i prtait Wyai ~ar nd tckawnerata HAT Red -Cross. Al 1949 il-____ ire onhTIeceniber 3%~t. n is Caoperatlng witb dan Red Cross ini coflect -_______________________ .staring oëlc license plates. _______________ ______ 1jBR S a~*wîil be soldas scrap heroes and -great men, and tliat ____________ BY W NO 02cLiIST A tIaces the>al I bthefiny elcsa rend ai h N slëo C ~ ~ t , tepo estheaesuRed -- te l haedsf arte ose ofnthe N s e~nCATHMOIR In Bowmanville 0F TECORPORATION OF TE A I The Newcastle Independea geography lesson a $as1-contra1- U 8 yrou put qn your 1941,u led teacher tells him that bis one Mr.Aer Taylor and daugh- M.ÉdMs .Ctmx,(e turn your aid plates aver Phone Clarke 1114 aim must be ta see tiiat ai coun- ter Miss Winnlfred Taylor, tram Irene Rayes), the gift of a son, A by-làw ta canform ta the ~1aGarage, and ifyu _________________ tries which contain. sny- Gertman Alberta, are vlsiting friends at (Charles) Murray. Local Goterninent Extenision Act, Two G a lti alirbdlicense plates children are ncorporated ln the Nestieton. VNTN .O eebr1 1940, Section 7, Sub-sectlon 1. ~garage Include those iiinewtMr. od rm odvlis the faxiy had received *od te dy German eih. Heis tld -that MrNorman W. Maclm and 14,i r adMs rdeik W EESthis ccldeenimPeC U PA fered by teGra ol oe the Ms Jas MasilolMrme, VPotnt(nee Jean tavsbehttefolwn -rymotorist li Ontario nerce.flot expected ta recaver. li er ry te Go fe conestle-rn terý, Mrk Jas. er* oin , ort McCorrmlcl), of Bowmanvllle, question be submitted ta a voteOX RD o~eate li this drive sev- Mr. Jack Toms, Toronto, spent youngersoni, Mr,. Donald'E. Gib- fo teaosaite oone, tl-Prranioteffind.the mLocial eove rnntE tn *reds of, bons of scrap Sunday with his parents, Mr. and son, who as a Durham Central en tram tliem by the nefariaus Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler _____________ t hemLcal oeriet Exursun- be btr naited into means Mrs. Herb. Toms. Fair Directar, had charge of the British. and family, Oshawa, were ini a car Àl .sinAt190Section 7,î.- 8 ~g ugcal dressings, Mr. J. W. Gieniney has been dressed poultry fair at Orano on In the biology lesson lie is accident caming to NestietanbtD A H lnAt 90 eton 7buut- suplis ndclobhing sa confimed ta his home with sick- Thursday, labored under a straln taught that the German race la a no ane was hurt seriously. GBO On December 20, 1940, NWTP!FR u u~ '1H REE HESIO iseeed ess Islmpovin. a aniet ai manlngbefre upeiorrace an tht al Jws Mr. John McNeil's school con- in St. Catharines, at tlie home cîpal caunicilaf the CorporationTU IIt Mr. Jack Hare, Queen's Univer- leaving for home at noon. Be- are contaminatéd.. cert et Cedardale was well given aoflier daughter Mrs. J. BernardaiteT nhpaiDrntnEHIUUU sity, Kingston, is holidaying witli ides the two sons and tour daugli- The English lesàan is based on and muchi enjoyed on Thursday oftcthe TMarynsuipiao, darly NATSASFOLOS bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy tessriig n oFeeiketaata nlaiwrbooks. night. There was a good crowd beloved wrifeai David J. Gibson, Hare. W. Gibson, gave bis lite in the At first siglit these. seem ta be flot considering the raads were s0 icy. Bownuanvllle, andi dear moblier 1. That on the poUling day' for Th We are sorry ta repart that the Great War of 1914-18, having Sa very difierent tram the adven- Thui itecmmnt a a eeHidBace oateeeto immbr ite~F condition ai Mrs. R. T. Rutherford been killed at Passchendaele on ture stories whih are read in extended ta Mrs. Waliter Brown Howard and Donald, in lier 75th municipal counicil for the year _DECElE #-2-U lias become worse during the October 26, 1917. The ftlerai Engllsh schools - "Tales af the and tamily li the sudden deabli ai year. Interment St. George's 1941, thie followlng question shal a111 week. service for tlie laIe Mrs. Gibson Great War',, etc., but looked at Viola, Mrs. George Vieston. Cemetery, Newcastle. be submitîed ta a vote ai tue Mrs. E. S. Van Der Veer, Glov- was heid in St. George's Church more closely these Germamn elec-Mran s.EwdAmtog municipal electors ai the Town- VNIfU D ersville, N.Y., is spending Christ- here on Monday atternoan, Dec. lions are found ta be concerned Mr ndMs.Ewadngo ship af Darlington, but only li the w mas hoiidays witu lier faîher, Mr.23rd, with tue Reclor, Rev. D. R. ahinost whofl wth scenes ai pure aItende th. & Brag of th aw',t _______________ eettutsu oe o mmes ate rTha -F J. W. Bradley. Dewdney in charge, violence. Moreover, tue text is a u adcucll eesr:Ded oe For the duration af bbc winter Despite a number ai cases ai chasen in sucli a way that tue Tliursday. The Bragg f amily again wisli ta ftesi orii sncsa the public ibrary wiil close at the coninun cold, flu and muxnps Engllsh are always shown ý at a Miss Cara Crozier, who bas tuank tue many good frienda Whot "Are yau i avour as, a war- Sot 9.30 p.m. an Saturdays instead ai there was a large attendance at disadvantage: sometimes in a been visibing lier sister la the lielped i various kindly ways ta ime. measure, under The Local at 10 as beretofore. tue Christmas services in tue state ai panic, sometimes, ai heroic weat, bas returxned home. bearetvemben i tue * da a 1 v imExemipa ounclAct d Mo. 1T e.940e&. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Edwards, United Churcli last Sunday. In hopelessness, mare o ofte ibru- braeet-telserfacov ftemncplcucleeÎý M n Grngoe" daig. .F.RardThetooe forlis se.Rn . an ontudhealeran.Describlag tue rauto'ai hubad ad.ath.for 1941 lholding office for tue DEC 8 1 aiIN Grang"to r.o.idayîng a"Thetlie mornhin ev.r. o teMovinai elatnk, a'e e a o- Agent Wanted tern i ftWo yeara?" LV MisP., sd Ms. Rimckard f gie thebliephnels aof nceh e ntls taorclurds-vouyar vacleginter DEALERS WANTED - DISTRI- Avenue, wlahes ta express lier mltted pursuant ta The Local Mis Phlil Clmece i te te heperd aith Mis, or oued olly ate voleymb ue bute .,200 Fanuilex necessities sincere tuanks and appreciatian ta Government Extension Act, 1940, Belleville public schaol staff, is unta you is born tuis day . St. retreating figures." In anotuer rm door ta door. There lsa a friend9ansd mmes hper1 i leStttsaiO- WIiaa nlMyn o holidaying wiîli ler parents, Mr.--Luke 2:11. The choir, althaugli tuere is an accaunt ai a meeting tram neighbOj1 oftheSra, Psof n.eu"l and Mrs. T. H. Clemence. Ihere were several gaps.i, its wiîb refugee peassuts: "Hatred-_ big demand for ballet articles, ai Jerusalem Locige, Nurses Rluth tarlo 4 George VI, Section 7, Sub- NeaaiCato foUsitht fiei- Mr. Thas. Caucl isl remodelling ranks, especially in tue maie sec- blasted us out ai their thin grey mddicies, allmetitary products, Hancack and Even Taylor,. sud section 1.i ak t hi bue nKigSt udbrna basgvea mpiaioa rn-'falrs.Ve aau ur atd cleaners, etc. Sell for guaran- staff ai Bownianvie Hospital for 3. This by-awMI DIG TS O ~kbnleuCOltsfr it labo a double dwelling. Arthur ering ai the antuem, Christians them for their ingratitude." The teed satisfaction or maney r-e- their many acta ai kindniess sud fect an tue day ai tuefilaal pass-. 't'o r e iiUM i1 Rednap and Son, Newtonville, are Awake! Mrs. C. R. Carvetu and Iaccompanylag ilustrations are fund se. nRearos w your exprf llessinsu'ai sypash hy r g N tuereof. ONNEhisEAWS E for youi~ doing tue work. Miss Betty Enwright taok sala eitber technitai, givlag details aif custors e nc rey th i luss sd sde .n ibr~~tu 6 G LE LE1B 8 WISH, YOU VERT Miss Mamaon Rickard, B.A., ai parts. The cliurcli was cliastely gulis or battlesliips, or else they csoeseeydy.Tyti ubn.day aof December, 1940. àEXALTE AND A Vihitby, and Mr. Stanley Rickard, decorated i a Christmas motif are frauikly borrible pictures ai independent business wituoutJ.DHGATCekCa'o. ~ PRSPEOUS Toronto University, are spendig wîtli glistening white, miniature dead and mutilated mn risk. For details, communicabe LvsdcJo Sl . V. HOART, ee. u~F ,NEW TZAR. the Christmas vacation witli their trees, silver and red raping drap- There was a timne when in mosî metG St.et onre 570St. Cie- ARIESFOR_-SALE_-________1__ Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wi. J. S. ed along the chair front, and Matures ai educatian Germnany _________________________________Dr.____E.___W.____sis-__ stl 0 ickard. wreatis sud allier seasonable led Europe. Now aItue head ai wcsl airy RThe Yaunger Girls' Auxillary ornamentatians adorning the pul- thia deviliali machine is a disiuiss- so4, Bof ice 9. Poe o ai ---o St. George's Churcli, which pIt precmnctsansd the choir lat. ed scbaalinaster, Bernhard RusI, M __.__04,_office_790._52___ meets on Viednesday evenings, Evening warship taak the farm ai a party member, a notariaus*agi- FOR-SALE---E-------R- held their Dec. 111h meeting aI a carol service, conducted by tue tabor, sud Gauleiter ai Hanover. FOlVI bRe SE - eeIGs O.CRiK- ----------- lte home ai their leader, Mrs. pastor assisted by the choir with Herr RusI, a man with ne slia u u y -__pg,7wek ld y Thos. Spencer. Mrs. E. C. Fisher *ab tue argan. o idsicin at n YRunRdle, R. R. 2, Bôwmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Vilbur Basker- The congregatian joied in sing- triguer of unstable mentality, is wt 21 ~ ., ville, bath valued members ai the ing a number ai favorite Christ- naw Reichi Minister for EducatianFO SAE-1YUN PGS*. .. .*:.- .. United Cburch choir, have been mas carols and Rev. Morton sang la that unhappy country whicli<fl FOR 6 eesi;aSALEEm3deO N Gan- mnissed fram their places the Past as a sala tue first stanza ai, O once led the intellectual counselsy ,ekol;as mdng - two Sundays. Mr. Baskerville lias Camne Ail Ye Faiîtul, la tue ai Europe. The teachers are une.A-l lie E hrh, ~ .. been quite iii under 'the doctar's original lati. The chair rendered der tue iran beel ai Herr Rust,. Orono, phane 56r12.. 52-1* .* care. tue antliem, Bebold I Bring You sud île parent is beipleas. FOR- SALE: - 16 YORKSHIRE Donald sud Francis Jase, Jas. Good Tidings. Rev. Marlon gave The Nazi attack an civilizatian is1wekol;aofrhrm Patterson sud Balfour LeGresley bni sketches ai tue lite sud la nat confined ta tue cliild, for persey10 w5 eeks id alsores atended a Christmas party in works ai Dr. Isaac Watts. Bey. the best i the whale intellectual J.C ersycw y ewrasleppony Oshawa Monday evening, given Chas. Wesleysund Blahap Phillps lite oftoGermany bas. alsa been H82. C 52el,-ecatpln by their violin'teacher, Mr. Bat- Brooks. destrdyed. But the attack an the 32.54 letI. Mr. Patterson drave tue child is the most dangerous of ail, FOR SALE -REGISTEREDMay oWihsrGlem S boys up. for tue child is tue guardiali ai Yorkshire boar, advanced regis- and Chbeer-A Bright. Golden Rule Mission Band, un- WHAIT THE NAZIS tue civilizatiol itu upr.I try. Bred by sud.bought fram der tue superintendency ai Mr5. H V ON O tue German child canflot ' rs-tue 0AP., GueÀph. Apply W. W. E. Beman, elected tuese offi- cded tram 'tbe military rn5thle T Snen, .. , lwmu NwE hlcbTSyenR .erry Christmnas and EVR OEcers an Dec. 14tu: Leader-Miss THE CIIILD wi a penly destroya lis id, MONTREAL ville, phone 2251. . 52-1w, - NanE OM I an Allan; Asat. Leader-Miss .sd deveap lis body - ____________ Patricia Pearce; PI an i st-Nrs. Nowhere las Nazi propaganda pat af a harvest of deathu noDIECTON EN . 'D!ry Çleanilg Happy New, Year. uu'wam.i~vuaiETbos. Enwright; President-Mary Sa attempted ta -mialead tue world itue wonld wMl ultimatq1 é____________ Tom; Se'y. *Marie Ala SI s aistcte th u child. sale.. This dANheDimssp6 .s NEW YTZAR Sec'y.-Eileen Alla; Treas-Dor- Nawbere las Nazi- propaganida duel for militarY PurpseS will parties will. be gay sud you will cen Enwright. been mare succestul. We.ehave permeate like su openi sewer over want ta look your best. Bow- a"SafOther yaung farmers ai tuis been told ai the physical fitness Europe sud beyand until ail rg manville Cleaners & Dyers. niMearty Wishes found new employment witu Gen- cbildren. The press pliatographer Karnpi" asserts that ai no mci- sita witu special care. Ail work SeiPout eral Motors, Oshawa, are: Gea. VW- bas been cailed la ta empbasize ment saal tue child be. free tra m me uncanditianally guarsuteed. Se rdcsFu forialtan, Rasa Dickinson, Nelvin tue deceit with bright pictures ai tle machine ai th% State whiéh Cali 520 for qutck service. 52-1 Graham, Clanence Turner sud W. a few carefully selected specimens lie admils s liamc ne ai war.. Harold Gibson, anc ai this sec- ai young Arysu strengtu. Actual- The blow"which H itl& îjh Lost SA Very M erry tian's leadlag orclardists. Hubert ly; belhide this tlixnsy axid mis- struck aitue. cèivilized lite oairh _____________ Osborne and a number ofotuer leading tacade tuere lies tue leasI awn generatian, ta the 9re t LO T -SAL HER D No. 9 yaung men went in same obvions sud most insidions ai ail scholars' sud thinkers la German3r, dOST - MAL Sonan hEP e, Christma tixixe aga. Nazi activities. Yau cannat dis- can la same ways nat be repair- F dog hifemle, bron d whe, With hockey Canada's most gieieCne1rto ap, cd, but tue chidren ai Gerinauiy asestanm.iT9 'a. popular and tbriiling sport, con- but tbis conccaled Concentration are part ai tue commari inher!- er please retunn ta F. Reyad, erbl ocl ierstlasbenCamp ai the mid, with its child tance aiîehuuréiiBYIUi.g Cia Gea. Yeo, Higli St., Bow- SJ. DUDIEY taken Ibis fall in a game, Nag- victinus, la more siiter, for bbc This War is a Holy War ta îleie.521 1WASnetic Hockey, that lias been made cbld mind once cornupted la be- etettuatIt lb îl te youn« mnile 2l MEATS ~on a large scale la Cal Wyrîich' yond salvatiari. The very wells af ifle tram a worship ai force sudWne iactony under the supervision ai civilization ilseit are bcing pois- an atmaaphere li which evelu______________.nM 8 1 ~ I IT I 9 the laventan sud patenîce, NMr. oned. aritumetic Wa worked out in bomba ATD-HGETPIE Maidiow, wbo lias been boarding The Germnan home was once tue and storm-traan)ers, sud wluere ail. alWrcutmr'n ANTfo ED - H atteTPriC WES ai E. E. Pattersan's. The game lias same as tue Engialuhome, a cen- play is made int a mock game Taalarysoesai pl our sctr a sbini. iln bee sod a walsai qsuttis te i kndlinsasudpaentl f-.cf machine-guns sud cveny trienda we wish ra li a be X-rayed by aur newly li- ta departmental and otuer stores. tectian. Thc yongGermisuchiîd, thaughi ietrareaPl îl ~odî..îhoned sald"jlr rul ld Mn. and Nrs. Wi. E. Beman pnd befone tue long a.rm ai tue Sat glorification ai ne anciax. Evcry er Machine." G. F. Jamieson, Mrs. Geaot.tHoxiieyhittendcthethelTire & Battery Shop, King sud hi t funeral ai bbc laie Dr. Margaret rabdoil siehnbdtue barelin, eve tc moidp nmitiv*, M CiSt 46-tf E. T. Addison in Toronto lasI Fni- sarneiennocence sud clarm as theescuing bbc chiîdren ai GermanV erry ChristmasSivrSs day.Dr. ddion'ssuden datlEnglish child. Naw tram tue age -from mental and vhysical servi-N tcs"im hne aiw lhte dyDr dio' udnd ai ofsix yearÈ onwards bhe mother decanceeswnld nc ay hchanges____and____________ was quite a shock ta 1er maxiy bas fia longer any apportniyaf tud, a te... on.ayhoý but flot hn tue wayff of frioaibl. - Newcastle fiends. Ail ber lite e mîîg e ifuence, or tue ba build up again a civilization in W ,ARNGADCL sh a er yaupthe finsh w athrbis autbaniby. The State vwhich sxiribial values have thei.r lect marigagea and agreements TEE CLBRKS AND -M4NAGEMET0 hrfher yut waise a demanda ils absolube dictabarship igît place. ai i 1o sale. North Shore Realty Ca. a daughier ai tue Newcastle par- aven the growu~ig mind. Every Lbd. Phone 80 -Oshawa. 394tfTIS TR sonage sud aiiendcd bbc Newcas -__________romhe_________________AIIES tic Higli School. Vie will miss b.er rma mhl ta u arliat TTNTIN LDINE __AND_________ ireqentvista t bb Unbedage must be moulded labo amaWIH NEA» L' Cheucien hicl ber ftherUniasdclhie ai war. Every beacher in The Red Cross Nursig Cla4s Chupastor wotiuh r artenuws mnifrced tao bey m-i- wil laiod ita initial meetigon ASSVP8VSE Sale .A MERRY CHRISTM4 pastr fr tw thee yar erni, fMondav, Jan. Mt, inam 7 ta 9 rp MAU ouitacsnoe wt teet The wbolc school lite l iret- ybc11bs.1l.WllalOfspa otha Artuur Ma th int est cd towards war sud every activi- wo have reglatered kidly qEINDTETLON RTF nhtAtu Mri fBigon, t connecbcd witu war. The much part prampily. IN I? TO 110F la thic ommunity Demi mc ke eus Ch-ristY&um7 sud a Prouperous New Tear. Answr d1;7e.Wt SneeGa W.i ~4.-et theet bcTown aofBw- toiii ti, eutsoifw a bnurt areilike te ds- atrbdnaAWY O iiWYARofnnvll particulars sud con. A f ~ fI î Answer- Goerlag, Goebbels, etc. TgE m *dq Chlls, Klag Str , Bowmnanville, N""- The samxe sire= ofa corruption . or ta tue undersignci.IINUAC - s A» SAlFaIbrought intao very leman which 110IT sri $O~.TEtORg L Pone 68 iAGBNTS thýGernschIld las ta enud u,ÇO uuVflMRSSCRPAIN ~n I utory lapson he lata'~h Bay and DMelinda Streetoi thaI Geriiany alone las' bad Toronto. S-8 omp~~