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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1940, p. 11

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bEC~MBER 1, 1944) TEE CNADIJN SATESAN. OWMAVILL OM'ARTOPAUEG LVE I 'v 1et btons -and twa have been appoint- é ~ w'*~. ed i eaich section. Tue Publlclty kldiera am~,,ysa.LLk/U Committee willi contact tEese. Just b dsg ,Ihh..II.mi mI now a drive is belng made ta exq- d4 courage people ta give Ceri! ».~isiip i ~fiSW.cates and Stampa as Chrlstmas t' sIwsg ass, aâ~ ~presents. Attractive forma arc mmdama'g. Esy a ub.sé. ,.avallable and can be secured E easily. Salve your ChnlstxnRs glv- Mi DoddsKiniby ill Ing by usi these and at tEe smre tirne help lck Hitler. jDIM AND DISTANT Social and Personal HAPPENINGS Phone 40rl6 F rom The Oreno News of Mns. . Heny ~December 20, 1917 Miss Lillian Fowlem, Toronto, TJhie young ladies af Oono and was home., viinity have onganized for patria- Prof. Mîlt Staples, Guelph, was tic work and with your hearty ca- home. aperation they hope ta send many SV-comforts to aur boys in the MM-Js osalin~e Gamsby svit trenches. These afficers wene ap- lrm¶ere.pointed: President-Miss E. Ren- s Rusk has been visiting hem wick; V. Pnes.-Mîss E. Staples; sist ,Mis. F. Pente. Sec.-Miss B. Wilson; Asst. Sec.- A new ligEt has been placed on Miss N. og as-isE ChrhSt. Mthell. O. P. S. Sr. Room report for N. F. Porter visited i Peter- November and Decemben: Sm. IV bora. -J. Gilfillan (Hon.>, Mary Som- Miss Myrtie Smith Ens been off merville, Irene White, Wesley duty with the grip. Wood; Jr. IV-C a t h eri ne Hallp (Hon.), Mary Davejr, Edward Mis. Evans arrived itEe vil- Eber, Kenneth Gamsby, Ednai lage tEe latter part af last week. Stutt, George McPherson; Sr. III Mr. A. A. Dummond is back -Richard Pearson (Hon.), ]Roy on âutii a th te bank. Cornish, Allie Wooad, Ruby Mid- -!l dleton, Tuelma Mantyn, Fraincis cvno Fire Dept. was ispected Awde, Harold Lunri, John Best Dec. litE. and Cymil Agnew (equal), Lizzier Fire engine was tested Saturday 1.Lii, Roy McPherson, George afternoon. Lunn, Evelyn Middleton; Jr. III- t Marion Dickson (1Rôn.), John Mc- l~lsJC Foster is now in To- Crae and Clifford Winter (equal), t onta General Hospital. Kathleen Allen, Charlie Knoxt Glad ta see Mis. E. Fowlen out Elsie White, Markaret Eber, again ater hem accident. Frank Pearson, Doris French. B. r Santa Claus is coming ta town A. Wilson, teacher.d Saturday. Following the Mission Band MEAL PLANNING concert Monday afternoan tEe GIRLS' PROJECT kiddies were treated ta candy.____ Tue Public School hs closing The Live and Lean Club met Fridaiy for tEe holidays with a Friday evening in Park St. Sun- program and treats. day ScEool noom. Roll cal was Mr. and Mis. Chas. Hunter and taken wilýE each telling tEe iaime e son, Lakeîield, visited Mis. W. aI a book they would llke ta owri. Cowan. Mari aie McLaren ead tEe min- cl Mis. Cailes Tamblyn mas an- utes. Miss Milison irifonmed tEe l mlved ta spend a few mantEs with girls that all waters tested atJ Mis. James Tamblyn Snr. Guelph were pure. Next meeting Ir Schol Chistas hlidys sartDec. 23rd at 2 b'clock. So-ol w.Chnstm areholdas stnt iss Milîson gave notes on Pub- i wt-modarcw. O .S recoi lic HealtE services (which includ- bI wit aidane.ed tEe puneneas af water and tEe ea Mr. R. C. Rosborough was back dealing with communicable dis-T on duty tEe latter part af last eases), anid Meal Planning (which week at O.CS. included avoîdance af waste, time Ic Jim Powers went with tEe aI coaking, using what weme called w B.H.S. team ta Port Coiborne and pratective foods, cast, proper kind reports a grand trip. aI food ta buy, etc.). As home tl COngr4tulntions to Mn. Wm. study she asked ench girl ta plan p Banrett who celebrates iîs 77tE and prepare a meail for tEe faim- o bfrthday on Tuesday. ily, keeping accoaunt af tEe cost, cl Tue now enceindu~ ~and ta préert it at the next meet- 'Themin iorafno agin dtl s iing. A short period of games fol- N ter. loed Nelghbors were shocked ta hear ht ItSna Fniday morning af tEe sudiden ht f SnaE death aI Mi. Frank« Peaite. - Obs*i'ved by School Mis. Tuas. Cowan hs visiting 0f UnItd Church T hen sisters, Misses T. and N. Col- VIE White Gift Sunday wais observ- T Xut. I. Chapman feil on the ice, ed at Sunday Scimool and the bréhking hem lcnee cap, necessitat- Christmas message was braught ing hem remavail ta Bowmanville even clouer at Park St. ChurcE an hospitai. Sunclay. The chunch was artisti-0 ,Re ev. and Mis. S. Littiewood cally decôràted with green and À kpart in the Clake Union ed raping, and greenery on D, NRe and ScEool Club pragram which were placed tinsel and Fmlday evening. poinsettias. SaVie.gdod Samaritans sanded In tEe manning tEe pastar told tEe *Rlage sidewalks Sunday. I tEe childmen ai stary of tEe shep- was a-tucky break for tEey were herd boy who came ta worsip s0 icy one could skate an them . esus belome tEe otiier three shep- 01 Tue roads were sanded Manday. herds were able ta get there. Tue ci Evidntlythe ew Yar wll ext for tEe sermon was "Emmain- mientlychte mNe w Yar wluel, God with us." mea n hane mre aysthan The Suriday Schooi was decomat- anc. No less than four Oronoites dwtabeuilydcotd are having the wedding bells aind tre a ea iuti fltyhecorate Christmas beils ringing about the be an a pictuneastEe babyC saime tîme. i bte mnger, shieh as en-a Scouts met Fnlday night insltead circled with greenemy from, which af Thunsday this week. About 15 hung ai bell and twa silver ornai- Fr were present. Cards for stamnps nents. Mrs. Drummond opened ci wene giVen ta cach boy and plains tEe White Gift part aI tEe session i made for Christmas 'tnee next by teling tEe story aI tEe tEreW Thursday. wise men who brought their gîîts us A pecullar accident Eappened ta Jesus. At the conclusion aI the SU] at the tannery -bridge. Miss Allie stary representatives af each class h Wood was stepping aside ta avoid brought up deconated baskets afin a cross-looking cul- when she gifts on envelopes containing W9 slipped, faling against tEe Iran money, which tEey placed anrtheI projection on the telephone. paie table at tEe front aI tEe roomn, ail- past wElcE, she was walking, aind ter dellvering appropriate mes- cnacked a nib. She is out again. sages. Class representatives were as foliows: Primary-Charlie and er, Büh Armstrong; Jr. Gi rl1s-B. F Christmoas Program RolpE, L. Hobbs; Jr. Boys-Bull Moffatt; Int. Girs-Marjonie Mc- as At Union Metlng Laren;, Int. Boys-Kairl Flintoff ; c. Sm. Class-Stellai Best, Lais Wood; W Bible Class-Mis. M. H. Stapies. C Union Monday evening was in At ,the evening service Rev.C change aI tEe Devotional Commit- Littlewood chose as text "And we tee, Neil Wood and Myrtle Tambl- they oîfered unto Him gfts-gold, nt lyn,_ tEe former pneslding. Neil frankincense aind myrnh." Tue ar Wood rend tEe scripture and also choir selectiori was "«No Room," dr conducted tEe business period. wltE Mr. R. E. Logan tnking tEe da: Tue white group were once agaîn sala parts in the anthem. e found ta have-mare oresemet. Man -_________ pitalization - Township Clarke, De- benture acet. S. S. 7.. Township Clarke, De- benture acct. S. S. 12.. Hydro Electric, light bill E~. L. MacNachtan, 1940 County rate Orono Côal & Lumber, supplies ---------- Dog Tax Rebates: Mis. J. Pearce Gordon Martin.-- Mrs. Darlington -.---- Fred Wood--------- Victor Farrow ---- >rono Times, acct.---- Chas. F. Awde, School Atténdance Officer Road Voucher 13 CHRISTMAS BAC FILLED BY Orono Women's Institu Priday afternoon in thei ýhamnber, the meeting bet ded over by Vice Preside W. W. Sherwin. Followi muai openmng exercises, tt irer gave the monthly stE iowing $18.01 had been n the catering to the b Arool will be sent again t] Ef January. A cammittee was appoi Ers. M. Carleton, Mrs. J. R eMrs. J. Dickson, Mrs.J idson, Mrs. M. H. Stapie PTamblyn and Mis. F. Co mist at preparations f moking school in Januar3 :Winter and Mis. W. Si 'ere appointed ta look 'hrlstmas cheer boxes. 'as voted to Mrs. J. R. Coc -llef planned by her dept. rranged to fin the bags Jnited Church to-night1 lw) for the community lsired. Mrs. J. R. Cooper took th r this program: Caroli ed by Mis. W. S. Roy wl 1H. Brown at the piano ng, Mis. M. A. Carleton ,hristmas Eve"; roll caîl,v iwoman in the Bible;r Hilstory and Tradition 'hristmas Tree," Mrs. J. R rletter from Dr. J. N.1 on, Winnipeg, printed in1 batesman, read by his rs. M. A. Carleton. Following plans for rem ng the sick, candy and tat were enjoyed, alter he National Anthem br<, dessant afternoon to a cie 'BABY'd CO)NSTIPATI1 IERIOUS IF NEGLI9 1AIBY'8 d r omsafMa-ea 'hi bsoueacu ato tmachmut Wbea ho im omothlosmut bu mca. Cooatipatiaaà la ao elfr bah, mm. Ioba T. Rid oS seleOui E m y '10i h m M éonc il re uffle ae the but and uiuo dé-ssie and efhctivo for~ Infat 1 sivthon up to 10 Yeat Duirin tuotlageab.Ywa OM Tabet ont messtbo larai! upatc dloutive diaturbace ot frotifflae. Eluilly effective for elmplletevo, d eatonacb ci. apcroupi .,.« ailmeats of ybood 0m.anmd sale. Do#icotl stu fyiag drugs. EaCh paCILage ~t'a coitidicati Get abotdy ofAc trIkm la ds leg%19. 8 a Dc I ot--'-m" .Weddinig Harris-Morton The narriage took place quietiy on December l4th, at Newcastle, of Inez, elden daughter of Mr. and Mis. Geo. Morton, Kendal, and Lawrence, only son af Mr. and Mis. Albert Harris, Orono. Rev. D. R. Dewdney officîated at the ceremany which took place at the St. George's Church in the pres- ence of the parents of the con- tracting parties. Miss Mary Har- ris, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, and Mi. Robert Mon- ton, brother of the bride, was best man. Foilowing the ceremony the happy couple left for Peterbono where the, groom has been i training. Township Council, CLARKE COUNCIL Final meeting of Clarke Council was held Decemben leth. There were several letters dealing with relief and hospitalization and the Clerk was instructed what action to take. Treasurer was ordered to put ta credit of Orono Police Trustees the following items: Balance of ment $537; township grant $100; dog rebate $25. - Total $1893.82. Dog taxes were refunded ta Mns. J. Pearce, Gordon Martin, Mrs. Darlington, Fred Wood,. I'heodore Stephens and Victor Farrow. Treasurer will pay each mèrm- ber of Council $80.00 and ta R. H. Woo'd $25.00 for services rend- ered. Treasurer will pay: Road ac- counts up to end of 1940; T. A. Reid $18, Cecil Robinson $20, J. J. Mellor $16, for services as membens of Board of Health. Authorized treasurer to pay amount of adjustment as directed by Asse *ssor ta E. E. Patterson, error in assessment $5.48; Bert rrim, adjustment $6.00. $5.00 was paid J. J. W. Stringer for shooting a dog that had been worrying sheep. Motion was passed requesting the Federal Government ta sup- ply all members of C.A.S.F., while on official leave, with passes free of charge ta travel on C.N.R. These by-laws wene- passed: Nomination meeting ta be held )ec. 30th at 1 p.m.; Authorizing treasurer to borrow up ta $5000. Bis: E~. L. MacNachtan, hos- 44.25 Taronto. Srviving are a ter Amy (Mirs. <Dr.> McCi 521.85 and two sorns, L. T. (Tomn ýRen. 845.66. Tue funemal takes place 2.16 <Thursday) from the Chunch. 23,450.74 7.00 Mrs. W. E. Beamis] 2.15 Death removed a lavec 2:15 Sunday, Dec. 15th, in the 2.15 of Mis. W. E. Beamish, wi 2.15 the late W. E. Beamnish 'a 415 ther oI Mi. Arthur Beami 2:50Mi*s. Evans. Mis. Beamish was born 5.50 homestead, eat of Orono, 229.00 ter of Mi. and W1s. Balli one timne she Iived in Port b S ut for many years hasi in Orono. Althotigh an: f Wl . for years, she kept good hu and cheerful and callers .te met enjoyed her bright ways an Coundil versatian. Cards andr Ïng pre- helped ta wile away thi ýent Mrs.hours Ion hen. ing the Tue funeral was held Irc the trea- Misses Waddell's residence tatemnent she made her home, on Tt cleared interment being made al banquet. Hope. Bearers wene G. M thme first ton, F. J. Hall, C. Billllngs,1 pies, Tuas. McNell and inted of Stark, R. Coop- Two sistens, Mis. A. J.E J. Rich- and Mirs.. Staples, aiso si ls, Mis. __________ owan, ta fan Mm.Lockhart's Sdi 3eymnour_____ ýk alter $10-00 Home and Schaol Club r ýoper for was held Dec. litE with ýIt was attendance. New Park H03 sat tEe School Club had accepted (Tus- vitation ta visit No. 9a tree if meeting but due ta bad roac fonced to cancèl the visit. ;he chair was an extended businessc singlng, Sion. Club secretary was in ith Mis. ed ta write the trustee boa o; read- questing necessary repai i, " 'Tis made ta school piano. War nqme aI Conimittee reported pnoceeý me'iding, club social evening at H of the Glenney's amountlng ta R. Coop- Same supplies for the mal Hutchi- a quilt have been punchasE thje last work will be started as s( cousin, possible. Club decided ta Hygiene pnizes ta' the pui nember- usual at the Christmasc a social and these pnizes this year rwhich be War Savings Stampa. Ai ought a tation ta Antioch H. & S. C' [ose. Jan. Mt was accepted. li -cided ta Eold aur regular Je meeting at Antioch ait that 5Mis. Ed. Dean is prograir vener. Christmas canais S Sung, led by Mi. Russell Os 'An article on Home Edu ON was read by Mi.F. W.:E Aninspinlng addness by Mr CTID Mellon, Orono, on «Why E FigEs a itee Oat A"109l.I leIt much food for th Z dmat A"quiz" contest and refresh ; brought tEe evening toa cl L'bu"hn _ _ _ _ _ F.daer or Auctioneer ~ ELMER WELDUR Shabrea, Lleed Auctioneer su th, Hampton - Ontar S Speclallzlng in Fanon, Live W ltiso Iniplements and Furnitune iconamn TEIRMS MODERATI Phone fon Terme and Det Eownianville 2428 adaugh- Celland), iiy) and ,e to-day Uftited Lr ýg n ýe LS )f n ON GUARD UNIQUE CONCERT AT NMION BAND Mormday alternoon was an ex citing time for the kiddies of Par St. Mission Band, it being theli annuai Christmas concert held ir the S. S. room. The followini program was given, each itenr being thoroughly enjoyed: Christ. mas Carol by ail presçnt; chorus "The Christmas Story" by ti Mission Band; recitations, Kath. leen Gamsby, Barbana Rolph, Bet. tY Winter and Don McLaren piano solo, Gwen Phasey; choruE by the Juniors; Exencise by rinE juni.ors, "Christmas"; and a choruc by the Mission Band. This pro. gram was foiloW.ed by slides ol famous pictures ln colors, shawii and explained by Rpv. Littlewood which were seen with interest and excitement by the children. Obituary Francis JTames Peate Francis James Peate, Orono, sor of the late Mr. and Mis. Richard Peate, Bowmanviile, passed to rest at his home on Dec. l3th, and was buried the following Monday when his pastor, Rev. S. Littlewood, officiated at the ser- vice. Mi. Peate was '4 years af age. He was well known i Bowman- ville and Orono, and i the latter village managed the funniture business of F. P. Morris Ca. for many years. He was a cousin af Mn. Morris. Although ini poor health for a number af years Mr. Peate's death came as a shock to h many friends, he being the last of thé family. Palîbearers at tEe funeral com- prsed intimate friends and neph- ews of deceased. Interment wErs in Bowmanville Cemetery. Fauter The angel of death visited Orono for the third time within a week when Robent Foster.passed away December l6th, in uis 88th year. Although in ill health for somne years death came suddenly at the last. For many years he has been a citizen of Orano, at one time running a hardware store. He al- ways took a great interest i com- munity life. He was predeceased by his wife a few years ago and has since lived alternatelv in Orono and Lake Shore, Clarke Mis. F. Hanrs is stili critical' i11 in Oakwood Clinic, Toronto. Bill Rowland, Bill Lake anc Jack Holmes are employed in thE General Motors, Oshawa. Wher industrieus, scientific farmers likE these, whose farms have been in- 1herited for the second and fourth 0generations, find it necessany to 1go ta town where they wiil gel pay for their work, it surely is proof that there is something wnang with the farming industry. The government will have ta sel the prices of farm products differ. ently or they wiil be having tc r grow their own potatoes and maise Btheir own porkers. r Alec Hendry and Floyd Powell fae under quarantine at Peter- ,borough T. C. *Between inclement weather and roads and an epidemic of bad colds necessitating children's ab- sence it has been quite a task ta practise for aur school concert. Recent Visitors: Mn. and Mrs. R. Alldred and Mr. and Mrs. Les. Allun with Ed. Samis, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldred and Mr. and Mrs. R. Alldmed in OsE- awa. Mrs. D. Brown with Mrs. R. Patterson, StE Lihe. Mi. Len. Buckler and Billie Jaynes in Peterborough. Mis. G. Martin in Orono. Mis. C. Mitchell and Mns. J. Mitchell in Part Hope. Starkville Shioh W. A. met at Mrs. Wm. Savery's on Tuesday. Ail offîcens were e-elected. Warren Carson has had the saw- ing machine. Mis. Jacob Halloweil is not tçeling weil. Visitors: Vctor Farrow was i the c. .. A. Dobson was in Port H. . . Mis. Sid Hallowell and Helen were at Mi. H. Rusk's, Port Hope.. Wýrren Carson was in -Port Hiope. . . Mi. and Mis. A. Dobson and daughter had Sunday dinner at Mr. Lew H-allowell's... Mr. and Mis. *Ed. Ruthven, Mion, at Miý. A. Dobson's on Wednesday. Miss Norma Halioweil and father were in Port Hope.. Mr. and Mis. H. Lyttie and son, Bow- manville, at Mi. Tom Falls'... Mr. and Mis. Ross Hallowell at Mr. E. White's, Elizabethville ... Mr. and Mrs. Omm Falls and son at Mr. Gordon Power's, Clarke Union... Mi. and Mis. Victor Far- row in Port Hope. .. Mi. ancl Mis. Carlas Tamblyn, Omono, at Mis. I. Stark's. . . Mr. Raymond Farrow at home. . . Mi. and Mis. Chas. Cowan, Newcastle, at Mi. Henb. Gilmer's. Wishing the Editor and Staff of The Statesman a Merry.Christ- mas. Staples urvive, ENTERTAINER - Seur. RALPE GORDON, tii. ,0iwonderftuly versatile e nteor- LOOl er for your neit entertaln- ment. fllustrated efreular free. - Addresa - meeting 628b Crawford Street, Toronto a fair ne and trio estock, eSales ate ta: Newtonville At the W. I. meeting Dec. l2tli it was decided each graup should 1raise money for Central Ontario War Fund. Mrs. Robt. Morton presented this program: Solo, Mis. Jack Kimbail; Sayings of Happi- ness contributed by the different members; guitar and accordion duet, Mis. Bruce and Maian; paper on Community Welf are, Mis. Lionel Hughes; solo by re- quest, "There'll Always Be an England," Mrs. Jack Kimbail; Authon Contest. There was an ex- change of Christmas gifts aften whîch, lunch was served. January meeting at Mis. Bemt Samis'. W.M.S. of United Church met Dec. lOth, with Miss I. Laing, presîdent, in the chair. Program consisted of readings by Mis. D. Kaufman, Mrs. R. Morton, Mms. L. Savemy and Mrs. W. Jones. Officers for 1941 are: President- Miss I. Laing; lst Vice-Mms. Mc- Lachlan; 2nd Vice-Mis. J. T. Pearce; Sec'y.-Mrs. C. Robinson; Teas.-Mrs. L. Savemy; Strang- ers' Se'y.-Mis. J. Barrie; Press Sec'y.-Mrs. R. Morton; Mission- ary Monthly-Mis. W. J on es; Christian Stewardship -Mis. C. Bunley; Tempemance-Mms. R. J. Rowe; Peace-Mrs. D. Kaufman; Baby Band-Mis. C. Morris. Rev. H. W. Foley, Bowmanville, took charge of circuit services on Sunday during Rev. McLachlan's absence.' Rev. and Mis. J. McLachlan weme in Toronto Sunday where Mi. McLachlan officiated at the funeral af Alexander Kerr af Richmond Hil, a school-mate in Tavert, Scotland. Deepest sympathy goes out ta Mis. Randaîl and famiiy in their bereavement af her grand-daugh- ter, Kathleen Randail. Kathleen was a bright, lavable girl and will be sadly missed by her many fniends. Some of aur boys training at Peterbomo are quanantined with measles and will not likely be home for Christmas. Mi. nd is.Chas. Moage, Linday, with Mirs. G. W. Jones. M.and Mi. Calas Tamblyn,, at Mm. Jas. Stark's. drDead Mms. Leslie Alldread an oeen, Mapie Grave, M. and Mis. Reg. Woodham and Marie, Toronto, Mis. Nomman Samis, Newcastle, at Mi. Ed. Samis'. Mr. and Mis. Clinton Burley and Donald, Oshawa, Mi. Warren Davis, Brantford, at Mi. Spencer Buriey's. Mi. and Mis. George E. Staple- tan,*Mi. and Mis. Alvin Jones, PotHope, at Mr. Wm. Staple- ton's. Mi. and Mis. Cecil Walkey in Toronto. Mr. J. T. Pearce, Fenelon Falls, at home. Inspecton A. A. Martin, Alice and Louise, Brighton, at Mr. Wil- fred McKay's. Mis. Mabel Langstaff hs in To- ronto vhsiting Mi. and Mns. Wil- bert Langstaff and hem new grand-daughten. Wilbert was in a street car accident ecently. Kendal Miss Myrtie Falls is in Port Hope for the wintem. Miss Audrey Patton and Mn. Gea. Thompson weme home. Mis. Gea. Thompson,,wha has been ait Mi. Arthur Bell's, has me- turned. Conratulations ta Mr. and Mis. Bell on the amival of a fine! daughter. Clarence Bell, who was in good 1,ealth ail summer, is again con- fined ta uis home. Mis. Gea. Quantnîll, who has been with hem daughter Mis. Ira Thompson, will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mms. Harold Quan- trill. Fiends and relatives heme of Miss Kathleen Randail, Newton- ville, were shocked ta lean af hem death Sunday morning ait tEe Mountain Sanitonium at Hamil- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Hatwell Lowemy visited at Mn. Ina Thampson's. Mm. and Mis. Harry Mercer, Jackle and Don, visited at Mmg. Gea. Mercer's on Sunday. Mm. McQuean, hydro inspector, has been in tEe village. Owing ta so many stormy days tEe line is nat pnognessing as fast as desined. Our village has cetainly had its full quota aI snaw, nain and ice. Snow shovels and stuck cars have been very tnying on tEe aI es fmany aI aur citizens. Despite tEe snow a good cmowd was out ta tEe Christmas concént of tEe combined McLean's and Kendal schools on Dec. llth. Santa arived on tEe scene and distnibuted gifts ta the excited yaung folks. W. I. met Dec. 4th at the home af Mis. Wm. Pattenson. Rail cal was 'A Neighboriy Act?' W. I. is that aId magazines, suit- able for army, navy on tEe air force readig, be leIt at local stores where they will be sent on. A collection of 50 cents or what- ever can be afforded is to be taken up at the next meeting. This is to go to the Federated W. I. of Canada to help furnish and keep up a ward in the Canadian hospital in England. Mrs. Hilditch gave a paper on Community Ac- tivites and Relief. Mrs. R. Mercer and Mrs. N. Patton completed their demonstration of vegetable dishes by making 'Dried Lima Beans with Ham' and 'Bean Souf- fle'. The food selection score card was also examined and filled out. Next meeting January 8th, Cana- dianization, in charge of the Blue group. Mrs. Edna Underwood is in Orono with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Woodyard. We wish to congratu- late them for being the proud parents of a fine daughter born Dec. llth. ASI1SEE IT By Capt. Elmore Phulpott, M.C.1 <Contunueai frorn page 2) I I WHEN BENITO FALLS Sooner or later the Italians will be knocked completely out of thîs war. Whether that time is at hand no man cari tell. But if and when it does happen the improvement in the British war position against Hitler will be enormmus. Even if - as I think certain - the Ger- mains will get aind hold a sea out- let on the Adriatîc, aur naval task will be educed almost to the vanishing point. In a nutsheil, release of aur naval forces now pinned ta the Meditermanean because af Italy's engagement in the war, would make ail the difference in the world in the lIfe and death stnug- gle against the submarines in the North Atlantic. That is why, r omlete deleat aI Italy when it c caes iI ertainly mark the be- ginning aI thhe end for Hitler. Even with Italy out aI the war, IHitler and the Nazis would be vemy far fmrom being beaten. Hit- 1 erý il not go down ta defeat wîthout making one on more des- perate attempts ta beat Bnitain. Above everything else we should avoid being aven-confident mere- ly because of temporary successes, Eoweven spectacular. Spring hs not many weeks away and when it cames the threat of invasion oI Bnitain again wiil be a possibility. Hitler has not yet used anything Ilke Eus total air strength in the- mass bombard- 1 AT OUR HYDRO HOP - NEsWS ment of Bnitain. When he begins ta use his whole air force and aU oI uis machinery aI destruction we wiil know he hs nearing the end af his military nesaurces. In my opinion, it hs absolutely cer- tain that he wili use poison gas for attempted wholesale sînughter in Britain befome this war is fin- ished. We must keep aur minds and energies keyed ta beat Mft- 1er, not mereiy any of Ehi cat's paws. las 04Y clartmu aCartff of.558,lOs,2w$. SWEET CAPORAL 'Thoe pures: Jorm~ in wbicb tobairoo <n bo smoked' H.M.C.S. Ottawa, one of tEe Royal Canadian Navy's growing fleet of destroyers, is shown as she steams out into the Atlantic on.patrol duty. DONTf STOP MY PAPER' ,Don't stop my paper, printer, Don't strike my nanie off yet- You know the times are stringent And the dollars hard to get; But tug a little harder Is what 1 mean ta do, And scrape the dimes together, Enough for me and you. I can't afford to drop it, I find it doesn't pay To do without your paper H-owever others may I hate to ask my neighbors To give me theirs on 10811; They don't just say, but mean it Why don't you have your own? You can't tell how we miss it, If by any fate, Should happen not to reach us, Or come a little late. Then ail is in a hubdub And things go ail awry, And printer, if you're married, You'll know the reason why, I cannot do without it, It is no use to try; The other people take it And printer s0 must I. I too must keep me posted And know what's going on Or feel and be accounted A foggy simpieton. Then take it kindly, printer, >1 pay is somewhat slow, For cash is not so plentyr And wants not few you know. But I must have tnis paper, Cost what it may to me; I'd rather dock my sugar And do without my tea. Zion Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geiberger attended the funeral of Mrs. Her- man Schmid at Newcastle on Monday. W. A. ladies quilted a couple of Red Cross qufits at Mrs. A. T. Stainton's on Friday. About fifty-five gathered at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pas- coe on Friday night and presented them with a chime dlock. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Strehl, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haas, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geisberger, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton, Mr. a~ Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Mr. and Ms Frank Pascoe, Mr. Alex McMas- ter, Mrs. J. W. McMaster attend- ed the Milk Producers banquet in -Oshawa on Wednesday night. The school children are busy practising for their Christmas concert. Visitors: Miss Audrey Ayre, Bowxnan- ville, at home. Mr. Percy Bryce, Toronto, and Miss Amber Sonley, Oshawa, at Mr. Fred Camerôn's. Mrs. Wes. Cameron visited her sister, Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, at Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. Wm. Perkins and Mr. Frank Lundy, Owen Sound, at Mr. Rus- sell Perkins'. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson visit- ed Mr. A. J. Balson, Solina, who is very ill. Mr. and Mis. Chas. Ferguson and Bobbie, Thornton's Corners, Mr. Harvey Balson, Oshawa, at Mr. J. W. Balson's. I would lot give one moment of of the world, even if it lasted for thousands and thousands of years. -Martin Luther. TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1

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