THUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. ]Phone 668 Mns. R. M. Cale i. visitiug her sister, 1fr,. Robet, Hazilton. Mr. sud Mrs. Roland Bell sud daughter, Lindsay, were iu town. Mrs. C. H. Mason is visiting her parents at Winnipeg, Man. Corporal Donald C am e r-o», Trentan Air Port, was homne. 'Miss Jean Bell, Toronto, was Mis. Elsie Carruthers, Taouto, is borne for an extended holiday. Mk,.iDLd Mrs. J. C. Cairus are ,oiiqiig at their summen cot- tg t Lake Scugog. Mr. sud 1fr.. Ernie Lunu have been halidaying iu North Bay district. Mrs. Bill Dunlop and baby Ju- dli, Toronto, are visiting ber mother, Mn.. J . A. Gilhoaly. Mr.. Annie Bradley. Bond Head, ta visitlng Mr. sud Mrs. Bert Col- well sud Mrs. Mina Colwell. Mr. sud 1fr.. Wm. Nelson, Tempêtance St., speut Uie week- end iToronto. w Mr. *#ck Colvilllc ha. been hall- daying,1-with 1fr. J. Davis near Perth ., Mr. George spencer ha. moved froni Toronto ta Ottawa. He i. stili cmployed with Uic same f irn>s Pte. Duane J. Cameron, Royal Regimner4, Camp Bonden, was home. Thsuksgiving Day this year ha. been flxed for Octaber l4th, the second Mondlay iu that month.. 1Miss Harriet Bartlett, Toonto, vislted Mr. John sud Miss Eva Hellyar. Mr. sud Mns.* Ernie Brow Oakvillc, spent Uic holiday w] their parents. Mr. sud Mn.. Rupert G. Har lyn, Ottawa, visited nelativ here. 1Mr. Erie Swindélls, tion agent,, CampB Mr. Thos. Cartwright ha. beE visiting nieces, sud nephcws London. Mr. sud Mrs. Thomas Harvt sud daagbtcn,1 Toronto, visite Mr. sud Mrs. W. P. Hall. Mrs. M. E. Moore sud son Kea ncth, Hamilton, wcre guestsi bier sister, Mrs. Paul Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fenucîl, T( routa, have becu holldayingà their cottage here. Mrs. N. E. Gould, Torouto, visiting ber daughter, Mn.. C.1 Rehder. Miss Dorathy Nickerson ar Miss Dorothy Goode spent th weekcud visiting friends in Tc routa. YIr. Jack McCaffery, Rachestei N. Y., ha. been rcucwing old ai quaintauces lu towu while gueç of Mn. Thos. Bottrell. 'Mn. and Mrs.XTim Devitt 'ma'oýta cd .up from Moncton, N. B., aný speut the weekend with hi. par ents. Annual meeting of Durbar Couuty Music Festival will b held lu Newcastle' Mauday, Sepi 9tb, at 8.30 D.S.T. Mn. Wm. Calver sud family ang Mr. Harry Robinson, Racheste: Day of National Prayer SUNDAY, SEPT. 8., 1940 lVhereas ln, accordance with the express wish of Bis Gracions M&Jesty Klng George VI the Goverument of Canada bas appointeti Sunday, Sept. 8, 1940, tg le set apart throughout thé Dominion ofCamiada as -a day of Humble Frayer andi Intercession te, Alinlghty Goti on behaif of the Cause undertaken by the Unitedi Kingdom, by -Canaa, and by other Dominions of the British Commonwealth of Nations;. .i therefore lsue this proclamation respectiully re- questlne ail religions denominations to arrage for the holding of special appiropriate services lu Churches anti places of worship on Sunday, September 8, 1940. REGINAL» O. JONES, lMayor. Oeptenq1ber 4th, 1940. GOD SAVE THE KING! 0T THE BOYS AND GIRLS Swho relieci on às to serve their needa for sdhool bok- TH AN KS l Continue 10 corne to the "MIlendly Store" for: Loome Leaf Books 15 - io tb 75o P~'I~4noilsLENDINO Aüi TextBpoka LIBRARY laulers A&rt supplies Latest fiction, blofflphy, _________________travel, detective storieo at vwry low prices. Cheap weekend rates. - JOIN BY THE MONTH - JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 ring St. SCI ENTIFICA LL Y MADE FOR? Puritq We safeguard our ice cream from the farm to your table. Cream from doubly-inspected * cows, steriized containers, no ingredients touchcd by hwnan banda, brick-cartons have auto- niauicaliy.hnsrted wax paper our rigid bealth rules. tMQIAL/7 COWLIING'S, DRUG STORE Phona 695 Bwnai Tu, it s- 'es ta- as en ,ey r'- of 10- at i. E. rid he M.adM. 10_ r. nd rs.Frauk N. Downs, Detroit, sud daughter Mn.. Bar- ton Harrison, Pawpaw, Mich., rwcrc guests o! hIs sisten, Miss c-LoasDowus. ýs - M~'iss Grace I. White, Manches- ter, baving passèd hem civil ser- r- vice exams. with houons, ha. ac- id ceptcd a position n t he Civil Ser- r- vice Deparimeut lu Ottaws. Mr. sud Mn.. Fred J. Mitchell inwere lu Toronto Friday atteuding e the weddiug of thein sofi Kenneth su ad Miss Charlotte Spcdding in Parkdale Presbyteriau Church. id Two sisters of Mns. Robent Cor- r, beit, Mn.. Elmer McEacheran and Mrs. Charles Hughes, Harniston, sud their basbands paid hem a visit [ast week. Mn. sud Mns. S. Charles Aflin speut the weekend holidaying ai Peterboro sud points cast, ncturn- ing ta attend Uic C.N.E. on Mon- day. Mns. W. L. Law, Oshawa, has returned from Windsor, River- side sud Head Lake, whene she was the guesi of ber daughters, Mn.. G. Haxnmond sud Mrs. Wil- liam Allen. A iovely, svelte appearance i. youns iu a safe, sane way. Sîcudor "lBcauty"l Tableis. Two weeks supply $1.00. McGnegor's Drug Store. 36-1 Mn.. C. Jscobs sud Lawrence have returucd from holidaying at Johnstoue's Tourist Camp, Sun- dridgc. They also visited Uic Quints sud fricudsi at -HllIsdalc. Capt. Rev. W. F. Banisten wriies fnomn Kingston: I çnjoy cvcry is- sue of The Statesman sud look fonward ta its camlug. More pow- er ta, your editonial calumn. "Lang may yaun lum reek." Mn.. J. H. Manday, Maple Grave, Mn.. Annie Bradley, Baud Head, Mn. sud Mns. Len Richards,, Mns. Mina Colwell sud Mn. sud Mns.. 'Bert Colwell sud Teddy spent Uic weekend ai Bobcaygeou. Sunday eveutag the choir o! Trnity Uuited Church presented Dr. T. A. Partridge with a sab- stautial cheque as a token o! ap- preciation for hi. services as anganisi directon, sud best wishes fan cotinaed sacccss in bis new field of endeavour. Mn.. Main aud Mina, Montreal, Mn.. D. Marris, Mildred sud MIi- ton, Oshawa, Mn,. Arthur Clark, Mn.. Nettie Wells, Toranto,' sud Mn. Frank Collacati, Ottawa, werc holiday guests'at Mn. G. A. McTaggart's. Mn. Reginald Coombes, Camp Borden, Miss Rachael Hildcnly, Miss Grace Hall, Bowxusuvillc, Mn. sud Mn.. Eric Coombes sud baby Gweu, Toono, were visi- tons ai Mn. Leslie Coombes', BeUi- esda. Mn.s. Evencti L. Osborne, dau- ghter Margaret sud son David Mn. sud Mrs. Harry Osbonne sud son John, Oshawa, Mns. Evenet V. Osborne Jr., motoned ta Simcoe7 Tuesday, August 27ih, ta attend Uic 90Ui birthday celebration o! their grandfiben, Mn. John Os- barn, Simcac, Ont. 1Mr.. Edwand Clapp aud daugh- ter receuily retarned from Eng- land, aftcn severai years' absence, ta reside agalu iu Bowmanville. Thcy report a rathen excitlnt .pas- sage with the menace o! Hitler ever present sud wcre greatly ne- ievcd ta sec Canada again. Mn. Clapp I. now in the C.A.S.F. ait, Camp Banden.1 Rev. Fred Ridiug, Oshawa, en- tertataed a few friends os Thurs- day eveuing befone leaviug for Montreal for new preaching du- tics with Uic Rock! ield United Church. Among Uic gaests wcrc Mis, Sasie sud Miss Olive Van Camp o! Blackstock sud Miss Doris Williams of Belleville. Mn. Stephen Saywell accompanied Mn. Ridiug on bis trip ta, Montreal. Wc have been rcadiug a lotr about Uic gladioli grown by J. H.r Jase, Presideut of Newcastle Hon- ticultunal Society, sud thé pnizes he bas won at neccut flowcm shows. But no longer do we necde ta take this ou faitb fan Mr. Jase I broughi a buge bouquet o! these0 gongeaus flowers ta Uic editon's homne ou Saiurday cvening sud hi, famniiy have becs baskiug in the giory sud. admirtag the beauiy of these lovely flowers ever stace. Thanks, Harry, sud ta Mns. Jase, toa, for your kiudness sud for Uic real pleasure wc have cnjoyed lu fcasting aur eyes ou sucb manvel-V bous flowers. 0 WAR LOAN CONING This will bc Uic second War Loan ta heip Win the wan. The government will be o f f e rng boçnds Uic firsi pari o! Sepiember. T. H. Knlght bas becs appoinied Local Represenlative. If yoa are conslderng buyig bonds call T. H. Knlgbt sud he will be glad ta cal sud give y ou any informa- tion you would like to know. The raie o! interest bas sot becs set, but wIhl know in a fcw days. Got in toiuch wi T. H. Knighl. 35-tf SIGNS 0F THE TESB DURHAM CLUB MEETING PLANNED AT NEWCASTLE àDr. L. B. Williams, President of athe Durham County Club of To- ronto, dropped i ta sec the editor Saturday while he sud Mrs. Wil- liams were on their way ta spend the holiday week-end at their summer cottage at Cacsarea. We had misscd tic occadiongl call from the genil WDoctor during thc summer months but thcrc was ta reason. Dr. sud Mrs. Williams - have been on su extended trip *through Northern Ontario right up ta Hudson Bay. Thcy took 9over 600 pictures of what may be - cafled unknown country ta, most eo! us. Besides being thc fiuest of natural colon photognaphy the Doctor states these pictures are of greatest educational value, look- ing, ta Ontario's great Nothlsud rdestiny.. We iu Durham County gmay havc su opportunity of sec- ging these pictures if plans ma- Sterialize ta hold Uic firat fal meetmng of Uic Durham Club iu Newcastlc Commuuity Hall ou Thursday, Sept. 26th. Keep this date free aud watch The States- man for furthen particulars. Sale Church service was withdrawn Sunday in favour of Tyrone Han- vest Home. Mr. C. Moody and littie daugh- ter, Toronto, were weekcnd guests at Mr. H. Gaud's. Friends from Viueland were guests at'Uic Guad home. Mr. Ralph Simpson is ou moton trip ta Montreal sud Qucbec with Mr. sud Mrs. F. Hurst, Toonto. Mr. R. Coruish suffened a sevene 1accident on Mouday wheu thc belt broke -ou Uic threshiug machine he was attcuding sud his head was badly cut. He was taken ta Bownmsuvile Hospital where sev- cra1 stitches werc required. Congratulations ta 1fr. sud Mrs. S. Buttcry ou Uic arrival of a baby girl in Bowmanvlile Hos- pital. Mfr. and Mrs. J. Catar sud son Ralph, Toronto, at Mr. F. Cator'.. Mrs. F. Catan with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Everett Cain. Orono. Miss F. Bennett has comnienccd her duties as junior teacher of S.S. NO. 8. T'or a web begun God seuds thread-Freuch sud Italian. t Betten repair Uic roof than Uic 'whole house.-Portuguese. To have a respect foôr ourselves guides our morals; sud to have a defercuce for otl»rs governs aur mannes.-Sterne. The engagement ta announced o! Florence Hilda, yaungesl daugbtcn o! Mn.. Ans Evassasd the laie Hanold Evans, Bowman- ville, ta Mn. William Eric Kent, sou o! Mn.. P. H. Frayne, Oshawa, sud Uic late W. R. Kent, Myrile. The manrage ta taise place early in October. Mn. sud Mns. W. Thampson, lisydon, ansounce Uic engage- ment o! Uieir yoaxngest daagbier, Audrey Doris, ta Franks Alfred, yaungcn sou o! Mn. sud Mn.. G. Osmond, Bowmanviile. The mar- riage ta take place in Uic latter pari o!fta smaoii. Dm. sud Mrs. Norman Allin o! Edmonton, Alberta, annoance Uic engagement o! their daugbier, Elsie Jane, ta Oscar Herbent, sou o! M'rs. Jamiesos sud Uic laie Mn. Herbent Jamieson o! Bow- manville, Ontario. The wcdding will take place lu Bowmanviilc iu Sepiemben. The engagement is annoanced o! Marjonie Elizabeth Alberta Watson, daughter o! Ernest B. Watson sud Uic late Mn.. Watson o! Bownianvillc, ta Mr. Rosswel R. Cailan, son o! Mn. sud Mrs. George Callan o! Bowmanville. flic nwnriage ta take place»Satun- Slay afternaou, September 28Ui, in Wavenley Rd. Baptisi Churoh, roronto, (Beach District). Mn. and Mn.. Leslie H. Ander- aon, Bowmanville, annoaune Uic engagement a! their daughten, Clio Viola, ta Mn. Harry Vennon Cryderman, sou o! Mn. Frnk Cryderman sud tUic laie Mrs. Cryderman o! Bowmsuviilc. The narriage ta take place i Tnity JUntd Cburch ou Satanday, Sept. 14th. s e c c c c r I %I N. Y., wene guests of 1fr.. Minnie Bartan. Mrs. R. Damas ha. returned from an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. James Milligan, North Bay. Mrs. A. G. Wright aud Mn.. Geongc Wright, *Hamilton, are visitiug the former'. mothen, Mrs. Thos. Tod. Mrs. Paul Arlitt, Newmarket, visitcd her moUicr, Mn.. G. B. Simnions who has been i poor .hcalth at Mrs. W. P. Corbett's. Slendor "Bcauty" Tablets help you ta a trim, ucat appearance in s safe, sane way. Two weeks sap- ply $ 1.00. McGregor's Drug Storc. Major gnd Mns. H. D. Wight- man sud sou Henry, Cornwall, sud Miss Margaret Wightmsu, Toronto, were guests aý Mn. J. W. Jcwqel's. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Coombes sud baby Gweu, Toronto, are holiday- ing with her parcnts, Mr. sud Mrs. Clarence Hall, sud hi. bro- ther Leslie, Bcthesda. Mr. Rhys D. Fairbairn, Toron- ta, who has spent the summer in1 Muskoka, was guest of hi. sister,1 Miss B. Fairbairu, aven the week-1 end. hi E School apened Tucsdsy mars- ing, witb Miss Jessie Knox lu charge and 12 pupils on the rail. Mn. Walter Blackburn bas com- menccd bis duties as icachen lu Janetville. Congratulation, ta Mn. sud Mn,. Jack Potts (nec Gladys Martin) on thein marriage. Mn. and Mn.. L. Ashton sud Mn.. H. Werry atiended Uic fan- enal of Chas. Tamblyn ai Orno ou Saiurday. Mn.. H. Ashton and Mn.. A. Read aiteuded the funemal of Wm. Lumbers, Toronto, on Ssiurday. Rev.- A. F. Gardner delivered su excellent sermon Suuday aller- noon au "Laban sud Religion." Haydon's enterprisîng f armer, Russell Aungen, continues ta im- prove bis f arm. He bas neccntly had lustalled. a bathroom o! mod- cruistic design. Visitors: Mis. N. Hall, Clinton sud Beryl, Dorôthy Hall sud Mn. Grant An- derson, Oshawa, ai Mn.. D. Gra- hamls; Ms. F. Adams sud Mn.. A., Hampton, ai Mr. E. Ste- phensou's. Mr'. sud Mns. M. Hobbs sud Joan at Mn. H. Chantier',, Lind- say. Mn. sud Mn.. F. Blackburn sud daughter, Sslem, Mn. sud Mn.. H. Foiey, Maple Grave, ai Mn. M. Blacltburn's. Mn.. Osmond, Mn. Frank Os- mond, Misses Veda Pundy sud Aut'y Thouipson, Bawmsuville, Mr' Èù~d Mn.. Roy Thompson, Les- kirUT7 Miss Margaret Thouipson, Toronto, at Mn. W. Thouipson'. Miss Ritson, Miss Vens Tre- wta, Oshawa, Miss Grace Trewiu, Toronto, at Mn. W. Trewiu's. Mn. sud Mn.. Gea. Piper sud famiiy, Bowmsnvillc, at Mn. W. Bridgett's. Miss Edith Aunger, Stetilen, Aita., visited ber ancle, Russell Aungen. Mn. sud Mn.. L. Ashton sud Mary Lou, Toronto, ai Mn. A. Read',. Mn. sud Mn.. H. Clark, Mn. sud Mn,. Hl. Brookiug, Wesleyviile, at Mn. C. Slemnon's. Mn.. W. Thompsou with frieuds in Toronto. Mr. sud Mn.. L. Ashtonu>audt !smily ai Mn. G. Werry's, Wood- bridge. Mrs. - D. Higgius, Miss Latins Pbillips, Toronto, ai Mn. R. San- derson's. Manie Ashton at Mr. R. Ormis-s ton's, Ennikilleu, sud Ronald1 Ashton bolidaying witb KeiUi Mc- E GuI, Enniskillen. Mr. sud Mns. A. J. Adams, Lindsay, Mn. sud Mn.. Sianleyr Head sud !amiy, Oshawa, M and Mn.. Chas. Cooper, Mn. sud COMWINO_£VENTS If you are intercsted in good horse racing be sure aud attend Oshawa Fair, September lOth and llth. Some of the fastest trotters will be there. 36-1 Grandstsud Entcrtainmeut, Osh- awa Fair, Tuesday, September 10 *th. Don't miss seeing Garden Bras. in their latest production. Sims' Big Midway arrives Osh- awa Fair, Monday, September th, Iwith special shows and riding devices ta provide a banrel o!fan for ail members of thc. family. Corne early sud stay later 36-1 A Silver Tes will be served at Uic home o! Mrs. Harry Bartlctt, Church St., ou P'rlday, Sept. 13Ui, frorn 3 ta 5 p.m.; alsa fnom 8 to 10 p.m. Pnoceeds for wool ta be ascd for Salvation Army War Work. Annual meeting of Durham~ County Music Festival will be held i Community Hall, New- castle, on Manday, Se pt. 9Ui, at 8.30 p.m. (Daylight Savlng Time>. Ail citizens luterested in this comuiendable enterprise are in- vltcd ta this meeting. 36-1 It costs only lwenty-five, cents ta sec Oshawa Faim, Uic big Uinee- day exhibition ai Alexandra Park featurlng hanse aciug, uniug races, saddle hanses, rnidway, live- stock judging, good exhibits. It will be a goad place ta mcci your frieuds ou Septemben l0Ui sud ilUih. Children admlltted for tes cents. 36-1 Ebenezer Mrs. Allie Shantz ha. returi ta Rochester after a pleasant hi day,»,t Mr. Geo. Pearce's. Mn: *Dan Smith ha. neturned Gaît after visiting at Mr. R Pear&e's. Mr. sud Mrs. Gardon Osboi have returned ta Cameron Fi aftek holidaying at Uic home thifrParents, 1Mr. sud frs..H. Osjrne and 1fr. sud Mrs. Bl '-Mis;s Darothy Joncs bas retiu ced ta Taronto alter spending hc dais St Mr. F. W. Randle's.1 fore returning she was hastes. sevenal fricnds at a panty at Pal ana Park. Congratulations are cxtended Mn. aud Mrs. Harry Gay (ri Anu Wilkins), ou their recE marniage. They are honcymooni at Iroquois Fal, as gaests o! h sud Mn.. Ted Rose (nec Laui Caurtice). Mr. L. J. Courtice sud Mr. Di Courtice are ou a motor trip New Liskeard sud visiting b sud Mns. Ted Rose at Iroquc Falla. Mrs. W. G. Rudle is visitij at Mr. Evertan Whitc's, Bcthes< Mr. Gardon Pickell sud nep cws, Masters Marshall sud Jag Pickcll, have returued ta Detrc Friends of Mrs. Hedley Oke e: tend sympathy in her misfontu 'iu bneaking a limb. It will ncct sitate her staying in Bowm4nvil Hospital for some time. Haydon -ned 1ta oss mre of F. Lr- Be- 4.y- 1to ie ýnt ,ng Mrn. iise )an ta Krn. Lis da. ' ick- Dt.M ?X-M ne C: es RE lle Er sis AE ever ta march ou, side by side sud step by step witb Uic growth of empire, cen neyer be qucnched unden the oppression o! suy mas- ter. Ail'. well in Bnitalu because the common people anc araused, because !rom ic heordinary, aven- age people, fram wbom England', greatesi bave ever came, there. sill arises thai determinsiion, ibat bull-dog stubboruness, ihai uncanquerabie spirit which cani- nai live cnslaved. The wisest seers among men cannai say what yei is ta came. But this ail mes may know: Thene is a veny lovely heari of civilization sud o! freedom Uireai- ened by an abscene force, an iu- deceni retumu ta savagery spark-, cd by immoral ambition. 'Éle shadow ta-day lies aven an an- dient sud a noble land. It dankens Uic graves o! poets sud philoso- pher.suad martyrs. Ithabsgs, threateutag, aven the vcmy birth- place o! buman liberty sud bu- man progress. The vultures soan aven Eng- laud's green fields sud staiely homes, tbey swaop upan the humble cats sud quiet hilîs. We on ibis side cen kuow litile o! the anc factor that must, in the final sccounting, decide the issue. That is, Uic spirit o! a peo- ple awakcned sud detenmiued. Thene must be s marvellous siary, bctag iold ou tbe pages af bislany, ta Bnitain * ta-day. The spectacle o! a people aristag as one, ta defend ta death the land they bold so dean, must be s ire- meudoas Uiing ta waich. Even Hitler bas been awed. Whai othen interpretation dan be put upon bis petlaent sud nidicu- bous campisint ihai 'home guards' can be ouiy violsions o! Uic code o! war, ta be shot againsi a Wall wheu captured? The world has neyer wiinessed sach absurd e!- !mouiery as an appeai, by this man, toany code o! wan. lHe, sud Gcnmany, o! ail races, have mast ruthlessly sud beantlcssly scorued the codes a! wan, o! honor, a! humanity, o! human deceucy, wbercvcr it served their foul pur- pose. Hitler cannai canquer Britain.j We who know Uic bisiory sud Uthe spirit sud Uic meaning o! British civilization, we wbo know the courage that anms bier people, we wbo know tbe love o! coutry that filis themn souls, kuaw ibat no invader can stay alive ou Eug- isb soil so long as anc Englisb- man remains alive ta stnike a ulow for !needom. There cen be but. anc aatcome vben Uic British people bave anisen, mavcd by a single impulse, to defend This royal ibrone o! kings, ibis sceptned tale, This earth o! mai esty, this seat o! Mars, This alber Eden, demi-paradise; This farines,, buiît by Nature fan henseif, Againsi infection sud Uic baud o! wan, This happy bneed of men, ibis litile world, This preciaus stone set in Uic silver ses, Wbich serves it in Uic office o! a Wall On as a mosi defeusive io a baue - Against Uiceuvy o! les. happien lands - This biessed plot, ibis eanth, ibis realru, This Eugiaud. The vultures gather, but still le spirit o! the ancient waicb- man walks lu England sud still is brave voice neassunes,.. "'Twelve a'clock, sud ail's welll" m hi A HIGHLY SKiLLED PROFESSION la The Watchmaker's We repair any watch, ne matter how badly lu need o! attention, with expert care. It pleas u s te sec satis! led eus- tomons returu lime after time. Anti prices, too, are the iowest. Quick service. Sec our uew stock of leautiful uow watches. S. J. HARTWIG King et. E. Kuight Elock . THE i1010E! Plaid or nuuby tweed reefers snd jaekets to le worn stop ulmn sheer, wool frocks. For Fait days. $3.9 5 The Evlyn Shop Ring at Sliver St. Loaking 'tbrough tUicucrrent issue of "Canadian Motaniot" aur attention was drawn ta Uic above photo wbich graced Uic top of Uic editorial page of Uiis magazine. Sa wc prevailed uo Editor War- ren Hastings ta s=udus Uic cut ta reproduce lu The Statesr.n. Leskard, ncstled inthe Uic Ulof Clarke Township in Durham Couuty, ha. long becu farnous for its rugged sccnery, its trout stresuis, its football team, its old milI, sud mare receutly is Mys- teniaus sud nuthless extermina- tion a! dogs. The above illustra- tion is funther proof that same enterprisiug citizen in this pesce- fui bamlet ha, the ingenuity ta keep anc step ahead o! uts ueigh- bonîng village of Orona when it cames ta getting the spotligbt of publicity. Phone 596 E.LUNN GR»OGER BowmnvlloJ NEXT GREAT EVENT FAIR AT- ORONO0 Under Auspices of Durham Central Agricruiti Society Tues'. & Wed, Sept,.ý17. 18 Acknowledged aone of the beut Agrieulturai Fanl Vairs iEastern Ontario FPEATURING: Live Stock, Producta oofPuirm, Junior armn, eu lon- s$ration, Educationa 1Exibitai, Zadie' Work, Women's insBtite Dep., e. Horse Shoe Pltching « Good Horee Races GrandstandPeomae EeCk Wt Trophy 0 OINO BAND- IN A'ITENDANCE- Drama Contest Both Nlghts O. W. ROLPH. Prouidont IL H. STAPLES, Sec'y.ý-Treas. Canada's Fali Favorites lIIck-as-a-whistle young frocks. Our new Fali and Wluter Dresses are now ln stock. $3.95 and up Ail Sizes You'iI flnd 1941 styles excling- ]y new u~dth stralghter akirts, back faIneis, side-draped iUnes, smartly sopbisticated. SEZ OUR FALL AND WINTER COATS muqqffl Co rtceher sister and brother-i-kwý,Mr l and Mrs. Eldon Essery were as A mjscella'neous shower ws uests of honour, but as they were held Friday evening in honour of unable ta be present until a - late Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Essery (nee hour they were necessarily omîltt- Evelyn Barraball) at the home Of cd until thefr presence permitted Mr. L. Barrabail. A short addrcss the giving of a toast ta the brides ta the newly married couple was and grooms. Highflghts of the read by Miss Gladyà Reynolds. evening were: a mock broadcast- Around forty persons watched as ing system in operation for al the groom unwrapped and the events with the hostcss acting as bride displayed the various gif t.. the announcer; a mock marriage These included cut-glass articles, wîth ail the trappings; guests pyrex ovenware, aluminum ware, broadcasting in competition; an chinawarc, a wall dlock and an in-and-out-of-doocrs fressure hut; alarm dlock, many individual a marshmailow roast and a toast pieces of cnamelware that match- to the two bridal pairs. Dancinig cd the colour schenw of their followed, with music suplied bY kitchen, and other useful articles. Fred Adams, John Walter and Mr. Esserj, thanked ail present for Allan Trevail and Robert Fowler their kindncss. Community sing- caUling for the squares. ing followed. Refreshments were Mrs. G. Reynolds accompanicd served aîter which Mr. Robert friends ta Haliburton and Wi1- Fowler called for several square berforce in Northern Ontario dances and friends of the young where the Matron of the Red couple playcd for the round danc- Cross Outpost niotorcd furthcr ing. through the wild country ta show On Wednesday evcning, Aug. points of initerest which included 28th, Miss Gladys Reynolds held a radium mine, driiled through a party at her home ini honour of -solid rock. STOCK'à%,UP NOW! For Those Rohust Appetites ~~ Thousantis of chiltiren have starteti a uew job - the Job of building a sounti minti anti a robust lady. The whoiesome quality of Lonn's foods will furnish the energy for happy boys anti girls who are starting 9110cw another sehool year. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 2's .. 2 tins 23e Golden WAX BEANS ............. per tin 10e Golti Medal PEANUT BUTTER .......... 20 oz* 25C Handy AMMONIA ............... 2 pkgs. 9c Fancy COOKING RICE ............ 3 Iba. 25e AUSTRALIÂN SULTANAS ...- 2 lbs. 25e ~ Phone 594 rS. W. Rice sud famiiy, Toronto, Xr. John Avery, Messrs. Harold, [arence sud Roy Avery, Misses tena Avery sud Lizzie Knapp, rsfîeld, at Mn. C. Avery's. Miss Freda Bradley with hem item, Mns. F. Ashton, Tamonto. Messrs. Jim Graam sud Ross Lshion ai Mn. G. Werry's, Wood- Sidge, sud Mn. W. Brownlee', aside. NGLAND'S HISTORY (Continued trom page 1) ýq 6 ' L 'I 4 e'--