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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1940, p. 10

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?PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO SPORTNEWS BUHS. FACES TEST HERE SATURDAY MEET BELLE VILLE the game faster and more inter- esting. The only thing the B.H.S. squad needs ta assure them winning is a huge crawd of local supporters ta cheer thein on ta victory. The winncr of this gaine meets the winer of thc Georgian Boy-Nia- gara district in Taranto Sotur- day, Nov. 30th, ta decide the COSSA championship. B.H.S., senior rugby gladiators meet Belleville on Uic local field Saturday, Nov. 23rd, et 2.30 p.m., PliTS AuD PATS ln what wiil be Uic biggest ganieIi of thc year. Last Wcdnesdoy_____________ Bowmanviliicsuffercd their firat thagmlkeasWdn- defeat -cf the year in Uice esternd' n dWt e hik e it,.WS ens- clty and are r&-aly out for re- ior s uder theiulteBH.S.vsen- venge. They have five pointaso . der hudtkeBleîl that have to be mode up before inta their stride here Saturday the chances of wi.nning arc even like noboby's business. considered.** A second grudge la held against A first periad touchdown mode thc Belleville boys because mnany Uic boys feed as if thcy had the of thc players on the team playeci gaine cinched, but thc Belleville in tlic basketball finals last ycor squod soon changed their minds i Taronto when Bowmnanvilie when it came ta Uic third quarter« was defeated by a single point. running touchdawns continuous- Last wcok's gaine was definite- l cosUcBwnnil io ly a pon attempt as foar as Uic red, white and black are con- Sandy Colville, plunging ace, cerned, but with a gaine like that was the star on the Bowmanvile out of their system Belleville wiil squad, saving the day for B.H.S. g need al thc luck they con pas- inI the lat periad with two brul-« sibly. muster. liant runs that bath netted touch- Arrangements have been mode dawns. Not only did lhe show up ta outfit Uic local teain with dif- i this period but in evcry other ferent coiored sweaters as bath ponîo whnterct.fte pei toanis wear Uic saine colora whichweeoaig makes it confusing ta bath play- *v ers and spectators. Officiais for -. Surprise ployer of the day was t, Uic gaine are being iniported to "Banty" Elliott playing at centre. h ensure no favoritisin and make Aftter several weeks loy-off this p streamlined flash came bock and ri shawed he could really play o p 1 da, good gaine. We take aurh B iusiness Urectory hats off a ek ha h npp t______________________with two big huskies across the Legallime gritting their testh at yau. t: ealBowianvile'a*linc, which bas 6! M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. been anc of the chief feétures in $: Barrister, Solicitor, Notary winnîng many of the gaines this w Phone 351 yeon, was miserably weak. Saine- Iv Bank of Commerce Bldg. hawý or other Uic boys take a little el Bawmanville praise ta Uieir heada and count on dg _____________________ Ueir reputatian ta win the game si W. R. STRIKE for then. ---S Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loon - Phone 791 Bawmanvifle, Ontario L. C. MASON, BA. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law ini ail its branchem Office immediately east of Royal Theatre Phones: Office 888; Home 553 Dental DR. J. C. DEVITT Aasitnt:Br. B. W. Sinson Groduate of Royal Dental Cal- lege, Tarante. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. te 6 pan. daily, except Suniday Phone 790 - House phone 883 X-Ray Equipmenti Office DR. IL . .DICESON (Toronto) a"d Neweaate, Ont. Over Langnian'a Store, Newcastle. Office hours: Saturday only, * 9 a.m.te9 p.n Funeral Directors PUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Mgodem Mter Equipment, Ara- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- phione 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Auctioneer ELmER wILUR Licensel Auctioncer Hampton - ontarlo Spccializing ln Farin, Livestock, Implementa and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Termma nd Date te: Bowmanville 2428 ENTERTAINER soeure RqLrPH GORDON, tic wondcrfuly versatile e nte r- toiser, for your next entertain- amnt. Mluafrated eleular free. - Address -1 08b Crawford Street, Tarante Several turnes during the gaine Bowinanville pulled rather quos- tionable ploya. WiUi Uic bal resting on. Uic enemy's ton-yard lino, farwords were called for an firat dawns instead of giving Uic buckena a chance ta sec wbat they could do. We con say anc goad Uiing, Uic passera bad a tre- mendously hord job picking out their own ployers, bath teama bavig Uic saine colored sweaters. The B.H.S. forward tassera cauld mniss in centre tield but when it came in the tight places Uiey couldn't do anything igbt. Calville mode touchdowns on passes interccptcd froin the Belle- ville squad.*** The star of Uic Easternera was Clore, kicker and runner de luxe, who mode haIt the points for his teoin-matos. His kicks were beau- tîful, beimg long high punts that gave bis mon plenty of turne ta get down on the receiver. Bill Brown, star cf lbague gaines, hompened by wet dround wos nat at bis beat. Kicking was very pon which wos penhapa Uic fault cf Uic lino ietting in appas- ing players, but we know ho cen do better thon this and hope ho does it Saturday an bis own field. Stili with ail these fouIts show- ing up ifl anc gaine we will pick Uic B.H.S. squod ta win SatLrday -that la providing they don't make Uic blunders they did an Wednesday. The AUiietic Society la endeav- auring to abtoin Uic services cf 'Doc' Wonden ta referce. 'Dcc' bouls fronu Peterbaro and la noted for bis faimnesa in decisiona no mtter whether it is in rugby or basketball. B.H.S. toam is being aupplied with white and red sweaters that should make a difference for botb. teains when tbey are in Uic tbick of battle and mot sceing bath thein own and oppcaing players in the saine clcred uitorm. The gaine Saturday stants at 2.30 p.m. The winner cf thla gaine mects the winncr cf Uic northern and western district in Toronto the following Saturday. Arm.d Transport Relaya lu Town Labor trouble has arnong mater transp< in Toronto. Evidence witncssed i twn ur three occasions during Trucks with guards t ber of 8 drew up tc escarted by police pno crews were changed ceeding bath east and Trouble centres arou and Attorney Gener Canant has decrecd thi inust be kept open ai cred for the use of ali transport cf necessitie war commiodities. When questiomed, i transport camvoy, nor would mako a staten proceeded on their wa cd in this ores. apo»of--mudeôf absolu, i» flter paper-each bi ro cupe faptna YeU » àptan's Fnet-a os <Aitf fa king'. Packed1 !WQand 100. &developed ort workerm of this was pon two or 9 ei week. hî al Sc fi in $1 w fe al SI, SI, cc CHIEF OF STAFF Rear Admirai Perey W.- Nelles Wbo la Chief of Uic Canadian Naval Staff. RACE BETTING IN CANADA During 1940, Uic Dominion De- >artment of Agriculture super- 'ised parimutuel bctting at the trcks of 26 racimg associations, holding 35 race meetings, coin- pniscd of 284 days racing, 2,057 races and 16,674 starters, -as coin- parcd with 26 racing associations, holding 35 race meetings, coin- nrised of 285 days racing, 2,061 aces and 17,074 starters, in 1939. The total amaunt wagered for te whole of Canada was $21,- 55,037 as campared with $21,- 95,523 in 1939, a decrease of $340,486. Goto receipts in 1940 vcre $605,095.47, as compared with $626,023.50 in 1939, a de- crease of $20,928.03. Goto receipts ao nat show o truc picture of the attendancc as saine tracks have several ladies' days on wliich Uic ldies arc admitted on paymemt af thc provincial tax only, while sme tracks are quito liberal with tee passes. The pnize money paid in 1940 was $1,051,824, lost yean 1,070,770, a decrease of $18,946. The largeat ainount wagared was at the faîl meeting. at Dut - ferin Park, Toronto, $1,263,742. Na report bas yet been released about Uic "take" and "eut"~ frain fot machines except Uic portner- 3p fee demended by municipal muncils. New Members Installed in Oshigwa Court Oshawa No. 501 and Court Bowmanville No. 964, Con- adian Order of Foresters, held two joint meetings. In Osbawa candidates froin Bowmanvillc were initiated. This Court will hold a social evening on Dec. MU with H. Strathdee as chalnmnan of the social commnittes. Court Oshawa instailed Uiese officers fon Court Bownuanville: Chief Ranger-H. H. Richards; Vice Chief Eangcn-L. B o r tao n; Choplain-AI. Fletcher; Jr. Pat Chief Ranger-E. Clark; Fin. Sec. -William Berry; Tresure-A. M. Hardy; Roc. Sec.-L. Rammel; Woodwards-W. Edwarda and R. Richards; Guards - F. Stannard and D. Pickard. The installation ceremony was conducted by H. B. McCabe, D.D.H.C.R., and Mn. Turk of Oshawa. Court Bowmanville entertqined members fronu Toronto and Osh- awa at their woekly dance. We ail have day dreams of what we wlsh ta be, or have, or do; and the high imaginary standard aida us ta a higher and better life. -Tryon Edwards. Eyesight Education And Efficiency ny C.II.Tuck Opt.metrist Eyrsight Speeiolisf Disney Bluff. (O»p. P.O0.) 1 oamwa Number 152 1> Me numj- in Uiepat it was aufficient, 50 o Uic curb, it seins, for people ta know wbem otectian and they wore aick tbey could caîl a bene, pro- docton ta help 'tbcm. In the pre- 1 west. sent age, however, people mot und Taranteordny want ta knowr what la gaod raI Gardon fan them. but Uiey alsa desire to at highways know why. In the past, eyes were id unhamp- nat exainend or carrected or at- citizens and tention of amy nature given unis es including vision had become sadiy imrpaired and in meny of these cases the none of Uic mcgîect was ufficient ta cause Uich police thernuta remaom pernuanentiy im- nent. Thcy paired. ty unmolest- As aur more maden civiliza- tian advanced, refr a ctio ni st s ________ ound that oye defecta are on Uic Increase fa keep apace with Uic changing conditions. Sincere at- tention was opplied ta the ques- tion of Uic cause respansible for Uic increase in disarders of this nature. In this investigation it wos ur- prlaing, Uic results obtained. In -industry, surveys were mode of Uic wonklng conditions cf cm- ployee. The type cf *close wark .q missa and the iigbting conditionn, end k~L.b.l working conditions attendant anÉipr thereto were investigated and cor- 1 n aro recf cd. I j Attention was given ta the cf- fect cf glare and high power * llghfing systeins with the ncsult ~U that ligbting enginenas look affer nh poper installation and in- peugof ystema wbcre and _______when nequlred. te be continued) Nanies and Addresses of Soldiers On Active, Serice Overseas Compîcte compilation of nom of local men overseas to wha: Christinas porceis were sent 1 Bawmanvillc Branch Conadba Legion Nov. lUi, 1940, are liste bciow. We would suiggest citizer use these addrcsaes as a mai&l lst ta write letters ta these go diers, as you 'may have notice froin letters appearing i T1 Statesman Uic boys long for le tera from Uic folks bock hom, WhcUicr you know Uic boys c flot drap them a lie and tell thei what la going on which you knoi wiil intcrest Uiem. eg. No. C 610 Ptc. Stanley G. Beckett, 120 No. 3 Corps Provost Company, C.A.S.F., Base Post Office, Canada. Reg. No. B 25288 iSpr. A. C. Brown, lmt Pioncer Battn. C. Coy. Royal Engincers, C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. eg. No. C 40572 kPte. V. L. BIckeU,, lat Canadian Recce. Squadran No. 4 Traop,'C.A'.S.F. Base Post Office, England.' eg. No. C 4463 LICpL. R. S. Cailler, I.C.D.N. Recce. Squadran, Tnoop No. 2, I.C.D.X., I.N.F., B.R.I.G. H.Q., C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Reg. No. C 18665 Gunner Edward Bird, 2 - 14Ui Battcry, 4th Regiment, R.C.A., C.A.S.F. eg. No. C 18673 Gunner Hugh Cameran, 2 - 14Ui Battcry, 4th Regiment, R.C.A., C.A.S.F. eg. No. C 5629 Cpi. Len. Cubbage, Hastings & Prince Edward Regiment, No. 1 Cdn. Infantry Holding Unit, C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Reg. No. C 5329 LICpl. A.' F. Deusem, Hastings &.Prince Edword Eegiment, lat Canadien Division, C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Eeg. No. B 29096 Sapper Gordon C. Flaxman, 2nd R. D. Construction, E. Con. Engineers, Base Post Office, Ottawa. Eeg. No. C 5579 Pte. H. Gibbs, lat Canadian Corp. Protection Unit, 7th Corp. Headquorters, Base Post Office, England. Reg. No. C 6041 Pte. T. W. Graham, Hastings & Prince Edword Regiment, 2nd Army Field Workshop, R.C.O.C. Base Post Office, Canada. eg. No. B 94448 Pte. Fred Hughes, 1 l6th Unit, R.C.O.C. 2nd Army Field Workshop, Base Post Office, Canada. H. H. Hunt, S.P.O., H.M.C.S. Skcena,,ý Fleet Mail Office, Halifax, N. S. Reg. No. C 5343 Pte. E. S. Hunt, Hcodquartcrs Ca., lat Con. Inf. Holding Unit, C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Reg. Na. 18645 LIBdr. G. 1%L Hart, A. Bottery, 4Ui Field Regiment R.C.A., C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. eg. Na. C 18578 Gunner C. J1. Hall, 2nd 14th Field Bottcry, 4th Canadian Field Regiment,' R.C.A., C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Reg. No. C 18649 Gunner R. 5. Hooper, A. Battery, 4th Field Regiment R.C.A., C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. eg. No. C 6078 CpL. G. E. Holingsworth, H. & P. E. Reginient, lat Can. Inf. Holding Unit, C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Reg. Na. C 4043 Pte. R. T. Hayes, C. Coy., H. & P. E. Eegt. C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Reg. No. 18656 Gar. J7. L. Kimble, 14Ui Batty. 4th Field Regt. R.C.A., C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Reg. No. C 4135' SiSit. W. D. Locke. Cdn. Treasury Dcpt. O'Seas. C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Eeg. No. C 607,8 Reg. No. C 18681 Pte. B. TIce, 2-14 Batty. R.C.A. 4th Fleld Eegt., C4.S.P. Base Post Office, Cad% les Reg. No. C 4237 Sgt. W. R. Wright, No. 4 Co. H. & P. E. Regt. lat Can. Inf. Holding Unit, C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. eg. No. 18538 Gur. K. B. Wood, 4th Con. Field Rcgt. R.C.A., C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Reg. No. C 18655 Bdr. L. Wlmemau, No. 1 Con. Artillery Holding Unit, R.C.A., C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Reg. No. 83107 Spr. ,P.* T. Walkem, No. 1 Tunnclling Ca. R.C.E., C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Reg. No. C 18657 Gnr. R. L7 Woodward, 4th Can. Field Regt. Base Past Office, Canada. From Orano Distriet Reg. No. B 94145 Pte. 1. W. Baoa, No. 2, A.F.W. R.C.O.C., C.A.S.F. Base PaSt Office, Canada. Reg. No. B 39606 Pte. G. L. Carsealden, A. Coy., 2nd Cati. Pioneer Bottn., R.C.E., C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Reg. No. Wllfred Bigelow, HDQ. 2nd Division, R.C.A.F. C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Eeg. No. C 40579. Sgt. Inst. S. Morgan, No. 1 Con. Inf. Holding Unit, C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. Eeg. No. B 25239 Spr. E. Dent, 2nd Field Coy., R.C.E., C.A.S.F. Base Post Office, Canada. FARM NEWS SOME HOGS AT PETERBORO Receipt of hogs at Canada Packers last week at Peterboro reachcd a new peak for the year wliile deliveries thraughaut the' country set an ail Urne high mark of 157,260 hogs. The Peterboro supply la reccivcd from the five counties of Hastings, Northumber- land, Durhami, Peterboro, Vic- toria and a f ew from, Ontario. The previous week's deliveries throughout the Dominion were 135,912 hogs. MEAT PACKING INCREASE The value of production of the slaughtering and meat packing industry of Canada in 1939 was $1116,133, an Increase of *$9,- 428,751, or 5 per cent,,over 1938. The increase la due mainly ta larger output. The numnber of plaptai operation in~ 1939 was 150. Sixty-seven were i Ontario; 31 i Quebec; 12 cach iAberta and British Columbia; 9 in Mlani- toba; 7 ini Saskatchewan; i New HOGS SHOW BIG GAIN Increases i ailUicheprincipal species of live stock on Canadiali forma are notcd in an officia] report issued November 1, 1940, on the 1940 June survey of fornr animais. The greatest increase occurred in thc nuniber of hags whlch reached a record of nearly 5.9 million hcad, a gain pf 37 per cent over thc 1939 June estimate af 4,294,000. Cattle on forma, ec- timated at 8,565,000 head, showec a ancý per cent increase an 1939. This la Uic firat increase in the numbers -of cattle on formsala June ince 1934. Fan the second year in succes- sion, numbers of horses on farnu at June 1 were highcr than in the former year, namely, 2,858,000, an increase of 34,000 on Uic 2,- 824,000 estimated at June, 1939. Further increasca are anticipated in thc numbers of hamacs. Slieep, estirnated at 3,452,000, shawed an increase 'af 86,000 over thecrnumber at June, 1939. Hens and chickens increascd from 58.5 million ta 60.2 million which is Uic largest number ince 1931. Turkeys increased fram 2,476,000 at June 19391, to 2,1508,300 at June 1940. Ducks and gesse also show- cd increases. ~~1~~~=" Brunswick;, 4 in Nova Scotia; and 2 in Prince Edward Island. 1 CARCASS GRADINC STATEMENT FREE TOFARMERS 1 Farmers are entitled teidivi- dual statements, from, Uic shipper or trucken, covering bogs whicb rUiey have sald showig- 3 1. The officiai carcasa grade. 5 2. The carcoss weight. 3 3. The price per pound for Uic basic grade. 4. Price differentiola for Uic voriaus grades. 5. Any deductions such as trans- portation and commission. The officiai grader of Uic Do- minion Dcpartment of, Agricul- ture is respansible only for the grade, and Issues a statement shawlng Uic grade for evcry faor- mer's lot of carcasses gradcd. Most commission firms and packxiig houses are now-issuing hidividual stotements of settie- ment for cvery farmer's lot of hogs. In saine cases these are mailed direct ta formera but for Uic most part Uicy are tunned aven ta Uic shipper or trucker, and it is hm responsibility ta sec that tbcy reoch Uic farinera con- cerned, and are not discorded as somgtîimes happens. The Hag Carcasa Grading regu- lotions require the ahippen ta: L. Identify the hogs. 2. Provide Uic grader with a manifest shawing particulars regording ownership identi- fication. 3. Issue ta Uic former a state-ý ment as outlined above. . 4. Make settiement ta the for- mer according ta Uic officiai grade. It is veny much hi Uic former's intereat ta sec Uiat whoever de-' livers the haga ta Uic market meetsalal these requinements. Most shippers or tnuckcns are. MME BACON HROG AND j HOG GRADING jThe bacon hog is Uic key ta Canada's expont market for bacon producta. It la aima the type of hog which bas brought about a high rote cf consumption ini Uic domeatic market. Without Uic bacon hog there would be naf e lace in Uic United Klngdom mar- et, and Canadian production wouid thus bo restricted ta a very limited domestic dcmnand for park producta which Uic consumer does not like. The dcmand la for a'lean quaiity bacon, bath et haine and abroad. Pat, heavy or coame bacon, the product of the lard type, hag, la not wanted by Uic expant market, non by the domes- tic nmarket, and neither does it fit into Canadian farm econamy. Without Uic bacon hog fan Uic standard of production in Canada, the lndustry, instead of bcing an outstandmng source of f arm i- camne and a profitable mecdium Uiraugh. which ta market Uic bulk of grain production, would be- camne anc of Uic minor sources of revenue. The preference of thc consumer1 in Canada, Uic United Kingdomn, and elsewherc ia reflcted in Uic packig houme and butcher de- mand for a hog with light amooth shouiders, long sides, mn e a t y bocks, full loins and nump, well dcveloped hams and carrying a unitonni medium finish. Progres- sive breeders are endeavouring ta . produce sucb hags, and thc practicobiity of their efforts is indicated in Uic fact that Uic bacon hag cf approved type and finish meeta fuily the require- ments cf the market, and at the sanie time is a profitable pork- nuaking machine. The producer has developed a national type of hag, but mat in alifficient volume ta meet Uic 'full nequirements of Uic market.' It la not neceasary to ask whe- thon the teors of thase who weep are reasonable orn fot; what is, necessary la-ta dry those ters.- Maeterlinck. _ _ ti r e e efficient and trustworthy, but it la knowh that smre are disposedà ta misrepresent the officiai car-4V- casa grading service ta the farm- ers. The Dominion Department Of Agilculture has etabllshcd an efficient systein which will0-per- ate to the producer's benefit If he will only take advantage of it. Farmers who do.'flot recelve statements of grade within a few days after. marketing their haga should apply ta their shipper, if this fanls cominunicate with the officiai grader at.the point where the hQgs wcrc laughtered. . Nearly ail hags are kled onV. the smre day or the day after arrivai, and the grader issuem the grading certificates -inmediately alter Élaughter. The commission, f irn or.paker at once computes the settlement and the complete information la then available ta, the fariner, either direct by mail, or, am-as sumually the casp,, thraugh' the shipper or trucker. SLEEPAI AWAKE REFRESMED -= g a re hi.- tlyooe k dne nma Of oedrad failinj te deama. ah.heizo poisons and wasa... .9 k1dm.7 kohInNé aGdealy t. Dodd's Kidney Pill-for over hall a cmtmy ah. fafflft. hidne ru.d. Easy tt. k 114 D odd"s Kidney Pills Canêsdian Ndtiandl Car6an Co., Llmited TORONTO Hou111.x MontreaI Winnipug thmcuver You t can SERVE by I VING I SBUY WAR SAVINUSSMP 'y- Coy a CapZVonlitI WdikrRW u FawukC Lad .iCh"* isRcWuS,"uiFiF tdy4aMgyIii M." Nda. isitCuba, C. & m pu.uondu"Evoeu«,dy»" ,Psus Aojun, if .ud aoeodcg 10 phssd \ ~ ~deiloasina a sawat OeeS SMg.>uu .111Vp-s- m dm -orsing q«- o f y- msu wi evaw am, usesuisdamagete co (mim pso e, squ a-rn-b-r-t. cfdaeht 11MRSDAY. NOVEMBM 21.-1940 À

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