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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1940, p. 12

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BY POPULAR CHOICE FOR "THE FAMILY" GIFT GIVEIA 7/te ?oqafty ocl adà An Ali-Canadian Produot . 24 Beautiful Mdodels te choose fram, wlth a varlety of fluishv Priced as low as $24.95 Pruceless Features At No Extra CosI "'Toue Calor" - that a]- most indescribable some- thing which makes tant, rîch, melodiaus and lite like, bs the most desirable radio t enture, but it cames not tram expen- sive matemials alane. Years of oxpenience and precision engineering me- ward PHONOLA with a reputatian for extrnordi- nary fine tono qùality and now added toana that-Dual Audio Chan- nel with TWO Speakers marks another grent ad- vance in tone fidelity. THE MAYFAIR With Dual Audio Chanuel Before you buy nny radio see and hear PHONOLA. Ask for n demonstration iaf Dual Audio Channel. See the Multi-Band Ex. pander, - n marvelous new Meature that makes short-wave tuning ton times oasier. Examine the beautitul Deilcraft Cabinets and hear for yauself the. gorgeous tane. THE DIGEST With Multi-Band Expander Phone 2653Bwmntl There bs a gift that bs almost a that bs munificence; so much blow, and there is a kind -word there in the way of doing thir 52. GIFTS --$2.OO You Give a Gift a Week When You Give The Canadian - Statesman A gift subscrlptlon te The Canadian Stateman is really a t that keelu on glvlng. The, lucky receiver wli b. kept pestai on a&U the home town newu, very week of tic year. Econ- r ema!,tee! 13SHE IN THIEARMY? Nothlng would be more aippropriate than a yeaa"s gUSt ubsorlptlon.te flic Statosman.. It la Just ike a imter tra.m home and la even better as it con- tains a&l the local happenings --- ý USE THIS COUPON Canadian Stateunman, "nville, Ontario. m1po sond The 8tatosman for one year .- Province aO Provincej sgent wth i gift ubcriptions, NXIK Cowanville Wamnan's Association meetir was postponed. Recent Visitors: Miss Charlotte Hughes, R.] Detroit, Mm. Rae Hughes, Tomoniq at Mr. Sidney Hughes'. Mr. and Mrs. Dick HaskillE Mr. Stan. Porteous'. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hendmy at NDt - T. J. Simpson's. - Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Perrin at Nb~ - A. T. Pemin's, Toronto. Mr. and Mms. Reg. Robinsona - Mr. Norihan Andrews'. - Mr. and Mms. Erwin Farrow anc Arthur at Mr. Theodome Stop! ens'. Mm. J. J. W. Stringem at his sis tem's in Toronto. Mr. and Mms. W. Stringer at Mr Jim Kelly's, Oshawa. es. Hampton "White Gift Service" will be held noxt Sunday aftonoan when a Christmas progmam will be giv- en. Christmas message and music at evening proaching service. Corne and join in the Christmas Jcarols. et I Congratulations ta Mm.-and Mms. W. Smale an the arival of a baby - boy. e, Hampton folk wome sorry ta hear of the sudden passing in Toronto Oe of Vernon Websh, son of Mm. and le Mrs. T. Welsh, former Hampton *t residents and proprieor of the Hampton Creamemy. We extenc sympathy ta the brothers in their d bereavement. School childmen are busy prac- a tising for their Christmas concert. Visitars: rMr. and Mms. Fred Wilson, Ta- mi onta, at Mm. S. Kersey's. Mms. Phillips, Toronto, with her S daughter, Mms. W. Cmaig. Miss Jessie Hogarth and Mm. Bruce Hogarth at J. D' Hogarth's. Mrs. Hilton Petems and son Ralph with friends in Toronto. Mr. Raymond Petit, Enniskillen, at W. Chapman's. Miss Alta Brown in Toronto. Pte. John Milîs. Camp Borden, and Pte. Charles Milîs, Midland Regt., at Mr. John Milîs'. - Mr. and Mrs. Wîll White and son, Clarke Union, wîth Mrg. C. Johns. Mrs. Geo. Farncomb with fi- ends,4n Toronto. Mrs. Douglas Rackham., Bow- manville, at Mms. J. Burns'. Mms. W. T. Perett and son Garth with Mr. Perrett at Malton. MILITARY NIGHT <Continued from page 1) forth ta, defend us on the land and sea and in the air. May God bless and potect every anc of them. And that perhaps is the place where I should sit down but I gpr. feel vemy strongly that samething more should be said but I will promise it will nat be much mare. No Mddle Road h s This war has its own very nga. peculiar characterbstics and un- doubtedly the autstanding one bs the fact that sa far the civilian Population has borne the brunt of this war. This wam bas flot sa far developed into a test of stength of armies, it is a test of the com- mon people of cvery nation. This 1war is ontirely different in its fundamentals from any other war that ever bas been fought. The reason for and the cause of this war is s0 vemy plain and simple that the greae majarity of us are not pepared ta look it squarely in the face. Two basic ideas stand face ta face, one must go down, the ailier must survive. Theme ib no middle raad, theme b fia compromise. .The one is the exact opposite of the other. Homo they are - they are dbshed up by bath sides in variaus dbsgubses as may suit the imme- diate pumpose of the popagandist of the moment,,but fundamental- ly they are this.' -The enemy believe the state bs supreme - man bs but an animal arganism that exists only for tho purposes of the state, might bs ight and there b fia other sup- rmre law. Wo believe that theme ib a di- vine link between a supreme Cre- atom and evemy man - that man and mankind bs supreme and that the state bs merelyr an instrument of gavernment - that mankind bs a brotherhood whemo pence and good will must prevail. To put it more torsely - they believe that -man exists -for the living. Have we yot ealized aur mis- take. This is a war between the como pale of the earth. Twa great fundamental idealogies are at death grips. Our -ideal will flot survive un- less like the soldier, we, tao, can make the great decision. As well as the soldie.- we have ta be pro- pared and willing ta face great personal hardships. Our spirit has ta undergo the same transformation as that of Ithe soldier. Our sacrifices must be 2!22 COMING EVENTS St. Paul's Sunday Schaol will hold the Annual Christmas Enter- tainment on Monday eveming, bec. 23rd, at 8 p.m., featuring carol singing, recitations, arrivai of Santa, etc. 51-1 Special Christmas Service at the Salvation Army Sunday, Dec. 22nd, at 7 p.m. Carol smnging. Subject "Birth of Christ,",illus- trated by 44 colared slides. 51-1 Solina School meeting will be held at the public school on Dec. 26th at 2 p.m. S. T. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-TWO DR!nS SUITS very good condition. Bdr. Allun, King St. E. 51-1* FOR SALE - TWO VIOLINS, one beautifuly hand made. Or- iginally cost owner $150 each. Will sacrifice. Phone 345. 51-1* ýFARMERS!-SAVE BY BUYING fram Farmer. Ask for prices on Tudhope-Anderson s l e i g h s, stoves, Autotracs, etc. Naw is the time ta buy before price rises, still 1938 prices. Carl Todd, phone 1520 Clarke. 51-1* FOR SALE - BARGAIN! - A slightly used modern vacuum cleaner, complete with ail at- tachments. Wili sacrifice for cash- Box 94, Statesman Ofifce, Bowmnanville.81* - - 11, OSHAWA Free Parking -Phone jOl AIR CONDITONED Friday & Saturday DECEMBER 20 -21 Fred MaeMurray in 'Rangers of Fortune' with Patricla Morrison Albert Dekker REVIVAL Friday Night at i11 'The Women' Norma Shearer, Joan Crawford Rosald Rsluld, Mary Do4nfd Monday & Tuesday DEVEMBER 23 -24 'Tom Brown's School Days' Freddie Bartholemew »Illy Halop Josephine Hutchinson Sir Cedrie liardwlke ALSO 'Dr. Christian Meets The Women' wlth Jean Hershoit Wed., Thur$' , - Fr1. DEOEMTER 25 - 26-27 YeU Wanted Laugbs? Corne and Get 'Em 'Third Finger Loft, Hand' M4yrna Loy- Melvyn Douglas Raymond Walburn Lee Bowrnan-Bonita Granville 1REVIVAL' Friday Night at 11I 'Balalaika'94 Nelson Eddy - Ilona Maaaey RAVE YOU FORGOTTEN SOMEONE? Givo them Regent Theatre Tickets- to convey your Christmias Greetings ln an inexpenslve and yet a richly happy way. great and imznediate if we are ti escape disaster and the dark day of despair. New Spirit Needed France went down to utter an( disastrous defeat because the truo spirit of her people had dled loni before May, 1940. It is utterl3 idlç* and foolish ta say the spiril tof France b nat dead. The flighl of the spirit always precedes the death of the body. The only hopE of France is the -creation of a new spirit. Lot you and I save aur spirit in its bost sense and form bofore it bs too late. It bs as true now as in the time of the ancienta wher Cicera, that matchîcas orator, ex- claimed "Victary is' worth - the winning only when the fruits af victory are worth the cost." The fruits of victory of this war must be nothing-but bonefit and security. for aîl mankind and it will be worth the cost, but it can neyer be attained unless yau and I join hands with aur soldiers on land, an sea and in the air and with them count no gif t taa great, no sacrifice toa severe that we may climb ta those gloriaus heights on the highem levels than have yet been attained by man- kind -in his quest for a true and virile democmacy that will bring peace, security and good wlll ta ail moen. t0 Le 9 y it kt ,e BEAMISH -L. In Orono, Dec15, cd wife of the late W. E. Boa- S mish. BRAGG - In Darlingtoni, Dec. 16, 1940, William Smale Bmagg, be- f laved husband of Emma Hoskin Bragg, in his 75th year. r.Funeral tram his late msidence, 1 Kingston Road East, an Thurs- t day, Dec. 19, at 2.30 p.m. stand- 1 ard timfe. -Interment Bowmnn- 1 ville Cemetemy. HOOPER - At his residence, 58 Charles St. West, Toronto, Dec. 17, 1940, Samuel F. Hoaper, be- loved husband of Marion May McPhadden, dear father of Don- ald and Mms. Eva Long. Inter- mont Bawmanville Cemetery about 2 p.m. Friday. LORD - On Manday, bec. 16, 1940, Mary Page, wîdow of the late John Lord, in hem 83md yenr. Intemment Bowmanville Cerne- tory. MITCHELL - In Bowmanville, Dec. 15, 1940, Frank Mitchell, late ot Howard Park, Toronto: aged 68 yeams, dennly beloved husband of Edith Hewson.' MOUNTJOY - Passed pencefully away Dec. 17, 1940, Jasephine Louise, wife, of the late James Mauntjay, Enniskillen, Ont. and dean mother of Mary and Lu- ella. PARKES - At his residence, 574 Crawford St., Toronto, on Dec. 11, 1940, Robert Pnrkes, beloved brother of Maud and Emnia Pamkes. PEATE - In Orono, Dec. 13, 1940, Francis James Peate. Inter- ment Omono Cemetery. RANDALL - At Hamilton, Dec. '0 15, 1940, Kathleen Randail, dau- -ti ghter of late Mr. and Mms. Wm. sý Henry Randail, nged 16 years. si Interment Newtonville Cerne- tery.c SCHMID - In Newcastle, Dec. 13,Ê 1940, Bertha Schmid, dearly be- loved wif e of Herman Schmid, tl in hem 44th yeam. Interment at rr Oshawa Union Cemetery. l Mr. H. Schmnid and family ex- tend their heartfolt thanks and approciation ta their friends and neighbars for their messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tri- butes extended during their re- cent bereavemont. They especial- ly thank Rev. Mr. Morton. To the Boys of West Durham: I wish ta thank mast smncemely ail thase wha vated for me on Navember 3th for the election ta Older Boys' Parliament. I will-do aîl in my power ta mertthelicocn- fidence placed in me. Yours sincerely, Ralph Found. Mrs. Wm. Roberts of Silver St. wishes ta, thank everybody wha ini any way by word or deed, helped ta bring health and happi- ness ta hemsolf and home. Mrs. Roberts would also like her fri- ends ta know that, after a major apemation, she bs now home and impmoving each day. Dry Cleanlng DRY CLEANING-IN ADDITION ta doing fine dry cleaning wamk on suits,- coats and dresses, we are equipped ta dlean drapes, curtains, bats and many other articles. Everything we handle bs fully insured and satisfaction bs guaranteed. Phone 520 for an estimate. Quick service. Bowmanville Cleanerep.& Dyers. 51-1 Livestock For Sale CANARIES FOR SALE - HIGH quaiity songsters. Dr. E. W. Sis- son, Bowmanville. Phone: House 604, office 790. 5ltf-l* FOR SALE - TWO YORKSHIRE sows due ta farrow within two weeks. Apply A. W. Martin, Bowmanville, phone 2594. 51-1 FOR SALE - S0W DUE FEB. lst, and 8 young piga 7 wceks aid. Apply John Jurko, Ennis- killen R. R. 1. 51-1 FOR SALE - R E G IS TE RE D Yorkshire boar, advanced regis- try. Bred by and bought tram the O.A.C., Guelph. Apply W. T. Symons, R. R. 6, Bowman- ville, phone 2251. 51-1 FOR SALE - 16 YORKSHIRE pigs 10 weeks old; also fresh H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle, phone 3823. *51-1* Wanted WANTED - SET 0F SLEIGHS. J. Veonhof, R. R. 2, Bawman- ville, ar phone Oshawa 1938r23. 51-1 WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES pald for scrap batteries. When youm batter fails, b ring iti to be X-rayed y aur newly in- stalled IlWillard Trouble Find- or Machine." G. F. Jamiesan, Tire & Battery Shop, King an~d Silver Sta. 40-tf Radio Servie R ADIO0 SEeIVICEI - TUBES tested froei your home. Parts for ail makes. R. Quinn, phone 575, King St. East. 5-1* COMING EVENT Plan to attend Dance at Bad- minton Club on New Year's Eve. I. MARRIAGE EWERS-PORTEOUS - At the United Church Parsonage, Blackstock, December 5th, 1940, Dorothy Amelia Portepus, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Parteous, Nestieton, Ontario, ta Robert Maurice Ewers, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ewers, Rice.boro, Georgia. DEATIIS BY-LAW- NO. 2082 OF THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIEP 0F DARLINGTON A by-law ta conform ta the L.ocal Government Extenpion Act, 1940, Section 7, Sub-section 1. WHEREAS this council deems it advisable that the following -uestion be submitted-ta a vote Of the municipal electors pursuant o The Local Government Exten- sion Act, .1940, Section 7, Sub- section 1. NOW THEREFORE the muni- cipal c&mncil of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That on the pafling day for the election of members of the municipal council for thé year 941, the following question shaîl be submitted ta a vote of the municipal electors of the Town- ship of Darlington, but anly in the event that such. vote for members f the said coundil is necessary: "Are you in favour as a war- time measure under The Local Government Extension Act, 1940, Df the municipal council elected fr 1941 holding office for the trm of two years?"' 2. The said question is sub- iitted pursuaxit ta The Local Government Extension Act,' 1940, Chapter 14 of the Statutes of On- tioa 4 Gearge VI, Section 7, Sub-1 iction 1. 3. This by-law shail take cf- lct on the day of the final pass- xg thereof. FINALLY PASSED this lOth lay of December, 1940. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk. A. W. ANNIS, Reeve. el ol fc t'. SE in Auctlon sale of lESKDENTIAI. PROPERTY IN TIM TOWN 0F BOWKANVIILLE Under instructions from the AdminiAtrators of the Estato of H. T. McMillan, there will lie of- fered for sale by Public Auction, by W. J. Challis, Auctioneer, at- the rooms of Chahls Mator Sales,, King Street, Bowmnanville, on Tuiesda., the 7th day of January, 1941, ut the houx of il o'clock in the forenoon, Standard Time, on conditions of sale thon ta be road and subi oct ta a reserve bid and subject ta existing tenancies, the following pmoperty: In the Town of Bowmanville i the County of Durham and being part of the North part of Lot number Eleven in the First Con- cession of the Township -of Dar- lington in tho County of Durham, and being composod of Lot 1 in Block 34, on the West sido of Lib- erty Street, having a trantage on Liberty Street of 1 chain, 39 links more or less, by a depth of 5 chains, 63 links more or less, and comprising 157 square rods of land bo the samo more or less. On such lot there aresaid ta be erected- a, pair of semni-detachcd brick dwollings, ench cantaining seven moams and bathroom, with hot air hoating, known as 338 Lib- erty Street in the Tawn of Bow- manviloe. For turthem particulars and con- ditions of sale, apply ta W. J. Challis, King Street, Bowmanville, »5 ta the undersigned. TU~E TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Bay and Melinda Streets, THE CANADIAN S PAN. BWMAVnI . ON Tl77EM1T AfM'i&nf W BU,ARRNGAND COL- le t rgge and aeem et of sale. No:rthShoree tyCo. Ltd. Phane 80 Oshawa. 89-tf Wanted toi Rent WATEID TO RENT - A FEW acres of land wlth hause and barn, suitable for paultry, close -.te -goad road. Apply Bax. 95, Statesman Office, -Bownianviile. Heavoejnan.."tpq),e 9ne -with Street, Montreal. 51-i ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ Candies and . Fil *Chocolates la Bulk or in Packages. SPLITS - - - % doz. Île ORDER PLENTY FOR PINTS -e- ach lru QUARTS p~--ec 0 THE HOLIDAY (lsDeposits) SEASON. Choice Quality. Cooking Turnips, large size .. each Se Oranges .........doz@. 25e -30c-.35o POULTRY Ail kinds of Poultry Bought and ýSoId at Market Prices. ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS POULTRY FROM HARRY ALLIN FOR A DELIICIOUS CHRISTMAS DInNER. Cigarettes ý- Cigars - Tobaccos in gay Holiday Wrapplngs. HAàRRtY ALLIN Phone 367-368 THE CORNER GROCERY B.0wmanvjý I .SANTA SUGGESTS JURY & LOVELL'SI BLUE GRASS 110w 1in FLOWER MIST ____ BLUEGRASS...neof theworid's great scents. .. now cau ght in Flawor Mist, Elizabeth Arden's famous fragrance for after- the - bath. Now you con use BLUE GRASS lavIshly, caver yourself from headi:to-toe with lits Inimitable fragrance! BWUi GRAss FLOW.R MIST.1.35 And Mlany Other Splendid Ellsabeth Arden Sets GIFTS FOR ALL Eleotrie Haeatlng Pads 3.95-"J5-6.95 Statlonery. attractively packared-------------40-2.00 Bubble Bath Sets - 50o and Up Parfait Puffs - 490 - 890 -1.00 -1.75 Novelty Soape - 390-600-19c-1.00-1.75 Frank Medico Pipes - - - 1.25 Genuine Thermos Botties 98o - 4.00 Pen Sets, Ladies' or Gente' 2.25-15 .00 Wllklnson Razors - -- 3.00-5.00 Photo Albums - 35c-75e-1.55-3.75 Wailets and Waliet and Key Sets ---------1.00 Up Wooden Shave Bowls 49c-79o-1.00 Professional Hair Brushes - - - 79c-1.00-1.50 Up Comb, Brub; Mrror Sets 2.98-10.10 brifr>t Otam Always Fresh -50ecIbo GIFTS FOR BABY Johnson & Johnson Gift Sets - - 50o - $1.00 Brush & Comb Sets - 5o -850 -1.00 -1.50 Mennen Gift ts--- -- -- -- ----50o TiflY Tot Baby Sets--- ---------980 Sets et GlassContainers la Wloker Baby's Own Sets 1.49 ftays 125 .09à FOR THE MAN WHO SMOKES *Cigarettes, popular brande 60c. Cigare, famous brandis, Ail Prices Pipes, Frank Medîco 1.25 JURY & LOVEL L Ž. /. THURSDAy, bnac oi ilm9 ces jHelp Wanted - w-Jý"J bjjLg&,Lmdomtulo 1 , 140tig MEN WANTED - F AM IL E X gets and keepb ,Its denlers through firàt class seric, a camplete training and such quality prôducts that ciniert can't help but keep on Buying. With or without experience an honest hard warker can mnake hie living. Start this indepen- dent business wlth a capital of $50 in an exclusive territary. Build flot only for ta-day but for the future. Withoutobliga- tion, ask for details fram Fami- lex Products, 570. St. Clement Il qFý, . Carda of Thanks 1

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