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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1940, p. 2

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777 " TWO Establlsh.d 1854 AN IPoeEPENDENT NEWSPAPER With which are Incorporatel The flowmanvlie News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News. 85 years' continuons service to the Town of Downianville and Durham Couuty. MMERE Camadiau Weekly Newspapers Association and Clams A Weeklies of Canada. SUBSCRIPTON RATES $2.00 a Year, strlctly i advance. 52.50 a Year In the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1940 The Curse of Siot Machines t From Thc Statesman of Aug. 13, 1936, we reprint this: "By-law in course of prepama- - , tion te license s1ýof machffies; committee authorized to draft f erms for confrol and L liceninig and fombid ail under 18 yeams ta perate the." Well, w-e have lad four years~ experience at the game and we should, by now, know ali about slot machines in respect ta their ecenomic and moral effect in the commun- ity. The retiring council discussed the question onîy ecently. The new counicil wiil have to demi wifh tic matter. .Almost daily we sec in tic press that many otier communifies are taking drastic action ta rid theniselves of this common menace. It has b'ccome and if is a wamtime issue. Tie Statesman lias neyer hesitated ta make known its view-s on gmmbling. And licensed gambiing, allich way frein horse racing down through. churci raffles, service club jamborees te flic lowly siot-machine is. a rotten way of raising revenues-no matter what the purpase. The tawn cf Bow-manvile, of course, in accepting license moncy us un full partner- ship in gamblin.g on siot-machines. And by thec same token mil citizens are tainted with the stigma, for as a community, w-e are all in tic sanie boat. Wc are told that one, place cf business eleamed around $3500 an two slot machines in anc year and it is assumcd that a large part of this uoney wcnt fo ackefeers out of town w-ho own these gambling devices. Saine cf these machines operate niglit and day. Tie habit lias become a mania with saine of the addicts w-ho squander hundreds of dollars in the hope of "beating" the game but it lias neyer bec» donc-and neyer will. These observations are for immediate considemation cf the incoming council as w-cl as citizens generaély. Cost of Distribution We have bec» doing saine figuring in this milk business and find that, locally, tic sprcad betwccn flie net eturn te producers and tic ltimatc cost to consumers, is around 240 per cent. We have a specific instance in mind w-hcme this mlk is hmuled a disytane cf only 5 miles froin farm ta plant. The net return ta flic producer dees not take into consideration mny provision for labor, feed, overliead nom investmcnt. The conclusion is that there is rooni for deep research ific ce oat cf distribution. That is the big bugbcar almost everywliere anid in most lines cf agricultural production. Thc ideal would be to raise the price ta tic producer and 10w-cm the cost te tic con- sumner. We believe if can be done but in the eoanomie sctup in this civilization w-e sem unable inteliigently te appmoach the ques- tion, let alane solve t. Tic arbitrary pasteurization law coni- plicates the picture and controvemsy rages about it. Littfle lias been said about the fact fiat fanmers do nof use pasfeurized milk. Thousanda of healfhy, hardy, cifizens do not came under fthc provisions cf fie act- but they pay for it. It seenis te be one cf. those political moves thaf increasesflic fariner 's burdens and makes more difficulf an understanding that must coulc about- that is, break down the eost of distribution. On Paylng Your Debts "These are eitical days for everybody," states fie Tilsonburg News. "No one can foresce whaf lies aicad, but if is safe enough fopredicf fiat caci cf us will need te be un as goad financial standing as possible. This does nef mean that w-c should cease buying and start te accumulate a heard cf money; ratier we aiould purchase anly fiat w-hich w-e can pay for in cash on which we are de- finifely sure that w-e can pay for on flic i»stalmenf plan. Everybody shculd make a real effort fb dean up ail present indebf- edness, or at lemef have a talk wifi crediýors and let theni know- w-leu fhey cm» ezpecf te receive somcfhing an account or fie full yment. Alnmost every credifer, unless lie of the miser type, will ca-operafe with a tor w-ha admifs hie indebtedness and otisly arranges paymenf. Be knew-n as ysoin of gead credif; pay your obliga- ý,M hèy camle along and do nof con- faore indebfedness than yau can mae flan passing importance un à_lth Tillsonburgr New-s. One of THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTT2IC OflM'POT mmTC1 A? u JI d an intent ta repay it as quickly as possible. rao many people, hawever, cantract obliga- tions that leave them in debt for services or articles which they do flot came if they neyer pay. One wauld bc amazed if the amount owing local storekeepers and net paid,' say for even anc year, were totalled and published. Mr. King's Speech ls Basis of Wartime Christmas Message In f lis pre-Christmas issue of The States- man, we feel that ive cannot better serve the interest and interests cf aur readers than by quoting . extracts from the Prime Minister Mackenzie King 's speech in the Hlouse of Communs an Dec. 2nd. Mucli las bec» left out due ta lack cf space, but the following breathes sucli hope anid courage, underlined with grave warn- ing.s, thaf it should have a place as a Christ- mias message and a New Year's resolve. If is unforfunafe thnt Hansard lias littie circulation among thc rank-and-file who constitute the countmy's backbonc. The Stafesman epeafedly lias suggesfcd fiat the Prime Minister could im.measur- ably awaken and strengthen publie opinion througli frequent broadcasts carying mess- ages of this kind. May we hope thaf hie shaîl do s0 i» the future?1 We quote froni Mr. King 's speech: "Froni thc very beginning, in pesenting ta this house and ta thc country the situation as I have lad reanon ta view- if, I have tried ta spcak not fram impulse but irom. reflection. If la truc I lave not saugît ta be talking al thc tume. I have hoped that my w-onde mgît carry thc greafer weighf because tley w-re nat o frecly and fao frequently cxprcssed. I have:, mffempted, in sa fer as opportunity las permit- ted, fa assesend ta weigh Uic essentils. In almost evcry statement I lave madc about thie w-ar, I lave said Uic strugglc would be long and lard and terrible. I have told Uic people ai Canada how- mucl marc seiaus fIe w-ar w-auld be flan, in ita early stages, many people secmed fa realize, or have yef fuily realized. I said thnt if w-ould be a w-ar, nef ai mentIs but ai years; Uiat if would nof be confined fa Europe, but must incvitably spread ta other continents; tînt at Uic back ai ail w-as tIc intent ai w-eld domination. I said, tee, at Uic vcry outsef fiat thc nations ai Europe, by placing ficir faiih i neuf alîf y, w-ould fid, as a consequence ai their blindness and aloiness. that ficir 0w-n national existence might disappear. "In official pranouncements flue hanse and thc Canadian people lave been fold epeafcdly that supremmcy in.-Uic air w-as necessary -for effective defence, and for fIe final offence w-hich alane can gain vicfory. TIey have been feld wifl equal 'empliasis fiat effective block- mdc, fhrougli thc maintenance ai British 8cm pow-cr, w-as essential, nof only fa vîctamy but ta survival. Above ml, manfi in and manfi ouf, I have said wifl al Uic force at my com- mand tînt freedani on this continent w-as in- separable froni the preservation ai British free- dam; also fiat Uic preservation ai British free- dom w-as inseparable fram flic restaration ai human freedoni w-erever if las been destroycd. I mgit add that Uic comolmary is cqumily truc. The restonaf ion ai human freedoin depends upan thc preservation ai Briish freedoin until fie day cames w-len Uic forces ai freedani, under fie leadrship ai Britain, laving mobiliz- cd their fuil strengti, mercI forw-ard fa victony. "H ifler w-as naf prepamed for the speedy capitulation ai Namw-ay, Hallmnd, Belgium and France. Whilc Uic rmpidify ai those cvents slocked us, let if nat be forgotten fiat if sur- prised Germany as w-cil. If w-e were unpre- pared for if, se w-ere Uic Germans. If Hiflem'e plans lad been in accordence wifh sudh a scIe- dule, if la easily canceivable that Gennian armies mgît lave landed an Brifain's shoares. If le possible thaf Uic resistance w-hich could have been offcred immediately ater Uic evacua- flan ai Dunkirk would nat lave been equal ta thc awe-inspiing task imposed upan if. "Wlcn France signcd Uic armistice sic believed, and masf ai Uic neutral Eurapcan count ries wiUi hem, tlaf ail w-as aven with Britain as w-cil as wilh erseif. Thc greaf trmgcdy la fiat France did naf know- fIe trufi. Beieving that thc enemy w-as invincible, sic prcicnred surrender fa Uic prospect ai annihila- tion. In Uic United States, majanity opinion w-an sw-ayed for a finie by fihe fear that Britain w-auld be pow-rless ta withsfand sa formidable a foc. If doubted lier power ta resisf. Thc Amnerican people w-eme asking flemeelves whcfher if migît nat be marc prudent to retain flicw-capons ai w-ar, even flough Uicy w-ere ea desperately nceded by Brifain, in order tiat fley mugît deicnd fleniselves againet a peril w-hich w-ould become lrsisfiblc once Uic pco- ples ai thé British Isles w-ere vanquisied. "Submarine establishments and concentra- tions ai barges intcnded for troap transport on a large scale lave been stemdily aftacked, and an at lcast fw-a occasions fie unceasing vigilance and rapid striking pow-er aifIe bomber and coastal commande defeated German attempta fa launcl a sea-barne invasion froni this part ai Uic channel coasf. "Thc British nmvy la sf111 supreme on Uic sean ai baffle. Although tflicBriih aInvy in fis w-m, singlc-handed, enfances Uic blockade, and alfiaugl tIc coasts ta be blockaded arc more extensive, neverthcless tIc blockade la proving ifs cffecfiveness. 11Outaîde Uic barders cf Gcrmany and fIe femitories sIc las conquercd sIc can look fa anly tw-a important autsidc sources ai supply- Sw-eden and Russia. "Upon fie farces ai Brifain las been plmced the greatest tank in tIe hisfory ai the w-rld. SIc han fo aw-tch and figît, sIc las ta figît in fie British laIes and in the seas fIat suraund flem, she han ta f igît in the Mediterrancan, in Uic middle emst, in Africa; sic las to atmcl fie far east, in Hongkong, in Singapore; sIc las ta keep India -canstmnfly in mind. Any- w-Iere, at any time, she mmy find if necessary ta send slips and men te meet a ncw tîreat te lier lines ai communication and supply, or fa face frccl larrons in some distant quarter ai the globe. "Thc situation is baund ta become increas- ingly seriaus as warfare spreads ta new sean and shores and an mutual destruction continues, an if most cerf inI y wiîl, with cvcr-increasing fury. If is w-holy probable that w-e shahl w-tness much ai anmmdhy as w-cIl as ai w-ar ere the deafli-grapple betw-ecn totmlitrianism and demnocrmcy Ian fold ita tale. "No anc can say fIat the world, even now, may nat be hemding for Armageddon. Thc anc fling fiat, under tic providence of God, mmy gave Uic w-orld tIi supreme trmgedy us fIe mighf af Bitain, strengfhcned, supparted and sustained by the pow-er ai the British dominions and India, fie Ielp ai Uic United States, and sudh aid an if may yct be wifhin the pow-er ai ofler llbenfy-loving peaples ta give. Ta use w-orde I hiave jusf quated: In order ta overflraw thc encmny and ta gave mankind 'if la going ta take ail, fiat mil ai us can givel."1 In t he Dim and DW&tat Past from The statoama Pmcs r 1V 'I '1 k Sarnia ta spena New Year's witii This colurn b as been "off the Egýrpt aver the 65 miles ai toad George Samis, his partner in tUic air" for a week or two because ta Uic barder ai Libya. The rout ail business. other tasks have intervened. We continues deep inta that .Italian- Ogle Robert Adair led his classý have been hatly engagcd in a held tcmritary; it is fast, furious in the entrance exains. vcry vital wartinie struggle for desert çïarfare.- A Catholic Mission will be op- some time -and wc propose ta More than a quarter ai thc ened in Bawianville by the cele- kecp at it; that is, a fight far a Italian army ai 350,000 has been brated missionary preacher, Father better break for agriculture, for annihiated and thousazids af WisAl. better prices, for maintenance ai prisoners are almcady on the way Birth: In Uxbridgc, to the wife ifair living standards for those ta intermnnt in Australla. Ob. ai Thos. Tod, a son. wha toil and swcat ta produce servers dlaim Uiat complete cap- Marriages: Shaw - McCleUlan - faod for saldiers and for labar. turc ai ail Libya is imminent. At Uic residence ai the bridc's Headine inUic"ganraicd" TheGrcks srn rea anardfather, on Dec. 24th, 1890, by Rcv. press, loudly proclaim, "thc front but thc Italians arc fighting stub TrontoFrandrMA.g, dJoh Shaw, line ai aur defence runs thraugh bornly. The issue there is daubt: OJanto, lean Maggic, aghtcr o aur factaries." That, ai course, is ful now tliat Hitler is rusiing hpmnClean ai Banvl. a fan aif 'bunk" that may get troaps and pansta Albania toChapman - lee, n Dc - By v. man macth hies mought e ed. lserItalian resistance. Hitier's Chapman and Ella Clemence, bath thatmamahnsms efd ultimate plans have nat yct been ai Clarke. Moore - Wilson - By Withhald food for 48 haurs and revealcd concerning aid ta lis Rcv. T. W. Jollife, on Dcc. 29th, cvcry machine wauld fail idie. partncr-the sawdust Caesar. at Uic residence oi David Mutton, We may say with cansiderable Authorities claini that intemnal Bowmanvile, Johýn Moore ai Kin- farce,- Uiat Uic front Uine ai our rcvblt may occur and Italy Win maunt and Miss Hanna Wilsan ai dcfenoe begins and ends on aur capitulate. Thcy arc equaly Bowmanviilc. farma. If fammers wcnt on strike, sure, tao, Uiat Hitler still plans Maple Grave: Snowdcn Boys Uic war wauld end to-marmaw. invasion ai England. thrcshed at Thos. Snawdcn's 18 Sa aur calunin, WAR, has had Two grave prcscnt-day phàses bushels ai mcd claver I3%½ haurs. ta go by Uic boards whilc w-c have yet ta be met byr Britain. . . . Plcascd ta sec Fred Faley's have mapped a.programnie and First, deivery ai planes iram naine among succcssiul candi- policy ta be devcloped and pub- Amnerica arc far short ai cxpcc- dates for entrance exanis. lished from week to wcek ini The tations. Second, Uic Huns con- Enniskillen: Our old neighbam Statesman, which may have sanie tinue ta sink slips ta an alarming Mr. S. W. Brown wha lias been cffect in imprcssing governmts extent. Widespread bombings rcsiding i n Orono rcturned ta that agriculture must be escued continue over England and pro- take up residence here. . . . Our. and esucittedin 941- or duction has been scriously hani- echool is under management ai and esucttd n14 pcred. J. Young; Burketon Academy un- els! Russia, Japan, Spain, Turkey dem supervision ai E. R. Brown. Reg. Harding puiled this anc await the turn ai events. Tyrane: Tea and entertainnient thc ather day: "I knaw ai quite a In Canada wc' are plugging pravided by S. ai T.ý on Christmas icw people wha are hcading along w-lUi no great consciousncss eve passed off vcry pleasantly. home for Christmas." Wc Uiought as yct ai what the future rcally J. W. Bengaugli ai "Grîp" gave "here are items for Uic Social and portends. thc cvening entertainnient with Personal colunin that Helen edits Away back last May wc pint- caricatures and witticismns. cach wcek." Wc said, "1who arc cd sanie fomecasts ai what Canada Hampton: Ed. Cale, ~eea thcy Eeg?" wauld have ta do -and face, brother of J. Y. Cale, had his Hec sald, "Thc Italians! TheY eventually, and recent inaves at dwclling with contents carnplcte- arc hastening home ta Rame and Ottawa are prcciÉcly along those ly destroyed by fire Christmas at Uic rate thcy are traveling, Uines. We arc maving-a llttlc. day. they wIl. be home for Christ- Thc U.S.A., since Uic -'electian, mas!" has maved far marc slowly than T 1W F 'EYAR AG Sa wc shail discuss ta-day's was anticipated. But, during Uic NT______RSAG war news upon Uiat basis. It is past week, Mm. Roosevelt las set truc Uiat Uic Italians arc hasten- in motion a long range plan1 Fromn The Canadian Statesman, ing, rapidly, disorganized and in which, given tîue, may decide December 30, 1915 panic - retrcating before Uic an- the whole issue and immeasur- slaughts ai Uic Grcek armies i bly shorten Uic war. Ta defeat Aibania and Uic British armies in Uic Neutmality Act, le has evolv- Names ai those running for Libya. Thc Italian navy is stiil ed a plan ai "l1oaning", supplies civic offices for 1916: Mayr- in hiding w-hile Uic British ilcet and munitions ta Britain. Ta John Grigg, J. B. Mitchell, L. A. in Uic Mediterranean, unhamper- speed up production,1 le has ap- W. Tolc; Reeve-Fred Folcy, Geo. cd and unchallcngcd, cooperates painted a 4-man Super-Board W. James; Councllaors (acclama- with Uic armies an ail fronts, whidi combines industry, labar tian)-T. H. Knight, R .Copeland, directing thunderaus salv-os upon and gavcmnment. Hie bar, crcuni- Lewis Cornsh, F. H. Mason, T. S. fortifications and retrcatmng Ital- vcnted Uic Johnson Act in a w-ay1 Holgate, Thos. Ted; Scloal Trus- ians alike. that. need flot wait upon its dis- ,The British adapted and im- cussion, amcndment, nomrcrpeal.1 hem belligerency; Mussolini noa praved- upan Uic "Blitzkreig"' He han acted--and that la thec langer shauté., methods Uiat carried Uic Gem- big thing. Screarns ai protest i Only Hitler remains as a vaice mens thmough Hoiland, Bclgium Uic Hun press, attest Uic sign- ta lowl defiance at Uic U.S.A. and France, and within a week, ificance of Mm. Roasevclt's lateet Thc sands are- tunning out- drove Uic Itaians back aut aif.1rnaves. Japan han taned down but we have a lard road yet. The Public and the Press Mr. Albert W. Reid, editor of tic Sien- brooke Telegrmn, recently delivercd an ad- dress on tic subjecf cf "Beffer Press Rela- fions." Mr. Reid is w-cil qualified fo spcak on suci a subjeet, whicli is anc fiat siould be better undcrstaod by tic public in g- cmal. In lis addrcss he said fiat remders arc sometimes inclincd toask w-hy greafer pub- licify is given fa flic activifies cf certain organizatians, and lie explained that it is flot as muci a question cf flic edifar 's pre- ference, as if is flic resuif of undcrstanding aîid'initiative on tic part of fliceacicfy in- volved. This could bc enlarged indefinitely. Tic editor of a paper docs fie bcst lie can f0 give unbiased reports of ail activifies, but lie should nof be expecfed to knaw- cvery- tiing about allihappening&. A littie ce- opemation on tic part of oflier people in- - volved would bc a greatiy appreeiated lielp. Frequenfiy w-len rcquesfcd te give infor- mation about saine event, people will say, "Do nef mention nyfiing about if f hie week, and I will give you a full repart next wcek. " How-cvcr, thc readers are ioaking for news of fiat event in-flic pape. im- mediately follcw-ing, and if flue ncws is nof tlcre, flic readers will have hast ahl intercaf by flic fallaw-ing week. This is enly one of many angles 'wiici migif be ment ioncd, and w-hich could be *Impove&. Bef f c press relations heip net only flicnewspapers but alec fie people directly concerne&. Observations and Opinions Tie edifon is indebfed f0 fie afficers of Maple Grave seheol Royal, Winter Faim for a camplimenfary ticket te thein enter- fainmenf an Dec. l9th. The id-ca cf scnciing camplimcntary tickets f0 reporters Was quite tic fhing yeans mga, but if w-cnt eut of vog-ue about fie sam ie the li clothier cut ouf giving a pair cf braces wifl a new- suif of clatis. Wc liked tic idea, but some- bady came alang and said tieme 's te lbe ne sentiment in future business. Tic icanfles citter! No matten w-lat spicre of activifies Dur- ham County Boys tackic tlicy usually land af fie top on lead tic parade. Tic lateef acconuplisimnu noted in this regard ap- plies f0 R. S. McLaugilin w-ho ieaded fie breeders of Canada during 1940 with hamas foaled onuius Oshaw-a farm eamning a total of $68,100. Thene werc fhirty-onc different hanses cf fie automobile magnate's brccd- ing fa entfer fie winner's circle during fie year, and f icy accaunted for eiglity races. Mn. MeLaugihin came front second place ini 1939 f0 be fie 1940 leader, due mainly fa, flic fine performance of Hood and War- nig-an, ieading older horse and two-year- old, nespectiveiy. Some day tic editor is going fo taike a day off and go fa tic. Woadbinc races and sec wliat it's mil about. Tie edifor and staff cf Tic Statesman express sincere Christmas and New- Ycan's greefinge to thein family of readens and jii wifh them in eusfaining a common ideai cf tic Democmafie Way . f Life. F-iFTY YEARS AGÔ From The Cateadian Statesmas, December 31, 1890 There la na scarcity ai.aspirant for municipal hauses if one cai judge by the number af candi dates put forward at the nomina tions. It was a wathy compli ment ta, Mayar W. F. Allen ta bi returned by acclamation aite such a tempestuous terrn. Reevg W. P. Prower and DeputY Reevt S. S. Edsall likewise rcceived ac- clamations. Nominations far th( thrce wards are: J. Jeffrey, W~ HreJ. Percy Jr., Geo.QiI M.A ames, L. A. Tale, J. Me Murtry, J. Pattinson, W. Bruce, Dr. Hiler, L. Carnish, M. Porter, W. Cann, W. Williams, W. Cryder- man, S. J. Hall, R. D. Davidsan John Lyle, R. Worth, John Grigg, S. W. Mason, T. Kirby, J. Me. Cillan, T. Jeweil, H. Hanibly, J. C. Noseworthy, D. Davis. The teachers ai* Bownianvili Night Schaal having been so suc- cessful in the last terni, having 32 namfes on the mall, have decidcd £ ta continue for another terni. Last wcek a Court af the Inde- pendent Order ai Faresters was 'He got homesick, sir--so I'm minding hlm for one of thase Australian opened here with these officers: flyers."y J. Lyle, D. Burke Simipsan, J. D. Keachie, A. J. Lockhart, R. Belth, E. R. Bounsall, S. H. Reynolds, F. MacDonald, F. Marris. The new Court la called Simipsan mter thc late Senatar Simipson and starts TINT U HEDINOwith a charter membership af. 22. A R HONE FOR EJTA I sented with a micc Bible and an addmssni his departure froni W AR Franklin schooL. ______________________________________ Warren Samis, Clarke, left for 1 tee--LF. F. Morris, S. W. Mason, J. A. MeCleilan. D, A rare treat was enJoyed by ail w-la attended Uic Christmas services at Uic Methodiet Church. Rev. Wilmat -Cli(rke preached Istwa masteriul sermons. Miss Ada an Easter, Owen Sound, a pupil ai li Cloirmaster Laugler wms guet La- solalet. Rev. Roy Ricicard ývhais i-PUrug a thealogical course ln 'e Torn sang "Dace Jesus Care" er ln a fine baritone vaice. A novel ve Meature in Uic service wms a chair ce ai sanie 50 yaung girls, drcssed c- n white i charge aifMme. T. E. le Hlgginbothanu and Miss Florence VL. VanNest. Prof. Laugher gave ka recital on Uic new organ miter c«thc evening service. :'Town finances are in bad shape for miter doubllng our assessment and levying 24 maille on the dol- lar a tremendous deficit existe as a legmcy for next year's cauncil ta pay off. Wedding: Mason - Clarke -A ýe uie t eddngwas celebrated an .Chitas day at Lamne Villa, ýresidence ai Mr. and Mme. N. S. B. dJames, wlen hem brother Charles H. Mason, Preston, anly son ai Mm. and Mme. J. J. Mason, Toronto, ,awas unlted i marriage with Nina 1Jasephifte Clmrkc, eldeet daughter ai Mr. and Mmrs. Bertrarn J. Clarke, Winnipeg. Rev. W. G. Clarke ai- jficlated. Miss Inez Mason attend- c d Uic bride, and J. B. E. Staples, eLondon, supported Uic groom. a B.H.S. prize, winnere at Uic Cammuencement: Darathy John- stan, Robert Parker, Ruth Squair, aCarl Clemnence, Allin Aiis, Lau- ac Morris, Marion Wordcn, Lloyd Rice. r Darlingtan Council: A com- Smunication mead from Hon. J. S. Hendrie, Lieut. Gav. of Uic Pro- vince ai Ontaria, extended thanks toalwholad aided the funds of thc British Red Coss.... Reeve' Courtice end Dcputy Reeve Stan- ley wcre appomnted a cammlttee rta act with H. J. Wcrry, E. H. Cale and H. His in drawing up agree- j ment for construction ai a tule drain througl the praperty ai Cale & Hile, 6Ui Con, Darlingfan Twp. branch ai Dur- lamn Recruiting League was or- ganizcd in Hampton with these officers: President-Reeve James Stanley, Baw-manville; Vice Presi- dents--Jesse E. L. Cale, Hamp- tan, and J. J. Virtue, Enniskillen; Scc-W. R. AllUn. Hampton. Mms. A. C. Williams, Partage La Prairie, la visiting thec M&jar's parents, Mr. end Mrs. W. H. *Wyil- a liams. Mme. Williamns sails froni New York Jan. 5th ta meet her 'q-- ------ RoeddnopM~g.çcar a Z.M moal ,ra MIrwiu& TRAVIL WEST THE JASPoiR WAY USUNO TRI AlIt-COVEiTUONSD CONTINENTA L IMITED * 'I a a * £ --anci, la, Uic star w-hich they sawin he.Uic at, w-cnt before thcm, fill if came and stood aven .w-here flic yourig child w-as. Wlicn tlcy saw tle star, they ncjoiced with cxcceding, great joy. And w-len they w-ere came info Uic luouse, Uiey saw- Uic young dhiid w-lUi Mary is matIe., and tell daw-n, and w-rshippcd him: and w-len they lad opened fleir treas- ures, fhey prescntd unto hlmn giffi; gald, and frenkincense, and mnymrh. St. Mafthew. I We take titis opportunlty ta wlsh cvcryonc a Merry Chrisas su ad beat wls for 'i eomteg New From the staff and management of THE CARTER FAMILY Dakers for riwo Geucratlona. For rest or a> V ouver and Victoria are I fMo a ehoraughly etiloyable winger vacation. Warmdays and coolrefreshingalghs. Excellent golf coursca-myria sigts, in te mountains and by the seashore RIdin, tennis, snotoring, fishing... ment es wwpw,, mPzlgriund offers them, ailin au n mx seti Special Winter rates à hotels.4ýh« new Hotel Vancouver's spaclous rooms and delightful accommoda- tions wili add go te.picasure of your stay in Vancouver. ATiTACTIVE RAIL PARIS ALAY MCANAN A iUM 1 IUIORAPHS - MONEY ONOIU -ems F 'n ~ - .11 hus>and (the Major> who la at Shornc#Iffe, England. Mr. and Mue. J. J. Masoln an- nounce the engagement ofA*elr yanetdaughter InezA. fr J. . oE. Staples, London, oh cfori Mr. and Mrm. William Staples, Orono. Mr. and Mme. Thos. Smith, Or- ana, announce the engagement of their daughter Neva M. tWm. Mather Dustan af San Francisco, Cal., son of Mr. and Mme. W. H. Dustan, Bowmanville. f 1 ,- 1 ý p "'- -~'-r "4 - - - ; ....-~0" -* ~

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