Q57w7'nrV V-5 W The Newcaàstle Iumepndenàt And iTht, ono Ne*e voLUJ.'8J7 ,À1IntLr Fi e ~ 8lfÇ ~(Written for The Statesman by qIlDoris Stevens, 3cnetarý of aiar) Maplc Grave Public Schoc lield thpir Ibird annuel Wint* Fair, Thunsday cvenlng, Deoem, ber ithin he icSunday Schoc basemnt. The weather wa ideal; Uic hall filled ta Japatit S t le Snowd n, Presideni afficilyPreslded by liavnig tUi pupils sne ncverse oai«O Can. ada." A word of. weicomne wal then extended. An autline of tii aairnoftbe fair and its relation o thc new program of tudies wa given. The atm 0f Uic fair' ths yeax was ta demanstrate Uic "actlvity'ý systcm wbich te bclng caricd or ti the scbaol, wththeUi latter Jial. af the trne devated ta thie causE of Patniotisma. Doris Stevens,, planisi, accom. panied Bert Snomfden, vialinisi, Schoal activities werc cxplainec by the foilowing: Sewing Clit,- Ellen Aberncthy; Stamp Hobby and uts educationai yaiue-Janics C.oliss; School Museum-Harold Stevens; The Maple Grave Montb- 1Y-Billic Smith. Belford Panke ably cxplaincc the value of Uic mural i modcrn educatian and callcd attentian, tc the fine murals Uiat- gracéd the walls, with special attention tc 30 i t. mural dcpicting tlic pragress of navigation fram the log used by tbe native ta thc presenit day ocean linier. This mur4l was done ti bonour' ai Navy Wcek..1 Loryne White renidcrcd a solo "Wish Me Luck"l in hona#r af aur soldiers. Readings wcre given by Ronald Brooks, Catiierine Camp- bell, Marilyn Panke, Greta Snaw- den and Jahnnie Botliwell. Fifteen minutes intermission was taken up by addresses fram Trustees H. Brooks, I. Munday, L. W. Snawden, Paston C. W. Smthl and Mr. 'T. R. McEwen, Inspector ai Public Schools. A 55 minute Patriotic Operetta includlng aver ifity childrcn was given. This sliawed John Bull and hie Emptre's stand for justice agàinet thc cruel dictators, and was sa realistic that many were moved ta tears. Charactcrs, Jus- tice-Cbrlstdna Campbell; Peace -Ethci Budia; Li1b ert y -May Wright; Herald-Bert SnaWden; John B l Mu4a~ nday; 'Cinada -Beliord at fia ncy; India-JAelk. -Ntday; Isjls ai thc Sea-K-IàY.Lycett; Nations seeking hcip af Britain and Jus- ice:, P e i an d-Narnian*_Couiter; ustria-Lcwis Rwu1c; Czccho- slovakia - .Wallace B a Pt h w cil1; France-Stanley Snowden; Nor- way-Raynmond Rundic; Holland -Harry Sna'iwden; Dce n m a rk- George Skelding; Ethloiula-Ever- ett Finney; Greeccq.-Billle Skeid- ing; Red Crossý Nur-se-Jr. Girls; Boy Scouts-Jr. Boys; A n g e i- Doris Stevens; Voice ai thc Dea -Joyce Abereethy. God Save Uic King. The Jr. Room welcomed Santa by a Santa Sang. Then the Cbrist- mas tree was unioaded. Total receipts wcre $36.91 witb a net close ta $30.00. - $5.00 Was donated ta War Victlms Fund and $10.00 ta thc Red Cross. Tbe Fair Dirctors take this op- portunity af Uianklng parents, Pjupt1s, teaclier, and Tic Statcs- man iofr their fice co-operatian which belpcd ta make a.bg suc- cese. lum sclOborne President ai tic Northumberland and Durham Apple Growcrs' As- sociation. Thc 30th convention ai Uic Association wil be held et Port Hope on Jan. 8thand Mt. Women1s Institute ChrigtmasProgran Bowmanville Womcen'sIrstitute held tic Decemben meeting ai Uic borne ai Mns. Fied Baker, Scugag St., on December 26ih. Mns. L. Braund was convener ai the pro- grami wbich was appropniate ior Uic Yulciide scasori. Mns. Frank Jackman, Mrs. W. L. Buttcry, Mis. A. L. NichaIls, Mnrs. R. Dumas and Mrs. L. S. Dumas rcad bri papers dcaling with Christmas. These were m- tersperscd with ail joinlng in Uic singing ai carois. Mms. Braund followed wtt a paper an Uic New. Year. Mns. Join A. Tait gave twao bumoraus readings and alsa was pianisi for Uic canal singig. An exciange oai gifts cancluded Uic prograni., SDurtng' thc business discussion, prcsided aven by Presideni Mrs. J. Thickson, i was dccrdcd ta send a donation ta Uic Fcderatcd Wo- men's Institutes iowards iurnlsh- ing a ward i a Red Cross Hospi- Bqiir rqprtcdthat' one dozet 1yeà- sweaters wouid b. i nttd dunlng Uic nionth as wdil las 'the usual numben ai sache, mile, etc. Tea, coakies and Chitmas cake sefvcd by Uic hostese con- ciuded the meeting. Art Cole Chomen Transpoit Examiner Mn. Art Cale wbo lias been citef mecbanic ai Uic J. D. Car- rutiérs Indien Service Station and Garage let lasi wcek for New York wiere ic has-bccn sel- ecied by Uic United Kingdom Tecinical Mission as an, examiner rf motor transports. Art siould be wcî qUafhld ion thi$ import- ant position as be servcd hi tic lest World Wari France 'for thrce years as a driver in Uic 4111 .Dvision Motar Transport Co'y. Aftcr returning ta Canada le was1 witi Uic General Matons ini Osh- awa as afinal test inopectorn for sevenal yeans. The great meeting ai thc year In Masoniecicrôlcs, St. John's Nigit, was ceicbratcd by Jerusa- lem Ladgc December 27Ui. After Uic 'meeting iad been opcncd by W. Ena. P. R. Cowlinig, Rt. e. Ena. Frai C. Hoar assumai thechcair anid pnaceçded tovnta thc Wrsiipful MseL fp- peul, and thpse offlccps for 1941: I.P.M.-W. Ena. P. B. COWIinÈ. S.W.-Bro. J. P. Emmersan. J.W.-Bro. W. G. Pascoe. Ciap.-Rt. W. Bro. F. C. Haar. Secc'y.-W.,.Bro.,]%. H. Brown. Treas.-W. Bna. J. B. Stuti. S.D.-Bra. H. ÇP.,Joint. J.D.-Bna. Bous Stevens. D. ai C.-R-et. W. Ena., G. C.. Boznnycashe.' . ..-Bra. E. O0. Webster. J.S.-Bra. Jas. Maxr. I.G.-Bno. J. J. »rw' Tylen-Bro. E. J. dlbb Tiese coninitteq4 were aima ap- -pointai: Audtor-W. Ena. F. 0. Meil- BrEn. H. Md. Cale. Finance W. Ena. L. T. Mc- e eug liz, W B En. M . W , C o - \ hck, Ena. H. M. Cale. Charitable - W. Ena. W. L. El. liaI't, W. Ena4 P. R. Cowllig, W. Bro. A. W. 0. Norticutt,, HeabUh - W. Ena. EdOir Sta- pies, Bron. L. M. Boach, C. W;., Carter , Boss Stevenu.1 EntertaIinznenti - Bna. J. 8. UI-m merlan, W. Ena. E. . Fe'n Wqt. r Assistant Stewards L. Mirlyri, J. 1E,' Longwonlh, P. Dé , ton. The e .Cor4i - and Pep 'y ucorrespond' wlirelatives oand friencis ti tic Old Country? Pelliaps Uicy have siarlee ta tel af à e air invasion that Canadians livtng hleti Bawmanvlice and Durham County wouid Uie ta licar? If sa, The Statesmian wauid be vcry glad tei rcelvc Uic boan ai such icttcrs for pb- licatlQn, It bcing indensod ai course, tiat nothing wilU b. publisbcd oif eronal nat- ure or Uiat would lî&te cause any -difftculty for Uie writen. Vhe best af cars wilU be laken ai them. Mail your letterncto qr drap them n ai t The Stateaman Of- fice, or teiepbone 653ad tlicy wilU be callcd for. mystification and a gaod many ha Uictheaudience wIýh his, la.'l'tricksuofaifil, leiglt af iiand otunts 'and nunnlng linsofa humorous comment. Perbaps no banquet aifUic ycar la more looked iorwmrd -ta than tRiat' ae t. John's $ight amd no onc'wa d glont Or W. H. BOWMANMVLLE, e. A~~ccit Ton u JuutP iet -Ac mdeth ie Homel OnIy 20% of Faàctor' Accidents Arc Caus. cd by ,Unprotected Machnery, Safet) Expert States. - "Safety in Iîidustryl' was the toptc deait wtth by Eugene 19 Sparrow, Works Manager ai the ImPenial Varnieli & Colaur Com- pany, Toronito, and a Director cl tic Idusti ,Accident Preven- ion A1o whcn lie spoke ae Uic Rotary Club luncican on Fni day. a«Stice t#x war stanled, working time ti lndustry bas becr i ncreas- cd 40 %,"' Mr. Spanrow staiced "This naturafly means that tiene wIll be more accidents. But in sPite oaithia faci wonk iaccident Prevention bhas meant a lowc. percentage ai -n-lsiaps and the casi ai compensatig workmcr bée dropped."1 Industrial saicty work is tin timately relatai to public safety, thc speaker polnted oui. At th 'tume ai year particuiarly, safety iis iorcmost i veryone's mid. Organized safety campaigns really began ti Ontario in 1915 wben tic Workmnen's Compensa- tion Act was passcd by legisiature. Thc atm ai Uic legisiation te, ai course, ta look! aller people- bath permanently and tempararily dts- abled whéiber Uicy acquired the injury dlreclly i a factory or in- dtrcctiy ti office work. Pensions are pnavidcd ionriliose disabled for Ife, tI case ai'laslng a finger or similar accident Uic, payment ai a lump sum s e tnvided. Tic Act also provides for payment ai doctars, nurpes and tospitaliza- tion costs. Tic total cashta Uich workrnan ai al ts eseralce ta just one-third oa ir 2u" p.y(w.hicli hé lases) plus ail tUic su- e6 h, ë hehas ta bear. Em#playans cordnbUte to theic opensatioin fund. ' i "Since 1915 iýdustry bas ilflâ [n Ontaioi, more tha twlce -the population of Bowmranville " Mn. Spanirow declared. Fôrty ieiln dollars have been paid outinh compensation In that'Uie. Dur- Ing the ye n jusipiLhrehvç "A Ï *Uthereý -ýkâ proinbcec iur;~ u1U I~rr <ContlInued on page 5) MIDLAND, BAND TO ORGANIZE According ta thc Port Hope Guide, Sergeant Cern oi tic Mid- land Regiment, C.A.S.F., will be thc baridmaster oaitUc regimental band iltei indicated. Rccntly Uic tband advertiied tirougiaut Uic .district for voluriteers and it is Lnaw lcarned Uic band will organ- ize shortly at Cobourg. Major J. C. Gamey, O. C., te Lanicipating receivtng a loan ai Instrumente from. Uic Midland Reginient Band, Canadien Resenve Arrny, ion a monti or morc tub1 delivcry te made ai thc new set ai musical instrumnrts on order. Ilte is ikcly ilat Campbdllford's cquipment willbe taken ta Ca- bourg sanie lime beiore ticericw ycar. -CHARLES P. BLAIR DIES IN OTTAWA Many ai aur aider citizens werc saddened. toa icofaitic suddcn paesig on December 23rd ai Cliarles Paxiori Blair, ai Ottawa, ti bis 73rd ycar. He was a native ai Brookihi, Ontario. Atter gradu- ating froni Osgoodc Hall, Toronto, nr. Blair practised law ion a num- ber ai ycans wlUh D. B. Simipson ai Bawmnanville. He was a Past Master ai Jerusalcm Lodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 31. I 1909 he joied lie Customis Department ai Ot- tawa and frcm 1927 was assistant cammiesioner ai customs until hie retirement thnce ycars ega. He was gerierai executive asststant fan sanie tue and was a niember ai lie aid board ai customs wich was laien taken aven by tic Tarifi Board. He te survlved by lia wldow, formerly Winircd IsabIel Beilli ai Bowmanville, and bis sis- ter, Mis Margaret A. Blair oi Gneenbank Ont. Tic funenal was, beid froni Uhc fa.mly residerice, 229 Fourth Ave., Ottawa. Iinterment; at Bcachwood Cemetery. PROM I«NT COUPLE MAWRIED 47 YEARS 1't'a my 47Ui blrthday,"t an- 'n>çc B. Z. Osborne Fnlday as h:cied ai The. Statesman office lao renew hus subsanition. A llttlc coniueed wc veâturcd a n.p lY;u certainly don'tloai iltiAi no. 1 iean hle is y 47Ui w~J~gartiynuay,"explaicd Mr~~ilhccontinuei. a nman's life doen't rg S haiie gels marnbcd. r 37yseas ega today ab Ifiïl twcre yser day. clsr 0yerd )AY, JANUARY.2ndi,,1941 WCASTLE MAN ORIFICES LIFE AIR BATTLE -A _______1* .,dditional information ta thai R~nnt- . Spencer. blishcd prcvlously i The ThUee meetings are sponsored tsman about Pilot Offioer 'Yy the Bowman ville Ministerîhi urray A. Butler, Newcastlc boy $« ssociatiori. Collections wrn go panted misng sincc lune 21st d r relief wonk. been given officiai notice. Murray was firet rcpartcd mis. y rEVIEW 0F YEAR g' c er talcing part in ,Uih cesfulbom ai Uiche Ger GIVEN BY PASTOR n battle cruiser Scharnhorst, TO YOUNG PEOPLE tic coasi ai Norway."Naw lie ie _____ iicially reparted dcad. He was son ofaMe. FlydButler and ce a late Mr. Boyd oai cste ii t e IM a d was a popular studeit ai )fwmanville Higi Sciaal. __ _Frem eflic Butler bas beeninionmcid snsbady 'was rrccvercd in FIFTY YEARS AGO fll'laik on Uic shore ai Madvol- adnear Thirsted, Jutland, an ugust 23rd. He was buriéd at, 1.Fram The Canadian Statemýma 'yardemaal, Denmark. c January 7, 1891 Ti information was rcccivcd Lt Mrs. Butler Urougi tic Un- ti duligcmit ften States legation et -Copen- r Builoding hcammite: iDir.i. gn. Attempts ta locate Pilot i Mehodet liuci re:Dr.W. ficcr Butler werc made by Hon. * Ttlley, Chairman, P. C. Treb nent Massey, Canadien High cack, Dr. J. M. Brimacombe, J. n. sioe LnnadMs Vanstone, Levi Morris, J. M. Jo sesionhoer aodoadme s. -ese and G. C. Haines. Officers asewoead im ea tic Sunday Schaol arc: Supt., Re T. W. Jolliffe; Assistants, Jo eiy tried tafitnd the Canadian Joblin and T. C. Jewell; Secr iot tirough tic International taries, Wm. Bryant and He 4%d Cross and i a lettei, ta ?&s. Hami!y; ra Nathan Horn Uutler, tic high commisjaner's OraitMise'- Sarah cade a *ife said: "Thc courage and dar- Miss Gertie Young. EP W ort ofiiga men like your son, no word League officers are: L.Counti n descnibe. Ticir wtllingnese ta fJ. H. Dobsan, Mrs. Jlitue, crifice al ti tic great cause for Veale -Mrs. T. E. Htgginboth bich thcy fight maies anc stand ae and reverence before JUNIOR FARMERS c. FOR AMBULANCES: ONATES $1000 TO RED CROSS Ontario- Junior Farmers and Junior Fax-m Women have decided Large giits and small are al ta continue their Ambulane cpreciated by Uic Red Cross, but >Fund for Uic duration afitUic ws±] e $500.00 donated lest wcek by as a médium Uirougl wliich fan $r. J. H. H. Jury was rccejved Young Pcoples' Clubs may con.- special gratitude ti view ai tinue ta contribute as an ongani- e iact tiat Bowmanvillc'e alla- zation ta Canada's war effort. tion bas not yet been reacicd. Tic Canadien Rcd Cross Societ' vry anc who bas even heard liâs' àdvised that station *pgon,1( M. Jury knaws, ic not anly coui1n. e$1l00 ecd arc now~' a fine reputation for generas- demand i Great Britain t"'. but possecses pcrspicacity ta Lpart lese critical cases ofi tj i t hie glvings ta Uic mast wor- foL >lgbozmbig attacks. J yCauses and maie a donation Iot- N's, Junior Women'sI ntere ta a real need for it. Club.memb ïUic second donation ai ,,.Jury has glye1q'tq e as clubs; iouLéi"nd.io,ýjut c o ii ths'campaigri. Rural young pcople, in recent Now, tic local Bcd Cross fund months over-subscribed by $550 has -nearly reached ts objective. thc cosi ai an ambulance and. s tie neede but a little mare ta reaci amaunt wlll be uscd towards thc tic 1f940 allottmcnt and stan Uice purcliase ai a station wagon, witli Ncw- Ycar with a dlean sicet. some $550 ta be callcctcd. Who will match Mr. Jury's gener- As iarnlerly, cieques siould be osity with whatcver amaunt, big made payable ta "Junior Farmer Or small - wiatevcr Uiey cen and Junior Farm Wameri's Am- afrdto give? Bowmanville has bulance Fund" and forwarded di- neyer yet iailed ta meets ts aob- rect ta A. H. Martin, Dept. ai Ag- ligatians. riculture, Toronto. Mr. Martin points ouitichegreat Mn. A. A. Honcyman, Welling- need ai these station wagons iton. St., picked pansies irom bis Great Britain et Uic prescri tUie. garden on Dec. 29th - whiic isi Ne states no contribution te toa gang sanie for Canadien winter large or taa small. climate.1 Santa Visits Many Southi Wax-d On thc Monday evening before Christmas Uic South Ward Sun- day Sciool iad its annual Christ- mas entertainnient. Thc sehoal rooni was, filled ta capacity with chidren anid adulte wio came ta enjoy Uic festivities. For aven a ycarnonw ta sSabbaUi Schaol has been conductcd by Wm. Hender- son and Bey. G. Wardel ai Oshawa, assistcd by Mn. T. H. Lockiart. A larger attendance than cx- pccted, made up cifly ai tic younger generation and ts par. ents, fillcd thc scboi rooni ta capacity. Tic program consistai ai charmses, solos, recitatians, in- strumental numbers. Tic iollow- tng took part in Uic entertain- nient: Uic primary class Marie Muliolland, Dorothy -Blling, Ir- wti Brooks, Elsie Bothwell, Ruby Tcnry, Lois Branci, Ronald Trimbie, Russell Wite, Florence Heath, Margaret Spmnicrscaies, Marina and Alan Perfect, Shirley Mclsaac, Margaret Quinncy, Leona Muttan, Nancy Jobristan, Stela Brooks, Florence Lambert, Betty Spencer, Palsy Mason, Esther Beaden. Othens who conrirbuted ta Uic pnogram were Mrs. Smli, Mns. Sharrard and Mr. Lackliart wha acted as chairman. Teaciers i ficeSuriday Scbool presented attcndanoe prtzee ta their pupt1s and prescrits werc distnlbut9d tq, anc and ail froni thc beavily laden Christmas trcc. PaYing tribute ta thome wbo1 wonked uQ earncmtly ta ýmaie thec Sunday Scbool and its annual en- tentinent a sucems Mr. Lock- iar *ann~td- (Ww, tUre Èe an exhibition i liat gseat geod devatd8eviecan gVe ho a Fred Stannard lied arrangcd a gala entertaiment for young and aid. Briefly thc entertainmerit con- sisted ai a recitation by Grace Abernethy; sala by L'orna Flet- cher; solo, Frank Carter; »piano solo, Winaria Clarke and mic fon dancing suppliai by Mn. Stan- nard wlihUtceassistance oai is amplifying systeni. Tai Clarke was chainman. In due course Santa Claus made is appearance ta tic deigit ai al Uic yaungsters prescrit and distrlbuted prescrite and candies rmu a hcavily laderiChCisttmas tnee, Uius maiing a perfect close ta a pleasarit evening. Goodyear Thc Recrealion Hall ai thc Goodyear plant was caooiuliy decoraieci Dec. 23rd wien cem- ployccs gathered wtth Uieir wtves and childnen ta attend Uic annual Ciristmias tree and party giveri by thc company. Populan aand Christmas music moum an amplifier enicrtaincd Uic assembly bei are thie prograni prprbegan. Dave Mornison as Mate fa Cerenionies kepitich audience i a state ai expectattori by frequent announcements oi the progresai Sanitals journey ta- ward Bownianvtlle. Hce aini- tnaçluced thc vanlous numbens on Uic prograni. Mn. Johnston, a nia- gician, ai Oshawa, causai mucb mirth and amazement by hie necnamancy. He calaid quitç a icw ai thc cildren present ta Uic platiorni ta assisi, inuch ta thc deIIl t oaithie ile one. Anen Santals arrivailiat jolly aid saul and hie assistants wont systmeatlçally ta work distribul- thé Iipresents ta every ild Bat ieide received a box ai ca d lu dditlon ta Ikg$ ginI. -of eh@eboPlRgwe I»rothy NI 'l AC 'Chamber df Commerce] Tried To, Hld SolIers01 Local Groupe Deteated LVE0on t Try ing to Oct Midland Regiment Stationéd President AlxMGregor of Uic C h a x b e r a o m m r c , r c i d 'a ietter on Tuesday fom t o J. C. Gan ,MMOC o. i Mid- atta L"on, wich stated, that, tit was almost dfitnitely decided that bte Regiment, wauld be ac- cammodated trin Coburg duning tthe next fcýw nianUis. Col.- Gamey Lwaz'miy Uianked President Aiex .and. a4 those wha worked bard Lta gctfthe saldicre liouscd in Bàw-' -manville, and in tùarri, Aiex -è-0: veycd hie Uianks,, the Colqnel ' wbo, ub ta Uic 1àstl ,noment, strove ta assemble Uic 'boys licre. Assurance 'w , -9 gn on Mon. day that a iultZy Engilicer froih M. D. Na. 3; wôigd 1e hère ta sunt. vey the situation, but ii appears that he stoppcd off ai Cobourg and found sufficlent accomm'oda- tion lucre. Anrie Northe It te expccted that Uic Company Bowmànvill wbich bas becr in-itraining here under Major F. E. Lyceti, and This smltng, talenied which bas won thc thanks ai plished 14 year old Bawmanvillc people for its gen- Mn. and Mrs. ArleyW' tiemnanly conduct, will shonuly cutt, iras guest' spei leave- for Cobourg. ronto Saturday at the - Tice prospect at Uic momettis convention, of Uic I that nat a stigle soidier ai Uic Upward ai ý200 exec Active Force ai Canada' will rie- saiesmen froni coasi main in Bowmanville during thc heard Arline tel, in remainder af tbe winter. Further Boom ai Uic King Ed report anid comment wtll follow. tic story ofai Uic Li Safety Club ai Bowmj troduced by "Bed" Fai who is a Tor~onto Ci Township Councils rncaein er.fr p plea e ner-IÀaa ElectionReuitse ipetoh Cartwright Township N HWA I Cartwright Township CunciliL NC A Ç# was clectcd by acclamation as foi-MI4 lows: Reeve -Creigiton Devitt; Couneillors: R. Byers, Bruce Heas- Bcginning, Uic firstg lip, W. N. Hoskin, Norman Green employees ai Uic Goc Tic anly change from lest year'j fmd 111te marc enjoyal coundil te that NorannGeen ana rfangent Wh taieicplaÇe of Wflfrcd ols It±d ' Darlinglon TOWNhP All clective offices in Uic Town- ship ai Darlingtan were filaid by acclamation Monday et Uic nom-. inattan meeting ield in Hampton. Cleri J. D. Hogarth announccd the iallowing would compose the council for 1941: Reeve-Wallace B. Picidil. Deputy Recve-L. C. Pascoe. Counctilors - R. B. Stevens, Kyle Squair, S. Everton WhIte. Otiernominees iailing ta qual-ý fy wcre: For Reeve, G. F. Annis, Chas. Carruthers, Clias. A. Wight, Silas Williains, Tios. Baker, Ar- thur Pascoe, Arthur Ainis; for- Deputy Reeve, WI. B. Piciell, B. R. Stevens; ionrCancil, ~ C. Pas- cae, A. H. BrIent. Neweastlc Village C. B. Carvcth was re-eiecté Reeve ai Newcastle by acclama-, tion ion a two ycar terin t thc municipal nominations meeting on Monday evenlng. J. E. Binci was elected , by acclamation a member ai Newcastle Hydro Blcc- tric Commission ion sanie tcrm. Five were nominated ion posi- tions an thc MunicieaiCouneil. Tbey were Uic four prescrit coun- cillons, Gea. C. Wright, Fruit Grower; Eanl A. Wallon, Inspec- ton; Ciris Law, Mail Carrier, and Fred Couci, Retlrcd Farmer. Tic new mari was J. H. Jase, Fermer. Thc Council te tri effect, bowever, elected, as Mn. Wright is up ai Copper Clif and lef t wordtUal lia *as riat standing ion coundil is ycan. Tiene wcre four nominations for positions on the Board ai Edu- cation, three ta ne ciccted. Tiey wcrc: C. S. Hornocis and Ross Dickinson wiose terme were cx- pirirng, Stanley Graham nird Bey. R. E. Morion. Tiere has bcen a vacancy on Uic Board ever mince the deaUi af Uic former chairman, C. T. Baity. Tic meeting was conducted by Clerk H. C. Banathiî wi quite anumber ai natepayens prescrit. Reeve Carveth gave a brit but :iear resume ai Couricil activities for 1940 esecialiy i relation to provldig adequate unre protectio 'n 'or Uic village. Tic ttal amount expended ionrfine protection un- der ail headlngs was.$6578.45, but Newcastle ta now-ratai by Uic underwritçrs as tri Claie 1, where- as at Uic beglnnlng il was down in Class 4. Moreover on Uic ne- c'e aide w.as $325.00 froni J. A. % Uth, a donation towards the cost ai the King St. Eut watcr tank. Tic citizens ulould give Mný Siuut# a vote of thanc ionrts. Thcevtflage chaUd thc "car wli a cash balçxcc on hind of~ $1506-02.11 Thc Co ni ly ail Mapae- ment Ç hé cIiaweo d a 7' 6fq oi 3.33ý and ith eql.' 15__ ,e~a TrustAI Wxd buI e cou iod Ç-:igouwé 4 re leny. S osa C 1 t: M e c h i ci P E t i c IÂT02 : , I 1and secam- , daugiter i ofs'c W. G, Northi- fore. aier i'.Tào-break Le saleàmen's bro .bl ~onyCa. stéal cutives and had* gt 'ta Oasi near' tward Hoieël,. extri ions, Bityçlebàn. ianiviie. Ip- lie.' Dster, Arlince 're d, Corservatq-Zy becri ultuouâ,. à czoss pearance a hd tl uer i. a of the year )odycar wIil tb throug Lfhiài luiM~n dead. Tl*c coilLtd 9,"ýTleY hi Ban reade ~ wurluIng aay to dispense stréeiigi'..fm-' ",tzm ening sandwiches and beverageés the fience- ta hungry workers. 1 had jiiý Annauncement of the idea wasïthc rabibit enthusiastically greeted by -Uih a gaod' a employees. It has been i opera- startcd, nu tion ti ather factortes throughaut I w85 or% the country and Uie resultit t mot hal:i Cofl oniy a pieasant break ini a d#y's crOt d work but alsa tends ta greater 1116 g . efficiency. Btfi~ The Carter Family lias been luiil* authorized to pravxde this comr I!d 1gh- missary service and tentative, .f lai plans for dtspensing the lùncha~ canducted 50 as to mninimnize any ýGau Interfcrence with work, -\S TOO NUMiRE D Mss Elsie Rowe, aur Orono correspondent te The Sta-tésmaaài sent this story for Andy Clarke1's Neighbonly Eroadcast: '«E. J. Hammn, Oiýono1 farmner, ',e bas a Pig that it wouldýpay any ! u4 ý ï onc ta buy If thcy like pickiedà couen ê bocks or head cheese. This p la at has six feet - four front one a two btnd ones, and it walks 'on.wa1i, g ali six. It ts only t1re montbs id but' Ern says it wouid ,w f-wl araund 100 pounds. tI comment.4 ing an Uic matter Mn., Hamrm,gq lie didn't notlc'c tbat the piks wb any different from othei*à 9 about a month and a bai ag,:bî ' since then he bas eagerly fi tr its growtb. Apparcntly it anz * mal er ery respect bu 'b% c<4 numnber af feet." How's that for a frcak, 4r'hy ATTENTION LADIES! The Red Cross Nuralng Ciao. Ot wili hald is initiai mçein Manday, Jan. Cii, frazni7 'to 9 .m Cn eiClisohool. WIl U tii wb a e rglstercd kindlyr port promptly. nIC COMINO VNT Courtice Eratiierhood are ed ta bear Sir Gerald EC(.MG., gh Co CinadaI b 1WUmf'A <Contln 4 Instail Offîcers St. Johu'. Nght. Ken soble's Amateurs Entertala 17'd'%T '~~1t Wh-hAre'notoed The Bowminvilie 7 -970 q m L' 1 p 1 Pýl. - z 1