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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1940, p. 10

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THJURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMIANVILLE, ONTARIO IZ (,- . M 3N1 Letters- Hlead iarers V.C 9 5 XdeauSt., Otaa ntarlo ovemb er 2 5, 19 4 Deai Editor- I ouid lualike tastela a littie was privilegedta be anc of "Guard afI-IHour" at this yes Armistice in Ottawa. The serv was impressive, very much flot on of the presence the Governar General and beautiful lady, or of the presez of Premier King. Oh, no! I'm ferring ta the "IGuard oe*Honolu Ail the "'Guard"l consisted men who played an import raie in the lest war. They usua cail us Veterans, but I think af the years Armistice Service,( catcgory should stand alone,E be met with great respect. 'W we remember that the SeptcnI of 1939 ended two decades afj mstice celebrations for the G: War (started ini the memoai year af 1914); when we alsa member that thraugh thoset decades, King and commci jained i prayer for thosem feUl i that "'war ta end war,"1 aiso prayed for the* we]f are thase who since have taken wherc their fathers let off that's my point of impressivenE We had with us an this yes Armistice, Veterans who he sans participating in this "Gr, Europcan Catastrophe," but, the arrivai of His Excelency1 Earl of Athione. they lost th ICali us for the l.w asti red-mrkud hard cool I. J. FLETT FUELS Yard C.N.R. Sldig Phone 2673 Residence, Ontario Street Phone 2695 BONVKAN VILLE PLAY5I D'UN For tesair lay-Vancouver Victoria acida for a thoral enjoyable witci vacation. Warm days and coolrefresh'ag an Excelient golf courses-myriad si iu thc mouataius sud by the tees Rdn te"ns, motoring, fisi us an uexce s Special Winter rates at botels. new Hotel Vancouvcr's spac rooms sud delightful accomi dioua wili add ta thc pleasur ol a=y lu Vancouver. ATTRACTIVE RAIL PARI ai ais From Our Soldiers p] ê.C woriies and ,ioght and rememn- here and we wcre i rst ta have sol bered that thy we there ta do Uic apparturnya taeling on wi honour ta Uic Governor Gencral, UiceWarants that Uic government 1 10 Uic Canadian Representative ai now gives ta Uic traops fiee.aifa:o His Majcsty King George, nd be- charge. For this reasan many ai Ciq e ai lieve me, we remcmber.d us Canadians couldn't afard trips rI I know we aie aid, but I fit away up ta Scotland! But Uic way on Uic mnigbty proud ta be a memrber ai it te now en thUi leave centres uPp r, ar's Uiat "Guard of Hanaur,"1 and 1 there are overciawded with Can- ev, vice cannat pay toa high a tribute to ucks. But I'm suie théy are en- ed sa, Uic rest ai the boys. jaying thernselves just as much- as lii ie ai We al icît praud ai ourselves we did. w bis that mamning. Whcn we got back There is a feeling af teirific nce ta Lansdownec Park oui O. C. Ma- sorraw shrawding Uic No. I I re- jor Armstrong marched us an Uic C.A.H.U. camp tdday. Every last er tir."1 parade ground, and said he was anc ai the gang stationed here gil 1 ai mighty praud ai us. Ta any aid looks as if Uiey were ail in deep pa tant soldier rcading this letter he will mourning. It is a vcry sad stary, ec [ally knaw that wbcn Uic O. C. says folks, a vcry sad stary and it gocs C: item you're good, Uire's fia argument. something lice this: aur In closing .1 shouid state that i It sems in Uic wce small bours ai and due respect ta us boys wha tried ai Uic marnig a Jerry was glid- hi rhen ta end aIl the horrar ai war, and ing in and out ai the balloan bar- of 'ber despite the fact ai the terrible -rages whcn al ai a sudden he ai Ar- havoc being created in thase spotted an objective which he feit di reat nightly air raids, we must keep voypstvraashwtu)i ,able on kecping oui chins up, and r- e bomedpoid brak Uicorle) fi re- mebeasawayshat "Thcre'l1 ai those big, bad Canadians sta- ti tWr AInayshe iAn Enlanod."tioned belaw. He reached for tU i >ner ~ ~ cnt l moreti os aifKip- bomb release and out from under WhO ling, let mc ls hi etr wiUihum dopd edybomb t but reverence - hmdopdadal * ai "Lord God ai Hasts whistling an its nat so merry way. e 1UP Be wîth us yt Bang! It dropped square on aw yet, "Pub." Luckdly it was unoccupîed a' ls! Lest wc forget." at the tume due ai course because hi es! Lest we forget,"algo auk slir r ae 'ar's Thank you. Rcspectfully yours algodCnc slihsacs i ave Pte. W. Roberts, 89896 ly sleeping in their barracks a h ýreat____ tb:t haiêr. The calamity af it al il on.t n til Uic Samnewherc te Engiand, late Uic ioilowing morning. Of i hi er Sunday, October 13, 1940. Uic pubs in Engisnd it had ta be DerEditar: the boy's favourite. But there )s l --Wiseman back agai with mare* an aId saying: "'Revenge te sweet" t - news from Uic Canadian troops And wiil it ever be? And how! V stationed here. The wcekly varicty show forn I rcceived word fropm home that Uic entertaifiment ai Uic traaps a letter 'I wrotc bad been pub- was put on in the N.A.A.F.I. last il lisbed in The Statesman and it night Uraugh Uic courtcsy of!tUictt seems Uiat among thase who had Canadien Legion Overseas. The si cnjoycd rcading it was Dan Dau- boys reaily enjay these shows M glas, a veteran ai Uic last war very much. And whcn a varicty wbo corresponded for you fram show can kcep Uic traaps in on m SEngland, France _and Germany a pay might then ail Uic aid sol- b duiing Uic last encounter. diers back home can realize just si * Wll sa fa I can write anly how cntcrtaining Uiey reaily are. fi irom Engiend but I don't Uink it V've heard so mnucb criticism onan: wiil be long before you wiil be Engiish humar that I was led ta receivig mail from me and ather beieve it was very dry indced. ir Canadian traops fram now enemy But on Uic contrary I Uink Uic c * dcupied territary. English comedians are very witty b Everything te going fine with indeed. Here is a good example. I me here where I amn stationed. I Rigbt in Uic middle ai last night's t have become more f amiliar with show an air-raid alarm sounded. thc tawns and villages in Uic vic- The comnedian announced that P inity which kceps me flom getting 'ah P.A.D. (Passive Air Defence) bored with my suiroundings. It men must report for duty. As for seenis us idllaws don't like beieg Uic rest ai us be toid us toaist stationed in anc place toa long where we were. "There te no which is certainly truc, danger whatsocver,1' he said. "We --f The Infantry unit Uiat came' arc a military objective. Hitler n dawn iram Scotiend with us on ncver bambs military objectives."c Uic train when we iirst landed in He then asked the crowd if any- oethis country werc tcrribiy dteap- anc had eny relations in Randomn pointed ta hear wc wcre going ta because lie read in Uic papersE OZ be stationed wherc we are. Yes, wherc Hitler bad agaîn bombpdt you gucssed it, Uiey bad been at randorn last night. 11e was a stationed at Camp Borden, On- real favaurite with the boys. taria. And ta Uink bow I used :1 had quite a chat with a Can- ta get fed 4p wljh Cobourg! Those uck wha had been in Uic with- armouries would suie look gaod drawa'l fram Dunkirk. Archie Ota me right now. The 30 miles be- Spooner, a Cobourg lad wha many twccn it and home look lice a irom B.H.S. know quite weil, c stanc's Urow ta me at Uic present drove an army lorry aver there ~' time. but lie came out withaut a England te suie a nice country scratch. Il Arche tare inta those ~'~but I prefer ta be whcrc I belong. Germans lice be used ta tear inta Let's hope it won't be long before Uic B.H.S. rugby tearn there - 0 myseif and l ai Uic C.A.S.F. will would have been no nesd fora 617 soon be back. withdrawal. Then agai if Uiey ~I The biggcst surprise I reccived gave Archie a plane and be could since I arnived lure was on mny drap bomübs as accurate as lie used -five days' disembakation leave ta drap a basketbal.inhe i B.HS. ta Scotland. They have anc ai Uic basket lue wôuld be a great heip best icc-skating rinks I have ever ta Uic R.C.A.F. seen. I rcaily icît at home up Weil I believe ilI have ta shove there. The people up there are off for now. The mess call was thUi most luspitable I ever camne just soundcd and as Uic amry tra- acrass. The manager ai Uic rink vels an its stamnach (Frit;i isn't isisted on us skating iree ai sceing much af Uic country these charge and laaned us Uic best days) l'il have ta answer Uiecacmi. pair ai skates in Uic bouse. And Yours, sincerely, V not anly that, lue blcw us ta Uic Bdr. Wisemnan L. of iiist steak we bad since arriving Rgt. No. C18655, 19 in Uic country. Na. 1 Cenadian Artilcery 0 The movies opencd their doors Holding Unit, ta us and wc rode on Uic buscs cia Base Post Office, r ad and street cars fies ai charge. Canada., eughly We lcarned later why we were P.S. Give my regarda ta Uic gang treatcd sa elegantly. It seerns Uiat down at Uic Goodyear. Lighu. Uic saldiers just got reduced imies ______________ ights, when travelling on railway aver -'i Dg ... offert ýclous nada- 4 your ltUAvIL WUsT THI JASPER WAY USINO THE AII-CONDITIONIO CONTIN&NTAL LIMITIO hi dqv*afrm dm "0 .st EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Wednesday 7.30 p.m- BIBLE STUI Y Frlday, 7 p.m.- JUNIOR cHURcH Frlday 8 P.m.- EVANGELISTIC Sunday Il a.m, Sunday' 7.30 p.m' "Why MauyGood People Wil Se Lest" Be suie to hear this vital subject. an do )or Ins eus ta ns ,il- en- 'il au se at ri- Lng md ife. 54 ,58 ses ies op- ite. nty eds te ga our he i.- go- A.n- io ries lent Staikvile, Nov. 25, 194 Da Mr. James: Aiter rcadig youi Editorialo "Draiting Faim Labai," wed heartily agice that if faim lmhx or sans are taken af! Uic fartr there is bound ta be very seriot resuits in evcry wmy - even1 production ai food for humar and for stock. There arc a mi lion things ta be donc an a fari that cannot be donc by aid me] womnen or girls, nar by inexper enced man labor. We think sanie exemptions wi bave ta be mmdc, and I hope yo can bing this impression on tbci wbo are at Uic head ai thingsi Ottawa. Muclu anxiety and ser iousness can be seen naw wOir ta the scacity ai faim heîp, ai it will be warsc next year. -Farmer's Wlf DURHAM CLUB <Continued tram page 1) century, ta make the trip ai miles irom York ta St. Albans,j tmverns were passed. Rivai stai coaches wbipped up their bars to give a fast trip ta fine ladi in boap skirts ta mnake their ahi ping trips over this famaus roul The application for Durbar ites te te the fact that aur coun msa bas much history that nee ta be searcbed and braugbt light. This, by Uic way, being most useful and Urough time w~ prove ta be a priceless picce good work carried an by president, Dr. Williams, for as. bas said "Those who have noia terest in where they camne fio have lcss in wbere tbcy arc in g . P9 Mir P. J. Robinson ai St. ' drew's College, in appreciation Mr. Walton's addrcss, c i t amangst many intcrestig ta:i ai bis carly trips ta Bowmanvi and other lake parts, an inclde Eattending a chuich garden arty when a neighbar wha was Ea rivai denamination staged a i-kii1ing as a counter musical tertainment. Ex-Mayor W. D. Rabbins ai To- nito bicly autiined campai- )ns ai Modern tranSPOrtation ith that of yesteryear. President Willianms made thc )lowing tribute ta thc late Mi. Iemes: "Despite what I thinichas been ne ai Durham Club's much ap- reciated programmes ta-night, 'ery member has secretiy realiz- I there was an unwelcoiie pail, ke à coid iag hanging aver us tiich just chilled Uic ardor. I have pastpaned until naw, but needs must make public refer- ,ce ta that which has been tug- ing at yaui heait strings, the Sssing o-ý this club's mast beiov- d member, thc latte Walter H. 'lemes. 110w well he iaaked and what in ispirationi was his bcaring as li led us in UieclcisinÀ exercises af ur last meeting. There was an ristocracy of' refinement in his gniied pleasantness out ai Uic cdinarY and this sanie natural- iess caiiied over into his execu- vc deliberatiois. Ii fiist met him Uic occasion o! ,li assuming 1the Presidency af :s Club, which he sa abiy guîd- ,d for five years and none ai you wiii ever know niy feelings as I attemptcd ta carry on froin where is resignation leit off. The long iie ai this Club has ad but thice Piesidents. Two ai Lcin arc gone and somehow right 0ow I icci strsngely alsone. We, îe Durham club ai Toronto, have sffered an irrýeparabie ioss, - a ss that wiii wcll nigh stagger tie stability ai this Club. There was no angle ai oui activities ta which there was not in bim a magnanimous respanse. The home ai Mi. -and Mis. Walter Clemes was an open hearth to this club and none ai us will oon forget what wondcriul hasts_ we always found thern ta be." The tea table was attractive with red tapers in siiver candel- bra, and red shasta daisies in a silver bowl. Pauring tea and caf- cee were Mis. Lau Washingtar and Mis. Ewart Pollard. At the conclusion ai Uic even: ing a short silence wasobserved Luiing the piaying on the pianc by Mi. Bruce Madden afi "Auic Lng Sne. as further tribute tc he iatc i.Clemes. Msny out of tawn guesti were present. COOKING SCIIOOL <continued fram page 1) cax, Hampton; Mis. Çhris Robin son, Bowmanviilld. rom Uic auc tion af these choice pies performn id in proiessional. fashian by Auc tianeer W. J. Challs $18.00 wa rcalized, al af which went ta th Red Cross. The show opened at 3 o'clqtk i: the aiternoan. A well decarate piatiorin showed off the appi dteplay, Frigidaire ranges fPt frigerator ta advantage. f President Alex McGregor, har working heof aitUi Chamber c Commerce, opened thc proceed ings with a f ew brie! rcmarks i which he gave credit for Uic suc cess af Uie*shW owtheUicmerchani and citizens wha had donatcd th iiity-two prizes and ta The State man which had pubiicizcd tii affair. He then caiied on Editar Geq W. James ta speak on behali c the appie growers, wha gave a extemporaneous speech in humi ous vein on thc vast benefits oni enjoys by eating generous quai tities oi appiýes ipreference t citrus fruits from ioreign lands. Mi. McGregar then introduce Mss Muir. Havig been here bi fore Uhi charming young lad abviously f cit quite at home am pracecded with her demonstratic which exciusiveiy stressed' tI caoking ai appies in many appi tizing ways. "'One ai the inevitabie camp] cations af this war te that ma kets are swept away over nig] and this year istead ai exportir aur fruit abraad we mnust col sume it at home or waste' it," si said. "The apple te stili Oui be friend as a food so we need e. pect no pity if we have ta est lot ai themn this wintcr." Miss Muir also nated for h audience the mnany advantages modern eiectric ranges and r frigeratars such as those on de play Uirough Uic courtesy Mason & Dale. Ail Uic apples on display. hi been bought by local gracers well as. mare equally goad sar pies and can be puichased at t] iRaast ai Bec i - - Mavis Garfi Toaster - - - - Mis. J. Fl Basket af Apples - Mis. John C LFruit Cake - Mm1r. H. Cryderii )f Basket Appies - Mliss Leona De, d Manicure Set - Mis. Mac Gar ,s Basket Apples - Ms. H. Hi eBeverage S et . . . Mis. 1 tBasket Appies - Mis. P. Gibi IJAUIS T 1 Beverage Set- Mrs. V!. J. Werry c Evenlng Prize wmnners n Beverage Set-- Mrs. L. Dumas t Elizabeth Arden Treasurette -«v Mrs. D. G. Carter s Basket Appies - - Mis. Bagnei lI Chest af StatianeiY - -k .Mis. J. McKeever 91 Bath Toweis - - Mrs. W. H. Webbp Fiashlight - - - Mrs. Marris Basket Apples - - Mis. Colirne Curling Tongs - Mrs. C. Rabinson Set Piiiaw Cases - - Mis. Hobbs Woodbury Gift Set - Mis. J. Spry. Set of Pictures - Mrs. F. Jamieson Basket Appies - - Miss M. Raynes I Case Apple Juice - Miss R. Dumas Box Chocolates - Miss L. TaylorC Theatre Tickets - Mis. A. CoivilieI Basket Appies - Mis. O. Watson l Sandwich Toaster, Mis. F. Battrel Case Apple Juice Ms. W.-E. Gerry1 '20 Lbs. Lard - - Mis. L. Nichaiss Gossard Garment - -t Miss I. Fergusan ý Beverage Set - - Mis. H. Aluin1 3 Baskets Appies - Mis. H. Rodd,1 Mis. M. Garton, Audrey Webber Card Table - - - e. D. Hart Ripples of iaughter went thraught the audience when it was an- nounced Mis. M. j. Elliatt and1 Mis. H. Gibson, wives af weii. known orchardists, won baskets of apples. jBusiness Directory Legal M.G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank af Commerce Bidg. Bowinanville W. R. ITRIKE Barrister, Solicitar, NotarY Salicitor for Bank af Montreal fManey ta Loan - Phone 791 Bownianviile, Ontaria L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitar Natary Public - Etc., Law inail its branches Office immediateiy east af Rayai Theatre fPhones: Office 688; Home 553 Dental DR; J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. B. W. Sisson Graduate af Royal Dental Col- 1 lege, Torontp. office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours y 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, a except Sunday a Phone 790 - Hause phone 883 e X-Ray Equipment i Office DL R. . DICKSON (Toronto) and Newcatle, Ont. Over Langnian's Store, Newcastle. Lt Office hours: Saturday anly, 99 a.m. ta 9 p.m. 3t Funeral Directors a FuNERAL DIRECTORS r Service, any hour, any day )f F. F. Morris Co. B- Modern Motor Equipment, Am-~ ifbulance and Invalid Car. Tele. phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. ýd Is SKATES e. P. SHARPENED d ehave' Just lnstalled a new machine that wUi put the bet r-sharpen>ng Job an roui skates ri that la possible and at remark- - ably low prices. Brlng them ln today for a speedy Job. es s Our lUne of shoes and boots la es complete. Drpin and purchase ' the bet In fit, quallty and * style. )n JOHN LENZ Ln Shoe and Harnesa Repair f King St. W.- Bowunanville ces SINGERS AND THEIR SONGS Wrltten apecllii or The Statesmami >= Ueilknown Durham belredR.Foie>', 123 Lake St., St. Catharines, Ont. HARDLY A PAIN ATi78 5h. Fesis Lko 48 lu aId aelCWenthe'ýydo=came, the= la ni a a cause for them. Hees a = n e essnngrowing aid, by a womnan of 78:- "For the lait five yemrai have taken Krushen Salta and tellyou tmufiiyI lvewithout hardy apain in mybardAand Iféel amostas young ad1 det 48. I 5ve the credit ta Kruschen Salta. o oanc will beieve mny age." -(Mrs.) C. M. Most people grow aid long before thei trne because they neglect one vital need of health--theheed for internai cleanlinesa. Eventually they stait thé Kruschen habit. Then, probably for thc fiaettimUrnl yemr, Uic y tart gctting rid eveiy day aifail waste matter from the systcm. They begin ta féel bneigetic andha Ilward, they've got that KicenFeeling. Mirs. Charles Wilson, Toronto, iformerly o! Clarkce, passed away ~at ber home in Toronto an Nov. 23rd, mter a lcngthy ilimess. Be- fore ber marriage deceascd was 1111dm Forsyth af Pontypool. She te survivcd by ber busband, thiesý sons, Virtle ai Orono, Bau io Toronto, Kenncth in England, and thîce daugliters, Kathleen <Mis. David Graham), Taranto, Freeda (Mis. George Kelth), Toronto, and Bella (Mis. Arthur Fals), Bowmanville, msa anc sister Mis. James Mofiatt, Orana. The funemal was hcld Tuesday with interment te Bawmanville - Auctiofleer Lord aofail being, throned afar, Thy glory f lames fram, sun and star.$$ This hyn i aonc ai the finest iteraiy gems within the caveis of oui hynin books.,I wonder how nany church goers notice the authars or the dates af the hymns thcy sing. Oui ministeis rareiy refer ta them. This noble hynn was written by anc ai America's brilliant men of letters, Dr. Oliver WTendeil Hoimes. He was a man of deep religiaus feeling--an Uni- tartan; a prof essor of AnatomnY and Physioiagy at Harvard for fifty years. He te repartcd as saying that hymns, pubiihd by the variaus churches, were mere bits of cabi- net wark, phrases fram the scriP- tuies or from devotional, writers, patched tagether in metrical form. Whether truc or f aise, the fact stiil remains that the hymn fisa th church remai with tic public long after secular paems are for- gottn D.Halmes himself te roof this when he says "In my pinthei greatest hymn ever written te this: "Thou hidden love of God, whosc hcight, - Whase depth unfathomed, no man knows; I sec frani far Thy beauteaus light; [nly I sigh for Thy repase." etc. This hyrnn was writtcn by a Germnan writerinh 1720 and trans- lated inta English by-John Wes- ley whn i Savannah, Georgia, in 1736, and quatcd by Hoimes over 100 years later. Hairy Lauder said that Hoimes wauld have been Uic greatest hymh, writer in Uic warld had he on-ly *iitten mare. Thice hymns byý Oliver' Weriddl Hoinies appcar i The Hymnaiy. The one froni which thc quatation at Uic beginning af tliis article te takep, foilows: Lard aofail being, tbianed ai ar,. Thy giory fiaigies fram sun and star; Centre and soul af cveiy spherc, Yet t a cdilaving heait how neai. Sun af oui lufe. Thy quickening ray Sheds on aur path tic giaw ai day; Star of oui hope, Thy soitened light Cheers the long watches ai the night. Our midnight te Thy smile with- drawn; Our noontide, te Thy gracious dawri; Our rainbow arch, Thy* mecy'î sign; Ail, save Uic clouds af sin, are Thine. Lord aifail life, beiow, above, 'Whose light la truth, whose warmth te.lave, Before Thy ever biazig thiane We askhonalustre af our own. 1Grant us Thy truth ta, make us free, And kindlifig hearts that burn fa:r .1 Thcc, Till ail Thy living aitars dlaim .One holy light, one hcaveniy fiame. Amen. O. W. Holmes, 1809-1894. Obituary Jante Becket One ai thc aideat residents a. Bawmanviile and D ariing ta Township died Novcmber 28th a the home ai Mrs. Burns, Bowmaný ville. Far a number ai years shg has been In poor hcalth, and a -1the age ai 80 ycars she slippec away ta receive her reward. _.Janie Bcckel was the yaunges child ai Mr. and Mis. Thoa Bcckei. In eariy lii e her mathe died, and Mr. and Mis. Wm. Peth ick, living an thc Kingston Ra west ai Bowmanville, took ihe kinto their home. At an eariy ag, > she contracted scariet fever whic] leit her unable ta hear and tai] Llike others. This became a grea handicap ta her thiaughout he klong lice, but she mnade up fori by her winsomeness and kindl, spirit. Being shut off from th~ warid she was nat as weil knaw as same, but those wha knew he best testif y ta her beautiful Chris tian graces. The funeral service was hel, Nov. 3Oth at the Morris FunerE Parlors in Bowrnanvi)le. Rev. M C. Smith ai Courtice had charg af the service, assistcd by Rei James E. Beckel ai Stirling, nephew ai Uic deccased. Inte ment was made in Bowmanvill SCemetery. 't ýe at ed 151 h- Jk mt it he is- Ld rai W. r-g lle nd ro- en, ril- ter ai th- ier re- ELMER WILBUR Llcensed AuetilOne SpeciaiiFar imLv*tk, implemelits and FuritueMaies TERM MODERAI'E Phone for Ternis and Date ta: BowmanvMle 2428 ENTERTAINER Secure RALPR GORDON, the wonderfuily versatile e nt er- tainer. for your nert entertain- ment. Dllustrated circular free. . Addresa - 628b Crawford S treet. Toronto Cemetery. ThoDse attciidifig Uie funcrai included: Mm. and Mrs. Jas. Mafiatt, Mr. and Mis. Arthur' Allen, Mis. Harry Mercer, Mr. and Mis. Char-les Shaw, Mis. Vii- tic Wilson and Mis. Charles Tay- lor, al ai Orana. SHOULD TONSULS BE TAKEN OUT There is substantial evidence that in about 20 per cent ai chil- dren Uic tonsils arc cither en- largcd or diseased and therefare have an uniavorable influence on the physical idevelopment of Uic child. Such tonsite should be re- movcd. The tonsils have assumned an important raie in the ecanomy af the chuld durteg the last 30 years. The beneficial resuits fallawifig remaval ai tansils in selccted cases bas wcll justiiied the pro- cedure.. It bas been shown that marked- ly bypertraphied tonsils and tan- suls that are repeatediy inflamced, giving risc ta attacks ai tonsilitis and swolen neck glands, fre- quently impair normal physical devclapmcflt. When sucli a condi- tion extets mter four ycars ai age it is advisable ta have the tonsils removed, with the expectatiaii that at least 50 per cent af chul- dren sa treated will be materially improved. It is undeniable that Uic child population ai the country bas cx- pcricnced better physical devclop- ment wîth fcwcm interruptions due ta mild and pralonged ill- nesses in the îast 30 ycars. Infant mortality has been rcduccd and fatal iîlncss in thc schoal .age oc- curs lcss aiten. While the widc- sprcad application ai Public hcaith procedures. such as pas- teurizatian ai milk, the saieguard- ing ai water supplies and care ai ioods, and the hcaith education ai -thc public bas had the most in- fluence in this direction, it must be admitted that cradicatian ai unbealthy tonsils has pîayed a considerable raie in the physica: impravement af the race. e The single question ta be de- términcd in respect ta the tansils ai a cbiîd is: Arc these tonsils diseased? If sa, they should promptly be rcmovcd. rChippendale himsclf n ev ci madc a piece af furniture that lookcd the moncy when piîcd on a sidcwalk beside a maving van. DRY C LEANING THAT SATISFIES Coats - Suits - Dresses 75Ç Each M M 2 foi $Lo00 Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Company, Llmlted Phone 419 We Cail Fer and Deilver INSULATE YOUR HOME THE MODERN WAY WITH Aiseal can be quickiy and easily applied by any intelligent workman. 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AsataCanadians servmng ln fte British Farces mnthe Untéd Kingdonh Our respnsibiityb es5 when parcels re de- livered ta Postal Athrities or other carriers. If parcels addressed ta Cnadians in the C.A.S.F. oversecs cnnot be delivered or forwrded ta addressee, delivery wil be mode ta O.C. af ddressee's unit. If parcels addressed ta Cnadieins in the Britisht Forces in te United Kin dom cannot be delivered or fowarded ta addressee, deliverywiII bernale à ,Hedquarters af Cnadiain Auxiliary Wr Services, Ldooflor distibutW~ ta Cenadiami Troops. Send your remittance, with unit f te sanold larerscst $2.50 sends I iO00 SWEET CAPS, P.O. cigarettes ta an individual or unit. Box 6000, Montreal, P.QO.___________

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