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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1940, p. 5

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1940 IURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 194o THE CNADIIÇ SATESAN. BWMANILLPAGE'AlME 4 Y.Weddings Cc--E It's chick-a-dee time in aur back yard, Lade~unroFor winter days are bei-e, Avene Rad resYteianAn-d these wee birds in twos and Avene Rad rcsbrtciau fours, Church, Toronto, was, the setting Have corne to bring us cheer. for a pretty wedding, December They live dowu in the evcrgrecns ltwhen Margaret Pauline That stand byou-bcwal Muio daughter of Mrs. J. D. Anid there they ftadcika Muno udUi lteJ. D. Munro dec of Lloydmjnster, becaffie tic bride Their little sweet note caul. of Lance-Coi-parai Albert Lesli n nUcmin hy1 on n S Lade, Bowmnanvillc, son a! MreAdi hemr-hyllcm n S and Mrs. Albert Lade, Toronto. i Bey. A. R. Skinner officiated and On our back window sijl, 2 thec wedding music was played by WhoreI have placed a suet bit, ( B . Hadford.Fo thern to eat their f111. e bride, given iu marriage by or maybe peanuts, choppcd quite e grandfather, R. Bei-t Smnith, fine, ware a blue silk crepe aftcruoor Aud sarnetirnes fine cracked dress, with a halo hat of matching O corn, material. She was attended by hrO bits of meat and other crumbs,s sister, Mrs. Jack Fr-ench, inol For noanc of thèse thcyll scoi-n.E gold sîlk'crepe with bat to match. And then they'lI peck so cuntning- She caried a bouquet af crimson ly roses. Pte. Stanley Lade was best In through Uic window pane; r mian. The wcdding reception was And twittcr their sweet chick-a-( hcld at "Gr-ay Gables." dcc,. Then off they'll fly again. But thcy'll be back at supper time, Jeffery-Wagar 'We neyer have ta fear,r Miss Maiian Alice Wagar, For chick-a-dce time's in aur yard, S ghter of Mi-. and Mrs. G. L: 'Cause wiuter days are here. e t air, Bawmanville, and Mr -RALPH GORDON. Howard Wilfrcd Jeffci-y, Baw: 628 Crawford St., Toronto. mauville, son of Rev. C. B. Jeffcry -V and Mrs. Jcffery of Uhthoff, On- of white chrysanthcmums and redn til, wcre married Friday even- rss fe h eeto h ng, Dec. 13th, at the home af the roe.ctrUc eeto h b'de's parents, Centre St. The couple left for New York to visita bridegroom's father officiated the bridc's cother, and will live h againat a background of ever- on Silver Street, Bawrnanvillle, an gicnsilver ribbons and ycllow their return. Bath arc graduates r chysnhcum;and thé wed- of the Ulniversity of Toronto, thUi digE si a playcd by Miss bride being an thc teaching staff ir FIoec akr Toronto, cousin of Bowmanville High School for0 of Uic bride. the past seven yeai-s. For travel- d Given in mariage by ber father, ling the bride wore a hunter's s the bride wore a gown of ivary green wool crepe frock and jac- Pl satin with slight train, and fln- ket, with brald embroidery, greenW ger-tip veil held with a wreath of bat, and green coat trimnied with a white flawers. She carricd Talis- squirrel. 1 h *man roses and bouvardia, and Pioi- ta the wedding Miss w wore a string of pearis, the gift Wagar was presentcd with thi-e b o! the bridegroorn. Miss Gertrude lovcly pièces in ber Susie Cooper r Wagar was ber sistcr's only at- set o! dishes by agroup o! fricnds ta tendant, wearing wbite net at a teat given by Misses Betty Sc tbi-eàded with metallie, blue and Saper and Iris Matthews. At Miss ai pink metallic stripcd blouse, aud Vivian Bunncr's she was present- to carring Joanna Hill roses.' Mr-. cd witb a beautiful and useful JakWbtled Wiby ashsarray o! kitchen necessaries, car- a cousiu's groomsman. rying out her color scheme of di Mrs. Wagar was gowued lu teal blue and ivory. Trinity United sO blue velvet witb corsage of But- Church chair gave her an eight- of 'terfly roses aud chrysanthemunis; pièce set a! glass, comiplète with dc and Mrs. Je!! ciy wore a black sherbet dishes, plates, water and ae aud white crepe suit, with corsage - cocktail glasses.M If You Can't Think What To Give ce OR IF YOU CAN m- he VISIT fk/l/2e 4&'et 2 n e re and have your problemn solved qulckly, economically - perfectlyl in Our tasteful dlsplays make it easy to select the rlght gift. re HERE ARE JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS! Prices. ln Effeet Until December Mils 8Ov7P S Heinz le-oz~ 'icULEs Aylm.r Swpei Mixed 1 21<: ,PEU SA & P Choc. 4 Sisys 2002,lOc Iwo orENIlVO a lbi..1 i= Blond w-5<:BU 49: PLUIE pUD IGChrisi.'s 1-1b. 3»C TO AS A & P Choice 2".la GINGER ALE lati.25< mon nD Tsr. rnmuUis S32. 4%» 30c CEESE FANCY ib. 25c: Di[CE[S FANCY lb. 27<: Tenderfflai foloyal Brm&" Club Style,SorUbn AITOR lane Removed Whole or lb. C nOSfib.29 SU"a itu 2 7'~9 A& P A& p COFFEE BREAD BDC~ or UNSLICED aOSO& hWINRY ARPG RT hABU 39c Moi» h NLOW 8 O'CLOCK m 35c_____ RICH & FuLL" BODI» A h p cBin TA RED CIRCLE 'z 31 c FRUIT CAKE cis;%5C FRUITS 8*VEGETABLES ONTMUO GKOWI4 - NO. 1 GRADlE APPLES " 1"EIMM37C OIAIINES swutilu" Doz27C CIANEERIIES c »% lb.27c TIIIPS vi« zm21..5 ETTUCE a r2h.aJsl3c TAMS ux~ta" .M oodu adOpMt.i by The Great Atiatto adPacMI cT«a Co. Ltd. 1 op ,< 4) Mi-s. W. J. S. Rlckard, BOOKSM Mrs. J. A. BUtler; Finance A Rook for Everybody at thse Rlgbt Price. !rii . H.tteMrs. W. AE. BeMrs. MAGAZINE G13T SUBSCRIPTONS far h. Butler, Mrs. N. Rlckard;CH I T A RD1 tara for 1941-Mi-s. R. Dlck- CH IS MA C RD n, Miss I. Robinson. Calendaji - G111 Wrappints - Decorations.1 eaven must be lu me before I WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR STORE. !ri be lu bcaven.-Charlea Stani-1 1. 1 --1 ter SCHOOL SYSTEM Bowmanville Man SODESLTER FULL 0F FAIJITS Appoint.d Manager SLIR'LTE, SAYS TORONTONJAN New Dmug Company Bowmauville Home sud Scbooi oeber i 8, 1940d Club met iu the Central Schoal Many Bowmnvillc citizens wiill DearMrs.18Hart: December i ltb, with Pi-esident be interested lu the announce- erMsHat Mrs. C. Robinson prcsiding. ment made last weck af Uic pur- Just Lew Wisemau framn th, Befare the pi-agi-arn stsitedD. chase o! Uic entire assets, includ- tawn o! Bowmanvillc acknow R. Morrisan cxplaiucd vcry thor ing i-cal estate, a! Anglo-Canadian ledging the'nice gifts Of socks an( ougly he cedfo aî ciizes- Drugs, Limited, Oshawa, by thi-c ecolate that I1i-eceived fromn thi purcase ar avins Stmpspraminent Oshawa c i t i z ensa Saivation Arrny of Bawmanville Heursete r avint taflip5.Messrs. E. A. Laveil aud C. E: 1 want you ta know taey wcri the strese te act ai ytie Souch and Lieut. Everett Lovell. apprcciatcd very much and ais( Ucmeanteypuwascracised b insr-Mi-. Soucb is eldest son af Mr. sud cangi-atulate you and your Insti est ou their mancy but we-wauld...............tute on the fine work they arg not; have tis privilege il extra doing, bath bei-e and back home hr Canada. Along witb the Y.M.C.A. taxes had ta be i-esartcd ta. He Canaclian Legion Overseas,K.oi also, had on vlcw an attractive Christmas fle hihwudC. and numerous others thcy ai- make su ideal gift aud could be *. daîng the C.A.S.F. traaps a ver3 sent with anc stamp'in as a start- goo Te"afyAn"asi i e er or campletcly or pai-tially f il sffcTeonaly csiiedaby the gant The rogrin oenedwitha does, in my estimation, take thE The rog-am pend wih alead in taking care a! the welfa-4 pieaslug piano tria by Mrs. J. A.o Cale, Miss Mai-ion Dudley andi.a the boys overseas. Even tii MissJoye Lxtan...... .4~ paper this acknowledgment iE The peakr o Uiccvcing .~ writen upan is supplied by thE Tre speSaunersof memer cf T a- Salvation Army Wa- Services De. Mr. . Sundes, embe ofTe-Partment. Sa once again I thani i-auto Board of Education, wbo Yeu on behalf of myseif sud thE stai-ted out by saying ,he wonder- i-est of the boys that, like myself, cd why se many organizations ai-e far fi-on home. opeucd with "O Canada," a Que-Bd. is nL bec sang of which there wrere four No. CWieman, L versions and mast a! thc people No. 18Cn65t5, iyHodngUi siuging a littie a! each, while Nc.a1Bae PostOie, nearly evcryane kucw "The Ma- !BaePsOfiCnd. pIe Les! Fai-ever,"1 which, tells Canada's bistary sud wi-itten by a native sud citizen a! Ontai l Egln Nov. 15, 1940 his life, Mi-. Muir. DearMr James: He gave many !acts sud figures Thanks a lot for publishiug my regai-ding the respansibilities sudCri Souch former letter in your sud aur duties of members on tac board paper. Whcn I wrate before I ask- in Torontoansd other places in Mi-5. Walter 0O Souch, Car],iale cd aur people fi-rn Bowmsuviilc Ontario. lHe alsa stated that he Ave., Bowmanvxlle. ta write ta us. I had my first let- lid net thluk religion was a public The business was purchascd ter ta-day. It was fi-rn "a! aUl ;chool matter, above the dtaily fram the Premier Trust Ca., Who places" Rochester, N.Y. T his passage a!f sci-ipture sud prayer have been lu charge as receiver Young fellow wrote me a vei-y withaut camment, but that it was sud manager far tac bondbolders lovely letter. I only wish I couid a very important matter for the since April 19, 1938. send it ta you and let Yeu publish homes and churches. lic also desît The new campany, which will it. I value it vei-y bigbly as a with democracy and the talk a! it be under tac persoual man~age- wanderful souvenir. being taught In the scboola. He ment o! Mr-. Soucb, wiil be kiiawn The reports you get aver there naintained it had always been as "Angle Canadian Drug Cam- about London being laid lu ruins aught in aur cauntry sud was pany." Mr-. Bruce Gardon, whÔ is ail wrong. I was in Landau aometbing moi-c of an luberitauce bas becu associatcd with thc or- just twa weeks aga to-morrow. It Lfld pninciple than a mere subjcct ganization for same tii-e,' wll con-; did nat look too bad, sîthough oe be contaiucd in a book. lie tinue as accountant for the flcw anepart bas becu bambed vei-y ikened it ta a parent faced with fi-m. Lieut. Lavell is at pi-esent badly. I expect ta go ta London a child in s burning building or an active service as lieutenant No. again to-morrow. Maybe I will drownlug, anc did nat stop taei-ca- 1 dispenser wita the 14th Field be able ta tell you moi-e wben I an whcther it bad statcd in one Haspital, R.C.A.M.C.- oebc., of bis text boaks wbat he should The purchase o! the business by cm ak do under such circunistauces, but E. A. sud Evei-ett Lovel sud Mr. It was a very beautiful uigbt cted promptly on bis principles. Soucb, ail highly i-espected local last nigbt. The full moon gave Mr-. Saunders' address was inter- citizensand ail tharaugbly train- the "buns" s wonderful chance ta sperscd witb bumarous commenta cd sud experienccd chemists, wiil do same bambing. I woke up at and jokes. He clased by saying ensure thc continuity of thls im- about bsIf-past anc this marning, tat the Home sud Scbool mcm- partant Oshawa business an a and for a steady half-bour ail I ers bad a grand privilege a! do- sound sud efficient basis. The cauid hea- was a steady raar o! Ig much for tac can-dug genera- company emplays a local staffo! planes sud tac baaming a! Uic don pntrusted lu their care as 22 people, ail a! whom wiil be guns around our îothers sud' teachers. rctained lu their preseut position. camp. Yeu can readily under-' Miss Helen Morris led the carol The company alsa bas several stand why we bear se msuy Ènging with Miss L. Bragg at the salesmen on the road, as weil as planes as we lu a direct lie to lana. A!te- tic business meeting sales outlets Uirough ather firi-s, Landou for tic "Jerries." bnristmas gifts were distributcd giving themn representatian across One wcekend 1 spent witb Car- ind lunch was servcd. Canada. The plant is weil equîp- parai G. E. Hoilingswortb, (a lot pcd witb modernxnachinei-y sud of the people araund Maple Gi-ove with satis! actai-y !lnancing and wil know hlm). We ssw au air I.wcastl. W.M.S. capable management uow assui-cd, raid au su ai-hart. Wc saw four it sbould have an exceptloally "Jerry" planes shot down sud not Study, China brigbt future. anc British. Oui- planes seem. Elcit Off icu . Bawmauville citizens wil i <in ~mucb faster. Thi-ce o! theseWr inwisbing Cyril sud bis assaciates ehcst dowu with anti--airci-aft fi-e As the theme for December is cvery success lu their'new yen- sud the otaci- witb a British figbt- 'The World Pays Homage to turc. ci- plane. 1na, ecsl ...nct We sec lots o! air battles aver ron December 2ud was rnarked oui- camp. Oui- British pilots are g h ign o hita WHAT A LIBRARY sure wouder!ul. They out-ma- ~mns Mi-. Bman ffc-ed ic EAIrS T YOUAND nocuvre tac "bun" every tinie. ýymn. Ms. emanoffredtheMEAN TOYOUAND Auy bambs that have been drop- rayer. A letter fi-rn Mrs. Jerry Brown, YOUR FAUILY ped at oui- camp bave missed by group leader lately i-emaved to a long way. Maybe it is luck, but iouto, expressed bier warm Sap- A splendid new series o! books we si-e begiuulug ta tbink that 'eciation of the frieudship sud bas i-ecently been acquii-ed by tace"jerry bombers" are very bad -operation o! the members, sud Bowmanvllle Public Libi-axy. The shots. er regret at scvering ber con- Statesman publisbes Uicm lu ic he You will notice that we have ectiau with this Auxiliary. hope that the titles ici-e displayed changed aur address since I lsst An appreciatian a! the long sud wlU belp is readers i-calmze juat wratc Yeu. itbful service a! Mrs. Floyd But- bow mucb a library does fo- a I have also been promated ta rfor mauy ycai-s iecoi-ding sec- tawn. a coi-paral. This compauy we arc tai-y, now retiig, ws mavcd It caniletes thc educational lu now is a spccialist campany. yMi-s. Mai-ton sud cariled un- equipmcnt o! thc Prima-y sud My brother Harold la alsa lu this imouly.Seconda-y schools. It gives ta company wiUi me. We are bav- Mrs.1 Thackci-y read Ps. 24, sud chîldi-c o! allclsses tihe oppor- ing a very good time bei-e. Some rs. Hoar led lu prayer. tuuity ta know sud love the bcst o! the boys are gettiug restlcss A playette ou Chr-istian Stew- lu literature. It zuluimnizes thc for some -action. lship directcd by the secreta-y, sale a! unwbolesome literature. We sure wauld like ta kuow,e :rs Coolce, wais preseuted by five It appeals as a gi-est unifyiug Mi-. James, wha wrate the piece0 embers; ageucy tealal classes, sects sud lu your Sept. l9Ui Statesman, L The study was "Couriers o! the inteligences. Wsr Living in Hell. The boys sîll ross, in China." The ]Mfe sud Some of Uic !ollowing baoks say that propaganda is al nigbts i-k of Misa Minute Sblpley "The bave been placed. an the "-seven but ta lay it on like that is a lath fgiu o! Honan Raade", now day" last ta give evei-yaue an op- a! unk. l led te higher service, was desît portunity a! procuring tbcrn fo- Loads o! luck teall back there. itb, lu turu, by Mrs. Carveth winter rcading pleasure: I remin *I id Mrs. J. C. Hancock. The ac- Wings atMy Window - - Govan Coi-parai W. J. Ross McKnigbt,F itîca a! this wonderfuilyï versa- So Perish Uic Rases - - - . Bell C6078, lst Cdu. Corps S emlnssiauary made a most in- Laugb Parade - - - Lcacock Stragglers Unit,*C restiug sud inspiring stary. I Chose Deumark- - Hockett cla No. 1 Cdu. Iu!. Holding Unit CI Mrs. Honey falowed with the And Sa ta Battle - Roberts Base P. O., Canada. bligbts a! Uic cai-cer o! that Wolvcs Dou't Bite - - - - Curran _________ isi-kable Young Chinese Chi-is- Trelswny- - ----Arstrong 21 n, Dr. William Djsng, who, a!- Europe in the Spriug - - Boathe The only !rcedom which de- S ,i-eceiving bis M.A. degree lu FameIsathe Spur - Hemmlingway serves thc name la that a! pursu- si aueto University i-cturned ta The Bright Pavillons - - Walpole lug aur awn gaod, in oui- awn 'T ;native land as a professari-nl Fi-e sud the Wood - - Hutchinson way, so long as we do nat sttempt P w Testament Literature, sud The Englsbh Air - - - Stevenson ta deprive athers o! tacirs, or im- L er gave bimself wiUi untiiig The Hill Is Mine - - - - Walsh pede their efforts ta obtain it.- ( otian ta cariug for woundcd Rochester's Wifc e - Stevenson . J. S. Mill. B [ici-s in Uic Sino-Japanese war. 01________________________________ Mass Pauline Deliue sang as aP o a Laurence ----- ----- Satin Lingerie a! smoth, glesiig Rayon Satin, Lovcly lu style, perfect lu fit sud beautifully trimmed. They're gargeaus! Coalaurns white or tes rase. SLIIPS - - - - from 719c PANTIES - - - from 50o NIOHTIES - - fi-cm p.o PYJAMAS - - from $1.98 Luxury -Wt! ' Deep pile chenille robe, she'il prize. Wrap-around style. Pretty, practical and warm. . lu.inwhIte. caral, blue, wine or turquoise. $298 Alsa iiý Eskimo Flannel, attractively patterned ln blue, gi-cen, rose and orchid. Xmas Toweil Bath towls .. . thick absor- bent terry cloth. In white, or calours. Some with bor- ders. Each only 49c, 59e and 79e 'WALKER STORES, IMITED Bowmanvilîe Phone 451 oeoeoeoe,' Nestieton Nestîctan W. I. met lu tac base- meut a! the United Church, Dec. lOth, wiUi Presideut Mi-s. M. Em- ei-sou lu the chai-. Demonstration on cookiug vegetables was given by Mrs. V. Archer, Mi-s. A. Baiiey sud Mxs. Thompsan fi-rn Black- stock. Lunch was scrved sud à hcarty vote o! thanks given Uic ladies. Nesticton Woman's Association net at the home o! Mrs. C. H. :>antcous on Dec. l2th, with Pi- sident Mrs. R. W. Marlow lu the bhair. Rev. D. M. Stinson took the bhai- for ciection o! these officers: President-Mrs. W. G. Bowles; lst Vice Pres.-Mrs. W. Campbell; 2nd Vice Pi-es.-Mrs. S. Malcalmx; Sec'y.-MrUs. W. R. Jackson; As- ist4nt Sec'y.-Mi-s. K. Samells; Treasui-er-Mi-s. N. C. Marlaw; Pisnist-Mrs. S. Malcolms; Group Leadei-s-< 1) Mrs. R. W. Marlow, (2) Mi-s. Wm. Stecle, <3) N-s'. G. [owe-s, (4) Ni-s. N. C. Marlaw, (5) Ni-s. A. Suggitt, <6) Ni-s. M. PEmerson; Sick Commitce- (i-s. C. H. Pai-teaus, Mi-s. L. Jab- n. Rcti-ing officers sud Mrs. C. [. Pai-teous were ail given a earty vote o! thanks. 'Lunch was sived by the young ladies. Congratulations ta Mr-. sud Mrs. [srald Nesbitt on the ai-rival of àyouug son in Port Perry Haspi- al. Ni-s. Peter Wright la visiting' ber lughte-, Ni-s. Rae Malcolm, Yel- si-tan. Mr-. sudNi-s. Scott, Mr-. sud Vrs. Stevens, Salins, Mr-. sud Nss. ferman Ssmells, Mr-. sud Mrs. 'cii Wilson sud family with Mi-. id Nrs. Bei-nie Hooey for s tur- sy dinuer. Mr-. sudNi-s. Lai-ne Lambb sud Lmiiy, Euniskillen, at Ni-. Cecil 'iison's. Mr. Wm. Lamb with !ricnds at suniskillen. Ni-. Edgar Emerson, Valentis, 11th bis parents. Mi-. sud i-s. L. Joblin at Mi-. LJohns'. Mr. Arthsur Jacknsan with fri- nds lu Oshawa. Ni-. and Ni-rs. K. Samellsand cîlville witb fricuda lu Lindsay. Nr. sud Ni-s. Wmn. Steele witb .ends lu Blackstock. Mi-. sud i-s. H. Whcele- sud imily, Oshawa, at Ni-. L. Joblin's. Mn. Wii!red Jackson visited bis ster, Ni-s. H. Sheffield, Oshawa. Mr-. sudNi-s. Ivan Proutt with îeuds in Lindsay. No man ls free wbo la not mas- er o! hliself.-Epictetus. Neither shail taey say, La bei-e! dam a! Gad What Can Garton 's Give te Santais Pack ? Give one of these Wniter Driving O Neoessities for Christmas Sealed Berai FOG LIIGHT ... Guaranteed AUTO HEATER ... Super Pyro ANTIFREEZE ..Long Laating PRESTONE ..Satety BUMPER GUAERDS ..Sealed Quality QIL ... Guaranteed DEFROBTERS HARD TO BTART A CAR ONÇ A OOLD NORNING? Cali 266 Oui- mechanles wli fix the trouble before it becomes really eosty. is within you.Luke SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE Christmas and New Year's Consuit Tour Nearest C.N.R. Ticket Agent. Fer Fuli Particulars Buy Tour Tickets in Aivance - Avoid Train Delays. WIII They Corne Home For Christmas? PROBBLY ud erhas MRE 8 ilYOD send them tickets. PROBADLY;abotiu READPLAN. CANADIAN NATIONAL Garton's Garage THESE BWANKY DRESSING GOWNS "Iuzunious" and et midi à Iow price. You'fl be surpriscd aet he rich-iooking. aIli-iool English Plannel, ililthe Tartn rchd Jupela, cuffs and frngedbe. Ya'l =ietu ooyft and the smnart se iUcaolers, Colors: Wine, Naviy aid Brown. SIMe: Salin. Medium, Large md Outsiz& "GORDON-, PAJAMAS FOR $1.9 We recammend these "~Gordon" Pajanias, made fromn soft, warm, English flanuelette ln pleamaag stripea. Thcre ai-c mixes foi- ail tic mcan of the family. Sim: ,, ,c, D. ~1- A "GORDON" SENSATION! "Ma gic" Silk Hosiery Tise Finest Produced At Sheer as ýa cobweb yct with amszlug stainùna. Ravishiugly beautiful l ic heuew wiutcr sbadea. 1 Phon THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Bowmanville Phone 451

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