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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1940, p. 6

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PAGE SIX Ermis illenMaurice, Bowmanville, at Mr. G. - . 1fr. Caineron Oke visited in To- Our Young People prefented rontoand saw the Rodeo. their poPular Play "The Girl in M. end Mrn. F. Dorland jat Mr. the Fur Coat," at Bethesda ini the M. Stainton's. Uxbridge district on Nov. lSth, Mr. and 1fr.. E. Parrott, Helen and at Bethany Nov. lSth. and Ronald, Chalk Lake, at Mr. lrn. C. Crossman, "«Mother A. Wearn's. Lee" in "The Girl in %the Pur Coat," entertained the Dramatie Club right royaily on Saturday APPLE SHOW ' evening at her home. Every min- ute of tic evcning was exclting, while games and contcsts were 9Cu$nsd~~1 5m1 enjoyed. Toward the latter part conduo"s&in, thà t*r House of thc evening evcryone was pro- with two session-n at 3 p.m. vided with their name on one end and the other at 8.15 pan. Miss of a string, all unwinding strings T. Muir, Diwreco f Houséhold until they came te the end where Economies for thc Ontario H>dro smail gfts werc fastened. If thcy Electric Commission, Who is no weren't suckers, they were kisses, stranger te a Bowmanville aud-< 80 it was easily seen 10W the iencei, be in charge of thet remainder of thc cvening was Cooking School. 81e vill b. as- spent. But twa couples vere very sised y Mr. Ptter.<»n of thec fortunate - at Uic end of their Frigidaire Company, whom ,any9 string Mr. and Mrs. Kelth Ormis- met at Uic Canadian Nationalt ton (bride and groom of Oct. 10) Exhiibition.c found a beautiful electric table0 laimp, while Mr. and 1frs. Gordlon The hall only bas seating cap- Beech (bride and goomof et acity of around 500 so corne earlyn 12) found a lovely pair of bodi at ether or bath sessions as 2000 lamps. Short speeches were made invitations are being malled out si by ail four bappy people. Ail this week. 0 jained in singing 'For they are Another suggestion-if you areC joly good fellowa." A dainty going te Uic B.H.S. Commence- lunch vas scrved by Mrs. Cross- ment iay your plans so you can Iflsu. Ail returned te tlir homes laIso attend Uic Cooking SchooL feeling they bad bad an evening If you don't bappen ta reccive d long to be remembcred. an invitation come anyway and b Visitors: you'il be sure te reccive a ticket 0 Mesrs.Oswld ud loy Pei-at Uic door which entitles yo te S McessTronte, a 1dFr.oyR.Pehks.enter Uie contest for one o! Uic Ick Toont, a Mr S.R. ethckr. any valuable prizes te be given MMs.C. Burgmiaster in Cobourg away at ecd session. Phone your bi at thc home of Mrs. R. Parkcr. neighbour now and invite 11r te g Mis. J. T. Robson witb Mis, go with you. s R. McMurray. Mr. and Mis. R. Richards and SILVER WEDDING Ui (Continued from page 1) d Richard Bragg, Messrs. W.J.col Bragg, Arthur Werry, G. A. Mc- Mi Taggart. i Two vcry bumorous and suit- b able readings were given by Mrs. P Ross Pearce in 11r charmiug Ie manner.1 The happy couple wcrc then th, escorted te thc dining room te B take their place at thc bride's A > table which looked lovely, bcing ~LTHE PERFEC 0F! dccoratcd in pink and white, - «VULY A *ambe centrcd with a threc tier wed- New wftil. $195 ding cake. Lighted candles, pink e CIIZd. $975 carnations and chrysanthemums I added te the charrn of thc roorn. The bride wor a corsage of chry- santheaurnsand Uicls livings MaR% s ewelery howeuao owdtlsvin Phione 4U8 nswmsuvtne room.N Lunch was scrvcd and ater a # The LITTLE RANGE that don ' Sa B16 JUS of cosking r»hoing. 40 -M I Pri eles Fa turofmw- "mex.I At No Exta Cnst "Toue Color"' - that ai- most luesrbabMe satme- thiug wi akes toe, rich, melodiaus sud lite e1k, is Uic mcst desirable radia f eature, but il cornes ual from cxpen- sive malerials alone. Ycars cf expcricnce sud precisicu. engineering re- yard PHONOLA vith a reputation for cxtraordi- nar>' fine loue quality and nov added ta ail that-Dual Audio Chan- nel with TWO Speakers marks another great ad- vance lu toue !idelity. TUE MAYFAIR Wlth fuaI Audio Chanuel fore yeu bu>' an>' radio sec sud hear PHONOLA. Ask for s demonstration cf Dueil Audio Channel. Sec 1the Multi-Band Ex- pander, - a niarvelous ncw feature thal mahes short-wave tunug tii tim e aier. Examine thc beaulif niDcllcraf t Cabinets sud hear for yourmel! the gorgeons toue. THE DIGEST Wlth Multi Baud Expauder $69.95 Aa AllGulladisu Produot 24 Desutifl Mai.b te cose htema, vlh a varletf tfin"«e. Priced ioIîew mas=295 W. J.HFALLIS, Plions 38 'Bovmanvllle TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvILLE. ONTARJO 'PU1TDGi~A~7 ~?f~?VkaUUU St *A*tJ*J1.'fl*, ** V fhWO ~t*~ AUU time spent ini happy feilowsblp together Uic gucats departcd. Those responsible for this hap- py event were thc committe%. Messrs. Chas. Wight, Harvey Bar- rie, Weslcy Werry, Milton J. El- liott, RosPearce, and their vives. Fanur'. Condition <ContUnued front puce 1) mnet vith a barrage, before con- cluding, that developed consider- able heat. The main points brought out ver. that, to-day there vas an increased demand for milk, due largely te increased industrial ac- tivity sud Uic educative program of Uic Milk Foundatien'. adver- tising. In bis official capacity b. as- sured ail those vho had surplus over quota that if Uiey gave him the facts h. could arrange immne- liately te dispose of every quart of it - sud more. He told of Uic recent entry of ncw praducers inte Uic field sud stepa taken ta get Uiem inte Uic Association despite apathy sud obstruction from distributors. Forrnerly thcy bad employed a lavyer at $1000.00 retainer te supply advice for Uic 3370 ship- pers sud this expense had been one away with since steps had ben undertaken te unite vith :ther farm organizations te pool ;liciter's fees. The Hydro liad been approach- >d with a view te sccuring re- )aes commensurate vith those grnted industrialists vithout mccess. Obstacles Met Steps had been laken te curtail ifair tactics of a big ludepeudeni aving milk from a western ounty vith complet. success. Ansvering a question as te vhy iontreal. supplier. cujoyed a igher base price, h. said: "Que- ec bas a different Act vbich ermils it sud ve hope for uev .Igslation in Ontario-" In regard te quiotas, h. claimcd uat the chief obstacles vere: (1) àng's disease; (2) Mastitis. The msociation vent te Uic goveru- Whilc rummaging Uirough Uic family album, vbich vas an li- Portant Part cf every parlor in years past, oui goad friend Wfl Percy cf Torouto came acres. Uic above photo of a prominent citizen cf Bovmsuvile vbich 11e brought te The Statesmanoffice Uic last time 11e vas in tevu, ta sec i ve could recognize thie budding sud dapper Young bicycllst back in Uic early 90's. So belore v. tell you vho bi i you take suother loch. Yes, yeu're rlght, ilfs Postmaster Carl B. Kent, ail decked eut in a smartly tailored bi- cycle uniform vith braided cap, coal, pauts, stockiugs sud shoca vbich vas Uic correct sport cutflt for Uic.. pioncer bicycle days before pueumnatic tires sud other modern gadgets ver. inveuted. Forgive us, Carl, for publisbing this portrait but it just seemed toc goad a story te leave hidden in thc old family album. cd action just so soon as unit>' can be achicved.> r Tva main points vere stressed: "Do ual yield te Uireats or Uic ides that distributors csu cut you off-therc is Law on your aide." «'It is against Uic lav ta-day for dstributors to-day te solicit fin- suce by vay of stock among pro- ducers.. "Do net yield te the spuricus blandishmeuts of truchers solicit- ing sigued agreemenls." Dr. Reynolds coutiuued: "I huov there is a disposition among some distributors sud truckcrs ta tahi advantage of you. They vini if you give them a chance. Iu that regard I suggest you read Uic articlc on page 143 of Uic November Milkr Praducer. It shows trickery sud builylâg cf Uic most contemptible sort b>' a trucker or bis agent." Act Coiletlvelj "You may blame your Dirc- tors; Uic Contrai Board; the dis- tributors or Uic truchers but un- less you vake up sud act like self -respecting, dernocratic citi- zens you deserve wbat you gel."I "Your Association is organized te vork for yau but so long as you submit te oulside approaches, vnUr Aqqnp q. Liu h U. Iu future, remember ta act col- Dr. J. B. aeync lectivel>'." Dr. Reynolds pointed oi;t that, mient sud ver. successfnl lu gel- during» Uic pasl 6 years, almoat ting iltat assume cost of lests, ail fari praducls sbowed vide 1fr. Wilmot outlined Uic cx- price fluctuations save milk. Some pcrience of Uic Scbomberg dis- credit for tis should accrue ta trict on Uic "area plan" sud pre- Uic efforts of Uic Association. dicted that Uce*cxpericncc tus The top price, under quota ar- gained vonld gradnally sprcad rangements had been maiutained sud b. aPPlied gencrail>' despile aI $2.10 with only tva variations officiai. reluclance. sud Uc>' ver. upward, briefi>', In regard to thc malter a! thc sud then drapped back. A quer>' agreement vith distributors re- vas introduced b>' anc of thc pro- quirng rcturns ta ho made on ducers present as te wby, if Uhal Uic 14U cof eacb monUh, b. said rate vas considered satisfactery, Uhal lu severaliinstances it vas a Federai suive>' showed that continual>' being flouted. Ap- onl>' seven- cul o! 200 producers peals bad been made ta thc Milk veme making a profit. Cantaol Board, (a body respons- The speaker appeared unable, ible ta the govemument, rathor satisfactorily ta ansver Uhal ques- Usu an Uichepeople), vithout rc- tion. suit. ag "gDfcute In this regard 11e said: "The BaalugDfelte povers Uhal -bave Uie pover ta Dr. Reynolds vent on te de- do - dan't do il - sud don'l lu- scribe recent attempts te gel dcvii tend te do lt.5 The inference vas ta a basis of bargaining viUi thc -sund this did ual escape Uic in- distributers sud frustrations met telligence of those present-that wiU lun approaches ta Uce Control Uher. vas lu Uic background, vast Board. They bsd been put off canceutratcd vealUh that svayed with quibbling excuses from veek sud controlled aur elecUed repre- ta veek. sentatives. The malter resolvcd ilself inte "vhen can you agree ta mccl us ]planning Hlefasd bow much can ve agree upon Many instances vore quoted te u ic ve a>' of a raise in price t shov boy producers vere tIbid- tUcproducers?" led, frustrated sud deprived by "OuI>' ta-day ve vore assurcd a combination cf interests vhoae tUal a joint meeting viii hoe aUl- calions disregard of praducers cd at once," sald Dr. Reynolds. probîcras dearly bore eut thc He conlinued: "W. producors prediction, af Prof. Bissons, .cannaI force thc issu, aI Ibis lime There vas so much more per- -all v. could do is ta vithhold taining te Uce question tUal space rnilk. The Muik Board is respon- vill net permit ils inclusion bore. sible te the goverument - ualt t Il must be dcferrcd te later is- us, aud their main concern is the sues cf The Stalesman vbicb bas price tethe ullimate consumer. luterested ilself te lb. exteul Uhal The distributers are a law nto il proposes te devole both lime Uhemsclves." sud energy lu su endeavour te To a question: "Whal viii ho bring thc vbole malter out intolb. outcame o!f1the coming meet- the open sud assist ini ameilomat- ing?" thc Dr. replied: "The Devil ing a dislressful condition Uhal only knovs." ought net ta prevail in these dis- Turing la Uce malter cf fin- tressful limes. ance, thc speaker reviewed th1e Distributer's dictums; lruckers; means vbereby Uce Association truck-drivcrs; tmucking c as8t s; had accumulated funds te the ecx- lmucklug profils; Milk Board tent of $25,000, qnibblings; govenuiment reluct- Hew Moue>' Spent suce; an M.P.'s menacing over- Icrdship - a vhole arra>' -of for- There vere several scbemest midable - sud apparent>' uncon- being considered as ta boy beal trollable factors ver. presented Uce fund could b. put ta usc fort to Uce meeting in a vay that Uc Association. "W. resus. Utal seemed so irrefutablc as to sup- Uher. is securit>' sud pover in port Prof. Bissons' Ibesis. money sud ve propose te make Mr. Wilmot statcd categorical>'1the most cf it. W. are advcrtis- and wvlU anditors corroboration, mg in daily papers under thc bhat one trucher had cleare tilof The Milk Foundation at s $32,000 lu one ycr hauung farmn- cast ta us of $1000 s manth sud ers' milk ita Tarauto. t11e distributers put up a 11k. There vas so mucb said lu such ameunt. The ides fa ta create s t au irrefulable va>' Uat both The larger consumer demand. . We C Stateunmn reporter sud Uic mcm- strive an,' canstanly> plannnýg, bers present sat dumbfaunded hopeful." 'ti and, apparenl>', impotent. Concluding, Dr. Reynolds laid Threate Expoes stress upon thc fact Uiat no one Dr. J. B. Reynolds, vbom cv- wculd belp thc farmer-producers eryonc knovs as a life-lang cdu- ttimevssd alclr> itm sud batller for Agriculture, uner vas litIle ta bc cxpectcd îen addressed Uce meeting snuder the present Provincial bl n a logical, carefuil>' consldored, ciite f Agriculture.s irefully vord.d, yct dynsmical- Dhcussie e y exprcssed speech, gave fades Warm, discussion followed wvlU b Ld figures Uhal sdded le Uce for- canitie references te anc or Ivo s] ner speaker's appraisal sud shcd dair>' companies, sud Uicir mcIb- yi Igt upan tUc question In a va>' cds. And Uicrc vas an under- hat enUhused sud prcsaged unit- curment in questions sud anavers Census cards have been sent te headquarters and figures show well over 100 Scouts and Cube in Bovuaisvlle nov. Registration for Uic tvo Scout groupa is going forward 'te hcad- quarter. this weck and registra- tion cards will be rcceived witbin a week. Field Secretary Edgar T. Joncs cailed in tovu Tucsday and prom- ised 11e would call back early lun Uic ncv year te attend-a meeting with Uic boys. It may ho arrang- cd to have a joint meeting of Cuba and Scouts at that time. First Troop: Senior Court of Honor was on Tuesday and. sev- oral important questions discuss- ed. Don McGregor -is presldeit, and Doug. Hlarndcn, secrctary. Tbhursday's meeting was fairly weil attended and several tests were passed. Second Troop News: The Sec- ond Troup has about its full quota of boys now including Uic Grey Goose or Lcader's Patrol that bas been formed for a ycar now. The oUicr thrce patrols, Howard Stur- rock's Moose Patrol, Bud Thomp- son's Seagulls, sud Jack Child's Buildogs, are nov ncck-and-ncck after five wceks of patrol cern- petition. In thiee vceks Uic boys have passed -26 test, including 8 Tenderfoot, 4 Scout's Pace, 8 Kim's Game, some compas., sig- nalling, first ald sud one pro- ficiency badge. wbich gave some Uic feeling Uiat meI >LJJLrI of1>the AsocViationl sboved a tendene>', lu some of their replies, te defend Uic truck- crs sud distributers. Il vas me- 'marked Ihat this bad a deprcssing effect upon Uh ic mds cf some sud therefore vas calculated ta detract from uniled action. Editer Geo. W. James, su lu- vited guest, vas calcd upon for a speech outlining Uiecocmmuufty paper's vievsand respond.d in a stirriug sddress tUal bit rigbt sud lefI yet von appreciation for ils frankiies.411f you eannot ce- aperate yau cannaI gel anywhere." "Yodx' whole tradition i. anc of truth sud faim...." "Ultimatel>' Uhal musI prevail." "The States- man is wlth you 100% sud Its columus are open taou u myaur cudeavors as you vclI how ho- cause you make it possible for us te survive sud speak for yau." Resolutieus The meeting clased with tbree resolutions: 1. That Uic Durham Association vote up te $15.00 as preliminar>' ta formlug s County Federation o! Agriculture. 2. Thal Uic members mccl at a date to ho decided upon before Christmias te enjo>' a turkey sup- per sud furthcr discussion. 3. That Uic sitting member of thse Legislaturé ho invited te at- tend ail future meetings. Votes o! lhanks vere moved ta the thice speakers of Uic cvenlng, Mfr. Wihnot, Dr. Reynolds sud Editer James. Qhurt»r Century <Continued from page 1) teinln theUic gb traditions cf thc CYIL. for uealuess sud courtes>'. "Dqas 25 years sccm a long time-i lbe vlihanc compsuyI ire qucrlcd. "No," he rcplid viihen yen are vorhing vtha ceod compan>' 1k. Uic C.P.R. Looklng back a quarter cf a cen. sue ad cansiderlug Utceniany b#nesa changes along front teu oe recà: sman>' pleasantj -trenc adîloyalfriends."l Us five gold stipes ou bis coat ilseve,- eacb stipe signlfying 5 cars of faiUiful scrvice. H. fa as )rnd a! Uicm as a soldier fa cf ila militai>' decoratiaus. This rc- calls a story Uic writcr heard some ycars ago. An inqulsitive Goodyear office employce, Stu James, asked Charlie what Uic stripes on bis coat signified. Oh, says Charlie, those stripes? Why cvery Urne Uic delivery horse runs away I kccp track of it by putting a gold stripe on my arm. And dam it ail, 1 nearly got an- other stripe Uiis morning. The innocent one swailowed Uic yarn tll Charlie began te laugh. In Uic 25 years there has becu only four C.P.R. station agents et Bowmanville - A. M. Milmine, Peter Brown, M. H. Minore sud A. E. Freeman. The first two are decessed sud Uie, latter two are living ber.. June 1916 is su important date in Charlic's life for on that occa- sion 11e married Katharine (Kate) M. Bickell. Se next June this worthy sud estimable couple w celebrate their silver wedi. Charlie believes everymmuj should render some public %«m«il te bis community and in tis re- gard h. ha. served 22 yem e s a member cf Uic municipal fire bal-. gade. He aise basnUihe er t belng a Past Noble Grand of lthe Oddfellows Lodge. This sketch would net ho com-, plete vithout mentioning iax- lie's hobby. Everybcdy in teun knows il is flowers ftr 1the BqF neil floyer gardens have been hSx years famous as anc cf thc beauty Spots o! Uiis tovu vbere citem are alvays made welceme te show their guests Uic many unique tles- turcs sud attractions in florkiu- turc sud landscape gardening. RELIGMOUS TRACTS 'Demons under the leadership of Satan."e "Religion sud its vicked agents under the leadership of demons are destroying Uic people sud vii sbortly bring dovn the vrath ci God Almighty upon Uice'whole vorld." There vas more - much more. We read aIl this vhile warting lu a restaurant for ham-and-eggs. It vas tac much for us. W. had to pai Up Uic breakfast. Sa ve gently lay this littie booklet on the editor's desh sud ask ermisio fera dy off te recover aplomb, sud appetite.- Let this be added: This secms to belle its "catebvord" title, vblch invites eue te read on. And it vwas planted on our daorstep lu Uic dead of night Some secret agent Is lu our midat. Who ]s it? Mmbt is for the Chie! o! Police- or Uic Legion to find eut And we believe Uiey arc tracking Uic.. night marauder. te their hiding place. Obituary Mmr. Joseph Mahood The funeral of Mrs. Mahccd, d2ughter cf Uic late Mr. sud 1fr.. Jhn McKe sud vldov cf Uic late Josepb Mahcod, vas bcld from Uic home o! ber daugliter, Mrs. Crelghtou Devitt, Cartwright Tcvnshiip, on October lst. Rev. D. M. Stinson afficiatcd, assistcd by Rev. E. P. Wood. Mr. Stinscu rcfcrred fr1quently te deccased's contiuued patiencc during long years o! suffering. Surviving arceue daughtcr, Mrs. C. P. Dcvitt (Lena), sud cue son, Garuet o! Bcvrnauvillc; ligbted Uic audience vith ber piano solos. ments vere scrved. music TEACHER SPEAKS AT Y.P@Un Composers. o! eilkuown folk sangs sud their music vas dealt wlth by Mis. E. Smith Fergusoù al Trinity Y. P. U. meeting Mon- day evening. 511e spoke of Rufle Bitannia, Annie Laurie, Drink te Me Only With Tbine Eyes, Susanna,' sud other of Stehi Foster's ballads, stressing the. facl' Uhal Uic creaters of such low1y, yet great, music vere usuaily common folk vithout- much meney vho had vithin thm tUic', spark ta luterpret Uic soul of thbcrâ,ý people in mclody. 'Jj 811e outliued Uic life and works of Felix Mendelssohn, poi. out the superior cnvzoramn . in wbicb bis rnighly wors wr couceived. Tva piano duels by Bever1jr and Lamna Sudds vere well re- ceivcd. Ruth Hutchinson offéred a reading of on. o! Edgar Gtiesl's poems, sud Collette Fergusou de- Prompt also sûx grandcbildren sud four sisters. Pallbearers vere T. Srnith, O. Wright, L. Mouutjoy, IL Whlt- field, M. Grifflu ýa1d B.E. arris. The beauU flfoyers vere a tri- bute ta Uic esteem lu vhich the late Mrs. Mahood vas hcld. Iu- termcnl vas at St John's Ang- lican Cemetery. BT. PAUL'B MILS. St. Paul's W. M. S. met in Uic Sunday scbool room Nov. 19Ui. The. meeting vas opened by Uic president, Mns. W. H. Carruther., vho toah Uic devotionai pericd, followed vith prayer by Mrs. Harold Ferguson. hirs. L. Squair's group bad charge cf Uic study bock "Comrades in Uic World Cburch." Sections lun1the bock vcre taken by Mis. C. Carruthers, 1fr.. L. Souair, miss sexsinith, Mrs. ]Reta *Dudley sud hirs. F. Pattinsoni. Miss Marion Dudleyi sang a lovely sale accompanied1 by 1fr.. Rets Dudley. Refresh- Those Who HeIp Themacives Tbere are twelve thausand blind people living ini Canada and Nevfoundland today. Tis is the figure just issued'in the. annual report cf the. Canadian National Institut. for 1he Blind. This is almoat a lhousand higher than viien the. ceunI vas taken a ycar ago. The work cf the Instilute, of course, la te do what it eau la ameliorate the. lot of these people living under a seriaus handi- cap and help liens ta hclp themacîves. As is usually tic case, thie problem cf asaisting a large graup cf haudieapped people is lilîle understood by the. general public. The. illustrations in tic Inatitut. 's report book arc illuminating. F¶ctures shov lie dif- ferent preesses uséd in manufaeturing brocuna, enubosalng plates, the. Braille pres and how lihe preparation cf the. paper,, Tie Braille Courier is effected. At preseul there are 670 blind men aud women regularly empleyed by the. C.NLB. About 200 Canadian soldiers lest their sight in lie last war. Fortunatel>' noue have no HUDIT We are lune hurry for your Mouey* Teu may bu>' auj article with a omail down psy- ment sud the glft will bc laid amide for Yeu for Chrietmsas. Make aueof tht. handj waj of dolug jour shoppIng. WE'RE READYI Christmnas la't fa off, We ame r.sdy te show jeu suythlg Fou May vant te give for Chrlstm&a Our stock et ladies' vos,, lingerie, dresses sud ceats la very complet. yet suffered the. mishap i the present"-5:fé. The Inslitute employs home teachëers in ail parts cf Canada bo teacli newly-blinded adults Braille, typing' and simple ha~idi- erafla. The service is free. If a blind person lives in an accessable place and desires home teachi2ng one of the. teachers finds hier way to th. studlent. Bocks are now recorded ou phauograph dises for the benefit of blind readers. Six or seven tbousand vards eau be recorded ou one dise, which rus for twenty minutes on each side. These talking books are loan- ed from libraries just like ordinary, bocks. Many cf the administration posacf the Institute are held by blind meu. The Main- aging Director, Col. B. A. Baker, lest bis, si gh ini the. lant war. Boni. blnd Canadians, espccially those living in'British Columbia have developed a coualderable ukiliat gardening. Other varied tâsks alse are per- formed by the. blind,. Five-pin bowling has becoine a popular sport for blind mgeu sud vomen. Many activitiqu, therefere arc open ta the sightlesa peopl4 iii Canada who are given help frem the. (YN.B. Hosiery Specials] ( We are pleaaed te offer a. complet. range' cflades' hesIer>'. AUloi 5ery la the hlghest grade at tUc lowest " CREPE STOCKINGB at 50ecand $1.00 CHIFON ]ROBE S ER VICE WEIGUT S59e - 69e - 79el L.85C -$1.00O-$1.15 -AU home lunfth.most Up- to-date coleumuAUl stucslu COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMÀN Phono 881 EWManj»l [ 1 k -ý . - 1 mi CHRISTMAS SUGGESTINS W. havze lro az;e d stook of Ohristnmu Gfta. Nany w olu luot be replam&d shop Now to Avold Dlsappolntment FOR LADIES1r« MN Muriel Astr bots.90 - 4.50 Weodburpls Sots, 4, 5 pe. 950 Cutex Semts - &s 0.50ieCiolgatea s otsa- me- ne cathmere Bouquet Ste .- tnilie of* "0 N WoodbUr d 8e-y BII7Setts-251.0.005 Amab"ee .AeOohOl Galba*1.3 CG4MS AUtes EnEIM Ui vr 0où caps. ne -Ss NiaI KIiuej 14 n5e- Sb DUUN Kiey p 14%,e Ladie' Bnmb, Comb and Mirror Sets s »dami7 Pie.. Colours L9S~p.- 98 -SM -'925 13.75 -15.95. me,'s Miltary Brush Sets 21 3. 4 Mud 5 Noes »C - 1-00 -2.50 3.75 -5.50 6.50 PuhaM's Lactocen Pfnex 750 sise cUN 69c For Courbes Noxess 87e 1.59 32e 59e. We Test Eyez and Fit Trusses P. R.- COWLING, Phm. B. ýl 1 1 - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVII.LE, ONTARIO 1 TMTR-qnAV UnVMMP.R 9.1 laàà

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