I SOCIAL AND PERSONAI, Phone 008I Mr. Erie Swindells, R.C.A.F. Miss Thora Davison gave Van- training school, Gaît, ,SPent the Dyke's "The Lost Word" in Port weekend at home. Perry United Church Sna Mrs. H. J. Werry, Enniàkillen, evenint.,Sna was guest of Miss Florence Werry. IMr. ROY Swindells received his1 Pte. Jini Sisson, Exhibition Mili- Cal to duty with the R.C.A.F. and1 tary Camp, Tronto, is home. is now stationed at Manning Pool,1 Pte. Cecil Hood, Camp Borden, Toronto. was home for the weekend. Statesman readers like to know ~isMargaret Wightman, To- w ho your Christmas visitors were. rwas guest of M jr Co-operate by sending us their1 Jetlli names, or phone 663. 7 ss Miriami Purdy and Mr, Principal L. W. Dippeli informsE Claec Garton, Bobcaygeon, werý us in a very relieved mood thatt Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. none of the 14 H. S. pupils recent- T. A. Garton. ly x-rayed show signs of havingr EDMONDSTONE'S MEAT MARKET Featuring Choice Display Christmas Poultry BLADE ROAST R b. Ise - - 1R b. 20c - - - lb. 16c BITlb. lac B ROAST lb 28e 3AST - Rb. 25c OAST - Rb. 2 Se 2 14Ib. 25e R b. 18C » R b. 20c slicd lb. 30c . . . lb. Sc S FEET lb. 5c * '2 Ibs. 19c 2 - for 15e NG 2 lbs. 25c . . 2 for 19C Large Size MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES Prompt Delivery Service 63e Phone 3751 ifiii. 15 JEWEL SWISS, BELMONTS Yeilow gold, cord bracelet, stainlous batks $1475 BOUDOIR SET- 3 pleces eý$5.95 CROSS, CHAIN 7AU Colors $1.25 up 15 JEWEL MEN'S STRAP WATCH, BELMONT Yellow geld case, stainless back $12.50 up SALT AND PEPPER Smartly de- slgnod silver- plat cd set af a low prîco! Both packed ln a holiday box. $1.00 SPECIAL CARVING SETS Engllsh Sheffield TIE SETS LADIES' AND MEN'S Stag Handîca 4.95 - r».« soc - 5.00 $3.50 to 6.95 MARRS JEWELLERY active tuberculosis. MrS. M. Garton and grand- daughter Maxine, St. Thomas, have returned home after spend- ing several weeks at the homne of her son, Mr. T. A. Garton. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Jeffery, To- ronto, wcrc in town Friday for the JefferY-Wagar wedding and aiso gave the editor of The States- man a friendly cail. Mrs. C. Burgmaster, Enniskil- len, has "gone South" for the wim- ter and is living in Mrs. F. C. Colmer's house on Church St., Bowmanville. Wmnners in the St. John's Men's Club Christmas draw are: R. Mc- Donald, goose; A. Edmondstonc, goose; each of the following won a chicken, N. K. Bruton, C. Bet- tIcs, H. Casbourn, Chas. Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Staples have moved into tic South side of the McCready house on Silver OSt., andic MrteA. M.H -rdy oulaelaso a hsya.Alto house. farmers are quitting and going f0 Manager Geo. E. Chase of The factories, but I guess F'il stick to Hydro Shop informs us they have the fork and hoe." And away he had the largest Christmas busi- went over icy roads, at the wheel ness of eîectric appliances in years. of his Plymouth, to gef home in Read the Hydro Shop advt on time f0 lielp witli the chores. page 4. It will -solve your gift A Toronto man and a Bowman- problcm. ville citizen were winncrs of the The Men's Canadian Club ban- draw conducted by the Canadian quet scheduled for Tuesday even- Order of Foresters at the dance ing at the Balmoral Hotel hadfto held in the S.O.E. hall on Decem- be cancelled owing to Uic guest ber llth. The firsf prize of a speakerý., Col. Geo. A. Drew, K.C., $1 0.00 War Savings Certificate being sick with a severe cold. went to A. J. Willis, 72 Isabella. Sf., Toronto; the second for a $5 Wltat could be a better giff for* certificate to John Welsli Jr., of the whole family than a canary. this town. Quartermaster Ser- Higli quality songsters will cheer geant Edward Thomas made the the whole house. For sale at Dr. draw. A prize for the lucky spot E. W. Sisson's, Bownianville. dance. was won by Miss Calver Phone, House 604, Office 790. and partner. This dance, one of a 51-l* series the order has been sponsor- B.H.S. senior rugby team cham- ing, was exceptionally successful. Pions are to be banqueted and Trinity Woman's Association honored Friday night by Town met in the school room on Dec. Council, Board of Education, Ro- lOfh with Mrs. W. H. Webb pre- tary and Lions Clubs. The affair siding in the absence of the pre- will be held in Trinity Sunday sident, Mrs. T. W. Cawker. Mrs. School room at 7 p.m. A few ex- O. Osborne. and circle were in tra tickets are available at 50c. charge of the devotional service Apply to Principal Dippell for and program. Mrs. M. Wight read tickets. the scripfure lesson and Mrs. C. A. Mrs. W. Brinning, Whitby, (nec Wight offered prayer. Christmas Winnie Varcoe to most of us), s story was given by Miss Thora assisting Postmaster C. B. Kent Davison and solo by Mrs. V. Ott and bis regular qfaff during fthe accompanied by Mrs. A. Beilman. Christmas rush al' the post office which is getting busier -évery day as it approacles. the 25th. If is War Savinge seven years smnce Winnic was a member of the post office staff. The local comnittee for thc When askcd how many years she promotion of War Savings Stampst worked in the local federal build- and Cerfificates wish to thank al ing she modestly remarked "May- those who made the demonstra- I be it is just as well flot f0 say."1 tion on Tuesday evening possible.c Miss Carol Martyn is also a tem- This includes the local military porary member of Uic staff unfil units, The Statesman, local Coun- Christ mas. cil,, the Rot ary and Lions Clubs,a George Reid of Enniskillen Chiamber of Commerce, BoyC came in Tucsday.f0 renew his sub- Scouts, Girl Guides, Fire Brigade, a scription as usual and smilc and local and provincial police, and r chat a bit. "Farmers are going F. F. Morris Co.P behind," said George, "but wc If the whole community will can't afford fo do without The now respond in purchasing of War Statesman. Wc can'f gef lielp. I Sfamps and Certificates the Co- am gcfting on toward 75 ycars operation will be perfect. but I went out and pitched 62 HM.Cehairman. k_________________ - ' The Newcasli I Phone CI Mrs. Alex Prout, Shaw's, has been ill in Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose -and Mrs. Merkley Clark visitedj at Belleville and Rossmore. Mr. Howard Cooke has been confined to his bed for some time but has recently been gaining Miss 'Margaret* Toms, Reg. N., and friend, Toronto, were week- end guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Toms. 4 Mrs. Percy Brown, who has again been in Toronto undergoing treatment for eye trouble, return- ed home on Saturday. Mr. H. C. Carter, our genial Bank of Commerce teller, has been transferred to North Bay. The many friends he has made here will miss him. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pooley, who have been living i the brick house on part of the former Mid- dieton farm on the Third Line, have returned to Toronto. Mr. Douglas Langman, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Langman, is in Oshawa Hospital where he under- went an operation for appendici- tis. He is convalescing nicely. A Christmas Pageant, The Shep- herds' Trail, will be presented in the United, Church S. S. Hall by1 the Sunday School pupils on Mon-1 day evening, Dec. 23rd, i con-4 nectin with the annual Christ- mas Tree event. 51-1à To give you the full value of1 your purchase in Flowers we have1 dispensed with Our agent in New-r castle and Orono. Phone 772 dir-E ect to Kingsway Flower Shop. - For every order you place with1 us, you may reverse the chargest for your phone cail. 51-1 1 Mrs. P. F. LeGresley feUl on the SGifts for Al 1 le Independen I larke 1114 sice at her son's, Mr. R.B. LeGres- ley, and sevcrely înjurcd lier ieg 1and thigli. She was taken home, tPart of the way by car and part by horse and cutter. Her doctor isaid the injuries she rcceived were almost worse than a broken bone. Mrs. Lord, relicf of the late John Lord of Clarke and Darling- ton, died Dec. 16tli. For the lasf fou years, except for short per- lods, she lias rcsided with her grand-dauglifer, Mrs. J. H. Jose, iat whose home flic funeral service was licld on Wednesday ,'affer- noon. Rev. R. E. Morton was in charge. Inspector R. A. A. McConnell, wlio succceded Col. E. E. Snider in this public scliool inspectorate, lias wriften flic Board of Educa- tion thaf flic Deparfment of Edu- cation lias transferred him to an- oflier inspectorafe. A Mr. Carlton wiil succccd hiça as P. S. Inspcc- for for Northiumberland and Dur- ham, No. 1. 1Mr. W. J. S. Rickard, Sliaw's, lias been in bcd iil for over three weeks, and during a part of flic time his son, Mr. Stanley Rickard, aftending Toronto University, was also sick and in a private liospital in Toronto. He left flic hospital last weekcnd though to go f0 his cousins', Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spic- er's, Toronto. Despife flic war fliere is stili farm licreyandflie.adNormahe sorm erond f0 e me ornij Rickard grew fivc acres of can- ning factory peas on lis farm at Shaw's and cleared $275.00, or .$55.00 an acre affer paying $50.00 for flic secd and the expenses of trucking. The variefies wcre Thos. Laxfon and Perfection. Sf. John's Mcn's Club, Port YOUR GIFT PROBLEMS Are easily solved by Inspection et our GRAND DISPLA«Y 0F GJFTS Clocks 0f ail kinds Table Mirrors - Sleighs Cutlery- Pyrex Ware and Comco Ware JusT RRiVE"D A Big Asuortment et GLASSWARE From Csidy's, marked down for quick sale. Sce our wide selection of Sportlng Good Rice & Co. Phono 682 ALEXMcOREOOR - 1~ - ;3.75 j Phono 792 W. Deilver I --~ -~ ae ie Dr R. ig rs a n Hope, visited St. George's, New. castle, Dec. lOt, and in a league game of carpe t ball trounced the local club by il to 5. The Rector Of St. Johns and Rev. D. R. Dewdney played in opposing teams. Owing to s0 many men working nights St. George's were shy two players so the visitors accommodatingîy lent them a Par. Refreshments were srved anýd- the usual pleasantilies ex- changed. Amnong those who went from Newcastle district and got worll with General Motors, Oshawa, at week, were: John Holines, Bil Rowland, Wm. T. Lake and Emerson W. Fisher. Thus are some of the best trained and lead- ing Young farmers of the neigh- borhood leaving the land and taking up factory life. The ad- vice of President R. J. scott of thec United Farmers' Co*-operative Company is rapidly bearing fruit. TO PROMOTE THE SALE 0F A local committec las been set up in Newcastle f0 Promote the sale of War Savings Certificates and two meetings have already been held. The meetings were called at the suggestion of Mr. Ross Strike, Bowmanviîîe, County Organizer for fthc National War Savings Commit tee. Mr. Strike was present at both meetings in thc council chamber and clearly placed before those present Can- ada's need for more and more money f0 carry on flic war. He explained the government's plan, whîch has been in operation for some time, but which is now go- ing to be executed with vigor ail over Canada, of raising money by the sale of War Savings Certifi- cates in values of $4.00 or multi- ples of four. This plan offers the masses of people an opportunify of investing their savîngs with the Dominion Government at 3 % interest. On the other hand if the ,Government cannot gef enough money this way if will have f0 re- sort to more drastic means f taxation, and the money one pays out in taxes earns no irnterest. Officers of the local organiza- tion are: C h a i r m a n-R. Saxon Graham; Vice Chairman-Reeve C. R. Carveth; Sec'y.-J. H. Smith, Manager of Bank of Commerce; Conv. of Publicity Committee-. Garnet- Porter; Sales and Promo- tion Comm.-Geo. C. Wright, Wm. Kenefick; Executive Comm.-H. S. Britton, Laurence Gaines, Per- cy Hare. Christmas Posters have been placed in a number 0f the stores and if is likely that War Savings -crf if icate and Sfamps will be avaiable i a number of the busi- ness Places besides the bank and post office. LARGER STOCKS BRUSH, COMB AND MIRROR SETS 'le SPECIAL SETS . ... ... ... ..$3.50 Value ADDITIONAL SETS Prlced from PCE SETS 420 -03-L7.50-14.50 Alil sets ln stock are ail flrst grade, open stock designs. Xmas Stati on.ry Cedar Chesta 90C - $1.00 up Fancy fBoxes SHAVING KITS WILLUIAMS SETS -59e - 98e WOODBURY'S SETS 25c -49e -98c PALMOLIVE SETS 49e - 98c COLGATE SETS 49e - 98c - $1.50 MENNEN'S SET $1.09 CHURCH NOTICE St. Paul's United Churcli - ]Rev. A. R. Criagg, M.A., Associate Minister. Sunday, December 22: Il a. m. Subject: "Were the An- gels Wrong?"1; 'Evening: "The Liglit of the World," a sermon set to music. Publie school Concert, YOM Visiter:! As the holiday season ap- proaches, many Bownian- ville and Durham County residents wll be entertain- ing gucats from a distance or Wiil be golng away to, spend the Christmas or New Year's season. The States- man is always glnd to pub- iBI> the names of your 'visi- tors or te, record the tact that ion are visltlng out-of- town. Bowmanvllle readers may slmply phone 663 or use the Statesman drop-box fer thefr news Item&. Village and rural readers should give the items te, thefr local Statesman correspondent. the rising war costs. k- When thinking of --CHRISTMAS GIFTS"' remem'ber "FLOWERS make the loveliest "QIFI" We gladly and frlendly give you advlce about the growlng and keep- lng of plants you purchase from u&. Your home won't look Christmassy If t a s fot t lat o e pa t t RAVEYOU EENOPLANRITA WREATHS? NATURAL HOLLY WREATH, upwards from --$12 DOOR WREATHS $ Upwards from 50C RThe Cast: King P ip pi n.-.Bill SKnox; Queen Pepita - M a r i e d Moise; Lord Chamberlain - Ian ,eHovey; Royal Cook-Junior Ross; The Butcher-..Frank Piper; The Baker-Karl Bickell; The Candie- d stick Maker-Carl Boe; The Town Dru mmer-jim Martyn; Two FOOtmen-Gerald- Wolfraim and eBob Stevens; Townspeople and Children. P a ge a n t - "Britannia."1 The Cast: Scotland - Helen R o a c h; Ireland-..Ruth Dumas; John Bull -Kenneth Davies; Wales-Parl Breslin; The Soldier-Earl GiI- Émore; His Son-Douglas Heyland; Brîtannia-Irene Piper; Pags Gerald Wolfraim, Bob Stevens; Ceylon-John Stutt; India-Robt. Knox; South Africa-Mary Pater- son; Australia-Jack Hayes; New Z e a1an d -Elton Brock; New- foundland-Bobby Davison; Can- adar-Joan Rice; The Provinces-. Ontario, Beverley Sudds; Quebec, Joyce Kerr; Nova Scotia, Audrey Bird; New Brunswick, Alan Lobb; Prince Edward Island, Peggy Dip- pell; Manitoba, Margaret Thomp- son; Alberfa, George Brown; Sas-i katchewan, Helen Stephens; 'Bri- fish Columbia, Walter Woodward;i Yukon, Muniel Rogers. Duet - A Soidier's Sock, by Mary Alldread and Bobby Corke. and flic Choir. Prize Winners Men's Canadian Club Prize 'Boys) for Highesf Standing in Entrance Class in Social Studies- Donald Quick. Women's Canadian Club Prize (Girls) for Highest Standing in Enfrance Class in Social Studies- Betty Stevens. Lions Club Prize for Boy and Girl wîfh Highest Standing in En- trance Class in English-Dorothy Morris, Donald Quick. Board Of Education Prizes in Orafory-Irene Piper, H ai ne s Belîman, Mary Fagan. Public School Prizes for Field Day Events - Dorotliy Faulkner, Betty Spencer, Bill Kilpatrick, Gordon Aider. Dunîng infermission, Mr. Dave Morrison, on Monday' nighf and Mr. Ross Strike on Tuesday, spoke briefly of the drive bcing starfed by the local War Savings Com- miftee. Bofli speakers stressed fthe need for an increased buying of stamps and cerf if icateg to meet Phono 772 We Deliver Phono 2632 J DINING ROOM CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY To enable our employees to enjoy a complote hearty Christmas our DlnIng Room wMl be closed ail Christmas Day. Wishing ail our patrons a Joyous Christmsas and a Peacetul New Year. The Balmoral Hotel Lighters ...... 49e up Cigarette$ .... soc up CASHMERE BOUQUET GIFT SETS Apple Blossomn Cologne 50c - 75c - $1.25 Compacts $ 1.00 - 0$5.00 Billfolds - - - 750 up Fiashlights -.-$1.00 Up Hot Water Bofules 39o - 2.00 RolIs Razors - - $6.95 Powers - 51)050 Shaving Brushes Noxzema GIff Set . 79o Priced 25c.to $1.00 Cameras Kodaks and BrovWes Xmas Cigars and Xmas Chocolate. $1.5 . 150OTobaccosCodar Chesta ani speelal Giff 50 t $2Wraps. Pen and Pencil Sets soc to $2.50 Moira', Nolluen's & Page & Shaw $1.00 to $1000 GIFTS DY YARDLY MEN'S SETS ~ ,/ r'Shavlng Bowl, Lotion & $2. 75 OTHER MEN'S SETS 1, "\ $1-00 -S1.35 $2.00 and Up GIF SETS FOR é, LADIES $1.00 - $1.50 -~ $200 and up AKORIlLYUSTRATED FOLDER Precritins Secllt KINGtswAiY LowER sHiOP OPEN AS USUAL NEW YEAR'S DAY. Your .D.A. Store Wishes Everyone A MERRY CHRE[TMAS The balance of your Christmas Shopping can bo donc speedily and economically at our store. Lot us asslst you by wrapplng your last minute parcels. NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES Fancy Xmas Wraps 25e - 50c - $1.00 up r LF strengtn. m-- 1 ç il THESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1940 THICK'RIB ROAST POT ROAST -- BONELESS POT R0D4 BONELESS PRIME RRU fiOUND STEAK OR R( SIRLOIN STEAK OR RC SAUSAGES- - - - SHOULDER PORK BU1TS OF PORK - BREAKFAST BACON, PPORK BONES- - - Cooked PICKLED PlG'l MAPLE LIÉAF LARD '~CORN FLAKES -- EASIFIRST SHORTENII CORN STARCH .-.- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV'ILE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN 02J 390 up - 47e l 1 ýIL- - -- - --- ALEX