>x4';1 ~ -- - ~--. - TRSMDAY, AUGUST 29, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN ORONO de-. inst ,thrt tar re- tird. ame' two, lte smo wed den, ;loy and- ,ton, Scial and Personal Phone 40r10 mi. James=Wodis impraving Miii MqgGee and Donald, Ot- tawa ý d bore. MPÇ~J. Wod l suffering from a fall. Ron West had a blrthday party ln the park Tuesday. Bob Cooper Io home fram hali- deys. Henry Cornlsh has secured a ~'position i Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. G. Lockwood have returned fromn their honeymoon. Miss A. Thornton has returned to hto flbrook. Miss .Sherwln has returned tothe s. Mr. =arett and is. Crane have moved to his other house. John Forrester and Velma Mor- gan had thèlr tonsils removed. Mr. and Mrs. Steele were guests at Mr. Mcsaac's. Miss Maggie Taylor visited her brother, Mr. George Taylor. 1Mrs. Crease and son Paul, To- ?1ronto, vlsited Mrs. Fred Cowan. The soldiers leave for camp this weekend. Miss M. Steele, Toronto, visîted Miss A. McIsaac. Mrs. Hay, Toronto, visited ber parents, rdr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Jas. W. Hall, af the Forestry staff, Is on holidays. >Mis Helen Stark Enfield, was guest. of Miss Myrtife Tamnblyn. Mis. J. Dunham, Toronto, visit- ed relatives and friends here.t »Mr. Orme Gamsby visited in Whtby. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Winter on the birth of a I. son Monday.1 Hampton S. S. and Port Hope Rangers picnicked at the, park last week. Two wedding parties went through Orono, one Saturday and one Sunday.' Several Qf aur men have secur- ed work at Newcastle and Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton and Joyce are movlng ta the bouse vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Reid and Murlel. DRY MLANINO THAT SATISFIES CoaYb ts -Suits * Dxenu 75ç Sach -2 for $1»O Dshi wa Laundry & Dry CIeanin~ Comnpany, Limited Phono 419 W. Cmli For and Deliver WM.ýorn Canada Special Bargain Excursions 7roiniAil Stations In Eastorn Canada Golng Delly Sept. 13-27, 1940 Inclusive BETURN LINIT 45 DATS TICKETS 000» IN- S Coaches at FaimsApproxbnately 1 1-Se per milie STourlat Sleeping Cars at fares approximtely 1 8-Se per mile f4udard Sleeping Cars at tares pproximtely 1 5-8e per Mile Cost ot accommnodation ina aleoiInt cars addltlonia BAGUAGE CRIZCKED. Stopovers at ail pointe enroute, golng and returantn Similar exouulons trom Western te Eatern Canada during sanie perlod. Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and ail information from any agent ASIC FOR HANDBILL CANADIAN NATIONAL T233 Reed Harneas was apcrated an1 aI Bwawnmville Hospital for ap- pendicitis. The Couchs hdve maved ito Uic bouse bought from Mi. Bar-t rett.1 Mi. and Mis. V/atson, Toronto, Mis. Cann, Garden Hili, visited aI Mr. F. Duncan's. Mis. C. Awdc bas reîurned1 from Toronto.' Mi. Awde la ex-1 pected home later. Miss Augusta Thaintan held a1 sale ai furniture Salurday at, ber redidence, now îcnted by C. S. McLaren. Mis. F. Duncan was guest ai Mis. W. S. Haw, Toronto, wbom Oronoiles will be plcascd ta know1 la impraving. W.C.T.U. met at is. H. Wals's on Tuesday. Mis. W. H. Rowe rend an ýaccount ai Uic conven- lion.1 We boni that twro families in1 the north ward had porcine visi- *tors and received lbem on dis- habile. Mi. and Mis. George Rowe, To- ronto, wbo have been visiting, at Mi. Fred Blackbuîn's have e- turned home. Mi. and Mis. Harold Hancock were presonted with a lovely el- ectric table lamp by bis fllow employeecata R. McLaughli's, Oshawa. Accardmng to the Star it is news wben a persan bas bis registra- lion card from Uic lasI war. At least two Oronoiles have thoir old carda. Plans were made for a coin roast and pragrama at Mis. O. W. Rolp's cottage at thc lake last night (Wednesday) by the V/a- mon's Institute for Uic Red Cross. Mis. McClencbie, Califarnia, ber broUicîs, Messrs. Ed. Gamsby, Winnipeg, and Joc, Fonelon Falls, Mis. Joe Gamsby and sons, Fene- Ion Fals, Miss Rosalino Gamnsby, Toronto, spent Sunday i twn. 1Friends bore werc shocked on Monday ta hear ai Uic sudden deatb ai Charles Tamblyn ai Woodbridgo. Some ai Uic rela- tives leit imniodiately for thero.1 Mis. J. D. Brown, Mis. W. J.1 Stainton, and Messrs. Fred, Johni and Milton Tamblyn arc sisters1 and brothers ai doceased. 1 Orona Band, assisted by H. C. Allin ai Newcastle and by R. A. Foriester with Uicesnare drums, rendcred a mucb-enjoycd Pro- gram at the park Sunday aiter- noon. Over $18 was realized for Red Cross. Rev. C. T. Ailin preacbed aI Park St. Cburcb Sunday mornlng and was beard with pleasure. The chir rendored their usual antlhem and* quartette compris- cd ai Messis. Porter, RMd, Logan and Smith favared with a sebec- tian. Registratian was completed aI Orono August 21st as foilows: NO. 5 Polling Division 369; No. 9 Poli- ing Division 436; a total ai 805. This shows thal mme peaple did not register. Did yau? If 'nal, -wby nat? This district includes from Kirby otahUicnarth balf ai the 4th Cons. In the liUictheHolstein lest winnors in thc Family Herald mmd Weekly Star ai August 21st issue, we notice the namos aif J. H. Jase, Newcastle, in the twico-a- day 305-day lest, H. E. Tink ai Hfampton in the 4 year aId clama, and Ray McLaughhin, Oshawa, i the thîco year ald cas mention- cd as owners ai Uic winncrs. Police Trustees met Manday night. Sccretary was instructed ta write Higbway DepI. about Uic rotaining wall aI Iannery hill, mmd aiso about certain street stop signs. W/. J. Ridddil and H. Clarke weîe authorized la investigato furtber thc building. ai a tanki the north end ai Uic village. Bills wcre ordered paid as'follaws-, N. F. porter, insurance, $13.5,0; N. F. Parter, incidentais, $7.73. Scbool ro-opons next Tucqday. V/c Uiaught il would be iteret- ing te point out thal this la the silver annivesry ai Uic building ai Uic new school. Tbiee new t eachena ninke Ibeir bows bore Ibis yoar, l ladies. In Uic Pub- lic Schoal the j union noom wil be taught by Miss M.,- McDowell, Millbrook, and Uic senior raom wlll welcame back Miss K. Fos- ton. In the Continuation' School Mi. R. C. Rasbanough wlll be welcomed back and w111 be as-E sisted by Miss Gray mmd Miss1 Basnett, bath ai Tarante. i Following Uic churcb service at Park St. Church Sunday morning, Mi. Rowland Smith called the chair ta aider and rcad a nlcelyi waîded address slating Uic regreti that was foît by al Ual Mi. WY-1 von Reid was leaving for Bow- manville and expnessing approcia- tion ai bis services. Mis. Jennie Richaidson presented Mi. Reid1 witb a hymnary with notes from] Uic choir. The necipient iespond-1 cd iittingly. Mi. Raid beaves this1 weok witf bis wife mmd daugbtert Muriel for Bowmanvlie. Recent Visitons: Miss Johnson, Illinois, U.S.A., John mmd Jack3 Kenne, Toronto, with A. H. Keane. . .. Mis. W. Henry mmd Mary, Tôronto, wlth Miss M. DavyÀ and Mis. L. Fralick. ... Mi. and Mis. McFarlai, Mi. Rama Shet-E loi, Shannonvillo, aI Mi. Fred Blackburn's. . .. Mis. George»Col- lins, Toronto, Mis. D. G. McPhail and family, Ottawa, aI Mi. J. J. Mllor's. . .. Mr. and Mis. Davis, Toronto, Mr. mmd Mis. A. Smith and, baby, Newmaiket, aI Mr. R. Smith's. . . . Vernon Saunders, Toronto, witb bis parents. bMS. wm. GLANVILLE HONORED The home ai Mi. mmd Mis. R. E.1 Logan was the scene ai an inter- esting event Friday evoning when frionds ai Mis. Wm. Glanville, nec Ruth Anderson, met ta bonor Uic bride mmd sbower ber with best wishes amd giits for ber new home. On arriving aI Uic bouse with ber friend, Mis. Hay (nec Jean Logan), Toronto, the bride was usbcred into the room ta Uic strains ai "Here Cames the Bride" played by miss Eiléen Riddell. The gif ta, prettily wrapped mmd placed in a beautiiully decorated basket, wcre opened and admired,1 the recipient Ibanking ail for theirj kindncss. The rosI ai tbe cvening was spent i social chat mmd music, the latter including a piano solo by Mis. Hay. A doUdcous lunch wat scnved. Thase in charge ai the evenl were Mis. Hay, Toronto, mmd Miss Mac Glenny, Orono. Out ai tawn ggesta includcd Mis. Ueo. Crowlber, Newcastle, Miss Helen Stark, Enficld, Miss Ruth Logan, nurse-mn-training, Bowmanvlllc. HYDRO MEETING Orono Hydia Commission met Monday nlgbî. Mr. Chase report- cd pragrema in bis inquiry ai bank account. Purchase ai stain for hydra pales an Main st. la ta be ordered. A letter was neceived fram the Ontarioa Hydia Power Commis- sion, recommending the folhaw- lng, based an local business la date: (1) second rate fan dam- merclal users be lowered irom 2 ta 112; (2) cast per lighl for street ligbling be lowered $1 per light poer yoar; (3) boise power coat be $40; (4) surplus ai $214.50 be pnid over la Uic village. These îecam- mendatians were adopted. W. J. Riddell and H-. Clarke were appointed -a commitîe la ivestigate Uic possibility ai im- pravig street lhghting in certain sections ai the village. Financial statement s o w ed $194520 on hmmd. These bilas werc oîdercd paid:. Surplus ta Orana Village -.$2 14.50. H. E. P. C. 403.05 B. P. 3.---- 135.30 Sept. Debenturo InI. 110-33 $863.18 TME Mm AND DISTANT PAST Frozn The Orono NeWm Of Auguat 23, 1917 In reference la the dcmand ai r titioners fram Kendal section for frelgbt shedsata Starkvlhlo station forwaided through Uic township coundil te Uic Board ai Railway Commlsslanoim, Uic C.N. R. made Uic iallowing iefly: Il was declded ta extend Uic bag- gage room at Starkville earlyi 1915, iaider ta provide aceom- mcâdatlon ion Uic bmdllng ai frelgbt aI Ualt point mmd the nec- esqyappropniation was made ta co*x Owing toe conamlc condi- tions, however, Uic waîk was not prococded wlth during 1915, but instructions wene issucd la have Uic Item placed on the now wark prga an 1916. During Uic latter e hbaeer, thene was na greatde nnnd inincreasod accmmoation mmd we dld nol NESws .Brown .s Visitais: Mrs. Clifford Brown, June and Ray, iToronto. .. Mr. and Mis. Win. Huggins, Oshawa, at Mr. R. Graham's. .. Mr. and Mis. Geo. Stephenson and Babby i Taranto ... Mr. Bull Clark at the "Ex." ... Miss Betty Stepheli- son at Bronte. . . Mr. and Mis. Chas. Osborne anid famlly, Eben- ezer, Mi. and Mis. Austin Turner and Helen, Lockhart's, Misses El- len' Alldred and Phyllis McNeil, Oshawa, at Mi. Clarence Turncr's. ..Miss Audrey Webbei, Bôwman- ville, at home. .. Mis. Freeman Eddy and Joyce in Toronto .... Miss Ferne Webber in Tarantor .. Mi. Melvin Graham in Oshawa ... Master George Osborne, Ebenez- ci, with his cousin, Master Sam Turner. . . . Miss June Brown, Tweed, is holldaying at home.. Mis. C. Brown and June with Mis. W. Brunt, Lockhart's. Don't forget thc Home & Schoal Association begmns an Sept. lOth. Mi. Sidney Brown had bis shaulder dislocated wben the load of grain on whicb he.was riding upset. .Kendal Visitais: Miss Audrey Patton la home.. . Miss Joyce Gibbs, Port Hope, with Mis. Wm. Barkwell... Miss Olive Gardon is home from Peterboro. .. Miss Mary McLean and Miss Tbompson, wha have boon at their summer home bore, have returned ta Uie city. .. Mis. U nd erw oaod accampanied ber daughters ta Lake Chemong for a holiday. .. Mis. F. Stoker was i the city for Warriars' Day. .. Mr. Fred Thomas, who has been i the city, la witb his daughter again. . . Mis. Jae Peacaclc and family, Oak Hill, Mrs. A. Tinney, Cavan, called on Mis. Joe Gar- don.. . Master Len. Hilditch ac- companied Mi. Douglas Gray ta thc city. Mis. Wm. Barkwell, who bas been in the General Hospital, To- ronto, since sprmng, la mucb im- proved and is now home. Mi. Gilbert Greig, who bas joined'up and la training i Bow- manville, was home Sunday. Mis. Wm. Geaiy, who bas been confined ta bc.d in'St. Michacl's Hospital for the past nie wceks, came home on Satuiday, and though weak is able ta get around. Starkville Rev. H. W. Faley, Bowmanviile, held a study service et Shiloh on 7Sunday. It was an interesting dis- tcourse. Rev. McLachlan will be i charge next Sunday. The crops are rapldlY being hauled in and most folks wll be fiisbed this week. Fields look bare and threshing iaurmidst causes us ta think that fNUi is al aur door. Mis. Gea. Morton la with box sister, Miss Jessie McKay, wha la in a very weikencd condition. Mi. and Mis; Sid Halloweil at- tended Uic funeral of a friend in Peterborough. Miss Gwen Gilmer entertained ber young friends ta a wlener roast. Registration made three busy days at aur schoôl. Mi. T. Turner, Miss Norma Hallawcll and- Mise Beulah Hallowell were Uic regis- trais. Visitais: Mi. and Mis. Laine Todd and Eileen wore Sunday dinner guests at Mi. Jas. Stone's. ...Mi. and Mis. Chas. Yul. and 1son George, Miss Barbara Bar- clay, Oshawa, at Mi. Wm. Sav- ery's... Mi. and Mrs. Sld Halao- 1well and Helen i Warkworth... Mr. and Mis. C. Hoît and family, Taranto, at Mi. Frank Stane's.. Mi. and Mis. E. Whbite, Elizabeth- ville, Mi. and Mis. Lawrence 1White and family, Maple Grave, tat Mi. Ross Hallawdl s. . . Mr. .and Mis. Anibrose Robinson at !Mi. Boit Trim's. .. Mis. Richard 1Hallowell was pleased ta have ber .cousins, Mi. R. GlU and Mi. J. ,Gil, Detroit, Mich., visit ber.. .Mrs. Plumb, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Wilfred MeKay, Newtonvllle, .Mi. and Mis. H. Barrowclaugh, 1Wesleyville, at Art McKay's.. .Mis. Smith wlth friands ini Bow-_ manville. . . Inspectai and Mis. IA. A. Martin, Brighton, at Art McKay's... Mis. Silver and fa- tber, and Mi. Ueo. Etwell i Ham- ilton. .. Miss Nellie Shutka, Osh- Sawa, at home. present, but he and several athers of the f amlly who are serving their Country and the Empire in the army were klndly rememnber- ed. Brief addresses were heard fram Clare Lucas, Albert Gibson, W. B. Ferguson, Clarence Fergu- son, Chas. Vennhig, Earl Dorreil, Mrs. Millard Faflls, and Samuel Ferguson. SINGERS AND THEIR SONGS Wrltten upeelally for The Statesman by wefl knowm Durhami boy, Fred B. loler, 123 Lake St., St. Catharines, Ont. PRONOTED rist, htly iof 3da- via, .or. îssne the very hlghest and every credit Lake Shore, Clarke Visitors: Mis. R. Waadham, Ta- ronto, and Mis. N, Samis at Mi. L. Alln's. . . Mis. E. A. Tonkin bas retincd te Oshawa aiter Mis. W. Jaynes. .. Mr. A. A. Mai- tin, Bnrigbton, wlihMr. Robt. Martin. . . Miss Jean Marvin, Laine Park, at Mis. C. J. Mitch- ell's.. -Mi. and Mis. L. Tadd, Starkvile, at Mi. C. J. Mitchell's. Newtonville Visitors: Mi. Ahi. Thampsan, Chicago, Ill., with Miss Bertha ThamWbn and, Mi. Ueo. Thamp- son. . .Misses Tholma and Evelyn Staploton at Mi. Robt. Gardon's, Elizabetbville. . . Mi. and Mis. Bert Caldwell, Toronto, at Mi. George Staplcton's Jr. Dorothy Stapletan returned with them for a weem. . ,Mi. and Mis. Lanson Milison, Dôreen and Floyd, at Mi. Hilton Avery's, Cobourg. . . Mi. and Mirs. J. Stark and iDamna at Castletan. .. Mis.,Thos. Stapîcton, Mi.. and Mis. Ueo. Stapleton Jr. and fanxily at Mi. Arithur Bell's, Bowmianville. . . . Mi. Melville Jone vlaited tbe C.NE. ... Mr. andl Mis. Laurence Savery mmd boys ore home from Kingston. Mi. mmd Mis. Fred Nesbitt have moved into their ncw home for- meîly awned by the late' Mis. Grahai. Mis. Henry Joncs is home irom the haspital feeling pretty well again., During registration 366 certif i- cates wcro issued in Newtonville. W. I. met at Mis. Hoskin's on August 2lst, wbcn Mis, L. Sav- ery, Uic new president, was in the chair. There were 30 present. TheLocal Leader Projet on the Study ai Vegetables was dlacuss- cd. Leaders Miss Jennie Thomp- son mmd Mis. Willis Jones were appointed ta go ta Hampton. Al- tomnate, Mis. Savery. Mis. Stark had charge ai the program: Read- ing, Lena Kimbaîl, (V/bat Oui Institutes Aie Doing); two musi- cal numbers, Marian Bruce; rend- ing, Mis. Hoskin; a contest. Mis. Stark's group servcd lunch and aiter tendering a vote ai thanka ta Mis. Hoskin ail the ladies went outside and bad picturea taken ai the graup. W. M. S. ai United Cburch met in Uiechcurch basement. Aller some business Mis. Kauiman was in charge ai the following pro- grani Scripture eadig, Ms. C. Marris; Study Book, Mis. Kauf- mmm; ieading, Mis. George Mc- Cullough, "'Seven Reasans for formning the W.M.S." Mis. V/ilis Jones closed with prayer. FAM ILREUNION PERGUSX)N REUNION RULE DRITANNIIA 200th Annlversa.y August 1740-1940 The British Empire, during this manth, la celebrating the 200th anniversary ai the biithday ai ber "second national anthem" - "Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves," and siging it witb grenIer gusto and deeper doter- mination than ever before. This soul-stirring sang ai triumph was given to the public about the, same time as "God Save the King," and like its runnig mate, its author- sbip la shrouded with uncertainty. Historic -records tell us it was sung for the first lime August 1, 1740, an tbe beautiful grounds ai Cieiden Hause in Berkshire, the home ai Frederick, Prince ai Wales. The cream ai society had gathered there on Ibat occasion in ilolwery, colorful costumes, ta hear a new masque or opera wbich was being performed in honor ai tie anniversary ai King George II's accession and the birthday ai Uic baby princess Augusta. The opera was called "Alfred1' and lauded that famaus English King. It concluded witb the rousing sang. "Rule, Britan- nia, Britannia rules the waves, Britons ixever, neyer, neyer shaîl be slaves." The performance was sucb an unbounded success that the Prince conxmanded iltat be repeated the iollowing evening and, fram that time an, the grand finale bas been the palitical sang ai the British nation. It la be- cause ai ber determination that "Enitons nover shall be slaves" that she la at waî to-day. The composer ai Uic air was a famous musician ai that cia - Thomas Arne, wbo la alsa credited witb compasing Uic lune for aur National Antbem. Nobody can tell for certain who wrote the wqrd¶s "Rule Britannia," for two authois workcd together an Uic masque or opera ta which. it be- longs,-James Thompson and Da- vid Mallot. Controversy aver the real auîborship was a long drawn out affair, but credit la largely in favour ai Tbompson as Uic style, metre, etc., bas mùch in common with other writings ai this quite notcd poet, while Uic naine ai Mallet, as a writer, la almost for- gotten. Regardîces ai authorship, abscurity, controversy, Uic sang bas been a tremendaus driving force i British bistary and its influence can nover be measured or estimatcd. Rule Britannia Wbcn Britain fiist, at Heaven's commiand, Arosc from aut the azure main, This was Uic charter of ber land, And guardian angeis sung the strain: Rule Britannia! Britannia rulcs Uic waves! Brntons never shall be slaves. The nations nat sa blest as tbee Must in their tuin ta tyrants fail; Whilst thau shalt flourlsh, great .and free, The dread and envy ai tbem ail. 5h11l more majestic shalt thau risc, Marc dieadful fram each for- eign stroke; As Uic laud blast that toars Uic skies Serves but ta roat tby native oak. Thee ha ughty tyranla ne'er shal lame; Ail their attempts ta bond thee down Wiil but arouse Uiy generaus flame, IAnd work their wae and Uiy renown. Ta Uiee bclongs Uic rural relgn; Thy cities shail with commerce shine; Ail thine shail be thc subject main, And every shore il circlea thine. Rule Britannia! Britannia rules the waves! Brntons nover shaU be slaves. BLIITZKRIEG: ONE YEAR 0OF WAR - AN ILLUSTRATED REVIMW Coming Soptember 1 and Uic war wll be a year aid and 12 manths ai swlfl and diastic inter- national, sbakeup unmatcbed in bistory will bave been concluded. Rend, hi Uic September 1 issue ai 0The Detroit Sunday Times, an lllustrated review ai Ibis year ai toiror. 35-1 Auctioneer It àsnt jSt advertising talk tonsy that, if you havent tried Picobac, you're probably doing yoursef out of an awful lot of pleaue. That statement is based on solid fact, for mo-re Canadias do 11ke Picobac than any other pipe tobacco. Why? Because Picobac in the. pick of Canada%. improved Burley oeop, alway. a mùI4d cool, sweet smoke. So try Picobac today and you'U aay with thousands of others, OlIt DOES teste gooci in 4 pipe1" I4ADY SEAL-UMIPOUCH *-I150 4,.L LOK.TOP' liN .-85 ai.pocked lin Podtpt Tins 0.. Roy D. Kenby wbo bas recently been General Sales Manager ai Uic Pontiac Me- Laughlin-Buick G.M.C. Trucks Di- vision ai Uic General Mtais Pioý ducts ai Canada Limited, bas been nai'nod Assistant ta Uic Pro-4 aident, and Director ai ail Public Relations for Uic Comxpany. 1 Mi. Keîby's appointment lsa a culmination ai a brilliant cancer in the Autamativo Industry. It la juat 27 years sinco Mr. Kcrby started in the business as a netail salesman for Uic MeLaugbliMa- tor Car Campmmy, Cbuîch mmd Richmond Streets, Toronto. A couple ai decades afteîwards by a luin ai fate, ho became Mana- ger of the Toronta Zone fon Gen- oral Matois on the very same site wheîe ho sîamted bis career. In the interval bis matai car experi- ences bave taken hlm far nfield, ho bas scrved as Sales Manager for Oldamobile, Oaklandi and Ca- diilac Divisions, mmd for a lime was with Durant Matois as Sales Manager, General Manager aU.d President. During Mi. Keîby's recent years ai service with Genenal Ma- tons, ho beld the position ai As- sistant General Sales Manager for a timo mmd thon was'-appointed Public Relations Manager on spe- cial assigrncnta. In the position annaunced, be will be in camplete charge ai Public Relations wark for the Company, a task for wbich ho la eminently qualiiied by bis ex- penioncos mmd popularity Uirougb- out Canada. SOLDIERS' LETTERS Royal Canadian Air Force, Brandon, Man. August 21, 1940 Dear Sr:- V/ould like la Uiank you veiy sincerely fan Uic issue ai The Statesman. I can tel you I was very pleased ta redoive it, mmd ta rond ail Uic home Iawn doings. Yýsvomy sincorely, _NWreey King. B. Co'y., V.H.G. Lansdawn Park, Ottawa Augusl 24, 1940 Dear Sir: There are no doubt many vet- crans, wbo, with their familles, will be intcrested in having n fit hand accaunt ai Uic doings ai Uic Vetorans Home Guard bore in Ot- tawa. I cannat think ai n belter medium than aur own faiixai "Stalesman" ion this purpase. Fùrstly, there are about eigbt local boys. bere, ail under Uic same roof, mmd, like myseli, living "The Lufe ai Riley." V/e also have a considerable number ai Uic yaung nimy with us, mmd, believe nue, Ihere la a wondertful dm- radeship betwcen Uic Vets and the young lads. I overbeard twa youngsters cbatting this marnng; the Veto wcre Uic tapic and I gaI a real kick ta boni anc say, "Boy, these Vota here aie the neal Mc- Coy?" Eveiyone'l spirits here are at Sevty-ive members ai the FeîguL*on faxnlly, descendants oi Samuel Fergusan mmd Sarah Hoaoy, mot at Hampton Parkan eWednesday aflernoan, August 21, fon Iheir iourtb annual neunian. 9The woathen was more suggestive aio autumn Uian picnic seasan, but Ui tecoohiess ai Uic day was over- Icame by Uic warmth ai Uic greet- higs exchange«. Frionds wcre presont from Rockglcn, Sask., * Collingwood, Toronto, V/h i t b y, *Oshawa, Port Perry, mmd Bethany. The majanity ai the gnoup. baw- *ever, wcne from Darlington and aCartwright wbere a great many ai the famnily are living. The bonouned guest ai Uic day rwas Mr. Jas. Lucas ai Toronto, wbo la appraacbing bis 91st birlh- y day. The oldet lady present was Mis. W. A. Montgomery. The award for having: came the great- *est distance wont ta Mis. Millard Failla (nee Edna Ferguson) ai Rockglen, Sask. The youngcst member present was Maryllis Fergusan, dnughten ai Rev. Clar- once mmd Mis. Forguson ai Bcth- any. Aller a gameofa soitball Uic Sports Committce canducted an intcrestig prognani ai competi- tive evonts, many ai wbich worc navel and differcnt. The awards wcro made as follows: Candy aScramble - 4 yrs. and under, Gai- ry Foigusan; 6 yns. and under, Nana Vennig,. Running Races - girls 9 and under, Jean Montgom- 1cry, Joyce Venning; boys 9 mmd r under, Billy:Fergusan, Babby Fnl- li s; girls 12 mmni unden, Audrey Mountjoy, 'Tbelma Ferguson; boys -12 and under, Jimmy Gaine, Den- ck Gaine; girls 15 and under, Collette Fengusan, Lenore Fallis; boys 15 and under, Grant Fergu- son, Stuart Doricîl; Gumdiop Race, yaung ladies aven 15 - Mar- l on Hill, Lucille Faillas; Marble Race, young men aven 15 - Artld Jahnston, Dalton Dorrell; Fashian Panade, single ladies and genta - Lucille Faillsanmd Grant Fergu- son, Marlon Hill and Dalton Don- roîl; Marricd Ladies' Nail Drlving Cantest - Mis. J. A. Jobnston, Mis. E. Dordl; Marrlcd Men's Bailoan Race - Clarence Ferguson, Tenny Sanielis; Mariled Mon and Lad- ies' Paper V/alk à- Dalton Donneil and Mis. Bruce Montgomery. At 5 p.m. everyone was called r 1 a well-lnden suppor table. Al- ton gînce was sung everyone loin- cd in inging the National An- them. Here Il was Uhal fellowsblp undoubtedly neacbod Ils beigbt. The business perlod was eonduct- cd by Uic president, W. C. Fergu- son. It was decided la bold Uic neunion next yeai at Hampton on Wednesday, August 27th. Aitor Uianking Uic members ai Uic f an- lly for their ca-operatian during thc pasîtbree years Uic president asked Uiem ta appoint a new ex- ecutivo. The election was as fol- lows: Piesident, W. B. Fergusan, Burkctaa R. R. -1; Sccretary, C. H. Fengusan, Bcthany; Tic a s u r c r, Mis. T. Samells, Burketan R. R. 1; Represontative Cammittee, Mis. E. Dorol, W. C. Fergusan, Mis. Bruce Fenguson, Mis. Jas. Gaine. The treasuren ncpanted n favor- able balance in the lreasuiy and uon ber suggestion it was decid- dta donale $5.00 la the Red Cross Society. Regret was ex- presscd Ihal aur former Secretary 1 Smith Ferguson was unable ta be I t O;MlY%- mtheeyge othosdeveh autr mt h re espttosineforther smtywhoarde elpnlerte LanoandPark.cehentotnead clnd showerk.bathavetbhot and cold watwer btps forwashiotng clthsate astyforub UP Bt 6.30 a.m aaldthln one srlnut's wa.k0frmoul itbunk.one new matt rswitotree new aOndelarg blankt esu hreetful and large blaee ensare lt etucompdetely leuip earebut ae altheeen tqiasd sut s hanes of helinen, sockss ec. scags fln 0f comaitsoretc.lng there are n sch animi hre ats, ae only an andmang feelin aots copltanconne ln- ofhere ae c met amoetho- ougrha eI ent are bhved bunhyof Britishd ers have on sure aod abiing eiefI haen strendr, idiossbeliefmad- srval er,ipitleati acail were ria e frea istatifa an oer- m saseseara ilto atioerdeot baras woul ad aso erdeot plracs wudso edslt fltereaeanses.thm In Bowm eanvillewh a behoe iatng tw-a join us, Iayvery muc hope gtey illusbe re-asurehb these feyw acts. Wie-and family will e atily iste adfamila face, a tallthosos twbo pmlae face, fandiliese firtsinhaen mmd we iljuistiavert ando that dered l js avelump in th thrat; in teoldlumpgenerthen frque nthree day passeeos wind maehenmuch ney ae i ac waemenew rrivis wll egIn c the ewayrriaein th e eryn ftre tcay'eale usntte hoe aur civilian togs. And naw, time and space mnust end "Chapter anecin the Life af Riley." If you think tlfls poor ef- fort of mine will be of help I wiil again take Up thc taie of aur doings at a later date. Kindest regards toa ai from al the lads of Bowmianvifle here with me. Sincerely yours, L. ,V.Luffman. Business Directory Legal, r& G. V. GOULD, B-A., LILB. Barister, Solicitor, Natary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. ]EL STRIK Barrister, Solicitor, Natary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money tc, Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Làaw in ail its branches ioffice immediately east af Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; Home 553 DE. J. C. »EVITF Aàultant: Dr. B. W. Siaom Graduate ai Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubiles Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 883 X-Ray Equlpment in Office DR. R. 0. DICESON (Toronto) ad Newcastle, Ont. Over Langmnan's Store, Newcas- tle. Office hours: Saturday aniy, 9 a.m. ta 9 pa. Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRCTORKS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Matai Equlpment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Cali Phono 480 or 734, Assistant 573.