W tWim Ae, M . . oler, o ed h o Wvll es h ewatl e edensdAndTnormallyNThe SwllSioi CmmssOw Thursday, we propose to, if9t, 194 i & br oastoeatn-ide t ll psbe, sue next T wo A nc entFra eniCBC OokSaupd, a summary ofweek's paperdon TuesdayThe i an e euté ant tims highly ipotathqes- S l an24tte S a e th, imn tied atch e on mDr v a tion. morning mails. Since many asie r saNew A n- i SANTA IN TOWN FowlebegavecnaderssaupMrn New Officers Elected- iROYAL THEATREChristma" and maybe sme Mi Bridges Bhi d HHisthe Commsion's recommen- Plan for Big Sale. on TO TREAT KIDDIES ins away,ste am.kCHO SE LAW ER Deputyee asH Speaer Sa n tur-HELP HI PONES rba'ibanque't ait lckst - Febray2t.TO FREE SH OW news be phoned or mailed inWilRsg If H -seaerSttes.•E P ISP NE Opposition is developing in IFbur 7h and that our regular country AS CONCILIATION "earif Pesr UP MAIN STREET nllfythae cnfre cs The annual meeting of Durham the ustom of preiouscontinuarsponyden obshe grea" en u o on Military Night at Jerusalem ýmeets at Ottawa nuaryie Shorthorn Breeders Association treatalthbosndgrsf interest of Durhamites, who B A DM M E SAan Lodge on Thursday, Dec. 12th, 14th. was held mn the District Agricul- Bowmanville to a free show at hv ogsnelf hs was marked by thre.e.important OdSitNcoa a r olrsbodatwl tural offices, Bowmanville, Satur- the Royal Theatre on Mody Parts, centres around the soc- features. First, the inmtiation Of th • an icoa a perhaps Mr orsbodeat with t day afternoon, Dec. 14th. Dec. 23rd, at 2.30 p.m. Somethin 'fladprsnlclm - of " apprv ftedmcai Liet.Jon . a.ms f heMi- career to erfooboh entire lion to lits utimatrt elit The membership was well- re- Of particular interest to t® h oig and goings of te .Lts eoto the Goodyear way inwhctetonbses Se d Regiment , mto the order- e Bwm nvile aten le visit- frtgrcutue.Itihhghyereeneddsptebasradcodi ouge gneatonwllbeshwnshmefok."SoatChisma tutatonisotatth olowngha bencndctd hityare u, the chairs were occupied non in t i ay a er- imorancutuhrfr ha l n.Presien, oh Hwdn wm toth lmiedcaactyof . time please remember them nommnees have been chosen to think wesolbeatfido bOfficers of the Midland Regi- fi obing hslighways not rualitnsmrkhede called upon Sec'y.-Treas. S. Chas. the theatre there will not be room and co-operate with us in giv- constitute. a Conciliation Board take defetwivctr.Ihe menwit D. G. C. Bonnycastle deer so far south in Ontarein- and the time so that they Allin for reading of minutes and for parents to accompany the inthmheew.hchwlcovesory to no apologe oofe o n ts ir rctordof Ceremomies, and wired the business men aote eoenomdo the ques- auditors' report. Total receipts kiddies to this special show. A aear evidence from both sides mn stand Ihaeakndrgte ,nan xepallessoftheneeningb towr1% to arrange for other tras tion and thus, if the matter from annual sale were approxi- special movie "'The Blue Bird" espeetymdsue atya u thsrahdm on n cetinaly ermen sb-portation. So 'they procureans Of politics intrudes to dfa mately $2255.60 and net disburse- with Shirley Temple, as well as ETr Victor Sinclair, Barrister, of attention ta rsuehsbe fectivel Bthconcisely and ef- sleihadpntemfo Bb teprjcirwight mayea ments were $2215.66. The govern- cartoons will be on the program. Toronto, was chosen by the Com- brought t ero oni nsv by r.Ross Strike.StvnMpeGotocr become decisive. ment grant amounted to $112.00.pay- eral instacsadiihtcn Members of the Midland Regt. him to the centre of the town to The balance in bank after provid- 6f high-class Shorthorns t nrwBeiBritr ftne n14 mgigt e whower peset ereW.Bro met he oy anrgrlsWBt te ng or enralreeips ndtx-onlTditrctnhihohs'rwa te TronowaschsenbytheUnon.Uig." In.hee wrd Deut Lt o. .H ousl reiigponies were small and Mr. Claus IESA RD penditures is $39.94. shown falling off in demrand butCoudtgeJG.Gadr of the ReeveTC.oG.oMorristsummed up as Worshipful Master, Major P. H. With his pack made quite a load Fieldman John Baker in his re- this is compensated for by newrbenour f ealTrnt, a the attenoi itdemooto tw on Jobb, Col. L. T. McLaughlin, Lt.- for them to handle, the -result• pr adta hrhr ünvreqiisa niated y wereen o csn y heaboveis nm- cil memrs sepese t· . . . aey Mjr -. .being that Santa Claus himself had not been exceptionally brisk Member . neeesedt frs to octa crman. his cn stttr.etn nMna SeceStad ike heldW. H-. Oattes. had to help the ponies over the C T L AS R but prospects were bright for the hand in listswere stockuestesale.te Acto.fiia rceueune ih ten triofh aditeclesst at- slippery streets of the town until dAT E AS R uture,dparticulaly imAregard to There will be little difficulty in'f The "blitzkreig" came to town It is expected that no meetiWihglttlabuinesdo th lierdti fhis tielya ie d- he reached the welcoming plat- m emand rm te .S.A. disposing of good stock but proper for a brief twenty minutes Tues- will be held until early in Jaingsaenaadmchtm orsni addered ss- eyan mpressive form at the Cenotaph. Reference was made to the comn- fitting is necessary. day afternoon when a sham bat- ary and no prediction can be nu-emeetnagpehsoffrwlh adrs:As the jolly old gentleman pro-ATB R E N bination sale of Messrs. Mumford, Cyril Mumford was unan.mus tle was vigorously waged in the at present as to where hea emeinga ie oko oe Human Bond . ceeded up front street, carefully Carruthers and Fothergill which 1ycoe rsdn o hios middle of town for the purpose of are to take place nor the engh what mdinapc hihpr It is very fitting that perhaps leading his ponies and their load, On December 17th over sixty was described as a good move and ing year and took the chair for annong riniagurionovea.ftm euie eoear r as cone o ako two of the greatest fraternities in citizens stepped out from the curb farmers congregated on the fr where 35 head were sold at satis.; election of the remidro h amsCriiaedie can be made to the government. sterns eaigwthaltl existence should. be 'represented to give him a hearty Bowmanville of A. J. Tamblyn, Orono, forman factory prices- lae.Hi i augranddrofessws Csate eelgt iigws Matmwr oso su-mte fbsns hc rs m tisgaterng tonigt.Both handshake and wish him the com- mnteresting and instructive barn -rbut2iougbuldere usel- brief and to the point: "Let us re- havy; the noiseý deafening when ual and general satisfaction is at thecilos ftemeig are very ancient and have honour- pliments of the season. As his meeting. ected mn the district undrasi member we are at war; let us the men of "D" Company took felt that harmony is to prevail Cheounllo.J.hli a able traditions. tramn converged on the centre of Douglas Hart, one of the most ces of the Federal Department of strive on in the field we are in, to King St. by storm. Hundreds of during the festive season.teol ebrasnidet Proaby oe hold otgothe town he was, joined by the successful Hlti reeso Agriculture and distributed for raise standards, improve breeds, citizens turned out to watch, the• illness. furheraln e somparsons ihcolBgleBn, h oOfr ontngav erhaf ourfrreing purposes all the way co-operate and advertise, sustain men in action. A comnictormTw but fr m eeriences Ihav Scouts and busmness and civic re- address on dairy cattle manage- OntMari tieot.orhr Durham County as the centre o Four platoons took part -- one PALESTINE LODGE SlctrRs tiese ih known no fraternity in its truest peettvs ment, which was much appreciat- T ditPrime foundation Shorthorn stock', opposing and three attacking. ELC SO F ER on a quesino rang hc sense as complete and real as the After mounting the platform ed. NoThe prediO ion was made that thus to take advantage of widen.. Factory sirens shrieked and the EET FIE S had beenreredthiafw army and lit is not hard to find the Reeve Alex Edmondstone led Three classes of livestock con- magnifi ntariprtunwich olds ed marets hn iter'sa n.. ire brigae sh ut ot -Ted madlylupéandtdays ao. It was claimed tha reasoh because after all every everyone present in three hearty sisting of two grotips of heifers riculturc settppo t illies for ag- anueans are shaken loose down he retpungthee.Si-ag- heanld eeto fofcr ae wsdmgn h iepo soldier has a common purpose- cheers for Santa Claus. Then and one of cows in milk were - u deandemerhnt wll nras-fo nues wrd"iayfrshr n hr.Si-wshl at Palestine Chapter perty onQueStetbtM they are all kindcred spirits; they came the real business of the af- judged. Much benefit was deriv- tion stomand rthorn ly foune Other officers chosen were: Vice ers posted on top of the buildings Royal Arh. Maslcons onMay Srk e, xpounig hlglts may have different points of view térnoon. Hundred of boys and ed from the reasons given on each milking str ain. * res.--John Rickard; Sec.-Treas. on King St. fired rounds of blank Dc 6h h lcin a r-pcso h atrtogtta and a few different habits, but girls -- big and little -- filed up class by the various breeders. Go t -S. Chas. Allin; Associate Sec'y' cartridges at the invaders while sided over by First Principal of the drainagwaprerndd- teir ojciei h ae the ramp to shgke hands or be Official placings were made by of oung stok ek or dois osing -E. A. Summers; Fieldman- the detonations of aerial torpe- th.e Chapter, Ex. Comp. L. W. quate at tha on n ich You all no doubt have noticed a picked up and kissed by the most Robt. Holtby, Fieldman, Ontario ing.stanards . John Baker; Directorsý-Earl Os- does and hand grenades split the Dippell- matter wasoiml osqec very marked change in nearly famous figure mn the world and Holstein Breeders' Association, pre sendprce vsoned 5fin borne, John HowdeGrt air. An ambulance rushed down These officers, were electefo the parties ocred hudwi every man who joins the army. receive a gifts of candies from Port Perry, and E. A. Summers, baby beef. Rickard, Russell Osborne, Maur- the street to pick up imaginary 1941: First P r i n c i p a 1 Z.-Ex. until Sprin eoetkn n He stands and carries himnself him. Bowmanville. Twenty leather hal- T ice Baker, Russell RichardsonH. wounded. Comp. L. T. McLaughlin; Second further stes more ceretl- he os nd atsiApprenotlyth an behuin the ea rs withrnledo ee oa-gard to bullurchasolicfor 1941 E. Leask, W. T. Baker; Auditors.. ««D" Co'y. formed up at Liberty PicplH. -- Ex. Comp. C. R. Reportsfrmtehasote moreconidetly---e loksyoubigred oatandvolminus d a przesthrugh the courtesy has not yet been made knwn but Russell Osborne, Garnet Rickard. St. The order of operations was Spencer; Third Principal J..-Ex. standing citte eegai in the eye. It is a mistake to give whiskers knows the secret of eter- of the Ontario Holstein Breeders' stres wslad u no ,li Membersh' feeshatthemain foretwsEtxco Comp. ARurHoto; Scribe E- yoing Olthre a ih the army discipline the credit for nal youth for despite his great age Association.breignftiguoreuly$10adwrepesr in t duct an assault up King St. and "N;,Comp. R. M. Coton; Srib iy ovewar teiretmes idny l ,it is only a small factor in he appared Just as pleasant and Te atr eeaaddto iteeto thend fr' 19a perquis- 10 n eepi y l present• westward while a patrol force N-op .Fruo;Pic-i a eeldta h t trnsfrmaion Therea re-- igorus s lst ear thoseoer5 er of age ad ite bythe good prices always paid Auctioneer: Duncan Brown, atrcee lngligot pal ou r ner --Comp. P. E. of ,the recet dlgtooxes s ansfomchon.deee t i te It ook fiv e r. owanilese numer to thsose 25 and unhestockhe government for breeding the samne fee. Committee for sec- and down Division to join thenFied raue-opM.ws 5.Cretacut d spirit of thenan that has changed. men to assist Santa with his big der. NwCndasithdsrctumsabe:Rsell Osborne, S. main body under Capt. Curtiss at F. ris; naditors-Comp. . O. totalled 36.1 heTx o & M•nto M job; Chas. Mason, Chairinan, and In the senior group, NwHarold b te isrit ;as. Allin. Kn n iiinSsMIve n x op .E o eotdta "M Tr" le"John -Irw%,in, Wmn. Challis, Chas. Muir, Courtice, vwas first with a aei ginngtoshwanmtrst Bules of Sale were amended Alth•e wr amdChase;. B .oa'dorust.Es. Ex. t usadn He . has made the greatest de- Carter, W. J. Bagnell, Lawry Cry- score of 145 out of ao'alo 5 hrthorn breeds, but good t.iher clafise 12, that: "stock to Lte-Emfen werfesbar mdwith CopF.CHarV.E.Cm Ces e $8,4426 inof his life. He has decided derman adtthrshlpdlorThothrsinore5wre0Eertgrade Shorthorns are scarce. be blood-tested and inoculated for Lee-nf ieldriflsank amm eui- . .Gbonystl;Tlr-op.3 r omte etoe risk his life for a cause. He has more than an hour.Bow, roo; James Bro-n ueec, which formderaly took oniu n ag ) tsd. rm n uleqi-E .ib.$.oren citsetmtsdet n burned all his bridges behind him, After lit was all over Santa step- Nwas1; .J. Tamblyn, Oro dlvr f osdrbl ubr(oniudo ag)mn.The installation of the newly forseeas es Icdetlx wmn or lose, there is now no turn- ped in a waiting limousine and GordontKllog,- or op; rom the Balmoral Hotel pro- elected officers will ehl nswr, 4.oe n h Inback. He has given up his was, whisked away to another Chestnut, Port Hope; Fred Tamb- gress was made through the town Monday, Jan. 20th, 1941. n tret 27.3ovro persdital freedom, most of his per- pressing appointment and the lyn, Orono; John Cruickshank, to the beat of spasmodic explo- ' .acno f hotaeofreif abr sonal comforts because he has thronging little figures in snow apo;Art Runnalls, Port|sions, themen proceedng in ex-: nw erneadteprhs come.to believe there is something suits took their departure happily Hope; and J. H. Jose, Newcastle. teded order, each firing separ-= Short Course at Hampton ofanwtuk Ohedpr- haismoe mprtnt .~munching on the good things that The junior winners in order oft atey E. A. Summers, Agriculturai m ephwd ml urlss Te wisest man that ever hived he had given thehi, and doubtless merit were: Fred Brown, Mill- h w ]arn s]em r a l a s Advancing west the ivdr Representative, is busy planning Osharplwasredfrm1h de greatest teacher that ever dreaming of the old Saint's re- brook, 140; Franklyn Tamblyn, gradually pushed forward against for the short courses in agricul- w a FrniurtCopani lved put.it this way -- I tell you turn on Dec. 25th when his pack Orono; Bruce Tink, Hampton; Al-' the lesser might of the defenders ture for boys and home econo- whihe hebhdautm riinfa truly, no one has left home or would be again replenished with lan White, Port Hop; JhnRik . Over 300 youthful artists par- g g aft en pushing them back and finally mies for girls, to be held at IHam veurbailfoffrmdlas ekt ch dren forthe.sake of the Realm form 'of toys to play with to the Bowmanville; Robt. ScotHm Christmas Concert held mn the trance to the town. within convenient distance o Building. Oetosn olr worl and-in the wot s to oe eSt. Paul's W.K.S. DonlBar an, rd, eHspe; ndcrowds illed theeninls.on Lbot afety Club fBowmanville of rute and werrane bac u efot oated hsecue. e ihar a eto n I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ , sarwihal evrnetatW taietnno t.Pulswtti e ceng sre e - resting program as thd he ch1oedover CFBat barracks in a victoriousn arch by Women's Auxiliary Tea wsthesumeof which i said generally in a spirit W...wshl t the home of ed by the Holstein Breeders' As-tepuis It was a wonder to Listeninad hea h The Vet , s'gua . Avr scesflta.netecmmnsthtoenol-ntrn of ribaldry, lit is for that veryMrs .H . Juy, Dcemer 1thsociation underthe drdctin ofmany observers that such a large en in auns ear theso- er Leter. . ansrGuard R.F.,in- aspices oftthe Women' s .Aliar h le t adlatea 'reasont that "Old soldiers never wt go tendance. Ms •RHlh w r eieto fcast could perform without the c evier y ost ersfrmtow hermaLieuAvLres fr sisgte i a eld atntesomtreofr J. A storei h u s, le." Their spirits live for ever- H. Carruthersprsiedan s hearty olte of thwas tendered a S'Hghtest hitch. It is certainly a taanve, wh ha v beCr en the mnoeuvcrs by fte omi n h yiCneso tet nFi htaon ns eto o ore, he trche s alays augh re-lectd prsidet. Te deo- cusiodof h s t th con creit t Pricipa A. . Thmp- PnrbnChalielaAer put provst crps-o ai theloca con dayaftenoon Theteabablewas It desn' me by eneaton.ftr gneatin. tional period was takren by Mrs. luonofte program. son antihtf orpouig "neir radio sketch, "Traffic stabulary. They were directed to lovely with sweet peas, baby's commented Cat Thgeerin.iestherunrtisoqun as .H ur nhrtecncert wthsuh or roug-Court" under direction of Red their poss by Chief S. Venton. breath and white candles. Mrs. have a m n un.W - spri of sthe rmieothat ways uual eas J manneryv ley Drn.W isn steott n-ns.lierTiestefisrlb Fu poica olc eeas Jh pne ndMs .E n h ul'mvau f$,0 win the last battle. itrsig-isoayaddress. ing breeder of canaries in this dis- The teachers and mothers of the oTdmeCaadaon h n theldir ect tifrmaffi. G r pou lred t ea. Mr s. V tt ceiptsorth Staunch Comrades Miss rie Northcutt, accompan' .trict. He makes the happy sug- pupils"were given much credit byThVesmternwuiosadMs.JClkBllsitdceqsmahe nulpy I grnt 'toutied by George Roberts, sang sev- gestion in the classified advt. sec- Principal Thompson for their searching his country for a single performed, necessary duties In and Mrs. Bruce Lunney, Mrs. Jack the mello w aecnrbtdo megnt hat 1 th sufae then eral Christmas carols. Refresh- tion, Why not give a Canary for help in the production. The teach- apple that he can eat. He is aided guarding civilians, routed traffic Brough, Mrs. Geo. Young, Mrs. lor's farewel ftecucl and conduct of the soldier indi- tmetre s e rvd nascilChitmas? He has the realwr- ers have worked tireslyoth in his search byteBkr h aanerkept the children away from Theobald and Miss Elsie Carruth- "Considerir ks cates very .little if any of this tm pn ling variety. organization while the mothers Butcher, and the Candlestick baerly exploding torpedoes and ers served. A good sum was real- were pared t u siae spiritual sacrifice.You 11 ar, have made costumes and rehears- Maker who have been forced out giant bombs. ized and will be used for war ve minmum t i ly discover it aindst h s urid an aed the lines with the children. of their city by the sea and are( The local committee in charge work in connection with "" r omnal htteei l icresque anguage o lrihendh MriioUasalo ad&f heinsarch ofi plce o etabishaof the sale of War SvnsCrt- CmayD("tne o aee AdotongtwdosealEstynto.ind Jesus and nRssell Osborne and Albert Cole. in popularity onlyb h lbC8p ct evc born ge t th arry an it sol his7 a elpi g t e po Quet" as gven ost effetive bo s. R d aast:Sant-ubl scene, re Santa'sfic Worksi homgeto heary ad tssol. isway hlpng hepor and the Another reading "A Christmas swinginge by the same groupO of C Sat-Bilris; RFrh floo0rgyreceivedo. a6chamin gavu r ubmtesune omn gra rtriismrea n.Salem, an p1d nan, just when ly.by Miss Ruth Hutchinson. The placed in the ends of the clubs and D-oisicaldead BabyiDls Duetfloor savn, o-anehow:to.16fPaoon ae taR.lu lncen n ria Boa stain for the geasrnea.eu a obcrbfeeesilprimary class, under the leader- the lights in the hall were turned S--Cons;nie Rihards nd Mu ie ue t otylgt saing, mo1.0 rn- aehibitionofhow'utiesoh W. R. rik hd hageofth o otherhood and fraternity, the had in his possession a priceless ship of Mrs. Albert Cole and as- out, giving a remarkably fine con- lStevenes unt ih--Dorsho- Dgmaldos.oTgtm.il 1.0arestaknreof; Lihemogut. Johnpom an cngatlaedth 'employa symbolic methods, pearl with which he hoped to sisted by the other teachers, sang trast. Miss Lola Marjerrison a- Dlah Japniese-Bern;I We1sh; . .T. .te Jckes wl Ambestcondt ibutednthe mong,ommttesfoosledi rpot -e other risks life itself that its save Jesus, but hé was delayed at the children's favorite '"Away in companied both numbers givenac DJutc hBermce oul-a;Indian--be sDri oting.the wickts will "Albh erHd t Lion" nde ngofwrk ccoplshdiCrrs great principles shall continue to the last moment by a deed of a Manger." The pastor .Rev. Sid- the senior boys.y Jucnelhm; Lon-acdknWelh e claose ad from, am to 1.30 "Wth Her ad ; tu.ckKUner- pndnce incue etrcn iv.We do not hesitate to set mercy, and met with a fatal acci- ney Davison spoke briefly of the The South Ward was again re- Jack-m-e-ox--LeomondCKightp.m. T(appro.un rs i o 3 to 4ane ah uH r"; Pte.,Jackng e.taining hrita retnsfo the soldier on his pedestal, he be- dent. Now, he thought, he would Joys o hita-peete yteSno omtroui-yDorles;Thomps, o; Cap- p.m. Thaehrstwllbeserv- Gave amoth orgciatnrsteOah evRtr lbo e comnes the .life and soul and in- never complete his quest and his White gifts from the pupils of Chorus singing two numbers, the ti-ayDde;TleSodes e uatr Crits day. G.pen urmhwo rei tatns. s' brask;cely raiedGrs spiration of his nation in every purpose, but a voice spoke to him the school were taken to the front latter, The Fly and the Bumble a Dolls. o te in"*fo ourisikts willbewe uc a ere yteGrs Service Club for war work; let-frm D generation. They are our bravest saying, "Inasmuch as ye have of the church where they were Bee, being augmented by tamn- Play -AnIApe efosrlte ig"ur! both Chy ris0.tas .0and NewLerviceCubtafthe ihlCat.frssfromdisrc oenrAe and our best those whom we send done it untô the least of these, my put in baskets by. Misses Helen bourines and kazoos. Scene .II- The QueensProu;erG re10.3 to 1.30Sam..L.M.eCutis abl vneg d the ilfrRosad Rotarenentoa brethren, ye have done it unto Nelles and Helen Hoopgr attired A play, An Apple For-The King, S c H-Thne. oln g Green. o .S.T. thocoope bysexenjoyableereningsndthe Hadquatersa hcgcnrt (Continubd 'on Page 12) me." iin white gowns, depicted a Royal Sovereigr Cniud npg ) ate by not iteringin thco-obb.r oys expresse herfelng yresident F.cboireties