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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1940, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRJO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1940 Ebenezer Sunday moîning services wer( conduce by Uic W. M. Societ3 wth Mis. Ross Pearce occupyinli Uic chair, and wth a gaod attend ance. Music was pravidcd by the choir. The guest speaker, Misi Dellght Hilliard, R.N, frain In. dore, India, delightcd Uic audi. encé with her address. Laya Messenger Band from No. 4 con. tributed two choruses and Sun. beam Band No. 8 was represent. cd by Phyllis Adams who rcac Uic scripture lessati. The W. M. S. met Nov. 12th, and opened with a hymn anc prayer by Mrs. Frank Worden. It was decided to hold a baza on Dec. 6Ui in canjunctian with Bands and C.G.I.T. Mis. A. J. Gay, Mis. R. E. Oborne and Mis. Gea. Annis wcre appointed a nom- inating committce. The Decernber meeting will be in charge cf Uie executive. The worahip period was in charge cf Mis. Frank Rundie. Theme: "Living Uie Christian LiUe." A hymnaund Bible readings were falaowed by a salo by Elleen Pickdil, "We give Thee but Thine own." The Lord's Prayer clased this period. The study bock was taken by Mis. Rosa Pearce with a îeading by Louise Pearce. Meeting ciased wihhymn and benediction. On Frida>', Nav. 22, the Fiftieth Birthday Party of Uic W.M.S. will be obscrved. Mission Circle met at the home of Mis. Herb. Nichais and open- cd wi a hymn and prayer by. Pres. Mis. Lloyd Caurtice. The acripture rcading was given by Mrs. Nichais, and Uic devatianal taken by Mis. Cecil Adams; read- ing on Tempersuoe by Jean Gay; musical selections by Mrs. Edra Price; readinga, Erma Wadc and Mis. Lloyd Caurtice; Uic study book given by Mis. Harry Gay. Refreshinents were scrved. C.G.I.T. hcld their meeting ohi Saturday at Uic parsonage and opened with C.G.I.T. Purpase, ai- tci which business was deat with. Devotianal was li charge of Mary SBOWMANVILLE Thurs. - Fr1. - Sat. NOVMER 21 -22.223 DOUBLE BULL ADOLPIE MEJOU in 'King of the Turf' Dolore Coutelo and Roger Daniel - and - 'Shooting High' fitaring Jane Witheru and Gene Autry Mon. - Tues. - Wed. IKOVEaBE25 -26 -2W DOUBLE FEATUMR 'Amazing Mr.Williams' with Melvyn Douglas and Joan ]mondeil - and - 'Oh iohnny, How You Can Love' stinring Tom Bro'wn and Peggy moran NOMu -e ýy Mis. John Sandens, Mi. and Mis Lewis Rundie, Town, and Mr. Thos. Snowden visitcd ut Mi. N. I. Metculf's. Mi. Fred Miller, Queen'a, King- ston, and Sergesut Samn Castle, Campbelifcrd, visited t Mis. L. C. Snawden's. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Kent, Osh- awa, and Mis. H. Evans attended Uic nurses' graduation t Ontario Hospital, New Toronto, when the lattei's duughter Evelyn gradu- ated. Congratulations! Miss Mildred Snawden visited in Taranto. Miss Helen Metcalf spent Uic weekcnd with Miss Audrey Ayre, Mion. Haydon Rev. A. F. Gaidner gave un in- spining message on Sunday on "Where is Thy God." W. A . was held ut Mia. A. Mc- Neli's an Thursday with Presi- dent Mis. T. Mauntjay pîesiding. The devotionul was read by Mia. T. Cowling. A vocal duet was iendercd by Mis. Wm. Trewin sud Miss May Trewin, sud an in- struduental by Mis. A. Read. Rev. A. F. Gardnier took charge cf Uic electian cf Uieaç officera for 1841: Pxeident-Mis. T. iM u nt j oy; Vice President-Mia. E. Bradley; Secretaiy-Mis. E. Stephenson; Tresurci-Mia. C. Gairard; Con- veners-Mis. Wm. Martin, Miss Eileen Cowllng, Mis. C. Siemon, Misa Besaie Blackburn; C air d Committee-Mrs. H. Ashton apd Mis. A. McNeil; Quilt Cammittee -Mis. A. Read, Mis. A. MeNeil sud Mis. Wm. Trewin. Lunch was served by Mis. Leslie Gruham's gnaup. Visitera: Mis. N. Hall, Clinton and Beryl, Miss Dorothy Hall, Oshawa, ut Mis. D. Gruham's. Mi. Reland Thompson, Toronto, Mi. Lloyd Thompsan, Muple, ut Mi. W. Thomopsons. SMi. Paul Stephens, Miss Ursul McNeil, Toronto, ut Mr. A. Mc- Neil's. Mis. Philp t Mis. D. Higgns', Toronto. Mi. sud Mis. W. J. Chala,À Bowmanville, ut Mi. T. Mount- jay'a. Mi. and Mis. Ray Smith, Mis. Lennox, Mi. Arthur Trewin and Miss Veina Trewin, Oshawa, ut Mi. Wm. Ticwin's. Real fiiendship is a slow grow-t er, sud neyer thrivea uniesa en- grafted upon a stock ai knawnj and recipiacal meit.-Lord Ches-t terf ield. There can neyer be deep peuce between twa spirits, neyer mutual respect, until, in their dialogue,1 each stands for Uic whole world.1 -Emerson. J Would you be dry? XUNç who juinps from the bot al- bés':Io t .arly u " alwet 'lau the nman who la~1u ob»teoaugh ijuriano."'lte cover the M b housburna down. Rave yeu *ough oro0311 almost enough? 3. . ASO &SON iMlCEAGENTS Phon 681Bowmanvîîîe Walters, wiUi, acripture readin, by Kathleen Pidduck and a rcad. ing' by Jean Antil. Program wa in charge of Greta Wilkins, aî foilowa: Sala, Mary Walters; read. ings, Muriel Dawn and Audre3 Graham; study book, Eleen Pic- keil; ciosed with "Tapa." Mis sSmith scrvcd refreshinents t thE close. Mi. and Mia. Oscar Luxton, 1Providence, and Master Bill Haw- shaw, Oshawa, were Sunday gucats t Mi. and Mis. Herb. Nichais'. Mis. W. E. Caurtice ha gone to Ottawa ta spend Uic winter with her son Howard sud Mis. Courtice. Mi. and Mns. Irvin Pickeil and twin childrin, Miss Audrey and -Mr. Billy Pickell, Edam, Sask., are visiting with the former's sis- ter, Mis. Frank Worden, and ather relatives. Misa Hilliard, Indore, India, was entertuincd t the parsonage aven Uic weekend. Among thase ttending the ail- ver wedding celebratian cf Mr. and Mis. R. K. Bragg, Shaw's, an Friduy evcning were, Mn. and Mis. Esli Oke, Mis. A. J. Oke, Mn. and Mis. Bll Bickie, Mr. and Mis. Rosa Pearce, Mis. Geo. Pearce, Misses Veima and Louise'Pearce, Mn. and Mis. Elton Werry. Mi. and Mis. Arthur Werry are spending a short time with their daughter, Mis. Bragg, and Mr- Bragg. A loVely presentution was giv- en Mi. sud Mis. Alan Down ut the home cf Mi. Norman Down on Thursday evening, when thcy were presented with an accusional chair, end table, dlock, sandwich tnuy and puise. Maple Grove OBSERVE 57TH WEDDING ANIiIVERBARY ig d- as as d- ýy c- 'S. le n, v- iy b. ie ?r S. ýd ýd d 1, ýe n Union,_Darlington Congratulations to Mr. sud Mia. James McLuughlin an their 57Ui twedding unniversary. A fawl sup- iper wus held in their hanar ut Uich home cf their son, M~r. W. Mc- 1Laughin. Amang those present iweîe Mi. and Mis. Herb. Mc- Laughlin and fumily, Mi. sud, Mis. Harold Wright sud Joyce, Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. Russel McLaughlin sud family, and Mis. F. Mountjoy %Mr. and Mis. R. Gniffin and 3family visited ut Mi. Phil Conlin's, Oshawa, when Mr. William Pet- ers' famiiy celebnated his 8lat birthduy an Friday evening. Visitons: Miss Florence Rahm, Newcastle, ut haine. Mn. and Mis. Frank Moore ut Mi. R. Cochrane's. 1 Miss Veina Grill in with her cousin, Mia. Rosa Richards, Bow- manville. Mr. sud Mis. Stan. Nottingham and famlly. Misa Jean Mickie, Myrie, ut Mr. Laine Knapp's. Mn. and Mis. Leslie Wotten and Erneat ut Mr. William Watten',S. BlacksJL-otock Congratulations ta Mi. Ansan Taylor for abtaining hia pernan- 1cnt first clas teaching ceitificate. Mr. sud Mis. C*oldwyn Fuint, Midland, visited Mi. sud Mis. O. Wright. Mia. S. A. Devitt ha gone ta Richmond Hil for Uic winten. Miss Aileen Mountjoy, R.N, Ta- irante, visited her parents. Mis. Rabt. Bruce, Miss Mue Kin, i. udMia. Gardon Strong andfumly iaiedMi. sud Mis. R.CriCoug Mis. D. C. Muray and Gordon, Auroru, vssted with Mi. and Mis.- W. L. Scott. Mia. R. H. Williamsan, Omemee, with Mis. Jas. Marlow Wednesduy night. Her son Serg. Arthur Wil- liainson lectuned te the soldiers ut thc Armourica on Gus Poisening. Red Cross shipped 9 biankets and 7 qults to heudquarters this week. W. M. S. met ut Mis. Bail Dci- rell's Nov. l3th, with 20 present. Mis. Jabez Wright presided. Bi- ble study wus taken by Miss Fergu Jahnstan. Prayers were taken by Rev. D. M. Stinson. Birthduy money for the year was collected. Mis. John McKee gave a neading, ":To-day's Task"; a piano duet, 1"Minuet in G" by Mis. J. Wright and Mis. G. Strong; vocal duet by Mis. Laine Thampion, "The Frayer Perfect"; Mis. Dorrel the study book, Lif e of James Evans. A sale of useful articles followed. Victorisu Women's Institute met ut Mis. Russell Mountjoy'a home on Nov. l2th, with 30 pie- sent. Mis. W. H-oakin was li charge on uccount af the absence cf Mis. N. Mountjoy. Notification was received fram Uic Bowman- ville Rotariass Uiy would hald their banquet li the hall an Nov. 29th. The ladies who made Uic aum were gien a special vote of 1hae k, aiseoMs. Phayse for ap- pies, andl a 1etter was sent to Mi. Duncan, 'Bwmauvilie, fan donat- ing Uic grapea. The followig programn was li charge cf Mis. Russell Mauntjoy. Mis. J. Thick- son, District President, spoke on "Laws fer Wamen." Mis. Dumas, Bewmanville, spoke an "The Ceoklng cf Vegetables." Mi a.- Cccil Fergusan gave Uic repart cf the Toronto convention. Refresh- menta were served. Gis' Club met ut the home cf Mis. Osmond Wright. with al niembers present. Roll caîl was anawered with a tiaffic law I have learned. The gis decided ta ccl themacîves the "Healthy Hunibugs.1 They are dîvided in- ta groups toecaîn maney for club work fai Uie colng year. Euch girl la te send a sumple cf the weil water fran, her home ta Guelph ta be tested. Discussion for this meeting inciuded firat aid, invisible enemies, and the food we eut. The blocks for the quilt fer the Red Cross were handed in, and the gis are plan- ning on atarting ta quilt it ut Uic next meeting. The chiIdren's sweaters they are knttlng are getting wcll under way toc. Mis. Wright and Edlth served a duinty lunch and Dorothy Ruhin and Audrey Mountjoy thanked the hosteases for their hospîtalit>'. Enfield School News (Byv Merle Ormistan> Pizzaro. lI Science thc seniors huv ebeen tuklng liquida, soUida sud gases. . .. Allen Taylor sud Margaret Smith euch got a -bax cf pencil crayons for* dressing up Uic bestat uthUi Hallawe'en party. By Merle Ormiston The faim naw owncd by mry father wus my grandiathcr's faim. Before my grandfather awned it Jonathan Bray owned it. At thut time Uic faim was divid- cd ito 50 acres each. Mi. Bray cieared 10 acres cf land. Sandy McCulloch cleared 14 acres of bush cf which we now have ail. The'bain waa a bank bain with a atnaight roof sud very durk stables. There werc juat saides te let Uic Uight in. Where we call Uic sawmili, there was a mill-pond and a good suwmill which did a goad business ut that tinue. Where the cedars naw stand on Uic seuth ide thcy used ta put legs over into Uic pond. There were two or Uiree fumilies lived aiaund where Uic sawmill was. Aiter Uic sawmiil was mcved away father's grandiather Ashton baught it. Aiter he died lis son Jee baught it. Then James Gallugluer rented it.- Aiter that Mi. Forrest bauglut it. Then my grundfather Omis- tan bought it. Now my father owns It. 'Christmas Cards ALL KINDS 1 ALL.PRICES! Boxes, uingles snd b>' the dozen. Whether Fou want on«e cràor five dosen, you'il find, whatý you want i oui large selection. PERSONAL CARDS 25 for $ 1.00 WOOL' Handknlt <Christmas Gilts have added attraction. W. have a woIfor ever>' purpose, for. hoeuse and servicegaz- menta. J'a W. ieweII "BIG a207Y eE VANG-EL IST1C TABERNACLE Weduemday 8 pi.. , BBLE STUy Frida>' 7 im. .JUNIOR CHIURCH EVANGELISTIC ,.Sunday, Il a.m. "lYour Religion' In the W." Sunday- 7.30 "Mlot Smved"l LONG WEAR That la what you will get when Fou buy a pair of aur sturdy workboots or dren shoe. We eau assure Yeu of on!>' the but iquffanisd workanship. If Four old shoes are la ueed of reppir brhig them ito us r for the bust of ;epairu. lvii get Four feet we$ when a, good. repair Job wili make it. maie for Fou even on the ~ wettest isys. JOHN LENZ Sh@. sud HRumeesRepaire Kimg ut. W. - Bowmanvilli. Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughli, Buiketon who ceiebrated their 57th wedding 'Darlngton. A fowl supper wua anniversaiy on Thuisduy, Nov. feature cf Uic occasion whcn 14Ui, ut Uic home cf their son, memberscf .their family guUiered Mr. Wm. McLaughlin, Union, round thc festive board. .1 OUR1 SEASIDE HOME I'd like ta build a little hause, Down close beside the sca; Where we coiild make a happy home, For yoýu, mny love, and me. Whcre, in the summer, flying guIs Would waken us at dawn, And salt sea-breezes, in the eve, 1Would blow across ur lawn. Where ships will pass by day and nightE Sals bellied, bowward~ fore; Great mobile monuments1cf trade, That ply from every shore. And morning suns, in fartherest Where sea and sky. there meet; Will peep o'er that horizon rim, The waking world tai greet. And peeping, glint that sea with tinta With whikh no art can cape; And changing ripples make that scene One vast kaleldascope. And when cold wintry storms alla]! lash That sea ta mount'nous foam; We'll be sa comly i ur love, Within that seaside home. -RALPH GORDON., 628 Crawford St., Toronto. Mi. H. L. Trim~s and Mis. Bert TrinVs' Mi. and Mis. Lêw Halloweil at Mi. Arthur Falls', Bowmanville. Miss Nellie Shutka and friend, also Miss MaJry Andree, Oshawa, at Mi. M. Shutka's. Mi. and Mis. Hl. Rusk, Port Hope, at Mi. Sid Hallaweil's. Mi. Gordan Clysdale, Oshawa, with his mother. Miss Edna Farrow was home. Wedding SheRts--Ledger Waterford Center, Mich. - An- nauncement has been. made cf the marriage cf Vesta Ledger, Williams Lake, second daughter of Mi. and Mis. Albert' Manning, Bowmanville, and Vern Sheets of Pontiac, Mich. The ceremony was held October lBthi at the parson- age cf the Central Mcthodist - Church in Pontiac. For her mar- rnage the bride chose a soldier blue woal dress with matchlng accessaries, wore a dubonnet coat, and carried a corsage af garde- nias. Mrs. Elmer Gaing, sister of the groom, was matron -of honor, and Ehuier Going, brother-in-iaw cf tic groom, was beat man. Imn- mcdiately folawing tic ceremony a dinner was given for Uic bridul party, after which thc happy couple left on a wcdding trip through Northein Michigani. They wiil live at 38 Evelyn Court, Pontiac. Aiter her marriage Mrs. Sheets was the guest cf honor, at manly functions. She was honored at a party given by Mis. Arthur Moore and Mis. Vess Moore at Uic lat- ter's home. On anaUier accasion Mis. Ashton Emery and Mis. Cari Terry entertained a group cf fricnds at a miscellaneous linen shower far Mrs. Sheets. The of- ficers cf the Joseph C. Bird Chap- ter of Uic Eastern Star aiso en- tertained thc bride ut a dinner presenting her with a glit fromn Uic order. Preceding her wedding Uic bride had been feted at a linen shawer in Porter's Inn. BE AN OPTIMIST Here is some sound philosophy we discovered the oUier day among a sheaf of dlippinga, some cf which have became yellowed with age. The advice it contains is just as useful as the day it was penned, sa we decided ta pass it on: "Don't get discauraged because yau have made a mistake. There has nover been a human being who did not make saine mistuke. The best Uiing we can do is ta try not ta make the same mistuke again. In this way oui waîk will became more and more accurate and wc will become more and more refluble. "Don't get discauruged because you are blamed for sameing you did nat do. Expluin the mat- ter i a stnaight-forward manner if you can; if yau cannot do that, circumstances sccmlng ta point to you as Uic guilty party, just walt. Time will clear up Uic whole mutter' and exonerate you froin ail gilt. Sultans RAISINS ...... 2Ibo. M4 Fancy CURRANTS ...... lb. 15e Lemon and Orange PEEL......... lb. 29C CITRON ......... lb.3c MINCEMEAT 2 Ibo. 25e Si4elied ALMONDS .... lb. 59e WALNtJT halves lb. 45e Colored COCOANUT ... lb. 25e CHERRIES MIacio L. 45c PHONE 596 e LUNN GROOER RING STREET yau sein ta be standing still in yaur business 111e while athers are farglng ta thc front. Da your 'duty &fUitLully and yaur oppor- tunity will surely came, and when you least expect it. "Don't get discouraged because others sen ta be mukmng a brul- liant success of ice while yau are only maklng moderate advance- ment. Metears muke a btillant dash acrosa Utcenuldnlght sky, but they soan die ou.t. "Don't get discouraged because you have loat your position througli na fault of yours. Many a man has risen from such an experience ta higher sud better work than he wQu!d have gained if he had heid Uic aid place. "Don't get discauragcd bècause people laugh ut yau and ridicule yau_ when yau aie trylng ta, do riglut.* Every successful mani had thc saine experiènce; i fact, it seems ta be anc ai Uic puices we have ta play fai succees.- "Dan't get discouragcd about anyhg when you are tiying ta doyu best. Eveiythlng wMf come out ail riglut, and you ~1 laugh to-marraw over Uiecacres sud warrlcs ai to-day."1 - Rit- chnci Recrd.m Hampton Mrs. Sarah AllUn has gane to reside with her aged mather, Mis. Simpson, near Miami, Man. We are sorry ta lase her fram aur community. A number fram. Hampton at- tended the Missionary Rally i 1Trinity Church, Bownianviile. Miss Hilliard, Waterloo, a re- turned missianary home an fur- lough from Indore, India, addres- sed the W.M.S. meeting Monday alternoon when there was a good attendance. Miss Hilliard spoke very interestmngly of the work there and also showed a number of articles which shé had braught from India. Congratulations ta Mis. J. R. Reynolds on the arrivai of a baby boy. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Clarence Yeo in the death of her father, Mr. L. Scott, who passed away in Oshawa. Among those who have enter- tained for Miss Ruby Calwiil, bride-ta-be, are Miss Audrey Ayre, SaUina, at whose home she was given a miscellaneaus shawer on Nov. 5th by eighteen of her girl friends. Miss Edith Rackham, entertained a number of young ladies on Tuesday evening, Nov. l2th,' at a pantry shelf shawer, and Miss Isobel Rogers was hast- ess ta a number of young ladies in her honar an Thursday even- ing, Nov. l4th. Mr. John Milis' farm stock and implement sale oný Tuesday was fairly well attended. Visitors: Mr. and Mis. S. Snowden, Osh- awa,. and Mi. and Mis. W. Snow- den, Maple Grove, at Mi. and Mis. L. ,Trufl's. 1Raymand Petit, Enniakillen, at Wm. Chapman's. Mis. L. Trull and Miss Ruby Clatworthy, Bowmanville, w it h fricnds iPeterboro. Mrs. F. J. Sanders and Mi. Gordon Sanders, Toronto, at J. Chapman's. Mis. W. W. Horn visitcd friends i Oshawa. Private M. Mins, Camp Borden, at Mi. John Mills'. Miss Doreen Perrett, Utica, at home. Salemn "Where is thy God?"' was the subject chosen by Rev. Gardner for his very timely address on Sunday. Y. P. U. met Nov. l2th, with President W. Taylor in the chair. Frayer was offered by Rev. Gard- ner. Pragrarn was i charge of Missionary Vice E. Daidge who taak up the tapic from the Mis- sionary study book; Bible refer- enaes by Mi. Taylor; a splendid talk by Rev. Gardner; rcadings, Messrs. F. Blackburn and G. Bar- rie; mouthargan selectian, Mi. C. Callacutt; violin selection, Miss D. Winters. Misslonary collection of $1.07. Attendance 17. Master D. Cator has returned ta Toronto after being with his grandparents, Mi. and 'Mis. F. A family reunion, toak place at the home of Mi. and Mis. O. Hertzburg an Saturday when members of Mrs. Hcrtzburg's family were entertained: Dr. Ar- mour and fýmiIy, Mi. and Mis. Brice Stlmson, Mi. and Mrs. Pamtan Arrmour, Taronto, and MUs. Houston, Newcastle. Mis. F. L. Squair, who met with such a painful accident a week aga, la pragressig nicely. Salem W. A. met at the home of Mis. Lloyd Richards on Nov. l4th. Members decided ta have a crokinole party at the school on Frlday, Nov. 22. Mis. Barrie had charge cf the following pragram: A very interestlng and helpful talk was given by Miss Susie VanCamp; duet by Mrs. Burrus and Mis. Ken Werry; reading by Mrs. E. Silver. Mrs. Barrie and her group servcd lunch. Starkville Mi. Ruthven's funcral was well attended Thuraday. The body was taken ta, Westpart for burlal. Mi,. Mellor delivered a fine ser- mon at Shlloh an Sunday. Shlloh W. A. held a double qulltlng at Mrs. Rosa HalloweUl's on Thursday. Mr. John Stone's threshlng out- fit la hi aur nelghborhood. Visitors: Mi. and Mis. John Scott, New- castle, at Mi. and Mis. Warren Carson's. of appsyng IL. Airseal can be quickly sud. easily applied by any intelligent workman. It isa availabie in thie forma: In bulk for use on fiat ceilinga or pucklng inta, odd ieaks, lI buts for between raiteis or ploping ceilings. lI granulated wacl for pouring in inaccessible wails. Airseal muy be instailed without fusa ar bother in your present homne ai in a home under con- struction. So easy la Airseal ta handle you can do the job yaursclf ei you se desire. Make sure that your hamin a naulutcd with Airseal rock wooi fibre. Ask fer un estimate an Uic cost and quantity required right away. Alrseal 13s Rot Proof- Vermîn Proof Fire Proof and EaeIIy Applied Sheppard & Giff Lumber Co. Ltd. ]Phono 715 Eomanavill 10, DIFFEENT LOAVES -AT - *Loaves LOW F 2for 15 C. PRICESL 5 O'clock (ONd Fashloned'Hearth Loa *.Buttermilk * .Hl Vîenna . Crlmp . Du Old Fashloned Round'Loaf .4 Soya Bean Bread eSW Shop at the Store and, Save The, Carter F, 0o rU Loaves 2 for ;d Ih Double Loaf rham Daînty, SiIced rham Blue Wrapper (For SandwIches) 'ole Wheat Bread Money amily k PAGE EIGHT INSULATE YOUR HOME TrHE MODERN WAY WITH Mt This week ba the proper time ta make Christmaa Cakes. Check your needa ithe. foilowing iist and save. Phone 8" m Bakers for Two Generations Bowmmviue

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