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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1940, p. 3

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THRY1WDAY, DECEIoe: Perhaps YOU rememnber, v that sad, tender and bea storY, "Marie Chapedlaine, Louis Hemnon, a Frenchmnan wrote af French 'Canada, whose book, published in p about 16 years ago, had aa tional success. That book has Put amaong the clasaics, and WOn't ssec it insecond-hand1 ~Stores- It mnerita a Place - anl )Wlng Pltice - in every Cari Shome. And now has appeared an, boo jabout French Canada - tln1jitten by a Trench-C dlai.Dr. Philippe, Panneto Monitiealer, but it la his Pen-n "Ringuet '." which la on the page of his fine novel. Rtr began his book in 1929, so ith a bit ai hurried work. You celve thia when you read hist Like Marie Chapdelaine Dr.: ncton's book was firat 'publi in France, and ini French, anc Marie Chapdelaine, it was aw cd a prize by The French demny. It has been translated English, Germnan, SPanish Dutcl These honors are as a e You that Dr. Pannt bak ntitled "Thirty Ac, stnsOut high above most b( Classified as novels. J C The book is the story of a f c ANAIA For test or play-Vancouver ar Victoria are ideml for a thorough epjoyable winter vacation. Var ~aysandcooIrefreshia nigi in the. mountains and by te seashor Riding, tennis, motoring, fishing. Canadma'S grnigroundoffi them ai, idiàa anex= s.dettdn Sp *al Winter rates et hotels. oxdt5ot 1Vancoiuver's spacloi .V1~a n delightful accoemmodi dons will add to the. pleasure of you tay la Vcouycr. ATIRXTIVE RAIL PARIRS WMDMMMsU.s -ixMu TEAVEL WUST THI JASPIR-WAY USIN TUE AIRf-CONDITiON3D CONTINENTAL LIMITID FaNqrmà; /mM a mu &»# a YOUR FAMILYi ýTASTIER, 19, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, oNTARio PAGEW 'IURRn NOW VIOEPRU8IDEN in August owing ta ill hcalth, but g g his health is now fully restored. a w aTs rol YO Inthe Dim and DisantPaI Died: Quick - In Bawnianviile, Joni. ikIo Dec. l7th, Mary Ann, eldest dau- 10h1 C Kfkwo d JFrern The. Statesi anF es ghter of Lewis Quick, aged 300 ______________________years. vivily, nd f th faily wnig itandDec. 2lst, Ernest, only child of !autiful tilling it - a story covcring a per- yeNYFIEYASAG IT ER G arkandli yrae n," WhoYesad Th fav r 0 iears - th oft50Frosu The Canadian Statesman, rom The. Canadiau Statesman, Died: Botterai - In Bowman- î,woabout a mile and a width ai from December 23, 1915 December 24, 1890 vle e.2sJh otri 1and 500 ta 600 feet, being a character- vAtlthe annual H.JoS. Commence-> (The front page ai this Issue la ged 63 yo ia !rnistfrm ic "an renchfaout 30 ment Exercises, Chairman W. B. given ver ta detailed account af Birth: In Orono, Dec. 3rd, ta saben a ares. who ia n rea io abot3 Couch presided ini his affable opening af the H-igh and Public Mrs. Chas. G. Armstrong, a dau- sd beendcres Who live iii Otarm o ma manner. Miss Leta Bragg opened Schoos whih we summnrized ghter; In Orn, Dec. 3rd, Mr. dok suwanelrg saamaillea liangcoun the prgram with a piano solo. lat week. It pictures sketches aif Wni. Crnish, a daughter; In Or- i bao- t anthe lag ill es livng a Allan Martin ai the Faculty of the two buildings and sketches af n, Dec. lth, Mrs. John Gibson, nadit and orkas n it, bt Fe hae a Educatian gave the valedictory G. W. Rasa, Minister af Education, a son. i dian cctas acma t Tony rnch-Cna.. addresa. M. A. James presented Dr. John Hoakin, Q.C., Han. E. Orono: James M. Jackson died dîn cai mke ane frm aailthe prizea. Principal A. D. H.Bae1.B)ararn .. iu.Dc t. eciea on a iother H c t.H aea on a - thi Rsa Preented the dipiamaa. l . Cubitt, Principal M. M..- o live in this country and was in -Cn-No scarcity of money seems to Fenwick, A. A. Post, architect). Clarke nearly haf a century. ew 30 " s 12a wkI nm, ata judge framf recent cantribu- Smith apened the first grammar HEL1-Da we k titie tion to atrioie, curchand shool n Bomanvile, ohersSER VICE H L PYbemnhy tItie- other appeala. maintain it waa w. G. King. Bath .8'.MEIORY O lagnot H.Hrl Ithl is Honor Thos. Moore Ben- af these were priar ta 1853 when DR. C. T. PAU la noper-ol lt h J son, .C., died at P rt H ope on T. W . B ate tok charge. The __ _ _ i k p yL n pe-has been appinted Vice-Preident Dec. 15th, aged 82 year. late H. S. Reid and Rev. Canon Pc PYu phonean book. af Canadian Westinghouse Ca., The ieft hali af the 136th Batt. MacNab were instrumental in Friends and Assoclates Rear Pre- handie Your most Important Pan- Hamilton. Harold la son ai the which wil be made up af re- founding the Grammar School. aident Barstow Volce Praise ila lrsmsso h e ished late Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell, cruits from West Durham has Before caming here MU. Boate Hatai haDel, Hartfor. .Crsta hpping I e d like Enniakillen, has been with West, been placed in charge af Major S.- canducted a private achoa1 in Hrr tCon.mnts obtirtyu Aar- ghauf s ine196H ds man a-fi B. Scobel, son af Mr. R. W. Sco- Newcastle. His firt assistant waa inte._o_____tayo. Aca ge i ok. i mn idf bell, Bowmanville. '«Sid" served Richard Hoiland, now police mag- e dlvrtsbaufi I into ~~ends in Durham County congratu hia apprenticeshib I the drug istrate oi Port Hope. J. Ketchum, Particulars af the memrial er- nwsralndHoe andur laehma hsaP tment. business af T. E. Higginbatharn present county judge, was also vice ta Dr. Charles T. Paul Who nwsralndHoe eosahnC.r-kwo in the eariy 'SOIS. assistant teacher at that turne, and died at Hartford, Conn. on Nov. neuinfcyelohe cta's OfYonhnrnc-C.aias Kfrkoon te la o a third was T. Rbitaille, one tume 25th, did not reach us n im t r s , fa rin a - b y th rift a n d in d u atry o n g e a l o k t g o e ll u h o h o d n a n a .w p p g s H rth e i i l , aoka ansgeal ok tgo R. MculLhaioliga g eut.-Gov. ai Quebec. publish them in aur last issue and simple living. waei the New England States.- gressive recruiting meeting. a Lewis Jaliaw is caretaker ai the ajang with his obituary. We have atatvl oei e n wages, gathered on Sunday whidh High School. since received this information asý* "Thirty Acres" s elYth Their visita and letters home had filed the Opera House and Royal Of the pupils ai Bawmanville iC aPpeared in The Hartford Daiiy odrihonteHvri. f ar tary af Euchariste Moisan, wha very upaettlng influences an Theatre. Evan HI. McLean and High School who hav Ctone urant af Dec. 3rd, which fol- a2 urd=eir he i nlyugr asadduhes Councilior Fred R. Foley were some distinction in lufe, here arelos Sita awner, died. Euchariate, or Then, toa, the high prices aifchairmen. tue naines ai a few: Dr. J. W. Me- vIe any fpreiv edarnd ascaes-gf.I' rctbyadc 'Chars, as he was called by hia the war yeara ai 1914-18 had madee A. A. Calwill, Newcastle, has Laughlîn, Ex-M.P.P., count regis- ai ch aries a natheredi te 5 neighbors, manried a nieghbor'a many farmers venturesame: tuey retired as Warden af the Counties tra; .E.oaeei, nCra harasiT.aul ah i the -ughter, and had by her & lebought mare land, in arder ta ounit roat;JtE arewJaelRutioeSeary Ft h otn atf on-get i 1P anily. 'Châris lhad pledged him- make mare money, and tuey ac- asspnt wittobariae; JohnsWitindg, dyenaan. "ndThisnot an Mon- self ta the Priest who married him qulred the conviction tuat high A Pleasant evening WasarrnWIteyrr nd Maon a i igaton;canfrorn"hin an rea- r that hé wauld dedicate ane of his prices wauld remai forever. So at Mrs. Jas. Courtice's when a E Douglerasd ayoifKnso;cainfr-mnng1 adPei sans ta tue prieatuood, and i due when disillusiomiient c a me - piano recital was given'by pupia B ouls ar ur, Q.C.; E. CIe- dent Rabbins W. Barstow in open- course bi eldeat son - his firat- when high prices callapsed, many ai Misa Alma M. Caurtice. ment, Toronto; Rev. A. W. Mac- ing the service, "rather it is an born child - barepretAn-. fariera were ruined : they had Dr. G. C. Bonnycaste las en- Nab, D.D., St Catharines; Rev. hor for praise'and thanksgiving T E IY R O ta iv1u asurnfr 2aneggeaa asitan u hs enalM.P.Talling, London; John'froea u nme h a o alaer ai tenlndawasa uhsthey we unat tr ao cant nd g dtassanoffcenr. W A.Cow n tal - uaP-UivrsTHCElg; . HreedDR s ltleintme ee fahe, nd w en horaned oneri n he aifay pg.Tlly, Ma el S hal ns eta; s e x ee ed usi 5 m ny a * m a d e h o f te l nr a sn î , a r apti h y e e n t t c, c n e t d f i e . R. W . . J o n , W n i - n W . E. UT i e iy D u h a m I n e cto . r; his tale n s. a W e w i i al a y s e n ¶ e i nt h e m o d e n m a n e , h iav o r Ji Ch K W . J p e . J n sTh a s b e n a id - W . S c Shot, t a a N r l S p c h o o ; a s o v i n g d e t f o u s e ii a i h i sf i m a h i e n a n n e m e a a ,h e f r m n t a n w d a s a n o m R o m t hJ o e s ,fr o n h a s e e . W . E . J l l fe , O ttuahamlls e g it er ; h t e h n g ,t h e v i i o n a h s bo u n l and wanting better iarm build- e as okn i g pea tranai4-red ta the 124tu Batt. in A. H. Gibbard, Brantford ColIeg the radiance ai his spirit, and for in Hartford in 1928. For the Edin-- FOR YOU? FOR TOU? AND YOU iga; whereaa his fatuer waa a ple made them eager- for a lie Toronto. liste; A. T. DeLury, Clark Univer- the way hie set forth in his own bruhCneec n11 r canservative, and was nat any taa having a faster pace tuan fa.. Sergt. Wm. Wilkinson, wha la sity, Mass.; E. E. Shepherd, Editor pesnanoevcetegnlsiPu it he lat resideint19Mac-r willing ta take up new ways and mng, and caused tuem ta differ in charge ai the Bugle Band de- Saturday Night; Drs. Beith, Mc- the Christian. faith and a likenes i Some kids have jainedth te army, ideas. Yet hie dîd add egg pro- ironi their parents in respect af serves great credit for tue si>îen- Dowell and Lammiman, Bawman- ta the Master himacli."1 kenzle ai the Hartford Semînaiy They're just starting mn their teens, duction ta his activities, and made manY tuings.: Where once wns un- did sbowing the boys make., ville. Proiessar Samuel Guy Inman, IFaundation prepamed the epach They try ta act like "bardguys", ioe roni cgga. Anather ,son, questionmng subrnission ta parents, Ebenezer: One ai aur popular On a charge ai stcaling iowl noted Latin-Anierican authority,i making report which comnpieteîy 'Tis they tbgt spill the bena. >i' Ephrem, was "difficuit," and be.: there was manireat tue spiit af Young ladies, Miss Muriel Pen- George Wrighter and Chas. Cor- ai New York, long time friend and* changcd the conceptions af mis- '~camne a village terrar. Hie remnain- rebellion and discontent. The iound, waa married Wedneaday ta nish, Darlingtan, wcre brought colleague, reviewcd Dr. Paul's liei sionary training. They can amdil an empty bottle k ed on tue fanin with bis father and book "Thirty Acres" does noi con- Will Baker by Rev. R. A. Delve. .. before Gea. Haines, Palice Magis- and paid hum tribute as "anc wbo Dr. Innian recalled the deepAn stagger like they're drunk, brother, but witb no gaadwjll, and dei the childi-en ai 'Charis Moi- Cangratulations ta Wm. Terry on trate, and Mayor W. F. Allen andvd stepping from mouintain iellowship with Dm. Paul dunn That's the reasan baï tue cve ithe end wcnt off ta'the United san; it juat partrays tuemn witu thd arrivaI ai a little daughter, were fined $10 each and coats. Peak ta mountain peak, yet wilItePnaanrs i 196, i..Tiktu ryl fi u - States, as were dalag s50maly idelity. Ratuer does this book and ta L. Bigwaad an a son and Clarke men are the lasers includ- ing ta came down and speak wîth ter which Dr. and Mrs. Pau ed a Trench-Canadin Young people. a'M ta tell ai the new farces, tue hein. ing R. McLeod, J. Buckley and bis frienda Who feit themselves gru iCritastrubSuhAd utalsldessie Ofteohrsons and af the new agencies, at work i-tue Maple Grave: Durhamn District Solomon Ham. lifted up in bis presence." Amenica. "That trip and Dr. For the sins ai the guilty few, dagtes ai 'Chanta Moisan it la warld, and particularly iFrench Division met and unaaimously Mr. and Mrs. Richard Osborne, Founded College of Missions Paul'i inapiring sermon preached And lose tueur ights af social lie unnecessary naw ta, speak; they Canada, which have changed the adopted a resolutian disappravlng Clarke, entcrtained the Methodiat At the agc ai 19, Dr. Paul es- in beautfu Spanish ta a vast For what some othera do. are but inior charactera la the old ardermand which have made of local papers publishing adver- choir at their borne toa a oneytaisethIniutaiLg-adecenteSadmaia- story ai "Thirty Acres." widening gulis bctween parants tisements or atherwise workig social. taglstes n orntand ofier a tagodile , arnte StairmmbfrSan-Naw, I dan't cdaim ta be an angel, andtuer hili-n. nefees uatagias LcalOpionndadvca- W. J. Kyle, iormeriy ai this teach 17 languages. 'II doubt," by thase Who saw and heard hlm." But l'mi sticklag ta one raie, Lad J C K 'Chars Mosan brought upon hlm.. ing a boycott ai thein. A. L. Pas- tawni, died in Denver. Col., where said Dm. laman, "$if anather masn "In a day of specialists," Dr In- That when I go out on a pasa ,hl 'Chail Moisan entmustèd bis self bis diaappoitmenta, bis laus- coe, P.G.W.P. pesented the ban- he had gone for bis bealtu. i the United States knew as nman concluded, "Charles' T. Paul I wan't sct just like' a fool. maaey ta a aotary - putting mare es, his handshipa, and bis final ab- ner ta Taunton Division.. T. J. Ex-Mayor and Ni-s. John K. many fundamental languagea as1 neyer became a specialiat. He w55Andi i esl ir lis faith ina hlm than in banks; and scuration - this by bis resistance JCale was a auccesaful exhibitor at Galbraith entetained the town our Dr. Paul." At Hiram Coilege a remarkable igit, t esc her, wA d i t d tn n hif àteach year bis fortune was added ai the new farces and agencles, by Guelph Winter Faim. . . Wrhy do caunicil and tawn officiais at a he taught the largeat mission clas oratol and writler,gbut somehow Wouldtry ta a te same, ere to- ad epecaly i th wa hi stbbrn nd lin aberecenat some af aur eatemprising splendid banquet at their mesi- in the country, and he iounded we do ntht think ai hlm aso yeares of layadwetadte IOo ara hryArstYugmnaspire tomunicipal dne vro- a lt heCleeo isin nda - heebut rt -sagetfin W ih aete"RyS er az pnîces i haynd wh an te fyucs ea Tit ce"Jhonora now tuat Reeve Courtice wiput the aid ai wine."_ Mn. napalis which was nregd witu and as a noble Christian gentie- name. iamprdcesard MSnwas --a book about Cgnttda. is netirlag. Gaàoraith reignd the mayamaltv1 the Kennedy School af Missions man.", us because ai bla perceived praspeni- a - t . Y e t t e r e c a m e U n i e s w h e n- B a m e b r a M d a n R g t bu bis animosities, bis, stubbrnnesa and bis rnlsplaced trust cansunmed bis saviga. Thus, hie had a castly and disastraus law suit witu *a Jneighbor over pes i ofpnaperty; wben he wauld ,nat seli bis craps when prices wèee at their peak, haping for still highem pnices, ie M hast by fine bis buiidigsa nd tueir Ç 4 contents - draps, livestock and P mmpleaments;. and when a new nat- ary became the custodian ai Moi- a nssavings, aiter te deàth di the' aId notai-y, hie skipped out Iwith tue savings ai many families. Sa wvhen Moisan was about 60 yeans ai age, bie found hmmacilf pon. He was nat only pon, but aisa ratuer helplesa mentally and pbysicaliy. His son Etienne had assumned tue full management ai tue farm, and had undertaken- ta pay bis father so much per yean as a sort ai pensian, but he faileciE ta, pay the amnount due mnantuly beçause ai bad times. Indeed, he persuaded is fater ta visit is son Epbrem in the .Unitcd States, the idea being. that tue fatuer wauld remain a manth or sa. But Eticnne'a fallune ta send bis father money ta be uaed for puchasig a rail way ticket home made it necesaary for tue fatuer ta extend his viit ndefilitely. HES longC HO LTS stay with his son - mannied with two chiidran - becanie burden- some ta bis son, wha was iorced ta find wark fan bis fatuen - watchxnn in saine public build- ing. And the atary ends wth tue THEY ARE WONDEPRFU l!1 J CK Te story 5s really a Picture af habitant lie in French Canada. The reader ai it lives witu the Mosan iamnliy for upwar-ds ai fifty yeana. He becomes ac4uaint- ed wîtu 'Charla and his wlfe, bis sans and. bis daughiters, and tucir occupations and emYs ot Hie and ambitions. The action ai thé story la maily on the 30-acre farmi AU farmers wouild read tuS s tamy witb keeneat intereat, and alI af us wbo have a desire ta knaw mare about tue ml.nd and ways ai Trench Canada - ai Cathallc .French Canada - can get much instruction froin tus simple story. It la a plotless stary - just a sort ai photographlc film ai hife as liv- cd alamoat anywhere in Québec Province - ia thie rural aneas. Yet the tory relates ta a penuad oi rapidly-ciiangîng times. Per- bapa the largest sungle factor la cbaaging tuaughts and ways waa the matar car. Before tue arrivai ai tue mator car cammunity and rural Eic remialned pretty much tue saine as it had been ion twa* huadmcd years. The motor car had wldened horizons, and enabled Young People ta go fartuen away froin home, and tons ai thousanda .L:..~. -J 'i

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