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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1940, p. 1

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Z1~ VOLUME 86 BOWMA NVITT . T-- M'I' TRTI, AV___ Intimate GImpies lut* Livi O f Prominent People Givi ii Discourue by Dramatisi 1 6 'N Mrs. Nancy Pyper Teno nuium ases Women's Canadien Club -of "People 1 The Canadian Red Cro Have Met" Society believes that there a great need at any tinie ai Women of this tawn will prob- especify aw, o roe sn ably be readlng more books by eeupdtorvies noted authars aiter the fascinat- ple but campetent nursir init address ve by bIs Nac care and ta render first ai gvWoens aada Cu if thue need arises. A coui t'~ri ndaft ern's Cnadian Clu eofailectures on Health, Hoz, OdModayaitenoa. Mr. Pper Nursing and Emergencies 'w mentloned several well-kiiown be conducted under the am books and expressed, surprise that pics af the local Red Crci Sa many,,women had faild to Society ta a limlited niumbE read thèse books. of you ng wamen over a pei The subject afilher .delightful iod af twelve weeks, on address was "Famous People I night a week. A two-haur lec Have Met" and wasý made more ture wlth demonstratians wï interestlng by the wit, drarnatlc be given. expression and charmlng persan- . If yau are interested, les' ality of Mrs. Pyper. Bernard yur naine and addressa Shaw was the first well knOWfl the Red Cross Rooms o author ta came under the speak- phone Mrs. V. H. Storey, 301 er s description. She claimedthat for further particulars. hie had more charin than any___________ other man she had met, made more interesting by a marveflous with "A.È." -George Russell, p voice. and an enorinous interest and pai.nter. One af the great in people. features about Russell was1 Asked hov hie kept sa young fact that hie is self taught in b( Mr. Shaw replied that he associat- arts and is good in both. ed only with young peoplei lettiig The greatest sprise Mrs. P lis aider frlends go thefr aozner had was when she met W.3 way.. He is quite at home in any Jacobs, noted humourist.E circumstances,- and is extremely found a small sad faced man,t consciaus af ather people admir- tremely shy, who has greatE ing lis every movement. His ega mfration for Bernard Shaw but 15 enormous but it should becon- too'shy ta aneet hlm. sidering his greatness.Mran s.LodGr Mrs. Shaw is known very littie. r. nd rs. Ll ydh Geal She is quiet with green çyes and when they toured Canada sevei enormous campasure that 18 aon years aga. Mrs. George wase tagiaus ta everyane within hier tr eey hard ta get. an intervi( domain. H-er husband owes a withn but b s great eal t lier evehybe maes ofng several wor fooa er Bo lernaer an b s rot Welsli Mrs. Pyper succee< a fol oer ernrd nd is rit - attracting hier attention a ings but she herself is a great talked with hier for 20 minui translatar. having written several Other reporters from Amerie fiâmaus plays.. papers spoe to be tebs Speaking af the theatre, thei suinehos ed the et Shaw expressed it as being t e tr iehdiedt e «'Temple af the Ascent o an ,"vien saying it was the church ofihis Mirs. Pyper cancluded hier a day as it portrayed the feelings dress by giv'ing several bri 94 every type ai human belng in glixnpses inta the lives of ati ~ coditins. entlningfamous people whom she has i Wfcynical ways, the speaker said dirin~ h orea e uc that Sliaw had developed titis artI fui * ee an the stage. ta perfection, having bis victlm in The speaker was intraduci hysterics at his jokes tIen sud- and thanked b y Mrs. A. R. Virgi denly cracking dowzu with 4 cut- president of the club. Precedir (r-IZ wremark. thé"meeting aternoon tea wi jr. Pyper then told filher visit served. Mhicipal body Ousts Union Mei '.Refuse Permission to Use Hall Wtl two meunIers absent and ]PRONOTED twa voting 'nay', flue four remaîn- tag members aifIe Town Coun- cil passcd a motion rciusing use oifIe Town Hall in future fa flue United Rubler Workems for fhe pi.rpose a! holding closed meet- ings. TIc motion includes, af course, mat .only union mcn but citizens wluo are employcd af TIc Goodyear wla wlsl ta meet with flue union arganizers fa dlscuss mnaffers relating ta t heir griev- ances and weliare as workems ta thià cammumlty. Councillor Gunn and Deputy- Reeve Moris weme absent. -..Moved by Reeve Edmandstone and seconded by Councillor Aber- nethy, that flue Goodyear~ employ- esiudaNov. usefIattIhegualaro charge a! $12, and fiaftiey le nofified fIat in future the hall will nat le available for Union. meetings. An amendunent was A. M. Hardy .added by Cauncillars Searle and Chals: To avoid misundcsfand- Who aft er many years in charge ing ta regard ta council's attitude aifie Goodyear iacfory leme as afilmpartialify in fis matter af Assistant Supeinfendent, was dispute between fIe Goodyear pramoted Tuesday ta the position management and emplayees, the of Superintendent. E. H-. Koken, hall wil1 fat le mnted for any New Tomantoa, wlo bai been Gen- closed meetings. cmal Pactory Superintendent, la Afer considemable discussion a now Vice-President aifIe Good- vote was faken and ftle amend- year Tire & RuIler Company af ment carried. TIc two councfl,- Canada. lors who supported flic requcaf argued fiat ta view aifluhe iacf a precedent lad leen set fie week' beor n et n aelsd ee-Couple Celebrati ing, fie fg1 ~tig would le ta permit fie next meeting and g n r d y make it known fiat ln future meetings aifiat klnd would Ho ord by Fre 'be pemmitted in a public building sudh as fhe Town Hall. This Piday, Nov. lSfli, over ninefy wauld give fie men f lue fa ar- relatives and iiends gatiemcd at xange for anather place,.flue home of Mm. and Mrs. Russel Bragg, Shaw's, fa celebmate wlIt tienu. their t wenty-fifth weddtag I# Cider Cause annivemsary. Wlile Mrs. Rota Drve'.DoWnf al Dudley playod fie weddinynlmarcî _______ rm Lhengrin fie coup e ere seated ta places af hanour. Mr. "«This iS pasiflvely fie îast fine Chas. A. Wighut,- acting as chair- 1will gîve a minimum senfenc man, explalned fie presence ai on dun drvig hage n hi ce uts, Alovelyde a court unlesfIer. are very ex- endemed by Misses Louise and tenuatlng circumstauuces," warne<iVd u ere Ilgstrate E. A. Gee alter lue lad Tie addrcss wich was ead by impose> entences on two Baw- Mrs. Kenneflu Werry told oifie fmnijUmen who were drunk in actual weddlng whlch fooklàlee nfcar~o their cars. They will Nov. 17, 1915, at fie home aofIe A have ta :?end seven dayu ta fIe brlde's parents, Mm. and Mrs. A. caunfy jal pay coasa have their B. Werry, South Darlingfon. 'If drivlng lcne suupended and also spoke o!f tle inferest fhey had cars Impounded for tîrce mantis. both.-shown in church and dam- ~ ~One clailmed fIat hard cider munlty hIe, especlally fiat .cen-1 was lia downfall. "Wlen I was fred aound fhe scol in Slaw's a boy flere used ta le lard ider section. Russell Bragg has pmov- F ascd around af flreshlngs,11 said cd Iliuself ta le an excellent fedays"but'. a lwreogcares augît ane set d on many ite adi, "b t lemawereno cars mmmcm, anc wospce n advice q si e I've leard ai a man getftag aspects ai. rural lite.1 dr oh n lard eider." As a tangible expression aof the Aij TT JML£-]L.Li Y ilium, vlq J.. ryt)vfq;m HIH'Fl- Vlaf lo,&fb £d£oqf p les YA' EVE Dicvery of bMovabeTp QATRCENTURY Frr' onNUMBe4 abl TpeQUATE sCoditionReud en4Progress of Pdntiug Trade SRIERNEE To That of European Peasant Given l ihsItdLetrnY .IUEMLYEUnles Milk Prices htcreased * ~~~~~~~When a man lias been witl a_____________ firm for quarter ai a century ut Stuge fGtnurg OUEST SPEAKER speaks well for bath parties. Not COOKING SOHOOL U fT in Printing Flrat Bible1 af special mention in -the home pa i Se ou Prom Moveable Type. tawn paper. Sa learning that Spi eaka i S eo ais Charlie Bagneil had completed > athis month 25 years as local C.P.R. ducers Meet. nd Te maaton aiacadmic tu-expressman the thaugltitmme- m d T h m o n o o n y f a c a ie n n e a t u .d ia t e l y il a s h e d a c r o s s a u r i d ta dies was relieed samewhat atmid B.H.S. on Friday aiternoon when "Charlie, my boe,, yau're lieaded "Uless~ the farmer..praducer ni- Mr. Charles R. Conqueg...To for the Roll of Hanour column in "gets better returns thaiu is now Rid rotoPresde it I Canada ... The Statesman." lu cseand better cansideration se Println Ink Co., and a member This wasn't a case af no sooner fro distributor and govertnent ne g!Trnta Board ai Education, said than done - for the subi ect lykSy, anlbeduce i d to te 'III gave an mustrated. address on aof this stary is a madest young 'sausa aErpen esnt LI-the history ai 500 years af print- mn and doesn't crav'e publicity ' $Mn r a frrmvdfa >s5 img. The speaker, who was intro- Tac t and diplomacy were requir-Mar o;fremvdrm 'er duced ta the assembly by Editor edt=e tteicswt sut~fatycondition at this very ma- 'r- Gea. W. James, stated that luis ance iram iriends wha knew some ne discourse was mare in the iorm ai the answers. uhwstecnirdop. lepedf b ist inerest bta ail, MAter leaving scliool Charlie ion ai Prof. C. B. Sissans wlio hoel Mr. Cof nerodstated that worked for several years with wa present, as a praducer, at fIe as. alliego d idsr Arche Tait, McMurtry & Ca., and meiga h uîmCut prniga nale nutyT. H. Knight. At the latter place ...Mil rducera Association which Wlahret.Dgei ws h ags n*aaai it will be recalled lie earned quite J4 mtinfebrdrmaiIeis pontofvltroictucs n liWh as campleted 25 years as inaiale iprdcsi- a rePutatian as a windawdrser tric Agicuturl efie 8, local expressman with the Can- nually, fifty per cent of which at "The Mode Goer"wlee adian Pacific alay nine.Was turned out in Onaioal.." Agrioreturl Office Manda aMone. A. & P. Streths naw iocated ..A....... Tiisswas the 1«hlghlight" fIhat view and brie! Rakeway.oAn intarer- oepors nfICnufyhs <harles ig ConquergSd Sîortîy ait er fIe C.P.R. buiît --~ . . .brugît grixnassent from the skth iluscaerbeen made in thue past fifty years ituiethogiBwmnil verflaw gathering whidh assemb- ~oet ppear in his isue.than in the previaus 450 years, President and General Manager Charlie was appainted express- MoEMf aha rgesrprsfa tes t e pe ke sate . i ri t- ai th Ca ad I k a. m n. Those were in the lorse Hom e Econom ic Directo r ai the W . H. W ilmot, Secretary-M anager the L UR H B yS Before the inventionofpit Toronto, wlio presented an mlus. and wagon days when he drv J.aio B. lcri OMi-o th e yrntoldsPrdeam COL UR HO BYSTing the amly books produced were trated address on "Five Hundred the dappled ry ma e av e onar asydrol cCons-teToat ik rdcr ths rte y adadolrYears ai Printing," ta the students the ouf fit at gy mare dket Ianwi a rasycnsent- Association,' and ta discusa wel- Me VESROT RIANSd printes were oable ta ai B.H.S. Friday afternaon and at those days the tire part ai the at the Apple Slow being conduct- teodte hywr oepn h oayCu ucena no oderpatw dt odc h okn colfrfe praduys and mean t . W.epn I a r Cu ucena an oderpatwslacated here ed in the Town Hall, Bawman- tucur ~~wr edb SeLUsive. Early clurches lad no cap- gave a Most iascinating address which vwas, an big part. ai fI 3 teshie.nuteswr eluacd e:ies af the Bible, same had one an "Color."1prs business. Many chanexsil ad-MIT'T f111' gospel only and some just one ________ have taken place since those good p.m. and 8.15 p.m. See particu- erty W. B. Reynolds. Alter Lt is N VEL ADD ESS pag. It iseasily een, thn, thé dgesyslhrs teeserseere in- fls slissue. ithe frease.uter'searepartepreeéletoonao vpeniai printingoutlad helped-TN USFO placed ini 1932 by a motor truck, new officers was mildly and per- )rge The normal persan sees anîy in spread the gospel thrauglout the _____ n c handale expresabnssr WelfareA v President Neil Mutton was re- ier four colours, stated Charles R. world. Sdlrad bfaoraltransportruck.AFr liuy iuctor;- icacluded.-SeeJ erlCanquergaod, President ai Can- Earllest Books lu 1300 SeeaBufvrbe amns tu oya C.P.R. employeeFi frey; Se'y.-Treas.-W. B. Rey- ew ada Pitn Ink Ca., Toronto, -Thn'~e earliest books were writ- byT citizens have came ta us about utrjet loyalte ovesainnodsorHp.____or Hw rdwspeainay. he orCluonddi about the year 1300 A.D. and »L yellow leaflet sfyied "The Sling- "Don't forget, my dear iriend, A meeting is calledfo ard Milisan, Prof. C. B. Sissons, d ta abakadwie r ed riesascpttotaftGngur ot be print.. that with ail the trucks the rail- WdN Bill Bickle, Harry Jase, W. Craig, and blue, greenckand wyeo re Some iearn fhe trade. Tliey warked only ed in tlie iterests aiGoodyear way express Wis stm the. anly all-ar Tably si lus pay nd idangh rks.Wagreewit the year-round dependable service P.m nS.Jl'sPrs al tagether with Pres. Muttan, Sec.- can aple fail ta see red and green wherk rain an fhe eyes thoughts cxpressed by the above whidli neyer fails."P There was no ai ail wamen aifIe fawn and Treas. Reynolds and Dr. J. B. blln astheycansec lue a s to great. It may be naticed citizens thnt if the warkers expect argument ta fIat stafement. Char- slir'mteswows a Reendthe rhfcayAsocatdon flubida te a e lu n htte earliest printed books the moral support ai the public lie was absolutely riglif! take amare active interesf t ersetfeDuinAsoito ylo uhbte hntea-cpeth a wrtnoftoetetnsusand peit naslotfeenaf the Tarant o Association annual erage eye. cpe aartn a hs oe ntu efe iim t b s ebeen commented on fIe boys' wellare.metnuedyDc.lfa ad- Mr. Canquergod statecd that bpok nf e uf. .Canquergaod in uadi n sorers eta ' ntyctizens fIat wliefler if was Th arofteMdns, heKgEwr Hel rsedrwniencleormatryI sade i te dend, te angEdardHoel rief taeeysvnmnfie paot 140 aoGutenberg, ause, su ptatis tomck fa ahors rw eil rmtr Major C. R. Spencer, is pan-A.eitoSear her see red aind green anud prave4 Atd40 a nnGtneg cue rhtcte mc truck it was always ftept clean soito pae net fIat several af the Rotarians werè who ad eligiaus passion, mnucl aifIe gutter-snipe variet y and neat by Charlie as le fakes sartag fIe mee ing, but a.Hngetspae ai aftack whidh sel! respecting an H Wilmaf, getsekr fs-tIls way. Much humour was <Continued on page 9) tiesilmatarae a reai pride in lis job ai. main- executive wil b e appatated brouglit forth when sorte oifIe ____________________________________________ rom among the ladies attend- and Sec'y.-Treas aofIe Toronto Sd members saw one tling and <coftinued on page 6) ing. The generous idea in fIe Associatian spoke at length and taathrs noter;Colur linmes 1J fIV 1 T'1I1flpadre's mimd ta calling fhIs reported mat only upon what fIe ng atraand S mat lou lndness IYU1ri,%L1 ~meeting Is f0 farm an auxil- Association lad dame, and wus i;iï s naural nd i not a lgclrAe- MA Y£YuuSTS DELEu TCLUB'Sapravide camforts and trymng ta do, *but a utlined the' Tespeaker, wh a ae aiHL SD NC aeo "D" Company men. striving toward better conditions hobyo clor, etine ha W L B EARD ON TO CAPITAL CITY h (hOLsdS dance 10k ite te prsnale- rffcutsknduostacles metas hobbyîntwilLLDad- for praducers. He tavlted fIe we nlwere interesf cd in calour Ta-ig t(Tusdysadnc tMjrhe metLn.ycef dllad-t e m rsfakqutinadw but were na cl ir ; oADI PRhRA ME TS INITER being held at t1%e former Bad- dres ic meev 2t. TIc datenpag 8 continually surrounds us. At fthe redanayo lswhcrs University ai Toronto colour is t. frie adalng.mes ofwhoaes studied in fIree fact ors in fhe Saturday marning was an im- Mayor R. 0. Joncs witiu a motor- execufive aiflice Badminton Club bl n ocieties HeIp Apple Show -study of light at Departiffienf aif partant meeting ai thc Lions Bi- cade ai business boosters irom are sponsoring fIe function which Physica, as a pigment at the De- cycle Safety Club because fIe Bowmanville moved upan Ottawa they trust wiii be very successiui c o lO tta dn v n partment ai Clemistry, and as the decks werc cleared of current Wednesday. For severai mantîs and became a weekly afiair.okn eye secs if af the Department ai business ta make way for plans a campaign las been waged A good orchestra will provide C____________________________en OpoEac y for the coming broadcast, "Traf- tîrougli fIe colununs ai The music for dancing irom .30.fa aio us like certain colours fic Court" which is ta be put an Stafesman and by the Townu Caut- i11.30 and lunch will be served. HLSM according fa aur psycholagical by members ai the Club under cil and Clamber ai Commerce fa Here is wcicome enfcrtainmcnf ODSM TOR SHOW The stage is all set for fIe first oucd asa meod raie giv bing cardirectinaifRed Poster, CFRB, affract war-fimc industries and for the men stationed ta Bawman-................gco o fedAbple ShotaaBdwCao- aer an alysis wofîicîi vcryc- o h evening ai Friday, Dec. 20. ta house saldiers in town without ville who liave been previousiy ig. .. . . ehedinBwmn acr a. octos ware usinvcory Ca eCrtrsietnggnueu- sces Teelsbenfegvnthe go-by as far as recrea-......... .......... ..ville imfIe Town Hall, on Friday, schemes more and mare ta cure aoflice Club, on belalf ai fIe Lions usual and unpraductive metlad flan is concerned, and al fhe pro- . mental diseases and are even a Club ai Bowmanville, described ai direct correspandence with te flubwente Reds foosflicdo ddi... . .. .i te samethn petr a e greaf help in certain domesfic fhe layout aiflthe broadcasting variaus departments oi govern- vddbtemfeRdCosad.............~ and fIioe prtl alyae troubles. Dentista in mafcluîmg studio and fie manner in which ment at Ottawa. the Soldiers' Canfeen Pund.............,sliowimg a keen ttre th fe teetl use persans' complexion and scripts are handled. Finally if was rcsalved tliat, 5 S older nd f ers 5eh. seffe Te can lardly wllabu.Sit a colaur ai hair ta make a good The meeting passed a resolution under present conditions af rush ___________________iea i match. fIat weekly meetings be suspend- and confusion an the sf eps of fIe Muras t nw wos da Brie! mat erial illustrations ai cd unili Dec. 14 owing ta fie Seafs aifluhe Miglty, fIe direct liow sliadaws are colouréd instead Christmas rush and fIe neccssify mtiad was the only way ta o .Im.S us I hme !Cm of black were given by Mr. Con- for intensive rehearsals. aclieve resuits or at least ta get COMES TO TRINITYmec ahedfede la le quergaod. Several members af The script is being revised and dfnfesaeet !itnin.frfPae Inmr ugsin fIe club were also deceived by fIe printed and a pre-broadcast test Accordingly, telerai were cx- Gipsy Simon Snmith, Int rati<,..........' différences in colaurs wlen leld made by Red Poster prior ta the changed and Iearings arrangcd af aI Evangelist, Singer and Sang th fe Apple Growers' Association. against various backgrounds. eventfuî evening. Offtawa ta-day. lWritcr, will pay a return visit tamsio o Mr. Conquergaod, who is Chair- Readings iran fihe new book- W. F. Rickard, M.P., taok care Trinîfy United Cîurch, Bowman- w Pic Utitid es Comision gaf man ai the Ontario Division O let just received "Bikes - and af the details af fIe Capital and ville, an Sunday and Mondateiyllpfapt f crsa4Gocr fIei CanadianpuManufacturera Manday thsaciaian Man a embers Ais- Boys and Girls," were given by wll intraduce fhe defermined December 1sf and 2nd. adeetia elr etwn TocaonBar d ucaebe fion, eadh member present for tIe pur- ,elégation. Aftflic Sunday morntag service -.~adeetia elr etwn TrnoBado dctowspose aisletn correct type The outcomc will be awaî cd lie will speak on "TIc Heavenly dhersdowîa bt-y oud o taeie introduced by Raf arian Gea.WJie. with inferesf. No matter wiaf fIe Vision", and af fie evening ser-..............grew. Je s Drd J.hC grttde aitf pesu -fa Arnouncement af personnel resuit aoflice conferences may be, vice lis fleme will le "Tales o h ataida ehad sta ýe ed the grfestudeeofweheeardb tf at LsM.Cnurodfrdlvrn ilbe made in due course. Pl-the knowledge gained wiîî clear a Par Country." Af loti aofIese Ctoemg ntea orn lu situtesuit- Lssc nentertaining and informa- îowing this a diagramatic lecture (CoftIflued on page 7) On Monday evening af 8 a'clock fa p8rticipate in an Apple Pie tive address. board was inaugurafcd by Char- ture on "Modern Miracles in fIe abde r izeswm tb a ae.Wn I c p on m n i R. R r-lie Carter. ale pi s wx b a ade. a - L_ Teapiteto .Rr-Slums ai Old London." A silver eri anyome wl think tobrlng vic J.A. Kinghorn, transferred with practicai probleems of trafficC*OC o poor me rinvilaely atto heuomW. J. Chalsme h pis jut afftlemore ,f o or Ereina smiaacadciyof trf ivet ad enealsae ection Candidates service on Day- On firee différent pages oais peiig and i strutive hour was akenSix tiausand people heard hlm issue Mr. Challis gives intemesting 01 e s we nea S rly argto l s h up in cross-questions and answers. af Queen's Hall, London, England. facts regarding lis Annual Mofor Red Wing Orcluards ai Whitby Itwas learned fiat na suci Members ai the Chamber of In Hamilon cmawds were funed Show which le is holding fIe lat about this apple show and riglut Ls Bicyclo erClub ferere te omre afe most iporagnt aslsHefldflimcMefrltan ClurcI tre aysaiof tis week. This is away fIey asked if fIey cauid iVeSLios Bcyce Cub herfor ist iey have yef undertaken. They in Toronto. Af Lady Astor's Pal- an event which always attracta lave a Part tif.I Can yau guesa md a d eltiescarrying on a highly important are interviewing aid and new ace, Royaltylsened ta hm. i undreds o i izens. bFide t ti eg oingfdo _______and ____________ educative plan. cniae o h oigmn-e o Att to-day driving cars hav aerfm ý,display ai frindsîp nd espct i tasela talean wat iffetfhy wno cipal élect ion. This action N;nhe ,ýre ad Mm Hav Bnd r ie a oftriple hdlars rslit IuIo ----- Wlth Whlch Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News - - - - ---- 1 ý --, ýýl J6 y JL &J6 %J à6b'>JJLJ4-à..L , Jq V y rjlyljC)rjjM ZJLSI;. NUMBER 47 baimmum "Iý

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