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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1940, p. 8

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--s PAGE EIGHT Irief History of Rugby Stars Show Reason for Winning Cossa Titie Te.m Bhould Be Just Au Good Neit YougiAthougb Xaiiy men (bing. Harold Casbourn - bas played for several years with B.H.S. teains - started as a snap and bs used in this position in Urnes of neccssity - bas advaruced ta nid- dlc positiong playing secndary - bits like a tan of bricks - made severai brilliant saves this year as weil as snaring Uic bail on enerny forwards - this'is bis lait year. Keith Siemon - bas maintain- cd the famiiy reputation as a foot- bail star - bis father, Dr. C. W. Siernon, being a stellar left wing i thc days when soccer was the main gaine in these parts. Keith calling signais this year sbowed cxceedingiy fine ability and band- led Uic bail like a pro - stili bas several years - graduated frorn junior last ycar. William Brown - steilar kick- er of this ycar's series bas had considerable experience piaying on several junior teams as weil as a victariaus senior group - bis kicking was Uic winning factor of thc COSSA final in Port Coiborne and bas been Uic deciding factor in several other games. Re b ic son af J. J. Brown. being weil- known in basebail circles. Tbis is Brn'ls lait year but he has a younger brother Irwin who looks as if he will be able to fil Uic faniily shaes. Brenton Rickard - our husky farmer-student from down Sbaw's way who bas attended B.H.S. faithfully for a, number of ycars, ICali us for the ew eth bord "eul J. J. FLEIT FUELS Yard C.N.R. Slding Phono 2673 Reidenco, Ontanlo Stroot Phono 2695 BOWMIANvILLE P8~ 1playing on a rugby tean almost every year hee bai been at school - thc line is bis imnediate terri- tory, but wben there is any tack- ling ta be donc Dick us ight in there fighting al the time - lie co-operates with Fat Casbourn at middle. This is Dick's iast year, sa hie hopes. Blaine Elliatt - stanted off as snap this year and showed up exceedingly wel lin Uic last games he played. Hai had several years' experience playing different posi- tions o i Une with junior teams as well as senior squads. Biaise us allowed anather ycar by bis age but whcther hie will be back is another question. Mark Lambourne - giant plun- ger of this ycan's junior teamn and misa lineman af Uic seniors, bas playcd vcry little football pre- viaus la Ibis year but bas sbown lie bas the right kind of spiit. Mark may be back next ycar, hav- ing another lhrce years ta play in senior grouping. Scott Densern - piaying for Uic firs1 lime as a senior was anc ai thc regular boys on the line fil- ing Uic wbale at inside position. Was scasoned lait year with a B.H.S. squad and proved bis met- île thus year. Scott is stili ligible for another year's service and sbould be anc of Uic main links in making Up a fighting tearn. William Hutcjiinson - anc ai last year's junior stars *~ho bas been somewhat beid bacic by lack ai pnactice this year, but neyer- Uielcss piayed a billiant gaine, Bill played inside along with Scaot Densem and was part of the great B.M.S. invincible lise. Bill stiil bas several mare ycars in whicb be cm play senior rugby. Sid Rundie - uni artunately Sid bas only piaycd one garne Ibis year and then feiloaf a ladder ,ad brake bis arrn. In that anc game be certainly showed lie knew wbat was wanted ai bim. He is anc ai Uic best passars an Uic tearn, bis forwards causing Uic dawniafl ai Oshawa itheir f irst game here. He graduatcd frarn Uic ranks ai junior lest year and stiil bas a couple mare years in whicb ta play -football. Donald Venton - 'Cbicfy' as be is better knawn was anc af Uic best tecm spiritcd boys on Uic squad. Il didn't malter where bie piayed bie was always thinking ai the teamn instcad of bimscif. Mis main duties were aiong Uic lime whcre rnany an apponent was startcd ta rua -into Dan. This is likcly Don's lait year, bcing a clever student un academic sub- jects. Fred Paync - one ai lump- lon's béau brumnicis playcd rug- by for Uic first time Uiis year. Hec bas plîyed on several soccer REDUCED PARES fletween AU Points ln CaMa& CHRISTEAS and ,NEW YEAR'S FAR£ AND A QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP CHRISTMRAS HOLIDAY: Good gomng Monday, Decenuber 23 ta Wednesday, December 25. Return limit ta icave destination flot later than midnight Thursday, Decmber 26, 190G NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY: Good going Manday, December 30 ta Wedncsday, January i. Return limit ta Icave destination flot later than nidnight Thursday, January 2, 1941. FARE AND A THIRD FOR THE ROUNDTRP Good going Friday, Dec. 20, ta Wedinesday, January 1; g ood ta return leaving destination not inter Uian midnight, Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1941. (STANDARD TJES SHOWN) PREPAY A RAILWAY TICKET An Unusual Christmias or New Year's Gift MINIMUM gPECIAL FARE: 25o Tickets and complete information from any agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC refl' Phono 882 ~4~oesoemoeqrJ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIf.LE, ONTARIO teams and bas rernarkable con- ditioning. His position was end, he came up from the junior ranks this year, ailowing hirn a few more years to play in senior com- pany. He is likciy to make one of next year's stars. t Don Allin - outstanding end 1man piayed super bail ail season. His fingers seemed to be lined with gumn when it came to catch- Ing forwards, but when it came to tackling there was none better. Any opposition after trying once or twice to corne around Don's end soon gave -up. Hie carne Up from. juniors last year and is stili eligible for several years' service. Ken Summersford - brought up from the rank of Junior this year saw very littie action with a senior squad but proved bis stuif in junior ranks. He stili can plaY senior for several years to corne. Mutt is a fine tackler and al round good player. Lindsay Mitchell - diminutive littie end man who made the lone touchdown, in Port Colborne - carne up from junior ranks only this year and showed that size didn't make an awful lot of <11f- ference on the teain. Mitch has oniy actually played on one of the school tearns before but has ai- ways been around where the tearns piayed. He bs unlikely toi have another year, being srnarti when it cornes ta, exanis. Jack Coiville - captain of this year's teain and winner of many sport medas certain]y docsn't need a big introduction - he cornes froin a famiiy of rugby players who have always been stars. This year he was one of the best plur&gers on the teani lead- ing the pack down the field time and time again - he was also in on practically every tackle. This bs Jack's iast year - he has play- cd on a school teain every year since he started at B.H.S. Carl Fisher - one of the flashes froin Newcastle who, certainlY takes bis rugby seriously. Played end this year being one of the old veterans of several other team.3. Fisb was the jitterbug of the tearn also keeping the cnthusiasm of the teain at the highest peak, with bis inspirational'imessages. This bs likely bis lait year. Horace Moses - Red as he is better known, advanced from. junior ranks this year where he played quarterback. This is also bis first year on the battlefield. but piayed thc gaine like a vet- cran. He stili has severai years to go and wiil likely be a star of next year's tcam, if he plays thc sarne brand of bail he uscd this year. Alan Tanibiyn- starred at quarterback this year, aithough not showing up with any brimlant plays dîd his part better than good. He had a hard task and ulp- beld it - the tcarn owes a lot to Hank for be has certainiy been in their fighting ýalIc time. This bs bis first year in senior cornpany and will likeiy be bis iast unless be transfers to Commercial. George Underbili - piaying at snap this year was tops - hamp- cred severai turnes by injuries, George kept in there piugging al thc turne. This is his first year on the senior squad but bas piayed several years junior but his abii- ty as snap was flot recognized un- tii iast year. George or Worty (open* for any corrections in spelling) wiil likeiy be one of Uic rnainstays of next year's team. Alan Ferguson - graduating from the ranks of junior this year heipcd Lindsay Mitchell show thc fans that sizc didn't make much difference on thc football field. He playcd at snap on thc junior tcam and beid Uic same position with the seniors. A iilayer wouid flot want much more figbt than there is in Doc. Me will iikelY have a couple more years' service on the gridiron. Don Rowe - a star of thc jun- ior teain and also of Uic seniors bad an end position which he rnarvciousiy upbeid. Slip, ai- though srnali, showed bis oppon- ents he couid tacicie, bringing down several giants a couple of feet taller than be is. Slip is lke- ly to have another year's experi- ence with a B.R.S. teain. Gilbert Mcflvegn - it is bard to say anything about Gib - hc played an ail-round game bath on ÂCCEPTSO ALL Rcev. m. R. Sandorson for Uic pust 11% years'minu ter ai St. Cuthbert's United ChUarcb, Toronto, wbo bai îccepted a unanimous cal ta North Parkdaie Cburcb. The pulpit af Uic Park- dale Church was rccentiy leit va- cant by Uic aPPOintnent ai the minuster, Rcv. C. W. DeMille, ai General Secretary ai Uic Ontaria Temperance Federation. Mr. San- derson wlll assume bis duties early i 1941, Uic definite date ta bese by Uic United Cburcb.Set- tlement Committee. Mr. Sander- son bs a graduate af Bownanvillc Hlgh School and a son ai Mrs. Chalmers Sanderson, Burketon. Solina Adult Buble Clais of Eldad elccl- cd these officers: Presidcnt-Mir. B. G. Stevens;, lat Vice Pres.- Mrs. Frank Gibert; 2nd Vice Pres. -Mr. N. C. Watten; Sec.-Tras- Mr. A. L. Pascoe. Owing ta ather activitics which clasbcd wth Uic Bratharhood meceting' at Eidad Wcdncsday nigbt, there was a smiller attend- ance than usual. Gardon Fergu- son, Aduit Bible Class teacher ai Kew Beach, Toronto, spoke on "Amn I a Fifth Coiumnist?"1 and drcw some fine lessans frarn il. Mis ncmnarks werc rnuch apprc- ciated. Bert Stevens furnisbed a couple of good recitatians and Clifford Miller provided mnusic for Uic evening. Ted Chant af the Hamptan Creameny entertaised with slides wbich wcre mucb ap- prcciatcd. A good lunch was served. Women's Institute met Thurs- day witb Mrs. S. E. Wcrry presid- ing. Mrs. J. Thickson, Districtj President, Bowmanviie, gave ag Christmas addrcss. Other Bow-1 manville talent provided an ex-1 cellent pragnam inciudisg, pianoi solo, Mrs. Edwin Wood; vocal1 solo, Dareen Wood; vocal dueété,» KciUi Woad and Helen Montgom- ery. Christmas carols werc sung and lunch scrvcd. Pupils ai Solina school and their teacher, Miss Merriam, pncscintcd an excellent concert on Friday night. Mr. Roy Langmaid, trustee, actcd as chairman. Progrim in- cluded: Chorus, "Rule Britanni." Chairman's«-address; Rhythmn cx- ercises by the Juniors; chorus, "Luli me", by Seniors; Cabbier Sang, Uic Juniors, play entiticd "Zîchary"; sang "Red Cross Nur- ses" by Juniors; chorus "Missa's in de cold, cold ground," Seniors; action sang, "When thc band be- gins ta play," the Juniors; sangs, "Politcness" and "Moppity' i by1 Juniors; puay "The Travelling Man" by the Seniors; chorus "aild Uic defense and offense - hf cornes from a family ai rugb3 stars, bis brathers mil beisg toi ranking playens. Gib on mari: occasions won Uic garne thus yeai with bis lightning passes, ai wel] as stopping rnany an opponenl dead in bis tracks. This is Gl' final ycar with the seniors, and he bs likeiy ta have anc marc. Jim Powers - anc ai Onono'i mnighty he-men playcd ail the icague games but brake bis colr- bone in practice. This was Jln'î first ycmn on Uic gnidiron but car- tainly bas Uic makings of an all round playen. 'Tic Mon Behind the Sees Principal L. W. Dippei - he ih undaubtediy Uic producat iman ir town when il cames down 10 Uie rugby temm - be bai seen many a tecrncame and go, but neyer before bas be scen B.H.S. turn oui a Cossa championship tearn. Mn. Dippeil, altbough not appeanlng ta do mucb for the leam In publie, f cfinitely bas donc a lot ai wonlc for Uiem bchind the scenes. The teamn misa wouldr't want a better rooter on Uic field ai battie. Coach Harold Longworth - halling fram Woodstock and points m'est - bis gamne b soccer but lic sbawed that bath gamnes have a ot in common - deserves credit for holding Uic team tagethen and spending mucli lime and effort in bher bebaif. More actual work hai been donc by hirn tham mny mn on the tcmm, bis wark n'aI being cornpleted wben Uic game has been won but always startisg over aguin for Uic next struggie. Nothing more need be sald about MIr. Longwortb ai he is an ail- round good fellow no matter whal ie is warklng for. Tnaiser Hanry Jackman - look- ed miter the Junior team Ibis year - bs an aid stalwmrt af another B.H.S. rugby teum. Helped the schoal considermbly in training te junior playens in Uic proper way so they could give Uic beat asistmnce passible ta the senior eain. He misoa cted ai an assoc- îlae coach ta Mn. Langwonth In te Cossa pimyoffs. "Doc" Fred Nemi - Uic man with Uic littie black bag wbo bas ,rne back ta B.H.S. miter a few cars down south with "foreign" ýeams. Fred bas played on sevenal ical teanis and always was a cro- it ta the school. This ycar be ras aiways on Uic field wben any ) the red, whitecand black stal- 'arts werc lnjured. t t t r ti ri Bc la t' cc y( te di 'v Black Joe", Seniors; chorus "«Wc Arc Uic Airforce"l, Uic Seniors; song "«Fiowcrs of China" by Jun- ior gels; chorus "Tbhere'll Always be an England." Candy wai sold by Uiechcildren. Visitors: Miss Jessie Ydilowlces, Oshawa, at Mr. N. C. Yellowlees'. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds and fanlly in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dewell, Kinsale, at Mr. I.r. LTnk's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Bush, David and Catherine, Oshawa, wiithMrs. Jane Bush. Mr. George Wcrry, U. af T., at Mr. S. E. Werry's. Messrs. Ted, Glen and Dean Mc- Laughhin and Norman Carey,1 Oshawa, at Mr. Harald Pascoc's. Tyrone Mr. Don Thompson, Oshawa, is bolidaying ai bis fatber's, Mr. L. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cook have rnovcd ta Bownianviile. Mr. and Mrs. Yco bave mIsa moved into town for Uic winter. Rev. A. F. Gardner prcacbcd an excellent sermon Sunday an "Mow Par ta Bethlebem." .Owing ta Uic icy roads a num- ber arc experiencing .troublc get- 'ng up and down thebhin as wdl as an Uic streets. Tyrono Sehool News <By Glenn Brooks, Grade V) Smnce aur lait news wc have built a tennis table. .. We bave ail been working very bard in get- ting up aur Christmas concert, althougb there are stili four cses af mumps. . .. Some oaihe Uicplls have been hringing snme cedar sprays ta make decorations for aur concert and some have been cutting Christmas baskets, out of calored paper. . * , AilUichepupils of aur schooi jais with me in wishing Uic publishers of The Canadian Statesman and aur read- crs a very Merry Cbristmas and a Happy New Year. EbdLenezer Services on S«lnday werc wdll attended, with Rcv. W. C. Smithi in charge. White Git service wai also observed. S. S. session as usual. W. M. Society met Dec. 9Ui with President Mrs. R. C. Pearce ipre- siding. Devotional periad opened with Mrs. Pearéce reading Uic Christmnas lesson. "Haiy nigbt, sulent nigbt"' was sung. Several passages ai acripture werc rcad by different ladies, and Uic re- sponse was given in sang, "0 came let us adore HuIm." Vocal sala was given by Louise Pearce, "Jesus aur Father strong and goad." The theme ai Christmas was carried thraughaut the meeting. This new siate af officers wai prcscnted by Mlrs. A. J. Gay: Mon. Pres.-Mrs. W. C. Smith; Pres.-Mrs. R. C. Pearce; Ist Vice Pres.-Mrs. G. F. Annis; 2nd Vice-Mrs. A. J. Gay; 3rd Vice-Mrs. Beauchamp; Rec. Sec.-Mrs. Blake Oke; Asst. Sec- Mrs. Elton Werry; Corr. Sec- Mrs. Esli Oke; Trcas.-Mrs. Rus- sel Gay; Secretaries: Christian Stewardsip-Mrs. F. W. Rundie; Camniunity Friendship-Mrs. Ce- cil Found; Supply-Mrs. W. H. Nichais; Associate Melpers-Mrs. W. H. Marshall; Temperance and Christian Citizenship-Mrs. A. J. Oke; Missionary MonUly-Aura Osborne; Literature-Mrs. Blake Courtice; Press-Mrs. Devlin; Ad.- visory Pres. af Mission Circle- Mrs. H. Nichais; Supt. Loyal Mes- senger Band-Mrs. Cecii Worden, fi Mrs. Stan. Coverly, Miss Arnold; 9 Baby Band Supt-Mrs. Chas. Os- d borne, Mrs. Chas. Found. rý Loyal Messenger Mission Band C No. 4 held Uicir Christmas con-c cert on Dcc. 121h, with President 1ý Wilma Marshall presiding. The fi usual meeting was held, aiter ' wbich Uic president extcnded a CI bearty welcomc ta Uic visilors f numbcring 19. This prograrn wai P given: Chorus by Uic Bandc, Canada and the Peace Prayer V piano solo, Marilyn Rundie; dia: t) lague, Audrey Bcauchîmp and cc Murray Osbrne; skit on Uic Oni- aý gis af Christmas Carois, by Gwen ci Osborne, Darolhy Hlggins, Bob Education' 'And SEfficioncy DY C.H.Tuck Optonsetrist (enp. P. O.) Oshawa Number 156 1 will nepeat "When we fund these dci ects cxisting which we know i othen cases were the tcause af the discamiant, is il wise ta, wmit for a more definite con- dition af suiicrisg or shauld con- sideration be given il once?" By givmng considenation at once we relieve a situation aiten seen in clama work wbene lwa studcnts ai apparent similar ability, en- vironmcnt and appartunity, la spite ai the smlar advantages af- fercd wil show a murked condi- tion af progress - far supenior i the normal case Ibm i the anc with Uic dismdvantages ai uncon- nccted muscle and. eye strain. This b ises a handicap found when out in Industrial life. A normai case cmn carry on until Uic day's end and bis relief carnes mter wark findlng hlm nestcd and refrcshed ion unothen day's work wheneas hi Uic onc wbo us under strain in mmny cases finda work an study impossible durisg the aflennoon and rnuch worse by- nlgbt. Mmny af these muscle errons dlrectly affect Uic eye confort on vision while othens whlcb may liter deveiop Into re- flex conditions are iit i some more rçrnote part ai Uic hurnan body. (ta be contliued> THURSDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1940 lUMKIN PIES ... 30e lIndividual P1umpkln Pies- -- - ----------- for 2au plain SHORT BREADa.a lOc t'O 25c DortdShort Bread- -- --------- --50c and 150 Cherry Drop Short Bread -- ---- --- ----lb. 40o FRUT CKE Whpped Crean Daintes: -Crea: Puffs Bih 40C CIIOCOLATES Ilunts-----------0C to $3.00 Annie Laurle, lu 1/2 - 1 - 21lb. boxes. lb. SOc APTERNOON TEA AT CARTERIS TEA ROOM Drop in whle o y are uptown shopping- M INCE.PIESou'il findIt rfrscing. MINCEPIES CARTER'S 'BREAD 10VAITE - 5c- 5cDurhamflainty -Flve O'clock - Wholc Wheat -oyDe Baker's Double -Cream. THE CARTER, FAM'LY.ý Bakers for Two Generations Vlhene 855 - owniaVMOl s' Vnion and George Osborne. A few well chasen remarks were given by Mrs. R. C. Pearce, Presi- lent W.M.B., during wbich Aud- rey Beauchamp and Marilyn Run- dlc presenlcd iovcly giits ta Mrs. Cecil Worden and Mrs. W. H. Mlarshall wha have been such faithiul leaders ai Uic Band and whosc services arc mucb appre- ciated. Rev. W. C. SmiUi made a cw remarca which brought -this part ai Uic entertaisment to a clame. Candies, fruit and crackers were gcnerously bmnded out, with te usual donation whiclh always ornes frorn Mrs. May Henry, Osh- Rwa, wbich the cbildren appre- utc very mucb. The bazaar wbicb was hcld at te cburch on Friday cvening and wai sponsored by the W. M. Soc- ety roved qulte a success. Rev. W. C? Smith acted as chairman. Ima Wade contributcd a relIta- Jon, and Jean Gay gave a piano io1a. C.G.I.T. had cbarge of the )rogram which opened with the iorus "lTher'ill Always Be An Pngland"; vocal duel, Muriel aown and Marilyn Rundle; reci- atian, Betty Antil; a broadcast id quiz contest conductcd by ýouise Pearcé, Eilecn Pickecll ad Vilma Dawn proved quite inter- ting; the Trail Ranger Quar- ettc iavorcd with a number, Bob tundle, Jim Kirk. Lloyd Down id Maurice Bicklc; the chorus 'Wings over the Navy" and God ;ve the Xing elosed this portion ýthe program. Cafeteria lunch ias served and Uic many booths . cre Well patronized. Harry Worden cntcrtaified bis oung friends Frldiy cvcning rhen ail repart an enjoyable time. Congratulations ta Raiph Found nbelng elected ai nepresentative tthe Boys' Parliament wbicb mets ut Hamilton Christmas reek. Mn. and Mrs. Iivin Piciceli and aughter Audrey, who have been *iting bis simIen Mrs. Frank War- en, leit Fnlday ta make their omc in Kingston. Mn. and Mn. A. B. Werry are ome miter a holiday wihMn. .d Mns. R. K. Bragg, Sbaw's. Sydney Wonden, Gardon Bai- )n Sandy Muir, Brown and Mc- iight, ai Uic Training Centre aI eterbano, were home. th iel w Ir] ci En Dc tel an' LO wi est tet Ru ai Sa, af wa we ycl w] on aI w' det vii der hor and son Pet Althougli Bowmanvlllle haan't any oýfficiai hockey team ai yet, loal fans support Taranto Mari- boras team on whicb Tom Depew plays. This teamnplayed Guelph, Sturday i an S.P.A. gane, the former wlnnig 7-3. Depew was mentloned seveil -turnes as a briWlant player. L Certain occasions,. considercd ervice.-Mary Baker Eddy. cither collectiveiy or individually Every good gif t and every per- and obscrved properly, tend ta etgo ti rr give Uic activity of man infinite fetgf sfo bave, and dom- scope; but mere rnerry-making or eUi down from Uic Father of needless glft-giving bs not Uiat in lights, with whom is no variable- whicb buman capacities find Uic ness, neither sbadow of turning.- niost appropriate and proper ex- James 1:17. Hospital's Capacity For Service Demonstrated By Extra War Burden Heàlth of British War Ouest Childr.n Guarded Without Charge, Jrive hundred medical examine- tions par dayl Every one ta be painatalcIngly thoraugh and unusuul. Icomplote. Each chid to be pro- ved wlth a full data chart and a wrltten recommandation ai bo diet and any treatimmnt or medicine ce- quired. That's the job The Hospital for SIck Chidren vas asked te handie early thls summeri Not aine,1h. Infantile Paralysis opldemlc of 1937 hua th. Hospital becs siked te, rime ta such un emer- gency. Although the situation de- veioped i. a boit trom th. bine, arrangements vers quickly cern- pleted. As vs ail know nov, the number of British children sent ta, Canada this suminer did not reach neuriy the proportions expected. Cons. quently, the organization that hudi becs set uput1h e Hospital vas net uaed Wthe?.,limit of its capaclty. Nevertheleaa practicail ev e r y British war getcil passing tbrough Toronto recoive a Com- plote examlnution with recommen- dations us t10 treatment. No charge vus made for this service. % This is lust another of 1h. oc- casions durlng ts unusuul carmer of p ublie service when the Hospital nuben fully prepared ta n*et un emergency. PARALYSIS STIWCES AGAIN It la only a fev veeaug that9 nevipaper headlines star the l people of Ontario vith the an- nouncaeet that six members ofa singe famlly had beea stricicen with Infantile Paralysia - th. dreaded POllOmemyUtl& ' One member of the family had ta be taken ta Torontoc ln an Iran Lung-hls only chance& for iii.. DcsPlte the tact thut a1 large movlng van vus the onUy vebicie obtulnable vlich vus suit- ibie for movlng th.equlpment wlthj the youngster ulreudy roeclvlngç trotainent vithin lt, arrangementsr vere qulckly made 10 bring the patient ta The Hospital for Blok Childrmn. r But. this Ja juil typici of the ian- vice The Hospital for hick Cbildren bai rendered the chldien of flua Province for 65 yearm. - Every haur ai every day and nlght sme emergency muat be meoi.. The lUe ai a chIld. pneclous t10 me Dfamly, Io ut atake. Il la only when a number of similar cases occur ut the marne time tUal th. vork be- Rcames "nevs," and can be called te t1he attention id Uic publie by the pneu la a spectacular manier. Nevertheless, thewvork gais on heur aiter bour unUthe icdu y sand moatha and yearm total dîcades of service to the necdy oldren of th. Province. Every emergeacy situM creates coots wblch Mount up~ beyond me. normal poiios gavera- ment and. municipal grant.. 8ut, unUie most other haspilals, The Haspital fan Sick Chlldrnemhuanen large gnou p of Privai. Word beds tram vblch ta dnmw extra revenue which cari be applied ta Publie Wurd service. ,At preseat, 414 af tbe,434 beda are Public Wards& NO help la necelved tram the a collected by 1he Tarante Federmt fan Communlty Service, as paUié are taken tram aillaven thePo- lace. Sick and cnlppiid childrea mouaI be gIvea medicai attention and bei- pital cane ne malter vbat thoir lir- cuinstance. No on* vould demy Uicm Ibis nigut This worthy instituton, vhch aC- ceptis It ti. Patients regardiesOf .race, cre.d or tinanclalclrcum- stance, bas juil storted Its a=m~a Chriu6tma ael for funds 1t.b uable Its vork ta ho continue< Just ueffective a manner a u I Pest ThoI0 vo have laveallgated ail ai raethat The Hospital fer Slck Caudren moaics maît caneS ul use of charitable donations and bequests- a vorid-wlde recognition for if- flclency and economlcai openation bas been earaed. Your glift abauld ha malld ta Uic Appeal Secnetary. The Hospital tan Suck ChUidren, 07 Collegî street, To- rant. A chance fan heaith and happinesa la the pçteot possible <CbnustaMia glit o chfdr E, y~..~,, i Order On e oF 'Em NowI #U plc our order for Christmras Poîultry. W.eamu llI any order, large or am"l, and at tic right prico. Uv Uthe Christma traie we have seleted 6 choice young steens out of a stable of 40 heai at F. W. Bowen's stable. r's Butcher Shop 1. »--.i 'l W ~ e-.., n,,rt.raMI THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, IM -

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