgit now that patteru. House. .. Mi. T. Gatcheil, Bow- Prescott entertained at a party shaped neckline and shirred gedt god dikfcouhtonyahnfupfpopet l pattern. ~manville, Private T. Abtt and for Miss Helen and Master Raîpli bracelet-lengtli sîceves. The bouf-l Taid b aied t htcuphordko a h nsest Everybody should have a sepa- Mis. Abbott and baby Laiiy, Smiith, Oshawa. fant skirt fell in stiff folds sweep- _ odn up thc above questions; and those rak«pieooer set of ts Pattern. Hamilton, Mis. M. Gatchdil, Ann Vis i > rs: Misses Eileen sud ing into a sligit train. Her icad- odnp p.w k wwn'telNvrh- Very moderately priced. S-RALPH GORDONhwawit M. less it is possible for the outsider su ad Mis. J. Gatcheli. .. Mi. and Merle Ashton, Toronto, at Mr. W. ley was in a halo effeet with 628 Crawford St., Toronto. to get a fair idea of thc gencral FOR GOOD-READ[ING BUY A Mis. W. Glenny and Norma with Ashtan's... Mi. and Mis. T. Wiil- finger-tip veil. Sic carried a bau- picture, if available bits 'of ac- PENGUIN OR PELICAN Mi. and Mis. T. Trick. .. Messrs. lier, Mi. Robeit J. Stinson, To- quet of "Better Tinmes" roses. cunate information are pasted ta- BOOK P. Mofatt sud A. Moffatt, Osh- ronto, Miss Greta Stinson, Haffn- Attending lier as bridesmaid, her gethen. Each-_ _ 20e awa, Mi. Moffatt, Port Credit, ilton, at Mis. H. Stinson's.. . Mr. niece, Miss Pearl Irene Wight HOW MUCH VALUE According to the Acroplane, with Mn. sud Mis. S. Moffatt.. . andMis. L. Rahm, Rchmond Hill, was charming in a frock of minu- * j o O utspoken and authoritative Bri- Lendlng Librar, Latest Fiction Mi. and Mis. R. McDonald, Mai- Mi. and Mis. W. Smith, Oshawa, ette blue oîganza witi an ail- D O L C N ts eky(hc a e lene and Muriel, Bwavle ihM.A rsots r vrltiedsg.Fo h YOUR HOSPITAL? sung any lullaby an behalf a! tic J W J W l ith Mr. and Mis. T. Bailey. . .. Stuart Jarvie and Ross Jackman bodice tic bouffant skirt fdllin a___ governinent) British airpiane fac- Misses Alma Mitchell and Marie with Mi. Donald Samis. . .. Miss deep tiers, Hen bouquet was tories have now definitely passed Headquartcrs for Rowenc Avery and Betty Moffatt. Maple Grave. . . Miss Grace Stak peas, and in her hair sic wore nail - sud a bottle of iodine ar craft per manti. The aviator's Wailpaper ansd Pait . . Mi. Henry DeMille spent Sun-i has rcturncd from Timmms. . .. gardenias. Tic best man was Mr. some otier disinfectant is forth- journal specifies Germany's daily day, with Mi. Murel Hubbard.. Mn. and Mis. Mollen, Toronto, Clarence Holmes, Oshawa, bra- witi pîoduced fîom thc f amily production as 10 Messciscimitts, Mi. and Mis. B. Hubbard sud with Mi. Hosken Smith. tier af tic groom. The groom-N medicine cupboad. 15 Heinkels, 25 Junkers, 10 Dor- gift to the bridesmaid was a signe .Througi educatian by thc me- niers. Total German engine pro- ring, ta thc groomsman a smôkin dclad icalti autiorities, tic duction is estimatcd at 2500 per Salem~ stand, to tic pianist a %nardrobe public are now antisepsis con- monti. iJI~LAcase. sciaus. And yct tic principle of Thc Acroplane suggests that In the garden an arci of even- antisepsis, whici is regaded as'Bitain may reasonably cxpect an Churci service was îesumed green sud dahlias witi gladioli anc a! the major influences in tic additionai napid increase in rhene on. Sunday eveniag after sud swcet peas formcd su effec- development of thc great modern strcngth fîom planes pnoduced in being withdrawn for a couple of tive sctting for the icception. hospital, was marc bittcnly op- sud puiclxased from the United weeks while our pastan, Rev. The bnide's mother was drcssed pascd than perhaps any other States. Neventhelcas Britain's ta- Gardner, was on vacation. in mauve chiffon, whîlc tic medical discovery. Semmnelweis, tal operational strength is as yct Mrs. Gilison and daughter, To- groom's mother was in navy Pasteur, Lister - ticy sud their bclow that given for Gcrmany, ronto, are visiting at tic Squair sien. Eaci wore a corsage o! associates created unbellcvable namely 16,000, which figure in- hame aftci spending a wcek with swcet peas. A buffet style lunch- enniitics ta their advanccment of cludes tnaap carriers but not JvI. ud is W Mofa a Orno cn was scrved by girl friends of this theony. tiainers. tic brdedMises. W. BakrfSemelwei, o! Venna,'ta- The British Commonwealth is Mn. sud Mis. P. Conlin sud Miss tellabadwise IWandaruer, w.rSmmeleiddeo! ica EllaBaldinWand Colter wàrs te midleof telti figiting Italy as well as Geimsuy. 'vJoan were Sunday guests at "The Muriel McNalIy and Audrey Brin- centuiy, despite thc faci that he It thenefare secms unwise ta *be Maples." tbeicrdn ing. Guests were present fnommaemuen isadUcattosngnebuticetfet Threshing seenis t b h re aemn eeis a n a-tosagieaottentef l eo! tic day in aur vicmnity. Oshawa, Toronto, Gaît, Bancroft isfaction of! seetag thc moitality of United States ielp. Germsuy Ms. m.CaanBrceand Coîboine. rate o! his obstetrical cases drop lias long stace tacoiponatcd itt -~~ car ~~~ suad Betty, Windsor, are holiday- For a motor trip, tic bride from 9.92 per cent ta 1.27 per centicaipseroutnmche gae y a aCa onmg with uis parents, Mr. and Mis. dncsscd ta a dusty pink surdella in a little more than a year as a thc factories taken aven fram gav Fulc Caorafer avig ctun-crepe witi blue accessonies and resuit of an aseptic technique he Czeccoslavakia, Austria sud Pal- UC< ae rease Job and fouud that .. ed fram a matai trnp o! Nothein an Englisi polo coat in powden devised. Pasteur, a !cw yeas lat - sud. h ill e dbut a maette o Onai.They wcrc accompan.ied blue. Tic bidal couple will make er, despite tremendous apposi-west»icdslkwse ih "oedte woriy about the performance of niY car anY more. by his brother, Jack Caton, and their home at 46' Gladstone Av- tion, success!ully demonstrated thc facilities in othen conqucred 1 dlseovered that Ggiton's went over my car from stem te lis wif e, Toronto. enue, Oshawa.- Semmelweis' success when he cauxitries, including France. steru and did everythlng possible te make it shlp-shape. AIter proved that bacteria were pro- It is in relation ta tic above a GàtouI dn'thav tewory aoutlubicaionforut eas * bho-.Dxonduced by repraduction and not by iliat wc siould consider tic ade- anotherp-Dxo 1,0 ie! l1-i-,4àw spantaneous generatian", as was quacy or taadcquacy o! Canada's a'thr ,00mies"1non, A uetwddn wssoeni-tien genenally bclieved. Lister, cantribution. Higicat dlaim yet A Garton job lubricates your car ail-over with a lubricant cduitc mang o!Petcian derided and apposed by uis cal- made from Ottawa is that we are that's twice as tough as ordinary grease. And you neyer have Visitais: Mis. James McGrcgon Chunci in Kirkfield on Saturday leagues as lie dnenched hus oper- pnoducîng ta Canada 5 planes per to worry about the job. 'Yon eau depend on Garton te thor- and Frank, Maple Grove, and Mis. afiernoon when Harrici Gladys tigîo, tednts and pa- d spay ofitaoutImotor or pro pdll a tens.r- oughly lubricate cvcry part of youi car. Then, to., ut Garten's Cyil Avery and Joyce, Bîaaklin, (Doîîy) Dixon, youngcst daugîtertinsaiewihapryocr-IweeepodigaticG- yureceive those littie extra services se necessary te yoIii car. spent a fcw days with their par- of Mi. and Mis. Fred A. Dîxon balic solution, succcssfully show- man ratio we ta Canada would Youi wludshield ib wiped. 011 and water is checked. Tires re- ents, Mi. and Mis. William Wot- a! Ganiebridge, liccame tic bride eliatd y iu eo! ntscptics eot in soethi0lngsover0 ceie thecoret ar resur. hon TDAYfo ice icup ten.. . Mr. sud Mis. Stock and o! Melville Maurice Bishap o! to destroy diseasc-bearing ongan- matois. Measuned by conditions and delivery for your Garten grease job! Mn. and Mis. McKay and son, O! Lindsay, fouti son o! Mi. and imsds nrdcdanwea craow r on dl * _Tiventon, visited at Mi. Russell Mis. Robent Bisiop of Bolsoven. imT oi prmg anew Masned by th e incd - fa McLaughlin's. . . Mr. and Mis. Rcv. MacMillan o!ficiated. Teoeaigro t-a ef rdb tevtlne a G art uls Ser ice Sta ien Hanny Davis and Raymond, a! Tic bride was diesscd inà shows how far this tlicory has ad- nrom wcll enougi. Cail 2666 Kiug St. BrIntford, Mr. and Mis. Pcrcystetcnîgon!aumrm vanced and thc ii! uute pains V.l R.6Gniffinsudt.amul at Mi. wici destroofa» micr-angan- g..g on aveéBitainrc;.c4_in 3 .ucats of Mi. sud Mis. E. E. Sta- Florence Thiomsonan sd daughti ei establishment on Canadian gas to !iy cfficicntly. Insicad a! 3 I~~J~IMV - - - cUkçs lpi les, Enniskillcn. . . Mis. Myrile Anna, Blackstock, Mr. ArthulÊ territany o! United States naal eticnstandardcl100 octaanle gas de- . Taylor sud.!iend, Toronto, witi Moncreif, Bolsover, Miss hsabc1ý and air bases brings ta an en i ad~ ycomrilaito lier motier, Mis. A. C. Trul.. .. Chilvers, Blackstock, Mrs. Wm. too-long pcniod o! huai-huai companies everywiere thc Nazi I f ~ IMiss Gladys Kersey s vlsittag Follicit and Mrs. Wm. Burgess, about a maiter wiici might in- tanks ln thc planes reccntly siot L UNrelatives ai Janetville... Mrs. Bolsaver. 'stantaneously become a maiter o! down ta England contain 80 oc- Collier, Port Pcrry, is wti ici supieme importance. tane and sometimes even 70 oc- ht taies turne ta prepare ade- tane stuf!. This cuts theirspd GROCER ~daughter, Mis. Rugi Degeer. . . dlr d t jomnil Miss Eileen Tiampson, Bowman- Make your doas and cents quate defence. Our norticin witi fatal results. It also wrecks 4 BOW nffle ville, aitich parsonage sud at- fight. Buy War Savinga CertifI-ý frontier is widc open ta attack thc motors liaurs bèfore their tendlng tic weddlng of Miss Flor- cates sud Stampa. _from Europe. Iceland, Grccnland Uie. '4' Wool, ýPlaid' I!Dresse ]FOR IFALL We have just reccivcd s sortment o! smartly tailc dresses for fail. They varicty o! colors and iln PRICES START, UI The balance of ail our summer dresses are clearhn and leus. Drop lu sud sec some of these renmkabl MENIS DEPARTMENT As the sunimer scason bs drawtng to a close, w wme have a few summer sport shirts, white shees i suit. <ensemble) sets left ln stock. Our tall stock is shortly so hi order to make roonX for.the new style clearig ail Uhc above itemîs at -20 PERzn CENT OFF. Couch, iohnston & Crydermae ]Phone 836 ]Bow BECAUSE RECAUSE' BECAUSE BECAUSE- BECAUSE If you prefer e>t* Again 'W Wlnter's Su Sheppard Ri"iSt Plarge as- lored plaid rare ln a à ail sizes. AT ig ai cost le values. ~ft and sport ;expcted es we are ; mnvmle Y YOU SHOULD OUY -d anOuy, 41t No* deliveries may bc held up later, we can give no assurance as te future lni- crease ipriees. demand for menon he army mar bluder prompt delivery later. It's always considercd a thrifty habit to, fI 6 rour coal bins in the summer monthu. 'Blue CoaYla recognlzed as the highcst QualltY coul on the market. Scotch o'r Welah Coal we have a llmIted Id suply on lband: Ve Suggest You Oct In Your upply of Fuel Early - Phone 715 d Gi Lumber Co. Lt. COWLING SELLS FOR LESS4 -And Serves- You Well PARaowAx i MEDA EBA JAR SEALS PECTIN RINGS 11ec 10e Ise Se ~R8*EESCassia Buds - - - - oz. 50 S w *vLftSI eRE Aluuii- - - - -----2 5 for beets sud cucunmer Alhspfre Buds - - . 50 1-2 gai 20C 1 gai 35C Celery Seed z- o.50 REGISTRATION CARD HOLDERS lOc - 39e -soc -$5 Hay Foyer Estevin Drops - $11 ~ O e s E . Haytene - 25-50c-$1.00 m l E V Gluco-Fedrin - - - 85o UFETmedicated INSOLE Actephedrin - - 50o e-etcoattol erspiatlon, and neil. - ---- ta o o .sOndly 25o .apaie. N1 Woodbury's Soap 4 - P25e . E ICAID Lifebuoy Soap - -. 7oleF ET ISOE Colgate Soap 3 for lic Milton Dettol Listerine Pepsodent Antiseptie Antiseptie 25C 23C 2Sc - 47c 5Sec 149e -79c 143e -799 25e SIZE WOODBURY'S1 5 Cakes Colgatels Soap 25o TOOTH PASTE 1 Glas Bowl 15e 2 for 26e Ail for 25e WE TEST EYES AND FIT TRUSSES TO YOUR ENTIRE SATISFACTION IN FIT, QUALITY AND PRICE Phoe W 695 P. R. I>UILIi'Iarunî.geDelv THURSDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 1940 PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 WHI

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