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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1941, p. 5

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1'HUSDA, JAUAE 2, 941PAGE FTVEC THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Sgt. H. M. Hooper, Petmwmwa, was home on !tirlough. Bd. Hoopor has rrived safely ln England. Pte. Sidney Casbourn is in Mon- treal 'ýcsiting friends and relatives on luisNew Year lbave. IN' ud Ho oper reccived a souvenir '~apiece o! slrapnel from a bomb topped in Engliid. aJohnston's Bookstoie carrnes V f11 nes o! wools suitable for ~iers' garments and wlntor clothlng. . 1-1 Byron Crawford, "Smndy"l Col- VIle Lindsay Mitchell and Biain Eliott attended thc Friday Sup- por Club__dance in Peterbora Y.M. C.A. an Friday evening. Gniý. R. H. Callan has returned to Petaiwawa Military Camp affer spending Christmas beave with his wife at the home o! her parents, Mr. and Mis. F. J. Spry. A good Ne* Year giffta your- soif is a subscîipfion to your fav- orite daily paper or magazine at Johnsfon's, Bookstoîe. Al daily papers $7.00 per annum. 1-1 Mi. and Mis. Ron Everson, Montreal, and Miss. Ivé Everson, St. Catharines, are speniding fthe Christmas holidays with their par- ents, Mi. and Mis. T. H. Evoson- Oshawa Times. Read the two niost populai books o! the yemr. Tlucy arc "'Oli- ver Wisel" by Kennth Roberts, and "You Can't Go Home Again" by Thomas Wolf e, obtainable at Johnston's Lending .Library. 1-1 The Statesman office is open every Saturday evening fronu 7 to 9.30 p.m. for Uic convenience o! those who wish to pay for sub- scriptians and classi!ied adiets and Uic transaction o! other busi- ness. If is good news to ean that Uic Christmas paicels sent by tlue Town Council and Legion to Uic boys averseas have arrived safe and sound. Alrcady several warm acknowledgmcnts o! the remem- brances have been received. Mi. and Mis. Jack Bird, Toron- to, spont Uic weekend with lis brother, Mi. Rager 8ird. Jack went overseas with the 48th High- landers just a ycar ga and was recently returzied homo due ta il- ness. Ho 1Êas many thrilling and inferesting stories ta tel o! his experiences lu England., Dancing couples'filled the Bad- minton Club New 'Year's Eve for anc o! the club's annual danceS that are highliglits o! the local social season. Music supplied by1 Doug. Oh!! e and lis swingsters1 was enjoyed by everyone until early in the nuoining. Haf s, streamers, and noise niakers wqrc supplied by the management lo! the club to celebrate thc advcnt o! the New Ycar. FThty per cent o! tlue nîoceeds will be given ta "mit. Cony anteen lfuhd. - F Two store windows in the west * end of the town have attracted nuuch attention this last week. The first is the Evlyn Shop with gay ¶streamers and balloons with a bcharming evening gown in the * Lcentre to impress the ladies for thfle correct thixig to wear at New Year's Eve celebrations. The other was the Kingsway Eiôwer Shap window depicting frosty winter landscape scenery wihich was s0 cleverly done it looked real. Our local nierchants are becomning ex- perts at artistic window designs. Wr. and Mrs. R. Barrett, 519 Albert Street, Oshawa, celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary OSHAWA, ONT. Free Air Parking condltlonlng Frlday & .Saturday JÀNUAR Y 3 - 4 LAST TWO PAYS "Night Train te Munich Rex 'Harrison Margaret Lockwood REVIVAL Frlday Nlght at I11 "Fast and Looe Robort Montgomery Ro»alnd' RumUo Mon. - Tues. - Wed. JATAY 6 - 7 -8 Bar Mlland Cladotte Colbert hi "Arise My Love Thurs. - Fr. - Set. 4JAquàaiy 9 - 10- il Bon L;svensusFred Allen 'oeThy Neighbo.ur' With Mary Martin and" Tho Morry Macs and lioclioster .R5VI VAL Frlday NIght et I11 "Drums Along The Mohawk" Henry Fond& Vlaulette Cobert an Dec. 24th. Mi. and Mis. Barreft enjoyed a quiet gatherlug o! their falywhen their two daughfcrs, Mis. Hariy Norton and Miss Ger- alile Barretfand -c son, Mi. Percy Barret# att nUwith their falues. Tew ddl',tok place at the Meth - 'st Clurch in Bow- Manîle, ta whicl tley recali 3iiving in a horse and cutter. Mis. Bairett cclebrmtod her 21sf bi't1u- day Uic day before hei weddlug. Christmnas eve and Christinâs day Uic beautiful music. o! chirnes was wafed across the troc tops from. the toweî o! Trinity United Church. Curiaus passersby who did not kno'w Trinity boasted a carillon investigated ta ! ind the music was that o! the set o! chimnes luside the churcl being' amplified Land sending ifs Yulctide grcetings .broadcast froni the tower. Miss jLouilla Workman- played thé chumes. The novel idea was suc- cessfully cmrricd out by Mi. W. E. C. Workman, organist. mssisted by RIoy Ncads and several members o! Trinity.. HOLIDAY VISITORS *'Mrs. B. Paibett, Toronto, with Mis. W. Tonnant. Pte. Cecil Hood, Camp Borden, with his !amily af home. Mis. L, J. Baiton witli relatives in Oshawm over Christmnas. Miss Graco Quigg, Gaît, with Mi. and Mis, J. R. Swindells. Miss Marion MacDonald, To- ronto, v0ith'Miss Gwen Caverly. Mi. and Mis. Jack Cîmyton, To- ronto, with Mi. A. E. Belinuan. LICpI. Robert Bate, Camp Bar- don, was home for New Years. Mis. Jonnie Fcnwick, Toronto, at Mi. and Mis. Cyril Rutland's. Mi. Mark Rocnigk, Stratford, with Mi. and Mis. T. H. Knight. Miss Hairiet Bartiett, Taronto, with Mi. John and Miss Eva Hell- yar. Mi. and Mis. Robert Bate, To- ronto, with Mi. and Mis. Roland Bate. Mi. Ned Rehder, Montreal, 1ith his parents, Mi. and Mis. C.e. R'cluder. Mi. and Mis. Harvey Joint spent Baxlug Day with her parents in Lindsay. Dr. M. J. A. James, New York City, *itl his brother, Mi. Gco. W. James. Miss Hoien McGregor, Peter- baro, witli ler mother, Mis. D. S. McGregoî. Mi. and Mis. Jack Giffen, Marilyn and Peggy, Toronto, with their mother. Misses Ethel and Helen Morris with, Mi. and Mis. G. W. Gainer, Osha*a. Mi. 'and is. -Douglas Barton tand family, Enniskillen, wif 1 Mis. H. C. Caverly. *Mi. and Mis. Xi H. Minore with Dr. and Mis. Wcstmmn, For- est Hil, Tarant o. Albert E. Congdon, R.C.A.F., rSt. Thomas,. wihlis uncle, Mi. rW. J. Henderson. Mi. Peter' Hughes, Toronto, *with Mr. and Mis. Geo. E. Prit- chard on Sunday. Mi. and Mis. Beecluci Baiîett and Brnly, Consecan, with Mi. A. E. Beilman and Mamaon. Mi. and Mis. Wm.. Ingrmm, To- ronto, with Mis. V. Argue and Mi. and Mis. Il. Ingiam. Mis. Raymond W. Cole and son Biily, Kitchener, with her sister- in-law, Mis. C. H. Dudley. Mi. and Mis. Jack Marks and Marylin, Toronto, with 'Mr. and Mis. S. C. Aluin, Providence. Mr. :T. H. Jennings, Toronto, with Ais sister and brother, Miss Minnie and Mi. Wm. Jennings. Mi. Charles V. Hoar, De La Salle College, Toronto, with his parents, Mi. and Mis. E. V. Hoar. Mi. and Mis. B. F. Downcy, Pet erboiç, sap nt Christmuas Day wiUi Mi. JndMis. Evýérett Hoar. Bdr. Jack Allin, L.-Bdr. B. Cry- derman, L.-Bdr. N. Hackney, R. C.A., Petawawa, weîe home on leave. Miss Nell Burk, Belleville, Miss Sybil Buik and Mis. C. W. E. Meafli, Toronta, with Mis. T. S. Holgate. Mi. and Mis. Harvey Joint and Stewart, Miss Edith Joint and Mr. Ted Joint spent New Yeaî',s in Toronto. .-. Mi. and Mis. R. I. Cox, James and Catherlue, Mr. Frank Doyle, Toronto, witlu Mi. and Mis. Gus Bounsaîl.. Prof. and Mis. C. New and family, Hamiltan, Mi. John Jury, Belleville, with Mi. and Mis. J. H. H. Jury. Mi. and Mis. Jlm Devtt Monc- ton, N. B., Mis. Beatrico lRmll and Barry, Toronto, wli Dr. and Mis. J. C. Dcvltt. Misses Ruthu and Helen and Sarnmy Seymour wcre visitais with-flueir parents, Mr.,and Mis. Joe Scymocur.- Miss Jessie Kuulglut and Mi. C. 'A. Bonisteel mand son',Geraid, Belleville, with Mr. and Mis. Fred Allin, B.T.S. Mi. and Mis. Paul Arlitt, Mis. G. B. Simmans and Mi. J. Arltt, Newmarket, wlihMi. and Mis. W. P. Carbett. Mr. and Mis. George Jackson and son StanleY, Tôouo, were Yuletlde gucats o!flier aunit, Mis. Chris Robinson.1. Miss Laura Fabey, Klngston General Hospital,'spent flic holi- day. wlth Ici parentd, Rev. and Mia. H. W. Foley. Mi. and Mis. Thas. Harvey and Nancy, Toronto, and Mr. mand Mis. Puidy, Bownuanvllle, wlth Mi. and Mis. W. P. Hall. Ernie Dickens, of thc Marîboro hockey teans. Toronto, enjoycd Yulctidc holidays wlth lis team- mate Tommy Depew. Mn: Qe W. James and MS RIuthJmes pentthe weoeçend SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phono 6 Deci 23rd a draw was made for the eight prizes offercd by the L. T. B. Lodgc. John Graham pickcd out the lucky tickets. Win- ners were F. Bullivant, Oshawa, and Les. Nichols, Win. Buckley, W. J. Berry, Alex. Edxnondstone, Mirs. Thos. Hamilton, E. Clarke and Sid Walker, ail of Bowman- ville. In every service a man must qualify himself by strivlng early and late, and by working heart and soul, miight and main. Eyesight Education And Eff ici ency C.H.Tuek Optometrist £Ye.sght Specialisi Disney Bldg. (opp. P. 0.) Oshawa Number 158 What of the many cases remain- ing uncorrectcd because some one remarica they will gro\v out of it? What of the many cases of buying glasses by mail fromn an ad? What of buying any glasses without an examination? AUl o! these are contributory to our worse condi- tion. "Many of us have noted the ef- fcct o! strain to us induced by aur wark. Give consideratian then to the lncreased effort where an actual imbalance of the eyes turn- ing is notlced and it will be easy to understand how a simple case wlth glasses worn will Improve ini school work. How the hlghly-fr- ritable see 1f e framn another aingle afterbeing corrected. "The child who is a veritable little dcvii, a!- ter correction - thc expression changes. The child becomes easy to handie." Wauld you not belleve it wlsc to use a littie wlsdam applicd to prompt action ln an effort cf pro- vention. <ob otnéi with her nuother, Mrs. George Woods, Owen Sound. Mi. and Mis. T. Bennett, Gor- don and Dorothy, Toranto, with his parents, Mr. and Mis. Thos. Bennett, Scugog Street. Mrs. B. M. Warnlca, 137 Benson avenue, is spending the holiday with her son, Mr. R. W. Warnica, Oshawa.-Peterboro Examiner. Mi. arîd Mis. George Locking- ton and childien, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. S. Kitchen, Oshawa, with Mi. and Mrs. W. Maynard. Miss Kathleen Sisson, Business' College, Montreal, 15 spending Christmas holldays with her par- ents, Dr. and Mis. E. W. Sisson. Mr. and Mis. S. C. Allun, Mr. and Mis. Claie Allun and Robert, Bowmanville, Miss Annie Aluin, Toronto, with Mis. John E. Allin. Trooper J. M. Sisson, Gavernor General's Horse Guards, 2nd Ca- nadian Motoîcycle Regt., C.N.E. Bairacks, Toronto, with his par- ents. Mis. R. H. Ellidtt, Mr. and Mis. Howard Hoops, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. R. M. Mitchell, Belleville, were holiday guests o! Mr. John Lyle. Mi. and Mis. Eric Coombes and Gwendolyn, Mr. and Mis. H. M. ITyrreli and June, Toronto, at Mi. and Mis. Clarence Hall's, West- mount. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Watson, Hamilton, Misses Ruth Stewart and Esmay Simpson, Toronto, spent Christmas with Mi. and Mis. W. J. Cully. Mi. and Mis. Gregory W. Col- mer, Ingersoîl, Lance Bdr. Herbert Calmer, Petawawa, and Arcrafts- man Harold Calmer, Toronto, with their mother, Mis. F. C. Col- mer. Mi. and 'Mis. Chas. Bail and Freddie and Mis. E. Bennett, Osh- awa, Pte. Harold Bennett, Camp Borden, and Miss Thelma Thuis- ton, Lindsay, with Mi. and Mis. Geo. E. Pritchard. Pte. Alex Camneron, Pte. Bruce Cameron, LICpl. Jack Cameron, ail o! the R.Ç.A., Petawawa, and Sergt. Don. Cameron, R.C.A.F., Trenton, spent the holidays with their parents, Mi. and Mis. Hugh Cameron.. Mi. and Mis. Geo. B. Bickie, Mi. and Mis. Howard Bickle, Lewis and June, Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Bicklc, Bob and Ray, and Mr. and Mis. G. F. Jamieson, Town, with Mi. and Mis. C. L. Upper, Peterboro. Mi. and Mis. B. S. Vanstone, Misses Doîothy and Mary Van-1 stone, Miss May Vanstone, Mi.1 and Mis. Jabez Vanstone and1 Nancy, Toronto, Dr. and Mis. H. Lewis and Hartley, Oshawa, with Mi. and Mis. F. C. Vanstone. BRIDAL COUPLE ESCAPE ACCIDENT CHRISTMAS EVE Four persons werc sent ta the hospital Christmas ove when two cars collided at Kuiv Inn, just wcst o! Newcastle. Shortly be- fore midnlght a happy honey- moon party was interiupted by Uic collision on the slippery curves east o! Bowinanville. Mi. and Mis. Charmes Aldread, Newcastle, thc newly marnied couple were thue only poisons ta escape with- out injury. Mi. and Mis. Arthur Ball, Newcastle, lu whose car Mr. and Mis. Aldread werc riding, suf- fered facial and back injuries. John Thouas, Hamiltan, who was driving. east and with whose car the Bail vehicle collided, was ad- nütted ta, Bownuanvillc hospital with scalp and head injuries, while Vora Bolla Fox, Hamilton, also a passenger. had lcg injuries. Both cars werc badly wrecked. Officers D. P. Morris and W. F. Thonipson invcstigated. L.T.B. DRAW SSalem Visitoîs: Mi. and Mis. C. Colla- cotf and Miss Marie, with !riends at Newcastle. .. Mi. and Mis. W. Cann, wifl Mr. and Mis. L. Annis, Toronto. . . Miss Susie ýjymons and Miss Greta Symons, at Mi. W. Symons'. .. Miss Barrot, New- castle, with Mr. F. Honey... Mr. and Mis. E $ilvei and B. Lock- hart, at Mi. F. Weiiy's, Bethesda. ...Mr. and Mis. K. Werry, af Mi. W. G. Werry's... Miss Taylor, Toronto, with Mis. J. Hall, who lias been quite ill, but Is impiov- lng. .. Miss I. Stepluons, who lias been wifl lier sister, Mis. F. L. Squair, las gone ta loi home in town. . . Mis. M. J. Roacl and Mi. Eugcne Roaclu, Rochiester, N. Y., were Safurday callers at The Maples. Mis. F. Honey la improving. WEEK 0F PRAYER SERVICES TO START LA seies o! addreascs with thE gencîmi theme "Let the Piophetc Spemk to aur Tîoublcd Woîld" Lwill be delivered by Uic ministers o! the town Monday to, Friday, beginning Januaiy 6th at 8 p.m. For many years the custom o! a Weck o! Prayer has been follow- cd with great profit. The schedule is, as foilows: Monday - St. Paul's. Church; Speaker, Adjt. J. Hart. Tucsday - St. Andrew's Church; Speaker, Rev. A. R. Cîagg.e Wcdnesday - St. John's Church; Speaker, Rcv. W. G. Blake. .Thursday - S. A. Hall; Speaker, Rev. S, Davison. Fiiddy - Trinity Church; Speak- er, Canon C. R. Spencer. These meetings are sponsaicd by the Bowmanviile Ministerihi Association. Collections. wiil go for relief work. RVEVIEW 0F YEAR GIVEN BY PASTOR TO YOUNG PEOPLE An inspirig tmlk on "What,We Have Accomplished in 1940" wms given by Rev. S. Davison to Trin- ity Y. P. U. Monday evening. He began by pointing out the neces- sity o! poriodic stock-taking in anc's life. There is no such thlug as standing still. We are- elther going forward or backward - therefore, the Young Pcoplc's Un- ion which is a collection o! in- dividuals should be certain Uiat it is stcadily making piogrcss. "I have beèn impressed by oui fine pîograms," smid Mi. Davison. "'There has mlwmys been some- thlng to hcip us build up charac- ter. The manner in which atten- dance has kcpt up s0 wcll is cvi- deénce o! your intcrest. One o! our achievements o! the year has been the contribution o! $100 to Uic M. & M. Fund." "«One o! the sctbacks o! the year was the-loss o! oui president, Hu- bort Hoaper. But Vice President Lorraine Pickard took up the work splendidly and every mcm- ber o!flthc Y.P.U. has givon her theirfunl support." Mi. Davison concluded luis re. marks wishing ail the members a year o! happiness and blessings. It was decided ta enter Uic Presbytery Drama Festival again this year. Piesident Hubert Hooper told the Union that ho was proud o! the way it had carried on and ho reguiarly followed the meetings through the Statesman reports. Next Sunday evenlug the ncwly eiected officers o! the Union wili be installcd. The w#orship service.was led by Lau Dcwell, assisted by Misses Veda Puidy, Doris Wilkins, and Hazel Rundie. Miss Marilyn Run- die gave a vocal solo, Miss L. Workman, music on the chimes, and a vocal trio consisting o! Misses Laura Wilson, Frances Rowe and Betty Betties, sang. -Starkville M. S. G. Hailowe i l still lu- disposcd, Uic result o! art acci- dent. Rcv. Whattanu, Toronto, dcliv- cîed a fine address on Tomper- ence lu Shilou an Sundmy. Mi. Gardon Tiim. and Billy Fox motored ta Toronto. Visitors: Mis. Silver, in Toronto. lier sis- toi and family returncd with her. Mi. and Mis. W. Simpson and famiiy, Quay's Crossing, at Mr. H. L. Trim's. Mi. and Mis. Ed. Ruthven, Mion, at Mi. A. Dobson's. Mi, W. Savcry got luis ankle and foot huit while shoeing a horse. Mi. John Stark lad a nasty accident as ho feil from a car, lu- juring his face. Miss Beulali Hallowoil, Toron- ta, at home. Mi. H. B. Gilnuer. wlfe and family at Mi, T. Sowden's, Eli- zabethville. Mi. Carman and Allin Hmw, Fort Francis at Mi. Sid Halo- well's. Mi. and Mis. Laurence Savery, Ncwtonville, at Mi. William Sav- eriy's. Miss Norma Hallowell, Mis. Ross Hallowell, mttended the con- cert at Maple Grove. Mi. ajud Mis. Clements and daughtor, Chathami, at Mi. Hoîlu Gilmer's. Miss'Helena Halloweil has re- tuîned to Toronto. Mi. and Mis. Sid Hailoweil and Ficlen, at Mi. H. Rusk's, Port Hiope. Her.s Easy Time-Tested Way Té Get Relief Oot mter thomeditesLmng s a! coughnt and cm iyo thue cal fle wldely umed Viaks Way. . . Boil orne vater. Pouri t luabowL Add a ood sponful of Vlcks VapoRub. Then b~eah ln ta mn fus medicinal vaos. With evey ieatu you zake VvpoRubls medication soothea Ietto quiet" coughing, luelpa oloar luead and bîeathing pas- n ORADED RELISIS. .. At Mmrb i Vcks VapoRub an 7hrot, chit and ýback. Its goul. tice-vapor action voiks tfa ring you comfr wiwle you loep. School meeting Dec. 26 was not largely attended. Lloyd Richards was elected to take thc place of Uic retiring týustee L. Squair. Deepest sympathy is extended 9to relatives of tic late Mrs. W. "Giffler. Her early passing came as 3 a shock to her 'many Salem frIcnds. She spent her girlhood days in Salem, always assîsting in the choir and other church activi- tics and stîli continuing after her >marriage to Mr. Giffler, who was station agent here for many ycars and who also was a willing assis- tant in ail church and community welf arc. Much sympathy is ex- tended to hinm in his sad bereave- ment. Family Christmas gatherings were held at these homes: Mr. and Mrs. H. Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Strong, The Squair home, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Doidge. Rev. Gardner's sermon Sunday centred around the thought of resolutions for the New Year.' Y.P.U. meetings were with- drawn for the Christmas and New 'Year's weeks. Mr. C. Collacutt attended the funeral of his cousin, Mrs. Mc- Pherson, in Oakwood, on Mon- day. Lake Shore, Clarke Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown and faniily, at R. Patterson's, 5th line. Mr. and Mrs. Les, Allin, Mr. and Mrs. R. Alldred, at Mr. P. Couch's, Newcastle. Miss M. Dickinson and Mr. K. Ashley, Port Britain, at C. Mit- chell's. Mr. Robert Martin, at A. A. Martin's, Brighton. Mr. T. McNeil, Orono, at Mr. G. Martin's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Perrin, Brown's, at Mr. R. Hendry's. Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes, in Toronto. Donald, Hazel and Maurice Powell, at Mr. E. A. Tonkin's, Oshawa. (Intendcd for Last Week) On account of bad roads and iflness the attendance at our Christmas Tree, Dec. 18th was small. Program put on by child- ren was excellent. It consisted o! a number of songs by juniors and seniors; recitations by R o s s Brown, Russel Powell, Dorrene Powell, Dorothy Brown, Lloyd Martin, Alec Martin, Ronald Powell, Joyce Martin; dialogues, "Rastus Rambles On," "Stephen Foster," "Uncle Baden's Prc- sents;" piano solo by Joyce Mar- tin; duet, by Mrs. G. Campbell and Audrey Adams. The scene of Uic singing of Christmas carols in front o! a lighted church win- dow was beautiful. Jolly old Santa arrived to distribute the presents and candy. The teachers and pupils are to be compliment- cd on its success. There was a gzeat deal of '"drcssing up"I to be donc, yet not a moment was Wasted bctwecn numbers. Amongst those who have been quite il are: Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville, Mrs. J. Baskerville, Mr. W. Ho]mcs, William Rowland, Alec Hcndry, Bob Hendry and Floyd Powell. Recent visitors: Miss Etta Holmes, Oshawa, at Mr. H. Rowland's. Miss A. Hendry, Whitby, at Mr. J. Hendry's. Miss M. Powell, Toronto, at Mr. S. eowell's. Mr. Ed. Samis, Newtonville, at Les. Allin's. Tyrone Mr. Levi Skinncr spent a few daYs with Mr. and Mis. Lorne Mc- Coy, Brooklin, and attendcd the funeral o! a close friend. Mrs. Viola Smith has gone to Orona to carc for her mother and brother for the winter. Rev. Gardner gave a splendid New Year's message on Sunday. Public School Christmas con- cert and tree wcre a splendid suc- cesa on Dec. l9th. A goodly nuni- ber were out and thoroughly en- joyed the various numbers con- lsting of choruses, piano music, speeches, choirs, dialogues, reci- tations, drills and tumbling. Santa Claus came at the close and help- cd ta give out the many parcels. Mr. Byron Moore has been con- fined to his bcd for a wcek with the flu. Mrs. R. Hathcrly was in attefidance. A number are sick with the.flu. The men at the hydro camp have returned to their work after having spent the holiday season at their various homes. Mr. and Mis. R. Burgess at- anical imperfections in industry amount to only 20 % o! thc total which means that a!ter ail mach- inery is guarded and inspected in th proper manner four out o! ive accidents happen through Luman neglect and crror. There- foe most prevention work must be educatianal.,1 "It la a weli known fact," Uthc i k h tMr. Lorne Annis with Mfr. anc sMrs. Levi Annis, Toronto. fMr. and Mrs. Theo Down anc Billy, Lakcfield, Mr. Fred Moore 1Bowmanville, at Mr. R. Virtue's. Mi. and Mrs. Robt. Hodgson 3Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp iand Mis. James Storie at Mr. E tDoidge's, Salem. 1 1Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam and family with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lillicîapp, Cannington. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgE Scott, Miss Florence Scatt, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Woodlcy, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Goodman at Mr. Harold Skinner's. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rosevear, Port Hope, Mr. and Mis. I. W. Laîmer, Millbrook, at Mr. G. Rosevear's. Christmas parties weîe also held at Mr. J. Dudley's, Mr. R. Hather- lv's. Mr. R. B. Scott's, Mr. Albert Hawkey's, Mrs. Laura Virtuc's, Mr. C. Woodley's, Mr. W. Tayloî's and others. Mrs. V. Smith at Mr. H. Bur- gess', Long Sault. Mi. and Mis. Albert His and family with Mrs. H. Couch, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks with their son, Mr. Fred Brooks, Cobourg, and celebîated their 56th wedcbng anniveîsaîy on Christmas Day, it also being the occasion of Mrs. Brooks' birthday. NOMINATIONS (Contlnued from page 1) who was at home suffcîing from injuries he received when he was knocked down by a car the night before. The statement showed that the purchase of the local sys- tem from the Ontario Hydro Com- mission and kringing it under local management was anc o! the greatest strokes of good business ever wielded by the people of Newcastle. It has been a money maker and a money saver for the citîzens ever since it was taken over. Board of Education statement showed total receipts of $9583.36, expenditures of $8486.14, leaving a balance on hand of $1097.22. Orono Police Trustees A two ycaî teîm of office is in order for the three Orono Police Trustees who werc returned to office for 1941, W. J. Riddcll, H. A. Clarke and Harry Mercer. Fînancial statement showed a balance of $45 1.23 on hand for thc Police Fund. The question of to what extent the fic engine should be allowed to go out of town was thoroughly discussed wlth thc majoîity fav- oring it not to forsake Orono limits except through dire neces- sity. Hydro financial statement show- ed receipts of $6323.45, expendi- turcs $5276.87, and balance $1046.- 58. A discussion ensued as to whe- ther it was best to* pay off de- bentures when they had thc money to spare or pay one each year, or use the surplus for reducing the rate. Low rates might encourage manufacturers to locate here. Some cxpressed themselves in favor of selling power at cost to manufacturers. LIONS CLUB <Contlnued fram page 1) his hearers - "One of thc really big things a man can do in life hs to help the young in an en- deavour to make lif c really worth while for Uiem." Russell Osborne introduccd Dr. Milison and Ray Dilling movcd a vote o! thanks for the addrcss. It is woîthy o! record Uiat Dr. Milison had words o! higli prahse for Lion Ed. Summers - for Uic work ho is doing in Agriculture and for Uic fine careful training ho has- consistently given to the youth o! Durham County. After cnjoying the usually ex- cellent dinner provided by the Carter Family, President Ted Chant, on behaîf o! the Lions, called on Santa's emmissary to "do his stuf!." Presents o f ail kinds were forthcoming, ranging ai the way from a beaut1fully framed picture for the president, which bîought forth exclamations o! "Yippee," "You can't take that home, Ted," through bazookas, dolîs, shaving sets, cigarettes, sus- penders, etc., for other members o! the club. Tickets drawn for seats ta the hockey game in Toronto Jan. 9th were won by Russell Osborne. Two gùests present from Port Hope were Aubrey B. Lent and Gay Colons. Smart Pabrlcs. * Wlde Range of Styles. If you've been waltlng for the january Sales before you buy your dres.tht. Io It! We're maklng tht. the sale of a lfe- THE Towfl SHOP, RATSDRSE speaker continued, "1that more' people are killcd lu their own homes througli accidents than any other place." In oui own plant, Mi. Sparrow explaincd, Uiey take many pie- cautions. Once wcokly Uic plant doctor examines new employces and tests regular omployecs for types o! poisoning common to oui uine. We have a First Aid room in charge o! a St. John's ambu- lance man. New employees arc a liazard and arc therefore givon special attention until they bo- come famlliar with the work. For the first two wecks they are ai- lotted a sponsor to coachi thern in their work. Wo hold fîcquent fire drills and classes in resuscita- tion. Ail this information may nover have f0 be used - but on Uic other hand it may save a life some day. At present oui plant lias been running 887 days witlu- out a lost time accident. To en- courage safety consciousness in oui cmployees we conduct a monthly competition, flic winnei a! whidli is given a day off af the firm's exponse. The increase lu off iciency gained is wcll worth the cost." . "If if had not been for the ex- istence o!fluhe Woikmen's Com- pensation Acf and accident pie- vention work there is liff le doubf oui present war production would be seriously curtailed at a fîme whcn cvery man is needed. A man can't do good work if le is on an unsafe machine, pcrlmps afimid a! iosing luis fingers. Twenty-!ive percent more goods are produced wlien favorable and safeworking conditions prevail. Time iosf flurougli accidents is just as seri- ous f0 flue Empire as a casualty in flue !ighfing forces," Mi. Spar- row omplatically concluded. A. M. Hardy introduced flue speaker and Geo. Chase, in thank- ing him, told liow froni lis own experience accident prevent ion work had been valuablo in hydro. Rotarian Murray Miller and President Maurice Hart o! Osh- awa Rotary Club, and Geo. Mc- Crea, New Toronto, wcre gucsts. At fhe conclusion o! the meet- ing Dave Morrison rose f0 per- form a very seîious dufy. His re- marks werc addressed to Morley Vansfone, ncwly become a fgther. Morley was directed to flue gaily dccorated and illuminated Christ- mas troc under which werc many presonts for the son and heur being honored. "If's f00 bad," said Mi. Morrison, "that since Christmas is supposed f0 lue for flue lit tic ones aIl these happy events could not be arrangcd for flue Yuetide - then the doctors could go fishing in peace in surfmor." The gifts were suif ably acknowledged by flue proud but blushing father. He is well on the road to per- fect manhood who daes flot allaw the thousand littie worries of life to embitter his temper, or disturb his equanimity. How much have cost us thue evils that neyer happened! - Thomas Jefferson. EVA NG ELISTIC TABERNACLE Sundaqy 7.30 p.m. The Former Pastor Rev. C. A. Harris will spealk SPECIAL MUSIC AND SINGING Do not fail to, attend thtu service. Rev. C. W. Lyna. TI-ANK YOU for your patronage and remember te, Cail 2666 for your next car repair job. Again wo say HAPPY NEW YEARS GARTON'S GARAGE 1 BAKER'S DOUBLE I Phont No, it 's not the nam oe f a race but the name of anc of the del icious homemade aves for whgoh, Oarte,'s are fsmoua. Not only is this brcad made out of the finoat ingredients from an old oountry reoipe, but sella for low price. Shop at the Store and Save Dough TH1E CARTER FAMILY gsq Bakers For Tfwo Generutions Bowau D'au. - ~ t WHEN OPPORTUflITY'j KNOCKS Take Full Advantage of What It Drings.1 JANUARY SALE ALL RATS AND DRESSES From aur 1940 stock must dlear at once. Every Article on Sale has been Oreatly Reduced Prom the Original Prlce ,TRMI:)AY., JANUAIRY 2,1941 Le 500

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