THURSDAY,. NOVEMBER 28, 1940 ~ AOCALAND PERSONAL Poe663 Mrs. M. Comstock is visiting Keeler has disposed of his inter-' Mrs. J. Snell in Toronto. ests to G. H. Way, Chatham. Mr. Aircraftsman Harvey King, St. Keeler purchased the Queen's Thomas,' spent the weekend at' Hotel from L.,G. Bennett v1 home. 12. Q.1 Dr. and ~Mrs.,Wsmn orno r.L_ W. Dippeli is visiting Dr.andMrs Wetma, Tronoher sister ab Providence, Rhode visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Island.î ~ H Mnoe.The editor's family enjoyed a' IF Messrs. Geo. White and .Owen rea,1 treat of venigon over 'the Watson, Gait, ýiitèd wïit the weekend due to the kindness and whites, Duke St. generosity of Mr. W. C. Caverly, Ot H. Patterson, Westhoro, veteran hunter, woodsman and ott is visiting hier brother, grocer. The roast was tender ar!51 Mr. Cornstock. juicy as ciciçen and it was notie- Miss Joey gCaverly spent- the ed that everYone around thid table weekend with Miss Dorothy Bradt, Passed back for a second heIping. Willard Hall Toronto. Mrs. F. C. Pethick received m'WS Ruth Armstrong_ Toronto word Monday of the passing of Hospital, Wcston, spent Sunday at her brother, Prof. Chas. T.* Papl, ber home, Maple Grove. Hartford, Conn., Next weêek wet Miss Ruth Campbell and Miss hope to publish fuller particulars Marga ere utton were guests of of the death and career' of thisf M.and rs.C. .Lnny reat littie man who claimedd Mrn d .SLon .. . ., wmanville as bis home town. c Guelph, spent the weekend with 'Sparky", Cecil G. Mercer's, Dr. dand Mrs. C. W. Siemon. M.P.P., smaîl beagle hound stray-t ~-N~rna ealeMadonlded away while Mr. Mercer was t Macdnal out forth with a hunting party. Hall, .4uelph, spenit the weekend Wc hope the Minden Echo's ad-c with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D. Searle. vertising columns are read out, in' Miss Dorothy Jones, Macdonald the wilds.c Hall, Guelph, spent the weckend Alice Jackson Mission Bondn with Mayor and Mrs. R. 0. Jones. met in Trinity primary class roome Messrs. Robert and Don McIl- on Nov. 25th. Meeting opened veen, Ô.A.C., Guelph, spent the wîth quiet music, "Siu ent Night". Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Jane Marjerrison and Alberta Ott McIlveen. held the offering while we sang t Mr. Eric Swindells, Air Train- 'Give, 0 Give." Miss E. Pickard l ing School, Gait, spent the week- rcad the scripture and told a story. end with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. The 1941 automobile markers 1 Swindells. are making their appearance. gra- Leading Aircraftsman P. Dyson, dually on the streets, having go ne Vancouver, stationed at Trenton, on sale throughout the. province spent the weekend with his uncle, on Nov. l2th. Motorists are re-P Mr. A. Hoît. mindcd that the present year's 11- Among the soldiers arrivîng cen se plates are void after Dec. home from England Tuesday was 3lst and are urged to purchase thea Pte. J. L' Bird, Toronto, brother new markers early to avoid the of Roger Bii-d. last minute rush. Sergt. Don Cameron, R.C.A.F. Court Bowmanville No. 964 C. Trenton, was home. His frîends O .F. enjoyed a social evening in were pleased to see him now the lodge roins Nov. 26th. Prize wearing three stripes. wnners ait euchre were Fred a Stannard and Mrs. A. Fletcher. 0 Geo. McFeeters of the Galt Air- Members of Oshawa Lodge at- craft Training School spent the tend ilag.ubr Sàsy weeknd ithhis aretsMr.and dances were enjoyed with Mr.s and Mrfs. Chas. McFeeters. A. Fletcher playing the violin and t Mr. George Carter of Kapuskas- Mrs. English at the piano. Lunch ing, visiting bis cousins the Car- .was served.- ter f amily prior 'Lo ioining the A shower of fancy work and s Governior General's Foot Guards. plain 'sewing was held Wednesday t As a ccvnisnce to customers evening at the home of Mrs. John stores wiil be open ahl day Wed- Tait, Elgin St., ini aid of'the Sal- nesday during December. During vation Army sale of work. Music the week before Christmas most and contests were enjoyed by the stores will' remain. open evenings. ladies. A dainty lunch was servedb Aircraftsman Don Snelgrove, by the hostess. Mrs. J. Hart thank- Montral, and Aircraftsman Bill ed the ladies for their beautiful Connors, Kentville, N. S., both gifts which will add greater i stationed at Brantford, spent the charm to the fancy work table. a week nd with tbe former's sister\ Mr. Clarence L. Cox - whose l Mn. Îldney Davison. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. b È~*etor of the Queen's Hotel, Cox, Oshawa; are both natives of Port Hope, for 20 years, F. B. Bowmanville - bas been elected h: ______________________president of the Oshawa Kinsman-d Club and takes over his new-b, duties ait the first of the year. p "«Fliver's" many -Bow.ianviile, fri- 1 ' ends congratulate him on this r .~',.~ The per. honor. He is a son-in-law of Mr. t wthand Mrs. A. L. Darch of this town. s foct ac A miscellaneous shower wa si for dres held on Saturday evening for c( orsprio -is Lorrain~e Brockman, wbose ma riage to Allan Prout of Bow- a manville takes place on Saturday, u ait the home of Mrs. Arthur Willis. cl The bride-elect received: many w beautiful gifts from bher friends, w alter, wbîch, dancing was- enjoyed and a lunch served by the hostess. ci Several guests fromout,.ol town b, -attended, including Mr. and Mrs. in AGeo. Hilson of Toronto, Mrs. Geo. w I I __Merless,,aiso of Toronto, as well as guests,,from Bowmanviile and 2( Courtice.-Oshawa Daily Times.w I~.r.aIonRoo m ge's-0 gt dut. Oened For Seldiers wro u, dwCf md .By Canadian Leglon -. By the end of this week the Stieets will have been converted into a soldiers' recreation room. This move, sponsored by the Ca- nadian Legion and supported by citizens of Bowmanville, is ait lait efilling a tnucb needed, require7. D ment in thé lUfe' of soldiers sta- ~ tioned here. Since the company bas beenes brought.up to full strength it bas ei become 'obvious that the welfare *of the boys demands theybepr- .BUOVAvided with ài club room. in which p 0 O O O O O Il 0 O p O O O O O O O O 'O O O O O THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,- BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ORATORY WINNER AT DURHAM CLUB The Durham County Club, of Toront of wbich* Dr. L. B. Wil- liama las president, is to hold its mhonthly meeting this Thursday, Nov. 28, the mnemberg to be gucats of Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Mass. The bighlight of the program is to be an address by J. M. Waltor% mayon of the town of Aunons, who is to tell of the esrly dsys of the stage coach fnIom Toronto to Hlol- lsnd Landing. Master Chitopher Taylor, winner of .the club shield for oratory this year, is to give the addness "flcmoçracy". MANY SOLDIERS ATTEND DANCE AT ARMORIES The Bowmsnvihle 'Armouries' took on somnething o! its former appearance In the days, of flic fsmous Badminton dances Thuns- day night wben flic old executive of the club staged a dance. Pri- msnily it ws'an opportunity for the soldiers and their girl fniends to have an evening's pleasure, but wss open to aIl corners - and ah] came. Rosa Stnike acting as.Master of Ceremonues wehcomed the merry- nuakens to the dance and announc- ed that another one wss being -planned for the nesr future. . The main feature of tbc even- ing was of course the good orches- tra which kept thiaga moving in lively fash:ion. It wss planned to have s dance December 3rd, but duc to the possibility of the company mov- ing to Battalion concentration be- fore then the dance bas been poat- poned. MIDLAND REGT. WILL ORGANIZE BRASS BAND In keeping with its reputation as. a fine Infantry unit, 'OfficeÉs of the lst j3n. Midlaad Regimrent ycsterday decidcd to form an out- standing brasa band to accompany the Battalion wherever it may bc centnshized on sent into 'action. Advertisements have be en in- serted in the outstandiag papgrs throughouût;neanby locaitica 50 that any bandaman Who iwishea to loin an Active Service unit indy continue bis hobby or profesaion, wbile doing so; Bandamen wll be recnuitcd as atretchier *bearers and will be.given a course In this important work as weil as furtluer band training. Any person wiah- ing to enliat in . thia capacity la adviscd to write to thec Adjutant, lst Bn. Midland Regiment at Co- bourg as soon as possible. The Midland Regiment bas a iatony of achievement wbich dates back to the Northwcst Re- bellion in 1885 and neacbed its peak durng the Wonld War of 1914-1918. Now, its officers and nen are again answcning the cal to service . witb efficiency and spirit for whicb the men «~ these ;unrounding counties bavé be- come famous. Lieut.-Col. J. C. Gamcy, M.M., as Commanding. Officen 0f the unit bas approved the formation of the ncw band which he expects will make ita firat appearance within a few weeks? The buigle band wbich bas been operating for sevenal montha wil cé coatinued so that the Regi- ment wiil have two banda wbich v'ill be a credit to the unit. Due- to army limitations, only 20 or st the most 25 bandsmcn wil be cnlisted. Those interested are urged to contact Battaion Readquarters as soon as possible. PROMINENT INDUSTRIALIST VRGES FARMERS TO GET BUSY AND, ORGANIZE. 53A Clifton Road, Toronto, November 25, 1940 )ear George: The report as published by you in your hast paper of the Durham Milk Producers Association inter- Bsted me very much, and I just wanted to make one suggestion ta you that you get busy ard organ- ýe the farmens of. this, Province ýget the Government to tàke wer the entire 'bandling of milk roducts of thîs Province fnom the, .rmer to the consumer. I think his can be done, and yet keep it )t of politîcs as the whole situa- Jon appears to me to spnesd be- ;een the price paid to the farm-1 wand price sold to the consumer Ml over the province as out of al -eason. The farmers have worked Long under tremendous handi- ýps with their Milk Board which ýmply does not function. Like s0 .any of our Departments it has1 otten into the hsnds of politi- lans who instead of doing whst hey are elected for, to provide Soper legialation as wonkàble, Ley scem to spcnd ail thein time ~Marjorie Kay Shoppe' Kig Street West. Phione 661.0 EXTRA SPECIAL CHRISTMIAS GIFTS Finit Qualiiy Chiffon Large ssorincats of Christmmas ROENewesi. Shadea 9cGlftanow lutock. Baga, Lingerie,o Other finues of hsiry ln erepe, sonable prices, 1 çhlffonansd service for. achoolginla A SMALL D E P 0 S Il T WILL0 and adults. HOLD ANVY ARTICLE UNTIL 3$c - 39e - 69c - 75e REQUIRED. EXP~ERT CORSET FITTINO A SPECIALTY. Agents for HoIt-Renfrew JA Co. Ltd.0 Canada'. Leadig Fumriers Since 1887 1 EVANGELIST COMIN G Bishop of the Aretie - Writes War Article A, This is the title of an attractive, illustrated brochure by the Right Rcv. A. L. Fleming, D.D., Bishop of the Arctic, which bas come to the editor's desk. Ir! it he states how the war is affecting the peo- V $cs, :ln the North and it makes '$' "~interesting reading, especially as Sth e Bxshop is a wcll lnown sum- Here in. bnief are some of thç Gipsy Simnon Smith Trlnity United C0hurch BowmanvMll SUNDAY, DEC. lot, A Return Visit of Gipsy SImIn Smith Il a.m.-Subject: "The Hleavenly Vision." 7 p.m.-Subject: "Tales of a Par Country."-. Gipsy Smith wiil sing at both services. A cordial Invitation is extendOd to ail The Sunday evening, service la sporisored by the Men's 'Brother- hood. MONDAYDE C, Sud 8 "Modern Mir- acles i London Slunis."1 Solos by Gipsy Smith Tis meeting is uncder the aus- pices of. Young People's Union. A silver offering wiil be taken at the door. Corne early anid secure a good seat. >findingjobs.for their constituents. 0f course this is - iot a new situa- tion. The plan couhd be worked. out somewhat along the Uines of the Hydro, only here again you find a tremendous amount of Govern- Sment patronage, but in- spite of that the- electricity sold in this province is probably as cbeap as any other place on the continent. A fair pnice must be paid -to the fermer and paid immediately and flic reduction in price tothe con- sumer would have to be on the deferred plan. Care wouhd have to be taken that the Miik Control wouhd pay good wages to their employees. The men in the MiIk Distribution have hef t tbcmselves open by the jway they are managing tbings by jgovernment control, and there can be no kick from. them if the busi- ness is taken over. Please give this your serious consideration. I .notice you personaily made. an àddress wbicb I judge had lots of pep. With kinid regards. Yours sicerely, *Rhys D. Fafrbsirn. Committee Form.d To Sponsor War Savlngs Certificates The newhy ehected Bowman- ville War Savings Committee shot the first boit in what will prove to be the greatest drive for Wsr Savings. Stanips and Certif icates since thlelst war, when they met for an orgaizion meeting Fni- day night. Rosa Strike, Govennment Ap- pointed District Organizer, with the co-openation of Mayor R. 0. Jones and Town Clerk Alec Lyle, had invited representatives from practically cvery organization i town to be present. About twenty men and women wcre present. Aften Mr. Strike explaincd the purpose of the meeting a nomin- ating committee of thnee was formedwhich brought in a sîste whicb was sdopted as foilows: President-Harry M. Cole; Vice- President-J. J. Brown; Secretary -D. R. Morrison;.Publicity Com- mittee-W. H. Flaherty, E. H. Brown, Mrs. J. Tbickson; Sales Promotion-W. L. Paterson, D. A. McGnegon, Mrs. C. Robinson.j Strikç that, the moat natural ges- turc of eveny 'citizen wbo bas con- fidence in bis country le to buy War Savings Certificates, for he [s simply invcsting moncy for a comparatively short space of time et a lucrative rate of interest. AI- so the inexorable haws of econo- mie~ indicate that the present peniod of pnosperity wilI bave its readtion aftcr this waný.jtust as af- ter the hast. Bluntly put, there will be another depression. Every citizen sbouhd take advantage of bhis double oppontunity to help the country in a time of eçonomnic stress and to provide for bis own needs in a few years. Up to the present, sales of War 'avings Stamps and Certif icates have not been pushed locally and >nly the banka and a few stores offer tbem for sale. It la felt, Mn. Strike sald, that whcn the advan- ages of purchasing tbcm become more gencrally. known the sale wrill be gneat!y spceded. One seIl- ing point is the fact that centifi- cates can be purchascd up to the amount of $400 onan icomne-tax nre basis. The plan to be fohhowed is: lat, Publicity, -and 2nd, Sales Promno- ion. Prom now on the public wll cee posters and hiterature dlsplay- ed and sborthy a month drive for ales will stant. The man wbo defeats good gov- ernment ia the man wbo docsn't vote. Don't be a defeatiat - be une to vote Monday. ~nioaed regions, ail trading, mP*sicn snd police posta have béagiven two years' sUppllca - eSse the uncertainties ôf wsr *mek it.problematical wbether a 8#,W~i can be . spaned from *, other *ÔoIk next yesr and gent niônth. 1 Trhe value of fur which is the ciétf source 'of income ..for thec ni#Wes and traders is at afty mo-; Ment likely to 'collape,. hence ptlocs psid are microscopic. * nhe people of' eneenhsnd arc entIrely cut off from -Den ~ark wbioh bas been. their pôlitical headqusrtérs, The war .lias hnoôught to the -Anctic; the * te sensÉe of fear and uncrtai.nty thatý 'a ~so weil known in countries more îmmediately affectLud. It bas cneated serious pnoblcms in flic churcb. The Anglican Chunch fhrnou gh Bisbop Fleming and bis associates camres on the only nôn-Roman Catholic missionary, educational and hospital wonk being csrried on in the. whole of Aretic Canada. li you feel the urge to join the "Pcllowship of the Arctic" and wiab to make a special gift to this fund,. send youn contribution to: Hon. Secretany, Diocese of the Arctic, The Church House, 604 Jarvis St., Toronto. Bank of Montreal Report Reveals War-Time Strength After -a year of wan-time condi- tions, the annual statemnent of thue Bank Of Montreal -neflecta again the strength and solidarity of an institution which for 123 yeass bas been in the forefront of Cana- dian finsnce. Assets of $961,334,- 955 show some contraction as companed with the previous re- Port, when an ail-time record of $1,025,508,367 was established. - due in part to transactions of a special nature, as was explained at the annual meeting of share- bolders - but sbowing a substan- tial increase over the total of $874,255,828 reported in 1938. The profits for the yesr, aften- miaking appropriations to Contin- gent Reserve Fund and provision for bsd and doubtful debta and Pederal and Provincial taxes, were $3,435,941, as compared witb $3,462,446 la 1,39. The incneass in the bank's contributions to pub- lic.,lvenues is indicated by an in-. Cutex Sets New ana attractive design 35. to $8.50 Palm olive Sets SPECIAL 4~ - 980, BELL FOLDS $1.00, $1.25' and up ROLLS RAZOR---$65 PAGE SEVEN we Proudly A nnounce that the New, Frigidaire ELECTRICRAG RAS BEEN CHOSEN FOR USE AT THE APPLE UHOW AND COOKING SOHOOL TO BE HELD IN THE TOWN HALL, NOVEIVIER 29. HERE 185 YOUR CHANCE TO SEZ THIS FAMOUS RANGE IN ACTION! MASON & DALE Exclusive Frigidaire Dealer Phone 401 Jé .DUW crease iPederal and Provincial taxes from $1,198,413 to $1,927,- 824, or $729,411. The profits are the equivalent of 4.5 % on the capital, neat and undivided pro- fits, sbowing no apprcciablc change. The bank's liquid position is strongly maintained. Quickly available resources, t o t ail1 i-n g $663,185,436, show some conitrac- tion, largcly as the resuht of the reduction of holdings of govcnn- ment and other bonda and deben- turcs from $517,171,255 to $461,- 827,040, but are stili at the high ratio of 75% of sl iabîlities to the public. Cash in the bank's vaults and money on deposit with the Bank of Canada at $83,034,576 compare with $94,641,456 in the previous report and are 9.39% of the total liabihities to the public. Notes of and cheques on other banka, $32,254,269, money on de- vmanville posit in other banka, $61,382,283, stocks, "16 '82, cal bans out- aide Canad, $19,552,470, caU loans in Canada, $4,606,348, and acceptances, $332,264, show no significant changes. The bank's part in financing the expansion of. industrial, agri- cultural and othen productive andi general business a ct iv it i es tbroughout the country is reflect- cd in an increase of over $13,000,- 000 in boans "to mnanufacturera, farmers, merchants and others," at $233,560,368, compared. with $220,548,91. Loans to provincial and municipai- goverameats, in- cluding achool districts of $35.- 313,063, compare witb $36,712,818, while other items among the bank's resources-Bank Premises, $13,900,000, Acceptances and Let- ters of Credit, $11,677,303, and "other assets", $2,724,581- show no important changes, A PREVIEW 0F CIIRISIMAS FOIFTSI Sec the maay smart, Yct practical glfts that are aow on dlsplay for yu Inspection at your I.D.A. Drug Store. There'. a wlde range for you to choose from for everyone-especilly for* the boys ln training and ln the active service. And you'll flnd that your money will go farther ai money- savlng I.DA. prices. Plan now to settle some of your gi probleais this week-end whcn you visit your I.D.A. store for needed drugs. i ', Yardley Glfts FOR BMEN Sets - $1.00, 1.35 up Shavig Bowl $1.00 ~ ~ Lotionu - 75e - $1.00 ýCm""FOR LADIES i Sets - $1.00 to $7.50. Soap 35e - 3 for $1.00 Talcurn - 40o - 85o Perfume - 55o - 75 Up Devon Shave Kit BowI and Lotion 45c: Flashlghts Eveready 89C up Cigarettes - 25e - 60c -ý$ 1..2Q Pipes - - 25c - 50c -$1.00Oup Cameras Kodaks «aad Brownlea $-1.25 Up Shaving Brushes 39c - 50c up Brush, Comb and Milrror Sets SIPECAL. PRICES ,~2.»9 - 3.49 PIECE SETS 7.50-12.95 420 -403-L140 Ail sets ln stock are'al. tiret grade, open stock design. Extra pleceasnMay be purehaaed ai any Urne. ALEX Phono 792 Deposîts, at $848,865,34, comn- pare with $914,909,050; notes of 1the bank ia circulation, ut $19,- 1816,520, were lesa by $1,950,772, in keeping with the contraction of issuing powcr under thé ent Act; acceptances and letterà; of credit outstandig tut $1,677,303, 1and other liabilities to flhc amount of $3,892,125, show corneincrease,, the total of liabilities to .the-pubr.. lic tut $884,251,299 being iower by' $64,251,622. The reduction hin de- posits can be taken as a resuit o! the withdrawal of the special transactions already recferred to. and public participation in gov-; crament war. financing. Alter paymcnt of the usual dl-ý videnda and appropriation o! $500,000 for bank premises, $55,-' 941 was added to the balance~ of 1profit and bas conupared with 1$82,446 in 1939; the total balance ha this account la now $l,321,642. I A a'II1.4a>ir oa Gillette I "TECHI MAS SET Oudy 98* splt with 15 BiNette 1h11. a NrVsa adif eE.rmmhrmn a pmtce you con a"mim.0ve hlm 5the smnoofhest, most cembfodolethow.. money con boy. Modem Clliefe Tech Raz., mend làMIna. 0111.0. Bades la goyChsithomo0 package, compleftfor.,y 8 Cashmere Bouquet Gift St Prlced 25c to $1 .00 Chrlstmas Carda Boxes "19o to'S$125 Individual Carda 2 for 5o and up SAVE MONEY WITH Certifled Anti-Freeze Reiarded EVaporatibn- Non Corrosive P1.4 ÔALLom .... Container Extra Prescriptions a Speclaity MýcOR.EGO w. rý