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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1940, p. 10

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PAG~E TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAP.IO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 38,. 1940 TeNewcastle Independent The Phono Clarke 1114I Mr. Johft VanDusen, Toronto, was home for the weekend. Mrs. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, visited hier mother, Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard. Miss Marilyn Pearce, Clare- mont, is stayxng with hier grand- mother, Mrs. W. H. Pearce. Mr. J. W. Bradley has been in Gloversville, N. Y., visiting Capt. and Mrs. E. S. Van Der Vere. Miss M. E. Sanderson, B.A., Aurora, came down for the Com- mencement Friday evening and was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Rodger. Chief Jno. Garrod learned from a letter from relatives in England that his father's large brick house on the Garrod Farm in Norfolk had been damaged by a German bornb. RELP ! Santa -Claus SEE OUR RELIABLE DOLLS Priced from lOc to $3.50 Every little girl wIlI want one. GAMES Nqew and different for Young and ohd. Quiz games - 'Direct Hit", - Ail Star Hockey ani Broadesat Basebail. ChristrnasCard*Stack Complete NEW WOOL SCOTCH FINGERING 51I.60 Per Lb.' Buy now as supply ilalimited. J. W. JeweII "BiG20gr Among those who enjoyed a successful deer hunt in the wiids of Haliburtan was Coundillor Fred Coucli, Deputy Firo Chief and member of the Community Hall Management Canimittce. Mir. T. W. Jackson accompanied Mir. and Mrs.,Chas. Tyrroil, Or- a na, on a four day trip ta Windsor and intermediate points. The trip included a specially interesting visit ta Jack Minor's bird sanc- tuary aI Kingsviile. Sinco the fire tinat dcstroyod "Barkham Hall" the Municipal Council, by plowing and grading, has constructed an easy approach ta accessible water at the lower marsh where it laps the shore of the "Dam'Ole" praperty. Just when the new tank, for firo protection purposes, was being finished. on King St. East, the forma supporting the heavy con- croIe top gave way and let thc top collapse and fali in. Mr. Martineil, contractai, Kendal, will make it good, although the building of a new top will ontail some extra labor and material. Oui csteemed citizen, Mr. T. W. Jackson, was anc of the Sans of England brethien who were hon- ouîed aI a special meeting and banquet under auspices of Wol- verhampton Ladge, S. O. E. B. S., Fîiday cvening. In company with thîce other Orono brethien wha have comploted 50 ycaîs' mcm- bership in the Society, ho was pro- scnted with a veteîan's jewel and certificate by the Supreme Offi- cers. W. A. of United Church met Nov. 2lst, wilh Mis. J. H. Jase in the chair. Attendance was much larger than for some lime. Mrs. Ross Dickinson read the scîip- turcs. Reports from groupa show-1 cd $88.00 had been recoived by1 voluntary côntributions in lieu ofi the W. A. holding a suppor this1 fali. Program was in charge of1 Mira. Pcrcy Brown's group. Mira.i Irwin Calwill and Mis. Harold Ai- lin contributed roadinga and Mrs.i C. R. Carveth favored with a vocalj solo, accampanied by Mis. C. A. Cowan. Refreshments were serv- cd. . Hampton ~Mr. and Mra. E. Anthistie and Misa Jean Anthisîle attended the golden wedding celebration of ho: parents, Mir. and Mra. J. W. Smithi aI Beamaville. Y. P. U. met on Friday. Read- inga were given by Ted Kersoy and Acy Horn. Bible lesson ws road by Bertha Armour. Muriel Smith gave a rcading. Rev. W. Rackham led in prayer. Wilfrid Smale took charge of the pro. gram. Mr. Covcrly introduced Mr. Raiph Found who as candidate for Boys' Parliament addresaed the boys. Nellie Armour gave a read- ing. Topic on Citizenship was presentod by Mi. Craig. Mary Miller favored with a vocal solo. A navel idea was Uic "Cherry Tree" held on Tuoaday night, Nov. 191h, by the "Gleaners," ladies' bible clasa, whon each member was accompanied by a guest wha contributed with them a cherry. colored wrapped article valued at 10e which adorned the troc dur- ing their meeting sud later auc- tioned off, the praceeda amount- ing ta a nice uitile sum. A social lime was onjayod in games, etc., aimCHRU-STMAS Give furniture ta friends and to " 'yourself " as wel- furniture is such a happy choice, and is a gift for years of happiness. Bu.y your furniture present an aur Budget Plan. LIVING ROOM SUITES FOR CHRISTMAS graceful ln style, superblyo buili, very carefully uphoisterci - a winner in every detail, sud Just about the very blet gifi ln Sazta's pack! The Christ- With prices increasing and factaries generaily away behind, shlpmenia we lsnd ihhadta maintaba thse law prices reg- eé»ble for our icesdfl sales-however, Morris Co. stWl Morris C0. ie your psy envelope goes fartiser"l Orono 27-1 1and refreahments in keeplng with the occasion aerved. Visitais: Miss Gertrude Petit, Toronto, aI Wm. Chapman's... Misa Edith Rackham with Mira. D. Rackham, Bowmanvile. . . Miss 1Ruby Clatworthy, R.N., Bowman- ville Hospital, with firiends here. ..Mr. Bruce Hogarth, Trenton, aI home. . . Mira. G. Adcock andt Miss Annabel Adcock with Osh- awa relatives. . . Mi. and Mira. Will White and sons, Clarke Un- ion, with.Mira. C. Johns. .. Mira. Myrtle Taylor, Toronto, and son Ralph Taylor, Oshawa, aI Mira. A. C. Trull's... Mir. W. J. Smith, Boamsville, Mira. Eugene Teitz, Regina, Mr. and Mira. Ellison Smnith, Edmonton, Alla., at Mr. E. Anthitie's. .. Mira. Gea. Burtthas returned froin visiting her son ini Toronto and daughter at Mark- .a... Yrs. C. Johns is visiting Mr. and Mira. W. White, Clarke Union... Mir. E. Anthialle accom- panicd Mir. and Mira. E. Smith and Mira. E. Teitz on a trip ta Orange- ville..,. Mira. E. Anthistie accom- panied her sister Mrs. Teitz, -and brother Mir. Ellison Smith and wife, ta Brighton where thoy visited Mir. and Mira. Wm. Baxter. ELECT MEMBERS FOR PARLIAMENT ON SATURDAY The election for a member ta ropresont West Durham i the Ontario Older Baya' Paliament will be held on Saturday, Novem-' ber 301h. Many of the Tuxis, Trail Ranger and Sunday School Groupa are taking part. Ail of those who -sent in votera' lista will be sont ballots and the voting will take place aI a location determin- cd by them. Consult your local Returning Officer for this infor- mation. The candidates, Ralph M. Lar- mer of Blackstock United Church, and Ralph Found of Ebenezer United Church, are addrossing the boys of the district at the West Durham Baya' Rally aI Newcastle to-night (Thursday). For the benefit of thase whoj won't bo able ta mccl the candi- dates we publish below a brief leIter from oach of them.j To the Boy Electora of West Durham:- S I was -barninIr Darlinglon in 1 1921 and have lived flh this saine community ahl my 1f e where I 1attended public achool, afler -which I attended Oshawa Colleg- .iate. Here I was lucky cnough ta rwin a scholarship. Since leaving Lhigh school I have been working -as a carpenter at a local factoîy. sI have always attended the local 7church and Sunday School where I have been greatly helped and r gieatly interested in Trail Ranger and Tuxia Work in which I have held offices and taken active part r for sevoral yeara. I am proud ta )have been selected as a candidate .for the Older Boys' Parliament Land if I am elected I will do al in my power bo help promote Uic spirit of Christian living among-, the boys with whom I came in 1contact. 1 realize that this is a groat work and not ta be taken lightly and my purpose is 10 do my ulmoat ta promote leadership for this cause. Be sure 10 came ta the Boys' Rally on Nov. 28th aI Newcastle. We hope ta meet you there and gel better acquainled. Your aspiring candidate, RALPH FOUND, R. R. 2, Bowmanville To the Boy Electora of West Durham:- I am a faim youth inlerested in modern farming methods. Some of the church positions which have been given me during the past yea in the Biackstock Unit- ed Church are Recreation Con- vonor of the Young Pcople's Un-1 ion, Assistant Secîetary of the chair, and Leader of the Trail Ranger Graup. If I am elected ta the Older Boys' Parliament, I hope ta have more interoat arous- cd in Trail Ranger and Tuxis Groupa as I feel that this is anc of the main ways ta build aur churches and ta better oui coun-t try in the future. I hope ta ne- ceive the support of m4ny of you on Saturday. We are hopeful that f as many of you as passible willE vote in aider ta show that you Yours sincerely,c RALPH M. LARMER, R. R.2, Nestieton. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - ONE OR two roama, furnished, young niarried couple. Wull require meals. Apply Box 88, The Can- adian Statesman. 48-i* Wanted WANTED BOARD FOR CATTLE -Board for 10 or 12 heifers in caif is desired, by the wcek or by the month. Apply ta Jas. Brown, Base Lino, phono 617. 48-1* WANTED - IIIGHÈST PRICES paid for scrap batteries. When your battery fails, bring il in ta be X-rayed by aur newly in- stalled "Willard Trouble Find- or Machine." G. F. Jamieson, Tire & Battery Shop, King and Silver Sts. 46-tf Auction Sae Friday, December 6th--Sale of ii faim, hanses, and implements. ci Also 39 acres of standing imber, ir praperty af N. Decker, Lots 5 and 6, C anc. 9, Darlinglon, 10 miles north af Bowmanville. Teims on timber sud chattes, cash. Terma an faim made knawn on day af 'W sale. Sale ai 1 o'clock sharp (D.S. T.). Sec bis. Ted Jackson, auc- tianeer. 48-1 - ELECrrION CARbS Ladies and Gentlemen: - Having again been nominated ta serve on thc Council of thc Town of Bawmanville for thc caming year, I hereby respcctfully solicit youir support at thc polis on Monday. Yours truly, J. H. A:Pernethy. Ladies and Gentlemen: This is the first year I have felu cailed upon ta enter tic clochi conteat for Counchilor. I feel thal there is much important work tc be donc next yea in which1 would be proud'ta have a part If elected I wil do my utmast tc help make Bowmanvile a botter Place in which ta live and woîk. If you sec fit ta cast your ballot 'in my favaur I assure you I wili respect the confidence placed i me. Maurice Brealin. Ladies and Gentlemen: Il waa my intentlnn to with- draw fram Council Uic coming year, but so many citizenis have aaked me ta stand again that I am complying with their wishes. As a member of Council fer Uic past two years I have ondeavoured ta carry ouI the wishes, of the elec- tors in a straightforward business- like manner, always kceping in mind Uhc greateat good for the greateat, numbor. If you -want me ta represent you in next year's coundcil your vote sud influence wiil be appre- ciated, and as in Uic past, I will endeavour -ta warrant the confi- dence you have placed, in me by giving my vory beat services with- ouI fear or favor. Yours sincerely, Wm. J. Challia. Ladies and Gentlemen: I would take this opportunity la .thank you for having' made il Possible for me ta have had the privilege and honour of serving on your council for the year 1940. You wiil recail that proviaus la My election last year I promised yrou that I wauld aerve you con- sciefitiously. Ta-day I am happy in the knowledge that I have fui- iiled my promise ta the best' of my ability. Sa I trust that my efforts dur- ing the past year will prove ta be worthyý of your cantinued confi- dence in me. I romain obediently yours, E. C. Evans. Well Folks! Here I am! Having apent sevoral years on the Board of Education I have (without much urging) decid ta :hrow my hat mbt the cauicil ring, s0 please don't kick il out. Put your X opposite Uic fifth- iamo on the ballot. I thank you, Herbert L. Goddard. L.adies and Gentlemen: I again beg ta affer My services as a member of the Council for the ensuing year, and shouldyou favour me m4th your confidence, Iwill do My best ta prove worthy of your trust. Yours sincerely, Arthur Hoît. To the Electors of Bawmanville: I am again offering rny services as Councilman for 1941. During the past year I have endeavoured ta carry out my duties la the beat interest of Bowmanville. I have had 8 yeara' experience as Coun- cillai, and feel that I am qualified ta again ask for Youî support. If I am elected, I shahl endea- vour to carry ouIt*my duties ta the best intoroat of Bowmanville, and cortainly 4ppieciate youî sup- poil in the paSt, and solicil a con- tinuance of same. Wishing you the Compliments of the Season, I romain, Youra very bruly, Sidney Little. Ladies and Gentlemen: I have consented ta allow my name ta go before the electors for the Office of Cauncillor. I have had sevoral ycars municipal ex- perience and fool thal I am quali- fied ta represent the beat inter- esta of the people, being anc af its laigest taxpayers. I am nat; makîng a personal canvasa but solicit your vote and support aasuring you aI my fuil co-oporation ta, help make Bow- nianville juat a litîle botter place la live in. W. J. Martyn. Ladies and Gentlemen: A year ago I was asked ta stand for election la the Town Council. I hesitatingly did s0 but felt that if my business knowledge would help in any way the Town af Bawmanville, ils citizens and tax- payera, I would do so. Your vole eloctod me which I appreciate. I have scrved you ta, the beat of my abiiity. I have on- joyed the work and appreciate the wonderful co-oporatian af Uic enlire council. A year has gone by and I have that year's expenience in munici- pal affaira, and a botter under- standing of the town's needa. I appeal la you again ta support me in the coming election, knaw- Lng that I can serve you and your intercala botter next yea wli mny past ycar's expenionce. Remember, those you elci are ta spend your moncy and conduct tho affaira af your town. Thlnk careîully wha you select for this iportant office. Chas. D. Searle. Weekly Feed Specal W E E XLY FEED SPECIAL - Vanstone's Egg Mash, $2.05, per cwt. 011cr good until Dec. 5th. F. C. Vanstone, phone 777. 48-1 Clauified Aàd Rates, One centa word cash, each Insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra la made when advertisement la flot paimarne week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are directed toaa Statesman box number. Births, deathsanad marriages 50e each. In Memoriams,50oc for notice plus 10e per lune for verse. Classified advertise- ments acceptai up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. BIRTH-S CRYDERMAN - In Bownianviile Hospital, on November 22, 1940, ta Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cry- derman, Ebenezer, the gift of a son. CRYDERMAN-At Brooklyn Hos- pital, Brooklyn, N. Y., ta the Rev. Frank M. and Mrs. Cry- derman, on November 14, 1940, a daughter (Norma Jean). MARRIAGI3 ABBOTT-H-OOEY - On Satur- day, November 9, 1940, ai' the. parsanage, by Rev. L. A. Kemp, pastor of Centre Street Church, Oshawa, Rulby L. Haoey, eldoat daughter of Mir. and Mis. W. Hoaey of Tyrone, sud Ace Ab- boIt, eldeat son of Mrs. L. A. Abbott of Oshawa. ___ DEATI-S BECKEL - In Bowmanville, an November 28, 1940, Jany Beckel, stepdaughter of the late Wrx. Pethick, age 80 years. Funeral from the F. F. Maris Ca. Chapel on November 301h at 3 o'clock, D.S.T. Interment Bowmanvilie Cemetery. WILSON, Hîlcin, Victoria - On Saturday, Nov. 23, 1940, at her residence, 994 Ossington Ave., Toronto, Hilda Victoria, beiov- cd wife of Charles H. Wilson, and mother of Virtle Wilson, Orono, Mrs. D. Graham (Kay), Mirs. Gea. Keith (Freeda), Basil1 Wilson, ail of Toronto, Pte. Ken- neth Wilson (now serving with the C.A.S.F.), and Mrs. Arthur Falls (Bella) of Bowmanville. Service was held on Tuesday ât 2 p.m. Interment Bowmanvile, Ont. IN MEMORIAM MASON-In ever iaving memory of my dear mather, Maria H. Masan who' passed ta the Great Beyand an December 3rd, 1937. -Daughter Hattie. 48-1* ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous, Nestieton, Ontario, annaunce the engagement of- their daughter Dorathy Awm--ia ta Robert Mauirice Ewers, only son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Ewers, Ricebara, Georgia; the marriage ta take place eariy in December. COMINO EVENTS Pubhlic Schnn1 ConncertwiIll h held in Uic High School Auditor- ium on Manday and Tuesday, Dec. lth and l7th. 47-tf Providence Christmas Troc sud Concert will be held on Thuràday, Dec. 191h, at 8 o'clock Standard Time. 48-1 Came ta dance at Solina on Tucsday, Docember 3rd. Good or- chestra. Lunch provided. Span- sored by SaUina Football Team. Admission 25c. 48-1 Darlinglon Township Sunday School Convention is ta be held at Zion Church on Wednesday, Dec. 41h, at 2 p.m. standard lime. Every Sunday School should send at least 2 dologates. 48-1 Tyrone United Church wiil hold ils Thank-Offering Service on Sunday, Decembor 8, aI 10.30 a.m. Special music by Tyrane choir. Speaker, Rev. A. F. Gardner. 48-1 wioup Ildbo. 3 St. Paul's W.. A. wl odtheir bzarSaturday, Nov. 30Ui, in the Sunday School room. Homo cooking, dalla' fash- ion show, chiidren's clathes, lin- ons, quilts, orange troc..Aflernoon tea served 15c. 48-l* Friday, Dec. 6Uih, et 9 p.m., a dance will be held li aid of tUic Red Cross ai the Baowmanville High School Auditorium. Invita- tions arc avallabie ai The States- man oftice, -the Selirite Store, or ai the door. Subacriptian 75c per poison. Dresaptianal. 47-3, Annual meeting sud banquet af Durham County Holstein Breed- ors wili ho held aI Maple Grave on Saturday, Navember 30. Busi- ness meeting ai 10 a.m. Banquet aI 12 p.m., roasi gooso dinner, 60e plate. Speaker, Rev. W. J. Johns- ton, Eglinton United Church, To- ranta. Good program. Secure tic- kets from Dipector in your viclnlty or from Secretary. Ail Holstein breeders and friends are cordially invited. John Cruickahank, Pire- aident; H. C. Muir, Sec'y. 47-2 llelp Wanted HI EL P WANTED - GIRL OR mlddle-aged waman, for gen- eral housewark for wlnter months beginnlng end of Nov- ember. Apply Mira. Clifford Brown, Newcastle. 48-l* WANTED - BANDSMEN, FOR C.A.S,.F. unit. State instrument, age, experlence. Apply, Adju- tant lai Mld. Regt., C.A.S.F., Cobourg, Ont. 48-1- Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - MALE COLLIE pups, also Welsh pany. Apply Geo. Davis, R. R. 6, Bowman- 'ville. Phone 2194. 48-1 FOR SALE-i DURHAM COW, due Jan.; also 1 blue cow, milk- ing; 2 sows, 2nd litter due Jan.; .1 Berkshire boar 18 months aid. F. Cridland, 2%½ miles west of Burketon. 48-1* FOR SALE - TWO YORKSHIRE sows due ta farrow Dec. 23rd, also 4V2 horse power. gasoline engine. Apply Blqke Sh or t, Bowmanviile. Phorie 2479. 48-1 FOR SALE -3 Y O R K$SHI R E Gilts from qualified stock. Ser- viceable age. $20 a piece. W. J. Rowland, Newcastie. P h o n e Clarke 1902. 48-1 Lost LOST - BLACK WALLET'CON- taining sum, of money, registra- tion card, and driver's permit. Liberal reward. Box 90, States- man office. 48-1« LOST -'FOX HOUND, BiLACK and white, female, east of Burketon. Phone A. Darch, 2615, Bowmanville. 48-le STRAYED-ON LOT 28, CON. 2, Darlington, yearling Holstein heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying exponsea. K. E. Courtice, Cour- lice. Phono 2514. 48-3I STRAYED-COLLIE 'DOG, DAR- lington tag 'No. 102, 1940, stray- cd on theo premises of J. D. Remmer, Lot 13, Con. 3, Pick- ering. Owner may have same by paying expenses. 48-1* For Rent, FOR RENT-6 ROOMJED BRICK house, 3 piece bath, furnace, garage, conveniently lacated, possession Dec. lst. Phone 556. 48-1* Articles For Sale FOR SALE - QUEBEC COOK slave ini good condition. Rea- sonable price. Appiy W. Craig, R. R. 1, liampton, phone 2365. 48-1* FOR SALE - MODEL T FORD Truck in good running order. Apply George Wright, New- castle. 48-1 rFOR SALE - GIRL'S C. C. M. "'Rambler." Bicycle, nearly new. Phane 2220. 48-1 FOR SALE - INTERNATIONAL 1%~ h.p. engine, practically new and in good'condition. Will tar heater as part paymnent. A ply Mira. Milton Robinson, R. R.l1, Hampton. 48-1* FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F red claver hay in stacks, also a stack of straw, wdll stacked. Phone 2406, Bowmanvillc. 48-1*, BURN CANADIAN COAL AND Save.-Quality the beat, pices reasonable, quantity lixnited, ar- der at once. Place your order with R. E. Osborne, Bawman- ville, phone 473. 48-1* FOR SALE - THREE SETS 0F doivcery sleighs et $ 10.00 each. F. . Vanstone, phone 777. 48-1 ]For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - ONE house ta rent and six for sale., Appiy Thos. Lyrner, phone 379, P. O. Box 51, Bawmanville. 48-1* Dry Cleanlng DRY CLEA INýG-ONE REASON why wark donc by' BOWMAN- VILLE CLEANERS & DYERS ia auperiar is that the fluid ini which your garments are wash- cd is fiitered clean duriig each washlng from ail grease and foreign substances. Therew is no substitute for experience in quality cleaning. Phone 520 and immediate attention will be giv- en your cicaning needa. Pinces are exceptionaily law. 48-1 GIFTS FROM CUTEX Tea Cup Reading TE&. CUP ANDCAPDS FROM 3 pXn. to 10 p.m. Darch's To- bacco Store, Phont- 2615.364 Fer Sale Wllson's Furniture Co. Studio Couches 50 beautiful studio couches ta choose from. Very attractive cov- érings. $13.95 up. Yau cari save 40%. Mattresses New sprlng fiped mattresses, genuine damnask ticking, ail sizes, extra special, $9.95. Also feit; mat- tresses, roiled edges, well filled. Wanderfui value, ail sizes, $4.49. New Chesterfield Suites Luxurjous suites ini the latest styles and most attractive caver- ings, fuily guaranteed construc- tion. Salie price $49 up. Liberal ailowance an trade-ins. Bedroom Suites Thriilingly new,- smart water- fail design, lavely selection. Sale price $39 'up. Save 40%. Breakfast Suites Choose fram, a.grand selection, ail styles and colora. Sale $18.95 Up. 1 Cedar Chests No matter haw much or haSv littie you care ta spend, we have Just what Yeu want, at YOUR price! And each loveiy CHEST, regardless of price, has full Ten-, niessee red cedar linlng! Sale price $12.95 Up. Floor Covering Specials 1Inlaids, congaleums, f e i t a 1 s, hieavy linoleums in ail widths. Visit aur- very large floor caver- ings, rugs and* carpet dept. Save 40%. Christmas Glft Suggestions Cedar chests, mattresses, lamps, cushions, smokers, wainut tables, hassocks, sewmng cabinets, rugs, comforters, bedspreads, occasionai chairs, mirrors, studio, couch, chesterfieid suite, bedroomn suite, dinette suite,,1001 lasting gifts ta select from- aur two large stores. A smail deposit wiil hoid yaur article until Christnmas. Ask about our easy Christmias budget plan. Our lower prices positiveiy save yau maney. Wil son'.s Furniture Co. 40 KING W. - 20 CHURCH ST. OSHAWA 45-tf Notice To Creditors Creditorsansd othera having dlaims against thc Estate of Law- rence Richard Wood, late of Uic City af Chathim la-the County of Kent, Gentleman, formerly af the Town of Bowmanville, Ont., wha died on or about Uic 20th October, 1940, are requested ta file particu- lars of their clainis with thc un- dersigned solicitor for Uic Execu- tor 'ty 71h day of Deceniber, 1940, afler which date the ostate will be distributed having regard anly ta 'Uiec daims of which notice has. been reccived. A. DOUGLAS BELL, M.c., Chathan, Ontari,.1 Solicitor for thc Executai. 46-3 Notice To Creditors - And Others IN THE ESTATE 0F SARAH GRACE OKE, DECEASED AUl persans. having dlama againstthe cEalate of *Sarah Grace Oke, Married Woman, late of Uic Townshil i ofDarlinglon, County af Durhaam sud Province of Ont- taria, who died on or about thc lSth day af September, 1940, are requested ta faiward fuli paiticu- las af sanie, duly vèrifled upon oath, ta thc underlgraed, on or before Uic 12th day af December, 1940, afler which date, Uic assets of Uic estate will bo distributed, having regard only ta the cdaims thon received and ignoring aUl others. 4 Dated this 12th day af Naveni- ber, 1940. M. F. SWARTZ, Il King St. E., Oshawa, Solicitor for the Executar. 48-3 Position Wanted 1POSITION WANTED- EXPlit- enced in office routine, sale -and management. An able -. respondent. Box 89, Stats j Office, Bowmanville. 48-I Notice WE BUY, ARRANGE, ICOL- leet mortgages and agreements of sale. North Shore Realty Co. Ltd. Phone 80 Oshawa., *39-IU MATTRESSES & dOMPORTERS. -Mattresses rebufit, absaluteli new. Feather beds made Into sanitary folding mattrésses. Feathers washed, strlpped and" made into down comforters. Eiderdowns re-covered. iteason- able pices. Hep. h4- naW. Phone 362. 40à4 Agents Wanted 'ÔPPORTUNITY FOR WOMAN OR MAX ta make a gaod ina- camne part or full tirne sefling made-to-measure suits, dresses, sweaters, underwear. A coin- piete lUne of British. Knltted- wear ta clathe the entire family. British Knitwear: Ltd.,' Simcoe, ont. 46-4 AGENTS WAI4TED- IF YOU want ta start. a business of yOur -own and became independent, write to-day for the JITO, Pro-- position.' Na risk under thlrty day trial off er. The mast com- ploeeUlne offered with Free Products for consumers. ,$tart now, ta prépare for big Christ- mas business. Wamen and men accepted. -Apply at JITO, 1435 Montcalm, Montreai. 45-4 MEN WANTED - FA.MILEX gets and keeps its dealers through first ciass service, a complete training and by such quality products that customers can't help but keep on buying. With or without experience an honest hard worker can make his living. Start tiWaindepen- dent business with'a capital af $50 in an exclusive territory. Build not; aniy for to-day -but for the future. Without obliga- tion, ask for details fron Fami- lex Products, 570 St. Clement Street, Montreai. , 48-1 AR19 YOU THE MAN? - AT- kins Dealer <between 25 and 55 years of age, with ja), £eeded. irnmediateiy in nearby Rural Route to, hand out Bak Pow- der and Cocoa at special bar- gain prices and supply estab- iished demand for Everyday ,Necessities, including Spi, Extracts, Medicines, TOU oÂý e- parations, Cleansers,Mll- ed Stock, Hg, and try Toan i cs. -73 year reputaton., 10,000 Dealers. Muftlbe alktls- fied with a reasoaejIè income at start. Farm exp ence help- fui., Seling expérience unnec- essary. Crédit furnlshed right' Darties. Write lminediately Trhe . R. Watkins Company, kÈon- treai, Que., Dept. 0-B-9. 454, Snow isIàtereÎ! lI Everyone las ta use their, ears tI4rough ithe wintur nowqdays. De ready for emergenoles. Equlp'Wih: **Antifreeze * laablighit **Peppy. Batteries ad lauth ai or' Man Winter. If your car doesn't start eaafly these mornings, we eau make It rlghi qulckly. Garto n's Garage, Phone 2666 - King Street DRUG IIEEDS.FOR 'BABY BAYPRODUITS Cutex Junior --------------L- ----------- $1.2 Cutex Trophy --- - -- --- --- $1.25 ( ,M .5 r»5D0f Cuiex minikla ---- *----------- 1.50 % Cuiex New Ide&s.- ------ -------- *2.00 Cutex Club Kit $..~.- 8.00 Cutex Deluxe ---«----- - - - .---- ---50- Cutex Bueklette $ 7.50 PURETEST VITAMNS Cutex Punie---........... . $3.50 Multiple Vitamin Capsules ............14 Exclusive tailetries by Elizabeths Arden, Halibut 011 Capsules ........ _ ........«._. 9 Helena Rubenutein, Harriet Hubbard Ayer Cod' Liver OÙ ................ ---.... 79o - $1.86 and Adrienne,. Vitamia Toute ---------- ------ . 10 Phone1 78 T U O KingStree When we test cyez hlt i done properly * ( k n.- >3 t ~tt* L j 11 READa d USE die WAN. T ADS .1- 1 - 1 1 1 -1. PAG% TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVnWANVMLE, ONTARIO

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