*s ~ ~--r-'v'< 'a ~AGE FO~?R Cadmus Mris. W. H. Fallis and Mn. Loweil Painla have gone on an cxtended trip te Mexico and othen parts o: thc United States. Mn. W. D. Ferguson has nentec bis f arm and purposes moving with lis family in thc near futuire. Mn. anid Mra. Gordon Brown, Rossanaad Mrs. Wiitfield, Toronto, Mr. William Brown and family, Omemnee, visited at Mn. Russell Brown's on Sunday. Christmnas Visitons: Mr. and Mns. W. D. Fenguson, Fay and Gary; Mn. and Mns. A. E. McGiII, at Smith Fenguson's. Bowmaaiville. Mn. and Mra. George Fowlen, Miss Helen and Mn. and Mra. RaY McGil% at Mn. Alvin McGiII's,. Lindsay. Mn. and Mra. Gilbert Gibson, Douglas and Allan, at Chas. Gib- son's. Mn. and Mra. C. J. Mountjoy, Tsligton; Mn. Sam Mountjoy, Hampton; Mn. and Mra. Russell Gilbert and Velus, Solina; Mn. Milton Slemnon. Lloyd and Gor- don, Haydon, at Mn. J. E. Elliott'a. Mn. and Mns. Clare Fallas, Jack anid Joan; Mn. and Mra. Normaan Philp, Edwaird and Kathiryne; Mn. anid Mrs. William Robinson and Glen Gibson, Toronto; Mn. and Mra. C. H-. Fallas; Mn. and Mira. William Robinson, Aain and Raipla, Janetvllle, at Edgar Gibson'a. Mn. and Mna. R. A. Cooke, wi Mn. andi Mns. G. Malow, Nestle-J ton. M.- andi Mns. Gordon Brown, - Whlfleldand Philip Toot;Mn. and Mrs. Laiener sand Marlon, eton aEid Ms.Noman Green, 35th Wedding Anmiversary On Saturday evening, Deccm- ber 21st oveir onc hundrcd invited gaets asscmblcd at Uic home o! Mr. and Mns. George Fowlear to joi with Uiem in clebrating their 35Ui weddiaig anaiiversaary. The roonas wene suitably decorsted i pink and white and in the centre a two-stoiry weddig cake on a table autsbiy deconated. The company was called teonder by Rcv. D. M. Stiaison, who in s few humairaus ncmarks explained the neason o! Uic asaembly and Uic followlng prognani was rendered: Piano solos, by Mra. Dave Wilson; reading by Miss Della Lathangue "«Gnandmothear"; piano and violiai duet by Mna. Dave Wilson and Mr. James Kerr; resding by Ma- joric Galbraith 'Heard at a Regis- tration Booth"; piano and violiai duet by Mns. Dave Wilson and Mn. James Kerir; neadiaig by Mra. Harold Stinson 'The Man I Ma- ried." Mra. Dave Wilson read tic address te Mn. and Mna. George Fowlen lin which besides offoring congratulations, strescd their hospitality, ateir which Mra. Rich- ard Stinson and Mn. Eric Cspstick presonted Mn. and Mra. Fowlen with a,96-piece set o! dishes and a Westminster Chinies dlock. Mns. Fowleir gnaciously Uianked ail for thé lovely gift and good wishcs. Dancing was enjoycd for a short trne and a deliclous lunch was served. Hampton Visitons: Miss Cannie Fan- comb, Toronte, with her parents. ...Mn. Jack Cowlig, Toronto, with his parents... Mn. and Mns. R. Burnis anid sans, Janetviile, at Mn. S. Keisoy'a. . Misa Gertrudc 'Pe>wat Wm. Chap- mans.. r.andMrs. W. R. Harn, Mrs. Catheine Jacob, Port Hope, 'le. Walter Jacob, Peterbono, Mn. and Mra. Milton Avery and dau- ghter, Donna Kay, Columbus, Ohio, at W. W. Honn's. .. Mn. Ken Caverly, Nobel, with Mns. Caven- Iy and family. .. Mn. and Mna. AI- bert Cale and son Donald, Bow- manville, at C. W. Souch's. .. Mr. and Mra. Gilbert Wilkinson and son Douglas, Tarante, spent Christmas with Mn. and Mns. C. E. Hor... -Mn. and Mna. Raymond Burnsanaad daughtcn, Oshawa, at MUs. J. Burais'. . . Miss Audrey Nothcutt, Bowmanville, Mns. Roy Brown, Taranto, aie holidaying at A. L. Blanchad'a. .. Misa Made- lno Truil, .Mns. Myrtie Taylor, Toronto, and Mr. Rahph Taylor, ,Oshawa, spent Christmas at home. W. M. S. met December l7th. Mra. Niddcry was in charge o! Uic eecian o! officcra whicb nesult- .ed as followa: Han. Pre.-Mns. A. ~I Billeti; President-Mna. H. Sal-1 te; lat Vice-Mrs. H. Cale; 2ndj Vice-Mna. A. Alli; Rer. Sec- Mns. A. Blanchard; Assistant Sec. -Miss L. Reynolds; Trcas-Mrs. jT. Salter; Cour. Sec.-Mrs. Nid- :1 deny; Stewandahip Sec.-Mars. H. ,f Colo; Litenatune Sec. -Mra. C. Stephens; Missionairy Monthly- Mra. S. Williams; Associate Help- 'rs Sec'y-Mns. Warnen; Com- munity Fricndahip - Mira. Rack- hamo; Supply Sec'y-Mrs. W. W. Horn, Miss Reynolds; Press Sec'y. -Mra. A. Blanchard; Temperance -Mns. A. Colwill; Mission Band Leader-Mra. Reyniolds and Mra. Warren. Prognam was in charge o! Mrs. Raekham and group. The Bible lessona wene read by Mrs. Rackham, Mns. L. Truli, Mna. A. Blanchaard, Mra. Warren and Mira. T. Salter. Mns. K. Cavcnly sang a solo li keeping witla Chrirstmas story. Theme of the Christmas story was "The World Circle o! Homage Around the Christ." Thoso taking part were Mrs. Rackham, Mns. Truil, Mra. A. Blanchard, Mns. C. Warren, Mra. C. Stephens. Mra. H. Salter led >in prayer and meeting closed by all joining handa and singing "Joy to the Wonld the Lord is come." (Intended ton asat week) Visitors: Rev. and Mns. Rack- laam with Mrs. Rackbam's mothor Miras. Crawford, at Lansing.... Mira. S. Williams at Mr. L. Wil- liams', Solina. . . Mns. J. Burns wîtla Mrs. D. Racklaam, Bowman- 1ville. . . Jimmie Brodie, Toronto, witla lis sister, Mra. J. R. Rey- nolds. , . Misses Helen and Betty Knox, Toronto, and Jessie Knox, Haydon, at J. R. Knox's... Grant -and Yvonne Williams, Solina, with their grandparents. . . Mn. and Mns. T. Salter witla Port Per- ry frienda. .. Mra. Emma Bennett,1 Bowmanvilie, at T. Wray'... Mr. and Mns. Geo. Armour and dau- glter witla ber parents, Mr. and Mns. R. Wood, Orono. .. Mn. andi Mira. H. E. Cole with relatives at Orono. . . Miss Alta Brown at Merlin. .. Mr. Harry Faulkner at lis home near Belleville. .. Mr. and Mns. D. Rackham, Mn. and Mira. Reg. Rackham, and Miss Eileen Thompson, Bowmanville, at the parsonage. .. Misa R. An- thistle, Brantford, with ber par- ents. . . Mir. and Mns. G. Fan- comb witla Toronto relatives. .. Miss Ruby Clatworthy, Bowman-t ville, at L. Trull's. Miss Marjonie Alliai clebrated hen birthday Saturday and in the evcning entertained a number o! young people.a The Christmas concert was wel attendeci, and proved very inter- esting and entertaining, and-wasS in charge o! Mn. H. Faulkner andr Miss Alta Brown. Chlldren o! Uic Jr. room presented a briglat mu sical play "Mn. Moon and Christ- mas", and the Sr. noom a pageant' "Finding the Christmas Secret," bath suggesting the true Spirit o! Christmas. The pupils also sangn a -numýi The chil those in the eve: Horn ai Santa r distribul Unic Chist: Mn. an Joyce, M Gregora at Mn. V Mr. a Orono; 1 and farr Velma I Walterni L Mn. ai family,i Buriceton Mr. anc Ernest,C f in's. Mira. IN manville, Mr.an( lin, Burkt Lauglalin' Rev. ar and fami Mns. Hai South Mc Austin Li and Mns Maurice, Mira. Gort Mr-. Arthi and Mns.1 Port Hope Misa JE parents, U Mn. and and famnl Pure hoi try, joy, el poweir anÉ BANQUET j«nuary M.h at 12 Mo ýcbarceh School Boom.- jw. W. J. Johuston, Eglini ~ ~asbcome noted VSLC0M 1SUN Orono News 7 Jim asud Betty Linton visil i Toronto. Mr. and Mira. K. Gamsby vis cd inOshawa. Mns. Prue Morgan feil a biroke her wa'ist. Mn. Wallace Sisson, Sudbiu visited lais mothen. Jas. Eaglesop visited in Bail bono and Peterboro. A nunaber o! our cîtizens we hunting on. Boxing day. Mns. George Buttersanaad M P. Gordon viaited i Toronto. Mn. and Mns. C. Crease ai Paul, Tononto, visited Mns. Cows Measîca, mumpa, w h o o p i r cough, and flu are goig t rounds. Mn. and Mns. J. Eagleaone tertained at dinner on Saturdi evening. Several citizens have complai ed o! petty tlaieving. Watch yci belonginga. Listen in oný Andy ClarkE Neighboriy News over CBL ec Sunday. We were interested, hearing Mns. Fred Bowcn's d( story. Fnienda were sorry to hear-i the death o! Mira. W. Underwoc (nec Beatrice Foster), a form Ononoîte, who was buried in 0 ono Wednesday. Park St. Union met Mondâ night. Stella Beat, Myrtie Tan blyn, Bertha Caai, Glen Hancoc and Margaret Milison neceivE certificates in conaiection with t. regionai training achool. Mission Band met Monday a: tennoon. Shirley Myles read tl Psaim and Mars. Littlewood c3 plained it. Election rosultsan Presideait, Shirley Myles; Seca( tary, Ray West; Treasurer, An: Staples. Mr. D. Keith McElroy, gran son o! Mns. D. Noble, is in Lou ville, Kentucky, where lac h been delegateci by the Phi CI Medical Fraternity o! the Univei sity o! Toronto to attend its con vention. At Park St. Chuncla Sunda morning the pastor told the chi diren a story and spoke to th aduits on "Looking back." Bot messages were appropniate fo the closing Sunday o! thc ycsi At nigbt Uie sermon subject w "1940 Nationally." At this servic Mis Bertha Cali n endered splendid vocal solo. At the mon .ng service, with Mns. A. A. Drum aaond sololat, the choir saxl 'There Were Shephenda," ti same piece being given aven fi radio by the Carleton St. choir A~t Sunday School Mn. J. J. Mcl or -delivered an appropriate tall for the New Year season whicI vas mucla enjoyed. Report o! School meeting anÈ Live and Learn Club will appeai next week. bro! --C-hristmas carols. idren in co-operation with WEDDING icharge, deserve credit for bo-a ning's program. Miss N. son-a cted as pianist. Joliy old Trmnity Coliege chapel, Toronto, nade his appoarance and decorated with palma and white ted the many gitta. chrysanthemums, was the scene ______________ of a lovely wedding Saturday evening, December 28th, whon ~ Mis Emily Eileerb Day, Groavenor )n, ...arlington St.,sdauglater of Mra. Day and the _______late Frederick Austin Day, K.C., tmas Visitoirs: became the bride of James Noir- ind Mra. Cyril Aveiry and mart Sissons, son o! Professor K~r. and Mira. James Mc- and Mrs. Charles Bruce Sissons. and family, Maple Grove, Rev. Dr. B. IR. English officiated. Willllamn Wotten's.' The bride was given in mar- and Mra. Reg. Sutton nrage by her brother, Gordon Day, Mr. and Mrs. D. Adams and wore a gownÙ of ivory Brus- naly, Newtonvllle; MiSasel lace over ivory satmn which Perguson, Oshawa, at Mr. was worm by lier aunt, Mra. Alan Ferguson's. Reid, at her wedding 25 years ago. id Mra. Ceci Rahm ad The gown was fashioned with at Mr. Harry Rahz'a long tight-fitting lace leeves, a il. very long full train and 'higla d Mra. Leslie Wotten and neckline. Her veil of ivory net Oshawa, at Mr. R. Gi!. was edged with the lace, and she carried a bouquet o! roses. Her Westake nd Bll, ow-oniy ornament was a sigle trand ',et MakeFank BM, BO..of pearis. at Mr. Janks MoeLu Miss Gertrude Day, the maid o! Ldon Mira .R esMug- honor, wore a gowai of turquoise l'S. tMr.Rsei c blue silli jersey made with ful '5.Mrs bodice, and short puffed aleevea. ndMr.Egne Beech She wore a headdareas o! floweirs ily, Roseneath; Mir. and with velvet bow to match her ry Larnrer and Shirley, bouquet of roses. :onaghan; Mr. and Mra. Heniry Sissons waa groomsman armer and famlly; Mn. for lais brotheir. The ushers were s. Ross Richards and Charles Sissons, James Baxter, Bowmanville; Mir. and Martin Sissona and Harold Young. don Beecla, Enniskillen; Following the cenemnony a re- ur Beecla, Haydon; Mr. ception was hcld at the home of Evert Beech and family, Professor and Mrs. Siasons, Ad- e, at Mn. Aylmeir Beech's. miral Road, aften which the cou- rean McLean, with hier ple left on a wedding trip to Boa- .Jxbridge. ton, New York and Phiiadelphia. ýd Mrs. George Rahm For travelling the bride donned a y at Mir. L. Bradley's. periwinkle blue wool frock trim- med with dusty pink, black coat and accessories. They will live in ve la a fountain of poe- Toronto.8 enthualasm, as well as oft id courage. CLARE NOMINATION MEETING SNominations for Clarke Council weire held on Monday in Onono rham Apple town hall. J. J. Melon, Township Clerk, read the names o! ail those nom- inated: Reeve-T. A. Reid; Deputyf Reeve-J. Patton; Councilors-F.a B. Lovekîn, J. H. Lowony, W. h ention Laing; ail o! fvhom were re-elect- t, ~n i ned for the next two yas Reeve Reid, in lais address, com- mented on the wondenfui way taxes came in and referred those F IL, oit Hope uresent to the financial statement. He also deait with the anow fence 1.30 P.m. S.T . business, and the increase o! taxesv which he explained due to varioua U30 a-.. S.T. thinga uc as inreased county a sy eaurlg ct deait with county financial ai-B IaY eatrin Inect faira, giving figures from the oblems, Etc. movîng Auditors' report. Clarke, it wasL revealed, has the third highest assesament of ail the townships,.IV Deputy Reove John Patton ai deait with county conimittees onC which lac senved, teliing the work !! o! the Forestny commlttoe and À roada commîttee, also snow fenc- 2 O'lock S.T eF. B. Lovekin deait chiefly with -5oc per plate. how county finances could be im- tton United Church, proved in lais opinion in achool, justice and noad matters. Ho also 1as on. of the best deait with township mattena -in- cludlng noads, snow fonces, bridg- es, etc. Ho thanked the people for electing hlm for the 14th tenm. J. H. Lowery mentioned the financial condition o! the town- ship, which bas $7108.20 balance M M E R , S e . - T r 4 4 . a ft e r p a y i n g e x p e n s e s o f $ 6 4 , - 1 . WMERS Sec.Trea. 256.72. Ho mentioned the unayoid- _________________able highen tax rate; wonk on thi; roads; what percentage o! eachl T~HE CANADIAN ST [AN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 ted isit- and iry, ilie- cnt mnd ran. n g tic en- day in- Our ce'a cla in og o! od layq )ck1 idcd thej af-1 tho re- ma me ut bas been ic "decadent" lYb emocracies that have pro- in uced Uic finest acta af!Ne urage li this 'war) thc Frý utranged Britisha cruiseirs tu' loing in on thé Graf Spee; ter Finniala infantry cuttig we ussian colunras te pieLècaý Uie grim winter fonests; uInceh regimenta, muisled, dollare goldigtooahei partmet W.th laing pke afit ir egrli Ui rplu ad p raie i a n aupeinstteent. y ar em andmetineaB tere woul d o n w vter'l cFis y of atho gug adatin d correnoud Bettended t. TOO MANY CLAIRKE PEOPLE 1- IGNORE HEALTH LAWS as At the request o! the Chalarman i o! the Clarke Township Board o! -Health s special meeting was call- - d and thc Board met De. 28tb in Dr. A. F. McKenzic's office in ,y Onono. l- There was s thonouga discus- ie sion rogarding the pirevalence of hmumpa, mesIes and other coin- )tagiaus diseaseç in, Uic township. r. ut was poiaited-out that in certain Ldiseases the M.O.H. could nat pla- ýcard places wlaere sanie diseases awere present unlesa it was decm- c_ d wise by the local Board. It was Lalso leaarned that the public did g not aeem ta be inclincd ta give epropen co-openstion and that cases elaad been discovcncd only thirouga heaasay and mot until the disease bad almoat ruai ita course. The kmembers o! the Board aie not hanxious ta cause hardship for anyone, but being reaponsible as 1a Board tlaey kaiow it la their duty rta protect Uic people o! the Town-, slaip even wben they don't scem ta be wlling ta protect theni- selves. In view o! tbis the !allow- îng resolutaon was passcd: "In view o! the possibility o! a serious condition prevailing be- cause o! the sprcading o! certain types of contagiaus diseases in the Township o! Clarke Uic Board o! Healta hereby instructa the Medical Officier of Hcalta, Dr. A. F . McKenzie, ta placard andi quarantine ail cases o! mumpa, chicken pax, German mesIes, in »addition ta othen contagiaus dis- cases." The Scnetary was also inatruct- cd te communicate with every School Principal in the Township instructing hlm ta repart aIl sus- piciaus cases ta the M.O.H., on the Scnetary o! thc Board, and stat- ing that no chald shail be allowed, ta rcturn ta achool without first aecuring a permit !rom Dr. Mc- Kcmzie. This action on the part of the Board may secm ta be drastic but thene scema ta be such a strong desine on Uic part o! many ta keep thc knowledgc o! commnuni- cable diseases from bccoming known and in some Casesta laugg s about it Uic Board feels that tbis a la too dangenous a practico to be 1. sllowed. Tharougla selfiolanesa and 1 indiffenence o! this kind mucla su!fering and -sorrow la possibleC and the wlaolc Towanship will ho 1 compelled ta pay s big price for IE the ncglect of the few. g It miglat be as wdll for thoee E who prefen ta be cancleas and in- 1 diffenent there lsas heavy fine F wlaich can be aipsed on thcm iý for not doing tei art in report- A~ ing sucla case. v -S Brown*s T The teachen and pupila o! aur C school aie ta be congratulated on ' tic splendid Christmas concert ai pirograi. - b Mn. Dick Roley,* Toronto, at T Ma'. T. Clark's. Mn. Bull Clark at Mn. R. H Bnancii's. f Misa Wylma Farrow, with Miss C H~elen Couda, Newtonville. te Mn. anid Mira. C. Mallcy and C family; Mr. and Mira. W. Brunt a and famuly, Lockhart's; Mar. and E ~MIn. E. Caswell andi family, New- li tonville; Miss June Brown, Tweed, S, it Mn. Cliffoird Brawn's. G Mn. andi Mns. Fred Neabitt, Newtonville, at Mn. Wellington H Fairrow'a. v Mn. and Mira. Andy Hunten and P Muary, -at Mn, Passenta', Bowman- ar ville. S Mn. Lloyd Stephenson, Cheddar, Di t Mn. Gea. Stephenson's. Fi Mir. and Mns. Chas. Alldred and le, Bairbara Aain, Mna. P. Hotson, s0 Lake Shore, at Mn. R. Graham's. jo Mn. and Mns. Harris, Oshawa, Mina. G. Arnold, Mn. Dick Raley and Mn. T. Clark, at Mn. Eric Clairk's. JOHNSTONOS BOOKSTORE greatly appreelates the Patron- age of Ifs many oustomers Iurlng 1940 and wlshes all a PEOSPEROUS AN» HAPPPY NEW YEAR. THUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1941 We are idebted to 'a rest reader and public p irted citizen,, our fellow 'wnsman, J. H. H. Juy for ollowing editorial "Couir- gel' which appeared i the .ew York Times and was eprinted in The Farmer's ~dvocate: 1 --ý Kendal Visitons: Pte. Gilbeirt Grel@ home from Bowmanville. . - Wm. Darliaigton, with bis mot] ..Mn. andi Mrs. Howard Lin and Florence, Maarmora, with tE. Underwood. . . Misses Ar 1Wright, Myrtlc Falls, AudireyF ton, Olive-Gardon and Berr Boyd, at home. . . The baya bave been tiraining at Peteri aire home, sevenal have been u: car the docton's cao.... Mr.i EMira. W. Mencer and family, .Uxbridge. . . Mn. and Mns.B kPatterson anid Bil, Toronto;1 and Mns. William Wannan,w William Patterson. . . Mr.n Mns. Dick Bostock and girls, Mn. Paedon's. . . Mn. and 1V Roy Mercer and David, with]I and Mrs. MacInnes, West HM. Mns. Underwood was with1 daugaten, Mns. T. Waodyard, Orono. :We wish te -welcome Mn.a Mira. S. Gardon and faniily to g village. They have moved l thc house occupied by Mn. Thomas and Mn. MacTaggart. The achool meeeting was hg on Monday ovening. Mn. Geary caretaker and W. Mencer was, lected trustee. It la expected student teacher from <onor Normal wlll be at Uic achool1 the tlrat week o! achool. Pte. Wslter Wright and P Willis Wright, Toronto, with Mi Florence Wright. Solina Visitors: Mira. Bryce Broa with frienda in Toronto. .. Miss Doris Millson, Bowmanvil Verna Millson, -Western Hospit Toronto; at Mn. E. D. Millson's. Mra. Jane Bush, at Mr. Cet Buala's, Oshawa. .. Mns. R. J. M Kesaock, Ma'. and Mira. ÏBry Brown, at Mn. Evoarett Elliott ,Oshawa.,. Mr. and Mrs. E1ne Lainier ahud tamily, Blacksteck,i Mir. E. R. Tayloir's. . . Mn. ar Mirs. Burney Hlooey and Barbar Burketon, at Mr. B. G. Steveul .-.Misses Jesale and Grace Ye lowlees, Oshawa; Mosans. Donal Yellowlees anid Franik Wrigh Bowmaaiville, at Mr. Enest Hoci aday's. .. Mn. and Osa. J. R. Re3 îoida, David and John, Hamptci at Mr. Jack Reynold's. . -Mn. Ge 'erY, University o! Tara:nte,i M'r. S. E. Weirny's. . . Mn. and Mr S. E. Weirry, George and Weslq at Mr. Meredith Mof!att'a Ost awa. .... Mrs: S. Thompson W] has been staying at Mr. S.1 Werry'a bas rotUrned te Toronti ..Mr. Wilfired Dewell, N P A.M Ottawa, wiUi lais family. *. M Les Snowden, Betty, Mildred an, Bob, Maplo Grave; Pte. Bruce Ho garUi, Midland Regt.; Lieut. Ar aker, Bowmanville, at Mn. Thck Baker's. . - Miss,/ Helen Bakez Peterboro, at home. . . Mn. ai( Ura. Jack Baker and faaiily,a lira. Howard Coucla's, Bowman ville... Mars. A. Millson and Mai: St. Marys; Mn. and. Mra. Veni narttes Toronto, at Mn. Maurici Bake'. . . Mn. and Mns, Wl White Donald and Douglas nanan; Mn. and Mra. Chanlei White and famuly, Oshawa; Mr ind Mira. Alan White, Newtoaý iroak; Mn. and Mns. Claarencg rink and family, at Mr.,Georg( Thitc's. . . Miss Lulu Reynolds lampton, witla Mary Hogarth.. [r. and Mna. A. L. Pascoe anc !mily; Mn. and Mns. Everet nyderman and family, Mn. Wal nr Cryderman and Alan, at Mr 'harles Smitla's, Hampton... Mr id Mira. Walterý Parrinden and Cvelyn, at Mn. Brun-anel's, Brook. in. . . Mn. and Mira. Isaac Hairdy 'anley and Dorothy, at Mn. W 'laspell'a, Uxbridge. 'YP.U. met Monday niglat witb larvcy Yellowlecs, cultural con- ,eer in charge of the followin iogram: Toplc "That Good Sam- ritan Idea," Ileen Balson; plano ola, Ruth Reynolds; ireadingi )ouis Millson; ma4tiiongan music, rancis Wotten; Kathleen Baker .d in community ainging and me games which wene muclaec- >ycd. Bu&rkeq-ton Visitera: Airciraitsman A. W. reck,-'.Toironto, at home. . . Mr. Carter, Bownaanville, at home. .Mr. Orland Balley, Oshawa, home. . . Rev. E. Whithame, mronta, with fn' ienda. .. Mn. and Er. S. Pedlar, Toronto; Mn. and Irs. W. Cochrane and famlly, iwmanville, at Mr. H. RahVs. Mn .Iftand Mira. H. Strutt and hyllls, Oshawa, with Mis. P. lenny. . . Mn. and Mira. D. Gat- .ward. or fame. The com- iading offýcer bas no znopoly o! Uic preclous ealth o! courage. It spiringa peverywaerc, tram Uic im- emorial turf o! ancient tates and from Uic mud id dugt o! atreets. In thc ttive countries it must ill exist. We know that, en have died this yeai fan :eirty li Czeclao-Slovakla, .Poland, in Nonway, ini Uic ethenlands, i Belgium, in .ance, in China, in Uic nbled mountaina o! Wes- rn Greece, in many a ear mile nf gancTh COtRAGE Pro Stock-Taking Sale 0F LADIES' GOAlS 2 Only BLACK COATS, Sable Trlmmed 250 Regular 832.50 ------------ _.. BLACK COAT, Tlpped Fox Trlmmed aegular $22.50--------------. PBLACK COAT, Silver Fox Trlmmed Regular $65.00-- Ër BJACK COAT, Siberlan Wolf Trlmmned Regular $32.50O-------..... .BDLACK COAT, Brown Squirrel Triju. Regular 839.50 --«--...... BLACK COAT, OPPOssum Trlmmed Reg'ular 827.95-.. ..... BLACK COAT BDrown OPPOhISUM Trlm. Regular $25.00 - BROWN COAT, Brown FOX Trlmmed Regular $22.50 -----_ GREEN COAT Seal Trlmmed 1650 57501 2950 1450 , eggular $22.50---- ..--1I.j, Alo Drt at EMg A» NUMEROUS OTHERls savings Golng ut This sale. GOUCH' JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, Ltd, Phone 8386Kg tt A Iljlýl à. s> t' rem moi up1 mel est£ and cap, stil Northumberland anud Dur] Growers Annual Conve OL Jdua'u Pash lail, Pin. i SWedsuesday, January 8th, at1 Thuraday, January 9th, at 9. M jot instuctive programme eachd soil Maagement, Fertilizer Prol Thuaday Afternoon. ie: bf 11 ýel ra in Wl rei 1 and Mirs. H. Abbott, i Oshawa, r,,,wth Mirs. L. Abbott.. Mr. and P D.Mrs. J. Gatcheil, with Mir. Mer- ÀA an Gatchell's, Oshawa. . .Mrs. P. full 3lnney, i Oshawa ... Mr. and logn". S .J. Pedlar, Toronto; Mir.- Th Mrs.C. W. Rahm and Betty, cen ~ston; Mir. and Mirs. W. Coch- and Jne, Jean and Harold; Pte. A. a.te-inell, Bowmanville,, Mir. and AchieMa. Cecil Rahm, Elsie and Ada, La nni Miss Florence Rahm, New- - spon cas;Mr. Nelson Hudson, spent ter yjBurkton. at Mir. W. H. R1ahm's, chan Breo... Mr. and Mirs. S. A. scrFerguson, Blackstock, at Mir. H. o tAdams' Mr. Nelson Hudson, St S* .E. Strong's, Enniskillen. lutel Mir. Ewart Breck la now li the 4b We do flot promise $10-00 crity RC.A.F.do promise each and everYPa' cie scientific eye examination.V roj Blac-19kstock popular-priced frames and Md sipai____ guarantee eye comfort and tl tmay to hi. Visi'cors: Mir. Keith Johnston la We are licensed to suPPIY LinToronto... Mir. and'Mirs. Mel- worý.vîIe Bi hop, Lindsay; Miss Isobel C RE T LW allChüer'sToronto, with Mrs. C R C A i 1ishýFlorence Thompson . . . Miss Ger- -the lenses that givec WItrude Henry, at home.. Miss fo d your Ruth Marlow, Miss Florence Mc- and ýLaughlin, Miss Norma Hooey, Ut1 us examine youi eye t 'Miss Phem a H ooey, teachers in Toronto, with their parents. . Mir. * UWI , Bob Smith, Timnas, with his P R. PflWINlUI Phm. Jparents. .. Mr. Anson Taylor, PbePo Roblin, with lais parents... Miss lrnPom Mir. home... Miss Mildred Archer, lier. Bo anile at home.. Miss ntlen mDevit, with her parents.. Mrs. Mirs. S. A. tYevitt ha s gone with xnxe Mir. Lowell Fallis and his mother Pat- b)n a trip to the States. .. Miss Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Misses Ber- nice Hlazel Mountjoy, Bronte, at home. nace and Eileen Stainton, Messrs. who iss abelM. VnCam, ~-John and Lloyd Stainton, at Mir. whO Mis Mael . VnCap, o-Ross Lee's Kedron. .. Mir. Reford bOro ronto, at home. . . Miss Alice Cameron, at Mr. S. G. Chant's, und- Heaslip, Toronto, with Miss Toronto. . .. Misses Emily and and Gwenyth Marlow.. Mir. and Annie Killen, Oshawa, at Mr. at Mrs. Milton Sanderson and fam- Robt. Killen's . ... Miss Marguerite Ros lly, at Mr. C. Marlow's. Martin, Hampton; Mr. Fred Mar- Mrw Gatthha Lieut. Chas Ven- tin, Toronto, at Mr.. Thos. Mar- s't ig is improving very favorably. tin's. . . Mir. and Mrs. John an Many family Christmas parties Shackleton and sons, Bowman-i ;at i1wre held. ville; Miss L. Bond, Whitby, at i'!r5.j Mir. Ralpla Larmer is attending Mir. Fred Cameron's. .. Mr. and1 1. the Guelph Agricultural College M.rs. Hans Geisberger and fam-1 he for two weeks. ily, at Mr. August Geisberger's, ,in.Sergt. M. Fallas as taking a Harmony . . . . Miss Pearl Leacha, çourse at Kingston. Solina; Miss Jean Leach, Bow- S Rev. D. M. Stinson spent New manville, at Mr. Norman Leach's. SYear's with parents, in Omemee ... Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robbins our and attended the marriage of his and Ruth, at Mirs. Norman Allin's, Into sister Miss Carnie Stinson. Newcastle. F. For the Christmnas Church ser- Visitors: vice i the United Church, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, at âeld E. P. Wood took charge as the- Mrs. Leslie Hoskin's, Thornton's y' aS guest minister and at the Ne* Cornr.. is'em asn re- Year's service last Sunday niglat Knse, atshom elm a m on SaRev. D. M. Stinson preached at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton 'flto St. John's Anglican Churcla. and family, Mirs. Jas. Stainton, at1 for fBlackstock Public School had a. Misses Leona and Elsie Stainton's,1 't.wonderful concert on Dec. 18. The Oshawa... Mr. Chas. Lander,1 Ptprogram certainly was a treat and Oshawa, at Mir. Russell Stainton's. vr.a great credit to their teacher, Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and daugh-2 Miss L. McColl and their music ters, Bowmanville; Mrs. Delbert& teacher Mrs. L. Switzer. Flintoff, Kedron, at Mr. Wes. Blackstock Continuation School Cameron's. . . Mir. and Mrs. Ray enteirtained ]Dec. 19th with their Cameron and family, at Mirs. P. J. play "«Sonny-Jane"~ which was a âGifford's, Osaca. . Mir. and Mirs. decided success. Bernard McEwen, Oshawa, at Mir. wn, Dr. and Mra. John McArthur Russell Stainton's... Mir. and Mira. sses met with an accident on thea'r WaY Anson Baison, Mir. and Mira. Ger- lle, to Strattord Christmas day, They aid Balson, Mar. Arlo Balson at- ta:were very iortunate not to be in-tededtehce game at To-- ..jured seriously as the car turned r-n to S13a turda y cn ight. ec- limpi.g nd Mrs. McArthur i~s stilelth Vivian is improving in ta, Did you see that riotous farce Mir. John Stainton has been in 'est "'Aunt Tille Goes to Town" pre- bed with flu. at sented in the Community Hall on Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McMasteir tnd Christmnas nlght by the United are both on the sick list. ira, Church Young People? The cast _________ n'S of characters: Tille Trask, Kath- el- een Taylor; Lucinda Talbot, E ni adHlnVanCamp; Pamnela Marsh, n ikle Mi, Jean Wright; Lizzie Parsons, ck- Gwenyth Marlow; Ellen Neeland, Visitons: Mr. J. Cole, Miss E. ey- Anne Thomson; Ronald Howland, Cole, Mn. and Mira D Cole and on, Bruce Scott; Luther Lorrimer, family, Betheada, kýIi W. Cole, eo. Keith Johnson; Mervin Tucker, Mir. W. Gilbeirt, Miss E. Gilbert, at Ralph Larner; Charlie One Lung, Toronto; Mir. and Mrs. J. Borrow- rs. Ernie Swaln; Mira. Tlle Tucker, dale, Oshawa; Mir. and Mira. H. P, Helen Wotton; Dr. Hattie Bing, McGill, Mn. and Mira. F. Werry ih- Reta Swaln; direttor, Mira. Albert and families, Mir. and Mirs. J. A. ho Wrght;assistant, Mira. Florence Werry, at Mr. E. A. Worry's... E; Thmsn. Mr and Mrs. M. Heard, Elginan to. Eleanor, at Mir. L. Hoskin's, Ty- 4.,rone. .. Mr. and Mira, S. Turner Zion andl Helen, Oqhawa, at Mar. Wes- ______o ley Okes' . -.iMir. and Mrs. H. 0. Ormiston, Enfield; Mir. and Mrs. al Christmas Visitoirs: Mar. and C. RahmÏ and family, Union; at M. Mira. F. B. Glaspeil, Mira..W. Glas- Mi. C. Smith's. . . Mir. and Mira. er, pel, at Mr. George Hilts, Oshawa. C. Branton, Mir. J. Drew, Miss id ...Mir- and Mira. Frank Pascoe Gladys and Myrtle Page, Oshawa; atad dauglaters, at Mr. Arthuir Mir and Mira. F. McGill and Don- n- Moore's, Enniskillen. . . Mr. Jas. ald, Misa Clara Page, Toronto, 'y, McMaster, Misa Jean McMaster, Mira. J. McGill, Hampton, with ne oroto, at Mir. J. W. McMasteir'a. Mira. E. Page. . . Mir. and Mira. ll..Mir. and Mira. J. W. Balson and Wmn. Wright, at her sister'a, Mira. la Jean, at Mir. Harvey Hageirman's, J. A . Barrie, Newtonviile . . Mir. esOshawa. . . Mr. and Mira. Wes. and Mira. W. E. Sanderson and [r Cameron, Jack and Joyce, at Mir. family, with Mira. Wm. Oke. . Dr. n-Delbert Fliaitoff's, Kedron. . Miss and Mira. Clarke, Dorland, Ann ce Bernice Stainton, Peterboro, at and Judith, at Mir. John Dorland's. eMir. A. T. Stainton'a. . . Mr. and . .. Mir. George Riggs and Mira. E, 1% 1 ROYAL BOWMANVU LLE Thurs. - Fr. - Sat. JANUARY 2- 3- 4 Double Foat-aro FLIGHT ANGELS Wlth 1 Virginla Bruce - Dennis Morgan Wayne Morris - Ralph Beilany SLIGHTLY HONORABLE"P Mon.- Tues. - Wed.- JANUARY 6 -7 - 8 Double F.atUr. KNUTE ROCKNE Att AMERICAN" wlth Pat O'Bien - Gale page Donald crlsp 'CALL A MAESSENGER' Starnlng Mary Carlyle - Larry Crabb News 4 id !tt J- Ir. Ir. id C. V. 1 g1 DO NOT DE CONFUSED BY *CLAIMS" AND BARGAIN PRICES b.>. ~' ~S~I Js- las )n ýay Éil- il !or a li- he ir ý1- ic h ar TRURSDAY, JANUARY 2,1941 )gold pieceà for $9.OO, but We itient a thorough, complete and We have a complete range of nountings in modem styles. W. the very best service. [y Canada's fineet, scientific ide-Vison Lenses Sclear, undistorted vision re to edge Bpt Fery Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch, Mrs. K. Cavqrley, Gwen, Doug. and Bruce, at Miss E. Souch's... . Mr. and Mirs. E. Par- rott and family, Chalk Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Telfer, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wearn and family, To- ronto, at Mr. A. Wearn's. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton and fam- ily, at Mr. I. Travell's. Oshawa.. Pte. Floyd Beckett, Niagara-on- the-lake la holidaying: here.... Fine Christmas' services have been held in our church the last two Sundays. List of officers for W.A. for 1941: President, Mirs. W. H. Moore; lst vice president, Mrs. F. W. Werry; 2nd vice pires., Mrs. Theo Siemon; sec., Mrs. Gordon Beech; assist. sec, Mirs. Etta Page; treas. 1M'rs. M. Hobbs; pianist, Mrs. i~. Lackey; assist. pianist, Mrs. H. An. fis; flower committee, Mr$. E. A. Werry; rep. to quarterly board meetings, Mirs. W. U1. Mdore. Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may neyer happen. Keep in the sunlight.- Franklin. m