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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1940, p. 6

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PAGE SIX Haydon tsasand aHappy 1 Visitors: "'The Road to Bethlehem" was Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osmond, Miss Veda Purdy, Lloyd and Don- the subject of Rev. A. F. Gard. ald Thompson, Bowmanville, at ner's fine address on Sunday. Mr. W. Thompson's. W. A. was held at Mrs. C. Cross- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards and man's on Thursday with President Maurice, Bowmanville, at Mr. E. Mrs. T. Mountjoy presiding. Bible Bradley's. reading was read by Mrs. W; Mr. and- Mrs. -Mlt Tamblyn Thompson and devotion.l by Missand Glen*hIý.ronq'ýatW. L. Ash- Blance Deg e adings were lafl'é. ,i given b Y Mrs. Leslie gr ha Mr. A. Beech at Mr. IR. Rich- Urs. C.- Garrard and Mrs. T. ards', Bowmanville. Mountjoy, and a duet by Misses Mr. and Mrs. C. Siemon, Mr. Mleeri Cowling and Meta Degeer. G. Riggs and Mrs. E. R. Ormiston Mrs. SilasTewin, this month's at Mr. Sid Trewin's, Enniskillen,E convener, acte as Santa Claus, and Mr. E. Werry's, Enniskillen.a giving each a Christmas treat. Ar dainty lunch was served by the BcueGdi vrpeet gI~UP .no boundary of time can separates Mr. E. Bradley has invested in us from Him and the heaven of a new motor washing machine. His presence;- and because God 15 Your correspondent wishes the Lif e, ail Lîf e is eternal. - Maryi office staff and patrons a Very Baker Eddy. pi 4 ta# 7/tès, P AT LOW PRIC Fancy Stationery Nleely floxed lu Cedar Chests Books Pieture sud Novelty for Children 250 to $1.25 Books TOYS! TOYS! Christmas Cards We are offerlng aur Christ-; mas Cardsaia Redlueed Piees _________ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMXANv1LLE. oNTARIO, Maple Grove Miss Marion Snowden has ac- cepted a position in Oshawa, and~ spent Sunday at home. Quarterly Service will be held on Sunday. The new communion table to be presented ta the church by the faxnily of the late Wm. Foley will take the form of a dedication service. Rev. H. Wý Foley of Bowmanville will preach the sermon, and there wil be spe- cial Christmas music by the choir. Everybody welcome. Last Sunday bemng White Gift Sunday there was a good turnout at church and a nice lot of gifts received. Mr. Vernon Trinible, Oshawa, spent Sunday at home. Sh.'-irley December lltb Mrs. T. Gibson gave ber home for a night meeting 0f Shirley W.1. and for progres- sive auchra in aid ai Cartwright Rd Crossawork. An interesting feature wa the draw for the mi Christmas cakes, Roy Stinson gat- ting the first cake, and little Shir- î& M ley Vance the second. Men's priza for auchre was won by Roy Stin- son, and the ladies', oddly enougb, "IWOL 44by Henry Mabaffay wbo substi- ~ y tuted for a lady player. The pro- gram consisted entiraly ai singing of Christmas carois and God Save the King. Some iifty wara pres- P r , ent and the procaeds will ba usad in the work for British War Vic- tims. A similar night meeting ~ES will ba beld at Mrs. Fred Tams' DES 1 in January. China Caps and Saucers 50c-75e-1.00 Faney Plates - - 50e- 1.00 FrmdPictures FrmdPletures at 35e- 1.00 Photoguaph Albums 25e- 1.25 TOYSI TOYS! Noma Christmas Tree Lights At 95o and $1.19 Odd Tree Buîbs 8o - 2 for 15o SUBSCRIPTIONS A SubseriPtion for a good magazine lsaua appreclsted g«Lt Tree l>ecorations - Tags - Tissue Paper NEW LENDING L1BRA"y 0F LATEST BOOKS THIS WEEK Johnston's Book Store ]Phone 651 New Lendlng Llbrary Every Mentis ingSjt. MANY HOMES are deotroYed because sonipone forgot to be careful against Pire. Reinove all causes of fire in your home but aise be sure that you bave adequate, comprehensive stock fire in- surance. [usure today ln a wali kuown, stock fire iusurance eompauy. Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville Ir&4G E5IN Drop lt'our store s ud see the marvelous suggestions we have to, offer for Christms. SWISB MOVEMENT, 17 JEWEL i GOLD FILLE» WATCHEB --- ~ ~each $ 15~.00 GOLD LOCRETS r S at -~t CONTACTS 50 Prlced at soc ---...--t. $7.50 $2o50 WO ire eqUlpped to eider anythlng you may want.- te g1Ve for Chri@tmas. Fat dellvery on . al orders. I. L.HART WIGj Courtice Mr. Reynolds was visitad by bis daughters, Miss Gladys Reynolds and Mrs. Gardon Barrabail, bis son Glenn Reynolds, of Courtice,t and bis balf-brother Homer Goyna, Oshawa, on Sunday aftar-E noon, atSt. Micbael's Hospital,1 Petaîbarougb-, at which time bis1 Condition was satisiactory. Ha was» crushed batwean a tow truck andJ a car on Saturday avening, Nov. t 3th, and a waak later, also ons §aturday evening, bis rigbt leg was amputatad. His condition on bath Saturdays was extremaly critical, sud ol a timely biood transfusion baOfare the operation and during the operation saved s bis~~ leHahdfive transfusions t in all. Ha bas recaivad beautiful bouquets of chrysa nt haem ums ' from the Woman's Missionary Sa- iciety, Courtica, sud the Courtica C iBratberbood. Mr. sud Mrs. Wm. Riznek, Sr., Caurtice, motored to P Peterboro to sea him; on Sunday.ef Mrs. Reynolds raturned Saturday t- nomon, aftar baing witb bar bus- band for two waeks. do Enniskillen Childran's Mission Band hald ismeeting on Sunday morning sud opened by singing "Away in a Manger"; reading by Mis. SIe- mon; duet by Donalda Griffin and Ruth Preston. W. M. S. officers electad for 1941 are: President-Mus. H. Mc- GilU; lst Vice-Mis. R. Ormiston; Rec. Secretary-Mis. S. Tîewîn; Car. Secretary-Mrs. M. Hobbs; Treasurer-Mis. Page; Christian Stewardship Sec.-Mis. W. Ash- ton; Temperanceansd Cistisu Citizenship Sec.-Mis. H. Lackay; Friendship Sec.-Mis. L. Ashton; Supply-Miss E. Soucb and Mis. Jas. A. Werry; Missionary Month- ly and World Friands-Mis. E. C. Ashton; Pianist-Mis. H. Lackey; Assistant-Mis. L. Lamb; Mission Band-Mis. L. Ashton, Mis. E. A. Weriy sud Mis. M. Stainton. Visitors: Mr. and Mis. MacPherson, Car- leton Place, Dr. and Mis. Mac- Pherson, Mt. Albert, at Dr. C. J. Austin's. Mis. A. Sharp and Miss Olga Sanderson with friands in To- ronto. Mr. H. Wright, Lakefield, with wîth bis mother, Mis. Elle Smith. Mi. and Mis. N. Lathangue at Mr. R. Piaston's. Mr. B. Ashton, Miss Maria Oke, Mi. and Mis. G. Beach in Toronto. 1 How far is it ta Betblehem?" Mr formed the-basis of Rev. Gard- ner's fine sermon on Sunday af- - ernoon. The choir rendered ap- Spropriate music under the leader- 31% ship of Mrs. G. Burrus. Y. P. U. met Dec. lltb. Presi- dent W. Taylor occupied the chair. Rev. Gardner offered prayer. Pro- grami was in charge of E. Doidge. Worship period was taken by Mr. F. Blackburn, Miss T. Werry and Mrs. L. Richards. First section of topic from the Mission Study Book was taken by W. Taylor, second section by E. Doijge. Na- gro Spiritual by Messrs.9V. Wer- ry, L. Coombes, C. Collacutt and E. Doidge; readings by Mrs. H. Barrie and R. Bishop; violin sel- ection, Miss Dorothy Winters; piano solo, Miss M.' Collacutt; a Quiz contest was conducted at the close. Attendance 20. Salem Women's Association met Thursday evening, Dec. l2th, at Mrs. W. G. Werry's. Mrs. L. Squair opened the meeting with the hymn "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear."~ Mrs. S. Buttery read the scripture. Business was discussad and Rev.,Gardner took charge of elaction of officers. Mrs. W. Cann had charge of the following program: Reading by Mrs. Hall; solo by Mrs. Ken. Wer- ry, Mr. Gardner gave an inter- esting talk on Christmas; reading by Mrs. Carruthers on "The Meaning of Christmas", solo by Gardon Barrie; Mr. C2arruthers gave a talk on "War Tîme and Its Naed."1 Mrs. Cann and ber group served lunch. Officers for 1941 are: Pres.-Mrs. .L. Squair; Vice- iPres.-Mrs. Werry; Sec.-Mrs. F. iBlackburn; Asst. Sec.-Miss T. Werry; Treas. - Mrs. P. C a n n; Group Leadars-Devotionai, Mrm. S. Buttery; Visiting, Mrs. Barrie; I Floer, Mrs. Silver; Mislonary, Enfield S Mr. loyd Richards; Loakout- > Convener-Mrs. W. Cann; Pianist WOman's Association met at d-Miss M. Collacutt; A55t. Pianist MWs L. C. Pascoe's on Dec. lOtb. -Mies. Sdr. Butterydtrs. Officers eiected for 1941 are: Pre- Wels andMrs.Buttry.sident-Bessie Pascoé; Vice Pres. -Mis. Wfifred Bowrnan; Sec'y.- Helen Stark; Treas.-Mrs. w. Asb- Blacks'Ptock ton; Pianst-Mirs. JParr;P.p TheseoffiMri J. Parr, Social Com.-Mrs. Teeoicers were eiected. ut Hoskln Smith, Mrs.. M. Sa' s the R.B.P. NO. 398, on December Frit& i'îowaSa.m s W 1th: I.P.P.-Leslie Brooks; W .p. Frg so, r L . -da . Pro -Leslie Tllompson;D.P..-Caeil Feuonsistnd L. arading. bro Hill; hap.-Rv. E.gram osteofardigb HRe;.HpnrevTh E.P.* Wood; Vera Stinson, a solo by Bessie Reg.-H ain sTopn; Treas.- Pascoe, and a paper bY Mrs. A. H eb3S a n i t e t. - Wil er Prescott. Fitze; 2nd Lect.-Percy Hamilton- lst Cens.-Fred Ellis; 2nd Cens.2- Visitors: Laverne Devitt; lat St. Br.-R. R. Miss Veina Ormiston, Toronto, Byers; 2nd St. Br.-Laverne Me. at Mr. Hoskin Smnith's.11 GuI; Prs.-Herbert H-ooey; Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Will Ashton and -Emer Nasbitt. There were two Ruth at Mr. Brown's, Lindsay. visitors present fromn Sunderland, Mi. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley W. P. Wilkinson and Reg. Middle- and family, Ashburn, at Mr. Len. ton. Bradley's. Congratulations to Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCulloch, Byers on ber 8lst birthday Dec. Murray, Neil and Mary, at Dr. W. Iltb. The immediate faxnily an- McCulloch's, Orono. joyed a party in her bonor. Mr. Walter, Wright has just completed bis courseinRadsuad Union, uarlington was callad to take charge of the ____ radio on a boat going to England. Orana bita ocr We wish for hlm. a safe journey. bld n riy asev ncwert Congratulations to Mr. sud Mrs. wthel ion Frwa we iled.he i Roy Ferguson on the. birtb of ro m consisting ai a cantata d a U g t er n D c . 1 th . el, a n d ath a r C h ristm as çx rcises Miss Eva Parr attendbed tha el was weîî presantad by the pupils. Talephone banquet in Toronto. Mr. Workmau, aur Music Super- Rev. C. Park, United Church,virfarduswtmsc.A Whitby, preacbad in aur United the cose Santa Claus arrived sud cburch on Sunday evening. itiuethprsn adc- St. Jobn's A.Y.P.A. met at the distiue the rentssdcn home ai Mrs. Wm. VanCamfp, but dyto ySoia ndrthe cap- owing. otebdwate a bedirection ai R. McLaughlin poorly attended. a uhejydbteYon W. M. S. met at theaom b ornpla uen. ydb h on Mrs. Jas. G. Marlow Dec. iîtb epe wîth Prasident Mrs. Jabez Wright Visitais: in charge. Bible study was takan Mr. sud Mrs. Leslie Wottan sud by Mis. C. Marlow. Christmas Ernest, Oshawa, at Mr. R. 'Grif- hynins were Sung. Mrs. Jas. Hanry ifi's. gave a reading. Study Book cbap- Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Beach, ter on the Life of Dr. John Tucker Enniskiilen, at Mr. Aylmer was given by Mrs. Cecil Hill. El- Beech's. ection ai officars was canducted Mr. and Mrs. Lamae Knapp .sud by Rev. D. M. Stinson. Mrs. Jabez Ralpb at Mr. Frank Nottingbam's, Wright was ra-elected presidant; Sonya. Mrs. Roy Taylor, sacratary; Mus. Mrs. C. Boyd, Enniskiflen, with J. E. Elliott, treasurar. It is in- Mrs. F. Mountjoy. tarasting to note that this small Miss Margaret Osborne and Mr. Society ai 17 membefs raisad $1351Art M ooe ik rn , a r iast yaar. A sale o f articles was Frank oara'S. field sud lunch,served. ________ Mr. Nelson E. Osborne, repre- O iu r santativa of the Imparial Lfe In- O iu r suranca, was made "'the mn of _ the week" for nas campany tb: waek wban ha sold mare insur inca policias in this district thar his brother workers. "Dick" rg aeives a Christmas turkey and pudding as a sligbt reward for his efforts. WE HAVE SEVERAL PAIRS OF GOOD SECOND HAND Skate Uutflts Ai»s NEW OUTFITS WE REFUIR GOLOSHES VULCANIZE RUBBER SOLES Deepest sympathy goas out to Mr. Herman Schmid and family din the lamentable death of his is wife, Bertha Schmid, on Decem- ber l3th. Death, was apparently due ta erysipelas in her leg. The 2condition must have been develop- ling for some time although she had been attending. to ber daily duties as usual. A doctor had been called in on Thursday and on Friday mqrning she had got- ten up ta get breakfast. It was >while angaged at tliis that she died. Mr. and Mrs. Schmid and two children, Herman and Mary, and his brother came from near En- field ta the Wm. Allin farm, which Mr. Schmid bought, three years ago this fali. They have been hard working, industrious people and have made many im- provaments to the farmn and buildings. Rev. R. E. Morton conducted the funeral service ini the United Church Monday afternoon, with Mrs. E. C. Fisher, organistplay- ing for the singing af the hynns and playing the other requiem music. Mr. Morton took for the text of his comforting discourse, Romans 8:38, For I am persuaded that neithar death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities . . nor any*other creature,shall be able Ita separate us from the love of IGod. A large number of friends from Newcastle and vicinity were ber of friends of the famnily's own nationality from other points. Several lovely floral pieces at- tested the esteem and the sorrow af the donors. Flower bearers were: Reeve C. R. Carveth, Messrs Robt. Duck, Clarence Allin, Fred Couch and Fred Grahami. Inter- ment was in Oshawa Union Cme- tery. SUorthior Breeders sbipping fever and haemorrbagic septicaamia," (spelling supplied by Statesman reporter). Sales Manager: Russell Osborne. A motion was carried that any Durhamn breeder flot prasent at the meeting should be parmitted to enter stock at the annual sale, subject to nmembership, and sale rules. It was decided ta bold the an- nual sale on Thursday, Feb. 27, 1941, and around 30 head of breed- ing stock were pledged by mam- bers present. Discussion hinged upon a 4iaxinium limit but no de- cision was taken. W. F. Rickard, M.P., moved that the Secretary write ta the county associations of Victoria and Pater- boro regarding a field day in' June. Mr. Rickard also offered the bospitality and facilities of bis farm for the occasion. A commit- tee consisting of the President, the Associate Secretary and Mr. Rickard will proniote arrange- ments. As a sidelight on the reviving interest of U.S.A. breedars in choice Canadian Sborthorn stock, it was recallad that President Mumford recently sold. five aris- tocratic Shorthorns ta complement the Bartholomaw herd*of Illinois, at a top price of $500.00, This sale came about ebrough advertising and a meniber presant made the pungent observation that in al bis advertising ha had neyer ad- vertised at a loss. Alert expectancy animated the closing minutes of the session when a tentative proposal was made that the newly elected Pre- sident pravide a banquet of ham turkey and beaf, with trimmingsa ta mambers and buyers following the annual pale. THURSDAY, DECEMBER le, 1940 Cowling'-s Drug CIGARS CIGARETTES TOBACCOS In ChMltamsWraipplugr. We have a Fresh Stock of Patterson's Chocolates ~ 1, lu a Ltj j h Pheon .~ .C W IO h..Prompt 695 Ph ieD aDellvery I movào E VAN GEL ISTI-C FTABERNACLE Wedesday-8 Pm.:' WepBIBLE STUDY Frlday 7 D.m.: JUNIOR CHOIR . Frdlay, 8 p.m.: MEVANGELISTIC 7.30 p.m. àAPersomal Chistmas" We Preaeh ChrIs-Ssfkv# Heaier, Baptizer sud bers of council the Mayor said it had been a pleasure to work with thamn but that it burt hlm very much to know the council was brokan up in the mnanner it, was. Hae furtheî, stated, "Wa have kept the mil rate down. At the alec- tion tbey weîe out ta get me but they got the next best instead. I hope that anothar yaar will secý many o! you back. I agrea with Councillor Abernetby who regrets that you weue uejected by the alectorata for the stand you took on one question." As an aiter thought the Deputy Reave raportad that the reason ha had not intraduced bis motion for a consolidated charities drive was because ha had learned the Dominion Goverrnent may take similar steps. Therefora ha wish- ad ta wait ta sea wbat might Comlng Ring. develop in this direction. b. Speaking ai the retiring mem- 1h COUNCIL MEETING <Contlnued rom page 1) no serious overdraft," said the Deputy Reeve. If the relief bad been bad the Roads and Streets would not bave bad ta pay out so mucb for labour. I maya that tbis averdraft be deducted from the contingent fund."1 His Worsbip Mayor Jones then exprassad bis pleasure at finding a $2,642.99 surplus in spite af sariaus financial reversas suffered at the first ai the yaar. Vacant of- fice in the McGrn Building have ut our revenue thera but ven that added ta the cut in gavarn- ment subsldy leaves us witb a ana mill saving. All othr counillors sd the1 Reeve similarly conguatulated themselves. ORANGES SPECIL New Cro» Naval oranges * 2i5dm 3%5c m 45c NOTE: Lunn's Speeils for Five Days, from Thuraday, December 2lst tIl Chrisimas Bye- Save Money! CANADA I U~credlble Dau BvRY g CHRISTMS CANDIES Three Pound Box of Chocolates.........9 One Pound Box of Chocolates...................5 Creama - Rock Candies - Mixtures - French Creams Ail Prices TURKEYS Forasus Beergs GEESE __ Phone 596 ERNIE Bowmuv1l~. LUNN I I i ~4?~ j I. * 'il orli M Skates Sharp.ned Ail klbds of shoe repair wo E. & -NAYLOR SHOE HOSPITA.L Division St. ]Bowmauvilie Open Eveulugs Tai Christua ROYALÀ B MANVI LLE IThurs. - Fni. - Sat. "FLORIAN" Wlth Robert Young aud Helen Glibert "1WORLD'S FAIR J.9p "IPEACE ON EARTH"P Mon. - Tues. - Wed. D E O E I E E R 2 - 2 - 2- - "Chumps at Oxford" Wlth Stan Laurel and ALSO "Three Cheers for * the Irish" Starrlug PrIsella Lanea sud Thomas Miteheli Monday, Dec. 23 PRIME XMAS MATINIE FOR THE OHILDREN a t 2.30 p.M. ln "BLUE BIRD" Aiso Shorts Each child wllJ recelve a littie treat. Oum @mmmmmmmm6ý Il % î 1 i GIFTS FOR MEN Shaving sets 98 Shaving Bowls Razors pWoodbury's - 250 - 490 -98 Devon---------25o G ulette - 49e - 98o $ 1.50 p Cogates' 49o - 98o - $1.49 Buckingham - - - - 49o Autostrop - - - 79e - 98e Yardey's - $1.10 - $3.85 Yardley --- ------$1.00 Wilkinson - $3 *.00 Palmolive - - - 49o - 98o Potter & Moore - - - $1.00 Rals - ---- -- -- --6.95 Military Brushes and Fitted Cases 2- 3 -4 up to 11 pieces 69c to $6.95- A Camera Makes an Ideal Christmas. Stationery and Cedar Christmas Gif(t Chests BROWNIS ARD KODAs 39é up to042.00 $1.25 up to $10.75 Flashlights 69c to $2.25 GIFTS FOR LADIES T oilet- Sets Bath Saits Perfumes Woodbury 25e - 49e - 9e - $1.49 Lucerne - - - 25e - 39e Evenng ln Paris - 25o - 55o Cashmere Bouquet 25e-5O-1.00 Bubble Bath - - - - 1.00 Ashes of Roses - 25o - 55o Yardley - - $1.00 - 1.75 - 2.50 Yardley - » - 55o - 1.10 Molinard - - - 60e - 1.00 Murlel Aster 1.00 - 1.25 - 2.00 Sea Plne- -------79e Molinard Eau de Cologne 1.25 Formai -- ------2.501 Lavendomeal - - - 1.10 Yardley Lavender 55e -1.10 LADIES' BRUSH, COMB AND MIRROR SETS In Matai or PyralUn 3-4 -5 -7 pieces $1.95 to $15.95 1 i 1 b 1 1 Lis 1- - £m. Herman Schmid DRY Bowm"Ville rie Other N'l LUNN

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