THE CNADIN STAESMA, BOWANVIPAGEOTAFM I SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone cos Miss Olive Ward, University of four are up and around yesterday Western Ontario, London, is home - namely Bert Johnston, R. M. for Christmas. Cotton, Russell Vesna and Joey ,Misses Kay 0' Neill and Diazia Caverly. Whéee1er of Queen's, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McTaggart a re holidaymng with their parents. are celebrating their 55th wed-« Miss Ruth James, O.L.C., Whit- ding anniversary and are spend- by, is wlth her parents for Christ- ing their holidays with their son mas. Barton in Montreal. Miss Evelyn Harnden, Normal -Miss- Mary Squair, Deloraine, .dhoToronto, is spending a few MYan., is visiting her father, Frank '-athome. L. Squair. Miss Squair journeyed1 at Mrio Ricard O.LC.,east with Miss Ida Stephens. 'hitby, is at home for the holi- Miss Mary Jury, McMaster Uni- versity, is spending Christmas days. holidays with Mi. and Mrs. J. H. Gnr. Newton Hackney, R.C.A., Jury. Petawawa, is spending Christmas Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. leave with his wife and parents. Thomas Cartwright who are celc- Miss Eleanor E. Cronk, teacher brating their 25th wedding anni-t at Shaw's school, is spending the Versary to-day.t holidays at her home in Bloom- The Three Musketeers from s field.I Petawawa are home on short t Three students of Macdonald jleave. Veterans Luffman, Mea-& mal, Guelph, are home for Christ-- dows and Fry report interneesÈ ,Misses Dorothy Jones, Nor- feeling well, feeding well, fool- t Scarle and Ruth Cryderman. ishly fraternizing among thcm- irom the O.A.C., Guelph, oyd selves in a babel of tongues yetL Siemnon, Robert MeIlveen andDon shorn of ail their defiance since Mcflven are home for the holi- the Veterans took charge. days. Miss Jean Gilmour, Kingston, f Miss Dorothy Bradt, Wller visited with her aunt and uncle, - Sqcretarial Coilege, Toronto, is Mis. an-d Mr. Hugh Thurlow, holidaying with her parents, M*recen rauaed frs iom hi and Mis. E. P. Bradt. eet grdadfom hh Th fuschool, attained highest ranking Pu Tefuepidemic which is go- in competitive Civil Service ex- a ing the rounds seems to knock its aminations and was immediately vctims out for an average of four drafted into the British diploma- days, this time. From the dozens tic service in the Secretariat at s ini town who have been laid up Portland, Maine. we are pleased to see that at least EvrJekirns nwsr prises for the reporter who per- fe uses The Statesman files prepar- fr ing the "Dim and Distant Past." For the benefit of readers who do not regularly enjoy this feature F G O O D we advise looking at it this week Foley, author of the feature "Sing- L~T~T ~ ers and Their Songs", and of the Cn ELUX ate M. A. James, and the present editor of this paper who werc i very much in municipal affairs in no L4G TSthose days.L THE poral I. H. Collins of Ottawa now Fo at R.C.A.F. Headquarters in Eng- M~ land, who acted as special chauf- M ferto Air Maishal W. A. Bishop, Al. W L> J LL) ..,ur linghvs' ictLappenrs ai C., Courings iit to Lor, ndon. the oodwil ofChrst- the Beeton World along with a of là hegoo w11 f hrit- story from the Ottawa Evening sec ,mao, we diseover the lever Citizen telling how the Air Mar- Co heartening value of frlend- shal in the presence of the 26- Mr al year-old airman's father, Major tab shiji, co-operation, oy llY G., H. H. Collins, praised the thE those 4hat make the daily young man's courage and cour- ma round so worth the living. tesy. M JM Iu our sineere wish that The free show Monday after- 1 weico hamonyat re RlTeatrces.Mi. o hd sis welomeharonymay noon atthe oycTe t re Roed sol -bo truly yours s Christ- the children's feature "The Blue pie ,mas and throughout the Bird" which thriiled the young- f1.l comlng year. sters frorn the country schoOls hal JIm MARR. ago. She gave everyonc a treat ofLo eWellery candy in addition to a full length Wi Mar'sJeemIru oh t i o n picture entertirinment,sa Idar'JJthreby providixig just one more reason why the Royal Theatre and g its manager are "tops" with the sait younger generation in Bowman- tut ____________________ville. . . For the second time within a bcr week Mis. C. T, Ross was honoir- ea Badminton Club ed with a presentation by friends - a. u ,she has pleased witlh the use o a 'New Years Lve her theatre. On Sna feno e two representatives of the United h Rubber Workers Union çalled andpa DANCE ~presented her with a most beauti- tb On ful floor lamp as a token of the lv 3men's appreciation of her gener- MO Tues., Dell. 31, .1940 osity, letting them have use of the Lcr Dancng rom10 pm. nti -? theatre for meetings on several t Dancng fom 1 p.m untl -? 50 PER CENWT 0F THE NET Leading Aircraftsmnan Pet er and PRoCEEDS ARE FOR M»" Brunt of Sheffield, Eng., and Air- att COWANY ANTEEN craftsman James Matthews, Lon- P COMAN CNTEN don, Eng., visited with the Carter ya PUN». family. hese airmen, rccently yec Admision $250 pr cuple fro Enganaare raiing t N ren 51.0 pr cupl fo C..S.. man Rogers Field, Kingston,. They jocn. $1.5 percoupe fo British people conifident, ti men I uniform. buoyant and determlnèd upon ul- Please accept tiiis as your i tin- evctr. nther viatont ated the Hespeler Herald is a Book Re- ic MW view by Miss Mary Jeffery, Lib- hpq rarian, daugiter of Mi. and Mis. ~'I ~ . ¶Saul Jcffery, Toronto. Tis is a W orsnip-ul Lvasteir .Jrusalem service we arc suie is grcatly ap- preciated by patrons of the lib- rary as Miss Jeffery is particular- ly quaified to iandle suci a fea- turc in an interesting, entertain- ing and informative manner. e Enjoying tic Christmas holi- :days from ticir studies at the Uni- eversity of Toronto are these young men and wolmen fromn Bowman- ville: Misses Marion Scott, Audrey Elliott, Kitty Storey, Dorothy Knox, Gertrude Wagar, Selma Bartlettn and Messrs. Edward Nickerson, Eînest Ward, Byron Crawford,' Tom Dustan, Morse Goodman. St. Paul's Church was beauti- fully decorated last Sunday for Christmas services which were observed morning and evening. Spruce wreaths brigitened witi holly and poinsettias added thc beauty of nature fo the service. In the evening Rev. A. R. Cragg, in a sermon set to music, told of the deep and vital meaning of the Christmas festival and read some great hymns expressing tuis theme while, the organ playcd thern as a background. The choir sang two antiems of Yuletide mu- sic. Mr. J. Hancock trendered a tenor solo. Mi. and Mis. Wilfred Addinall, London, are spending the holîdays with Mi. and Mis. Gus Bounsaîl. Fred Depew, one of the leading fishermen of Port Bowmanville, las closed business for tic season and will spend Januaiy and Feb- ruary at Dundas, Ont. Fred re- ports production down but prices up. Fish taken from. the lake here aie "Ciscoes"P and the complete catch was shipped, daily to New York City. There the fish arc smoked and fînd a market among L. W. Dippeil Jewish residents of the city. No Principal of Bowmanville High Bowmanville, at the Ar fish are sold locally save for aI Eew that private householders buy School, who will be instl s tival of St. John the fresi at the lake-front plant. Worshipfuî Master of Jerusalem and installation of ol Lodge, A.F. & A.M., No. 31, G.R.C.,1 Friday, December 27th, Familles Present ________________ Communion Table To 1 Mwaple Grove Churchle M Aunique and impressive ser- By Capt. Elmore Philpott vice was ield on Sunday after- noon at Maple Grove Cluici __________________________ wien the family of tic late Mi. and Mrs. Wmn. Foley - Mis. J. D. YEAR 0F DESTINY - party, and the passing o Stevens, Maple Grove, Rcv. H. W. I cxpect the coming year to ho cntvr oemand f1 Folcy, B.A., B.D., Bowmanviile, tic most fateful of modern times. wnavy, a foel an I Mi. AithR oley, St.Cahares Ail indications are tiat 1941 wiil our task lin Uic Mcdi Kr. ArthMi. Eber Edonxton, write thc beginining of thc last would be made more an( arAlta. (Uicr. twoe Folcy, Cal- clapter of tic cuise cf Naziism; ficult. gary Ala. thetwolatter not or cisc open the most desperate Tiat lis why I perso: Deig able to be present on accoU.nt trial tixat cîvilization lias yct fac- ploie the ridicule and in )f distance), piesented and con- cd. bi epdo h tl crated a beautiful ncw solid oak Tiere is no mystery aboutUibighapdo the Ita ,mmunion table to thec durci, route by whici I arrive at that mead eson wa i icas [r. Fred R. Foley presentcd Uic conclusion. If one examines tic mis ad sch a dismal i ;acl fong dl ftc ie nr oad limes of Uic history of14 to be in it. Tic time im ;learks: n eRchsn e one requires ne mystic gifts to comne in tic war tiat Uic nyar ins: sec wlieîc tic ariow points joi. having got rid of tiose Toy e and o y ternd Tiose arrow points ail converge liverd them tied iand ai manyandBriain Whic esecno tler's advepture, woi ýitrpresent, tislis a vcry on siowdowrtn. as be Ie1 ern oeplth etnf oenoccasion, adyta very hope of tic end of tic wîoîc to expel tti eTcuton fol leasant one, for the memories strugglc in the ycar alicad I sec thn it tmeIil pcoi1 ldin in upon us to-day are ail plenty of evidence to suggest tiat Iain hit cmesI cpct af Lppyn memories. we can pass tic crucial corner. aians fihting ulst a We arc about to partake of tic Tic year now'clostag will goasnyterpoe. ,od's Supper - tic Bread and down ta history as one of the most TIllE IILL TUR Vine - in remembrance of tic fateful of ail time. If we wisi to acrifîce of tic Son of God for realize just how fateful it was aIl Tic one great lesson 1 le sins of tic world. 1900 years we need to do is to look back tic past wccks is tiat go in that uppcî rooni at Jeru- over some old ncwspaper or maga- still tic best defence. O 1cmn tuis sacrament was insti- zinc publisicd just one ycar ago. flot possible to attack uted as a memnorial of .lis un- Tien we realize iow ridiculousiy stronger enemy is about 1 ying love fpr us, as a seal of oui wrong were some of tic ideas an assault. Ail indicat nd of union with Hlma and with tien ield about tic relative Uiat sudh is tic state of g icia otier. strengtl of tic "democracies" on bctween Britain and1 We are gathered- icre to-da to tic one hand and tic dictatoîships now. Hitler certainly ta] irtake again of thxe Holy scra- on tic otier. Not one single coi-tyaantogtame cnt and to pay tribute to one mentator, of wiom I lave icard, tata - even if le las tc rho for quarter of a century pic- accurately prcdictcd Uic extent of on, getting most of therra arcd and supplicd tic Lord's tic Nazi victories in tic present air. He may or may not ib before this altai out of tic year. Even lcss indication was ta mi doing. Tiat lie fail ive and devotion in ici heart. there tiat anyone forcsaw tiat SO last September is na lotier Foley did tuis for lier aftcr tic compîcte knockout of proof Uiat lie will fail neK nid and we honour ici mcmory 'France Britain would emerge re- or tic time aftcr tiat. )-day in prescntmng this com-. latively stronger at Uic end of tic That argument will nol .înion table to be consecrated year than sic was at tic begin- - tled by long range obseiv d set apart froma common uses nmng. myseif, but by tic forcee Uic altar of tuis churci Thc wholc surn and substance spot. i'aherFoly fr agref mnyof tic history of 1940 from Oui I am personaliy far Il ase was a fratiuloficaland point of vicw, is tuis: Tiat bad ceîned oèver thc likeliho, rdtwastewfarin us durciaan and tragic as werc tic defeats or succeseful German inva .crigead in ticSndy sciool d betrayals of Finland, Norway, Britain tian I ami over in th reer ndylcoourandiye Dcnmark, tic Nctierlands, Bel- effect of Uic miss bomi sitl meorand hgift.i ingîum and France ticy wcrc coula- factory production; and Et s oeroria t cr. ic o terbalanced by otier happenings desperate German attcmp It is verfory ear sice o-whicl weîc alsb unforseen, but the supply lines of tic Ni er and Fatier Foley movcd fron wici in tic balance book of tic lantic. .ple Grove and twenty ycars fate of nations wil prove at least Btm us ol ce thcy wcre called to ticir. equaîîy important. That tic Nazis wiil fail îveny lome butthe let a Tiere are many of these, bthtey lave aiieady faîled- heritage and tic influence of thrce will suffice to show my into Britain an invadin eir Godly lives las passed down meaning: capable 'of doing more ù, ticir cildren unto tic third Tic miraculous escape of tic ting itself wipcd out - e L fourti generation. British armies at Dunkirk, wlicn gets tiat far; and that in1 "rom ticir home two young by ail tic rules of waî they siould British armies, including ( en wcnt into tic Christian min- lave been complcteiy annîhilated Canadians, will dcfinitely ry. W. Pascoe Goard, a young as an effective force. thc offensive. >nisi immigrant, spent lais first The astounding way in which It is no secret tlat th ar in Canada with lais cousin, tic people of Brîtain sprang to many spots on thec(c Ery Goard Foley, and during arms betwcen June 15 and Sep- where British armies cou t time, was rcceived as a pro- tember 15, and administered to witlout muci trouble. N tinci in tus cdurci. He be- Hitler thc first decisive defeat lie tlcy could get vcry far afi mc an ionorcd minister, a flot- las yet sustained, in thc first landcd is anotier matter. & reetings May Happluesu be wlth You and Youru at Chriutmau and Throughcut the New Year. p - part Phone 419' We Call For and Dellver bte r all. year -t is Sb SEASON'S GMEETINGS DEST WISHES TO AIL May happineuu be with you and yours at ail Urnes. -~The Evlyn Shop Plones59d bbs. CUfford Caverli' EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Friday 7 p.m.: JUNIOR CITURCH Friday, S p.m.: EVANGEIJ8TIC Sunday 11I a.m. a 7.30 p.m. "A Good Resoiu« Everybody Welcome Holy Sacrament. or Albania may be tic prelimin- broke out. Others long ev. H. W. Foley, B.A., B.D., ary to somcthing of tremendous passed tic point wieîc an âchcd a vcry appropriate ser- importance - that is if tic cffect tiat ticoretical training coi ifor boti Communion and cxtends to Italy proper and en- for ticm lad donc. Like istmas Sundsy, and after- ables us to get a vantage point oughbrcd hbuses, callcd bac ds assistcd Pastor Smith, wlo froni which we can clouer draw cause of faise staît after uctcd tic service, ln tic. ad- tiechciins wiicl wlll finaily trap start in a race, tlcy sooner 1 tration of thc sacrament of tic Nazis. But it Is too soon yct cm begin to show signs of fi- Ldrd's Supper. Tic choir sang to know tiat will be tic certain tion. Ticy want te act - to elcctlon and Miss Margaret result. Tic visible tottering of thc not walt, wsit, wait and 'art a solo -whlch centributed Fsscist regime in Italy may weil civillans bcing bombed. à to the value of thc service mean a purge staged b Y Uic more That is truc of our best tro wss appreclsted by all. extreme elements ln the Faschut England; it is also truc of ' numbers of tice toops sili L oage Canada. In my opinion it would have been far better to have sent tiese troeps to Africa, via tic safe but slow Pacific, to let them help knock Italians out of Africa, than to let thcm dry-rot in Canada. I watched troops dry-rot in Eng- land in thc last war in one sun- mer of 1915. It is a wondcr te me that tic procss in this war as not gone furtier than it las. But 1941 will end aIl that, I hope. And as one of one wisest friends says: Do not foget that tic Germans will iikciy suffer tic sanie fate as hai befallen armies of occupation times without nuni- ber. Thy progrssively lose thicr wilingness to figt. Ebenezer Ebenezer Maple Grove Broter- hood held tîir meeting at Eben-- ezer with thc new President Ccii Robinson in charge. opend with a sing song, with Walter Runde as leader and Leslie Coliacutt at tic piano. Minutes were read by the new secrctary, Ait Found. These numbers were presented - Musical trio, Alan Trevail, John Walters and Fred Adams; comic songs, Geo. Jonston; vocal duet, Louise Pearce and Eilen Pickell; rading, Ms. Ross Pearce; Piano solo, Master Jack Bickl. Gust speaker, Re. Clifford Parks, Whitby, spoke on Rudyard Kip- ling, also dramatizing some of lis outstanding numbers. An invita- tion was acceptd o attend a meeting sponsord by thc Cham- ber of Commerce, Oshawa, Jan- uary 19th, whn tic speaker wil be Sir. Grsd Campbell, Higi Comnissioner from Great Britain to Canada. Meeting losd witi inual Fes- refresiments being srved by Uic menu committec. Evange1ist Scliool concert at No. 4 was leld ficers on on Fiday vening with Walter at 8 p.m Rundlc aby acting as chairman and with a well fillcd hbuse 0f -spectatois. Short speeches were Zion Messrs. Elwood and Douglas 1Shackleton, Bowmanville, at Mi. 1J. W. Ba]sons. iMi. John Stainton is home from 1Militaiy Training at Peterboro. Mr. A. T. Stainton is in bd 1 with a bad cold. Mrs. W. Glaspel, Mrs. T. C Glaspeil have been ill with thc fEu. Mi. Wm. Vivian has been very ill. Miss Mary Cameron, Oshawa, Miss Florence Lander, Toronto, at Mr. Wes. Cameron's. Mrs. Ray Scott visitcd oui Sun- day School on Sunday and gave a Christmas story whch' was much enjoyed. Christmas tree and concert put on by the. children at. thec chuich Thursday night was especiaily good. Santa came and ail the littie folks went home happy. Congratulations to Mi. and Mis. BernarçI McEwan, Oshawa, (Mary Camneron) on their mairiage Sat- urday evening. Ms. Chas. Ferguson, Thornton's Corners, at Mr. J. W. Balsons. M2à. J. W. Balson visited his brother, Mi. A. J. Balson who continues veryii Miss Emma ùilen, Mr. Harvey Balson, Oshawa, at Mi. J. W. Balson's. Mr. Wm. Clarke has left F. B. Glaspel's and gone to Oshawa. ONE DRIVE FOR CHARITY PURPOSES A lively subjcct in town these days is whether or flot the scheme introduced by a notice of motion n council, to co-ordinate the cf- fort of war and other chaiies is ceasible. Dcputy Reeve Morris has delayeci taking any action on it pendîng an announcement from, Ottawa of Uic appointmcnt of a war services advîsory board to deal with thc problcmn of national ppeals by war work organiza- ions. The announcement was nade by Dr. E. W. Stapleford, Liiector of national voluntary ser- vices at Ottawa. "It will bc their responsibility"' licsaid, "to ex- amine thc!budgets of the next proposed campaign of cd organ- ization to look. into their work to preyent overlapping." Summer Remident In Minor Accident In Sunny South His many fricnds in Bowman- ville wiil be sorry to leain froni the following dlipping fîom Uic Bradenton (Florida) Herald that Ur. Herbert Layman, who witi Irs. Layman spent thc summer In Bowmnanville, met with a seri- )us accident: Hcrbert Layman, octogenarian ipartment house owner on if- ;enth. street, narowly escaped lath or scrious injury in a pecu- iar accident in thc yard at lis ime yestcrday. He was watching E. S. Doster id his brother Albert Layman emove a six-inch diameter 11mb rom a mulbcrry trec near thc 'urtcenth street end of his lot, ihen the limb lIn fallingtrc im a glancing blo nte right ie of his head, and knocked lin- illy ten feet, unconscious, face own in the middlc of Fourteenth 'ceet. Taken in an ambulance to tic Jverside hospital, he was x-rayed d it was found is injuries were t scrious, thougi le remained axcewhat dazed Uic remainder of ie day. His face was consider- àly scratched, as was his right ro-day he was rcsting wcll and )parently on thc road to a rapid =overy. COMENG EVENT Womn's Institute will meet at rs. Fred Bakcr's, Scugog Street, 1Thursday, December 26th, at 30 p.M. 52-f . I. f tic real the Italian key ports azi control Jterranean ilcss dif- )nally de- isults now [ans. Tic [ans have owing in not want aigit well ,Italians, Swio de- id foot. to îld figit i Italy. I )me. And :0, sec tic *s bravcly N taugit in attadk is ften it is whcn a ta launci ions arc iffairs as Germany ntends to into Bri- ;o depcnd there by9 tsucceed cd ta do not final rt time - )t be set- vers, like ýon tice lss con- )od of a f asion of f tic netj nings on 1 f tic Pt to eutV rrti At- d be ths: at igaîn as r - to get d 'g fo rde v han get- r, ren if it & 1941 tic our ownp assumep ie are !otinentE ld land Whctier Icir they In tic German cupation lary in- v the war t ce time iM1 British in~ ig back lo1 efeatcd les. al~ i ai re fr F( w hi si( fu de sti Ri an no thn ab ari ap rec on 2.3 wly wc ime the gîcater dlosing lit and )y guns cey arc by lu- 5higi- rusting ghting ir mou- y.No iuci in adians n were go into ?r war 1since iything ild do Sthon- k be- rfalse ori lat- 'ustra- figit, watch Dops In tlarge GREETINGS VETERANS' GUARD To Coi. Loine T. McLaugllin. G.M.C., D.S.O., and to Capt. Joe O'Neill, M.C., as senior officers, 32nd Regiment, Vcteran's Guard, Reserve Force of Canada; and to all N.C.O.'s and mcn of No. 4 Pia- toon of tic Regiment, who lave so assiduously c om bi n ed to achieve splendid cfficicncy in thc local unit: "Tianks and warmest seasonal grcetings," froni, Lieut. A. L. Baker, O.C. No. 4 Platoon, 32nd Inf. Res. Coy. -R -ro.m. BATS THE TOWN SHOP DRESSES ] - - To OurFriend s and Customers: May Christmas bring ycu Jcy and mayý each day of thc ncw rear add Oc your loy. Johnston's Book Store Phone 651 Bowmanville-J k. - - I A UD&N»M ýnr4ww4m ,ni E TEIIMDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1940 It's Neyer Too .Late, TO CIVE The Canadian Statesman A gift subseniption to The Canadiau Statesman ho reaily a gi that keeps on glving. The lueky receiver wilibc kept pouted on ail the home town news, very week of the year. BEon- omical, oo! 13 HE IN TH-E ARMY? Nothing would bc more appropriate tia a year'u gift subscripto, o .The.Statemman. 10 hlaiut 1Me a letter from. home and la even botter au 10 con- tainsall the local happening. USE TRis COUPON The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile, Ontaio. Picase send Tic Statesman, for one yeai TO ----------_-----_-- Address --------- City ---------- ---- --Province ~ Scnder's Name Address ------- City ------------- -- - -Province ---- Special Gift Card will bo ment wli ail gift subscriptons. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO .DA nv .. il 1Id Phone 651 lý i