TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN..BOWMANVILLE. ONTARJO 7emRfliV. flUt'Pmft5j1 y~/.uI who carried on a tin shop on King poser's narne, gives it a noble and Street where Mason & Dale's shop splrited setting so that across two Zdi ofQI ïeBiad tns twsa w-trybid centuries this hyrnn has been a ing and there always were ap IR S A D uveslfaoi. By Davidi Morrison, Nouetenaian, Ristoran and prenticesiearning the busnss in HER SO G Harki he hrald angels sng, 'Our Pire Ftghters" ta the sub- ta operate the brakes which was caring for his men. WttOmn bsieil fr od lad sinatrireonctled! ject of this sketch. Sa far as we a man-killer of the firat magni- Another tire chief of this per-. ubn ,~~ aot, Ji h timh0 tesis ean flnd out we wiil give it as tude. This aid machine, named iod was Capt. Thomas Hoar, the Duratemanby e .l n< i Joitri, i y ofntionsis, fouid ti the past ti this tawn by some humorous citizen "The weii known biacksmith whose 123 Lake St., St. Catharines, Wth the arigelic hast proclatm, ont. 'Christ ta bor intriBethlehem.' and vtcinity. Deluge," was drawn ta a tire by stentorian vaice through his Harki the heraid angels stng, Perhaps the tire brigade ti the a rape which was lengthened out apeaking trumpet cauid be heard 'Glory ta thc new-born King?' early days of the towri waa dit- according ta thc condition of the thraughout the length and brcadth ferent fram what it ta to-day. mud which it had ta pasa through of the corporation. Thomas Hoar CHRISTMAS CAROLS Another 13ric thai has held a Then it was sort of a mutual bene- on its way ta the tire. was very popular with the citi- prominent place among the Christ- fit Organizatian, and thc meeting The tirat big tire was the fur- zens and the tire company. Heap on marc wood, the wlnd mas carols for two buridred and place was sort of club room where niture tactory, of which Mr G. nterad"tadb"tr ht chili, twenty-five years ta Isaac Watts' thc doiga of the day were dis- .Watr wsmnae.Wae t ercapain "srab"i te But let it whistle as it will, Inspirattonal hymri, writte ti -_P_________ maagr.________o______ wa or ldfren We'll keep aur Christmas merry 1719, but which neyer grows old. cussed. News was difterent from _____________ Richard Darch. The last time we atl h ue Aiic, dpe what we naw get over the radio were in his trame dweiling house,-SStWajel.coTfrmh a tne lAntMch lstahpt U and telephone. It was considered corner of Ontario and King, -SrWstrSo tfo ain d aes Meshupon t h quite an honor ta belong- ta thc where bis blacksmitb' waa aitu- The twa greateat festivals of teUic ofmjetyuonI tire ftghters' brigade. i.4- ated, waa ta notice bis spcaking Christian church, are ClS Joy to thc worldl thc Lord t The id ownhall wbre he trumpet with ifs tancy tasseied and Easter. AilUihereat pota cme Post office ta ta-day, was buit ti carrier of gargeous design. The artists and musiciaris wr nPf Let earth receive bier King; 1852, thc contractar being John Darch Bras. were ail prominent cd by these two even s Crstmas Let cvery heart prepare Hlm Ruse. It was quite a preteritiaus in the oid brigade, and wifh other Eve ta Uic greateat night inthe i room, building witth a large verandah .-. ad-timers of the South Ward did year. It ta a nighf ot mystcry And heaven and nature sing. along thc south ide. There was -- their aiiare keeping Uic tawri sate when the ghost of good Saint Another apiited hymn t Ui anwhpepi wake i-ugh t a tnrei that direction. Nicholas reappears ti ail lands - top of thec Christmas Îls by Uic butchpe sails - the oniy The tirat break tI this line of Rcv. E. H. Seara, (1810-1876), - th uce tls-teol ire tighfing waa when the tire "lt Came Upon the Mîdntght1 place werendyou coid a n lsteamer was bougbt and Geo. -Clear." -This ta anc of aur more youreleandak hopr oa, as il Haines Jr. was appinted engin- modern Christmas caros, written Uicmea ahps ercioctedtrieer, witb Thos. Tapson as tire- 'by an American poet, and the ac- *the market buildings, hence the man. We have fargatten wbo " companying music "Carol" was aid naine "Market Square."~ compoaed the Ca. but we recail also compased by an American, The tiraftawn hall we rcmem- N. S. Young of the Piano Ca., Gea. ~ ihr .Wiibohro i ber waa a amail two-sforey build- Peckham and Will Raenigk. Ricad S.aet, Na rthane P.oflthe ofthegfacin S bler S. o Uic ite -The rextfire quad was w en The tune ta very appropriately traf i rscit j> ul chon. te Rger Fisheigh waa engineer and named andi ts companionsip aId place and it was turried tnt o - Arthur Mingeaud waa tireman. witb Uic hymri baids an uribraken a Gammr Shoo. Mny ro-- -The townr buit several tire weîls place i ail hynflials. minent namnes intheUi teachiig bine ~.ti different parts of the business It came upon the midnigbt clear, taught intri Uaoid building.' Many. section. Those aid relics are ail That gloriaus sang of old, of ur ide ciizns iîîremm-donc away with and it ta certain- From anges bendirig near Uic ber when if was burned down and aqMorsnyatrcyfomteidDeu" earth clase wre cateed ridife- .wa aarc ad aata the efficient way the towii bas To touch their harpa of gld- cntse qurescot thertoni n ot fr wssen anyw'~ay there wsta-day witbitfs up-ta-date pump- 'Peace on the carth, good *Hll en ureso h on o nuhmen ta "brake her mng bouse and the hydrants on ail ta men, The aid market buildings cx- down"' nof w itha ta n di ng the principal streets. We do naf re- Fromn heaven's ail-gractous tended f0 Cburch St. on Uiceriorth, threafa ot the captain ta have member where aur old friend, big King!' anid Uic tire engine was boused in those wha retuaed ta pump, up Bili Edger came ti as captain.ot The worid ti soiemri stillnesa Uic nortb end with Uic tire hall hetore Uic "Beak" in the marri- Uic town brigade, but we imagine ' ay on Uic second storey. irig. This aid machine shouid hie was tirat head ofthUi South To bear the angels sing. The old tire engirie was a cur- riever have beeri parted wiUi. If Ward Ca. Another promînent tire iosity - a sort of "juggernaut," would have beeri a curiosify inri tgbter was Jac Neil, manager of Turne and space torbid turther as wben on duty at a conlagra- aur muaeumn with other aid relics the Porter Foundr3r in the eaat"Te rafN o sc" avSien igas tian if took about 50 or 60 men of the carîy age of ts place. ed. rThFeretn e , suc aietes ast - The archway Urougb the aid Truh h .inns o r.Fred R. Foley Agl rmteRam fGoy fowr hal ws nf ued a Troub te lndnss t Ma. adigt.L rom hrimasot Gory" townhal wa notuse toany Wmn. Dale, King St., we receivcd thaf gaod aid saint wbo - ari the Lukpe'dssoCbtatas aoy ot great extent by thc ctfizens as a liaf ot the fawn brigade i the aotdiggnr e nomteb au ae fhey gerieraiiy wenf around by time wbcn Gea. Haines was en_ bu dtggeirus acts i sec- e nomfeb au ae the entrance wbere Chiet Jarvia gineer and Thomas Tapson was ref, wbo slipped iliver and goid wr'ter of the long ago, (1652- had his office. Then if closed and tireman. How many of aur tawna- coins tbrough kcyholes and under 1715). S the "Hook and Ladder Ca." oc- people wiii remember this tire the doors of poor people and made Whiie shepherda wafcbed their cuPicd if as a sheifer tfor fbeir brigade ot that pcriod: Frarlk homes happy wifbouf ietttng any- tiocka by night, en apparat us. This was reckoned of Hoar, Tony Mitchell, Mr. Sinclair, anc know haw if happened. It ta Ail aeated on Uic ground, F4 %9iaf much use as a tire machine Harry Baskcrville, Thomas Doney, flic night wben Uic joybells ring The angel of the Lord cam~-e w9andi was discdardcftd. Theash Thomras Pery, Wilson Neads, Geo. merriy, and Uic voice of sng tsA nd owri hn ru aystrwasn ld n d b ttf ad Up .asDowny, Lewis Lyle, Wil Ro- eard inthe ichomes and churche, A d goy soi ru d Cold«Go Down treadreie R .igk, Gardon Fletcher, John Reid, ti public squares and an fthc cor- May we coriclude ta sta al-- O'Hara,bokslesad-tto-W 'TeiR Dumas, Gea. ners ofthUi street, and Uic warid ment with a verse that bas been - Gd A&ft Disfr .ers. Te etil i i Haines, N. S. Young, F. Ston- ta in merry mood. tasae rmavr i aa humed business, bouse, Thos. Tapsan, Geo. Peck- Carol singing at Chrtstmas"ta a 'used by carol singers of Engiand qThe South Ward tormed a tire bamn, J. B. Martyn, wifh Thos. v'ery ancient custom. Indced, if for centuries. Il a cold b l oe dm," 1 au company and also had a tire bail. Hoar as chiet of this brigade. was banded on tramn pagari rituai God reat you merry, gentlemen, lut coughing, mauscular somes, We do naf remember much about Where aur old fricnd Neil Taylor ta Uic Christian Churcb. Some Let nothtng you dtsmay, or trritation In pe branchial their outtit, but if dîd excellentcaenmutbvbenithsyUcwodcro"adrvd RmmbrCitarSvar tubes, sec what e"Vp ub Mas- sriea h u aei ut aebe ntesytewr ~ ~ V1oR rvceat henum ras ire Uattime ot R ger Fishleigh and Air. framn a Grek word "chorus", Was brri on Christmas day, La mU"701wouid break ouf due ta sa mucli thur Mingeaud. whicb inters singing and dancing; To save us al tram Satan's Mentthels moe horouglir- wo en adi hs A s t u rkn ieC. oohr a ti eie rm ýL action of 1wj 'aaoRub ma0re and nof sa much coal as at pres- tau rcnFreC.sothssyIfadrvdfriUc power MUCUyw EInu iritteciair cnt. many bave eniisted of late thaf i word "caroila" meaning a liffie When we were gane astray; Da paseages wlh Sathlng medicinal A tire brigade that did excel- ta bard f0 remember who ta wbo crowri or garland. O> tidinga ot comtort and joy. VaPar. .. STI.am chest and lent service as a "pinch-hitter" to-day, but just Uic. saine they The customn of carai singing ti B back 1k a warmlng poultice or was the "Martyn Fire Ca." in are a pretty lively buncli and gef the atreets apd open air bas been Bk pinter... aun uTS mOiaff7 charge of flic late J. B. Maitn there juat Uic samne, with 'Hamn' -i agentl Christian cauntries ol ti~red of Vaporub. oanc of 'aur moat respected and Hooper as chef, and Ait. Bickell for centuries. The carlicaf printed New Picture Hung En 70OROT a I"VapoRub MBBSAIl energctic merchants of flits per- and Frank Calver as drivers of collection of ancicrit carals was Mt the Town Hall vitiaul Its beneffta - za id. He was a good all-rauiid Uic tire truck. published in England by Wynkya--- ___ VaPaRub for 3 milnutso u - ~ Patron of good and wboiesame Here are a number ot thosé who ti 1521i. Stice that finie many P013TANT S!.&RA& 0 F RAM sport, eapecialiy basebail - anc compose the towri tire tightera, volumes have appeared, - "Sangs The police force ail over Uic as Well as tbroat and chut - citizen wboae place is not easiîy and probably saie nen will put us and Carols," "Christinas-tide, Its continent secins ta have a well sprada hik aye a cea, ilicd. The baya generaily man- rigbt it we bave ict any ouf - Festivities and Carols Il "Carols developcd appreciation of beauti- covr it awame catt.~E aged their own amateur tire L. Hooper, Chef; Assistant Chiet, ofthUi Fifteenth Century," etc. fui art, especiaiiy of that depict- vzx vrno.- equipinrt. Dick Sudda; Frank Bottrdil, W. Long ago Uic carola were pure- mng Uic temale tarin, inhcrited Phi 7 - The tirat captaintof Uic tawn Hackney, Bibi Corden, Harvey iy rdliglous hymna, expressing Uic proabby troi the days when fthc tire brigade was Fred Hasktng Carden, Almond Fletcher, Howard joy and gladriesa thaf came into "Police Gazgette"l confaincd marc _________________________________________Chahls, Waiter Woolley, Dave 1the warld with Uic Christ Child, pictures and lesa statisttcs titan at Alldread, Lyle Bras., Chas. Bag- but in the procesa of finie, merry prescrit. neli. B. Bickell. tunes, especially compasEd Or Be that as if may, Uic fourLI We hope tai may prove a littie Christmnas time, were used by members of Uic local police farce mnteresting ta ur od timers. bands of caroller. In these mod- and Uic hait dozeri other regular loi ern àaafl* n..1. ..A ..L¶.t. I.W À* ' aa &UbLItrie heijjaiant Of trie police Office atrain of Christmas givirig, Uice owhave the moat attractive gramaphane and Uic radio, if muai decaratton that these rav-i wauld scem as thaugh the spirit tng cyca have seeri. It'a framcd.1 ofthUi oid tashioned Christmnas ta The trame bas been there for unbappiiy pasaing away. monthls encircling anoflier morei 3 Our modemn musicians bave bumorous painting of anc ofthfli .giverý us many beautitul Christ- masters. But tai week if wasl Lmas anthems, quartettes and solos cbanged ta a creafian by a painter1 Lbut the hyna sof long aga have wlio signâ himseif "Lite"i The neyer beeri suppianfcd or surpasa- new exhibit ta properly rnarke cd, and flic distinctive tunes at- No. 2. The great picture gailerisca tached fa thcm sf111 atrike a re- trequentiy change eiÉhtbits sa ifta sporisive cliord ti ail our bearfs. quife consistent this mave ahouldid Af whafevcr seasôn ofthfli year have been made ti Bowmanvilie. - we bear flic chorda of Adeste Fi- As flic reader may have sus-a- delta aur Uiougbts at once turri ta pec cd flic subject of the work ta, that aricient Latin bymn, dattng like sa many others, flic moaf ini- back ta flic i3th century and s0 fereatirig orieti the worid - a bcautftuily fransiafed by Bey. beautftul wamari. Fred Oakley (1808-1880). *Crime ta a sordtd subjecf with O camne, ail ye faitfiul, jayfuî whicb ta work day atter day and and trtumpbarit, niglits are long and depressing 0, camne ye, 0 ccame yc f0 for flic constables. It is naf sur- Camne and beboid Him, barri fli up once ti'a whtle acquiing a ncw King of Arigeis; picture. Drap ti somè tîme arid Camne, let us adore Himn, ace this work ot art wlih yaur O camne, let us adore lm, owri eyes. O camne, let us adore Hrl, Christ Uic Lord. Chares esles amou Chist The higlier wc arc piaced, Uic ChamesWeaey' taousChrst more bumbly shouid wc walk.- mas hymri, dating about 1730, was Cicero. no doubf wrttten with Adeste The bigiter a mar i tai grace, M Fidei in mind anid flicfuri e l owcr lie wiil be tilits own "Mendelssohin", bearng tic cm- esteem.--Spurgeon. V1 It Only t"ie one ton of %lue coul' to prove to you that it's the greatemtheating value money can buy. For cleaer, better lhenti ga oatS, order tblue col' to"Y. Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Ltd. M" et. DOwManl MAKE CHRISTMAS FREE FROM FIRE Bombs will brtng death and de- struction to many British homes this Christmastide. In many Can- adian homes this Christmas, death and destruction may be brought not by bomba but by the celebra- tion of Christmas itself, the most festive season ti the democratic world. At Christmas time numer- ous fire hazai-ds are introduced int o homes, stores and public places that do flot ordinarily exist. Every year ti Canada women and littie children lose their lives or are scarred for lif e from fires starting ti Christmas decorationg, trees, lighting, etc. This is the warning issued by the Ontario Fire Marshal's Office. Those persons decorating halls, çhurches and public places should use particular care ti their choice of decorations. Only materials made of metal, glass andi asbestos should be used. Packing matertal and rubbish accumulates much more rapidly at this turne and should therefore be disposed ofj at more frequent titervals. In1 any case, merchants should guard1 against obstructlng any exit facili- tics durlng this season when the shopping crowds are larger than is..a TD Ta VA The Christmnas tree ttself de- mands particular attention. It shouid flot be placed near ariy source of heat, such as radiators, ffre places or stoves and should be well-secured against falling. The tree should be so placed that standing or falling, it will not block a doorway or exit and thus prevent the escape of anyone. # Lights for the tree should be only of the approved electric type and in no case should candies lbe used or smoking permitted near any Christmnas tree. After a tree is brought into the home it hourly becomes drier and therefore more easily tgnited. The correct choice of toys may mean much to the littie ones ti the homes. Those made of ceilu- ld may be ignited without com- ing in actuai contact with flame and when once igntted they burn wtth such rapidity that a child's clothing ta nearly always set afire before they can dispose of them. Accidentai ignition of fiam- mable costumes has been the cause of many Christmas trage- dies; ti fact Santa Claus himsclf Artillery officers check shela ti a magazine beneath one of Cari- must be very careful not ta burri ada's great coastal defence guns. These cari be hurled for miles at ariy bis whlskers. enemy who ventures near the Dominionsa shores. ~ ~meUlm_ _ _ _ For Dad, Son or Brotker Dressing Gowiu -$3.50 75 Tien Eauh - - - 25c. *1.00 Pair - - -9 - .-- Gloves, kld and cape Upfrom - - - $1,00 (Lined and Unlineti) Gloves, woo1 krdt Wool L=no $1.00 - $1.50 sweaters ]BEach - - $1.95 - $3.95 <Brush Wool) Mon 's Overcoats Up from - - - $14.95 Tooke and Arrow Shirts - up from $1,50 Up from - - $4,95 Windbreakers UpfrOM . . . Boys' Ov'ercoats Up from . . . BOYS' Pyjamas 79o - $1M2 *2.95 Boys'1 suite ISUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION ON ALL LADIES' COATS FABIRIC A»D KM GLO VIS fromn 49e t. $2.50 Kid Gloves - -up from $1.25 NHndkerchiefs --5c ta $1.00 Pullover Sweaters up from 98e Twin Sweater Sets -.49 Fine Wool Ski Suits, 2 piece Up from $6.95 Scarvu -- ---.rom 49e Flowers -- - froin 150 Umbrellas from $1.5» Sllk Dance Scts up tram 98e Purges 09e - *3.95 Fine Bcd Jackets Iace Table Cloths - $1.59 - $6.95Tr y lojs e h 50 maudry Bacs 45o CHENILLE amak Linon Towels 45o - $1.90 BED SPREADS GetTwl pfo 5 ed Spreads -f-' up from $1.951 Bath Towels each.from 25aei lankets. pair -- Up from *1i.95 $5 $.O Lace adLiien Runners _590 'broldered Pillow Cases 95c-2,25___________ Damask Table Cloth, up trom 1.49 COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN hons 8891 LIBMIT»Ewm lle IUOR CONTROL The benefits which were prom- Ised urider Governent control of liquor have not beeri received; instead, conditions attaching to the liquor traffic have become steadily worse, declares Bey. Dr. A . J. Wilson, Editor of The United Church Observer, tin an editorial ti the current issue of the UJnited Churcli organ. "Canada ta repuied to be spend- [ig $200,000,000 a year on drink, while national thrift and economy are urged and while the claima of Busi ness Directery Legal L G. V. GOULD, B.A.. LL.B. Bairister, Solicitor, Notary Phonre 351 Bank of Commnerce Bldg. Bowmanvllle W. . STRMKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary solicitor for Banik of Montreal Moniey to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmnanvtlle, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Xotary Public - Etc. Law In all Its branches Dffice lmmediately eaut of Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; Home 553 DRLC enta Assstnt J. .W.Himon Gasitoyant:r.en.lol- lGerad to. cffoalcentar l Col lg, Tooo. Office: Juryce Juilc Bldg .to6 . nl. Office our except Sunday Phone 790 . House phone 883 c D-R.ay E .quIpmetriOffc DTrnRo) O.ndecastlOnt (Ovr ano) ani Ntoe, eastle n. Ofer LngniasStr, nclc Offce our: tur py ai Funeral Directors FUNEAL DIECTORO Service, any baur, ariy day F~. F. Morris Co. MUdera Motor Nquipment, Am- bulance and Invafll Car. e. phone 480 or 734, mitantôo. social servtce and patrlotic organ- izat ions are being* presaed upon us," Dr. Wilson wrifes. Declaririg that ifta im e for thc Churcli ot Christ f0 acf," Dr. Wilson points ouf that there bas been a noticcabie -prevalence of crimes of violence ti wbtcb drink admittediy had played- a promiri- cures divine pawcr.-Mary Baker cnt part. "Ail sections of Uic cam- Eddy. mnunity have been affected and even Uic C.A.S.F. bas tound ifs higli repufatton besmirched by these depiorable offenses," Dr. Wilson writes. meecness, moderating buman deaire, inspires wtadom and pro- ~- IN CA-NAOA'11 YES, out in Vancouver and Victoria Warm sea-breezesand the proteceion of the migluy Coasal Mountains maintain a moderato temperaturod*l which ait oitdoor sports tait. oa afl invigorading nowness. f Plan now to visit Canada's HVBR. GREW? Play ound-for test or pis, the ideal pace for a thoroughly toL iiU Vancouver'&a pacious rooms and do. MOiFdlightful accomm4tjons wili add o A LL 8 M R thep.asure of your stay in Vancouver. R OU ND TRAVEL WEST THE JASPER WAY USmTU Au*.C0NWy ATTRCONT RINNTALITES AIW ay um ..,./ CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRES S TELEGEAPOS e MONEY ORIERs F41 hVons. . e avliy . q&M .4- JML RATS Reduced to as 10w am 7 9e S11k Slips -_ up from '190 811k Gowus -.__up tram 98e 811k Bloomers ---..3c - $1.3r5 811k Vests 49o - *1.00 801k Panties 29e - $1.25 Satin Danco Sets, Up from *1.25 -a-- = ~j t ~ 1- 1 - 1- 1 VA -' wnr~ r ~ ~ -, -. w-~r *~7r-¶,w~vrv r Pyjamas Fine Box Pair . $4.05 1 . .. , e . - 390 - $1.50 - 1 for Women and' G-:ir-ls Us'efoi Articles For The Home RT71?lPIPT011! 1DAnwAdimes