PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1940 Etbhhd1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER WIth which are lucorporated The Downanffle News, The Newecutle Independesit, ad The Orono Newm. 85 years'continuossservice ta the Town er Dowmanvfle adDurhams County. Casiadian WeekIy Newspepru Asoeaton ad Clm A Weeklieu af Canada. SUDSCRIPTON RATES 82.0 a Year, strtctly lsi advae. 82.5O a Year ln hUit sed States. 030. W. JAMES, Editor. THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1940 The Farmer and the Packers The packers are casting up thein balance sheets for the first half-year of wax, while the fariner stands on the side-lines wonder- ing when he wil get his fair shane of profits. The Consolidated Balance Sheet of Can- ada Packens Ltd. ( and its subsidiaries) was raleased last week. It reveals that net profits are up 34 per cent on the year's operations. The company paid an extra dividend of $1.00 per share. Its capital, authorized and issued, consists of 200,000 sharas of no par value, which la listed at $1,438,284.46. Net profits were $1,667,809.00. The president, J. S. MeLean, statas: "Part of aur gain came from increased shipments ta Great Britain-but the chief improve- ment came from inereased industrial activity within Canada, due ta the war. " That is only part of the story as every fariner well knows who has hauled stock ta, market and bas stood helplessly around awaiting his ticket and his taka. Few indeed ean intarpret the hieroghlyphics scrawled acrosa the fariner 's sales slip, colunin upon columa. There is cancass inspection, boni inspec- tion, dockage, yardage, commission, insun- ance, pro-rating, stamp tax, freight and baulage and what not-each with its separ- ata fee and ail going into a jack-pot ta which the farmer alone contnibutes and in which ha dae nat shar'e. This is outeide of the funds set aside undar the auspices of the Bacon Board. afnd thus cnaatad amount to thousands ofdollars par day, every day these markets operate across this country. Farmera are asking, "Whare doas ail this kmoney go?" "Who gets it?" And as he asksi, the prica of hoga is slash- cd from 9 ta 8.25; riscs slowly Ln d is slashed again. The only consolation ha gata from the packers is this: Your beef pricas are holding up well be- causa we market 100 par cent of oun beaf li the U.S.A., but hogs are a different matter; truc, we have the British market which can buy nothing froin the continent-but had the war flot broken out, yau would today be getting a much lowar price." There is every indication that before the yaar is out, there will be evan widen fluc- tuations. So far as the fariner la concerned, thesa chaatic conditions leave him with na profits and less encouragement. Canada is at war and the farmen, too, wil bea t war should the government fail ta step in soon ta stabilisa conditions which are be- caming intolerabla. He must have capital. Today ha bas littie or nana, while farmn labor la daily becoming mare saace and mare ex- pensive. We bave said before and we say it again: The Federal Governinent must resort toaa biood transfusion in the Depatmant of Agriculture wbich bas toa long been dor- mant. Wheat livestock, and the dairy industry must have the close study and prompt at- tention of an able Ministar. giving hie wbole tie ta tha job. Under wartime conditions, whan packar'a profitsarem up 34 par cent and fariner 's are down ta zero or lass-a--omathing must ba donc. The Show Wlndow of the Empire S~4~ ~tb*t us entertaining and #. 'pm ,at' çoUaection of build- tgM i catered ta and ep1.daom.$ g of interest. -f lover, the :Mnan, manu- 51'the ideal- ItOiyaur Junk la a Scrappy Business Do you despise Junkt Well, don 't, ad- visas McDonald White li tie Botanman Magazine. "It is a big buines-and, with wars on, a booming an," ha aays. "Ini the United States, for exampla, it is li the bil- lion-dollar clas and still growing. Indus- trial miracles that shama Aladdin 's lnnp ara recreating fron the junk pila useful things in an amazing variety. In fact, ahnost avery- thing one bnysnowadays is partly made fron waste niatenials. "Wan alwaya booms the junk business. Dnring the 1914-18 affair, scrap iron laaped fron $4 ta $42 a ton. History seems about ta repeat itself, for alraady the pnice la clinbing. If it continues, higi steel pnicea nay slow down construction work and pro- duction of bath capital and consumer goods for years ta coma. Or at leant until guns, armaments, bayoneta, and 'duda' eau be canverted into plowslaras. As minas are ex- hansted, as wars irratnievably wnsta Nat- ure 's langeas, as man by paliticai action enta off bis fallowman froin sources of muel- needed supply, the junk business will con- tinue ta graw. It 's a business with a fut- ure!" Sa get busy, as we advised lu this coluxan 9everal months aga, and gathar up the scrap iran froin farin, factory and around home. It wili ail be needed ta lick Hitler. The Mayor of Renfrew bas already issued a pro- clamation ta the citizens ta gather up waste paper, iran, brasa, copper,, lead, aluminun, etc. Why Grudge Them Their Fun A neaden las suggested that we say saine- tling about wedding processions of cars that procead tîrougi the streets witi ahl bhorna blatting. Iu saine cities police are slap- ping down on tic motonized friands of tic ncwlywads who serenade tien an route. It cnn be admitted tînt a car born under .tic tbumb -of an aven joyous wedding gucst la pratty awful, witiout feeling tint tic pence of tie conmunity la permanently dnmagad. It takas thc place of thc aId-turne charivari, wbich may have disturbed only the in- mediate neighbaurhoad but cnrried on for lours. The brides are presumed ta ba cm- bnrnassed by tic badlain, an erroneous pra- sumption; a bit dazed, periaps, but not unhappy. And as for the groom, hé is in tic catalepsy usual with grooms. On the wlole tic two wio are pursuad ta the railway station of wbcrever thay go by na pack of cars in full cry would probably miss it if their friands fniled in this observance. (Also tic tin cana lasled ta the rean bumpar by loving handa). Tomornow or next week, the boy will go bnck ta the grind, an.d the girl, as often as not, ta tic restaurant job; and the cavalcada througb the streets will be sametbing ta remamber. It wouid ba nica if it were somtbing battar and tanier and not s0 lilnd,--butthe mort -seataetan bear with a fcw minutas' break in public de- canin, if no fenders arc ideswipcd and no posta anapped. As thinga go thesa dnys, n pnsaing display of exubarance ia rather ta ba cberishad than dcspised. Notes and Observations Tic council af the town of Wbitby bas decided ta fallow a "pny-as-yau-ga" course in municipal financing. Wlat a novai idea. In several towns tic depute r'egistrnra for the national registration bave donntad thain stipend ta asslat the governnient. As yet we hava not heard anyane lare offering ta do it. Perbaps tbay nacd the cash for thc new taxas the gaverninent bas sean fit ta assesa ta pay for thc wan. Looking aven the nanas of mean wla lave enlisted for active service ana la surpriscd ta find few naines af foreiga oigin. On sec- ond tiauglit it ia not surprising thay siould not be willing ta figbt against relatives, friands, tiose wha bava nat mad thc good fortune to escapea Kitlcr. Water Rose No Help ta Your Garden- rends n laadlinc. This racalîs ta nind advise tic editor was givan years ago by aur good naigîbour Alpha Pinch, outstanding gard- ner of thia town for oven 50 years. George, ha said, if you wiil use the boa instead af tic basa yon will get niuel btter nesuts in your garden. Our ambition ta bava an abundane ing this boak we wiil be so cauvinced ai the ernan ai aur judgmcnt we will pravail upon Jin Morden ta let ns put on a public danmon- stration witl bis cage af wolvaa at- bis in- tennationally fanous Creani of Barlay Camp at the aast end ai aur town. lI any avant we knaw wc ara in fan a lot af whalesome entertainnent wben wa raad Mn. Curnan 'a book. AS1 IEEIT un Br Cmiii. M ElmrPhUicUet 0«E TEAI0F? w, It cornes aimost as a shock to realize that the first full year of World War IIl ha Imbot over. A year ago people were stili diIng- lng to the lait shred of hoe that, soiehow or other, war mlght be averted. Even warld famous journalists, like Dorathy Thomap- son, were telling radio listeners that there would be no flghtlng - that the Nazis had wonagain by means af a secret deal. Otheis were declaring that if the war came it wouid be over alnit be- fore the general publie knew It had started. It was flot so. It is a world war. My opidn is the saine as it was a year ago. We, the people af the western demacracies, will survive thec war. But there ia a long long trail ahead before there à any pr-séc of warld stability, which const- tutes the only real victorY. If one analyzes the war an the four fronts - land, sea, air and diplomatie - one begins ta real- ize just what we are Up againat ia the fighting and winning ai this war. on one oi the tour fronts we have been decislvely beaten ini the first Year ai iight- mng. On two other fronts we have scored ever increasing succcs. On the final front - that af dipla- macy - we have held aur ovni. NAPOLE0>N H In one respect Adoif Hitler seerns almost like a second Napo- leon. On land no power has sa f ar been able to stand against hM. The military success ai the German army, ta date, is one ai the most spectacular ianl-the histary of war. One can brush aside the swift conquet ai Po- land, as having been expected and discounted in advance. But the Nazi success i Norway was a striking achievement. If anyone had tried ta tell me a year ago that the French army would have been campletely knockcd out inaa one manth's campagn which in- cluded as well the conquest oi the Low Countries I would have concluded that the speaker was mare than hall cracked. The iact that treachery, and flot artmiery was the explanatian af Hitler's success, as. campared with 14apo- leon's, doca flot alter the realîtY 6f that success. West ai the Soviçt sphere ai power the Nazi war machine ha undisputed master aifaal continen- tal Europe. That is the first great fact which we have ta face i the iighting and winning oi this war. But, as i Napoleon's trne, there is another power. Britain h stili as powerfui relatlvely as she was ln the earlier struggles. She holds the sea. And as long as she holds thc sea she holds the mast dccii- ive weapon ia a long war. More- over the new element in war - the air - may upset the ca4cuIations aif evcrybody, including Hitler. For it begins ta appear that we wil not only be able ta hold aur own i the sky batties. If we can do better than that - achieve the necessary production ai planes and pilots ta overcome Germany's long head-start i the air power race, we mi.ght change the whole picture overnight. In spite ai Germany's great numerical superiority la airpianes when the war began she has neyer yet been able ta drive Our planes from the skies, even in a limited sector. Moreaver - strip- ping the despatches Of ail the pi-opaganda and hall truths which befog the issues i wartixne - there does seem ta be na question that the R.J. is supçrior bath in pilota and machines. Many ai us were inclined ta frown at the British insistance on hand ma- chined airpiane engines, and tech- nical excellence which made mass production difficult. But the ac- tuai restilts ai the battie for Bni- tain seem ta justiiy that policy. Our production is now above that ai Germany. Day by day what. h happening bath i the iactories and in the air batties reduces Germany's numenical supremacy. I for ane expect ta live ta sec tic day when the Nazi air force hs driven'rlght out ai tic skies. And when that happens I should ina- gine that many things wiil be happening down below. GUESSWORK The greatest ofaini basic f acta la regard ta the war is that we cannot be beaten if we fulfili bound ta draw more and mare cloaely tagether oves Uic span oi Uic comlng igenerations. That is a matter ai b asic ecanomlcs and geographicai facto fan mare than ai polltical theanles or Idealogles. But Uic question ai where tUic centre af political power la goig1 ~II W l Rn TM r!- 31 ta reat -wlathes in Berlin or Moscaw -la nothen natter alto- gether. I would bat on- Communin ta outliva Nazidoin, because it la in- lerantly a bar strongen farce Uhni thc lattcr. But if and wlen thena is an out-and-out synthesis ha- tween what la now Geranny and wbat ia now Russia the leader- shp will mare andnana tend ta pasoao tUicGernana becausa Uiey aré probably Uic ablest axecutives la thc world - aven if Uiey arc about the worst pollticiazs ilathe wonld, sceminglylacapabla ai ionscaing thc oerfa ow's na- actions ta their own noves. FAP4TASTIC HOPES The most fantasti anid absurd idea that sceinss il ta linger la thc iinds f ai ny ai the people I meet la that somehow or other wa wili h "savcd" by Soviet in- tervention against Gcrmany; that Cammunsn la reaily sccnctly on our side,,anid that "«Uncle Joe", Simli will produce a nice Christ- nma present for us ont of the secre pocktfai is big avarcont. My awnidai that Staln wil ner wllgypermit thc Nazis ta wla the war aginsttheicwost na quickly nd smchclcply thai wauld'outhen ha free ta turn terfull milltary machine aginat thcSoviet, if Uiay mc de- xbeà . But thara la no mare dan- gerous dalusion thon ta expeet tbat the Moscow nulera wlll even lit a fngor ta heJpanyonc on averyone l the British Empira. A break in Uic presentSoviet- Nazi nlationshlp mgIt give us a breathing spd. Il mugît hclp us on thc figurative western front by forcingitler ta end nucî ai lis fighting force ta thc cant. But a far more probable dev'elopment la that thea Nazis anid Communia wil continue ta divide spoil as long ai Ucrie area ny spola ta divide. Thc brlghtest part ai the oui- look for thecconlng yomn la ion lacreasing Anglo-Arnerican noali- zation that if any luman power la ta maya the democracles it nuit ha found wlthin themscîves. I do nai believa that t Uiea ny lape wb'atevar ai stapplng the drift toward more world chaos anid mare destruction othar Uhniani undenstandlng an joint action by the whola Engliml speaklag wonîd. A bornai miliiary alliance ha- twecn Canada anid the United States la good, but far from good anough. A milîtary defansive al- liance between Uic wholc British Commonwealthanid Uic United States would ba betten. But a reai union - the nucleus ai a future world gaverninent would be bast ai ail. What Others Say THE PILLS WERE FINE (Peterboro Examiàner) George James af the Bawman- ville Statesman found in bis mail saine weeks ago a bottia ai tab- lets which ha waa lavlted ta take ragularly for thrcc nlghta nid then write out a report on tl1,e results. Ha didn't feel Incllncd ta go in for experiments, nor could e ind any persan on Uic staff who would pinch bit for him. He offaj:ed thein toa ny subscribeý wbo would stop up and became the bumanihopper inta which Uic tablets wouid be cast. Thera inuit have been ne tak- ers, because Uic bottle of tabicta la now on Uic desk ini Uta office. Carefully wrapped and accain- panlcd by tUic crd ai Uic gentle- man frain Bowmanville, Uiay are here. And we found thein ali nlght. The spackled han had been =cln rather strange for saie dy.We thought she was golng in for molting too soon as Uic comb seemcd paieand sha was a long way froin belag pny Worse - she was dccldcdlvIýy.op posed ta Uic senlous business of laylgeggs. F or a couple of days we .lippcd hèr thosa pilla and she taok ta thein like carn. AI- moat at once there was a change. Her step became f ir; thra waa a new look inatUic ey anid Uic comb becameaba a ni pe cherry. We put he n lthUi fa il fair and she took first in Uic two-year-old clans. And eggs? Thrca and four evcry day. ItIs nccesaary ta walk her araund a while each day ta kcep her off the acat so thé other hans cni get a chance. Then the geraniumnithe Uic l- daw -box were dolag nana too weil. Whan Uiey'cama inta bloom Uic effort was nat robuat. One neyer feit teinptcd ta asIc Uie nelgbbons oves ta have a loak at them. Sa wc put a few ai those pilla in the aarth ardund Uic roots and sat back ta watch for resuits. Rancit truth, George, In two days Day miter ta-marraw Britain await te Uic oae ai the Italln's antens upon Uic second ycmr ai threat. Sa do Ruisia anid Turkey. wanfare. On Septembar 4th, Ca- It shouid nat ha surprising ta sec nada wMi have camplcted ona al Uic Balkans flame into con- yaar at war - but flot oi conilict. fict. if s0 - Ucere qoes Uic Brtain's ljsses ai -nanpawer thremtanad invasion ai Britain anid hava been negligibia; sIc lai iast Uic biockade becames intensified. fewer men durlng Uic whole year Hitler las decreed a coenter- Uhni mIe laiti singla battles in blockade of Bnîtala.. This can ha the 1914-18 wnr. And Canada has effective anly as it s*ut@ ont al iost mare lives in mator-car ac- British trade with Uce continent. cidents than Uic aumber lait at But in ciosing Uce doar upon Bni- war witU Uc Axis powens. tain, RiUer cloues it aven more Britain's'main lon, outside af a securely'upon hinself. The main f aw warshlps, was the luge loss ffect upon Britain is a serious la gns jni quiinan hithedislocation ai trade. Britain inust Flander's debacla Mtes Belgium mach other outiatafor In xprt collapsed. But ail that las large- anid othen sources for les importa. ,y bean rccovercd since the in And, happily, sIa is doing juit dusria sped-p othhi nitinthat. The British are mina sudh nui l hi ed-uCanada.ditaanger iran Hitles's biockadeasa and n Caada.duning tUc pcniod ai unrestrictcd Lassesila mncbant shlpping submanina warfara la 1917. lave been vary gnaat - just 10w Rveigtewoeseea graat we do flot know - but, to- iRevtang Uc walrscenes day, British tonnage is greatarfitnsta-day, iterof Uiicna than befane war was declared.mtnvebbig aisppg This la due ta new costrution nid oi ponts, wc may safely as- bathhi nitan nd Caada pls ure aurselves that Britain cannai Uich inrasandheslpaiNon-usfailand once that tact becones way, Danmnark, Holland, Belginmin mpressed upon the coasclouinesa and Fancewluc souît scî of ai U the conquesed people$, ita undarrUice Bniis ilg shlt effeci 'Mil be progressivaly ta unde theBritsh fag.taka somc ionm ai neistance ta Oves 12,000 slips undes Uic Uic bonds Uiat bind then. flags ai the British Mandhant Ma- But no natter what the faýI rine stili swarm aven the seven we mmy ha aura ai a long drawn seas, bringing ta the heart ai the ont canflici. Empira ail the resourcea ai the The United States, slowly but glabç. surcly, la coming ta the point And tbcy gat thraugî ta British wlara les "Nat-rality Act" will ports, sngiy anid undes canvoy - fadc into obscurity undes Uic and, despite Hitles's '"b1ckade" wiglt af a camplctely iniormed and bis bomnbsand tarpedoa and public opinion anid activa partici- niosquito-boata nd bis long range patian will take its place. The guna- - not anc single part la dia-lards are dying lard but thaY been ciosad ta ma-bonne traffic. cannat survive non surmaunt the Damiage ha been donc ta porta, plain tact that, aven ta-day, the ai course, anid ta convoya, but anaUS.A. is committed upeta the hilt grant tact stands out cdear: Bri- Ùpon Uic sida ai Britain and ai tain is far fron baing "blockadad" Canada. and hes navy bas nat, a yet, been The necent Ogdensburg agree- cailed inta violant action. Tha ment ties aur twa counitnica in- air-force, including Uic balloon dissolubly ion the duration, anid barrage, anid the anti-aircrait bat-. by virtue ai aur Commonwealth taries hava carried Uic weighi ai aniance that île enlargas ta in- wanfare in repefling Htler's clude Anglo-Saxons averywlare. bonbing attacks and Uicy have Let us be frank about it anidmc- donc a magnificent job. knowledga that Uce leases of na- Maantimne, factonies continua ta val basas, the transiar ai destroy- wonk nigt and day increasing Uceaes, the supplying ai munitions power ai dafance and Uce seaaoandnid ai ahplanes ail constitute acts of foga la close at nd. ît is but ai war against the Axis pawars. a natter a! waaks until wcathen Sa far aUic US.A. la conccrnad conditions must rander Hitler's sha is an active participant in an air effort precariaus ladacd. la- undeclared war. vasion by infantry now becomas And yat, at Uce moment, 50 a faint project. Wlen naxt spring naads thea "Neutrallty Act," Ca- opens, Britala will ha master ai nada cannai borrow ana dollar oi bath air anid sa anid "invasion"~ cash la the U.S.A. Sa far wa lava will lava disappeared inta the nat tried ta - but thc day is nat limbo af idla dreaa. bar distant whcfl wc shall sac that Britain's blockadc ai Uce Con- clause go ovarboard toa. Wa ara tinent stilil alds - and will con- about ta float nother iternai tinue ta bold, but it la flot* a boan. Wc shail, wlcn Parliament complate blockade so long as reassembles, ha subjected ta ncw Russia hlds open Uic back doar. forma of taxation anid wa slould Sa long as Gibraltar anid tUcnat ha surprisad to sec a suppia- ÉNÏ-can behald, -tUic blockade mantary war-time budget brougît ena ha ruinously affective upon down thia yea. Our commitinents thc Axis. Thc wonderso afan la ara now wdflaboya thc billion that fia attampi las been made dollar mark. upan these strangpointa. It nuit With aur smail population wa ha dlear ta Uic Axis that ani attack cannat continua indaiinitaly upon upon Suez by land, sea anid air is these ines anid xtarnal boana wil their only lape ai bneaking the lave ta ha saught. These ns but blockada. But Mussolini seams ana sourceanid the Ogdansburg afrald ta nisk lis ficet anidlis air meeting points Uic way. arn. Once Suez couid be braacl- Econonxc colesion will bacama, cd anid eld, tIen a waalth ai day by day, nana pnonouncd anid supplies could ha adnitted ta Uic Uic prospect is that unitcd dollar Mediterranoan with the activa power upan this continent will co-opesation of Japan. becona the great source ai The Wop resta upon lis laurels strengh back ai Britain's lana mitler conquaring British Sonali- stand an thc battle front. land anid now picks a quarral wiUh And Uic ponta shall renain frac Greeca. But thc Greeka stand anid open foreves round Britain's solUd with the British anid we ambattled coats. REDUCED PARES TRAVEL TORONTO and LINDSAY EXHIBITION SPECIALS 13Y CARTON COACH LIRES Comfortable Up-to-date Busses Golng DaIIy Prom August 24th RIDE ON TUE BUS AND AVOID WOIRRYNG ABOUT DRIVIN IN HEAVY TRAFFIC OR CROWDING FOR STREET CARS TOROJMTO EXHIBITION BUSSES DAILY FROM August 24 to Sept. 7 (DAYLIGHT SAVING TLWE> Resd Dmw Am 7.00 KÂWARTHA MAPLEI 7.10 JANZTVILLE - 2.20 TELVEETON- 7.30 NE8TLBTON- 7.40 BLAOK8TOCK 7.50 BUEKZTON- 7.55 ENNIKILLN.- 8.00 W KXTN - 8.20 BOWMANUVILLE 10.00 TORONTO Exhibitin CHILDEE -- Read Up Faro B - - 1.35 $2.25 - - 1.2 2.15 - - 1.15 2.00 - - 1.05 1.90 - - 12.55 180 - 12.45 1.70 - - 12.35 1.60 - 12.25 1.50 - - 12.15 1.40 -L.10.45*p.m. RAI PAIE FARES INCLUDE ExàMDTON ADMUISBION Bus Takes Passengers Rlght on te Exhibition Groundsandi Stay There AUl Day for Uic Conveniience of Passengers LINDSAY EXHIBITION Raad Dowu AIL 9.00 BOWN£MAVL 9.10 HAKPTON - 9.20 NMILLZN 9.30 BUEKETON- 9.45 BLAOTOCK 10.00 NETLECTON- 10.10 YELVERTON- 10.25IANET VILLE- 11.00 LINDBAY '- Returalng Ratura ReamiUp IPare 1.00 amn.. 1.50 12.50 a.m. 1.45 1240 a.m. 1.40 12.30 am2. 1.25 12.15 a.m. 1.0 12 mld'ght .80 11.50 p.M. .60 11.35 P.i». .40 11.00 p.m. FOR INFORMATION PHONE LINDSAY 506 - BOWMANVILLE $660 - OSHAWA 2388 Patrons Uulng Our Busses Mar Leave Their Cars la Parking Space ai Kawartha iMlpe or ai Our Garage lu Dowmanvlie Free ef Charge *1 FRIDAY AN» SATURDAY September 20, 21 (STANDARD TRIE) wa had ta go poklng about ta geti thc pilla ont of Uic box. Thasea geraniunis wcre on Uic way ta smothering ont cverythlng èIse1 we'd plantcd. Thc sinalissi1101o6 er gat t tahe Uic ie -fa air good sunflowar anit was acces- sary ta stake thein np. Elght naw Uic geranxum's about as good as any shada tree on Uic street and in Uic fail we eftpect ta trimUic hilng anid use saine of Uic branches for kindllng woad. One ai those tablets or pilla diisolved i watar Ia goad for tak- ing paint off windows; sweil for putting down the slnk-ipe whcn It gais clogged. There ara a few latith aUcbottleand wa niay sand them back ta Mn. James at Bowmanville. Ha pasad up about thc hast Uiing whlch has came his way sinoe ha won Uic prize for turning ont a goad newspapcr. AIRE EDITORS GETTlNG SOFT? (Klngston Whig-Standard) These was a time when news- paper editars wese' big, strang (anid sokaetimes) allant men. Thay took evcrything in their stnide: They could edit a papes ail day, pitch horseshaca ail evening, drink liquor most af Uic night and, if naed ha, preach a sermon on Suaday. It uied ta be sald oi ana famous weakly newspapar aditan la Western Ontario, that ha addad ta al l is other accan- plishinents that af nursamnaid, and mothans lat thair children with lin la the aiternoans when Uiay wcnt ta do Uder shopping. But what af ta-day? Editar Jim i Curnan of Sault Ste. Marie stiil puts on liii white fannals and goas out and frolics with Uia big grey timber wolves ai tha nanth. But that ia up north. la the oldes parts ai Ontario, wa arc nat Uic stema braed aur fathers wese. Only reccntly Editar George James af The Bownanville Statesman hail a box af pilla sent ta bliby saine anterprising firin. The pilla were a giit. Mn. James was askad menely ta take twa fon three aiguts nunningand let lis subscribers know Uic result. He rciusad Uic kind aifan. Ha look- ad the git pll-box askanca and set it asida. How can an editar expect pi11- nakesta advantise in bis paper if ha refuses the free sample? Editor George James ia usuaily an antarpnising man. Hie ha been a coundillan, mayar af Bownian- ville,anid president af Uic Board af Trade. 'Yat he refuses ta sain- plc a iew pilla for nan tarpnising pill-maker. Thc days ai the truly great editors ara passing. In the "good aid days" a real honest-ta- goadnass editan wauid have swai- lawed the pilla, box and ail and uscd a little printars' ink and lye ion a chaser. Oh, well. Lacka- day, lackaday. MARITIME WA1TERS (Toronto Flnancial Post) Do you remaxnben, a few waeks aga, wc taid an this page Uic story af how George James, cdi- tan af The CanadianiStatesmn, Bowmanvillc, once mnistook Hon.1 Angus Macdonald for the lcead- waltcr of thc Nova Seotian hotel at Halifax? It wus a good story, voueg for by Mr. James, whose vcal* wc have neyer had reauon ta, question. But apparcntly this story didnt "go down" wlihUiceeditar ofi-the Porcupine Advnce. SM~ this Timmins seml-weekly: "lIt ia a plty, no daub, ta spoil a gaod story, but this anc- sesta rouie doubta on a cop f a points. Editor James has travdlled vcry widely on thia continent nd acroussthc sca, but where la Uic Nova Éco- tian who will admit that there are aven headWaitersiny land or clime handsame n ohrc ta justiiy -Uic ailcgcd arrofý.. made by Uic Bowmanvlle cdi- ton? When shown Uic story, a local gentleman who was born i Nova Scotia said: 1I once sa-w iwalter ithe~ Albany Club whoaas distin- guished enough ta be mistaken for a party politicien, but An- gui Macdonald cauld neyer ba mistaken for a "waiter." Hie has the dlatinguished look af a mn wha doesn't wait, but hurries things along ta success. That's Angus! It'a more llkely that Uic Bowmanville editar mistook a- head waiter for Han. Angus.L AUl the Nova Scotia waitcrs are distinguiahed îaoking nd gra- ciaus-graciaus aaaugh ta flat- tes a st#anger nd flattes them- selves by accepting a mistake ion Uic truth.' I TRURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1M THE CANADIAN STATESUAN, BOWMANVII.LE, ONTARIO PAGETWO