~'AGE EI GHTTHE CANADIAN STA~ESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JA1cIUARY 2, 1941 Mr. A. E. Mellaw and sons, Rod- ger sud Keitb, spent Chrîtunas î at Napsuce. Miss Olive McManus bas been very il with pneumonia but is scmewhat better. Mrs. Aif. Bonathan attcndcd the funeral of ber father, William Harris, at .Brooklin Mandày. Miss Lilian Smale, Creighton. Mine, la hdlidaylng with Miss E. M. Blackburn sud Mrs. Orner Cole. *M. sud Mrs. Cecil Colacutt and Miss Marie, Salem, were Christmas guests at Mr. Geo. H. * JdU's. Mra. Mary McLeod, who is one of Newcastle's nonagenarisu lad- les, la confined ta hcr bcd with illness. Miss Margaret Dent, Toronto, lias been spending Christmas holi- days with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rabt. Dent. A number cf Newcastle young mnen-in active service in the Can- adian Army, who were listcd in last week's Stateaman with On- tario addresses, are now i Eng- land. Mis. E. S. Van Der Vere, Go- versville, N. Y., who had been visiting ber father, Mr. J. W. Bradley, returncd home last Sat- urday. M. Bradley accompanied lier ta Toronto. To give you full value cf your purchases in Flowers we have dispenscd witb aur agencies in Orono sud Newcastle., Phone dir- ec,772 lingsway Flower Shop i-d reverse the charges. 1-1 M!r. Arthur Bail and children heaWe been staying with bis bro- * ther, Mr. Roy Bail, 4th Line, while Mis. Baîl was in bospital follow- ing su automobile accident at Kurv Inn on Cbritmas Eve. Mr. Laurence Mortn la apend- ing the week at Thoçnhill at his uncie's, Mr. N. L . Morton. As pianist be providcd the music be- fore und between acta at a New Year!s play in the Thornhill Unit- cd Churcb. Mr. Michael Dewdney, grand- son of Bishap Dewdney of Kee- watin, la bolidaying with bis cou- sins, Rev. D. R. and Mrs. Dewd- ney. He will go on te Part Hope to take up bis studies at Trinity Coilege Schaol. Attending the Newcastle Unitcd Churcb Sunday were Mr. W. J. Feasby, M.A., of staff cf Bloor St. Calegiate Institute, Toronto, sud Mis. Feasby. Tbey were staying at the Newcaatle Arma and are long time acquaintances cf Rev. R. E. Morton. Former Newcastle residents who attcnded the late Mvrs. R. T. Ru- tberford'a funeral service last Saturday were: Mis. J. E. Hayes and Misa Helen Hayes, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Frcd Burley, Port Hope; Mra. Jerry, Brown, Toronto, wha visited ber daugb- ter, Mra. Thos. Waodlock. Jas. P. and Richard Lovekin, Toronto, are spending. Christmas bolidaya with tbeir grandparents, Mi. and Mia. Jos. Coulson. Mi. and Mrs. R. C. Lovekin and Mr. tnd Mis. W. P. Coulsan were also down for tbe late Mia. R. T. Rutherford's funeral on Saturday and visited Mr. and Mis. Coulson. The Community Hall Commit- tee cf Management, for and onp behaif cf Santa Clauis, visitcd 17 homes in tue community juat be- ifore Christmas and made a lot of little boys and girls happy with gifts cf toys, wearing apparel and Christmas cats. Sec.-Treaa. C. R. Carvetu sud bis car spent a busy Tueaday afternoon delivering par- cela. A balance cf $20.00 carried over fram last yeursa Santa Claus Fund helpcd aubstantially in mak- ing up glfts this year. St. George's Cburch Sunday School, under the superintenden- cy of Mr. Thos.. Breretan, held tueir Christmas Trce Entertain- ment Dec. 30tu. It was a rcd let- ter nigbt for all tue little' folk. The first feature was a bounteous supper enjoyed by children and parents together. A period af games faliowed and then the chil- dren entertaîncd with a pageant. Santa Clauis, despite a strenuous week, arrived ut tue party, hale and fresb and hearty, and direct- cd tbe distribution cf the gifta from the brigbtly decorated Christmas tree. James P. Lovekin drove tue reindeer. Newcastle frienda werc surpris- cd and shocked te learn that Mis. Chas. Tetley, Toronto, aister of Constable Jno. Garrod, bad died of the f lu the day after Christmas. She bad been in good health pre. viousy, but an getting word cf ber serieus condition an Thursday morning Constable and Mia. Gar- rod and their son-in-law, Thea. Brown, motored ta Tarante. She dicd before the day had passed. Before ber marriage she was Miss Aiice Garrod. She and Mr. Tetley and their two sons, Allan and Gardn, bave had many a pleasant visit witb relatives in Newcastle. Several from bore attended tue funeral service ut Rosa J. Craig'a Funeral Parlours, Queen St. W., Toronto, on 'Monday afternoon, Dec. 3Oth, and the interment;hI Park Lawn Cemetery. The J. Anderson Smith Ce. pro- sented ail their employees witu either cash bonuses or a big bas- ket of Christmas cheer the day before the holiday. There was a basket containing a big turkey, a bag cf orangea and a bag af nuta for each family, a two pound box cf candies for each girl sud cigar- -ettes for the men, and a cash bonus for each extra member cf a f amily employed ln tue factory or office. It was worth a visit te King St. East on tue TuesdaY afternoon before Chrlatmas te see the happy graupa cf workers com- ing leisurely from tue factory gripping ecdi witb two banda the capacieus baskets with their bountecus contents. It la said that $600.00 wortb of turkeys went te homes in tuis way te provide a subatantial part cf Christmnas din- ners. The homes cf Newcastle were favorcd witu abundance of Yule- tide music previcus te Christmnas. On the Monday evenig Salvatian Army instrumentaliats from-Bow- manville, meved fram bouse te hause about the village, playing Christmas Carols wbich rang clear sud pleassut througb the night atmespbere. When a repre- sentative rang a bell or knockcd ut a door same member cf the bousehcld was generaily glad to respond with a donation in taken of recognition and appreciation. Then on Tuesday evening wbcn it bad grown quite dark the C. G. I. T. girls, under, their leaders, Mis. Irwin Colwill and Mis. Gec. ,Waiton, visited the homes cf the aged and the shut-ins in alI parts cf the village and sang Christmas Carola from the sidewalks. At eacb home tbey alse left a little basket. nicely trimmed and filled with Christmas gaadiea. NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH cHRI[sTMAS ENTERTAIMENT The Unitcd Cburch Cbristmas Tree Entertainment waa held in the Sunday achoel hall on Mon- day evening, Dec. 23rd, witu a large attendance cf cbildren and adults. A cammittee, working in the afternoon, bad gaily decorated the hall for the event sud the scene was a real CbristmassY anc. Superintendent Tues. A. Rcdger was chairman sud conducted de- votional exercisea. The pragraxn was in two parts, the first being cf a mixed character and present- ed by the Primury Departmoent. It was with regret that everycue learned that an the day of the entertainment the PîimarY Super- intendent, Mis. W. E. Bemnan, had been taken i11 witb tue flu sud was unable ta direct the little cnes in their exercisea. Hcwcver tbey ail carricd eut their parts and under tue direction cf Mis. R. E. Norton, Miss Irene Rinch and Mis. J. C. Hancock greatly pleased the audience. Individual numbers were recitations by Keaith TMeiow, RutbAllin, Mar- tue noles cf shepherds, sud Moi- ley Allin, Bob Allinund Carl Fisher, af the wuae meh.', At its conclusion, Sauta Claus, boary cf bair sud whlskers, ap- peared massively upen tue'scene, cbuckling with peut up gîce from the very depths of bis physical system ut the sight cf se many littie childien lu front cf hlm. Af- ton extending best wishes he set to work witu the assistance af Suuduy Scbool affîcials in baud- ing eut tue baga af dandies and nuts to the baysankd .girls who expectantly prosentcd themîsélves beforo hlm, sud occasionaill, seme very nice little girl got a kisa fîom Santa. God Save Tue King. POSTMASTER KNOCKED OUF Mi. George Jamieson, Postmna- ton sud Chairman cf Newcastle'a Hydre Electric Commisaion, ws knocked uncenscicus and suffer- ed 'severe injuries te bis body, arma and legs when ho was kneck- ed down by a car late Sùnday night cn bis way home fremi the post office. He had been making up tue Sunday nigbt mail whicb goes out araund 12 o'clock sud had started for homo. Ho bud noticed a car standing acroas the street. Walking eustwaid he had juat stepped aff the sidewulk on- to Nill St. when the car, whfrh in the meantinie bad startcd up, making a sharp curve acroas tue street to turu noîth on Mil St., bit hlm. Ho was picked up uncan- acious nea the tîee which casta ita shude over tue summen even- ing bench and caînied te Dr. -But- le'a office. A phone call was gent te the doctor's hause and he accu aînived ut the office sud had the injured msu taken home sud put te bed. At bis home Mr. Jamiesan regained conacicuanessud waa able te tell what happeuod. One leg was severely injurod. Tue dcc- ton aaid it weuld pîobably be six weeks before Mi. Jamiesen la out again. Iu the meantime Mis. Jamieson la dividing ber time be- tween looking after ber husbsud and assisting Misa Rena Tuomnas ut the post office.' Cowanville Visitons: Francia Cowan, with Mn. and Mis. O. Cowsu. . . Sam Seymour, ut bis home iu Bcw- manville. . . Mr. sud Mis. W. Luyton, ut Mr. Russel Yeo's, Oshawa. . . Mn. sud Mis. Wilis Farrow, Mr. sud Mia. Roy BurieY and Mac Witty, Cadulac, Que., ut Mn. Clarence Burley'... Mi. and Mis. Bert Crossley and Jack, ut Mr. Hcudesa's... Mr. sud Mis. W. E. Reid, ut Mr. B. Cewans.,.- Mr. sud Mia. H. Rutherfard aria Audrey, Tenante; Chalie McNcfl, Mn. sud Mis. Ivan Farrow, ut Mis. B. Miflsau's. .. Mi. D. Fisb- 10gb, with Mr. Mark Wood, Eliza- betuville. . . Mi. sud Mis. W. Cairna, Scbomberg, Mr. sud Mis. Jim Rutherford, Kiby; Bob Mon- tan, ut Mn. R. Holliugawot'. . ._ Lillian sud Ray Hughes, Taronto; Mi. and Mis. C. Hughes sud Bob Hughes, Camp Banden, ut Mr. S. Hughes. . . Mr. and Mis. J. J. Stringen, ut Mr. Ray Bruce's... Mr, Narut Andrews and famiiy, Mi. sud Mia. Tucodare Stephena, ut Mr. Erwi Furow'a, Gardon Hill. . . Mr. sud Mis. W. A. Reid sud family, ut Mr. A. T. Peîrin's, Toronta. . . Mi. sud Mis. Al Pern, Marien and Jini Simpson, ut Mr. Bob Heudiy's. 'En-f ield Visitera: Misa Viola Sbertt, Sutton Bay, ut Mr. A. Pîeacott's... Miss Grace Stark, Brooklil, ut Mi. J. Stark'a. ... Miss Helen Ashtan, Lindsay, at Mr. W. Aabtan's. . . Mr. sud Mia. T. Whillier, Toronto, with L. C. Pascae's. . . Mr. sud Mia. Edwin Ormiston, Muple Grove, ut Mis. H. Sti..... .-Mr. and Mis. Eurl Bowmsu, Vincent and Jim- mie, Kitchener, Mr. und Mia. Iva- scn Tamblyn, Oshawa, ut Mr. W. Bawms's. . . . Mi. and Mis. vernue Stinsen, Jack sud Joan Hamiltan; Mr. sud Mis. J. Stucey, Janetviile, witu Mis. J. Stinon... Mia. Wallace Pasce, Nanaon and Evelyn, with Mn. D. Cuuningham, Brussels. ... Miss Pearl Taylor, Toronta, ut Mr. T. Tuylor's.. Mr. and Mis. W. Bcwmnan, Mr. sud Mia. G. Bowman, and Mary Helen, ut Mr. T. Bowmau's, Port Perry. . N. . suad Mis. P. Abernethy sud famidly, Maple'*Grave, Misa Corsinu San-da, Oshawa, sud Miss Elsie Samis, Petorboro, ut Mr. M. Sanus'... Mr. P. Bulkowski, T-r-nte1ut-hom... Mi-sud Mis Articles For Sale T'OM 4 TUlEBAKER 2td~cIc.nAI ,0ddtionl newstock: rack 12x7'- fi0>ràek. Apply T. A. Garton, Studebaker dealer,' King Street, Bowman- vinle. Phone 2666. 141 F'OR SALE-BARN 32'xl9',' ALSO number tfedm trees. Apply Lloyd Richards, Manvers Road, R. R. 5, Bowmanviile. l-1* FOR SALE - SIX YZAR OLD Jersey cow, due new. Apply te Nerman Metcail, Bowmsuvlilc. Phone 2269. 1-1. Ebenezer MARRIAGE ___MOOR-MILLSON - Mis. Veray E. Miflsen, Bowmanville, wlsb- Under the direction cf the es to announce tue marriage cf teacher, Miss Alice Arnold, the ber yeungcst daugbtcr, Ethel achool concert at Na. 4 was, held Marguerite, ta Walter Léon on Friday evenig, wben a pack- Moore, son of the lato Mi. sud cd bouse greeted the perfarmers. Mia. W. H. Moore, Tyrene. Tue Mr. Walter Rundle ably acted as manrage performcd Saturday, chairman, wben the followmng December 2lat, 1940 , by Rcv. program was presented: A Wel- A. F. Gurdner, Tyrone. came by seven pupils; a carol, I Hourd tue Belis"; "Tue Cobblers" D A H by the juniors; recitatien, Bill ___________________ Rundle; chorus, "Massa's in de AIKEN-On December 23rd, 1940, Cold, Cold Graund"; rhythm cx-; Gerald Edward, beloved sou ef ercise; "Ye Banks and Braca," Keitu and LiWpan Aiken, Elgin senior beys; festival sola; recita- Street, Bawmanville', agcd 10 tien, Raymond Osborne; adlo, yas "The Mumpa", by Ima Wade; yaa Christmas address; Gipsy dance; BLAIR -At 229 Feurtu Avenue, "The Duncea," boya' c h e r u s; Ottawa, flecember 23rd, 1940, "'Good Advice," junior chorus; Charles Paxton Blair, aged 73C boys' chorus; piano tria, Gwen, ycara, dearlyp belovcd husband Murray sud George Osborne; fea- af Winifrcd Isabel Beitu, faim- tival duet, "Night Song," "Neigh- eîly cf Bowmanville. Interment bora," Meena Veenhaf and George at Beechwcod Cemctery. Osborne; chorus, "Heurts cf Oak"; play, "Tue Christmas Chimes"; GIFFLER - In Bowmanviloe, on junior curol; piano duet, Marilyn D)ceembçr 24tu, 1940, Adelaide and Bill Rundie; chorus, "To Tue Lai.We Giffler, daugbter cf the Stars"; dialogue, "Wbat la Ameri- lato Mr. and Mis. John Rut- ca Like?", irma.Wadc sud Dara- ledge, dearly beleved wife cf thy Higgins; piano solo, Audrey Wmn. G. Giffler. Interment utA Beaucbamp; "'Tue Flower cf Bowmanville Cemetery. China," by the girls; "«Tue Plaint cf the Camel," Murray Osborne JAYNES - At ber home, 100 Du- and Billy Devlin; patrietic uum- pont Street, Toronto, on Decem- bers, readinga and chorus;pin ber 28tu, 1940, Helen (Nollie) soloWilm Marhall S pnane; Cari, beloved wife cf Arthur H. distribution cf gifts, witu theb - Jyeadsse fMs .F pearance of Sauta Clans, wbich Watson sud W. H. Cari, Baw- causcd quite a commotion. Short manville. speeches were given by Rev. W. RUTHERFORD l n Newcastle, C. Smith and othera. on December 26th, 1940, Edna School Report Anna'-Rutherford, belcved wife School repart lfo No. 4 witb cf Dr. R. T. Rutherford, aged 54 namnes lu aiphabetical aider: years. Interment St. George's Grade 8 - Audrey Beauchamp,. Cemeteiy. Marilyn Rundlc.UN RW D-tbresdne Grade 7 - Dorotuy HI*ghia, ___hr esdece Wima Mashall, Gweu Osborne. 390 Annette street, West Toron- Grade 6 - Biily Devlin, Murray to, December 3tb, 1940,, Mary Osbrn, BllRdle, H e nir Catherine Beatrice Fester, be- Oabaneo, B i un, y lavcd wife cf the late William Grade 5 - George Osab o rn e, Underwood, and dca siston cf- Meena Veenhof. *Mia. J. N. Stanley, Miss Elma A. Grade 4 - Brooks Pearce, An- D'ster sud Burke P. Foster. In- nie Veenhef. terment in Orono. Cemetery. Grade 3 - Ima Wade. Grade 2 - Allan Fcwler, Lud- Cards of Thanks wig Schoeu. Grade 1 - Raymond- Osborne, Master Bruce Calwoll who bas John Veenhcf. been confied te bis home for tue Miss Alice Arnold, teacher. last turee weeks wisbes te thdnk Lieutenant James and Captaiu Curtis for bringing the boys down Nestieton In front cf hanse ta enquiro haw hewas sud thon they had a short drill wbicb Bruce enjaycd very Nestîctan W.I. will moot ut the much. Bruce wishes ta tusuk tue home of Mis. S. Malcolm Jsuuary acîdiers as be bas misscd seeing 8th, at 2.30 o'clock. Mi. W G tbem, sud wiabes the Cempariy a Bowles will speak. Rol cail, i:awv Happy New Yea. 1 I Would Like Te Sce Enfcrced on iR.MJaicn, outn Legialaticu. Curont Events, Mi5. SaMtriR.nM.Hamiltan, wlsos te G. Tuompson. Evorycue-welceme. thunia rien ailtoknly e- Christmas Visitera: hnanfidswokdlre Mi. and Mis. W. R. Jackson membered hlm at Christmas time and fsuiily, witu ber father, Mr. witu carda, letters sud gifts. They Jame Goron.wcne grcatly appreciuted and he Jame Garon.takes tuis mesus of cxpressig bis Mi. sud Mia. Ivan Proutt sud sincere thanica1-1 faxnily, witu bis parents, Mi. sud - Mis. John Prautt. NM ORA Mr. sud Mis. Rebt. McCoil, To -__IN__MEMORIAM___ ronto, witu Mi. and Mis. Les. MOORE - Iu loving memory cf Lansing. Mis. Jabez Moore wba pasaed Mis. Bella Richurdscn, with ber away December 2Srd, 1936. brother, Mr. John McLaughl.ln, -Tue Family. Blackstock. Mr Mnsd Mis. S. H. Malcolnsud ADAMS - Iu lovinig memory cf a sud f amily, witu Mr. and Mis. dear husbaud and father, Char- Herb Taylor. les Frcderick Adams, wbo pass- Mr. sud Mis. Robert Ewera, cd away January 7th, 1938. Oshawa, ut Mr. C. H. Parteous'. Everytbing we loved when you Mi. James Marshall and f umily, were here, - Janetville, with Mr. M. Emerson. Witu anl the preciaus memories Mn. and Mirs. Jobn Wilson sud 1 they own, fumily; Mn. and Mis. Franki Wil- WiII comfort me untîl I go, my son and family, witu Mia. William dear, Henry, Purplc Hil. To join you, nevermore ta be Mrs. James Wifltamsau sud NIr. alane. Arthur Jackman, with Mis. Ivan -Sadly mised by Wife and Wright, Viewlake. daughtera, Ruby and Pearlie. Mr. sud Mis. David Johnsansd 11 Hilda, with Mi. Johu WonnacottA piaon frOfce' Bowmanvllle.'AplctosfrO ieA Mia. Sussu Johns, Mi. and Mis. HfA sso Johns sud Billy, with Mr. Gea. Of______ l Cr.hapman, aduffewhM. Applications will be recoived by th Mien ry y h ardcstle. wit hMi. undersigncd up ta twelvc K Mre i a mHathn ne, noon, S.T., Monday, January 13tu, 'M Mi Wilim HwtoiePort for office ef Asseser for the 1S Hope, witb bis aunt, Mis. James Township cf Darlington for the th Wiliamson. ya c 91 Mr; and Mis. Allan Suggitt sud yaccf191 suiily, witb Mr. Wallace Murlaw, J. D. Hogarth, Clerk, ai Blackatock. f1 s Mn. and Mis. Ivan Wright and f Mr. Ben McGill, Vîewlake; Mr. Dry Cleanlng Jabm laetill e, wu Mi. START THE NEW YE4R RIGHTI pi JMes.WDaviamsohns tede h Be loaking your best ut ailni Mi. Duvof i Jonstendletuett times. Clotues that are spick cE fnuera a bi nce lbitSctt and sasuadd ta self confidence 1 on undy, t Lffod.and beip one te get aleng ln the au woîld. Caîl 520, Bawmanviilc Iý New onvlleCleuners & Dycîs, fer expert ex Newtonvilleservice. Estimates gladly givon L _____on ail types cf work. 1.1 r Mr. sud Mis. J. Barrie and eC Murray attendod the funeral cf Ruby Payne, Mr. sud Ms .cc their uncle, W. S. Bragg, Sbaw's. HI ssu i.sd Ms. DA.p Christmas visitais: Miss Ruby Payne sud son, 1orcnte;Mi BodTaenawlh is Gore tsLcyPa -- etebocatMn APARTUENT FOR RENT -'IN Bowmanville. Apply H. Bate- man, 450 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 1062. 1-1 Lost LOST - WHITE METAL RING, initial W. Made by a soldier in Englanid for bis daughtcr. Val- ucd as keepsake. Plcase return, Betty Welsh, dlo Cartwright, Kinig Street, or Stateaman Of- fice. 1-1. Work Wanted W OR K WANTED - HOUSE- work wanted by experienced girl, cither by day -or month. Apply Box 96, cia Statesman Office, BowmanivIlle. 1-1, Rooms Wanted WANTED - TWO UNFURNISH- cd rooma, central location. Ap- ply Mrs. Lyle Blight, KCing St. W., dlo Lamne Patter. 1-le* Weekly Feed Special1 W E EKL Y FEED SPECIAL - Shur-Gain Layeteria Masb (O. A.C. Formula), $2.35 per cwt. Offer good until Jan. 9th. F. C. Vanstone,*phone 777. 1-1 Radio Repairs R AD 10 SERVICE - ON ALL makies of radios. Tubes teatcd free. R. Quinn, phoneý 575, King Street. 11 Notices WVE BUY, ARRANGE, AND COL- lect mortgages and agreements of sale. North Shore Realty Co. Ltd. Phone 80 Oshawa. 39-tf Wanted WTANTEI) - HIGHEST PRICES paid for scrap batteries. When your battery f ails, brlng it i to, be'X-rayedLby our ,new1y in- stailed IlWillard Trouble Find- er Machine." G. F. JamiAeson, Tire & Battery Shop, ]King and SîvrSts. 46-tf Auction Sale RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY DITHE TOWN 0F BOWMAN VILLE Under instructions from the AdmJ.nistrators of the Estate of H. T. MeMillan, there will be of- fered for sale by Public Auction, by W. J. ChaUa, Auctioneer, at the rooms of Chalai Motor Sales,, King Street, 'Bowmanville, on E'uesdai,, the 7th day cf January, 1941, at the hour of il o'clock in the forenoon, Stàndard Time, on conditions of sale then to be read and subi ct te a reserve bid sud subjcct ta exiating tenancies, the following property: In the Town of Bowmanville in the County cf Durham and being part cf the Nor'tl part cf Lot number Eleven in the First Con- cession of the Township of Dar- lington i the County Wf Durham, and belng composed cf Lot 1 in Block 34, on the West side of Lib- erty Street, havlng a frontage on L.iberty Street cf 1 charn, 39 links more or lesa, by a de)pth cf 5 bhains, 63 linksa more or less, and comprÊlng 157 square'rards cf land be the saune more or less. On such lot there are sald te be eected a pirof semi-detached evricm wlls, each contalning hot air heatlng, known as 338 LIb- erty Streeýt in the ToWn of Bow- nanle.1. For further particulars sud con- ditions cf sale, apply te W. J. Challis, King Street, Bowmanvllle, or to the underslgned. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Bay sud Melinda Streets, Toronto. 51-3 BY-LAW NO. 1082 0F THE CORPORATION 0F TME TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON A by-law ta canfarm te tue,c f Local Government Extension ~1 1940, Section 7, Sub-sectlon 1. WHEREAS tbis council dcs it advisable tbat the foliowI~ question be aubmltted to a vo cf te muicial eectrosuant te The Local Gavernment Exten-' sian Act, 1940, Section 7, Sub- pectian 1. NOW TIfEREFORE the muni- cipal cauncil of tbe Corpogatien of tue Township of Darlington ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That an the pdlng day for the election cf members cf 1the municipal council for the year 1941, tue following question shali be aubmittcd te a vote cf the municipal electars cf the Tawn- ship cf Darllngten, but enily in the event tuat such vote for members of tue sald council la necessary: "Are you in favaur as a war- time measure under The Lecal Government Extension Act, 1940, cf tue municipal coundil clected far 1941 holding office fer tue term cf twe years?I' 2. The said. question' la sub- mitted pursuant te The Local ,Government Extension Act, 1940, Chapter 14 of the Statutes cf On. -tarie 4 George VI, Section 7, Sub- section 1. 3. This by-law shail take cf. fect on the day of the final pasa- ing thereof. .FINALLY PASSED this l6th day of December, 1940. J.* D. HOGARTH, Clcrk. A. W. ANNIS, Reeve. 51-3 Corsaâges PROM ROSES- 1 Upwardscli r -- CARNATIONS Upwards from- VIOLETS Upwards Item- BOUVARDIA Upwards fhotu MYOSOTIS Upwards from 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 GARDINIAS -VIOLETS ORCHIDS Onlyon Order WE Deliver Phone 772 & 2632. KiIfeGMSWy FLOWER*SHOP at SF. F. Morris Co. the January Clearance provides large stocks of Home Furulslilngs at the greatest .av- Ingaever accu in Durham County. You save front 10 to 40 per cent. on every item purchased in thil. sale. NO STOCK RESERVED! Mattresses - Lamps - Rugs Daybeds - Tables - Chairs Studio Couches - Dinettes Bedroom - Dining - Living Room Suites CAREFUL BUYING SAVES YOU MONEY JOIN ME! Thec safest and surest way Wosv lu looklni money on home furnlshlngs is Wo over tuis great buy carefully. Buy like we buy- array cf shop around-watch values. When FURNITURE you visit our store, you'll sec how VALUES! carefully we buy for you. SPECIALS BELOW ARE TYPICAL, MANY OTHERS NOT LISTED MATTRESSES-Inner SPring Construction Deux Pttrn.Regular $29.50197 January Clearance 19.75.-.-.--- BED, OUTFITS-Bed, Mattres sad SPrlng Regular $27.50. Seven *oulY to clear ~ 77 January Clearance17 5 STUDIO LOUNGES-,>8tterflcd and Striped Velours Wlth badLs, anms & wardrobe. Reg. $69.50 4 0 January Clearance BEDRoom SUITES-3 to 7 Plece Sets lu Popular Watertall StYles. Regular $85.00 Wo $195.00 Janiiary Clearance --------------54.50'0i 129.00 TUFTED CHENILLE BEDSPREADS-Double Size Green, Mauve, Peach, Rose. Reg. $8.95 Wo $12.50 Ja.nuary Clearance CHESTERFIELD SUITES-2 aud 3 Ploce Suites Kroehler, Snyder, Braemore Samples January Clearance 49.0 eW13500 DOWN FILLED SATIN COMPORTERS Rose and Gold Colours. Regular 129.50 167 Jaiiua7 Clearance LOUNGING CHAIRS-TUDIO CHAIRS - oluieln aush 8.0jaauary Clearance 17.75 -. M*A"V4T AND DINETTE SETS- 6 Plece Suites affle and inicesReg. $39.50 tW $95.00 stle au fulhe.27.50 "W 74.50 »JWOOL DLANKTS-S$in Bound and Boxed chooe.of colm R.Eeg'$05»59 iJuuay Clearancee-- --- CHESTS-OGenuine Wabuot Choute ïopulw styles. Reg. 121.50 te 888 n" L 14.95 to 29.50 4RRIS cG. Oromo 0I-1 DR Y C LE ANI1N G TuIAI SATISFIES Coat. .sSit, mDrense 75Ç ,Each * - 2 for $L00 Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cloaning Cgmpsnl, Limited Phono 419 W. C911Fer sud DellIve Mtvè Ye Heard ThIs One? Besidee lit tle troubles Osit came lu 1940, there were a lot of Good Tises, toc! HOPE TOURS WIMLBE A VERT 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR HARY ALUNR MND STAF rue The Newcastle Independent Ipherle Clarke 1114 owliq EADa;ïdus ;qûu tif R EmeWANTA F'OR SALE - 12 PIGS, 8 WEEKS oid. Apply Paul Haynal, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. 1-2* CALLING ALL QUILT MAXERS - Yes, we hiave just received a new shipment of «p a tceh e s Prints, Broadcclothà, Rayons, 23c lb., 5 lbs. $1.00, postage extra. Think fast for best rceults. Button Sbop, Whitby. 1-1 For Rent 1 - 11 - Il 1 1 THE CANADIAN SÏAMMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TI-IUIRSDAY, JAftARY'2,1941 PAGE EIGHT .