THUBSDAY, DECEM~ER 5, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE k AT 'Ci DE NE With Any Out-of»Town Store or Mail Order Catalogues and You WIll Be Cominced That W. Bell For Lessl MISSES" 5PO RT JACKETS Just the thlng to wear wlti a k àr t snd. when golng skating or skllng: AUl wool checked sund strlpl>ed pst- terns. 8Ste 12 - 14 teseqç v $2.98 $3.95 $4.95 GOTHEAM GOLD STRIPE SILK HOSE Ail new shades and I ndividually boed if desired. Chiffon and service welght. 69c BATH TOWELS Good qallty. Spels Chrlstansa value. 3V" x 17". 25c CANDLEWICK GOWNS B eautiful shades et brlght candlewlck anaterlal. Ail aises. $2 .98 GIRLS> SKI JACKETS. Made ef ail weol Melton or Blanket Cleot h. Büttèned d oubl1e breauted styles or wlth lu» length ipper. $3.95 Ail Woel DeuOle & Diagonal w ea ve cioth, wlth art sIlk linints and heavy inter llinge. Fur trlmmed collar. Sizes 6 t. A yeas.. $5095 LUNGERI E Makes a Bemitiful Gift And we have a large seloileaOf tsliP gowni, pyjanms.paties, et.. Ail are ttutuliy wrapped Mud lndividually boxel AT LOW ICES --- IN OUR STORE BRITI$H MADE HELP WIN THE WAR BY BUYING BRITISH GOODS OUR -STORE IS NOW REAOY FOR YOD! Hundreds et beautitul a'nd usetul gît ts, tastetully wrapped and boxed sud dlsplayed throughout the store for your Inspection and. cenvenlence. AGAIN WE SAY:' VISIT OUR STORE AND SEE OUR VALUES. THESE VALUES ais. obtaiuable at RRES',LIN' S ORONO GIVE HER A COAT! These coats would ordinar- Ily se»l at $11.50 te $19.50. The warm boucle materlals are et exceplonaily fine quaiity. Net until you sec these quallty coats and ap- preciate 110w smartly they are styled, wll you tully realize what su exceptional 'Ibuy" is yours. Plain taor- ed styles or wlth fur trinm. Sizes 14 t. 44. S13.9 5 Sometl'ing for Every Member *oftihe Family At The Arcade Boys' Wear Beys' and Youthe' Ail Wooi Checked Two-érone Wind- Breakers Wlth Pull Length Zipper $3049 Boys' Braces 15C Beys' Leathe Helmets 98C Leather Gauntiets- 75c Beys' Shirts 59C - Beys' Dox.d Beya' Llned Bed- tord Cord- Breeches $1.49 Wh %Boys' Llncd Cape,- W Mits Whei 39C SMEN'S DOESKIN WINDBREAKERS' WitIi Pull Length Zippers SZ.98 MEN'S FINE BRACES MEN'S IE HANK ES Blue, Red, White Khaki loc DHILDREN'S ALL-WOOL PARKAS [n Green, Blue, Red, Wine Royal sud White 75C LADIES' AND MISSES', ALL WOOL SKI CAPS iCorduroy or Blanket Cloth. iWln.. Green. Maroon, Red Mdnihte $1.00 B Ini Bowmanvi n In Orono CHILDREN'S ALL-WOOL SNOW HELMETS 1 1 49e LADIES' SILK RAYON PANTIES' 25C1 MEN'S LIINED CAPESKIN GLOVES hu Black or Brown Clt.DREN'S FLEECE UINED SLEEPERS hn Pink or Élue 2 te 6 years MEN'S ALL-WOOL SKI CAPS ha Corduroy or Blanket Cleth. ha Wlne. Green, Maroon, Royal and Wht. $1.00 LADIIES' FIE QUALITY LINED CAPESKIN GLOVES Fur Trlmmed $1020 LADIIES' SMART HAND BACS hn Nsvy, Brown sud Black 69e Bunny Esmend EIDERDOWN BABYS CRIS BLANKET In Pink or Blue 59C ilie - Shop at The Arcade m m m m m Shop at Breslin's Toys stutfed Rag Doils 19C Snake* and Ladder Game loc Steepiechase Gamne loc Parchei Game. loc Wetums Dol 49c Ltti. Miss Muffet Doll 49c Troy Wooden Carte -Trucks and Wagons .5c Bingo Gamnes Pastry . Sets Table Tennis 25c e SANTA WILL BE NERE DECEMBER l4th MEN'S BOXED NECKWEAR Loads and loads etf patterns aud celera,j ail nicely boxed andj make a usetul gift. 25c 50c 75c $1.00 MEN'S CARDIGANj ALL-WOOL SWEATERS j Made trom fine j quality, ail wool j botany yarn, wlth j buttoued style or full length zipper. 29s"13te44 $2.49 MEN'S GOATSKIN -GLOVES Made et fine quai- Ity leather, with warm fleecy llnint or dressy uullned gleves lu black,. cream, brown, grey . and sand. $1.50 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS VALUE Men's cellophane wrapped cheoked wooltex scarves. Ail celeurs and shades. Buy now! 25c Other Scarves at $ 1.00 $1.50 and $2.0 MEN'S KNITTED GLOVES MadLe trom fine bel- suy aIl wool yarns, ln yeflow or army style khakl. A warm glove for th1e cold weather. $1.00 EXTRA SPIECIAL VALUE Men'a brushed wool, sweaters, with tii» lengthnup- per. AU sises aud colouru $2.49 ! MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Made et extra geed quallty En- glish broadcioth, - w ilt h trubedise collais. eally $1.50 value'. ldi- vlduaily boxed. Size 14 te 17. $1.00 FOR THE SOLDIER! We cary a niee seetion et gifla ln khskl Sweaters Shirts, Ties, Gloves, Handker- chiots, Sooksansd Scarves. AUl regulation army styles sud AT LOW PICES CHIILDRENIS ALL WOOL KNITED GLOVES AND MI1TS Fancy sud plain cufts. AUl Color. 29c -t .-+-.- - Comare These DO WMAN VILLE Values AIL MERCHANDISE GIVE-HER A DRESS! And aI 1the same timehave her look her best for Christ- mas dinner. Neweat styles snd ail the lateat shades and materials. Every drens has a saving whlch la doubly welcome at a time when there are se many demands on your budget. SIMES14 to 20 - 36 t.52 2.98 N 4A0,ýý4 m Ï4 »Ù%Wa»" TRURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, lé4O THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE PIVE l:. a ýq,,