XBE 28, 1940 leSAJO MNILE NAT W' PAG E SEVEN(1 Loek-- Ho* arkes a. out were en a. teeth back, * eg by idhog r4z2 HaPPY New Yearl SANTA PREsINr AT Mrs. James Powers lif.11 COMMUNITY TRE Miss Lois Wood vlitcd at home. ON SATURDAN Mise Marlon Cooper was home. Gardon Bruton la home. Chldren and their parents iranî the viinity canvened il the towi Elvih Blewett la oni the slck hall Saturday afternoon for tii it. annual Christmas tree. A pro- Christmas concerts have been gramn was given under chairman. th age this wek. ship ai Mr. J. J. Melor, as iollows: Carol singing by ail, wlth Mns andMi. Hay, Toranto, R. H. Brown at the piano; song hore. by six littie girls af No. 9 Schooi; ~*fl Mary Sisson la back on exercise by 8 littie junior roorn duty again et Whitby hospital. pupils ai Orono public achool- S Miss'Margaret Boy, Guelph, la recitation by Dormie McLaren o: home.Orono; humorous dialogue by two horlie.boys ai Clarke Union ichoal; re' Mr. and Mrs. H. Lycett are visit- citation by Helen' Clarke, Oranc lpg-in Orono. senior raom; .and vocal duet by ,John and Bob Keane, Toronto, Donna West and Greta Mercer ai wcrc home. Orono senior room. .Chas, -Walker ha. been i the At this point Mr. Neil F. Porter haspital.' taak chargeaif the pragram whlcli ~~s àrcreSisn Wibcontinued as iollowî: Community hoe. singing ai carols by all, and voca] Murlel M~orton, Wh'tby triç by thre, Starkvillc pupils, , iy, u naccampanied. Mr. Porter here.'thanked ail for their ca-operation bus. . XJ. Hamm visited Bea- on behalf ai thi, Chamber of Comi- trice ln.\ Hanilton. merce, and while walting for .Mns. Sanderson and son are Santa'a verse or two ai twa mare vlsltlng Mr. R. Fuller. carols, also "Jingle Belis", and Glad ta se. Mns. Duncan able "Merry Christmas ta You"? were ta b. araund again. sung. Santa Claus then arrived .0.0.7., met last week when anid distributed gits, oranges and anc Initiation was carried tiirough. candy bags ta all the chiîdren who Dr. and lins. Leslie visited W. heartily welcomed him, assisted J. RIdd.il. bY the. Onano Boy Scouts. Un. . Evans ha. returned home. 'Mr. and Mr.. H. Seymnour, To. ronto, visltcd here.- Christmas Concert S Mina Mary Baldwin attended a At Aotilu SchooI party at Mr.. Hooper's, Bovurman.. -ville.1 Antlach School1 1pnder direction S Mr. 0- W. Sctt las Pending ai Miss Smith teacher, put on a diirstmas.at Mr. W. K. Sloane's, very enjayabfe Christmas and Peterboro. patriotic prograni on Thursday Wm. Cornish celebrates hi. mn the ichool which was beauti- birthday next Tuesfday (New iully decorated for the occasion. Year's Eve). Mr. R. E. O. Coathani pnesided. Teachers and Pupils ai the. Keith Wood gave a recitatian Schools are at their homes enjoy. and the schoal sang two carols; Ing 17 day. af rest. m an exercise, a kind ai dialogue, 1 d. Manning, Part Hope, made entitled "The Land ai the Heart's a trip ta Orono for the dance held Desire," was given by several ai by the O.C.S. YridaY evening. the. boy's; a dance. was put on by lin. George Weston, a former te boys ta the. tune ai "Darling Ibranolte, was buried in Orond Nellie Gray" on piano, mouth- Prlday. argan and vocal was enjayed; a recitation was given by Jean LeRoy Brown, Guelph, md Harnes; Victor 'Warener gave a Olive Brown, Kingston, are visit- monogu a hch edoss lng ere.giits for the iamlly (?) and shows Jack Cabbledick, Taranto, and uis unsefilshness; two patriotic EnldCobledckWhiby, visited choruses were given by the ichool- here. and a recitation by Howard Misses Tuelma Myles and Grace Wood. Warren, Whitby, werei her, for Dressed as aviators with planes the bilg dance. which they had miade tueniselves i Miss Witheridge, Toronto, ac- the, boys sang "The Air Force £V.-panled her iriend Miss Adele Sang" and We'll Neyer Let the a on home frani Toronto. Old Flag Fafl," and foilowed'by Mr'. and lirs. Ivison Tambiyn, a flag drill. A short skit "Fathen's Oshawa, were amang many who Convention" was given, ini which attended tue O.C.S. brilliant sac- fathers expound on the training 'Ial event Friday evening. ai children and which ends In an %Y W.C.H Mitchell ias brought argument -as to---wiiich han the byambulance ths week brightest chlldren. r belng i tue hospital fol- Seven b~oys showedl how ta play lowii)e,,an accident.. variaus instrumecnts in an or- chestra vocafly, which was fol- &uts met Thursday evenlng lowed by an exercise "'The Five wilhf'Nbout 20 present. Following Senses." Tuen came tue cleverly th3e meeting gaines and a Christ- presented dialogue, "Bargain Day mas Troc witu presents for ail at tue Photagrapiiers" witu Dck were cnjayed. Wood, phatographer, who had Oronaltes were sorry ta hear of advised law pnices. Much.humor the deatu ai Dr. Margaret Ad- was pravlded by tue variaus ones dison. Her fatiier, at one time who acted the. part ai clients, preached here and she herseif especially tue *iat lady who want- was guest speaker at tue W.M.S. ed ta be taken ta look tit, the a ieW mantus mga. lady who wanted ta pose just sa Thc funeral ai Robert Foster and lef t it until ah. could strike toakplace Thursday froin Park a suitable one, and tue iamily oi St. C-urch. Ail three children six who wanted ta be "toak' ta- were present wrthticr familles. gether. Thiis was iollowed by tue Bey. S. Littlewood offilciated. singing ai "Santa Sang" by thei. Bearers were: Mesrs. Flnney, B. school, followed by "Jingle Bell."l Waddell, J., Richards, J. Arm- and tue National Antuem. Tien strong, J. Eagleson and W. Bar- jovial Santa Claus arrived, read rett. letters, distributed gitsand de- parted for northenspoints. eo gninUe aobserver cmn 'de- cide atherwise than that the homes ai a nation are the bul- warks af persanal and national safety.-Holland. ENTERTAI NER Soeurs RALPH GORDON, tihe wonderfuly versatile e nte r- tainer, for your next entertain- ment, Dustrated circUlai' free. . Audrm u 638b Crawford Street, Toronto Clarke Union i <Intended for last week) Home and School Club met Dec. l3th. President Buhlock was ta the chair. NAter openimg exercises thi Clark. Union Orchestra gave a selèction. Bey. S. Littlewood was guest speaker, his subject being Christmas. This was tue first appeanance ai Clarke Union orchestra and we must cangratu- late thein. Aiter a gaod pnogram was given ta charge oa i n. Colin Smith Jr., the. meeting closed witi God Save tue King, and refnesh- ments. Visitons: Mr. and Mn.. H. J. Souch vislted her mother, linfs. John Rickmby in Toronto. . . Miss MXamie Archer ai Bowmanville %wlth Miss Elleen Souci. . . Mn.' nd lins. Onm Fafls and son, Ken- dm1, at lir. Gardon Powers'... Mn. mnd Mns. Harry Bailey, Gwen Pnd Muriel Tennant, Oromo, at H. J. Souch's.. . Mr. and Mns. Bd. Graham at, Orono. Mrn.md lins. Sandy Watson en- tertmincd a number ai friends ta dinner Saturday evening. Roadi are icy in tuls section. We trust the sand man wlll soan b. alang. GCo Light Savos sight CAINADIAN ENERAL ELECTRUCu$l rn ie ig e 'MW B*own's DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The. Orono News of Decomber 27L,1917 Letter to Jas. Richards Dear Jim. ad all: Just a iew lines ta let you know Casey and I are well, and trust you are ail enjoying the best ai hemith. Cmsey is here ta the af- fic, kecptag me company and misa writing letters. Casey was pre- sented with uis medal asnd it la very nice. Wdll, by tuis tinie Cal wlll b. home - lucky boy - home for Christmas goase. I gucis Ca- sey and I wiil est ours inta ts country on mmybe France 11 don't think." I suppose it la "'Watch Onono Grow" as usual. Tic Can- adians are stif ta tuetuickaf it. We are now known as the "mo- bile corps", tuat is, w. do no hold- ing tue ltac on cansidating, we do tue figiiting. We are doing what Fritz doeî - he puts the. Prussian 1atd Bavarian guard. ta doIi. figting - sa tue Cana- dians have centainly madc a name for tuemselves. If tuere is a push on in Flander, weil, it is the Cana- dians fan it - and when they have gained thein objectives tiey an, relieved and go same place ad' do lilcewise. Kindest regarda, Alf. Lee and Casey. The undermentiancd presenta- tian wms made an Nov. 17, 1017, at Brmmshatt, by Lieut. Gen. Sir R. M. W. Tunnenm, V.C., D.S.O., Genenal Officer cammanding Ca- nadians: To 193455 L. Cpi. Myles, C.A., 42nd Bm. R.H.C.. military medal and bar. On Apnil 1, 1917, during a successful daylight raidi this N.C.O. led uis party with marked coolness and skill 100 yards along enemy's front line, bambing enemy dugouts witu Stokes and No. 5 Mills and estab- lishing and maintaining a block ta caver withdrmwal ai anotherc party inom enemy's second lime.i He was granted a militmry medal1 fon outstanding brmvery dlsplay- ed in a previaus mnd equally suc- ceisful raid on Feb. 13, 1917. PUBLIC SCHOOL XMAS CONCERT IS HAPPY EVENT Orona Public School held a 1pnagrmm before they clased for Ltue halidmys. Tic Junior raom pravlded tuis pragrani: recita- fLatns, Kay Gmmsby, Shirley Flint- off, Mauneen McKenna, Grade I in unisan, Chanlie Armstrong, Bctty Winter, Shirley Hobbs, K. Mecenne; playet ta music "Turc. Little Pigs," ieaturing John For- .rester, Boy West, Don Mencer and K. Gamsby wltu 15 taking part; "Christmas Prayers" ch o rus, Grades I and Il; motion sang "Away In tue Manger," Grade 1 girls; dalls drill, Grade III; duet, Jean Maifmtt and Lamna Clark., "Santa Claus is caming ta Town;" piano solo, Gwen Piasey; "Day. ai Week," Grades III and IV. Tiey listened ta Senior rooni pupila for 15 minutes and tien returned ta tueir own noorna wher, Santa Claus handed out presents, candy canes and Christ- mas candy. While they were in tue Senior. noani the seniors put on tuis pro- grami: duet, Greta Mercer mnd Donna West; chorus, Sr. noorn; sang by girls; Citizenship, boys; necitations by Helen Clark. and Enid Middleton. After the. Juniors had icit for their own room the Seniors put on the. fahlowing pnognam: Vocal duets. by Dmwn Moffatt and Greta Mercer, and b r Helen Clark. and L. Hobbs; nec tatians by Chnissie Jordan, Thelma Jordan, Mildred Richards and Bill Moiiatt; an ex- ercise by eigit girls, enttled "Christmas Questions", and an exercid. by four girls cntitled "Silver Stars." Santa Claus, assisted by Thos. Lewis, made a visit ta ti noomn iollowing tue visit ta tue Junior and misa dlstributed gifts, candy, etc., here ta tue pupils. Thus the ichoal cidren began thlir holiday. in happy maoad wlth a truc Christmas spirit. .4 0.C.S. DANCE US SOCIAL EVENT OF THF. BlASON Tue annual, Christmas O.C.S. dance wan held in tiie Orono town hall Friday evening and proved ta b. ane ai thc most brillant ai the. season's social events. About 150 danced ta tue music provlded by Galloways' orchestra ai Oshawa. Neyer have the décorations been more attractive and beauti- fui. Belis were used on the walis and windows; bell. and streamers hung frornitue gallery; red and green were used on tic posts- twa lîgited Christmas trees staad anc each aide af tih. iront ai tii. plat- farn which was decarated wlth bell., streamers, ad paintings, In- cluding one aifganta and uis rein- deer and whici was ilanked by two "O0.C.S."1 done wlth roping. The lights were covered with a dark hood froni which red and green dangles fell, and from the very centre ai tihe hall was sus- pended a huge red lbell bedecked with colored lights and froni which streamers issued ta the. walls. Araund 11.30 a deliciaus lunch was served by tie pupils, cansist- ing ai sandwiches, cake and caf- fé.. This event la always a deight- ful mii air and thîs year was no exception. The next ycar s is now eagerly looked forward ta. Peo- ple were present frani Toronto, Bawmanvillc, Part Hope, Oshawa, Guelph and Whitby, as well as irrn Orono and vicinity. Obituary John A. Stutt, esteemed and ne spected pioneer ai Fairmede dis. trict, died at the Moaîomln hos. pital on Molidmy, December 2nd followtag injuries received ta m fall down the. itairs ita us homt Saturdmy, Nov. 30th.. Mn. Stutt was borts in Clarke township, Durhamm county, On. tario, May 4, 1856. Wien a young tman h. engaged i farming hr Bruce County, Ont., and ini 1883 went west and established op tue hamcstad ta Fairmede district, souti ai Wapefla, wicre uis home has been stace. Durtag tue early ycars h. toal an active part in tue dcvelopment ai tue district and was anc ai the first ta pramote and asîlat in the organlzation ai tue Fairmede Ag- nicultunal Society. Hie was a mem- ber ai tuefirst board ai directors. An autstanding stockman, keenly taterested in Shontuon cattie, he was among tue first ta brtag tc tue west and ta advrocate and en- courage the brceding ai tuat type af stock. A mans of excellent habits, fine moral character, and a cieery disposition, he was icld in high esteeni by ail in tue cammunity H. was pndeceasd by uis wifeé tan 1927. He is sunvived by turce sans and two daughters: J. H. Stutt, Winnipeg; B. L. Stutt ontheii staff ai the, Saskatchewan Co-openative Wheat Producens, Ltd., Regina; W. G. Stutt at home; lins. E. C. Malin, Fertile, Sask.; and Mn. Boy Billett af Rosetown, Sask. Four bnothns, William in Orono, Ontario, George ai Vandura, Ar- chie ai Moosomin, Wellington ai Hudson, Ont., and twa sistens, Mrs. Agnes Lewis ai Vanduna, Sask., and lins. R. L. St. Louis, Vancou- ver, B.C., are also left ta moun. Interment was made in tue Emriswood Cemetcry an Dec. 4tu, witu Bey. John Potruif, pastar ai the United Churcii, Gladston, Manitoba, a friend ai tue famly, officiatlng at the. funral service. Atterdding the. funeral- was J. G. Robertson, livestock comissianer ai Regina. The honorary pafl- bearens were A. Ciandennen, W. Boyd, Jas. Maywood, Malcolmi McDonald, J. J. Clements and Farquar McBae. The active pall- bearers wenc Alex Burke, D. R. Clements, J. B. McVicar, J. J. Hodgins, Jas. Kidd, W. E. Hous- ton. The many floral tributes testiicd ta the estc.m in wiiich deceased was held by uis' noigi- bours. A Dartiord, Kent, store exhibit- c d part ai a dawned German iighter, with tuis rhyme along side it: The Hun armada came and went, And same ai it remained in d'Kent". Thanks ta the HIurricane fighter's hits, Some Messerschmitts came down i"bits". The bomber crew ai four bailed out when their plané was shat down; ýthey were arrestcd and taken ta the police station. Wiien questioned byr the Sergeant, three were quit. subdued, but the fourth ".spat" in the Sergeant's face. "H. did not regain consciousness"l for many houri aiter. DBOIS YOUR ROSE F111 UP SPOIL SIEEP? If pMoulnase fill pose Vlks va-tro-nol up e-c-h notril. Va-tra-nal doesa Important thinge for pou: (1) abrinku awOuen Mmss brane; (2) soothes Irritation; (8) belps flush outnal asecluzm c= mucus rUevngtranse 00 o. Xtbringa more comiort, MUaM breatbin essler, invitessloop. Threat.na une va-tra-nol at firet >C m'or maum. vi<kSflu M = VMSPuOLa N EW (Intended ion last week) Brown's Home and School As- sociation met Dec. 10th and de- cided ta hold a dance in January. Wylma Farrow, Miss Cain, Alleen Turner, 'Bil Morley,r Sid Brown are the comnrlttee in charge ai the dance. Sidney Brown had charge ai tuis pragram: Reading8 by Wylma Farrow, Henrry Relch- rath and Miss Cain, and a piano sala by Mn.. Archie Brown. Lake Shore Club la invited ta aur Febi- ruary meeting. Visitons: Miss Wylma Farrow at Miss P. McNeil's, Oshawa... Mn. H. Rcichrath in Tornto .... Mn.. R. Bnanch, Mr. and Mn.. C. Turner and Sam, Mn. M. Graham and Mr, Frel Couch in Toronto. ..Mn. and lins. A. Hunter and May at Mr. W. Farrow's. .ý . Mr. Ion. Periln, Oshawa, at Mn.,Wel- lington Farrow's. Bed Cross Comn-îttee had a dis- play at the, B.d Cross tea ai the. difienent articles they iad made, suci as sweaters, skirts, mitts, sacks, etc. Tue Committe, also had a display ai articles ta be sold froni whlch the. Committe mde about $23.00. Tue Committee sent a donation af $6.00 ta the Wmr Victims Fund. NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL Grade IX-Jean Gray 75, Mary Gibson 67, Jean Robinson 66, Marilyn Enwright 63, Glenn Aluin 60, Margaret Asu 56, Olive Brown 55, Ted HoIar 54, Nanman Dent 51, Patricia Fenton 32. Grade X-Fanncomb LeGnesley 77, Eileen Farrow 76, LesiI Gib- son 73, June Allit 71, James Pat- terson 64, Stanley Jonathan 63. tu me eetin witn apsradlie DXI-La1,urelMorton 83 ***~~~fl5 ~ .L ~ 71,unHze Poell'0, Doiris 'eiwll 70, Hazert Powell 62, Disalnay N70, Robent AlITaD62, Willlor Tay W. A. OFFICERS' Grade XII-Betty Enwright 68, Murice Pedwell 63, Jean Bona- Bey. R. E. Morton pnesided for than 58. 3- tue election ai tues. Woman's As- Staff: H. M. lical,' 3- sociation officers, on Dec. l2th: H. M. Smith. , Pnes.-Mns. J. H. Jase; lst Vice * Pres.-Mrs. H. M. Allin; 2nd Vice * Pres.-Mrs. C. R. Carvetu; Sec'y. -ins. Harold Toms; Treas.-Mns. NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL :e C. A. Cowan; Con. Sec'y.-Mrs. CHRISTMAS REPORT -_ W. H. Caok,; Pianist-Mrs. C. A. 9Cowan; Temnp. Comm.-Mns. N. L. Senior Room nRickard, lins. R. E. Morton; Flow- Grade 8 - In tue subjects ai ý3 er Comm.-Mrs. J. A. Butler, Mns. Gnaup 1: eW. H. Cooke; Kitchen Comm- A Standing-Doneen Enwright, lins. W. H: Cooke, Mns. H. M. Ai- Yvonne Aldread, Ted Pybus, Bet- lin, Mrs. J. H. Joie, Mn.. W. J.S ty VanDusen, Sammy Brereton, - Rickard, lins. J. M. Cobbledick; Yvonine Megît, Ruth Bonathan, Pansonage Camm.-Mesdames W. Francis Jase. kJ. S. Bickard, H. M. Allita, J. A. B Standing-Mary Purdy, June 1Butler, W. H. Coake, J. W. Glen- Gry eney, J. H. Jase; Viqiting Comm.- Cna dn-aqein.mt,9 Mr. rd ouhras.Hrod'l Tracy Embly, Eileen Aldread. lin. ~D Standg -H anrald Smith, Harold Rogerson. Grade 8 - In the subjects ai * y. P. V. OFFICERS Group 2: D on eps nowt A Standing-Smry Brereton, Youn Peple' Unon, ithRuth Bonatuan, FrancisJas. Bey. B. E. Morton in charge, elect- B Standing - Yvonne M e g i t, ed tues. officers ion 1941: Pr..- Mary Purdy, June Gray, Doreen1 Marjanie Lycctt; Sec'y.-Boss Ai- Enwright, Betty VanDusen, Yvon-1 lin; Treas.-Bill Aluin; ,ChristianneAdaTrcEml Feflowship Canvene-Bf ow C Standing-Jacqueline~ Smith, Uand; Assts.-Jack Holms, Betty Ted Pybus, Hqarold Smith. Allia; Mssionary Canvener-Ed- D Standing z- Elleen Aldrcad, J wmn Hapicock; Ass'ts.-Mrs. John Harold Rogenaon. Scott, lins. Jack Hommes; Chris- Gae.7-Sbet fGop1 tian Citizensip Can'vr.-Patricia Grd'7-ubetairup1 Pearéce; Ass'ts.-Louise Hancock, A Standing-none. Alex Hendry; Chistian Culture B Standing-BaIour LeGresley,t MEN ON ACTIVE SERVICE FROM NEWCASTLE DISTRICT E Following la a lit aofien froni Newcastle and vicinity, in- cluding Lackhart's, Bnown's and Newtonville, who are now in variaus active units ai the Canadian Army: Gnr. P. V. Garrod, R.C.A. Training Centre, Petawawa Military Camp, Petawawa, Ont. Pt,. W. J. Hockin, H. Q. Co'y., Midland Begt. lst Bat., Lindsay. a Pte. Harold O. Hockta, No. 3 Pravoat Co'y., D.D.C.M.D., Fart q Frontenac, Kingston. .t Gnr. Allin Bowe, R.CA. Training Centrek B. Battery, P.M.C., s Petawawa, Ont.9 Pte. Noel S. Middleton, Artillery Park Barracks, Kingston.n Gnr. StaprIey Couci, R.C.A.T.C., C Recruit Battery, P.M.C., 'P Petawawa, Ont. Pte. Lloyd K. Aldread, lst Midland Regt., D. Co'y., Bowmanville. Gnr. Howard Bowe, R.C.A.T.C., B. Batteny, P.M.C., Petawawa. Gnr. John Cott.r, J.E., B.C.A.T.C., B. Battcry, P.M.C., Petawawa. Pte. W. H. Hoskin, Midland Regt, Port Hope. Robt. F. Duck, R.C.A.F., 487 Laurier Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Pte. Harvey Blake, D. Co'y., Mldland Begt., Bawmianville. K. H. Stephenson, B.C.A.F., Squadron 3, Fligut 7, Manning Pool, Toronto. L.A.C. B. G. Hendenson, R.C.A.F., Cmn. Bas, P. O., Ottawa, Ont. Signailer Gardon Laking, R.C.A.T.C., A. Bmtteny, P.M.C., Petawawm. Signaler Milton G. Brown, R.C.A.T.C., A. Battery, P.M.C., Petawawa Gnn. Alfred R. Gray, B. Battery, B.C.A.T.C., P.M.C., Petawawa. Pte. Leonard Lawlon, No. 3 Co'y., No. 2C (I) T.C., Camp Bonden, Ont. Pte. Paul Mlligan, No. 4 Co>y., H. P. E. Rcgt., Camp Bonden. Lance Corp. Alan Spencer, D. Ca'y., Midland B.gt., Bawmanville. Pte. Wm. Button, 17 Lloyd St., Oshawa, Ont. Signalier C. M. Clough, A. Battery, R.C.A. Training Centre, Petawawa. Pte. R. Ainley Butler, Hastings & Prince Edwmrd Regt., No. 7 Co'y., Camp Barden. Archi, R. Martin, No. 2 Wireless School, Calgary, Alta. R.C.A.F. Corp. Albert S. Naylor, lst Midland Regt., Bowmanvill,. Corp. Sam Cowan, R.C.A.F., No. 1 Wireless Sciool, Queen Mary Boad, Montreal, Quebec. Pte. Gea. Memdows, VeteransW Guard ai Canada, Petawawm Intern- ment Camp, Petawawm. Pte. C. Robinson, Royal Beginient af Canada, Camp Borden. Pte. Alfrcd D. Aldread, D. Cd'y., lit Midlmnd Regt., Bowmanvill,. Signalman Charles E. Flood, Signal Section B.C.C.S., 4th Canadian Infmntry Brigade, Basc Paît Office, Canada. (Ovenseas) Pte. A. E. Haines, D. Co'y., The Royal Regt. ai Canada, Z Fonce, Base Post Office, Canada. Iceland) Lt. Alex De Maio, Royal Can. Ondnance Conp., No. i Army Field Wonk Shop, Canadian Records Office, Govt. Building, Bnom- yard Ave., London, England. Pte. L. S. Young, H. Cý. Co'y., Royal Can. Regt., Base Post Office, Can. Cmpt. Hamilton MacLean, Hotel Saint Louis, 33 Rau St. Louis, Quebec, Que. Bruce Cowan, 311 St. James St., Winnipeg, Man. Cpj. Alfred Smith, No. 1 Gen. Holding Unit, Can. Base P. O., England Pte. C. Y. Ross, Veterans' Guard ai Canada, Petmwawa Internment Camp, Petawawa. Corpi. C. J. Middleton, D. Co'y., A. & S. H. ai Canada, Niagara-on- the-Lake, Ont. Spr. C. J. Wallace, R.C.E. No. 1 General Holding Unit, Pnovost A. Wing, Base Post Office, England. Guninen. George Milton, 411 10 2nd. Bmttery, R.C.A. The Barnacks, Guelph, Ont. Drunmcnr A. Wm. McGuire, St4nley Barnacks, Toronto. Gnr. J. Gardon licGuire, 24th Anti Tank Bty., 4th Regiment, Mllitany Camp, Petawawa. Pte. Harny Gusul, D. Co'y., Mldland Regiment, Bowmanville. LICPl. Lynn 'lcQueen Dudley, Toronto Scattisi, <MG.), Base. Paît Office, Canada. (Ovenseas>. Pte. Jas. Keecii, 48th Hlighlanders, Bas, P. O., Canada. <Ovenseas) NÈws j' ~ I The Newcastle 'nep*emde nt I Phone Clarke 1114 CARD OP TRANKS Con'vr - Miss Helen M. SMt Ass'ts.-Reta Gardon, Ph y 1h The bos who were home on Langnian; Planist -M ar ga re t leave from Petawawa Camp, R.C. Pearce; Asst.-Kathleen T o m s H.A., week -ending December Oth Press Reporter - Grace Powell; ta 9th, desired me ta thank ail Recreation Comm.-Garnet Bick- the people af Newcastle and vicin- ard, Stan. Allin, Evelyn Ailin, lty for the rnany gits and tokens, Ernie Gilbank; Auditors - Kay and good wishes for their wcl- Toms and Marg. Pearce. fare. The namnes af the boys are Scrutineers were Rev. R. E. Gunners M. Brown, M. Clough, Morton and Pte. Jos. Hockin. J. Cotter, S. Couch, V. Garrod Misaroe yt hdcrg A . G ey, . L king A . owe a i o the program . M iss Lo use H an- H. Rowe. As the boys certainly cock and she cantributed readls appreciated what had been done ta the warshlp period. Donald for themn, on their behalfiI againJoeldi ry adRs&ln say-Th Ariru Vry W. Cloug read the scripture. Prograni con- Artur . Coug%,.sisted of violin solos by Glenn Aflin.; vocal duet by Doris and C.GLT.VESERSERVICE Betty Allin, and vocal duet by C.G.T. VSPERJune and Glenn Allin, accompaný The senior and junior gropsafi ed by Margaret Pearce; and vocal C.G.I.T. held a Christmas Vesper olo by Betty Enwright, accom- llth. Presidents Viola Cotter and Gilbank and Brenton Rickard Betty Enwright .led in a period ai conducted a Quiz cantest. Pan- worship while the rest ai the cakes, syrup and coffee were srun. bcte i asenicici e vd sponded in unison. Scipture readings wene taken by Yvonne Megit and Jean Gray. Kathleen Toms, and Patsy Fenton led in prayer. A number ai Polish, Czecha Siavakian and Englislh Christmias canais were sung with Betty Aflin at the, piano. The Chistmas story was read by Jean Bonathan, Pauline Deline and Doris Allun, durtag which June Allin and Gwen Gibson sang car- aIS unseen by the-audience. Mar- garet Ash led in a candeigit ser- vice aiter which the. C.G.I.T. clos- June VanDusen equal. C Standing - Olive MeManus, Buddy Banathan, Murray Walton, Vanne VanDusen. Grade 7 - Subjects af Group 2: A Standing -Murray Walton, June VanDusen. q B Standing-Buddy Banathan, s Balfour LeGresley, Vonne Van- t Dusen. C Standing-Vibla Cotter. D Standing -Velina Rogersan, Olive McManus. Grade 6 - Ail subjects taken together: A Standing-Mary Toms, Joan Duck, Neil Brittan, Kenneth Dent, Herman Schmid. B Standing - Mary Dewdney, Barbara Bonathan, Bobbie Purdy. 3 C Standing-Marie Cotter, Ha- lzel Rowe, Jane Lunt, Ross Bail, 1Norma Aldread, Jack Perrin. D Standing-Grant Bail. Boom 2 Grade V - Betty Gray, A; Bob Huffman, C; Leonard Lambert, B; Viola Lambert, C; Evelyn Mc- Manus, B. Grade IV - Wallace Couch, C; Bill Holubenko, B; Mary Schmid, D. Grade III -Helen Ash, B; Christina Aldread, B; Donald AI. dread, D; Claire Ailin, A; Ruth Allin, A; M. Margaret Bonathan, C; Hazel Fisher, B; Rannie., Hoc-, kin, A; Join Holubenko, D; Rod- ger Mellow, A; Stanley Powell, C; Grace Ann Preston, A; Ida Rager-' son, D; Newton Selby, B; Marjori e Toms, A. A -75%; B -67 ta 74%; C -60 ta 66%; D-59%. Hattie A. Mason, teacher. Grade II A - Catharine Dewdncy, Doug- las Gray, Vivian Megit, Keith Mellow, Jack McManus, Ernest Spencer. B - Velma Aldread, Ronald Grahami, Doreen Selby. C- Betty Bail. D Jack Gray, Barbara Fu- gere. Grade I A - Ann Cryderman, Jeannine Thompson. B - Biily Fisher, Rolly Spen- cer. D - Gilbert Aldread. STATESMMýI;,OWMANVILM, ONTARIO dl rons. and other articles. They also sold more than $5.00 worth of tic- , kets on a draw for a quit made , by M&s. Waltcr Farrow. Saturday the. clothing and other thlngs were shipped ta Red Cross Headquarters in Toronto. THE BEST NEW YEAIR The New Year's tapping at me,' doar, This present year will soon, past; And this rem-inds us more. mre, The "Tempus Fugits" v The. seconds ail go scootln They hustie on from d Adweeks and months year îs gane. We wonder what thre new. bring Will it e just like othery Or wil it make us shout and * With happineslnstead af t The chances are, my'friends, be About the same as thosebe There'll be sanie gladnesses joys, There'll be some sarrows at o door. But theres ne thing ta buoy an, The. Springs af Hope arc always h n ere; [An s we'il live and trust and'- work To make this one THE. BEST NEW YEAB. . -BALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford St., Taronto. The best thing ta give your en- emny i. frgiveness; to an oppon- nt, oîrance; toa afriend, your heart t your child, a good ex- ample; ta a father, defrence; to your mother, cnduct that wlf make her prud ai you; ta your- self, respect; toa ai men, charty.- Balfour.