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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1940, p. 4

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FOUR THE-CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANLLEONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMER 20, 1940 th pi bS Cadmnus cers was conducted by Rev. D. M. BICYCLECLUB o de Janerio, the capital cty N W RU HSO i a ______a folos:President- o heUiedSatso____, a N W TRIM H Mrs. H. A. Galbraith; lst Vice O iu r Th eua etn fteWA rs-r.Gardon Stinson; 2nd (Contlnued from page1) the first stop made i this coun-____ Pre.-Ms.try. The city is truly magnificent (Contlnued from pae1) Thereglarmeeingof he .A.Vice Pres.-Mrs. oscar McQuade; ta have "minutes" read by Betty situated on a deep bay surraund- autstanding musical abilitiy ifnr.DvdJmsGbo ad W.M.S. was held at the home Secretary-Mrs. W. D. F'erguson; Osbornd ams ibo eMrs. J. E. Elliott an Tuesday OsbuorIs.Mrwo cKe n e, a clever, accomplished led bY low lying mounitains. The vocal, violin and organ, and ha$ Xât iththeattndace maler reasrerMrs Mawoo Mcee;andenthusiastic niember of the beaches ta which everyane goes had training in England, France, Mary Vernon Burnham, belov- lat witl the attendancesmHA.le Press Sec. - Mrs. J. E. Elliott; club, but due to time limitations for a dip at 6 a.m. are swept down the United States and Canada. ed wife of David J. Gibdon, and ian usualo Ped ee t LMrs. H . . Sr n es S c M s . M u t this had ta bie ut. Bob Rogers, daily with broons. N t only are 'In vew f the fact that there w l f W n B w i n il n iniabtopeed the eetrng joy; Group Leaders-Mrs. Harry Jean LvnEenrJhso h ece jetdlk hsbtaemr eýr or ti rayerlnandr ais i he W M. Philp, Mrs. George Fowler, îrs. Lidin g, Eleanoof h stle lte b he stresaed l e tiu r m r es r h us i snec- Newcastle, passed away at the rayr a nion. The devotiona2l J. E.' Elliott, Mrs. Marwood Mc-hand many othèrs of ightalnt as h tet r laed daily. essary ta'-Put these hours ta a home cf her daughter, Mrs. J. rvlce was aby taken by Miss Kee. Mrs. Galbraith gave a read- hdtbo taectgrequire- Sidewallcs are doneta picturesque Profitable use,' h adaddn nFdymingDcme20 Jude Mauntjoy who read the .~ ments of studio space and tume designs ta eltainate sanie of the that music is considered 4 desir- o 'ia irmDcme 0 hrlstmas lesson frani Luke an mig entitled "We've always been and take their places as "«sup- su' glare. able form 0of recreation. 1940, after a short illness. and was spovierv byo r s Eliott and porters" inthe audienc.Altepeople know how ta live Th h. Gibson, born in Cobourg, onWyW ep wsrovedfor." A deliussupeanedce AlThee archestra, made up 0f Mr hrirstmnas. The election of offi- miss Mountjoy for which a hearty The youngsters were met and a leisurely life, atter workig stringed instruments a witht, 86, à the ad-- vote of thanks was given. Qujît welcanied by the studio persan- bard they participate in vàrîous diin fa e hr pae the esaagde.f r.Buna patelhes were distributed ta make nel of "Red" Poster, his father prs The governnient assumes prelude ta the eoncrt and the late William L. Burnham a q8i1t for the Red Cross. Who is executive dîrector, his the crédit for such keen iterest simple lilting tunes wPiich had Of Cobourg, and grand-daughter sceayMisPaaa; in sports, havingniany play- teadec ed ahma ong th late Senator Asa A. Burn- Miss nez icklng sp nt t e Sa agescripHarr gro nds or týe us of very ne th audenceham ,promh m anenthmU.orE.n nLoyaE. o st, weekend ini Toronto visiting hier Saae cit writer; Mr. Ln- al overtecuryThfao-wh eman getgadduhe fst -sister, Miss Orpha Hickling, re- saY, In charge of the "contral"i'espr th seraun htry haor-th cnl.roam, and Herb May wbo coach. t pr ssccrt hc hu Demonstrates organ late Samuel Street Wilmot of1 'cnlyc sands attend ta watch prabably 'Proftecus a uic - Newcastle. Since hier niarriage i Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown ed the team at the "mike." thefatesrtanoft the cousrindsc p- 1891 she has resided in Clarke visited the former's uncle, Russell Prior ta ."zero hour" the child - Stadiums seating 100,000 bold th pect inru seths,, ai dO Township and has endeared hier- Brown, last week. ren were entertained ta a colored huge crowds that camrnte entgnsruentsdémr.Suns Sisl aa h nwhr h Mrs. George Fowler is home af- motion picture "The Young Can- games. Next in popularty r the diferh prs fthrgan. clfoan churh nwler ter. visiting bier daughter, Mrs. ada Club," which showed scenles the jockey clubs housed in ag andatou the or k Beside hr husad hei Ray Blair, in Oshawa. of yaungsters an parade in nificent palaces and where ga He explandaottefu ey- Miss Marjorie Galbraith, Peter- cite aken sran tast aehedweeklyo aes baards and the pedais andde sislerhbasei ur Moirea ad svri tro r edsm-eky monstrated the various tanes that vived by four daugbters and two boroNoral, t M. H A. al-lkazl ad Agentne onsMrs. Gilbert Rayner, Lake GREETINGS! braNrmla r.H.A Gi sumnier. Eai n retn can be produced. It was noted ForestIllnois, Mrs. J. Wilison Miss Iniez Hickiing left on Sat- The picture showed tbe boy Sao Paulo was the next city that the pupils staad up andNees Giby Mr.Sme To ne ndailwe xtnd rdy fr lerhom atAlenwodand girls af the Bawmanville visited. It is the centre of the craned their necks ina O Srto ewat nallesGrmb , M . V.mHo- Tooe iiai eexed for the Christmas hoiidays. Club, on "bikesr' and with ciub coffee industry of the world. At see everythtag that Mr. Suttan Stwartd omnl EV. oa- the best of season's geus- The Christmas concert and bas- sweaters, on their trek ta Osh - the port of the city coffee is load- did. ville and Mrs.ldJ.,erardMitc- edonto boats the saini ncnlu te c th le ,adMsJ.Brrd ith ings and trust that the New ket social at Mahood's Schaol on awa. Shauts and squeals of de- e aaa r~ way as Incancudta the concerthainsan elî, et Yearwlllbrin th bes or uesay nght astwas uitea lght ttesegrainrintpopuas a-inniuisCacda.upervpul-smricspokeisorfpo. oCatharinesidren andn elevenan eaa- wlI rng th but f esdaY nTht uplas d q e hysa hmsle as ntion of te city is over 900,000 appreciation in e ngable t ree broters, and ler mother arcess. Te npulanteache they a the nisie iahd0 being mataly ai Italian descent. bring ail the young people ta- who is in bier ninety-nintb year. splendid pragrarn rendered. The club then presented "Red" Brazil can support 900,000,000 gether in this way, and bie thank.- Frederick William, bier eldes son, S. J. HARTWIC On Tbursday night, Miss Free- with an elaborateiy decarated people. Everytbing graws there ed especially the school board, died of wounds in Belgiumst manan be ppil a Deit's ak ii te fn of a basket and grows Weil. They bave thue the People of Central Churcb wbo 1917, ta tbe Great War, and two Scbool held one of the best Christ- which had been prepared by nias- best coffee ta the world, aven 2 had allawed the use of the audi- cicrn tatadElede _______________mas concerts the schoi bas ever ter-craftsman Doug. Carter, million rubber trees growing torium, the teachers wbo assisted ta tiarncytat.n ieed given. It was beld in the Orange Furtber evidence ai t he wild, finest woods ini the world, if many ways and everyone wha h uea evie hc a - Hall and a gaod crowd attended.togtunesf"Rdwabi and plenty of valuable tPsilSagietecn agl atnewsbl t. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown demonstration ta the youngsters It is i the stratégic part of the cert. Gere's Cburc, wcas t, on orcontinent the same as the U.S.A. P 'I hope you will get a lat oaiGMondaysaftercNao eowing nd ron visited Mr. and Mrs. af how the "props" and tricks Intesubr ttso rzlpeasure froni these Christmas privae serc nom ber fingaiy ardnBrw n oo to onSu- a e i nosarconured up e. tiiere are over a million inhabi- sangs, fat anly now, but ini nil residence, Hazel Deil Farm. In- 4 d y.ta mak bs roa cat oalstc. tants ai German descent w ich your ie," lie tad te boys and terment took place ini the family His assistant, Ken Graham, de- at the present time support the girls, and ho urged therniail on plat ini St. George's Cemetery. B Solnamastate "hageofvoie"ifditao f the country. These are Christmas day ta say: 'Let's have The funeral services were con- al Soiaa "barker" skit, and Roy Brock- tbe most progressive pooples ini soflOChristmas sangs'."1 ducted by the Rector, 1~vrn _______bank sbawed his stuff as ta bow South America. D.R edeasse yere oI voice infiectionadded realdsmDt- Argentine was the next coun- RUGBY BANQUET Reverend P. H. Mason, St. Mani- io vistoMr.: n. and s. Ed Da- a broadcàst. As the moment try, and its capital city of Buenos ____Trntaome__co o l visM. Ernl isb. itt s Ker-nnarod to go "an the air," "Red" ie a the finst stop. This city <Coftirgued tram page 1) the parisb. The palîbearers were iei Baker, R"ThePetrebnrondated boasts 2 million population with paydMessrs. Allan Wilmnot, Woodstack, Pl ie aeRX eebro tM.lights are the cues; silene , f0nomeaith bstdokseh on 15orin ion champion- A.R. Wynn, Brantford, Edsall Ohi- st: Jack Baker's.. Misses May Mer- gum chewing, no caughing, fol- woof tsteo mtadck ne thaes ship tearns. Ho thon went ta the vr onavle .AlnMc riainiand& Grace Truli are holiday- wrd Istomannwsaesve, walue, .Aln a-I in a tei hms.. MssV l th script by the numbers baused in giganti buildings have States and later returned ta sc- lean'Howard, Torafto, W. Harold ab in t hi hms Ms Vlagie;audience will applaud at anyFwhere from 135 to 150 pg cept the position as Atbletic Dir- Gboad RselO ne Gibrts ..Sg.Stat oarbplaces mndicated;- make it vivid edition every Sunday wbich can ector ai O.A.C. Nwate andPte reaelisrthtMcs."s-only lie compared ta weNe Coach Harold Longworth af the Necasle AnddPte. BruceoHoganthgiMissthesNew B.H.S.te arn spoke af the achieve- f Thos.oar's - . d , tMrs measuned up splendidly ta bisbeYo paedt tse ai Loanonym ontsaithe team durtag the year TilnmSae rg suith . E r.îe d at s. ,masterful coacbing. It wb e ar Par, whiethe seetsaredonpaytag tribute ta every player onWila meBrgth HoskinSmithEnfiel, at M. in te studo thatthe Wa felt r Parthehteathe sredtalseottatethead uniors theteroran ilh n essnai onearlyy sevena lue Marjorle-Kay Shoppe Frank Gilbert's.. . .Mr. and Mrs: atesudota h braadcast lined with magnificent buildins jbdhie h eir nth ots ur asdt i tr Ailan Balson, Kingston, wîth Mr. was a success and reports Of and numerous statues.,, pincohahe Cedthwasenas ivn tae mn ret on Monay, e ohember-,t Ishs t thak ls any A. J. Balson. . . Mr. and Mns. Will litnn nrtr oe o- Sanie of the finest -wheat and those fief wba had coached lue William Smale Bragg, at bis home- a tr on s InIowa and White, Donald and Douglas, On- îirmedflue fact. beef camne fram luhe Argentine teamns in ather years and prepar- east of Bawmenville. After gotag - irouthout the vieinîty and on a, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink Aftor lue "show" was over, and cen be taken out of lue caun- ed the way for the championship ta bis lied an the evening ai June >wtsh them the Season' and iamily, Hamipton, Mn. and group flashlights wene taken with tny vgry cheaply, as nearly ail tearn.3dteaeM.Brgnyr t Mrs. Clifiard Petons, Toronta, at "Red" in the centre wearing bis the fertile growing areas are near Tb cptina the tenJc i omagaiM. TBraugh it ail ho us' Gre Ung aa a ew n. eo. W hie's Bi ycl Cl b s eat rlarg o riv os, na iing transp rta- Colville, r sp nded ta M . Long- w as a m del patient and exhibit- Year of Happiness. Wesley Werry has nturned In a neat speech. end «'pep:; tion very clieap. wrhsrmnsadsi utli daceruns n al hc hame frani Military Trainiang tàlk totahle yawigsters, "Red The west side ai South Amenica boor maaradaltat eacb dnaew fanlnsan farable cm Camp at Peterboro. pramised a return visit ta Bow- ist as bieak and barren as the oast inividua boy but tdwa tho eip m ot ro n ayadvisbl citns. Mn.andMns FenkGilentmavile ad ethsedlue ~side is fertile. On one side aiflue given by coaches and members of Mn. Bragg was born in Clarke were entertained ta a iowl dinner the wark they wore in. Ho tald Andes thene is con tinuous nain the. staff and the su.~pporters that township os i h9ilaec M JU I-t I at the home of Mr. andMnfs. Rus- tbhiII they were engaged in a wie on th ohe ifi spots sbovod them aven the top. Mc Orono on February 20, 1866, lue nevefing, it being the occasion ai club af thon- hind in Canada, The gavernmonts ai most Southb Duening thes~eneg ilbteB ylTon ag.sono n. end n as. the joint bîrthdays af the two were painting lue way toalal Amreican cauntries are pattern- Paterson modal for the Most valu- of age, bie moved witb lue iamily Wear.E gentlemen. othen cammunitios which, ina tue, ed after the démocratic setup, but able member of the team. Th!s ta a farm soutb af Newtonville Ladies'Wer C.G.I.T. and luein leader, Mns. must take up in a practical way are carried out in a different mani- medal is givef as 60 %y académic on the Lako Shore Road wbene lho IHardy, heid their annual Christ- lue niatter ai public safety. nier. The president ai the country and 40% rugby.Itwsacpe vd uti 18.Thn ty mas concert on Friday night with Thncm u liniax - the bas the powen ta suspend iflu- with cbaracteristic modesty bY baught lue homo iTa Drnton Mrs. S. E. Werry as chairlady. grand and gloniaus finale! once of the state gavernors and 'Gib' who cheverhy called on bis wbere hoe spent lue rest of bis hof. Baker's, Bradley's and Solina "Red" held a conférence with instal one af bis own supporters. dad for a speech.If19MnBrgmaidE- ________________ schgols providod several excellent lue nmanager ai lue hotel and ar- Part af the wanld's problem Members ai lue teani wore thonn I L.9 H r.s rag ai Bet ed Edmi ---numbers, and a play entitied rneet were miade ta give ail would be sohved if the surplus presonted with beautiful wind- February of this year they colo- "Christmas Eve ta lue Home lue childnen and their escots- pnadLie ai Sautb America and breakers by Principal L.BW.rdDipf- bratedythewirigldgènvwe ddtganni- Town" was enacted by the young uuot a lunch-but a real dinner North America could be givon ta tpll on behaf aioflute Bado vraywibgv n rg people. Santa Claus was present at lue King Edward Hotel. The the surplus population of the con- Educatian and the Town ai Bow- gra leasure. Pive cbildren nddistributed gifts froni the 40 youngsters did justice ta a real tinent. But it laoks as if the manville. Other speakers were w PebraoaiwoSaly prtia dcaaenretdu e "feed," winding up witb deep Amenicas wiil show the raad ta M. G. V. Gauld, an e ai the toa'sdieoant e oifive oSaseen light ai the chihdren especiafly. apple pie weighted down with everlasting peace. most loyal fansfTed Chant, pres Mr. and Mns. Thos. Baker and piflk-and-white ice cneam. The speaker was tatroduced by dent of lue Lions Club, and Fred edas bi hitenephw Sanlte sass- ,, I ~~Vera entertained nienbers ai The show was over, exciting, Mrs. W. P. Rogers, in the absence C. Hoar, president ai lue Rotary ae wyjs eenl ttesm thein iamihy at a surprise party for vivid, memarable. They had lue ai Mrs. A. R. Virgin, who thanked Club. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie acted ao Mn. and Mns. W. T. Baker, it be- tinue ai their lives and when luey the ladies for being sa faitbful ta chairman ta bis usual capable Mr. Bragg had a very pleastag ing their 25lu wedding anniver- got home, it is reported that par- the club ini sucb inclement wea- ild affable manner. tenor voice end for many years sany on Dec. 14th. The couple enta wene kept up balf the rugbt ther. The delightiul supper prepared sang in lue Mthodist choir be- wiere presonted with. an electric listening ta experiences and The next speaker wil be Sena- and served by the ladies ai Ti'in- sides ta quartette form a great dlock and a silven basket. booets for their favorite radia ton Caroline Wilson soan after ity Church was certainîy ejy n i tes. At the funeral one ai bero. "'Red" Poster. te new year.byoryn.lus oirmucascatsM. Specil meC. S. Hailman, very iittingly sang SeciaelRmento as ayu"Jesus, Lover ai My Saul" a hymnn sn wale :Liss scipt that was scarcely chFanged REDucED FARES a IE S'CONCERT oai Wh ter iasd as ver Misses Susie Laird, Noule one is ta be congratulated,' but Between ail points lu Cnada (otnidta ag a hrea tesnigi u MeMaste and M. L. Wrgg arethe________oftheLinsBicyleNEW___RSbis usual capable manner Wilfrid sa was a member ai the I.O.O.F. speningChritma hoiday atSafey Cub oes o Carli Ca- - Carruthers sang "«There'Il Always for aven iarty years. thi epciehomes. te,.o ic atMyhsd- PR N Be an England" and "ICarry On." The funeral, whicb was held at Litle issShrle Crdeman voedlitraly wek ofhi&tIn bisTR n latean mnesidenceos is aanreiDeceon mberbe . . . . . .. E ene er, isi ed t h r g r nd -F O R T H E R O V D T iip th e au d ien ce sp an tan eou sly jo ta- 19th , w as con d u cted by R ev . A . R . Mr.YtY Fred R. Foley, St. Cathar- nnAnd luepaetsw of Bawmanhil. Perhaps the "tops" in amuse- Mn. Cragg spoke very iittinghy ed ta he chrus.aCaggtaeSt.oPun's nited hurcb ines, spent thnokn ihhsvlesoldb utypu fGo on MnaDcrbr3 etwsrached in a littie darky and ieelingly ai Mr. Bragg as hoe ________________ J. D. Stevens. these i<een, alert ddoe up ta Wednesday, Jenuary 1. Re-. skit featuning Mns. Alex Colville saw bim at lue tume o visita Misses Jessie and Grace Yellaw- -uvennd. bi juvnils.The Statesman hapes turn limit ta beave destination fat as a "marmy" and Ruth Hutchin- and noad another favourite hynin, lees, Oshawa, visited Mns. J. D. to carry funuier comment upan later than ntidnight Thursday, san as Topsy. Mammy first pro- "lLead Kindly Ligbt." Members ai iss argae teat Trn this important 'navement in sub- Januany 2, 1941. ceeded to bang a most intorosting the I.O.O.F. attended lue service idron 's Garage to, spent the weekend at hoseitsue s. tSh st a. lflen hcadfr atrosshrh evc, odc isovisiting ber dauhter, MOs. W.sCAN fcamne and sing lber little eManyereaties and OF.ried ca. me 2680 King st. Mns. Lamb, KingstonRd East, C A DIAN CLUBTH RON TRIP eickaninny to sleep. When that ayrltvsan fied a- is vsitng hr dughtr, rs. . 1task was dane the two did a littie tended and many messages af -- -- Lycett. (Cntne --ompae4c lag dance wbich certainhy made synupathy were received by the ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ < ontnud tam pag ~Good going Friday, D cember 20, a it with the boys since they a iily. L emlusîve uornan linens wore lue pn o of n. ilZý sol evnafr andth Arenineaing hfome azl Te M n a Dairy '"You boys wllhave it a bit sc~'nyîvnairs c'an mih ign aine s oin o B frzl ii harder tan wo ta keep up the Willho wha went befre ask frqt ther intr.fine traditions ai the forces," ho for those leit fan behind - Class Distinctions Maagmntad Staff sald. In a pointod story Mn. Cot-- thase wborn ho loved Sa well? CUTT &r SMITH T O ton tald ai the gaîlant ca -g Or will the other, new ta Heaven's Associating with these people and nonchalance ai the English repose, questicn of ail its and Furniture Dealers it can be vory easily seon luat1'Ilwihormnoud1 eangWo ntl? lue people of South Amenica who, Our Custemers and Fuiendu bc u o ol have a bard meigVbcnte? VI% an ffod t trvelareexteme goforh te fienUes of job ta match. Ho expnessed ne- One went tbree nionths angna and caiair atrvlaeetem-gaot icflnlet0 gret that there was an empty one hast Monday tcok c ln Bowianvll iy ich, but an the other hand Christmias Greetingu and chair a h ltor hc a one a cosletd. Ph the pon are xtrenely po. They Bs ihs ohv enfle yPdeC h have no middle classaIathough a DtWse.thaebnfledyPdeC.Tis anly do I know - lueh'vo _àè,_a___B--_M___________ R. Spencer who unfcntunately met, and meetinug - irg,I1 --os cam bas started in Brazil. Maatle flu. koaestsld m BAKERS JOURNAL yet, we have no. deprivaions, MEATURES ARTICLE therefore, no necessity at present BY CHA . CA1TERIt cut the quallty of the season's BY C AS. MTERproduction or ta niake any sub- Stitution of any one ingredient. The feature article ln The We may be paying more for Borne Bakers' Journal, monthly public- items but that is not, or should tion of The Canadian Bàking not, be any hindrance to aur re- rdustry, November issue, was salve ta produce only the best; >ntributed by Chas. Carter, sen- the very best we can. r member of The Carter Fani- "It seenis to the writer /that ýy . conditions are becoming more The article deals, mainly, with favorable ta the retail baker and re -Christmas suggestions in- canfectioner and he has observed tructions and recipes for dhrist- a very considerable iniprovement, nas cake, fruit cake andScotch in many places, of the merchan- hort-bread. dise and merchandising methods Conditions generally we r e of the average retail baker. This ouched upon by Mr. Ceter as is pleasing, because it really is dfecting the baking industry. the recognition of the value of 7ere is no note of pessiznism i improvement, and the eventual Le following extract from the practical re-condltioning that is xticle: going ta give the lie ta, those who "ie lin this country have tnuch maintain that the day of the obe thankful for, because, as small retailVbaker Is dQne." We wlsh to extend a wish for A MERRY CHRISTMAS BEST FOR aniTHE OIGY R- te ail our frienda and customers P.R. COWLING, Phm. B. '4 Imm comme mon C Q 0 Il 5 Greeti il G 15) New "30" is 'l- a. week! (Payable montlly) Pick up your Phone and handie your most Important Christmas shopping in a féeý minutes. No bother ta you- we'll deliver this beautiful new streamllned Moover dons up in fancy cellophane wropplngs. Mer Ibrees 1nias,ý aftractlvly dons ln red and gold, right on tlhe Moover D.- self, wiIl "persànalize" your glft. ts a great buy-and a great i. THE HYDRO SHOP and the 77

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