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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1940, p. 11

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(~11.. nion ivly decorated with yellow munis MEDALLION FEATURES RANGEGP Clark Unin 'was the dainty wedding cake. I~ w A cup and saucer shower was I~ V Roy Berry has a position at held in honor of Mrs. J. Mitchell eR O N O E W S Amstronç'st.ore. a h oeo Mrs. C. Dickinson, E~IEd. Grahami cut his foot while aunt of the bride, on Nov. 1 lth. AN Nw working in the woods. Dr. Mc- The bride received many beauti- Kenzie dressed the wound putting fui cups and saucers for wbich ini three stitches. - she thanked those present. A plea- MORT_____________IN__A WhileMr ilWteadfm sant afternoon was spent in games ________________________ Mr. Wll Whie and andcontests after which. a tasty SHOT OURESIN GROULU* & OM EC NOC5ily were driving through the sec: lunch was served. tion on Sunday a cow jumped Social and Personal onto hs car, sasing one of the Mnrs . H. Jaynes visited Mr. E XIl _ halgt addiig nterd adMs . ars icmn il Phoo 4r16iator. No one was hurt.. Mrs. F. Couch and Mrs. N. Jimm Gamby hs ben viit-Home & School Club met Fni- Samis, Newcastle, Mn. A. Walters immy sGramsb ars lbeen viit- day evening when a good pro- and Mr. M. Walters, Oshawa, ing is ranparnts t Cgbonem was presented. Refresh- visited at Les. Allin's. A group of soldiers marched ments were served. thro"~h Orono Monday morning. Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. GordonNe tn le ho C LnhCapBode,. ther at Oshawa. . .. Mr. and Mrs.____ homG. te. svst nNw Reeson, Markham, at Mn. Geo. Mrs. George E. Stapleton fel ~ G.Butonsvistedlu ew-Cain's... Mn. and. Mrs,. Harry Saturday and injured ber knees. casie.Bailey, Orono, with ber parents. She and Mr. Stapleton have gone Chas. Shaw is spoting a newtetirduhrsM .Aln Nobe. Jones, Port Hope, ào she can care Mrs. obes nee ily Wnnan for ber mother. Ma uii rs. nLiy anan) owanvilie The young people treated Mn. wasbuledluOroo atuda. _____and Mrs. S. Lancaster to a chari- ....7m Scout'metThurday ightwtvari. Sout 2 set usa gtwt A. E. Summers, B.S.A., Agricultural Representative for Durhami Baptismal service was held atv Rev. and Mrs. J. McLachlan Christmas day saticlnymmr atout 20 present.County, who bas announced the 3th Annual Short Course in Agri- Clarke Church -on Sunday, when and Miss I. Laing attended the able if the principalgftecie aoa Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Sloane, culture and the l8th Annual Short Course in Home Economics, will Elizabeth Anme, younger daugh- banquet in Trinity Chunch, Bow- worthwbile and lastn carte.Sc Peterboro, visited Mr. 0. W. Scott. be held at.Betbany fnomn November 26tb to December 20, 1940. The ter of Mn. and Mns. W. A. Reid, manville, when Dr. McClure a glft has additionalvuef tncde Mis MaionRikab, Tronoabove picture shows the gnoup of boys and girls froni Hope Township was christened. spoke. sometbing of a 'persnl'ntrsc MsMainRcayTootwho attended the short courses at Canton in January 1940. Sunday School and Church sen- Cnooked Cneek H-. & S. Club as, for example, a pe antadatrc vis*ed friends bere. vices have both been advanced held a successful dance Friday tive record of the ocain Owing te snow the Scouts paper Mr*s.A. Tou. Pernin g collecting was done wîtb band- Live and Learn Club Park St. Union W. A. MEETING Mn-ir hoA.T.Pri is visiting Mns. Willis JQnes and famuly For several years there bas been an increaelthnubro slelgbs Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid while visited bier mother, Mns. D. Mer- electric ranges given as Cbristmnas presents, acà dn t r e The Live & Learn Club met Union meeting was beld Mon- Following the W.M.S. meeting Mn. Perrin is at Shawinagin Falls, nul, Wankwonth. Willis netunned Dale, o! Mason and Dale, local Frigidaire deasr Ti fc hw Mrs. J. R. Cooper is again con- November lStb. It was decided to day nigbt. It was decided to in- Tuesday the W. A. held a business -Que. froni the nonth Monday with a that a steadily gnowing number of womnen favourapatclgf e vener o! Community Activity and bold an afternoon tea in the Sun- vite Newtonville Union on Dec. meeting. Mns. Tamblyn extended Several o! oun young men are deen. cause it gives 'tbemn of daily usef;ilness. This laepellytelufi Relief for Central Ontario Insti- day Scbool noorn Nov. 23rd. There 2nd. There will be no meeting thanks to ail who helped at the leaving Friday for their 30 days' Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Bannie and case o! an elctric range. tutes. also will be demonstrations and next Monday owing to the 5-day supper. 67 geese only were On-' training. Murray attended the Silven Wed- Mn. H. Mencer la constnucting a short prograni. Two demon- training school whicb begins on dened. Miss L. AllUn gave the Recent Visitons: ding for Mr. and Mns. Russell "But, te make an electnic range evýen more acetbeai hit a new garage. Ceci Powens and strations wene given on first aid. Monday with a banquet. Edwin treasurer's report. Plans were M.anMs.BtCrseyndBagSa'sFiayiht mas gi!t, this year we are offering wlth ecdirngastligive John Thompson are contractons. The finst was on open wounds, Sandercock favored wlth a celoe made for the banquet Monday Jack anneMsatBMn. GeorgleyHen- We exten's rd ympatht n medallion engnaved either with the name of tercie rwt given by Ruth Goode and Carol solo, and Majonie McLaren witb evening to which the W. AareJakBre tM.GogHn-LW exndsm th te r.tewrs'Citas141'M.Dlea&61 The mumps epidemic seems to Staples; the second on fractures a necitation. The topic "Why Bni- catcning. New officers wlll be denson's. Loftus Bellamy whose sisten, Mns.tewod Cntms14'"M.Desad"Timdflnlap- be increasing, many being "lin given by' Lenora Wood and Anna tain is at War" was ably present- lce tnx meig iha Mn. and Mrs. AlU. Perrin and Jack Nobes, (nee Lillian Wannan) manently attacbed to the range and remains o ttrubu t style." ~Staples. The girls will meet next ed by J. J. Mellon, pinch-bitting nominating committee comnpnised ReDnt'simpsorat BW. ETonono, d end udathe Mn aanentie letimane. hsn stmas 0f 1940.feone oe borcie Miss enLeno Wod hWood e Fbasy beenpm.Fnidbaly athi4. po.m.,Popnobablys tiatlaidof. forC WJi, MrPoI.enstewborslailstil Adlaideco! aMrsn.orC.o Wooda. Mns.metI.eeWinterdlyReid's.s. appointed Press Se'y. o! the Live J. Richardson's. up. Scipture was nead by Miss Mns. R. Logan, Mns. Porter and Ms. iîsoan, addieS. Hoan a orono CSatundy. Itnetrmme iil o en &______Clu,_________Mis Smith, and tboughts on the same Mrs. _______________ son's, Pont Hope. Visitons: TeGf w bu Gloria Richardson. given by Mervyn Keane. Mn. and Mns. Les. Reid, Mn. and Mn. and Mns. Cecil Robinson A "Don't meninItechite MsBrgBwavle s asn Meeting Mns. Clarence Reid, Ross and witb Mn. Bert Robinson's, Orono. . woman of uncertain vocal broke in. otomeb te Mes. BfrMiggM. Bovyanile, s P rk t.onicS Browns Lloyd. Mn. and Mns. A. T. Perrin, Mn. and Mns. W. A. Adamis and attainnients deemed it bier voca- pnaise-it'sagit"- onra L. Fralick. Rt. Won. Bro. O. W. Rolph, eea aebe ofndt Miss E. Reid at Mn. W. A. Reid's. family, Lake Shore, at Mn. Bruce tion not menely to lead but also Star. Congratulations to Mn. and Mns. D.D.G.M. Ontario District, paid an Park St. W. M. S. met Tuesday Witneyuse dnown th efforts o!rthenEditr: Sidnetyesencaeter Raymond Chapman on the birth Officiai visit to Onopo Masonic aftennoon, with Miss M. Davy thcbusowir.adcodsewihceroarnt, n.osdMe. illagoe dtr ofasnlodeNv 4tb. Visitons wene conducting the worship period o! Mns. Clifford BowMn. enwihhe ansMSidney L, ad caserchor. the crr t ose a ptetsanie sketches, tre onls o! a son. Lode Ntfov.Osbawa Bowman- wî1cb the theme was "Be ye doers quite ill.'~i a be Lake Shore, Clarke Nicholîs, Wesleyville. adakdtevcrt non h week." H1ilyard Simpson's bouse was ville and Newcastle; alIso Col. C. o! the wonds and not hearens Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. ____Mn. R. Martin, Lake Shore, at offender that she must sing more Antist: "Yes nw hui burned to the gnound Tuesday Gamey, Major F. . Lycettan onîy." Decemben meeting win be Sidney Lancaster on their mar- Lake Shore Home & School Mande rge J. A.treaplts n h mny afternoon but tbe driving shed Lieut. A. McDonald o! Uhe C.A. election o! officers,with this nom- niage. Club met Nov. l3tb. with a good M.adMsJ.Aniend Caiiing on bier as soon as he an oefriue eesvd .. rw' oe colAs-Murray visited iMr. W. A. Wright's, cudbaehmefu o h ekntt ercbtbpy and som furniune wee save. S.F.inating comniittee, Mrsý . J. JMol- BonsHm colAs-attendance. Mn. McColl, principal Enniskiien, on Sunday. coldbean uy hie icafr sithe Se o ilabgteohra Reported lasunance $400. Orono Following thc meeting a bha- ion, Mns. R. Smith, Mrs4 M. Sta- ciation will invite Lake Shore o! Newcastle High Schooi, was M.adMs Jcuibi n Ildi: Asnd nw, M icsa R.,TIeconetlwis elh a oe firemen pnomptiy responded ,to quet was served to between 60 ples, Mns. H. Walsh, Mns A. Ass'n. to attend our meeting Dec. guest speaker. Shaw's Club put MGo ndMrJck isited Tnolndave "endsked to sRwIdo ntient:-wia en the cal but lack of waten Pýevent- and 70 members and visitons in Drummond. Mns. Wood gave the ltb. Andy Hunter had charge o!f ntispor Goedng yArdont Sunay and caed Taeton a- ebe se esya odo ieWl cd oin a oo jo. Hwevrtbe town bal by the W. A. o! Park monthly treasuner's report. A let-thspoan:Micleltos Gail Pnice and Miss Cronk; Ger-secoA..MatnBigt. the brigade la te be complimented St. Churcb. R. R. Waddel pro- ten was nead by Mns. R. H. Brown by the Rhythm Band .(the school ald Cox told an interesting stony pcoA..MatnsBrgo. on savlag what tbey did. posed thc toast to Grand Lodge, ne presbyterial funls. A dona- band); piano solo by Audrey Ad- of his fisbing trip; vocal solos by W. M. S. Meeting s sg :s and this was nesponded to by Mn. tion froni Mns. Inch, Weston, in anis; reading by Edith Hendry* isMrae lln copne Mrs. George McCulough had ~* Roip an Caon . R Specer meonyo! er mthe, I grte-musical seloction 1»' Buriey an b y Mrs. Otto Bragg. Lunch was change o! the W.M.S. meeting o!fh ol' esSe hog Rophan ann . .Spncr.mmoýrofhr oter s H at-iusilon. Mns. A. Brown read the sThedan a ocil ue astNeUniedChuchNo. Tth KIRBY GIRLS A toast to the visitons was pro- !uly acknowledged. Mn . Hom colAs'.ppnM s re n oiltm a h ntdCucNv 2h PRESENT PROGRAM posed by C. B. Tyrreil' and ne- Walsh favored with a readig Hoert h ainan m een o!Uicspeat. t n Mrs. J. A. Barrie led la prayer. THE CHRIS TIAN SCIE-NCE ONTO ____sponded to by P. R. Cowling O! fromeinch Missiona y Monthîy, BertaCanare to beron f thea Congratulations t M n s. C. Morris gave the scripturc Jerusalem Lodge, Bowmanville, and -Mrs. Fralcu gave an inter- school band aet ecnrtlt Milt. Brown on the arnival o! a neading. Plans wene discussed for An International Daty Newspepe Ton junior girls o! Kirby Pub- Mn. Jackson o! Temple Lodge,- esting reading. led on their fine performance. young daughter. the Silven Tea. Mns. McCullough is Trueblul-Conetuctive-Unbia"e-Free fronSaain lic School presented a prognam, Oshawa, and Mn. Jones o! Dur- ________ Visitqns: Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. gave a splendid synopsis o! tbe in - Editorials Are Tamely and Inàtructive s a aI ujder direction o! Mrs. Wannan hami Lodge, Newcastle. An inter- Mrs. Cecil Malley, Lockbant's, John Mitchell on their manniage. chapten on "Education." Mns. Features, Together with the WeMIy MagazineScio.Mk ~io!UcBritish War VictVi esting feature o! Uie cvening was ORANGE LODGE at Mns. C. Brown's. On their arnival home from. their Morris and Mns. Wilis Joncs, the the Monitor au Ideal Newspaper.for the Hote fund $.8f ws thne. the presentation o! key casés and E E T FFIE S Mn. Richard Roley, Toronto, at wedding trip a supper was held Nominating Committce, will pro- ---------------------- prognd. $.8clud ed: ren, Rhv wallets to Major F. L. Dudley E _______ ERS Mr. T. Clark's. in their honor at the home o! Mn. pane a siate of officers for Deceni- The Christian Science Publishig Sciv S. Littlewood; reading, Bàý Col. Gamney, Major Lydtt anti Miss Bessie Law, Oshawa, at and Mns. C. J. Mitchell, parents ber meeting. Mns. Redknapp !av- One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachueg Chapman; Chorus by theie rlsMr. MeDonald. Orono L.O.L. clected these of- home. o! thc groom, Sunday, Nov. lti. ored with a solo. Prica $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Mot. r 1,tationï- Valena Copping 1uet, 1- ï. Logan ontertained thc ficers: Mns. J. Hiler is home from a Those present werc: Mn. and Mrs. Girls' Club Saturdlay Issue, including Magazine Section, z6aYw cd and Ruby Aflin; "There'll gathering wlth a solo. - .M-.E ae.-visit wlth bier daugiter at Barrie. *. T. Marvin, parents o! thc Newtonvllle Girls' Club met Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 23 Cens sB.a nln b l;D. M.-R. Stutt.. Miss Juno Bnown, Tweed, at bride. Miss Gertrude Manvin, sis Nov. 7th at the home o! Mns. Naie___________ Be n nglnd byah Rc. Sec.n-Re. RSadeM. Ray Bown luMontre.. tsi, MsMn. KeetDscbyindsnrdbywete cntouoe-u-ru ctation, Marguerite Rutherford; RChaplainR. . WLittlcw. hM. RyBrton ote. sn, Miar ny Dickiy nMss cu-Lionel Hughes. Rol caîl was ans- duet, _Plenor and Nelle Wrght; ee ywehront ureAde ----------- piancq duet, Mns. Wannan and AMDUoc Frmfe Asst. Sec-N. F. Porter. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Stephenson M. Petons. In the centre o! the cord books were started. It was SML OYO EU M1rs. ýLittie; a dialogue, "Mnts. Home & School Club Fin. Sec.-T. Lewis. in Toronto. . dining table, whici was gttract- dccided to name the club "TheSA LEC YONRQ ET Brown's Visitons"; chorus by tUic Mash-J. H ammbonJ. NwovleSnies' urn girls. A iovely lunch concluded With Uic teacien, Miss Smiith, lst Lecturer-H. Cobbiedick. Events wene given by Wanda and ____________________________ the výery enjoyable event. acting -as chailady, a well-attend- 2nd Lectue-J L. Lowey Lena Kimbaîl, and a splendid. de- ed and enthusiastic meeting was ls ommittee man-N. F. Por- monstration on posture was given beid Thursday la Antioch for tic s Cten.ic by Margaret Denauit and Betty W. A. Goose Dinner purpose o! !onming a Homo and 2ad Com. man-A. E. Morton. tpeo.Dmnrai ex School Clb w paeswerc 3rd Com. man-W A. Robinson. meeting is to be given by Mary DR EA I G T T Nv 3hswtecliainheard with interest, Mns. JC. rtCmmn-J .Wlh Denault and Marian Bruce on 4th Com. man-o, J. H.oWalsh. Finst Aid (Artificial Respiration).- o! Uic eagerly awaited annuai the election, and Mns. Fred Bow Helen Couch and Wy.mauFarro oosardiSnen ut on byhe .A . oa, n, Newcastle, officiai. organizen *îtielC.T. Gibso W eeappointed to look alter Cur- oParknSft. hunci W inld fer this district who installed tic Senitine-J. L Lwey GnRent Events. Aften a short con- - tpeopak eno e ndeciellencts.Morton. test a delicious lunch was served. 7 ÇE h2 tpople enjoyed n eelent rm, Mns. IHalstead Coatiarn is nre- Sick Committçe - C. Banchard, Sle e whc pndwith comnt aident. She w as zormerly Miss A. E. Môrton, Jas. Nixon,SDA November l5th, W. M. S. o! Uic nIhawa .L..5 niDr wiigwt Mopencd h Ky n frsmeyaswa h.Lws 1941 DODGE LUXURY LINER FOUR.DOORSEA United Church held a Silver Tea piano, inciuded: N. F. Porter, C. uccessful teacher at Uic sciooi. These officers wiil be instaled <Also Available Ia Luxury Liner~ Special) usttcProag.oigt ouiL UII Taylor, R. Logan adR. SmthGien Hancock was lected '5screO at December meeting. athePrsheatte.ndce s mli Cman, iitt wio !avored with quartettes, witî tary, and Evenett HarneÈsatreas -____th______________lCopan, imte Mrs R.H.Bron a te pano urer. Six convenons wore ap- hcwaapiystesoey Pon41W Cl Ms eiaS a t sofPtepiano, pitc . ess.E acok .had procured Miss Deigit Hil- a~i VuaStpls!PtenChresHapot ed: WodMosas . hnoM.Obiuary liard, R.N., o! Indore, India, to roader; R. Logan, soloist; C HanocksLe W.onJon aondUa entertain tic gathermng. Miss Hiî.______________________________ Ubttn, Oaavioîinist, w tt dry arnss. Rbnonadliard, wbo bas a pleaaing person- hi Ur, Losaa Richen, at Uit AdeyHrne ality, gave an interesing talk on pao Mn.A A.Dumn, The remainder o! Uic evening Elgin Milton Staploton d1fe and conditions in India. Sic soloist; Mns. Drummond and n.wssetl gmsadsca has been a missionany nurse tiere R. Smith wbo !avored with vocal chat, a!ter wiicb a bountiful and Novombor 8th thene passc4 antosic197adsgogbckgin duets. Eveny item was enjoyecldedoudous lunch was served. rest Elgin Milton Stapleton, ic197adsgonbakgi. by thoso present._________ youingest son o! M. and M&s. Sedsae ape fwr o r R g t o William Stapicton, Newtonviile, donc by Uic natives including na- _________________after an iilness o! two weeks. As . tive costumes, jewelny, embroîd- DIM AND DISTANT ho seemd to ave reacbêd teeyUiclso hmeedbas Women's Institute HAPPENINGS convalescent stage and no alarni- etc.______1 _____ _____ing symptonis werc apparent, tiche tou.~U _ Orono Women's Institute met Frm hornoNw end came as a great sock ta is C a a Friday aftcrnoon la a most inter- NvombeOo 22, 191 f !amily and the whoie community. Mr e estlng session. A report was given _______2, 91 Elgin was just aine ycars and 1941 DESOTO FOUR-DOOR SEDAN on~~~~~ fri"ett i otHpe Sr nh Mnigw ine months ol1d and was suci a "lommi HdmUBIT% ar i Ows3beti- ami-tfley prveaw .'-t0g ' J-d lu repoiFlowd va~bue ba wtou hen forndec epr-ta tobe a very ff- -ton and Hugi tpeon iwnney. Iauinmont u~aswth the îesult vo have Oive extra dient istructon. beaners vicre Elgin's achool mates Important, however that tic turu flacid satlaIdren' SOadisyaesse a d ural' . Thepary ho took a 200 lb. Bud Joncs, Elgin and Jini Savcny, . .'*damper b. put back inla ta neanî te svce ie fOdend usadfor0 h sack o! cnusied sait n mistake for Kelit Stapleton, Ray Lott, Carlos eoe positian as soon as the uhait- Ove anwrefuhlagtu comleted And Un. M. Butchat of Toronts coarse sait front J. Henry & Son's Smith, Gardon McKay and Bobby nadreulglacmet. yhs wnTbestoeos laertrna ti eren thia canneetion you will find C. V. CM tTUR bottle.fed ~bles as tley llu indgestins g ino i tr a ro h lûodS whfch cause Indigestion." not fan stock eedlng but propan- «"Ho was anly a littie white thlf omakhenrlpsiM mggDrir Saby's Own Tablets are euafly effective ln cd for ice crcam. nase bud, 1941 DODGE DE LUXE b SPECIAI,, 2-DtiRonDAf amo e i o. Itwlll t¶n henBA PO, diarrhoen uil croup, co21C. colds, simple Lance-Conp. Pency G o ni nie, A swect littie flowon from CHLLS'MOOR SEDasANhe acls ictr le u tefhsal troles. eet. ctsstIn g Nect ,n ancepned k lldbirue- AdGdtoo, imhome ta Wlll feature Uic above new 1941 modela o! Desoto aad Dodgo dampen ta exactly tic sameOB beorx. vtotBbvsOuT1os-ik nt when working bore in Uic Heaven cars at the Chala's Garage Bownianville, an Tbursday, Friday and tion tiat it waa la beforo sha u su wJota triks lu the alght. 25 Cent&. necrultiag days but went ovenseas Before' ho was soiled on Sattrday, November 2lst, 22nd and 23rd. Sec furthcr paltliculars on aafnl. a your money back if YOU ane Dot satlsied - as a pivato. earth." .page 5. t op wm r4w wwm 1 TffMDAY, NOMMER 21,1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN

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