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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1940, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO THUESDAY, DECIMEER 5, U40 Weddings Avery-4ohnston Blackstock United Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on November 27th, when Ferga Mar- Jorie Johnston, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston, was united in mariage to Mr. Roy W. G. Avery. The bride, given in marriage by ber father, was levely ia gown of eggshell satin with a full length veil caught te a coronet of bridai wreath. She carried a bou- quet of white mu=is. Attending the bride was Miss Effle Avery, sister of the groom, i a gown o forget-me-not blue sheer, carry- ing a bouquet of yellow muins. The groom was attendcd by Keith Johnstcn, brother ef the bride. Mr. rold Johnston, Toronto, ws o nvebeen gromsman but *as late on accounit of the storin. The ushers were Clarence- and Norman Avery, Keith and Neil Johnston. At the receptien held at the berne, Mrs. J. A. Johnston receiv- ed, wearing a gown of squadron navy crepe with silver accessories and whte carnations. Miss Napp, aunt of the groom, received, wear- lng black crepé with carnations. Mrs. J. M. Jobnston, Milibrook, 92 year old grandmother of the bride who celebrates her birth- day on the sanie day as the bride, was the guest of honor. Ber gift te the bride was a crochet centre,: her own work, and a gold piece. A dainty buffet supper was served by the. bride's cousins, as- sisted by Misses Jean Wright and Doris Marlow. For their rnotor trip the bride changcd to a dress of quad green crepe, brown coat and accessories. On their return they will live in Eowmanville. Prout-Brockman On Saturday afternoon, Nov. 30th, Lorraine Cecilia Brockman, -daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Brockmnan, Oshawa, was unitcd in manrage with Allan Edmund Prout, son of Mn. and Mrs. Thomas E. Prout o! Bowmanville. The wcdding was held at St. Gnegony's rectory in Oshawa, and thc cere- mony was performed by the Bey- erend Father Morrow., The bride, given in marniage by ber father, wore a wool crepe dress in Queen's blue shade, the top cf the dress bing dotted with silven bcads, and the accessenies o! wine tones. The bride carried a bouquet of pink roses, sweet peas and violets. Miss Mary Brockman, sister of the bride, was ber bridesmaid, dressed in du- bonneau red, with soldier blue ac- cessonies, and carrying a miAxod bouquet of talisman roses, sweet peas and 'munis. The groomsman was Maurice Prout, Bowmanvillc. A reception was held atter the wedding at the home o! Uic bride's parents, 89 Bond street west. Mrs. Brockman rcceived thc guests, wearing a wine costume with black accessories, and a corsage o! 'munis. The gneom's mothen alse recive ina rstgown with bnown accessories, and a corsage o! yellow, rosobuds and 'mumas. The home was daintily decorated .with pink and white streamers and Pink and white 'muins.. .After the reception the bride and groom left on a wedding trip for points west. The bride wore a travelling costume o! wine under a brown fur coat. Upon their return the couple will reside in Oshawa. Girls' Service Cl1u b Meeting of the Girls' Service Club, formed a week ago for war work, was held Monday evcning i the Seldiers' Recreation Boom, King and Division Sts. Officers of the Club are: President-Leola Miller; Vice Pres-Yvonne Tighe; Sec'y-Hilda Brown; Corr. Sec'y. -Elsie Carruthers; Treas.-Eileen Gibbs. There was a large attendance with many new members. After the business meeting, the girls went to work on the room which already looks gay and comnfort- able. The response to the appeai for furniture and other articles has been most gratifying. The Recreation Roomn wili be ready for officiai opening to "D" Company on Tuesday cvenîng and will be open to the public on Wed- nesday afternoon and cvening. A stove for preparing tea and coffee is still nccded, also a desk or table for writing. Anyone hav- ing such articles te donate, kindly get in touch with Miss Miller, phone 852. TRINITY W.M.S. Tuesday afternoon Trinity Wo- nien's Missionary Society held its last regular meeting for 1940. Mns. S. Davison, President, op- ened the meeting with a recital of the Chritmas story, after which Mrs. C. A. Bartiett led. in prayer. Committee in charge of arrange- ments for Presbytery supper re- ported net proceeds of $76.47. Mrs. Siemon's group contribut- ed a lovcly Christmas pageant as the main feature of the program. The manger scene was most real- istically pontrayed upon the plat- form, and the membons of the group, in weil chosen Eastern costumes, arranged theniscîves anound the central scene, whcre, in song and story and descriptive narrative they presented the age- old Christmas theme. These officers were elccted for 1941: President-Mrs. M. J. Hut- chinson; lst Vice-Mrs. S. Davi- son; 2nd Vice-Mrs. C. Wight; Recording Sec'y.-Mrs. D. Purdy; Cor. Sec'y.-Miss L. J aek s on; Treas.-Mrs. C. A. Bartlett; Sec. C. Stewardship-Mrs. H. W. Fol- ey; Mite Box Secc.Mrs. W. C. Ferguson; Associate Belpers Sec- retary-Mrs. B. Pollard, Mrs. J. E. Allîn; Supply Sec'y.-Mrs. M. H. Minore; Comniunity, Friendship Sec'y.-Mrs. W. R. Strike; Litera- turc Scc'y. - Mrs.- H. Bateman; Missionary Monthly and World Fricnds-Mrs. D. R. Alldrcad, Miss A. Bragg; Press Sec'y.-Mrs. W. P. Rogers; Pianist-Mrs. W. E. C. Workman; Supt. Mission Circe nd Affiliated C.G.I.T. Gnoups- Miss V. Spargo; Supts. Snarling Mission Band-Miss D. Jeffrey, Miss M. Mahood; Supts. Alice FOR AN IRRESISTIBLE* CHRISTMAS GIFT Give Lingerie v '~~ SLIPS A"D PANTIES I port elceand embroldery. $1.29 to $2.95 PANTIE AND BLIP SETS te, match. Whlte or tes, rose. set $2.95 PÂNTIE SETS $1.00 - $1.95 DRESSING GOWNS Baby Chenille dressing gowns. Turquoise, Blne, white ma rose. Ail Bizet. $5.951 SATIN HOUSEGOATS $4.95 to $10.95 PLANNEL HOUSECOATS $5.95 to $12.95 GOWNS satin aMd rayon gownu fitted bodice style on square nock wlth ruttliedshirt. Tea rose, bine and white. $1.9«4 to $4.95 BlD JACKET Bed jackets, quilted satin, lovely ?jacket i rayon satin, plan or flowered, tea rose and bine. SînalI. medium and large. $3.95 SETLAND WOOL wlth velvet rlbbon trlm i Pink, peach and bine. $2.95 - $4.95 LUXUIT SHEERS Blake your glft a stookhnt word- robe - 2 tbread sheers for evenlng - wear, 3 thread for ,atternoon, business uheers for every day. Newest Colours. 69C -79e -85C -$ 1.00 THE EVLYN SHOP Pnoe 0 Bowmanville Durham's First Apple Show and Cooking School Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce in ce- hall at both atternoon and evening sessions. Top operation with Durham County Apple Growers picturo shows Miss E. Muir, Directer ef Home Association and The Canadian Statesman has the Economics ef the Ontario Hydre Commission, whe unique distinction and honor cf staging the first conducteài the cooking school, assisted by Mrs. Banl joint Apple Show and Cooking School te be hcld Cunninghamn, and the attractive display of Mc- in Canada. Trhe event was hcld in the Opera Bouse Intosh and Greening apples. Lower pictune- shows when over 1000 ladies in the district crowded the thc audience which packed the hall. Delicious Apple Recipes Feature Cooking Shoool Whe following are saine of thc recipes Miss E. Muir, Home Economics Director o! the Ontario Hyr Elcctric Commission, used at Uic Apple Show - Cooking Scheol held in Uic Town Hall, Bewnian- vllon Friday, November 2MU. Cut these delightfully appetizing recipos eut and paste them n iyeur bock. These apple dishes will add -a nw anid popular zest te Uic dally menu which will appeal to every niember of thc family.- AFTERNOON MENU Apple and Sausage Caserole 6 Appios Sugar (about 1-3 cup) 12 Sausages Salt and peppen Peel and sice applos thin. Ar- range in buttered baking disb, sprinkle with a sinail amount c! sugar. Place sausages on top and : cover. Bake in an clectric aveng at 4251 until apples are doue. Un- cover; turn sausages over and cook until thcy are niccly brewn- cd. Apple Muff ins 13/ cups fleur 2 tsp. baking powdcr 1-3 tep. saIt 1 tsp. uutmcg :V4 cup lard 1/4 cup sugar i egg 3/ cup apple pulp Sift flour, measure anid sift again with baking powder, sait, nutmeg and sugar. Parc naw ap- pie aud shned on coarse grater. Beat egg well, add apple and melted sugar. Mix lightly into fleur mixture until ail ingredieuts are blended. Put in well-gneased muffin tins and bake in electric oven 425* ton 20 minutes. Makes 12 te 18 muffins. Jackson Mission Band-Miss E. Pickard, Mns. A. Smith; Suits. Baby Band-Miss Florence Wer- ry, Mrs. H. Cnydrmmni; Finance Committee - Ms. H. W. Feley, Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, Mns. P. R. Cewling, Mns. Muriel Symons, Miss Greta Wickett; Greup Lead- ers-<1I) Mrs. R. H. Wardor, (2) Mrs. G. L. Wagar and Mns. B. Foster, (3) Mns. G. F. Purdy, (4) Mrs. A. W. Pickard anid Mrs. B. Jamiesen, (5) Mns. C. G. Mer- nis, (6) Mrs. L. W. Dippeli. EASTERN -STAR ENTERTAIN VISITORS On Nov. 26th Uic Bowmanville Chapter o! thc EasternuStan en- tertaiued members cf three asso- ciated bodies at their ledge rocins home. Representatives o! the Beeches Chapter, Toronto, Jubi- lee Chapter, Stouftviile, and Sun- beam Chapter, Oshawa, were pro- sent te the number e! about mcv- cnty. Anether particularly well- knowu figure iu the lite o! Uic Eastern Star, D.D.G.M. Sister Ed- na Hunter, AJdsworth Chapter, Toronto, was aise proeut. The regular business was con- ducted by W. Matron Mrs. Genden Wight. One et the pleasaut social features et Uic evening was a sale cf "Country Store Geeds" which prcved exceedingly pepular with the ladies. Added ententalument for the visitons was provided by a vrogressivo cuchre conteat. Re- freshmente were pncvidod by the members et Uic local chapter. 1 I owmanviîîh couple 1W.d 55 Y.ars Mn. and Mns. R. Morris, Bow- manville, ceiebrated the 55th ani- nlvermary e! their wedding Satun- day. Bcth are stlll active aud enjoy- ing good health. Born in Euglaud, they came te Canada 27 Years ago, landlug in Halifax aud com- ing directly te Bowmanville where they have lived ever ince. Mr. Morris was an empleyee o! the Goodyear Tire anidBubben Company ton a numben et yeans. but at proeut im empioyed by Uic Bowmnviile Fcundry, where bis fellow-employees presented hlm Deep Well Cooker Meal 1 Veal Birds, Carrots, Parsnips Apple Bely-Poly Apple Roly-Poly Pare, cere and slicc Canadian apples, rol in tea biscuit dough %k-inch thick. Lay Uicesliccd ap- pies on the dough and roll as for jclly rol; tuck in the ends and prick with fork. Cover and steam 45 minutes. Serve with sugar and creani or a sauce. Apple Sherbet Boil 1 quart o! Canadiani apples in 1 pint o! watcr until se! t. Bub tbrough a sieve; add juice ef i orange and i lemen, 1 cup sugÉd and 4 cups water. Beat well and freeze in eiectric nefrigerator that bas been turncd ta cldest peint. When it becomes like a slush, add thc well-beaten white e! anc egg and finish freezing. Candie Salad Make caudie of apple ring, banana, maraschinc cherry, candy ]Mfe-savens and honey salad dress- ing. Broillig Meal Ponk Chops, Sweet Potatees Bakcd Apples. Arrange sliced cored apples and park cheps on a lightly greased bnoiling pan. Adjust pan in the electric aven go that the food is -about 3 inches below. the giewing with a gift to mark the occasion. They are both 72 years of age. They have six daughters and two sons: Mrs. T. Plumb, Mrs. Harry Grahami and Mrs. William Leavitt, ail of Toronto; Mrs. G. Vickers, Hamilton; Mrs. Walter Rundie, Darlington; Mis Mary Morris, Bowmanville; and Robert Morrlg Jr. and Alfred Morris, both of Bowmanville. iChristmas .I HaLé-ydon Mr. and Ms. E. Stephenson and Vaughn hav mved ta Hampton for the winter. Many of the'cars i the village for the weekend had difficulty Church, Sunday School and Home & School Club were with- drawn on account ef bad roada and weather. Visitors: Mr. and Mns. L. Ash- ton and Roy at Mr. Milton Wer- ry's, Oshawa... Mr. Arthur Tre- win, Oshawa, wlth his parents... Mr. Roland 'Thompson wlth fri- ends iToronto... Mr. John Gil- bank at Mr. WAm. Gilbank's, Bow- manville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton, Mins Viola Bradley, To- ronto, at Mr. 19. Bradley's... Mrs.' L. Ashton and Bay at Mr. R. Or- rnisten's, Enniskillen. . . Mesrs, Paul Stephens and Dougls Fon- taine, Misses Ursul and Ruh Mc- Neil, at Mr. A. McNeil's... Mins Laura Philp, Toronto,' with her mether. N Solina Visitors: le an Mrs. Bryce Brown with relatives in Toronto. ..Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey and Barbara, Burketon, at Mr. B. G. Stevens'. .. M.r George Werry and Mr. Bill Elllott, U. of T., at Mr. S. E. Werry's... Miss Jessie Yellowlees, Oshawa, at Mr. N. C. Yellowlees'. Mrs. Wilfrid Dewell bas return- ed from Toronto Generpi Hospital. Solina Home and School Club met Tbursday n1ght wlth, W. J. Reynolds presiding. A comnilttee was appomnted tc get the.skating rink readyt for use as soon as pos- sible. Mn. E. A. Sumrners, Bow- manville, was guest speaker and presented some very beautiful slides of Jasper Park. Pearl Leach led in community singig; vocal sole, "Where'cr You Walk"I by Kathleen Baker; piano solo, Helen Langmaid. Members of the I. & S. Club are invited te Bradley's Club on Dec. l2th. There was ne church service on Sunday owing te. snow-blocked roads. Don't use chairs or tables te stand on-use à step ladder. Don't toîcrate inadequate light- ing in halls anid stairways, where tumbles may* turn into funeral bills. I SPECIAL laisoins thIOO h. L..non & Orange SPECIAL. 1 I PEEL 1 Ilb.__ MAN D ROLLED GLACED1. ' Choolaes CH ERRIES - M.<4 I I RECLEA"ND ! Box 790 CURRANTS2Ibe. 25e __________________ BUEACHED' RAISINS* lb. 19o hSPECIAL 1oa * PECAL. I * RAISINS p4g. 15o ~29. RINGS w 2 for Ille ib 'ALMOND .........ICING - lb DOMINO BAKINO POWDER . m . . mlb. EXCELSIOR PASTRY FIMJR --- 24 l.b. 9. AUNT DINAH 1 53oD. Cello Molasses - tin' 10. Chrrles - lO CORN syrup - 2 Ibo. 19e eut Mlxed P..'- a «oz15C1 FRUIT SPECIALS NEW SEASONS' ORANGES 23e -25e -2»c EMP.EROR GRAPES -~~ - -2bs. 19e EATMORE 1GREEN Cranb.rr.. lb. 29. Ceory H.arts 2-23c SWEET NciN-rosH P.t.t... 3 Ibm. 10e Appi.. 6 qt. 39c, DOM.TVINION, S OE sLMI E j- Phone 596 PRIE DEInERY SAVE ON, THE FEAST Bore Is the thnlfty housewives' chance to shop and savo for thc big Christmas meal. Tou wil1 fini everything you nee4 tk propane a deliclona, praise-whinnhng meal on our shelves. Shop here every day and note the quallty and low pnicés - thon when you are buy- ing for the toast, 'yen will know whero te get the beet fooda at budget-balancing prk«e. Sheiled Walnuts 1/2lb. - - - 23C Generai Assortm ent of Christmas Candies Nuts, Cookies, Fruits end Novelties Ont arip Mixed Hard- Juicy ORANGES Glaced Cherrles........... 1-4 icing Sugar ...1........... 3 it Ncew trop - Spec. Pltted Dates 2 Il Pumpkin.................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bnoiling element. Broil 10 mimm. with 'deor partly open, then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Turn chops and patatees. Add baked apples stuffed with cheese. Broil anather 10 mins. Honey Cup Cakes 3 tbsps. butter 'cup hoey iegg V/2 cup milk i cup fleur V2 cup Cocomaît, Vitene, or Toddy 'ktsp. sait Blond bouey, butter and weli beaten egg together. Add sltted dry ingredients alternately with milk. Bake in buttered cup cake tins in elcctrlc aven 350* for 25 minutes. Pile bigb with Apple Fluff. Apple Fluff Beat 1 egg white with pinch et saît until stiff but net dry. Gra- ciuaily beat i 1/ cup fine sugar beating stiff alter each addition. Grate 2 small apples coarsely and combine 'vith an additlonal 1/4 cup sugar. Add te egg white mix- ture aud beat again stift. Add 'a few drops of lemon extract and tint if desined. EVýENING MENU Apple Salai Cone and scoop eut Uic centre- cf good Snowapples (or a varicty ef good flaveur). Put them into waten centaining a littie lemen juice until ready tô fii them. Dice and mix equal parts cf celery, ap- pegrpfruit aud honey dress- ingPt inappie shefls and serve on lettuce crisped in electric re- frigerater. Apple lice Pudding 2 cups cooked ice i1% cups stewcd apples 1/4 cup raisins chopped 'k tsp. nutmeg Y2 cup sugar (or % c.) 2 tbsp. butter Combine all ingredients, except butter, and put into a well-greas- cd shallew pudding dlsh. Dot with butter ever tep and bake in a mederate electnic aven for 20 muas. Oven Meal Meat Loaf, Baked Squash, Potatees, Pudding. Apple Meat Loaf i lb. greund beef 1 lb. gnound veal %k lb. ground pcrk 2 tbsp. chopped cuion 2 beaten eggs 1%k tsp. sait Y4 tsp. pepper 1 cup bread crumbs. 1 cup mlk Mix ingredionts well aud put haifthUi mixture inte a greased leat pan, caver with fruit filling; thon put on remainder et meat. Pack well, thon unmould in shal- low baklng pan. Bake in electrlc oven tonr1% hnm. Lt 350F. Fruit FillIing: i tbsp. minced ou- Ion, V4 cup fat, 2 cups bread cnumbs, i cup diced apple, i tsp. alt, 1 tsp. sage and 1 egg weil beaten. Raisin and Apple Piolet. 1 cup seeded raisins 2 medium apples, dlced % cup bolling water 2 tbsps. cornstarch %k cup gran. sugar 1/2 top. sait 1-3 lemen, grated rind and julce 1 tbsp. butter Propane apples. Coek raisins mnd apples in beillng waten until tender. Mlx cernstarch, sugar anidalt. Add teffirmt mixture, stirning until thick. Add lemon rind and julce and butter. Cool. F111 mced tant shelis. Bake i an electrie oven at 450, for 10 mini. Reduce te 350* and bake 20 mins. ph ouo596à Erale Eating Fig. ....... pkg 10. Currants,........ 2 lb à 29. Fre.h Cranherries .. lb 30c Cooklng Fig. .... 2 lb. 250 Sultanes, Australian 2 lb 25c Mincemeat ...... 2 lb 2c Spîce.............10. Cut Mixed Peel 1 b. 15C Candy - .2 bs. e 7 288'8, doz. 23c lb 12e >. ~ 200'69 doz 30C tn 0. 176'., doz. 3 WAX BEANS------------tin 100 GlNNENNS- - - - tin 100 CANADA fDRY GINGEIR ALIr À COMPLETE UNE 0W OIINAS FRUITS FOR YOUR TABLE Lemve Your Orders Early 1 Lutin a1i, At J. W. Jewell'u "BIG 20", A GIN? FOR EVEET PURSE AND PERSON, Christmas Carda Calendars Books Games« Doils Statlonery China Glas. and Silver GM1 WRAPPINGS AND DECORATIONS Make this your headquarters when ioing your Christnmas shopping. L 'WuJeweII ýl. . 1 ------- ----------- impi tead a - i une 10 THUIRSDAY, IDECOMM Si ime THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGEEIGHT FINC-REN - - lb -8o1 CHOCOLATE flOPS - - -lb.i15 MIXE) 'ICKLES -18ioz. jar 25o PlAIS-------2tbis210 AYLMR GLAPI 11101 jar 1iGo 9

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