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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1940, p. 7

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~/' THURSDAY, DECEMBEEl 5,194o PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO k- i v Aflài n 'fl P Tnua~a> ISOCIAL AND PERSONAL I Phone Stij Sergt. HubetH er, Petawa- wa, woo homefrteweekend. Pi. Cecf Hood, R.C.O.C., Camp BordetÙ, spkit Saturday at home. Gleri Rae Dairy has acquired a smnart new Dodge de»very truck. Mr. ald Mio. ax'ry Hunklng, Harmftý vistedMiss C. G. Free- Miss Veinia Cannon, Toronto, librarian ét the University, visited M~ D. Alldread. C. W. E. Meath, Toronto, town Tuesday a guest of Mrs. Geo. W. James. -Mr. George Lunney, C61ling- wood, is vlsitig his daughter, Mrs. J. H . Johnston.~ Bdr. Jack Allia, Petawawa,. spent the weekend with his- par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allun. Can yau think of a better year- round Christmas Gif t than a year's subscription ta The States- man? Mr. and Mrs. James McKeever, Vert'Sa, were guests of their son, MreH. McKeever, and Mrs. Mc- Keever. Pte. Jim Sisson, Exhibition Park, Toronto, spen t the weekend with hisparents, Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Sisson. Mr. Charles Hoar, De Lasalle Callege, Toranto, spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Leading Aircraftsman Tom Sut- ton, No. 4 Bombing & Gunnery School, Fingal, spent a few hours. on Sunday at home. Many citizens heard the familier vaice of Mrs. Alex Coivilie on the Treasure Trail program from To- ronto Tuesday evening but were disappointed she was not asked to sing. Dr. Wallace Horn and Mrs. Horn have returned from McMaster- ville, Que., to his former position with the Radium Refinery Co. at Port Hope where his services are required. Mr. Geo. E. Pritchard, Christie St. Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. V. Prit- chard, Toronto, Pte. E. Pritchard, Victri'Càmp, Niagara Fells, vlsited Mvrs. G. E. Pritchard on Saturday. Mr. R. M. Fowler's address on the Rowell-Sirois Report, as well as six.' columnns of other news, is held over till next week due ta extra demend for advertising space. Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, widely known Palmerston district residents, celebrated their golden* wedding anniversary Nov. 27th. TheY are uncle and aunt of Mrs. Çlare Allin, Church St. Girl Guides met on flday night. Lieutenant Casbourn.ýgave theFPirst Compeny a detaledtest on Child Nurse. Somé0f 'tUie ncw girls .,i 'the, -Second Company passed Èecond clasa tests. In the list of soldiers ta whom parcels were sent by the Legion the address of L.4Bdr. G. M. Hart was incorrectly given. It shpuld have read: Reg. No. 18654, A Bat- tery, 4th Field'Regiment,, R.C.A., '.A.S.F., Base Post Office, Can- ada. Members of No. 3 Group St. Paul's W. A. hold a very success- fui sale and tea on Saturday. Thaaks .ta the ladies of other churches i town and ta the mcm- bers of St. Paul's, who came in spite of the stormy weather, the resuit was very gratifying -and the workers were well repaid for the preparations the3y had made. Whitby Rotary Club had the pleasure of hearing Miss Thora Davison, Bowmanvlile, on Tues- day deliver her entertaining and impressivé eddress on "Public Speaking" wlich she deiverod sever'1 weel* aga at the Bow- manville Rotary Club. Miss Héein - Williams, A.T.C..M., gave a pleas- ing piano seloctian before the ad- dress. A publisher of a weekly news- paper neyer cansiders the news service anywherc near complete unless merchants' store news ap- pear~s regularly in the advertising columnns. We know many readers look to their local paper to give this important service, as they have found it saves bath tume and money to scan the advts before going shopping. In this connec- tion we cail attention ta the large A. & P. Store advt on page 6 of this issue which, commencing this week, will be a reguler feature in our advertising columns. Editor George W. James and Lieut. A.- Baker were luncheôa guests on Saturday of J.. S. Mc- Lean, Cheirman :of the Board af Canada Packers Ltd.,,at the Yorlc Club, Toronto. Aniong the smal party which met to discuss a ques- tion of Empire importance arisig out of reference made ta it in a rocent editorial in The Statesman were,-Hon. G. Howard Fergusan, T.* A. Russeil, Mark ]Irish and Mr. Carson, ail of whomn are directing their attention upon post-war prôblems. Reference to tentative proposais made may later appear i the colunins of The Statesman. Tom Ibuston At a special Youth Day Service at St. John's Anglican Church iast Sunday sponsored by the A.Y.P.A. Tom Dustan, brilliajt son of Mr. and Mro. T. A. Dusthn, Concession St!, was guest speaker. Tom is now in first year Theology at Trinity College, Toronto. His sub- ject was "Behold the Man" and in keeping with the theme of the ser- vice the choir sang "Yauth of the World Arise!" RUGBY TEAN PLAYS IN PORT COLBORNE B.H.S. senior rugby squad is to play in Port Coiborne Saturday at 2.30 p.m. Due to the indiffer- ence of the COSSA officiais in securing a f ield the two teams arranged to, play in the southern town where the snowfall is much less than in these parts. The win- ner of the game wil be Cossa champions. Last year Port Col- borne was the winner. RED CROSS DANCE AT HIGH SCHOOL "Proceeds are in aid of the Red Cross." These words are printed' on the bottom of an invitation to a dance to be held 'in Hligh School Auditorium F'riday evening, Dec. flth. Subscription 75e per persan. Dancing at 9 p.m. The idea ofholding a dance to raise money for the Red Cross originated in the minds of certain ladies and gentlemen who, are known merely as The Bridge Club. They frit that here was an opportunity ta do a public service and at the same time have an en- joyabie time. Invitations have been sent out, but others who may have been overiooked may secure invitations by getting i touch with Morley Vanstone, The States- man Office, SeIrite Store, or any member of the club. DEADUINE SET FOR DECEMBER Now it's aur task ta sit down and try ta explain samething that appears ta need a lot af explai- mng. We have recelved a fow let- ters laely that show pretty clear- ly that somne subscribers who thought they wcre paid up, are roally a year in arrear&. Lot's try ta explain it this way: If your label shows, for instance, "Dec'39" - thon you are a year behind. You have been finenced- on credit for one full yer. Now thon, let us note thec posi- tion you are in at the moment. You have read the veriaus items that have lately appoared an- nouncig the "Paid-in-Advance" roquiremonts, henccforth. Sa here, as an exemple, is your statement as at Dec. 1939: Owing fram Dec.'39 ta Dec.'40-:-$2.00 Due from Dec.'40 ta Dec.'41-$2.00 Total $4.00 Thero are a good many, no doubt, who w-I be .glad ta have this ail made clear. Our subscrip- tion recoids have again been. audited and accounts will shortly be maiied toalal who are thug in arears and toanai who date beck beyond, Dec. 1939. The December 1940 expiies will also get e memorandum for $2.00. Fiaally, go that it may be clear- iy understoad, anyone failing ta remit within the throe month limit as fixed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations, will, regretfully, bo dropped from the subscription lists. Alterwerds, reinstetement will promptly bo mae upon re- ceipt of remittance. And right here at the bottom, from, the bottam of our heart, we went ta thank ail those who have alroady paid for 1941. Those, are the good citizons wha preserve an editor's sanity and solvency.-Al. -No anc has yet discoverod just what quallty a legend hes thet causes it to persist down through the years. However, the story about the Red Cross seems ta have taken its place amang the classi- cal tail stories. Even in the eerly days of the last war rumor hed it thet the Red Cross sold the socks and other coniforts of life it was suppased ta dispense free. Lately officiais have done ail they cen Lto track down these maliciaus rumors but with small success. At aay rate they arc baselcss. By ich way - if you have not yet nimade your full contribution ta the .local Red Cross, do it now. J. A. Gunn J. H. Abernel A. Hait Glen Martyn W.*J. Martyr W. R. Harrisi E. C. Evans S. Little W. J. ChahU C. D. Serle H. Goddard M. Breslin Yes- No ---- -.West Ward 1 2 102 87 !thy 98 82 71 .65 * 58 49 ri 62 44 ion 36 48 49 44 30 49 is 35 33 36 32 37 19 39 16 North Ward 1 2 132 116 93 96 62 52 57 54 42 45 46 41 62 47 73 43 59 60 53 52 50 47 19 22 By-law 58 52 72 69 72 75 CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Cartwright Council met Dec. 2nd with Reeve C. DeVitt presid- ing end members ail presont. Dept. of Highways allowed fur- ther exponditure on raads of $500; aima spced lumit ia Nostîcton left over tili spriag 1941. Ross Philp's tender for wood was accepted for 3 cords et $29.00. O. Wright will operate the Arena by peying $45.00. Openlag roed to Cadmus and cemeterios was undor discussion. Clerk was lnstructcd to arrange for storege of grador. These orders werc passed: C. H. Porteous, repairs ta light fixtures----------$ 6.17 I. Argue, Sec.-Trees. S. S. No. 1 --------------202.92 O. Hylend, S. S. No. 3 450.14 L. Swain, S. S. No. 4 - - ---359.71 H. Beecock, S. S -. No. 5 ---294.98, South Ward 1 2 78 92 65 72 58 62 62 63 57 66 49 51 18 19 22 22 30 19 26 12 22 14 8 14 Total 607 506 365 343 316 277 239 239 236 211 189 118 60 38 52 332 86, 59 48 409 741 PENNY BANK DEPOSITS DOWN The Penny Bank repart for Septembor and October shows that in Bowmanviile Central School 36 % of the pupils made use of its savig facilities. In the South Ward the figure wes 35%, and in No. 6 Darliagton 45 %. Comparative doposits with lest year show a slight decrease from lest year, the amaunt now on de- posit from theso thrcc points being $3,741.87. The practice of having Bank day on Tuosday end the sale of War Savings Stamps on Friday has now bocnaedopted in a groat many schoois throughout the pro- vince. This permits the two ac- tivities ta unction side by side and thus accomplish their two- fold purpose, iLe. accumulation of funds for porsonal needs and N. Edgerton, S. S. No. 6 - 200.60 fuI1U for more permanent sav- 0 igs. In bath cases the gavera- W. Williams, S. S. No. 7 __ 558.21 ment hes use of the moaey for G. Wright, S. S. No. 8 --- 360.00 the prosecution of the war, and M. Emerson, S. S. No. 9- 251.10 in both cases the practice of thrift J. Forder, Continuation 15 fostered. Schooi ------------20.42 Forty-four schoois have over C. P. Devitt, services as 80% of their pupils making regu- Reeve --------------------------60.00 1er deposits. R. Byers, services as___________ ,Councillor _ - ------- - 50.00 W. Hoskin, Couniilor --- 50.00 VALEDICTORY W. G. Bowes, Cauncllor-- 50.00 B. Heaslip, Couneillor 50.00 <Continued tram page 1) Cierk, hall year saiary--.. 150.00 Debenture No. 16, Contin- dinily rcmcmbered but nover uation Schooi ------ ----- -669.43 campletoly forgçtten and wiil be Debenture No. 3, Contin- recailed many a tire when we uation School--------571.33 are rcminiscing about the good O. Wright, roads- ----------- 253.60 old days. Bank of Commerce, charge We wish to thenk our teechors on Debenture ------------- 1.02 for ail thcy have donc for us. County Rd. Supt., calcium They have donc their best ta sec chioride - -------------------- 3.80 that we uaderstand their particu- Council will moot Decombor 1er subject and have unseifishly l6th et 2 p.m. devotcd their tume to helping us with aay probiem which we might have had. They have made their classes ntorcsting w'th the odd bit of wit and have liven us a good tume whenever possible. It is unfortunate for me to have ta say that vcry few af us reaily eppreciated aur toachers until we lef t High School. Only then we realizod what a strong influence aur teachers had had ovor us and what a great help thcy had been ta us in many things. We are leaviag the aid for the new. While we were lani-gh School, we did our bout ta up- hold the name and honour of B.H.S. in cvery field of endeevor. Wo boqueath to those following us this great and honourable task. I notice that, in the field of spart, they are upholding B.H.S. tradi- tion and that the rugby teem has egain won their group champion- ship. I congratulate thcm and feel confident that the students of this school will be equally suc- cessful in' any other athletic or scholastic competitions in which they may tako part. Wo of the graduating clasu have each goneoaur separate way. Some of us are going ta university where we will continue ta acquire knowledge in order to prepare ourselves for- the future part which we will play in this world. A few of us are preparing aur- selves for the task of impartig knowledge ta those who wish te ioarn. Othors, along with two cf aur mast esteemed and admired teachers, have seen fit to place themselves et the service of aur country and the empire. In this-- new worid of ours, we wlll makiý- new friends, find new ecquaint- ances and leara new things, but we will nover forget our school fri- ends or aur aima mater. Mher- ever we go and whatever we do, we will try ta perform aur duties un such a way as ta uphold the good namo of B.H.S. We are setting out into a troub- led and turbulent worid where strife and tyranny are rampant. Our country and the empire are in the midst of a life and death struggle ia which the very princi- pies of Democracy are at stake. Our duty is ta strîve ta mako this world a freer and safer place in which ta live. Wo must not ,shlrk this tesk but must apply aUir- selves to it with a wiii if we wlsh ta defeat this ruthioss tyrant who would rule the world. -We, as members af the youngor genera- tien, have an important part te play in this struggie, and wc wil do our best to hold up aur end. We must not feul those who have gone before us. LARGER STOCKS * CIGARETES AIl popular brail&u GIFT WRAPPMNgS LIONTERS Ronson $- 5.00- .0 Thorens $ 11 2.50 - $4.00 Other Brands 49o - 69o $ 1.00 GuiFTS'BY YARDLEY, MEN'S SETS Shavlng Bowl, Lotion & ,,~>J: , 'VTaleum as illustrated. $2.7à I OTUER MEN'S SETS $2.00 and up GIFT SETS FOR LADIES 52.00 and up ASK FOR ILLUSTRATED FOLDER. V*Ilvetta Bath Salta 9 Hot't Water Botles 39C to 52.00 Noxzemla Glft Set - - -- 79C. *Compacts, new styles $ 1.60 to 55.00 Perfume Atomizers - - 49c up CUTEXý MANICURE SETS * ~Club Kit-------3.00 As illustreted Junior Set 3 50 , Compact Set --650 Junior Set $ 1.35 Trophy Set $ 1.25 New Usea Set $ 2.00 Fair Lady Set -$8.00 Puise Set $3 -8.30 DekuXe set - $ 6.50 xmAs ToBACcos $1.00-511051,65s 5 2.75 CANADA DRY FOR CHERISTMAS Cartons 27c - 57ç Container Extra CHRISIMAS OGIFT$ THAT RING YULETIDE BELLS FOR EVERYONE flore are soute of the highlights from aur stocks of smlart practical gift suggestions. We have a wide range to choose fram - samething for everyone on your gift Iistf Visit us this week-end and niaie your selections. Through co-opera- tion wo off or you ecanomy prices. Plan now to settie your. gift problenis and savo at your I.DA. Store. CASHMERE BOUQUET GIFT SETS Prlced 25c to $1.00 Sangs Bank FREE k wbh Met putwo os f 50 Blue Gillette Blades 'ilooii omoli *eol Has! double-velue glftl FiOty smooth shuvini, IlongIliImg iluoshlIa i. Iodes ln unique, book- shapedi, motel SAVINOS BANK- INEXPENSIVE GIFTS 15Is ced S0c Evenlng lu Paris Set - - 81.00 Bronnley Soap Sets 50a - 65o - 75o - $1.00 Java Tex'Compact - - - 15e Bubble Bath - - 25e - 50o - 15o Jergen'. Ladies' Set - - 35o Perfume, Boxed - - - 250 Bath Saîts -- - 230 500 Mennen's Baby Set - - 47o Wood's Bath O011 -350 -600 3 SECZET 011? SETS 25e - 55.00 ALEX McGREGQR 1Phone 792 W. Deliver' LOWEST PRICES P&PES Kaywoodfe - - - - Civie - - - - - Irwln's Rum-Cured- Yellobale Carburetor- Dr. PlumbTs - - - Imperlal 2 Point- Steele's - - - Real Briar --- $3.50 $2.50 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25 $1.00 49c 250 Devon Shave BowI . . - -. .~ . 29C Roils Razor, Nickel Plated - - - 56.9'. Flashlights, Eveready- - - - $1.00 uf B illfolds, Fine Leather- - - 75e ul Cigars, Christmas Wrapped . . SOC UV GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR LADIES DUSTNG POWDERS q Evening luParis - $1.35 q Merîcale Spice 50o - $1.00 Yirdley'. - - - $1.35 April Showera - - 81.00o 3 Secrets - - - - 1750 PERFJMS 3 Secrets - - Z&O - 500 Evening la Paris 50a - $1.00 Tweed 8158278.0 Petaltone 25e0-500 -, $1.00 Sweet Pea - - - soc COLOGNES Lentherie $ 1.00 - $1.35 Atomiser $ 1.25 - $1.60 Apple Bicasom - 50e - 750 MAX FACTOR GF RUDNUT'S YANIKEE SETS Tollet Water - - - Wlth AtomizerVE 52.9554.25 Dusting Powder-- $1.0( MARVELOUS GMF SETS c p po pa CIIRISTMAS SEALS, TAGS CARDS, TISSUE, ETC. Sec- tOc - 15c -25e RESULTS 0F MONDAY'S ELECTION SHAVING KITS WIELLIAM'S SETS 59c - 98c WOODBURY'S SETS 25e - 49e - 98e PALMOLIVE SETS 49e - 98c COLGATE SETS 49c - 98c - 51.50 MENNEN'S SET $1.09 CHRISTMAS CARDS Spe.cial Box,i10 cards ----- 12 Carda, boxed 35c 21 cards boxt 18 cards boxed $1.00 A Complete Line of Indivldual Cards, Priced at 2 for 5c and Up and other Boxed Assortments. SEE 0OUR CARDS FIRST CHRISTMAS STATIONERY 25C to 53.00 BRUSH9 COMB AND. MIRROR SETS SPZCIAL SETS SETS ? ~Prlced from 2.99 -7.50 SEVEN & TEN PIECE SETS 420-03-L7.50-14.50 Ail sets ln stock are r. firat grade, open stock desigus. Extra pisees may bc purchased at any time. CHRirSTMAS CAMERAS CHOCOLATES New Brownie Reflex- - $6.75 Moire' Neilsou's, Page & Shaw 620 Bull'. Eye - - - $3.50 Warwick Camera - $1.49 25c to 53.00. Kodaks - - - $5.50 Up PEN AND PENCIL SETS Waterman - $2.25-5$3.50 -54.25.$8.00 Cheaper Sets $ 1.00 - 51.50 Prescriptions a Speclalty -IF 77 m -;Lr-à 1 1 -Àj -À;»-Àl- VALU w VAL.I" Oliv«"M 34-ON-31 1 '1111IL - ',

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