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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1940, p. 5

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE FIVE Mr. R. J. Peel and sou visited Mr. Chas. Mutton. M1 .Ele Hawlcy, King St., la hoiayingelu Brooklyn. Mn. sud Mra. Jack Minore, Hailton, spent Uic weekend with bis parents. Mia. E. Gray, Toronto, vlÊlted fMn. -and Mrs. W. H. Flaherty, Bal- moral Hotel. \Mr. sud Mrs. Sam Wilson, Wca- ton,, vlsited wlihMns. Gea. James on Satunday. U.ý Violet Oaborne, Toionto, ï v ber parents, Mn.. sud Mrs. eT..osborne. Mn. sud Mrs. Walace Shaw, Tbrautô, arc visiting Mn. sud Mrs. D. IR. Morrisou: Miss Agnea Haddy, Toronto, spent Uic weekend with ber aunt, Mrs. Harry Foster. Miss Darothy Nickerson sud Miss Dorathy Goade speut a fcw days at Waaaga Beach, Out. Staff Sergeant Fred Gilders sud bride frorn Ottawa paid a visit ta bis aunt, Mrs. S. G. Prestoni. Ma.ter George Richards, To- nantc, is holidaying with Master Bruce Colwell, Churdli Street. Mra. O. E. Loucksansd sou Rager, Hollywood, Calif., are visiting with Mns. W. H. Cole. Mn. sud Mrs. Porreat Dilling sud Iamily are halidaylng at Hall's Lake, Haliburton Couuty. iss Darothy Nornis la speudiug two wceks lu Napance witb ber grandparents, Mr. sud Mrs. G. S. Black: ENGAGEMENT Mn. sund Mrs. Alfred Shrubb of Bowmsuville wish ta announce thc engagement of their eldeat daugliter, Norali Ada, ta Mn. Lamne Harold Allin, eldeat son aI Mn. sud Mns. Harry Allin, Bow- manville. The wedding ta take place quictly lu St. Paul's Churdli September llth, 1940. MATS Messrs. George sud Heury Reb- der, Paris, arc visiting their bro- ther, Mn. Chritian Rebder, Becch Avenue. Miss Jean Dudley sud Master Donald Dudley, Tyrone, have beeu halidaying with their cou- sins, Ray and 91)yey Mn. dliai l ýoxand Miss Elizabeth Painto i ttended Uic funcral af bis ister, Mn.. Geo. Alexander, Part Penny, ou Satur- day. Spr. David Preston, R.C.E. 8tb Field Coy., Sec. 3, Camp Barden, was home on leave. With hlm Sundsy wss Miss Penn Wilson, Oshawa. Mr. Orme Gamsby af Orono paid s visit to Uic Boys' Traiuing Sehool ou Friday last wherc be wss the gucat of bis nicce, Mns. Ken Wcrry. Mr. sud Mns. T. Benuett Sr. sud Mrs. Wm. Pattersan, Scugog 'Street, Mn. and Mrs. T. Bennett Jr., Gordon sud Dorotby, Toronto, arc hoiidnying at Orr Lake. Mn. sud Mra. Gco. Grahaansd Barbara, sud Albert Grahami, Bawmanville, sud Marie Thomp- sou, Tyrone, are holidayiug at their cottage at Bobcaygcou. - Truc feminine bcsuty lies lu a slim, amant figure. Two weeks supply Sîcadar "Besuty" Tableta $1.00. McGregar'a Drug Store. 34-1 Pte. sud Mns. D. J. Camneron, Miss Jean sud Mn. Jack Rice mot- ored ta Barrie sud Camp Borden Tuesday, Mn. Cameron remaiulng with bis regimeut at Camp Bon- den. Miss Marjonle Pryor, who lias becu teacblng at Caremoat, lias becu cugaged ta teadli at thc Con- tinuation Sehool, Agincount. Miss Pryor la uow visiting Mns. M. E. Pallia, Bunketon. Mn. William Virgin for Uic hast two wecks bas becu supphyiug Thc Stateaman office witb beau- tiful bouquets af giadioli. These flowers have attracted the favor- able remnarka af several people DRESSES "c Our bread has not advan- ced lu price and la the saine hlgh quality as everé Durham, Dainty boat AIways Tastes .Good Yau want a brcad that atays fresh Iong-that aiways keeps ita rlch velvety flavaun. You demaud that it la made lu a spotless modern bakery - ln short, you ask for Durham Dainty load. it cornes in white or brown SOCIAL AND> PERSONAL: SCHOOL RESULTS (Conti nued from page 1) metcalf, Jeau-E.C. 2; E.L. 1. Mitchell, Lindsay-E.C. c; E.L. C. Moses, Doris-M.H. 2; AI. c; Tr. c; P.A. 2; P.C. 3; Bo. c; Zo. 2. Moses, Peggy-E.C. c; E.L. c. Murdock, Cockrane-E.C. c. O'Neill, Kay-E.C. 2; E.L. 2; M. H. 3; L.A. 2; L.C.l1; P.A. 2; F.C.l1; G.A. 2; G.C. c. Partnidge, Alau-E.C. c; E.L. c. Pattinson, Jeau-E.C. 2; E.L. c. Pearce, Patrics-M.H. 2; Bo. 3; Za. 2. Rackhamn, Edith-M.H. 2; Tr. 3; L.A. 2; L.C. 2; F.A. 2; F.C. 2; Bo. 2; Zo. c. Relider, Thomas-E.L. c; F.C. c; Ph. 2; Ch. 3. Rice, Charles-E.C. c; E.L. c. Rice, Jcsu-E .C. ç,; E.L. 2. Rickard, Brentou-Tr. c; Ph. c; Çh. 2. Rundie, Siduey-E.C. 3; E.L. c. Scott, Gordôn-E.C. c. Searle, Norma-M.H. 2; Tr. c; F.A. 3; P.C. 3; Bo. 3; Za. 2. Sisan, Kathcen-Ge. c; Bo. 2. Slccp, Berice-E.C. 2; E.L. 2. Shemon, Ketli-E.C. 2. Smale, Dorothy-M.H. 2; AI. 2; Tr. 1; F.A. c; F.C. c; Bo. 2; Za. 3. Spencer, Chas.-P.C. c; Ph. 2. Storey, Kathleen-M.H. 2; L.A. c; L.C. c; P.A. 2; P.C.ce; Bo. 1; Zo. Storcy, Margaret-E.C. 2; E.L. c. Summeralord, Kenneth-E.C. c. Symans, ICcvin-E.C. c; E.L. c. Symauns, Paul-AI. 1; Ge. 1; Tr. 1; Ph. 2; Ch. 2; Bo. c; Zo. 3. Tamblyn, Aan-E.C. 3; Tr. 3; P.A. c, P.C. 3; Ph. 3; Ch. 3. Underhill, Gearge-E.L. c. Veuton, Donald-E.C. c; E.L. c. Ward, Erest-E.C. 2; AI. 1; Ge. 1; Tr. 1; P.A. 1; F.C. 2; Ph. 1; Ch. 1. Ward, Olive-AI. c; Tr. c; G.A. 1; G.C. c; Bo. 2; Zo. c. Werry, Helea-E.C. c; E.L. 2. Wheeler, D ia n a-E.C. 1; M.H. 8; Bo. 2. Wight, Catherne-E.C. 3; E.L. 2. Wililamis, Heleu-L.A. 2; L.C. 3; F.A. 2; P.C. 2. Wilson, LQuise-E.L. c. Wilson Patricia-E.C. c; Ge. 3; Tr. c; Là. 2; L.C. 2; Bo. c; Zo. 2. Ontario Flocks to Ancient Quebec who have been lu the office aud have noticed their bcauty. Dou't miss Werry's sale af cnt- tic at 7 o'clock sharp Saturday moruing, Auguat 24th. 150 head stocker cattie will be offercd for sale at Werry's Parm, Lots 17 and 18, Con. 8, Darliugton (Euniskll- eu). . 34-1 The ncw spray nozzlc rccently purcbased by the B.wt v4n e Pire Brigade got its fItgnZelh test hast Thursday noon whcn Uic eall wcut out ta quel a blaze im the rear af MeKeever & Smith's Garage. Sanie oily waste was bhazing sud had caught on a feuce. The men auswered prornptly sud the lire threat was quickly sub- ducd lu the haze of watcr the uew nozzle put forth. Pte. Fred H-ughes, with the Canadian Ordusuce Carp lu Eng- land sud who la anc of the first casualities i Egland spoke aven the radio Monday uight ou the prograni "With the T=oops lu Eugiand." As well as answerning several questions asked by the M. C. on Uic pragrani, he sent greetinga ta his wîfe, Mrs. Fred Hughes, nec Lillian Pritchard, King St., Bowmauvillc. Saturday's papers rcportcd that A. Cameron, Bownianville, was presumed killcd on active service. We have lcarued that this is the anme A. Cameron, a Pilot Officer, who was reported missing sanie weeks ago aud is supposed ta have lived lu Bowmanviiie a long tume ago but now has no conuectiani town. A picture accompanying the item lu the paper gave Uic man's narne as Angus Cameron. Siendor «'Beauty" Tableta give thnt eutlcing, youthfui appear- suce. Two weeks supply $1.00. McGregor's Drug Store. 34-1 One of the familiar lsudmarks in the wcst end af the business section is no more. Early this weck the apple trcc standing out- side of W. J. Jeffrcy's was eut dawn. This trec always was the firat lu sprig ta, have its branches covered wîth biossoni sud Uic first lu fnll to bear apples. Many childreu au the way ta sehool have lmbibed lu their wholesamc gooduesa no natter how carly Uic scason and have had to be sent home with a tummy ache. The. caretakers of thc High School1 and Public Sehool are ta be cougratulated ou generausly offering their services in the Na- tional Registration. Beiug an the job ail Uthe cu etails muchi ex- tra work for bath Herb. Maysc sud Clint. Luuuey, but Uiey arc offering ta do this job gratis as part of their wan work. The Scouts and Guides were alsa mudl inl evidèKce màking thern- selves useful iu runniug erranda and directiug people ta, polling divisions. Meuibers of the Lions Club Safety Bicycle- Club held a Red Cross bazaar on Friday afternoon lu Rotary Park sud uetted $26.90 for the worthy cause. Material for the bazaar waa collected from various homes sud froni several of the merdhant aloug main street. A prize draw waa held for a beau- tiful cake, thc winuer of which was Mrs. Edsel, Brock St. Thc cammittee in charge of thc fair was Florence Chartran, Betty A n d e rsonu,rene Cunninghiam, Nellie Parker, Eheanor Johustan, Betty Gaslett sud James Stutt. The Marks Theatre i Oshawa wiil shartly undergo extensive renovation, it wss annouuccd at week by Oscar R. Hauson who is presideut aIflice corporation op- ernting the thestre. Plans luclude a uew vitrolite front, ncw striking electnie signa, rncmodelled lobby, foyer, sud ladies' powdcr rooni. New luxuniaus seating wili be in- stalled sud Uic theatre ciilarged. Mr. Hlanson la very enthusiastie about Uic proceedingsansd statea that when Uic theatre agalu opens carhy in October it will prove thc bightest and mast popular spot in towu.I BLACKSTOCK CONTINUATION SCHOOL Uppen Sehoal Examination Resulta Carter, Ethel-Comnp. Il; Lit. Il; Alg. I. Carter, Roy-Comp. III; Lit. C; Alg. I; Geo m. C; Fren. Au. III; Frenc. Ca. IL. Coulter, Jean-Geoni. C; Pýn. Au. II; Fren. Ca. Il. Demille, Hlenry-Lit. C; Geani. C; Fren. Au. C; Freu. Co. C. Galbraitb,- M.-Comp. C; Lit. C; Alg. C; Geoni. 1; Prn. Au. C; Fren. Co. C. Marlow, Madeline - Geoni. C; Fren. Au. C; Prn. Ca. C. Steel, Margaret-Prn. Ca. C. Taylor, Kathleen--Camp. C; Lit. C; Geoni. II; FPn. Au. C; Fren. Ca. C. Trcwin, Lamna-Camp. C; Lit. C; Cheni. IL. Trcwin, Ronald - Lit. C; Hliat. C; Gcom. C; FYen. Au. C; Frn. Co. C. LIONS CARNIVAL (Continued from page 1) taining thousands af tickets be- ;gan ta rall. Lion Jose ONeill in- 3troduced yaung Gerald Matthews, a bllnd lad- whom the club has taken under its wing. Gerald per- formed the ceremony af drawlng Uic lucky tickets. He dlpped his hand inta the barrel whilc the crawd walted anxiously ta sec whom Lady Luck would smile upon this tinie. Finat ticket cames from Presideut Chant's home tawu, Hampton, and bore thc n.ame of Mrs. C. W. Souch who won a lovcly quilt. Next"Uic car ticket was drawn bcaning Mrs. Thompson's name. For selling this ticket Miss Dorothy Edger won $25.00. Four prizes of merchandise werc then drawn for. Although the pcrson whosc name was drawn was suppased ta be ou Uic grounds lu arder ta wiu, President Chant had ta relax this ruhe a littie wheu names began to be pulied out of Uic barrel from Apsiey, Peterboro, London, North Bay and mauy other distant pointa, sud no one spokc up in - answer ta the names. Miss Hilda Richards won the prize douated by Lion M. Breshin, Harold Casbauru won cigarettes offered by Lion Alex McGregor, Mrs. N. Vesua won a wrist watcb from Lion James Marr, and Miss Suc Finu rcceived a prize tram Lion Chas. Carter. To wiud up thc evenlng anc marc lucky ticket was drawn for a consolation pnize aud Mrs. Clif- ford Colwiil, R. R. 1, Bowman- ville, reccived this. The approximate receipta tram the fair arc not yet available but wiil be published in a subsequeut issue. MISS ANNIE WILKINS HONOURED BY FRIENDS AT COURTICE HOM The home af Mn. sud Mrs. B. MWýlklns, Courtice, was opened ou Sa urday uight, Auguat 17, for a miscellançous shawer i honor af Miss Anale Wilkins. There were about hilrty relatives and Inieuds present. Mn. Ber t Colwell calle4 the gathing ta ordë -sud tUic bride sud groom wcre escorted ta places af houar lu the dlniug rooni which was nicely decorated in Pink sud white. The xiiuy par- cela were opened by Uic bride sud accompauylng verses read by Uic groom, after whlch Uiey bath Uianked their frieuds fan the love- ly gifta. A social evenlng was spent and a daity lunch served by Uic hosteas, assisted by her dauglitens. FRUIT Ripe CANTELOUPES - - each 5c - 15e Juley (ORANGES--------288's 29e A Golden Ripe BANANAS--------- Ibo. 23e Red MALAGA GRAPES 2 Ibo. 25e i#EGETABLES Ripe Per th White Pickling 2 th Tom-te5cSe Onions » -25e Large H-ead Fresh Head Cabbage -- Sc Celery Stalks Sc 3 for Cucumbers Se 5 Green Peppers loc Garden Fresh 3 bunches pic. 2 Carrots, Boots 10c Potatoes - 25c GROCERIES 0WIi Red Rose uUmgo~y** Coffoo lb. 479 1-2 lb. 24e that charmlng French Inflection even the farms are different. Pr~ . d-G. tilat makes It pleasantly novel ta Their smallness and narrowness Soap - - 10kar.s 39c thé ear. dates back a few hundred years Bo Front the windows of the luxu- ta tha days when the river was B3rown Label rious Chateau Frontenac, Quebethe oxlY route for travel. On Bomo ald T a - -2l. 9 CltY can be seen spread out ln farms the eQulpment and bulid- orlderly disarray. The iýlendId Ings show great age, paint Is gen- parliament buildings, steop, nar- erally brighter than ln Ontario 1-2 Ilb. 29e Mapie Leaf row streets up and down whlch and occasionally cattia turn out 1-4 lb. lgc Lard - - - - - - lb 10e taxi drve uriusl an hose-ta bo oxen. tais drivesrloeed horse-Quebec has, of course, the sain crawl n caecheand rocdern ata forma Of aummer recreation as craw, anien andmodm buld-Ontario but it la the setting that Ingsaside by aide and neither of la different. That la why the pro- then ilncangruaus, tall-splred vince has played such an impor 0 SM E1 > 1 04 churches, homes reminiscent of tant part In the holiday.plans of medieval Normandy, with the Ontario people this year. Good _______________________________ broad St. Lawrence flowlng ma- roada have entlced more Ontario jestlcally ln the background. cars to Quebec thia season than new home, and toid those present by ahl, and the rest of the evening Driving along good roads ever before -and the good people ta make t he evening an enjoyable spent in social chit chat. Lunch through the rural districts, the of each province are gettlng ta one. was served. visitor froni Ontario tindi that. know one another as never before. Mrs. Gilbert spoke of how much __________ she had enjoyed living in the coin- comanytoordr nd skd Ms.munity and the undercurrent of SHOWERED BY FRIENDS FRIE DS H NOURsorrow prevailing in her heart at ENFEL cOULEWilfred Bowman ta rend an ad- leaving. She thanked ail for the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur CoverlY, _______C UPL dress. Mrs. Fred Smith maàde the lovely gifts, and also expressed Liberty St., were hasts Friday On Friday evernng, August 8th, presentation of a lovely floor great pleasure at the gathering to- evening at a shower in honor af lamp, Mrs. Hosken Smith present- gether of their friends. She was Mr. and Mral EwartBrg:M. about one hundred friends and ed a pretty table lamp, and Mrs. deeply moved by the gift of the and Mrs. Bragg wcre talten by neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. C. Pascae presented a box of bouquet. surprise when their fniends gath- Gilbert took them completely by handkerchiefs ta Miss Velma Mr. L. C. Pascoe spoke of his ered at the Coverly home ta pre- surprise by gathering at their Gray who vWill aiso be much miss- pleasant associations through the sent thcm with many beautiful home in a body. The abject of the ed at church and Sunday School. years with the Giiberts, and in and useful gifts. Howevcr, they gathering was ta show apprecia- Little Miss Jean Smith made a reminiscent mood toid incidents replied ably witli short addresses tion ta these twa citizens who loveiy picture as she presented connected with the departure of ta, the congratulations. and good have always given unreservedly Mrs. Gilbert with a beautiful bau- some Enfield residents of bygone wishcs of their friends and ex- af their time and talents in church quet of fragrant sweet peas. Mrs. years. pressed the wish that they would and community work; and ta ex- G. Bowman led iu the singîng of Mrs. A. W. Prescott made a few be able ta have mauy such fricnd- pres rgre tht w ar loing"For thyaejlly gaad fellows." remarks, dweihing an the valucd ly visita tagether. Cards, gaines them fram aur immediate coim- Mr. Gilbert thanked ail present help Mrs. Gilbert hal rcndered aud lunch were cnjoyed and iunity. for the lavely gifts. He invited all her when president of the W. A. brought ta a conclusion a pleasant Mr. L. C. Pascae called the their friends ta visit them iu their A jahly sing-song was enjoyed evening. P REI £ 25Pei Lowest Prices Our complet MMFET HURT?: .DUST RUS Il IN - jour loos Q dreuisi £CN CMa FIGHT FLUES WITH Whiz Insect Killer 8 os. 24c 16 oz. 43e Acroxas Fly Cilis-- 3 for 5e Wilson's Fiy Pads 10c, 3 for 25e Shelitox 10 as. 29e 20 oz. 49e Fly Swatters -- -----10e FJy Tox -- -----24c, 43e NOXZEMA NOYZ EJChapped Hand hals ovauhi thé Luçky New Way le . .. CIesnriesth.DrIghtOi Smiess 35o aise and 20o Bidu 4 Bath for----34 OUCEDTO CLEAR crcent Off On Bathiog Caps and Bathing Sandals ete stock must be sold. Ilt wlll psy yau ta buy now for neit year. BATHING CAPS 19e - 25e - 29c-35c-39c BATHING SANDALS - - - - $1.25 I.DA. Wax Paper, 50 It.'lle ic r-isTlum o 5 Selitz Pawders,2ar2cDe-KsTlun, 2 for 25 A.S.A. Tableta, 100's 19C Whick's - - - 2 for 25e HAY FEVER REMEDIES MED-O-VAPO INHALERS - - $2.98 HAYTONE - - - 25e - 50c - 51.00 POLARGEX ----------1.50 RAZMAH, reds, browns & regular $ 1.00 Rinex - - - 50c - $1.00 KeIlog's Asthma Estivin - - - $1.35 Relief - - - 23c-98C Velvetta Tissues lOc-25c Frast, No. 217 35ce- 75c Nova Kelp - 79c-$1.39 Eno's FRUIT SALT Handy Sise ---53e Household Bise --87e QDORQI)0D CREAM Suftly Ch.dcs P.vspIratIon 1 to3 Day. :zznt rrt.:te orrtdresse *'Quickl No waiting to dry. A mu u otai NO? JUS? 3%1OOC, _ AhrIe. ective eb Chases' Nerve Food 49e Carters' Liver Pilla 23c-69c Deveîoplng and Prînting PROMPT SERVICE Films and netatives taken lu up ta 9 a.m. arc tlnished the samne day at 6 P.m. The quafity of aur work la unequalled hene and unex- celled eisewhere. Each nets- tive la accorded skilled handliug and personaliy ln- terested attention. SENAIONAL OFFER Hind's Creani lui il.-oz. aise ,1.00 Value i 49c PICKLING SUPPLIES Sweet Plckle Mixture 1 gaýi. 25e Parowax---------e Jar Rings- ----------5c Cassia Buda - - - oz. 50 Allspice, Whoie -'- - oz. 5e Celery Seed - - - - oz. 5c Alum -- --------2 os. 5c Certo---------250 Memba Seais - - - - e Prescriptions a sipeclalty ALEX McOREOOR Phono 792 W. Doliver -c T ho exchange:of good-nelghbor af Ontario and Quebec ha. been a pleasing feature of the holiday season this sulmmer. Bound closely together geographlcahly and la a score of other ways, On- tario and Quebec are as different as ulght and day . . . different lu language, customs, laws and, ta samo citent, climate. The average man or womaa from Ontario f inda Qucbec City as fareiga as any of the cities of Europe. Walk through lower town, outalde Quebe's famous Wall, and talk ta some of the peo- ple on the street. You will hear tha musical French language spoken on al sides, and mont of thae Pngllsh you hear wfll hava Final Clearanceet Summerwear We are deflnitely clearing our stock af ail suznger goods ln order to make room for aur new. flu fashions whlch we expect wiil arrive the finat «of next week. Alil Dresses and hats have been sub- stantlally reduced and we are glving thia special savlng ta our custamers. Drop lni and sec aur stock of summer goads and new flu styles. THE TOWN- SHOP THE CARTER FAMILY nhone 855 Bakers for Two Generattons CANADIAN LEGION WAR SERVICES PAIR Rotary Park, 'Dowmaiwille THURSOAY, AUGUST 29th 'ORD MILITAIT PARADE Leaving Pulic Ochool Grounds at 7.30 p.m. AU ex-service mes are lnvlted to loin in the parade GRAND DRAW AT 11.30 p.m. 4 10 PRIZES Fifty Dollars War Savings Certificats Two $25.00 War Savlngs Certificates Two $1 0.00' War Savings Certificates Five $5.00 War Savlngs Cerilficates Tloketa 10oech or 3 for 250 There wili bc amusement and refreshusent booths COME AND HAVE A GOOD TIME AND HELP OUR FIGHTING MEN The Fair la held under the War Charities Aet GOD SAVE TH3E RING "RMDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 1940 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Il

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