TWO THE CANADIAN S r, BQWMANVILLE, ONTARIO !rHURsDAY, JM~AIT 2, 1941 'i Estabflsheil 1854 AN IDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER With whlch are Incorporated The Bowmauvilie News, Thre Newcastle ludepeudeut, and The Orono News. 85 ygaWs continuons service ta thre Town of Bowmanviile aud DurIrais Couuty. MÉMBER Canadian WeekiY Newspapers Association aud Chas A Weekiies of Canada. .SUBSCRIPTON RATES $2.OO a Vear, strictly iu advauce. $2.50 a Year in thre United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1941 New Year's Resolution For Agriculture Wc quofe ext tacts fromt the leading an- ticle iu The Farmen's Advocate cf Dec. 26: "This publication iili not jolu iu any t' rusade f0 liarass flic Dominion goverumelit Snor wail about farmers bcing downtroddcn, lieaded toward peasanfry," etc. "Wliaf la necded now la a plan or pahicy fo1r agriculture." « The wiale agricultural - prograinmme in Canada la bogged dowu lu doubt, confusion ~'lcsituation la idiculous. If is a situa- tn thaf cannat continue. If gives onceflic ~ ~ lng that samcwliere u nde rn eaflih 9 à s secfhing mass that some day, -* iithouf* waruiug, will blow fthc lid off." There was mauchi-more lu this resoucd and, powertil article. Goverument mutholi- tics, readiug if, would say if was a haras- sing document. As far back as May 1940 Thc Statesman Se said about flic saine thingsansd not only dcmanded a policy for 1941 but made con- structive suggestions regarding a compte- ~:hensive policy. And lmosf weekly we have carried ediforials touching f atm problemns '~during wartimc. We have demt witli plain £acfs as we find them in Durhami Caunty mnd yet we have been warucd not fa crificize flic gôvernmeut. 'Wc have mt and shalmot hoed suci warings ne matter wliaf ficir source. Events have sbown that wc were iglif *~away back lu May and ticre is some safis- faction'in finding many journais of wider circulation now belafedly' taking up flic ,~issue. There is muci satisfaction, fao, fiat practical fariera back us to flic limif. Our ýNéw Year 's resolution is to pursue S anrdenarge upon flic resolufion we adapf cd Wat May-tc champion flic cause cf agri- Sculture as a wattiinc proposition. ÂuAd we suggest ta flic Dominion goveru- 4 ; - ment fiat thcy fake a New Ycar's resalu- *tion-aud smrtty-iu flic matter cf agri- cultural palicy far 1941 and even into 1945. Tic situation is flot only idiculaus: it is perilous. __________ The New Education Ou amoflier page is a repart af 'Maple ~AGrave Sehool Wintcr Fai." We commend ~"ifte oail readers for if marks a present trend. lu self -educat ion fiat. shoulci be adopted cvcrywiene. Note fiat tic sim of fie fait is flic "Ac- tivty" idea and fie centrailflieme "pafria- tisi." The wliole plan ivas conceived and executed by flic pupils ficmseivcs, witli teacliers and parents lunflic background lendiug their enfiusiasm and moral sup- part. - Proeeds received and disburscd were lu 'tic business and pafriotie tradition but fat ',beyond fiat la flic experience giucd in a * ef-reliant promotion whieli, mmoug these youug peopie, wiil carry over vividly into ep, their "growu-up" years aud lu great imca- Ii, sure assure ticir success in life. SEven fie press report of tic fait was i~witten by anc af tic pupils, Doris Sftevens, ý'_ suad appears as wriftcu, in jourùalistic cx- aetitude. Inu al aur experiene ve have fouud ,,»othiig beffer caiculat'cd ta devciop prac- ~tcal kuowicdge and seif-reliauce. And, ugbtfuily, ficy sent flic editor a 1and- tint cd compimctary ticket. Tiat 18 a *'estjire we prize ludeeci in fliese dmys of ýco1d eommnercialiim. The Mapie Grave Winfcr Fait was an ~ottanding success. If shows fiat flic Littfle -Sed Sciaolliauae eau sf111 point fie way fa e more pretentiaus paf crmlific educa- sétupsanad get rigif down to fie lied- suad basis of truc educafion, flic aim cf h c is patriafisi n d truc citizesip. Thougbts for Motorists 'iitching car owners lime Up af Cliallis' çý,'",ge last wcck for thecir 1941 motor and 4ier licenses fwo tiauglifs came to ont 4. Fiat 1 wonder liow mauy coufribufe _pto their churci in a year as they Stheir licenses; second, liow mamy uwance an flicir cars? Wc iil not 011ontic firsf question. , tlie second. Aimosf cvery day li their worfl inlutflicavy and mercliauf mar- ine services evety day. Lord Beatty congrtulabed Canadoe on liaving sucli aplendid graduates of flic Navy League training organizations and wif h Canada becomin*g a naval power and ex. panding its navy, the sca cadets would be- COYIRAGE the goverument is urged ta makè insurance campulsory. Tis could be douecflirougli the insurance of licenses. The amount of the in- surance premium cou.ld bie included in the iiceuse fec so that each year wlien the license fee is reuewed the insur- ance wouid also be renewcd. It miglif mean a littie more work for the Highway Depart- nment but it lias the staff qualified fo liandie tins matter and once the system was es- tablished there would be littie work ta it. If should be-lic h respousibiiity of flic Depart- ment ta protect flic motorists and this, in aur opinion, would be a simple and effec- tive method that wouid inconveniece no ane. RowelI-Sirois Deadline When this issue of TheStatesman reaclies readers f lrougliont this commnnity there wiii remain but 10 days before The Do-. minion-Provincial Conference nmeets at 0f- t awa ta discuss flic reýommendations of flic Roweli-Sirois Report. Tic various provincial delegations have airendy determiued their course, yef no public pronouncements havé been made. Speculation is if e concerning Ontaria 's stand. "Defeatist" newspapers, notably in Toronto and Hlalifax, yammer and wail flicir apposition. The pu blic is largely ignorant concerning flic issue because there lias been nb widesprcad drive ta informn the rank-and- filie. There lias been sporadieclihampionship followed by inexplicable silence. At tlie moment, indications are tliat the conference room will see fervici and far- seeing patriats striving against sectionalisfs and possibiy, politicai opporunuists., Tlie«doilar-minded can and may upsef -a plan which, uitimafeiy and finaliy means National Unify. Sliouid this occur, ail sucl slionld be driven fromn public life-forever. These columus have sfeadfasfiy support- cd thie Report because, f aking flic long- range view, flice issue is Unity and Pros- pcrity versus Disunity.and Impoverishmenf. Rural Canada particularly sliouid make ifs weight feit by sforming delegates and ticir local members of parliament with let- ters demanding. sane action. Farmers can be assured fliat, as a long- range, permanent enactmenf, the, Sirois pro- posais wiii bring fli ouf of theirpresent predicament. 'Heneflicir weiglif is need- cd now. Cooperation of Every Citizen Needed If ever there was- a fime for a sfrang, unit cd, forceful Cliamber. of Commerce ln flic tawn of Bowmanville it is riglit now. Recent eveuts, foiiawiug upan a period which lias been marked by failure as a comn- munity ta take advanfage of obvions op- porfunifies and flic prospect fliat an unfricd new council may be monflis getfiug ifs, stride, siouid arause ecd citizen fa flic necessify of backiug the C. cf C. ta flie limif. We have,' iu President Alex MrcGregor, a wide-awake, succcssful, forward-looking execufive, wif h experience bath in business and as a past member of flic Older Boys' Parliament. Alex lias given commendable leadership ta flie C. of C. flic past year and witli fle directars lias stirred up civic iu- teresti wiici shouid be carried te greater achievemeufs tlie comlng year. We must remember fliaf a long war 15 ahcad of us and that bath opport.unity and sacrifice are lu prospect. Merchants andi cifizens must join fogefli- et vigarously fa underfake problcms fliat have ta do wifh attracfing industries, hous- ing soldiera, creafing civic enthusiasmn and caaperatian and farmer 's markefa-of gen- eraily csfablishing a closeknit ecanomie and *culfural unit, whloisome, vigorus and prosperous. We must go "ail-ouf" during 1941. If is quite passible thaf contact witli industrial- isf s couid lie made flirougli wrifing ta In- * dustrial Commissioners of flic two ail sysfems, as wcil as cormWspnding wifh Cliambers of Commerce whici get enquiries fhey are forced fo pass up for lack of facili- ties-sucli as Oshiawa, for instance. Plans are aiready underway for a bigger and beffer Bowmanvilie District Cliamber af Commerce in 1941 with flic annual meet- reward ot fame. The cern- manding offýcer iras ne menopoly of the prectous wealth cf courage. If apririgs up everywirere, from the im- memorial turf of ancient estates andi from the muci and dnst cf streets. In the captive count ries if must sf111 exist. We know that. men have dieci this year fer liberty iu Czecho-Siovakia,, in Polanci, Iu Norway, in the I9etherlands, in Belginm, in France, lu China, in the tnmbled mountains of Wes- tern Greece, iii many a ,weary mile of sea. The corne more and more 1iniporeto nation. As an admirai, Lord Beatty speaks from experience. Th'e son of the noble hero of Jutland is Chairman )of the Board of the Navy League of Great Britain. Municipal Rejuvenation "Unless we get the "kinks" out of our present way of thinking and acting, this town will sink riglit back into the status of a village."~ These words were used by a well-to-do townsman long sixrýeretired from active business. He Êtormed into i ur office the other evening when if seeiued that jaothing would corne of the proposai ta hbdQ the Midiand Regiment in Bowmanville for flic winfer. He deplored the passing of the gopd oid days wlien men weicomed the "knocks" fliat go with public office in order that prosperify and forward policy should be fthe order of the day..1 His idea is thaf Bowmanville is in a state today where a face-lifting and gland-opera- tion is imperative He eifed a whole lot ~ things in support of this thesis. We suggested thaf lis impromptu out- burst might do much good were lie to de- liver if as a public speech before a repre- sentative civic meeting. But lie countered: "How are you going ta get elfizens ouf?" So we leave if at that for the moment. We did not quarrel with him. We did not argue. We simply sat and listened-and did some thinking about it. And we reeomxnend that everyone interested do some thinking f00. Meantime, we turned our attention ta writing the news of the negotiations which took place regarding the Midlands. This will be found in another columu. Our only comment is thaf Mr. Churchil, Mr. King, and ail responsible authorities urge and reiterate that we are into a long, long, war. The FIying Trapeze On Hansard, pages 116-7 we find that our stupendous wileat carry-over hrs vanished overuiglit. That will corne as welcorne news and vast relief toanaxiaus farmers and bar- ried officiais who have for months wrestled with the probleni. Our Minister of Agriculture, lately re- turned fromt England where he failed in rnaking a now agreement on wheat, gave f0 the House an estimate of ho'd Canada 's surplus would vaniali. Ha "fiew through th~e air with the greatest of ease" and painted this roseate picture: Today, we have over 700 million bushels for export. During the next five years, given average production, we shahl have ta dispose of over fwo billion bushels. 0f this we shah slhip ta, Brifain 800 million bushels. We shah cnsume a like amount at home. Liberating blockaded Europe wili take 480 million bushels and 30 million will go to outside cauntries. Re- ;earch and good "breaks" over this five year period miglit find us with an actuai shortage of 50 million bushels. éAlil of whicli was predicfed upgn flic word "assuming. " We have littie doubt that, given flic "breaks" the tremendous energy and or- ganizing abiiity of flic Minister wiil ac- compliih just what lie has forecasf. Now thaf flua weight is off oàr minds we eau turn to probiems of mi]k, -bacon, appies and 'what-not and briug back pros- perity to diversified agriculture. Maybe soai sort of definif e poiicy dan be worked out before Denmark again challenges us for Brit» t lradte. *We have long eufcrfalued flic idea fiat fie pr"sent goverument af Ottawa liopes fa succecci itself lu posf-war ycars. As we read Hausard aud news exelianges we read cvi- deuces of liesitaflons fa take bold decisions unt il public 'opinion lias becu fýhoroughiy cxplored. Tiere appears ta bc a "groping" forward, a cautions festing before imporf- mut- actions arc faken fa flic end fiaf flic feelings cf cifizeus shahl in no way be abrupfiy sliockcd; fiat Japan be *placafed and fliat flicU.S.A.. balance af apinion bc favourably maintained. .Lafesf evideuce is this so-cailed Baby Budget. Tiere 15 a sehoal cf ticugif wiici agrees witli ail tfia but yet insists upon bolder- moves as nccessary lunflic present circum- stances. And 'there arc tiose wlio daim to, sec a movemeut designed fa seize fie suc- cession from flic Premier himself. If lias been poîutcd ouftfliat ticre lias beeu assembled at Ottawa under an aggres- sive *Miuisf et a galaxy cf talent in formi- dable proportions, from eue particulat pro- vince, which may af an opportune tine, move to enflirone ticir idol. Tiese may be mcnely imagluings but thene are many facta fiat may be ssembled iu support aifiese contentions. r'olitical moves of amy suci nature shauld have no place in fie midsf cf tic struggle we anc now in. Observations and Opinions Be cali inl arguimg; for fiereuesa makes error a fauîf, sud trufi dlaccurtesy; caim- nesa is a great advantage.-Herbcrt. Speaking before fie Canadian D e n t ai1 Trade Association a few days ago, a dem- fiat from New York said freafmeut cf flic feefli may restore maturai charm suad beau- ty. Tins,jtle denfisf may cure hearfaches, ais wchi as toothaclies. Tic people cf Ontario do mot know f00 mucli about tlic Sirois Report sud if would be sacider sf111 if tliey Wete ebiiged ta learu about if in a provincial election. At a tirne like fiat, party feelings tise above sound jndguicnt sud common sense.-The Farm- et 's Advocate. Twcuty-ane persons were arreaf cd iu East York for being lu wiat is called a common gamiug bouse. The poot sapa neyer seem fo learu fiat a gamîug bouse is opcrafed for tie profit of flicminuwio us lt-sund noue aflir.-Peterboro Examiner. This misa appiies to siof machine addicfs. Over fthc door cf every colum.nists' office siaulci be a igu: "Abandon ail political liopes, ye wio enter liere." A good calumu- isf lias fa say wbat lic thinka, whilc a man in polities always lias fa think wliat lie sys.-W. M. Bangay lu Detroit Free Press. Thc follawiug advice may be sQflewliaf belateci for thus year's municipal elections but if shouil give sufficient food for thouglit fiat citizens will fake a greater iu- fercst in fliemmntliey eleefta publie office as weli as be more coucerned flic year round in civie mnd govetument activifies. Here 's flic suggestion: A few days ago a man wlio works wifi is buds put into a dczcîî words a truti politicai philosophera have stmted lesa eieatiy lu volumes: "The mnu wlio defeafs goed governmeut la flic mam wlio docan 't vote." There la somcthing for Canadians ta fthiuk about as flicy again face fie opportu.mity ta say at flic ballot box whaf kind cf government they waut. It la mrely s matter of mafliematics. Let enaugli cifizeus fail fa vote and gaveruneut passes into fie banda af a miuorty. That eau bap- peu lu Canada-it hao., Work Is henlthy but worry la Let us be of good chUé', rèmem.. rust upoh thte blade. it là' not bering that there miafrtunes hard- moveràent that destroys =sain. est ta bear are those that nover lry but frlctlon.-Beecher. lcome.-James Riusseil LowelI. We are tndebted tfa'a great reader and public spirited citizen, eut feilow townsman, J. H. H. 3urÏ for calling our attention ta thre followiug editarial "Cour- age" which appeared in the New York Times and was reprinte intriThe Farmcr's Advocate: If iras been the "decadent" democracies that have pro- dnced tire finest acts cf courage iu this 'war tire outrangeci Britisir cruisers closing ti ou tir Graf Stree; tire Finnisir infantry cuttlig Russian colmua te pites- in tire grim winter fereats; Frencir regiments, rmlsled, betrayeci, holding their. part of tire lime ike a limte Ver- dun against tire Geriogu tanks and Stnkas; 'Britis soldiers cf tiere tes guard at Dunkerque and Britishr civ- ilians mauuing motar boats ta take tire defeated but not beaten army home; Britishr meni andi women-eordinary, plain-faceci people who used. fa malte a fuss about a cnt finger-crawiing ont of thirt bombardeci homes witi tire magnificent gesture cf the up-poited thumb; the creW of the Jervis Bay fightlng their unarmoured vessel a- gainst tire German pecleet battleship; tire airmen cf the R.A.F. geing np ti ail wca- thers, against ail ocda, day affer day, nigirt affer ntirht, ta guard the homes and sirrines of Britain; tire iomb sqnads metirodically remav- iug time-bombs that may ex- plode at any moment. If is the glory arid splen- deur of these fremendeus cisys tirat the brave deeds are donc wtthont hope 'of Nov T ar'm 18801260M fly Greuvie Kiehser Turning ta bis private sectrtary, P. D. Armour, cf Chicago, said "A salesman can't have his head full of odds and ends likIe a bo- logna sausage, and ever succeed."' The man wIW resolvetta con- cenfrate on oci mportant objet and puts forth iris besf efforts, day alter day, is destined for real achievement. Lack of singleness cf atm is re- sponsible for many failures. Scat- ter your lire and you lessen your chance of bifting the target. To score a hit you must concentrate on the point you wish ta hit. Slngleness cf purpose is abso- lutely essential ta success. Media- crity con net compete with effi- cieucy. of many talents is con- rteby the temptation tc dis- s-'ipate iis energies. is versatility rnay proye a handicap and lead ta his undoing. Learri ta condentrate upon anc .worthwhile purpose and ta apply ail your abilities ta the accomp- lisirment cf that purpose. When you defmîitely set before 'yourself a parficular- objective, and bend your energies toward that, it acts as a stimulatmng uf lu- ence in your daily life and stirs yout besf powers iuto action. Set before yourself a reascriable ideal, flot a fantastic dreamin m- possible of realizaticu. d»anc, Imnaginary castle-building a ay-dreaming are not enougir. ou must supplement your dreamns itir intelligent aud diligent work yon are f0 accomplish anythtug. The following suggestions will elp you ta formulate a set cf ew 'Year's resoluficus for ycur- cif. Rescive ta: 1. Do first thtngs first. 2. Chart a daiy plan. 3. Talle less aud listen more. 4. Depenci upon yourself. 5. Take fime ta be friendly. 6. Be au intelligent optimist. 7. Praise rather than to censure. 8. Avoici needless debt. 9. Be unifortmly courteous. 10. Thinle coristructively. 11. Leave prcrpiptly. 2.Practise the Golden Rule. USuccessions BowmanvMle fo give your car a square deailnb 1941 ][T WILL SAVE YOU MONEY -IN THE LONG RUN. We Take This Opportunity to Wlsh AU Our Frieuda A HAPPY NEW YEAR C. Deain HodgsoLn WhIt Rose Service Station rThe World's News Seen Tbrough THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Dasly Newspa per iTruthful-Constructive-Unbiased-Free front Sensalipuai- ism -Editorials Are Timeiy and Instéuctive andi Its Vail Features, Togezter with the WeeJdy Magazine Sec-t.on, Make dii, Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Chr i. cinePublibhig Society, One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price.$12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. Address ----------------------- ------ - SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST M AT LEAST $300 ini new purchases, or gifta, are added fo every: one's home eaoh year. Yet, have yau increaaed your fire insurance ta caver the value af everyfhing in your home? imure today Iu a weii kuowu, dePeudable stock fire lusurauce cOmPsi1Y. Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS tRMDAY, 3ANVàËlý 2,* 1941 TWO THE CANADIAN Si T, BQWMANVIILLE, ONTARIO Phone 681