THURSDA'Y SEPTEMBER 5, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAIqVILLE, ONTARIO * 'OF INTEREST TO WOMN Weddiiigs O'Leary-Campbel In St. Anne's Church, Toronto, on Saturday, August 3lst, miss Margaret Campbell, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Campbell, To- ronto, became the bride of Maur- ice O'Leary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gratton O'Leary of Ottawa. Rev. Father Egan performed the mar- & ripge ceremony. .4V*'The bride, who was given in Y m~arriage by her father, looked charniing in ýa frock of soldier blue' with bat to match and cor- sage of roses. She was attended by ber sister Jean <Mrfs. W. M. Cooper), who wore air force blue witb wine-colored accessories and rose corsage. Mr. Basil McGuire was groonisman. An informai wedding breakfast was served at the Royal York Hotel, after wbich the young couple left on a motor boneymoon trip. On their return Mr. and trs. Ont.r will reside in .King- The bride is a grand-daughter Of Mrs. Joseph Fletcher, Church Street, Bowmanville. Tomlinson-wannan A quiet but pretty wedding was Solemnized on Saturday evening, August 3lst, in St. Saviour's An- glican Church, Orono, wben Doris, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wannan, -Orono, became the bride of Pivate William Tomlin- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Tom- linsn, owmnvije.Rev. D. R. The bride wore an attractive navy crepe frock trimmed with white,. white bat, and white ac- cessorles. She carried a bouquet ENJOT UTS GENINE I LAYO mO cooling, lat lavor gof WrieGLE'BY'S - SPRARMINT GUM blonded from frosh garden minf. Itfes ccd for you, ton- helpeo.p teeth bright ana attractive. Dentiste recommn it.1 of roses and lilies of the valley. She was attended -as bridesmaid by Mrs. James Wannan, attired in blue crepe dress, white bat and wbite accessories, with corsage of roses. Pte. James Kennedy, Bow- menville, was best man. Followlng the ceremony, per- formed in the presence of the in- niediate relatives, a su p pr was senved at tic home of ftbe bride's parents, in a room prctfily decor- ated in pink and white, the sanie color scbemc being carrîed out in the table decorations. Tbe happy couple left later by motor for points west. On their return tbey will reside in Bowmenville, pro f cm. iTrinity W.M.S. Hear Fine Report School for Leaders Trinify Women's Missionary So- tcicty met Tuesday afternoon. The 1worsbip service was in charge of Mrs. G. F. Purdy, with Mrs. Au- brey Smith reading thc scripturc lesson and comments, and Ms Rundle singing to thc 10w acconi- panimenf of the piano, durig Uic session of prayer. Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, the dele- 1gate f0 Uic School for Leaders, prcsentcd ber ireport wbîcb took Uic place of the usual missionary prograni. Her report, wbile nec- esserily mucb condcnsed, convcy- cd to those pWcsenf on Tucsday tbe cballenging trend of tbougbt followed by the ,various speak- ers. . . . Miss Dunýoon, President of Bay of Quinte Brancb, brougbt a strong bclpful message, stress- ing thc subjcct of "Glving" i its many aspects, and bow it rcflccts the wbole rclationsbip existing bctween man and bis creator.... Mrs. Turnbuil, Past Editon of the Missionary Monthly, emphasized the thougbt thet Uic greatest work Chnistians can do to-day is fo live- Christ - carry Hlm into al of life's rclationships. She spoke of Uic Christian's responsibility in the present world crisis, and gave as a closipg Uiougbt: "We must live Uic prayens we utten. - Tho' Uic vision f arry, it wil surcly corne." . .. Mrs. Thonipson, Sec- retary of Christ ian Stcwardship and Finance- for the Dominion Board, spoke on "Our Gifts and O)ur Giving." Giving began whea God gave Uic wonld into man's kecping. Cain and Abel wene Uic flrst mea f0 bring offerings f0 their Creator. In the New Tcsta- ment Cbist's teachings in regard to giving werc bascd upon thc law of Love. Ouf of every dollar which finds its way info Uic W. M.S. treasuryF, 92 and two-fifths cents are speat in Home and For- eign Mission Work. To carry on the year's wonk of Uic W.M.S. it requires an outlay of $1.65 every miute of evcry day fhroughout Uic whole year. ... Iu regard to flic Worship Servi&ée'nphasis was laid upon Uic fbought that those wbo participate be careful fa enter into Uic spirit of wor- ship - Be stil, and know that I amGod. . .. Dr. Mutchmon in his address made fthc stetemeat thet thc systern of socicty of Uic pre- sent day is bound te, disappear, and the newer way of living Uiat will take its place must be based upon Uic teacbings of Christ if if is fa endure. There miust be a Christian state, Christian rules, traditions of Sabbath observance, and cveryday flddlity. Thc business session which fol- lowed waq in charge of Mrs. S. .Modern MAN UPACTURING by mas produc- The Bank cf Montre tien brngs the prodiicts cf science and ien- manufacturers cf Cau tien te every clas i the coinmunity. Pnices ame of 1817 to the mode lowered, pso that millions enjoy comforts and cf tbousands of worm luxunles ther forefathers never knew. find bore the bankina Smring Canadiaus andudr indail n vMsadies .f s& se in lus/kym Io diusYOUR banking r#qahmsuu m ~ DAK 0FMON0 "A DAME WNERESUNALL ACCOUNTrs Ait WIZ Bowtnanville Brancdi: F. 0. McILVEEN,1 MODERN, EXPERIENCED DANKING SERVICE.t#à#o.u # August Bridai P art y m 1 good wislcs for future anniver- small sacrifice of convenicaces. If P____________ 7 saries. this were donc by every munici- M Lonlfi pality, whaf an amount of moneyn Icould be turned over ta Uic Gov. u hi asse t yoec crnment tf0 funther our 'War SI1'lIERS AND OrectHoreaSie et Tyroea IHints >For Homebodios Ined. Wc are a wasteful and 1avcsf Homd ereSerieSud ay Wrltten for Thse Statesman t ravagant. people, with liffle ides the MIJIs fi home of Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Bofcarefulnesa in amanil fliigs.e:A T IR SONGGlaspel afferwards.v Jusste Allen Brown letter from England tlls flaf thc Written specilly for Thse SvnlateddtIYbce British Gvrmn etr r Statesman by well known pie suppen et Tyrone on MondeyA A ifiut akwitea on both ides of Uic paper Durham boy, Fred R. Foley, night. 0 Atluing lt to wric here ncusary. Thaf h a mal 123 Lake St., St. (Catharines, Cogautinf0M.ed ns It is nof an easy t gt rt tigbti sillustrafive ofpos- oun. Luthratescaeion rivao this columa of evcry-day life sible saving.LuhrPsoonteaivlf when aIl of us arc so conceraed Buianes. AdJitstments SONGS 0F THE SEA e young deugbfcn. over Uic War. To make if larder, Visitors: if hs writtca -some time before if Womea do most of thc buying By way of variety this week, Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Counfney, To- is publisled and whaf may be and I know many anc puzzled let us taice an imagnary stroll rnrto, Mns. Livingstone Miller writtcn to-day just wbat Uiey should do, about niay be foàlish spending. If ail non-essentiels arc down another avenue la the City end Clifford, Soline, Mr. and Mns. a weck froni lcft unpurchased, business la go- of Song - the avenue leading Hugh Kelly, Bowmenville, Mn. and Mrs. WiII Phair, Toronto, et now. I h av e !Ag f0 be fhrown into an uP- down f0 the se. Just pictune in Mn. Ray Camenon's. -en asked flot heavai. Yet if wc do nof put your niinds those jolly sellons Mn. and Mns. Chas. Lander, Mrs. f0 dwdll on Uic cvery effort into furfhermng Uic witl fleir navy blue jackets and Nellie Lader, Oshawe, et Mn. war foo much war, there may -be no business widc pant legs and white lan- Russell Sfeinton's. but f0 w ri t cf0 rua. Most of us feel wc have yards about fîcir necks, swniging s o m etlhi~g no right f0 have the extra lu.x- eloag smnging those rollicking CMns. W. J. McKittrick and which w o uld unles while thene are s0 many songs of the sca. How we ail love Clare, Orangeville, Mns. Adrian tua n inlds hungry, unclothcd and homeless. the music wifh the teng of ftic MacDonald, Sîcîbonne, Mr. Jas. away fom itThenioney I had ncady to, buy self air, and thc scud of the white McMaster, Toronto, et Mn. J. W. fwoy frn a fnew bedspncads, which I wanted foani. McMaster's. formeene.fAw but did nof; actually nced, has Ms ageieMriTrn the War bas s0 gone lato a aew blankef' and Firsf and foremosf, we wiflbave Ms ageieMriTrn e a te n c d out Juste Aite othen Red Cross supplies. When the rousing chorus "Bri annale f, is home for e few days. deily lives, If ro You1 move into a ncw hos t Rules the Waves." Thea Charles Mr. and Mrs. Christian Ston,- cannt beigared.~ Ui coes n tUi good fllags look bet- Dibdia, Uic authon of meny faen- Toronto, et Mn. Hans Geissber- is fot ti%, your -liking, bear w Ver and the shabby ones 1 ous sea songs wil siag for us ger's. me-if taos to minmcter shabbler. 'Successive moves .-- *,,'Twas in t.he Good Ship Rover." Miss Bernucce Stainton, Peter- me Ar no cîTh aer. bnard on furaitune and sup- Brahani, the greet tenon, who boro, Miss Eileen Stainton, Bow- AilAreAnxousTo ave plies and we lad pianed 0 r- once sold pencils in Uic Street, manville, et Mn. A. T. Sfainfon's. People ail over Canada arc urg- place aad repair quite a lot of wifl give us bis composition of M.adMs asGisegn ing Uic Govenameaft todo more tbings. .At Uic present juncture bheDa. f eMr."(orsHasand Brthan e, et Mn. AI and f0 make funflen sacrifices. we cannot do this and feel coni- y S. T. Arnold) one of Uic great- Strutzcneggen's, Peterbono. Looking over Uic Wcekly News- forteble about if. Others must est national songs. Thc finst finie M.adMs .Pl ,Dnl papers I notice two suggestions feel the saine way and until busi- - le sang if, Uie enthusiasm wes M.edM.D osoDnl which souad practical. A member ness gefs edjusfcd flere will be tremeadous and if was cncorcd and Cathenine, Oshawa, et Mr. J. of Uic Simncoc Council suggests difficulties. Pcnhaps War wonk age.fiand again, f111 Uic singer W. Balson's. thaf Uic Vocational Sclool class- will be so spceded up that mosf was lnae state of collapse. "Rock -_________ roonis, whicl arc empfy in sumn- of theni wiil be absorbcd. cd in Uic Cradie of Uic Deep," by mer,' be used ta train mechaaics Taî Tem To 8wm an Americen wrifcn, Emma WiI- PROVERBS ABOUT for work l ain WrSu. Wlrealaocrdiaou iaways a populer favor- GOVERNMENT plis.TI Oillia Packet and "t -ILife on the Ocean Wavc" - ___ Tims lstasevn wys y wichhaving lives but wce continue f Tb ey Ail Lovcd Jack" - "ýMy No govenameat is safe unless if the ine olsa eva ways by $25cl let cilidrcn grow up without Ban ie Lies Over Uic Ocean." be fonfified by good will.-Dutcb. Ui0 Cu0 i could,00 snave fronit5, learnlag fa swim. Thc langen HIarry Lauder applauded round Impartial vigor and exemple 000fa53,00 aaully wfbplaces are doiag goad work as thc wanld ingiag "There is Some- anc Uic best meens of govenning. Most of thern are having swim- body Waifing For Me In a Cabia -Chinese. miag taught la Uic public schools. Dtwnb teSe." These noilick- Thet is flic besf governanent It is Uic sinaller places fIat suf- ingersvingjsongs of the ses fouch ha whicb an injury ta anc is Uic fer and there arc ferai boys and a ePonsv cord hanail aur coacernaf all.-Solon. girls who live by thc water wbo 1îcarts. The fanm of governmeaf is un- canof swim, chicfly beceuse Ang the sacred sangs, wc importent - thc spirit is every- their mothens arc afraid f0 bave b ear such favorites as "Thnow thing.-Genman. theni go in Uic wafcn. It is truc Ouf the Life-Line" - "Let the Thc administration of gavera- that good swimmens are drowned Lower Lights Be Burniag" - "Winl ment, like e guardianship, aught sonefinies but if h Uice non-swîm- Youn Anchon Hoid". Espccially fa be directed ta the good of fbose mers that are Uic chief vicfims. eppropniafe ha these penllous days who confer, not of those wbo ne- This weck, and if h c arly June, is Whiting's well known hyma, ceive, fIe trust.-Cicero. I have licard aven Uic radio of "F'or Those la Penil on the Sea." - thre qhildrea bcing drowncd in different places, and ecI fime Efernnl Father, stroag f0 save, Uicy wcrc ungbie f0 swim. If Wlhose arm bath bouad fhe rest- t4kes oniy a bit, of initiative fa less wave, af art a swimxning class. Ams b bd'ftemigbty ocean every place las a swimmiag hale deep wifhin reach. Thene are plenty of Ifs owa appoinfed limits keep: nesponsible boys and girls in their O bear us when wc cry f0 TIe IiL i~4lafe teens wla could feadli swim- For those la peril on Uic ses. ming and as mail payaient fnom ecI clild would caver Uic cost. 0 Christ, whose voice the waters If thcrerec naongani.zed swim- heard, miag classes in your acighboun- And bushcd thein raging at Thy about if? Service clubs have donc Who waikedsf on the foeming Institutes would lok affen if, A Aad caîni amid Uic stonai didst would be well donc. I have great sleep: faith la Uic-Institutes. O hean us wîen wecrcy ta TIe SPatilal Choese Sprcad For those in penil on Uic ses. 'N~ Cook over lot wafcr until Uiick: 0 Holy Spirit, who didaf brood %k cup butter Upon the waters dank and rude, 2 beaten eggs And bid thein angny fumulf cesse, 3 teapoons mustard- And give, for wild confusion, 1 teaspoon salt peace: 3/ cup gndnulaf cd sugar O lean us wben wecrcy fa TIe Add: Fan those in penil on Uic se. 1 scant cup vinegar OTiiyo oeedpwn 1/4cup nillk 0Tiyo oeadpwr 1 green pewlen chopped Our brethrea shield la dangcn's Y4 lb. "sprecdl' cheese houn; ml has co-cperated wichthe1 inal fin plient oes From rock and fcmpesf, fine and choppcd, foc, mada frasa the simple ways Cool unt il thick and sniooth. Protecf thcmn wheresoe'en fhey'go: m aeraion cf194. TaqPour into seaiers. Thiswllkp Thus evermore shail risc f0 esimaucuig for weeks la Uic refnigenator. TIe. ke i mtlfaig .u Sandwich spred Glad hyms of praise frorniland igs5e hynea V lb. clecae and sea.Amn Wonai»1teaspoon mlaced onion -W. Whifiag, 1825-1878. nernmuut~,2 bard cookcd eggs 2 tbsps. melfcd butter 16 sfuffcd olives "THE TABLE TALKS"I - NEW 2 feaSPOOns lemon juice THRILL-PACKED SEIRIAL R E AUich food chopper, add butter, on- Ion and lemon julce and blcnd un- The opealag instaiment of "Thc LcoME" fil ereamny. Add finely chopped Table Tals," sfaitling and dra- olives and egga. If not solt enough matic sfony of exciting escapades - to spread, dd a little Mayonnaise. ad of diablical deds, by Jona- Manager than Staggee, wll-known author of "Murder by Prescription" and A hafcd governnaent doca not other popular navels, begias - il- lest long.-Latin. lustrated in colons - la The Am- 1.23a Yar Sattosofuoi ....ùs Any goveramneat lu prefeneble enican Weekly wifb Uic Sepfcm- fa an aarchy.-Romsn. ber 8 issue af TIc Detroif Sunday I Iji Hi l unworthy to, gavera who Times. Be sune fa rend this bneath- gcvcrns acf hinself.-French. taklng novel 1 36-1 Davison, president. Arrangements werc made for packing the bale of clofhing to be sent to New- foundland. Members were re- milnded f0 bring to the October meeting their contribution of can- ned fruit for the Fred Victor Home. Darington Couple 2'5 YearsMarried A happy gathering -of 60 friends and relatives assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yel- lowlees, Enniskillen, on Septern- ber 1lsf, 1940, to celebrate the sul- ver anniversary of their marniage, and f0 enjoy a pleasant afternoon and evcning together. The home was beautifully decorated with streamers and bouquets of sum- mer flowers pnesented to the bride by friends and relatives. Mr. Dan Yellowlees called the company to order and an address was read by Mr. J. W. Yellowlees, while Norm Thompson and Har- vey Yellowlees presented tbem with a fernery, Miss Helen Yel- lowlees a fern stand and Gladys Hodgson a silver flower basket on behaif of the Yellowlees fam- ilies. Thene were also gifts, of sul- ver from friends and relatives from Hamilton, Toronto, Bramp- ton, Georgetown, and Mayfield. The good wisbes and gifts were gratefuily acknowledged by the bride and groom of 25 years ago, after whxcb a most pleasant finie was spent. A buffet luincheon was served £romi a table decorated witb sil- ver streamers and a cake made and decorated by their daughfer, Mrs. Ernest Hockaday, Hampton. Ail joined hcartily in congratula- Send Them to - ~ School ~ Weil Dxessed ~.. Bring Them to * ~T(~f~Coach, Johutn & Cydeman's _ _ _ _ _ for their SckooClotmes OUR LADIES' DEPARTMVENT Is featurlng ail girls smart sebool toggcry for ail ages of girls & misses. A good supply of tunlcs, dresses and blouses are ln stock._____________ OUR MEN'S DEPARTMENT ls featuring boys' sebool sults ln hlgh quallty, durable material wlth prîces startlng at $6.95 up to $12.95 complete with two pairs of pants. Odd pants and sweaters are for sehool openlng. DRESSES AND COATS FOR FALL We have just rcelved a partial sblpment of aur fail stock of dresses and coats. Drop ln and sec thelicwde assortment of styles, colours and sizes. Couch, Johoston & Cryderman Lt. Phone 836 Bowmanville "Mlegron oer.ah "are douedos on of Me es F/T ' 1p fos yteCanadian Modical Association. NabsaSlrdd.d Wh.ot aa woegrain oer.aI'-it Io 100% pure wIai. ln Ih s at '4dlilcious forai. Two Nabisco SIrdd.d Whe with .11k and ftuit contain no leus thon .ight vital food vai15sc hre Vitamns (. 81ond C), 1r-n, Calcium, Pliaphomr u ,Potunad Carbohydrtu, ... Fonttfy your rosistance dolly wlth fuIs "protte whol. whuat food-and "ke.p fit ta do your bt."' ?HI CANADIAN SHUDOED WNRAT COMANY LYS. Nb..r. W.I . eL PAGE FIVE Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Gay 0 and the bride was formerly Annie nice Gay,,attended the bride and Courtice, and the attendants at Wikins, daughter ofithe late M. Mr. John Gay was bis cousin's their wedding. The groom is the and Mrs. Morley Wilkin., Cur- groonisman. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Gay tice. Trhe groom's sister, Miss Ber- A FINE EXAMPLE Over 9,000 Canadian commer- cial and industnial finms have al- ready set up the system of volun- tary salary deduction to enable their employees f0 purchase War Savings Certificates by easy and regular instalments. The sanie plan bas been extended to include parts of the Civil Service and govennment pensioners. More than 1,250,000 cmployees corne within the scope of this plan. A large -proportion have a]ready pledged tbemselves to purchase War Savings Cerf if i- cates in this way. In many cases the deductions are for small amounts, perhaps fifty cents or a dollar each pay-day, but in the aggregate the investmenf of these ernployees in Wan Savings Certi- ficates reaches an impressive sum every month. Now, an yone in Canada who operafes a bank account may ernulate this fine example in practical patriofism. Every char- tened bank in Canada bas avail- able a special "pledge form" t0 be used by depositors to instruct their bankers to punchase War Savings Certificates for them on the 15th of eacb month by meaiis oif automatic deductions from their regular accounts. The applicant simply filis in this pledge and wifh it a relative application fonm for one or more Certificates and hands ther n ni f his banker. In each succeeding rionth the bank will purchase one. or more Certificafes as stafed in the pledge, wifhout any -further insfructions or bother f0 the de- positor. The actual Certificates will be rnailed to the depositor at his home address, or any other -ad- dress he may designate. Hene is an opportunity for evcryonc to Put system into bis Purchases of War Savings Certi- !icates. Incidenfally, it is an ad- mirable and simple way f0 ac- 2umulate over the niontbs a valu- able "Inesf egg" of Canada's finest Icecunifies. Canadiens can now take ad- irantage of this pledge systemn iwbich is so admirebly adapted f0 the needs of the average mian and wvonin, and follow the lead of ver one million employees pur-i PAGE FIVE chasing through the pay-deduc- tion plan. 1For KITCH EN BATH ROOM YOU need Gillet's Lye tu*6 kitchen and in the bathroomn Keep it handy for drains, fat pots and pans, for numierow other household tasks. Gillett'a Lye will save you hours of hard work-it's the easy, efficient, economical way of cleaning. -N~e disnofre yin bot iate. Tms atOn f this yo i9mi 90zghasts the eas 1