PAGE SIX THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 194b' THE CANAflIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO Ata critical tine ilast Mon- ROAe RSL COUIICE uS FNAl Canada Io Supply Ârmy with Universal Carriers ds1kencutr caon callOsored O SHWAoun 1 ~Cankies. G pulled out fromt behind to defeat.......... et the Salem lads 6-5 and also tie up MikeÇ 's Place* pu'll ed a bit* ofated4hia!aP p SOT NW'the play-offs in the South Der- Mk' lc uldabto dhr ensa gia ld itigC ar surprise when they defeated the an O9 aagrsten.Drty gme ayean eagren Thof Goodyears inthe lrtgan fthe Dowey asotemunft ga n l y d a he C e m o a -softbafl play-offs. T e ard the l s r u t w s d fn enty anptedayight. "Ace"héKings' win was no fluke. Not flot le1 al s h ulds Ooodyear Loue. for Seflcnd, Time - first gaine to bcae drcnl ly; th o-i ad u-bn Richards was the lao itche score the Rubbermen, but they starte o saa u a e In First of Finas With MOiklesPRace whlle jeri'y Peters ur le lieved Byc .Hghs * ~~~~~~~special star could be plcked for ** itetidadsvnh w Dave Osborne Winnxng Hurler to the pitcher. Piper came up ta thie gaine, bath sides playingan The main trouble with the Tire- playesehcosngom p AsNOe s lae eah bat and pramptly smote a homer round gaod bail causing plenty of men was their inability ta ad- UnforuaeyfrteRa tasdeepcentrePlabrengeach< excitemrent. Waily Wilson of Qali- vance runners once they got them severa fterglrpa Top Form and Win runs. awa hockey fame helped consid- on base. Credit must be given were nhldy o tnlh 11- Utilth ffthining"Ae"erably with the efforts af the . .. .Mike's Place for the fine support been r ifrn tr.M R1chards hadthe ld fth e Bnill ArdCourtice teamn. "Casey" Martin heyafod Dave Osborne on McDoE dpae irfrtgm Kx g h t e a i h i e st i e- u s handled the u mipiring duties be-~ the Pite hl g cm und. If U c l a d h c t he ' p si on d h w d "Dub" Piper's home run with ta iscrdi. utt walksn hind the plate and "Dub" Piper bail tean a done likewise, we thatseknw ha "Ubsers deda Uic fith -to e rérs,.plu li ard îttnacndrnanaged the bases. The final would find Osborne doing duble was alaot th ae oddi h it n-toerrpu adhti g a~o i se- an ftesries wiil be played duty hurling chares. 0saaBue1 .Snwei ing proved ta be a sufficient mar- countcd for their entire eleven Friday niglit. 0ey*,*..t gin for Mikc's Place to defeat rn cd by the West-enders For tU i ** ** lss earthe-; G oeIRn~DAtes Uic once high-flying Goodycars inceM es Pae got thèir Men-of-Moore shape up as con- p;*.J.Casc;DMnrr;F hiUi rtgae fUi O n catt ies Plare ws o holbTir TI1tenders for thc mualibail crawn. GOYnrc;R Clu,1;M ith isganofteTw atn ys hr anohl-fI T T< Unless Goadycars snap out of Hughep League softball play-affs. Slow ing them, and Uiey reafly biit lard. RO AB LOS R ter ehagI hy Mbelke B ta e started, Bun Moore's men A total of Urcc hamers were bit ho ltagy i yw eline owmnil oa es- getff Richards' offerings -Piper, i n~iig ~ 1'._ i adalta -vz odn odad u;M enntn foloc u fu-ra Gay, and Wilson doig Uiclong- jj VflINGG' ERlSALY J.*" ....... i ag f . Dvle, .C1re duit Smash by scoriag Uiree mare range firing. TTIERA iiehie gun ** .RiBd;PGualf;M hi icsith ad adc aoter Mîe ~RI IT" fT'TTfl 'U carriers wil cc b. added And then what happened to Blake s .Clvle e;M four in Uic last inning ta route Dave Oabyrne, a t tr'~ A ir I IENt h ita m eila ae~~toeftbtigaeae itUcMDalc thesbarnen 1-3.on tUic md for PULI0IinCanada for Uic fig fore * Tiremen are s ru f tloa_____________ Uic ubbrnin the.Uic Mike's Place, settlcd down e___ t home and'overseas. Theze are .wL... , as thougli sucli teamsas Whit Goyasstartcd off ia their and hcld Goodycars ta six bits equipped with catefpilar treada s Rose and Front Street must have S F ui laib' A uulbtadrun style by clout- for Uic rest of Uic gaine. In only Bodwnanville's last inning 4-run ande ey myacene*.ean played prominent parts ipad- IL DMW I' ing Urcc runs over Uic plate in anc trame wcre the rubberiaen rally ftelanc short of tying the pey h aeamue igtoehtyprete.AsSP thUi t nnin ' ut Dave Os- able to buncli more Uian anc lut. score at Port Hope on Fricday aganst sinahi armea ire and wil 'his 11115 wriEl ConRSIONSy borne hcld thei ta anc rain for And that was in the last inning cvening as Uic Ontarios dcfcatcd carry three Bren guns or ean be and Uic next gaine cames on Wcd- Uic remainder of Uic gaine. Mike's whcn a double and a triple werc Uic Rayals 7-6 in Port Hope ta used ta carry ammuntin, wire.. nesday, wc must, for obviaus rea- men werc flot able ta get going ifted froin Osborne's tasses, cn-ri- he i first gaine of Uic Lake- less sets and other neecssary snhp o olronrpa until Uic fiftli inng when Gay ablingtUi manufacturers ta taily shore League play-offs. Thraufgh- equipinent. They will be produced on ls hope'rapol repet OAL TAINS1 wa]ked, Wilson poked out a dou- anc mare runta their meiager oui Uic wholc gaine Uic Ontarios Ia the Windsor plant of Ford***9V ble ta lcft, and Moore walked total. were lucky - not only was Uic Motor Company of Canada, For real, genuinc cnthusiasii ta fil Uic bases. Then Little lit To pick oui stars from Uic gaine cailed early due to dark- Limited, which bas been uelected soldiers always lead Uic way. LestGONDAE a pop fly to third, and McKniglit pool-room aggregation would'be ness, but also Uic RayaIs werc as thc mot suitable for the pro- wcck, for exemple, wlit their DALYSP MEl18.2, made it two dlown on a groundcer nflair but spécial mention muat go uneble ta field their strangest duction of this vehiele. In the- tcam ten or twelve runs dlown, 14 ___________ta Piper, Wilson, Gay, and D. Os-. teain. lawcr phtograpli, Mr. Wallace their ardour was nai dulled anceEUNLMII4 au borne. GeorgePiper, Murphy and "ikr rmi trc i R. Campbel, preaident of the Windsor include the powerful 25,000 units for miliiary purposes tcyltl i.Wa' ae Al. Osborne led Uic attack for gaine with a lump an hsar err i Canadien Ford orghnfration, is faur-wheel drive gun tr4ctor ta ailier Empire goverumnenia. their enthusiasm las infectious. TIKT100 OTA L Gaodycars, ecdigtting twa bits. size of an cgg. The yaung catcher ahown with Lleut-Col. D. C. pictured above. These sud ailier The plant is ao'w being expauded Viewfllg a gaine whicb, ta say UitheCACE 11/,.,.. Mike's Place - Litte, cf; Mc- deserves ail thc credit in Uic Waruica, officer camimauding the types of military vehicles arc by a $700,000 addition ta, provide lcast, was Uic acmc of imperfect Excuso ikt go nTult Kaight, rf; I. Piper, 3rd; Werry, world for his plucky performance. Essex Tank Battalion, Windsor, roiliug off Uic assenibly lhue af faiities for building Universel sofibail, civillan fans faund Uicm- Pariel n tnad leigcr lai; C. Osborne, ai; D. Osborne, p; WiUi Bawmanville leading 2-1 iaspctiiag anc af the Universal the Canadi-n Ford plant which carriers aud ta increase produc- selves chcering and cnjoying Uic aise vlal npymn tsihl Gay, 2nd; Wilson, c; Moore, If. in Uic third, Crombie was put out carriers. Other army Vehicles is supplying ncarly 10,000 units tion aifailier types of miliiary praceedings ijusi as mucli as "Uiche her asg ae, lspi. o. f Uic gaine. WiUi lis departure low rmade in thc Fard plant iu ta the Canadian army aud another. eil boys." As far as wc arc conceru- lrlro leigcracmoa Goodyear - Woods, cf; G. Per, went Uic hopes of victory for Uithe cw a "c' ae aco tES-Tcet od.on~va as; A. Osborne, 3rd; Murphy, If; Bawmanvillc-iies. ________________ thein." POrt tuOtCiao ,o James, lst; Colwdil, 2nd; Hooper, Pr HpasocdfurrasBalJ-iU i i OSHAWA c; Oke, rf; Richards, p. P and addscoed fo ou re EIIJDfforsatnhrI VIIan "t1 _____Paking_ Pone_101_ilEthe fth ab efore UicZai rR<>Y EI I AiPortDIHopeunsung, Uic local girls' sofibal iol utna Free Parking PIon.s P.10000 R3 H 1Ui m Utheg S l Teireffrtsunbralcd ndhean un ony. eneou 04 1-ilit t. itc -t-afo--u-!ILi ame~PI T EIAu E5PAU Itearn lias been carrying on aobly s' n Goodyers 300 000 1 - 4 10 tatdrive ta csixii in oiag B t oas ageior I ib rougliaut Uic wlole summier. Peitol aaao teglgo e Fia &Saudy Umapires- Hobbs and Large. tle gaine was cailed after Uicatwekte rpedatuh o AUUT 031.firsi heU of Uic sixth ta end any t . . fel.i he .. tinin, Alter a scasan of lstless, de- have been a . thriller,rc e 5-4 muaer etonapitontC .- la Teebuiceoar furiher run-glcanig opportuni- Bixtth I n RlyGtesOn- t lh îl n i rtim&suîtary play, Uic Royajs fid score *old ndi te. î Ted UCarke a',Mc. n wsI cod tisfrls erschmin. tÉI3nnig R a 2 Colvile wes advanced ta second themselves on Uic outaide look!ng and Gerald Bird sfiould Cak ewt tarike anle Sae ____________________ ics f r est as chapi ons ais8RE oRyl . by Bradd; Osborne wa]kcd ta put in, as far as further play-downs wi-cevdbwfrterc ___ avise.,, ~~U EEM produce e replica o w as naert-ic Cîîleo hren uhrd ar'e coaceraed. Always e îcsiy, farts iii promoting tee Ues 22 rnarrunt formnance whca hee pitched e no- Fn m ige olf crn ovle eprmna ue f lyrwa a enasrida pr Wle rna- a ate igan.Telocal southpew was Thc RayaIs edded another rumi Uicy have no anc ta bleme but for Uic pasi ycar or two.c Breuda Joyces fflicted with a slighi aitack ai Bowmanvile bowcd oui of tUi theUic hird whcn Colville sigled, theinscîves. Feilure ta tara Oui R O 'Y A L wildness. And is lack Of control Lakeslore League play-affs whcn stole second, and came home on for practices and iternel argu- IREVI VAL sccmed ta carne ai bad ies, as they dropped a close, hard-fought Bradd's liiita right. ments arc Uic causes for their __________________________ THATiasUice waltsewtc evatulwof ame to Port Hope by Uic score af Leding -Uiceoffensive for Uic aarry slawtag this acason. Frdiy t 1 .m hs hre als ee vetul) 92 ee on Mondey cvcning. locels wcrc Alex Colville and ** Frda a II13m OWMANVILLE turned itot runs. Witheridge was Aided by iwo errors and a scratch Floyd Bradd. Thc former accured 1lMrasI tagged for 9 bits and 7 rumasin lui, the Ontarios craxnmed three four safe bits la as many trips ta Boasting two ai Uic finesi pit- Mum@we five innings. of their grand total af four hits Uic plaie, while Uic latter gai îwa chers in Uic league, Uic Corden WihFloyd Bradd ran itot a pied itra axt n nig alytasor its in four tumes eit bat, besides coached outfij should have easily Robert Young - Ann Sotheru a bad luck when lia long fly to ie ii5 handling six fielding chances disposed of Uic spasmodie Port Thurs. - Fr.- a left field fell a fcw feet short of Ed Witheridgc on Uic mound without an errar. Hope club. Evidence of their leclc goig over Uic fence for a lamer, for thie locals was Uic vlctim ai No anc was particularlyT bril- of practice can be seen from. their Mon., Tues., Wed. ÂUGU8T 29-41 If Uic bail had gone oui of Uic aitrociously poor'support, and was lianifor Part Hope - but Dawlcy miserable ficlding and battig a park, Uic score would bave been "ia mieasure responsible for the deserves crédit for kccpig Uic dlaplays in Uic lest iwo gaines. Thurs. CtyCovie udBrdd l s. Ailowtag Uic oppositiM only oals' bits pretty .well aceittered,...... * RIPEMER2-5 15 1UCrd, have ernerged a winaer, insiead ably line piëes. In these two affairs Uic Rayais' Uice ttack for thé locals with two of being dliarged with a déelât. Witherldge struck oui aine and power-hause attack lias aetted GREAT OLIDAY Withi E1krol jqymnd its eacb; bath of Bradd's bingles In contrasit t Wiihleridgc, DaW- walked anc. Dawley struck oui thein a grand total Of Uiree rima ATTRACTION' Maiam Hopiu went for two bases. Walsh, wi ley pitchig for*Uic Ontarios waa seven and walked two, Thc local - not hlli enougli ta wi even The Newest Adventures eof~ . two for Uiree, Poiter and Jo4Ln- affordcd gaad suppart in Uic pitcher had Uic pecuhiar oit ne n bail gaine, Ici al ne two. TIc ard FaliyA~UW AADL~D forw taih a d youblceit rrc es and came oui a winner, tion ai siriking oui four batters Then take a look ai theif fielding Maine 0tudy .3 fM ort Uic R adiu Ciy, out; Mann espite Uic tact lie was-tagged for in that disastrous sixili innm«~ - averages - cight errors itwo- _____Hardy____________ Christie waved i vaiu ai a low gaines. Little woader. thai Port . Ec; Patta, lad; Hudson aud Point' cit h ùt nigteRY ie hc i h dr uti oecnius hl u e MeAnsdy Hady Motne. -aTuesy . . me . wPdot p IcuxhhiiaDcRyiouglasch p.i Uic i ta pecnif muesb earH om e Im provm e MOSS DbutntoMo. -Tue. -Wed 2~ ' ougasp. was responauble far boili Dow- ard losi sighi f a the bail and Uic until pcext Yearl starrlng BETEMBE 2-3-4 Bowuianville - Tiglie, If; Rice, manvile countcrs. After siglng young Port Hope player readlicd * uMe ony-LwsSoe SeW Holiday AttractioDs s;Oaonls;Badta iret base befare Uic Bowman-. lee Miedy Rooney- e is Stoe SCKe Ane, rd and ld; oirile, cf vile recelver could recover. And Thc part that hurta ra that teUicas u Ha olden - Ana Rutherford S e.... en, rf and rd ierîge c. 1~Withrldge lied ta go ta wark ain Rayais lied Uic ability ta déelat R "Te o1 k"pr' COrdeILSMMaIN nul over again to fan Foote, Uic next Uic Ontarios. If Uiey werc not UNNING waier under pressuetii at fyu Colr Arteen dI lk a Umpires - Mcon and Tu'r- batter. good enaugli ta wrn nobody would R house will make passible theisaltino hs Port Hope , Th MIN SECOND GAME pin.Bownanvlllc - B a g necil, cf; complain, But Uic fana have modern coavenienceasa onecesartahehahan 104 E NOSEC ND7U N Rice, s; Colvile, If; Bradd, 2nd; scused their moody attemptsata COMING With Joan Bennetand BortavHoe 1041200-67 12 OsQborne, lis and p (in 7Ui); With- l"America's national pastinie", and enjoymeni af your family andicraehirrden COMING ~~Adolph MKenjou B _________11_004-_6_2_ 1 i 2IT fT THOPE erldge, p; Kent, nf and ss (i 7th); have acted eccordingly, as re- their home. Prlday & Saturday L1UAUI A LI Aines, 3rd; Riekard, c; Crombie, ccîpts et Uic box office show. A woman 'Spends a good paio1ahdyi h SEPEMRE6- . AND) ON T3E SME RO ME S fy(i 7th). kitchen. It should be Einco equippdhru outalsn SEPTZXBM 6-7 - PROGRAU ýROAMERs PLAY ~~~~Lady Luck turned an icy shoul- Part Hope - Dawley, p; Moise, lonth "cuefcow-erokadmk iapesi Bint Crosby - Mary Martin EG M CHARITY AMIE der on Port Hope Oniarios1 here 3rd; Patta, 2nd; Mann, c; Hudson, As nUc"es fdw- hmwr a aei laueisedo rdey oa T nf.~& 'I A A E n Saturday cvcniag. SIc camne lf Edwardsan, lai; Christie, cf; feli" liatislathe aarrow-minded Frtehat fyu a IftL A. êhn~ DII!IIINn VA ______over ta Uic Bownianvillc players' Foote, as; Pointer, n (ta 6th). 'ruling ai tle local sofibal -leegue i Foesry.h e fdeahh f orefly amdm biro RhythmuWon tIeU ivor' " wasBsoghtiboil'bench, patted ecd player an thé R H E ia rcfusing ta let membersoaitUic i acces wary One fiued et preywt moFti n With n Ai-StarOsat .Augusi 19Uiws otbl day back, whispcred "Carry on, boys- Pari Hope 000 003 0-3 4 2 lardbail iea participete inîtmawl uv o oipesresrieadvle Wit Wth AnAlfuOt i a Npanee when teauns fromni mwith you." TIen aie praceed- Bowmanvile 101 000 0 - 2 8 4 their Iegue. There are miiny. To ellow installation of theserpoeet Baug Rathbone - oscar Levant Matine Xonday 230 p.m. Bowmanville, Oshawa and Nepe- cd ta laugl et Tommy paoiter Umpires- McMalon and Tur- sofiballera wlio wanted ta partîci- née comipeied in a sofibail raily. and lis an-ht piiching as Uic Pin, paie in bath these sports - but Proceeds went to Uic Red Cross. locais went aecad ta vrin1-.. 9ùs stupid régulation farbade ta _________The eveni was arranged by Alex Caiville hit a mighty do so. Sa in préférence ta base- DrWtru dian Order ai Foresters, andis fauril lnnlng, sud came home on DEFAT "D'y OYwill pump, under pressure, altewirnee.I committce. A parade sud dance Floyd Bradd'u long fly. Thai's OInh this regard, probably an in- addition, il cen be'piped ta bernaadayohrnie WHY YOU SHOIJLD BUY in Uic cvening rounded oui the hpw Uic only run af Uic gaine wag IN EXHIBITION adventant one, Uic iown league autîci. day's festivlties. scorcd. aeioualy hampered aur Lake- In Uic ihird gaine ai Uic day la Uic closeat, mast excitlng The Town Ail-star teamn prov- shore League catry. Next year M poutarveyt Uic Napanee Filera were pitied gaine ai Uic year, Dave Osborne cd 100 mucli for Uic select icani Uic sofiball executive can mater-EMÔpousaeveyraablpied agaiuat Uic Bowmanviile Roaners came oui an top ai Tommy Poit- ai Uic "D" Company af Uic Mid- iaily liclp Uic club by discarding ne .snow.ivhite 201, x 421,1EnmldSl, sud Uic latter teain, by consistent er in a pltchiug batile extrava- land Régiment when Uic latter this ruling. illus-tratedl above, including fauereyfo thc more ncmarkalle. p; O. Hooper, c. beceuse ai lis naturel ability and ~E.,MPI n ornt81db Aga W s ggstYouGe I Y ur$1*30 Bowmanville - Tlghe, rf; Aies, 'ID" Comnpay - Little, c; Sheo- bis appropriate fautyo coing WlnIpeg VanHuam ~~aSupply of Fuel Early- Phone 715 3i rd; Cordon, loi; Osborne, p; Dowaey c; Brackl%~ cf; James .. Special low fare goed fer Iravel Rlickard, C. sud PIlllps, loi; ichards, asa; How the league exécutive ever s inl parler car quotol on requcat. Pari Haope - Dawley, cf - Johnis- Sheard, p; Bird, p, ssud 2nd; picked McMahon sud Turpin as Q. ~.I Im mho (g Lt .ton, $rd; Patta, :2nd; Hudson, if; Lyle, 3rd; Deanis, Srd sud c; Con- play-off umiOires wiil forever re- < G iliI IMumbeU o. t00.1o golng Aug. ne to sept. 7. Edwardson lot; Mana, c; Pointer, nors and Parka, If; Lloyd, p sud main a myutcry. Ticir work, par- Reaun lisit sept. 12. P; Walsh, à~; Footge, as. If; Thampuon sud Spencer, ni. ticuiarly that ai thc former, bas Do0wuiianvRU R H E bcen rak. On several occasions ,~~CANADUAN PACIFIC, nawmanvillc 000 100x -i1 1 4 All-Stars 531 221 42 -20 26 2 bath teams have found adequae . . , ý ,