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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1940, p. 7

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4, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Mrs. Marie Clark Bell visited friends at Waaaga. Miss Ruth James, OL.C., Whit- by, was home for the weekend. Mr. antd Mis. George Allan, Lindsay, spent tic weckend with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Joint. *~ iMiss Doncaster, Toronto, Dm ?IîIgMis. F. I. Morris, Elgin Street. Êiu.1~o. Prtchard spent a few daymi Toronto visiting her hum- b àt Christie St. Hospital. Singe copies of The Statesman rnay .e bought at local book stores or at this office. 5c à capy. Mr. R. Tudor, Mr. and Mis. Leslie Tudor and baby Linda, To- ronto, spont Sunday at Mr, E. C. Evans'. George McFeeters and George White, Aircraft Training School, Gaît, spent the weekend with their parents. Capt. and Mrs. P. E. Ireland, John and Patricia, Troronto, were Sunday guests of Mr.' and Mirs. RH. Westaway. Mr. George Hart has been re- elected comniModore of the Oshawa Yachet Club for a fourth consecu- tive term. Congratulations George, it's a proud record! Mr. A. M. Hardy has purchased Uic McCready. prapeity opposite thc Central Public School and Dm converting tise large residence in- to two modern apartrnents.. Dr. R. E. Diuniweill Dm raking considerable alternations to his large apartment house, forrnerly ASK ABOUT OUR TIRlE PAYMN~T PLA9 Our time paymcnt accounta are handled strictly confidentiaUly. LOCK T Mvmm a UT $1.OuP $2.00,uP 8 AS ABOVE As ABOVE $6295 $3.50 MISS IBERTY LADY WESTFIELD $ 14 ' -9 Ifl RR's iJEwEfLLERYý Phono 463 lwnufc I PECIL LPURE ORANGE 2 3 c SPECIAL. - AVLMER ASAAU ic ASPARAGUS * Tin; DIMCED 3 Tins SPECIAL - AYL.MER -2 Tin ITOMATOES P.a*, Cairrots2c 28 CTIn I Rsplnach - 1oc i SPEIAL-AVLMER I 10 on. for 20 MAdiC la oz. Tin Baklng Powdir 28c 2 mars for Pearilouep - 9c JIF Pkg. Soup Flakes » 2c EXCELSIOR- 24th. Bac atry Flour 59eO QUAKER XXXX 98 M Duoa Bread Flour S&.79 FiIWT9 SEEDLESS Gapefruit FIRM RIPE Tomiato.. GOLDEN RIPE & for 25C 2 lb for 29c a lb for 25c M~TOE - TIMI[.D the D. B. Simpson residence on Silver St. Miss Evelyn Anne Evans, dau- ghter of Mrs. Annie Evans, Maple Grove, was pictured in Friday's Toronto Star with her class which graduated from the School of Nursing, Ontario Hospital, New Toronto. Congratulations Evelyn! Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Everson, formerly of Oshawa and now of Montroal, visitcd their daughtor Margaret at her school, Nether- MARKS 75TH MULESTON.E ewuuu, St uotnesay, near Saint John, N.B. Mrs. Lo'Vedy C. GuDly, 112 Divi- sion St., Oshawa, has returned from an enjoyable month's vimit with friends sud relatives in Ta- ronto, London, Petrolia, Sarnia, Ailsa Craig and Exeter. On thc blrthday broadcast fol- lawing Jim Hunter's news this morning, three Bowmanville names were read, Ray and Mar- garet Sellers, age 5 and 24, and Teddy Colville, 4 years old. Jimmy Marr, Jeweler, wam so pleased with the record results of hm advt iu last week's States- man iu which. ho mold dozpnm of cut glass tumblers, tbat; ho Dm us- ing two advtm this week to give Statesman readers smre import- ant Christmas news. *Tihe choir and minister of St. Andrew's United Church, Oshs- awa, exchanged with Trinity on Sunday night. A good congrega- tion heard tise inspirational music of St. Andrew's choir and a chal- lenging sermon from Rev. George Telford. Mr. and Mis. Art1Aur Lovell1 Oshawa, drove to Montreal over the weekend with Stanley Loveli and S. F. Everson, Oshawa, to visit Lt. Everett Loveli who Dm statîoned iu Montreai as Surgical Quartermaster and Dispenser for the military hospitals in M. D. 4. Mr. Ronald Everson, Montreal, youngest son af Mr. sud Mrs. T. H. Everson, Oshawa, Dm director of War Savings publicity and ad- vertising for Uic Province of Que- bec. Appointed by Col. J. L. Ralà ston, he Dm a dollar a year man, but has not; yet seen thc dollar. Major P. H. Sobb, O.C. of "D99 Company 2nd Btu. Midland Regi- ment N.P.A.M., and' Quartermas- ter Sergeaut Ted Thomas of thc sme unit, along with Capt. Joe O'Neill of Uic Veterans Guard of Canada, are in Mxllbrook taking a refresher course. , H-ave you been reading ths er-' ies of Findlay Stove advts. being run by Rico & Co.? Evideutly somebody has, for Mr. Rice told us ho sald 4 stoves Uic first week thse advt appeared and 18 stoves ince thon. Yet sme merchauts stili wonder if advertising pays aud are too tirnid to try. Sales of War Savingm Certifi- cates to October 31, last, had a face value of $26,091,680, Uic War Savings Comrnattee announced to- lay. This total covers Uic five- rnonth- period ended October 31. British Columbia holds Uic lead among the, Provinces with per capita sales of $3.71. Ontario as in second place on per capita sales of $2.83, but hiolds Uic lead with dollar volume of sales on a total of $10,777,715. t 'Mis. C. T. Ross entertamued thc officiers and mon of "D" Comnpany N'eduesday afternoon at a special showing lu Uic Royal Theatre of ,ho feature attraction "My Son, My Son." It is not Uic first tirne t Msrs. Ross' gencrosity bas boen Y expressed in this way helping to t makeý the days brighter for Uic j' mon in khaki. Judging from com- t nents heard aftor Uic show It was d certainly highly appreciated. a ti W. A. of St. Paul's Cisurcis metV in the lecture roomn Nov. 12th, j with a fair attendance. Mis. N. Pingle presided. Tise program was in charge of Uic executive. tl Mliss Helen Williams favored wiUhil, apiano solo. Rev. S. Davison of a Trinity Church as guest speaker was grcatly appreciative, giving amost Uioughtful address on "Miniature Masterpieces." En- I couraging reports were heard ir from the various groups. 1 Mi. Fred C. Hoar and party ci returned Friday from their hunt ti in the wilds of Haliburton Dis-, si trict with thoir f ull quota of door P, and partridge. Dr. H. B. Rundie ti was one of Uic party as was hm a' 73-year-old uncle of Toronto. We bi .nderstand Presidont Fred is f3 planning to treat hm fellow Ho- tarians to a venison dinner on 'riday whlch Dm also Uic occasion tl Df Uic annual visit of Uic District fI Gqvernor-Alex Ross of Toronto. 01 it Our local nimrods meemed to h ave had good iuck this year on h thoir annual huntlng trips. . Be- fdem those already recorded we larn a party compomed of James Welsh, his sons John and Charlie, Evorson Prout, Sid Tomlnmon and Everett Weimh brougist home fiir complement of deer.. As an idded trophy of the. chase John Velsh almo bagged a dandy silver -7 lx. The Chalis Garage held its an- ual staff dinner on Wednesday ?ening Du the paint shop upstairs. xood iellowmhip provailed as ecd id hlm part in cousumling a gen- %rous portion of a sizzling brown b. David M. Tod One of Omhawa's highly rospected senior residents sud a former citizen of Bowmauville, who on November 2lmt celebrated bis 75th birthday. Mr. Tod Dm uow eligible for rnernbrship lu Uic farnous "Threc-Quarter Century Club", of St. Petersburg, Flonida, whore ho and Mis. Tod have spent sevoral winter months. CIVIC ELECTION NÎOTES It looks as if there wlll be no dearth of candidates for Uic ôf- fices of town council this ycar. Aircady several newcomerm have aunouuced their, intention to get their names on the nomination list. There is no doubt that, as alwaym, certain of tise present office-isolders will oniy give up this "labor ai love" ($60 per year) under. pressure. As to tise ather offices there is less likelihood of Uic contest le- ing keen. Barring "dark horses," only anc man Dm at present lu thse public oye as logical choice for Mayor - hlm narne? - we would not; be foolis onough to risk being wrong. 0 Thse individual activity lu dig- ging up likely candidates. for these offices sud sponsoring Uiem Dm rnost praiseworthy. Bath t h e CharnIer af Commerce memibers sud other publie spirited citizens are busy in this way. As for Uic three Board of Edu- cation mon sud anc Public Utili- ties Commismioner ta le elected there bhas boen little talk 30 far. It can doubtlcss be attributed ta the satisfactory service given by thése men. Before ncxt weck's paper Dm off the press it will be defiuitely known who have thrown ye aid bawlers in Uic civic election ring for Uie abave mentiancd offices md who will rin for Reeve and EJeputy Reeve. Reeve Alex Ed- siondstone has-dcfinitely announ- ced hDm intention ta mu for ro- election as wc are inforrned Alex is goîng after Uic Wardenship of ho United Counties for 1941. Last January fate d ecreed that Chairrnan Crydeirnan, Trusteeg Goddard sud Paterson of the Board of .Education should have to stand for election after a one- 'car term. WiUi Uic exception of th chairman these gentlemen are aamt getting warmcd up ta Uic task af bing public servants sud .oubtless will le wifllung ta serve gain. What cime could explain te peculiar ight of anc of them walking up main street with Uic Lngers an cacis hand crossed. Thse ouly ticket ai admission ta te Nomination Meeting in tise rawn Hall next Monday night is àgonuine intcremt in Uic welfare )f Uic town. Too often citizens ho compiain about Uic manner in which civic gavorrnent Dm ad- ninistered arc abseutees at this nportant annual got-together Arien members af Uic variaus ivic ladies are cxpected ta. give le electorm an accouut of their tewardship. Too often, in Uic ýast, it has been noted that cor- ain members deliberately mtay lway from nomination meeting, )ut show up Uic next day ta quali- 'y. Hardly seems right, doos it? Under Uic mtimulating affect af he Carier Famiiy's moruing cof- !ee anc would-be aspirant ta civic rfice declared: "How mucis will tcoat me ta run? I don't care a ioot what it cost, li ruai any- low!" COLD NOVEMBER 1thore is ane Uilug on this cats, To mxake anc sad sud drear, Dml a drab, wet, windy day, When oold Novemborm here. lie trocs are lare, Uic fields are black, Tise flowcrs all are dead; elgrating birds have now gone south, Tise sky Dm dull o'crhead. se wind scems, ah, so very coid, It chilis anc thUicbanc, se driving rain soaka everything, In pelting monotone. 'ild animais all mecS their dons, And people keep indoors, Ld boats all mn for shelter, lest They mtrand on racky shsores. lt do not fear, good fionds, le- cause, Theýe days wlll flot lon g last; or flowers sud spring wll murely corne, Wheu wlnter tirne Dm past. Cutex Sets 1 New and attractive deoaiWn 35c tg S58.50 Paimolive Sets SPECIAL 49 '-980 VALUE -----------4 0 BILL FOLDS $1.00, $1.25 and up ROLLS AZOR --- 69 *ISOCIWM NDPERSONAL Phone 631 APREVIEW 0F CHRISTMAS GIFIS Sec thc mauy srnart, yet practical glfts that are now on dlsplay for yu Inspection at your 1.D.A Drug Store. Theres a wlde range for you to chaosq from for everyone-especlally for tise boys'lu training and lu thc actlvcservice. And you'l fiud that rour rney wlI go farther at money- saving I.D.A. pricos. Plan now to settie smre of your gift problems hIls week-end when you visit amui I.D.A. store for ueeded drugs.- -~ Yardley Gift i. ~, .~i~*FOR lrIN àMIi 1 t.1 Sets -$.0,1.35 up Shvifl5 Eowl $1.00 Lotion - 75c - $1.00 LFOR LADICES I Sets - $1.00 to $7.50 4 i~ Soap 35e - 3 for $1.00 Talcum - 40e - 85o Perfume - 55o - 75 up [Devon Shave Kit B3owî and Lotion '45e Fiashights Eveready 89e up Cigarettes - 25e - 60é - $ 1.20 Pipes - - 25e -50e -$.00up Cameras Kodaks and Brownies $1 .25 up Shaving Brushes 39C - 50C up Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets 2.99-3.49 4.00 -5.25 7.50 SEVEN & TEN PIECE SETS 420 -403-L145 Ail Sets iln stock are al tirnt grade, open taL j*& Extra pleces may be purehased at AýLEXý Phono 792 We Deliver I % 1 IGillette "TECI" XMAS SET 98'Ç owuphte willm 15 OMette hdos 0 Hots. a *I.,g romombace.-mt a o e.u coq ce" ed OvohMslbo smeMl,.sf, meut coinfocImM shovos monoy cou boy. Modem 011.11 Tech Eazor end 15 BaDi.. 11.0 Madosln "y C 98 package, commplete *rnly98 Cashmere Bouquet Gint sets' Priced 25e to $ 1.00 .Christmasa Cards Boxes 19c to $1.25 Individual Carda 2 for Se and up SAVE MONEY WITH Certified Anti-Freeze Retarded Evaporation ,4ZLON Prescription& « Speci&lty McOREOGOR $.49 Il AN OPEN LETTER TO THE EDITOR You asked for it, so now you are going to get it. 1 have author- ity, ince being placed ln charge of collections, to bring The States- man, subscriptions in line with ýheAdtBea of Circulations stadars; hat15,on a strictly "pad-i-avane"basis. Any who fai'.belndtheemonths are to be removed fromn the lists. I'im going to see the job through and maybe step on sonip tocs - but PUi step on yours first, Mr. Editor. Who is responsible for so many get#ng so far behind? I say you are as much to blame as they ame Instead of insisting upon 9triot business dealings) you go soft. aud hate to ask for payment. What Dm the resuit? Well $2.00 grows into $4.00 the second yeax' then $6.0, thon $8.00 and so on Up. The higher it goes, the more formidable it looks and thus the 7reason it im put off. In short, you 1have been helping people get into debt by not being firm. As you go sof t, they grow hard -e t case hardened, neglectful, lndMferent. In other words they become less than good citizens, and you are in the. same boat too because you were resting on your om swhen you ought to have steered a true course. Now it's up to me to bring both you and themn back on solid busi- ness grounds - then you can al start fresh with mutual self re- spect. I've had an eye-opener making Up these lists. I find some sub- scribers were behind as much as 5 years-or more. Two years in arrears is common, and their neighbors -yes, even they them- selves would say they are 100% in paying bills. Maybe they are - in every- thing save the Statesman account and the doctor's bill. 1 have billed ail past due sub- scribers this week., If the letters; arer't returned I will know they received them. Those who negleet this notice will invite stronger methods - *and I won't stand for you, Mr. Editor, butting in oxtending the time. Getting back to strictly business rnethods and squared up accountS will' mean that everyone is in a happier frame of mmnd. Now the warý is on and Christmas is near things ought to shape up botter. Thon I can fix these Audit Bureau reports the way they should read. The very fact that I've told you off will please lots of people who rub their hands in glee when an editor is put on thse pan - and they will settle up because of that fact. Ali of which is straight talk from. - AI. In l charge of Collections. C*MADIAM Rab CROSS nEiTeors Mail 266 Armadale Ave., Toronto November 16, 1940 Dear M4r. James,- For several years now a group of mothers of students at Hum- berside Coflegiate have been studying history, current events and contemporary memoirs. Last year we spent weeks on the study of "Union Now" by Clarence Streit. Briefly, it is a plan for international government with the saine aim as the League of Nations but a diffreent method. It showed why the League could flot work because of the necessity for a unanimous vote and be- cause League members represent- ed governments and flot peoples. When President Roosevelt has said of "Union Now" - "It is the sole constructive idea since. the post-war collapse of international politics", and Prime Minister Win- ston Churchill offered this very thing to France last June - it merits our careful study. The Canadian Association for the union of the free democratie peoples of the world has been or- ganlzed here in Toronto sud char- ter applied for. Dr. Harold Couch iHonoraryTeasuer po tom. synopsis ai tisuplan ai."no Nw Dm aailable and W. B. Curry'm "The Case for' Federal Union" covers all Uic salient points. Mi. Curry is head master of one af tise finest co-ed scisools iu England. Mi. Streit Dm an Anm- enican but lived in England for years and was at Geneva in past- war days. Public opinion can accompliss anything it really wsutm ta. It im ta our owu interest ta study causes of events and tise preven- tion of war tisiaugs international .law. Eva Reynolds Sanderson. Delegation Goes (Contlnued trom page 1) thc docks for action, locally, one way or another. Thse personnel accompanying Hm Wormsip are: Dcputy Reeve C. G. Morris who is well qualified sud prepared ta back up Uic Mayor in his premeutation ai facts as ta what Bowmauville has ta offer the goverument to aid in tise prosecution af Uic war; Timn Ga:rton, frtified with direct ânwege of war-time produc- tion of munitians 1914-18; Alex McGregor, President af Bowman- ville District Cisamber of Com- merce, Whso is giving dynamic ieadership and entisusiasm ta ail prajects that are for Uic benefit af the community as a wisole; sud Lieut. Art Baker, wiUi knowledge ai militaiy matters sud publicity, Who is to act as spakesman for Editor Gea. W. James who was chosen on tise delegation but is unable ta go because of pressure -1 1 Everythlng, A YOUNGSTER'S HEART AT JOHENSTON'8 DECORATIONS .TIN85L BOOKS GAllES CARDS TOY8S GIF T STATIONERY Cedlar Cheats frorn 750e te, 4.00 Drap lu and look around- Sorve alilthc Christmna Gui Problers n o n e store. JOHNSTON'S BOOKSTORE Phono 651 King Street [ Il of work. a

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