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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1941, p. 10

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~PÀOE ¶'ÉN TEE BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO TEUBSDAY, ~YANT1M~t 9. 1è41 Il Theê Newcastle hidepeudeut LTh-i Phone Clak. 1114 Misa CathêrIne Blackburn is home from Weston. Mr. J. W. Bradley returned Sunday Ïrom a week's visit i To- ronto. Gea. W. Walton has engaged ]Roy Foster, Pontypool, as his f arrn assistant. D Ionald Jase is attending the Junior Farmer Short Course at Hampon. Mrs. H. Wetherill received word of the death o! her sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Wethorill, ini Wayne, Mfich. Mrs. John Douglas and Mrs. Digman have returned fram their Christmas vacation visit in Ta- ronto.. Miss Mary Clemence, Toronta, spent the weekend at Mr. Jack Rolmes' and Mr. W. J. Clem- once's. Mrs. Walter Haigh and daugh- ter Joyce, Pagwa, have been visit- OSHAWA, ONT. Fr.. Air Parking ConditionInE Frlday & Saturday JANUARY 10 - il LAST TWO DAYS 'Love Thy Neighbour' JACK RENNY - FRED ALLEN MARY MARTIN AND ROCHESTER With such a oasa copl it b. anythlng ese but hiau? REVIVAL Friday Night at i11 Henry Fonda Claudette Coiber ln -DOrums Along The Mohawk " Mon. -Tues. -Wed. Thurs. JANUA.RY 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 Ethel Vauce's Flanxing Novel IEscape" irumSheu' - Robert Taylor Conradl Veldt - Naslmova The book that tbrilledl a million reatloru now flamoes upon the. sreen ta tell of courage, sacri- fiee adlave ln a country f llied 1wlth hate. Friday & Saturday JANUA2RY 17 - 18 Spooks, Laughs and Music wlth KAY KYSER ln You'II Find Out Peter Lorre - Boris Karlof f Dola Lugosi Helen Parrish Douais Plus Kay Kyer's Band Glnny Simma - lâh Kubbblo Barry Dabbt - Sull Mason The. Coilege of Musical Knowledge REVIVAL Friday Night at 11i Ginger Rogers - David Nîven ln Bachelor Mother P AT HARRY WiUos. l'ty'$ VMil b ilM wo-$ WIth Canster M I. 75e rnsU .pkg. 23. Wm~TLES 90SC / ~ ~ Paea ua ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jna. Garad. Mr. Wiibur Backburn, Haydon, was Sunday guest 1A his aunts, Mis Î'bdif n and Mis. Miss CatherArie Teepie, Bow- manville, spont Christmas hall- days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mis. J. C. Hancack. Mr. Keith Branton, Oshawa, was gueat cf his great grand- mother, Mis. J. H. Middleton. Great grandmother and *great grandson attended church ta- gether on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. A. 0. Parker and Seldon, Mrs. W. J. Hockin and sons, Pte. Jas. Hackin and Ronald, Mis. Ed. Powell, Rota, Grace and Stanley, spont New Year's at Mi. and Mis. A. F. Peppor's, WVhitby. Frank and David Gray wore then firat ta thresh grain in this sec- tion i 1941. A number a! athers are following suit as fast as Ernie and Talbot. Aldread cen get araund ta them with the'Syndi- cato Threshing Machine. Sunday guosts with Mr. and Mis. Porcy Haro were Dr. and Mis. H. C. Rundie, Brighton, and Miss Mary Munra, Cleveland, O., who came down fram Toronta an Sunday. On Manday she and Mi. Jack Haro returned ta Kingston ta resume their studios at Quoon's University. This week la being abserved as a Week of Prayor at the United Church with differont church groupa conducting the meetings on the fîve mights. The Y.P.U. had -charge on Manday ovening, the W.M.S. and the W.A. an Tuesday, and the Sunday School an Wed- nesday. This Thursday evening the 'Teen age groupa are taking the meeting, end on Friday the Officiai Board win be in charge. Bey. R. E. Morton is givingthe address at each meeting. Beautifully symbolic of the spirit a! Christmas have been the eloctrically illuminated o vor- greens seen in the homos, on ver- andas, on iawns and in Newcas- tle's publie places during the yulotide and New Yoar season- Bath east ide and west ide, o! the community hall and over the acuiptured front o! the hall thero were shining nightly many multi- coloredý electric lights, gleaming among the branches o! the sprucoa and emitting Christmas cheer ta citizens and travellers alike. H. S. Brittan, Manager Newcastle Hy- dro-Electric Commission, was the creative artist o! all this twilight ta dawn loveliness, aided i the actual consumation o! the scheme by Jno. Garrod, chie! caretaker. A fire at Buckley's Mil Satur- day afternaon caused quito a bit o! excitomont and when the gen- oral, cail came over the phonos that the mi»l was on flie and helP waa needed people rushod ta the scene from ail overý the village and countryside. It. was found that the miii itseif was not on fito but the exhaust pipe on the west ide, leading from the big 50- horso power diesel engine. How- ever it was rather scarifying and couid easîly become very danger- eus. As it was it proved a stub- born fire for mombers o! New- castle Fre Brigade and a volun- teer* bucket brigade ta put out. W. N. Buckley, former operator of the mi»l, who had had some ex- perionce o! this kind. gave valu- able advice and assistance. Fred Thomas is the Dresent manager. The heavy diesel ongine was keDt running ta make a forced draft throuoh the exhaust. It is total war as everyone knows. Sti»l, whenre Bo. R. E. Morton remarked in the'United Churç~h Sunday morning that, "The choir is* shat throueh the middle," it rather startled hia hearors. It also caused special attention to be directed ta that elevated and barricaded section o! the church where the choristers it. A glance at the faces o! thase on duty and a scrutiny o! the emrty spacos showed that the minister was right, fixuratively if not cuite literaliy. The Tenora were apparently annihiliated. One lone Basa stilI appeared and just ALLIN'S Aymer Soups 3 for 25c Aylmr -Golden *antam Corn' par tln lOc Gold Modal Peal Oholce No. 4 OC R-ekwood CoCea Ï bs 39c GRAPE .FRUIT JUICE 50 Of. Un 2 for 49c 20 os., Un *aoh i oc Soap pr cakoe 5c Frec Dcilvery one lonel$' Alto. The Sopranos wore a littie more fortunato wlth five snrviving the catastrophe. The organist and the assistanti organist were bath noticeably ab- sent for the saine cause, but on the bench, piaying the music foi the "remnants" was a young mnan, Laurence Morton. The f lu and mumps and the common caid weme the cause of the situation however and not shot and she»l. The ranks had rallied somewhat by night and there was an ap- pearance o! a gradually increas- ing front. NEWCASTLE VITAL. STATISTICS The registored births, marriagos and deaths in Newcastle in 1940,. accarding ta the recarda o! H. C. Bonathen, Clerk, were: Births 1, Marriagos 9, Deatha 9. Births July 2 - To Mi. and Mis. Frank Miller, a son, Cecil Frank Miller. This is no indication o! the num- ber o! childien born to Newcastle parents during the year. Thore wore sovoral but in ail othor cases the births took place outside o! the village, moatly in Bowman- ville Hositaàl and woro not regis- tered home.. Marrlages Jan. 27 - Carl George Forguson end Annie Bottroîl, by Bey. D. R. Dewdney. Apr. 15 - Thomas McHenx'y Bard and Myrtle Freda V. Shel- drake, by Boy. D. B. Dewdney. Apr. 16 - James Henry Taylor and Clara Mand Paisons, bY Bey. R. E. Morton. June 29 - Robert Erskine Hon- dry and Ethel Maud Sinipson, by Bey. B. E. Morton. Sept. 7 - Alfred George Peirin and Frances Ruth Simpson, bY Bey. B. E. Morton. Sept. 7 - Walter Norman Wesley Cairns and Viola Helen Hollings- worth, by Bey. R. E Morton. Sept. 7 - Archibald Levi Brown and Lorraine Victory Langler, by Rev. D. B. Dewdney. Nov. 12 - James Hugh Alexan- der Rutherford and Ada Bernico H-ollingsworth,,by Bey. R. E. Mor- ton. Nov. 12 - Douglas McLaughlin Wright and Charlotte Frances Breretan, 1by Bey. 1D. B.Dewdney. Deathi Mai. 1 - Margaret Boss, age !82. Mar. 9 - Norman Ailin, ago 70. Apr. 12 - Louisa Ellen Hedges, age 83. June 30 - Mary Wilmot Gai- braith, age 81. July 24 - ariot Brigbt, Obor- rondor, age 64. July 25 - Estelle Blanche Dud- ley, age 68.. Sept. il - Annie Gladys Brad- loy. age 77. Nov. i - Elizabeth Beman, ago 94 Dec. 26 - Edna Ann Rutherford, age 54. The average age o! those who died was 74.78 years. Cadmnus Miss Helen Fowier has return- ed ta her achool at Nowmarket. Miss inez Hickling returned ta Mahood's schoal after halidaying at Allenwood. Mi. and Mis. Sweet, Wesley, Clifford and Thelma. o! Kirby, have movod ta Mi. W. D. Fergu- san's !arm. Mis. W. D. Fergusan, Fay and Gary, are moving ta Blackstock. Mi. and Mis. Russell Brown and Gotdon visitod Mi. and Mis. Ed. Batten, Oshawa. Mr. Glen Gibson, Toronto, was home. Bey. and Mis. Fred Bayes, Bev- erly and Ronald, and Misa Conmie Bayes, Coldwater, visited Mis. J. E. Elliott, and braught Miss Hick- ing back ta her echool. Mr. and Mis. Alvin McGili, Orlin and Harold, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill were at Mi. George Fowlor's. Mi. and Mis. Ed. Batten, Don and Bob, Oshawa, visited at Rus- sel Browrn' on Sunday. Miss Marianoe Galbraith visited hon grandmather, Mis. Patterson, Orono. Enniskillen Oui Bed Cross ladies are still keeping up their needed work every Tuesday and Thuraday a!- ternoons. School pupîls marched back ta their clasa an Monday marnig with a new spiit, Santa having been exceptionally generaus and overyone ready ta turn aver a dlean sheet for 1941. Viitors: Miss Elsie Oke, Taranto; Mi. and Mrs. Wesley Oke, with Mi. S. Turner, Oshawa. Mi. and Mis. Wilbert Smith and family, Oshawa; Mr. Walter Smith, Peterbora, wlth Mis. Ella Smith and Mr. C. Smith. Mr. and Mis. S. B. Pethlck and Clifford, at Mr. E. O. Pothlck's, Taranto. Miss June Ashtan, at Mra. I. Travell'm, Oshawa. Miss Isabelle Bahni, at Mmm. G. E. Bmadley'm, Toronto. Mi. and Mis. S. Badman, Part Perry; Mr. I. Traveil and famlly, Oshawa; Mr. and Mis. S. May and Bllly, Toronto, at Mr. E. C. Azh- ton's. Mis. Mary Griffin, with Mr. G. E. Bradley, Toranto, and Mri. 0. Whittaker, Hamilton. ,r. Harold Austin, Chatham, and Dr. A. P. Asseistine, Oriflia, at Dr. C. J. Austl'. Mr. and Mis. C. Graham, Caour- tice, with Mm. C. oyd.dyý o Mr. and Min. E. Hoekd a lnwlth Mm. Wm. Oke. MWs Margaret Gray, Perry. tawn. with Bey. and MUn. 'coe~ IM. and Mq.,G., Bt j S. Rdmaào o#P«"'. CORNISH-At Ùowmanvifl JHos- pital, on Januar3y 3 1941,'t4i Mr. and Mrs. Milton <ornish (nee Norma Morgan), Orono, a son, David Lancely. MARRIAGE- CAMERON-JAMIESON -Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jàrnleson,'.Iow- manville,. wish ta annaunceg the marriage of their aider. dagh- ter, Doris Helen, ta Aligna 1Xun- cen Cameon son of Mit.,and Mrs. A. C. <Smeron, 0Oshiwa. The marriage performed -New Year's Eve at 7.30 p.m., 1940, by Bey. S. Davisan, Bownanvile. -DEATHS' HENDERS - Suddely lhi »w- manville Hospital on Jàniay 3, 1941, Martha Thampaon, belov- ed wife of the late Bobert Sen- ders. Internient Yelverton Cern- etery. SMITH - Ini Bowman ol~ n January 3, 1941, John. V nr Smith, husband of the latoliHan- nah Maria Smiîth and fatbér of Mrs. M. F. Hooper, age'80 $'ears. JInterment BowmnanVile Cerne- tory. THICKSON - In Bowmanville, an January 6,' 1941, Elen Tap- son, beloved wife of Wm. H.ý Thickson. Funeral private from the-.fam- ily residence, King St. EBut, on Thursday, Jan. 9, at 2.30--p.m. Intorment Bowmanvllle Corne- tory. Darllngton Township Organizes for -Wer -savingo -DÉIv. At a rèpresentative gathering of mon and wamen from Darlington Township i the Agriculturai Of- fioe Board Boom, Bownanvile, on Friday afternoon, officers were elected ta carry.on War Savings work ini that district. One feature of the plan ta be fallowod lis that canvassejs have been ajpolnted ta oever each school section. Tho personnel of ail county committees appears- on pqe 5. A meeting of ail the cenvqssers and others ihterested' la schboduled for Wednesd"y, Jan. l5th, a7.30 p.m. S.T., i' HaàmpnTo* when -Boss Strike, ho ty Chairman, wlll apeak. - * IN MEMORIAM ELLIOTTI --In lovingmery o my dear husband, James Edwin Elliott, who was called away ta the great beyand so suddenly January 8, 1940. We are sad within aur memory, Lonely are aur heaits to-day, For the one we iovedý so dearly Has fare*r been called away. We thlnk of hlm.i silence, Nao ye cen 500 us woep; But xneny silont tears are shed When others are asleep. -Ever rernembered by Wif e. JOLL - In loving memory af Mrs. Hattie Joil, wife of John Jo»l, who pasaed away Jenuary 8, 1940. And while she lies in peaceful. sleep Hor memory we shail always keep. -Ever remembered, Fannie. JOLL - In Ioving memnory cf my dear aunt, Mi. Harriott Joll, who passed peaeefully aiway on January 8, 1940. My lips cennat te»l how I maIss her, My heart cannot tell what ta say, Gad anly knows haw.-I miss her In a home. that Is lanesomo ta- day. -Always remembored by Pearl, Charlie and Bort. Wanted to Rent HOUSE WANTED WITH OPTION of buying, six ta eight roomns, with convieniences and garage, within tawn limits. Apply tox 98, cia Statesmen Office, Bow- menville. 2-i Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED - FOR BE- maval of a niumrber o! large trees, east of Bowmanville. Par- ticular P. O. Box 112, Newcastle. 2-1 Notices WE BUY, ARRANGE, AND COL- lect martgages and agreements of sale. Narth Shore Realty Ca. Ltd. Phone 80 Oshawa. 39-tf Infinite ta»l would nat enable yau tu sweep away a miat; but by aacending a littie you may a!ten loak over it altogother. Sa it is with aur moral impravement; we 1wrestle fiorceiy with 'a viciaus habit, which would have nd hold tupon us if we- ascended into a higher moral atmosphore. - Sir Arthur 11elps. ,juai try ta visualise over seventy- five battalions of soldiers passing in single file ... or tblnk of the popula- tion of acty bigger tisai Brantford, Peterboraugh and Kiagston ail com- bined. Now you have a W&si for compari- son because that's tise number of indilvidual visite made by cblldren ta tise Out-Patient »# #rtment of the Hospital for SIck Obilren last year. This huge total represents tiseneed of babes and youslgsters for mssdical ,Work WOnted WORK WANTED-YOVUNG GIRL wants general housework;jpay by week or month. Apply Mar- gurite Adams, R. R. 3, Newcas- tle, Ont. 2-1 Help Wanted GIRL WANTED FOR. GENERAL housowork, 3 adults in faniilY, sleep out. Phone 556, Bowmnan- ville, or write Drawer T. 2-1 Radio Service . RADIO SERVICE - ALL TYPES tubes tested free. R. Quinn, phone 575,,KingSt. East. 2-14 A4rticles For Sale FOR SALE - FORD ROADSTER 1930,, newly overhauled, $60. Drums and traps, perfect, $50. J. Mitchell, Newcastle, Ont. 21 FOR SALE - ELECTRIC STOVE McClary, white kitchen cabinet, Wilton rug about 5' x 7 % , sot of Limoges china dishes, aninh goad condition. Phono 2671, Bowmanillé.2-i CARS FOR SALE - 1940 PON- tiac Sedan à, 1940 Pontiac So- den 6, 1939 Plymouth Sodan, 1938 Plymouth Sedan, 1935 Ford Coach, 1933 Pontiac Cao a c h (trunk), 1932 Pontiac Coach. Apply Chas. Britton, P. O. Box 374, Bowmanville. 2-1* Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - WHITE SHORT- horn heifer due Jenuaryr 24th. Apply Otto Freund, Tyrane, phono 2523. 2-1 FOR SALE - 8 GOOD. YOUNG pigs, 6 weeks aid. Appiy A. E. Billett, Hampton, phono 2557. 2-1 FOR SALE - 16 YORKSHIRE piga, 3 manths aid, also 1 pair one horse sleighs complote, gaod as neW. Apply Frank Alds- worth, Courtice, phono Oshawa 1652r5. ,2-1* FOR SALE - 2 COWS, REGIS- tered Hoistein or grade, fresh about a month, or one due in 3 weeks, blood tested, good mnilkers, and priced ta seil. Ap- ply evenings to Howard Gibson, phono 2482. Bowmanville. 2-1 FOR SALE - 12 PIGS. 8 WEEKS aid. Apply 'Paul Heynal, B.R. 3, Bowmanville. 1-2* treatment . . .iselp whlch, could flot be afforded If parents were askud te pay more than a smali part of the. coat. In tact, many parents cannot afford any payment at WiL. Tise. littie anse need your help. The revenue fronu. Governinent snd Municipal grat, pi1 u a whatever, parents may contribute, covers-part of the «zpense, but tise balance muet cone from charitable citisens. Please mail a donation today . . no matter how stml. The nuit la greater tisai ever before. Wanted WANt Z!--TG ST -PRICES paid for scrap bltes.Whon oura faflis , rng* it lnita C lvýby urnewiyli- stallod '<Wilard Trouble eld- or Machine." G. F. Jamioson, Tire & Battery Shop, King and Silver Sus. 46-tf WANTED - GOOD-,USED MOD- ern battery radio, wlth short wave. Apply A. ZJIvorsmit, R.R. 1. Ennlsillen. Phono 2291. 2-1* Found FOUND - FOUNTAIN~ PEN, ON .Temperane St. Owner cail at Lost____ LOST-FOX HOUND, SPOTTIED amail, expenses paid. Phono- 2615, AI. Darch, Bowmanvilie. 2.1*1 LOST - ]REGISTRATION CARD, holder containing national reg-. istration card with Penetangul- shene address, xnurse's registÉa- tian card, and choque, lest on Ontario or Queen Sts. Bewvard. Finder please retum ta States- man Office, Bowixanville. 2-1* Stroyed HOUND STRLAYED - ON PRE- - mises of Mra. M. Bleeckor, R. R. ec 3; Cobourg, 45 ighway. Owner may have samne by paying ox- penses and proving property. 2-1* For Sale or $eni FOR SALE OR RENT, - BIRiCK bungalow on Wellington St. for sale or rent; in firtt cîsass shape; garage a.nd gardon. Appiy Box 1.00, cia Statosman' Office. 2-2* FOR SALE OR RENT-00,ACRE faim near 'Hampton, for rent or sale. Apply J. M. Hogarth, phono 2364. 2-2 For Rent *APARTMENT FOR RENT - IN the Victor Maniar, King St. W., Bowmanville. Apply IL Bate- men, 450 Simcae St. S., Oshawa. Phone 1062. 2-tf FOR RENT - 3 BRIGHT, PART- ly furnished. roins, suitable for 1 light; housekeeping.- Write Box 99, cla Statesman Office, Bow- menville. 2-1* TO RENT -SOLID BRICKC house, ail newly decorated, ail modemn canvenlences, 6 moins. Apply T. H. Knight-.' 2-1 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - BRICK VENEER hause, nearly new, 2 bedrooms, diing roam and kitchen pan- try, British Columbia fir floors,_. 2 acres good land, 23 applo trees, '4 acre strawberries, ece- tric lights, garage 12x16, barn 24x24, about hat mile framn main street. Price $1700.00. Ap- ply ta T. H-. Knight. 2-1 FOR SALE - FRAMVE; HOUSE covered wlth imitation brick, 2 bodrooma, 1 bathraom no fix- tures, kitchen, dining. roami and pantry,, gaod collar, 7 acres land, 3 rowvs grapes, about - acre asparagus, about 1 acre strawberries, raspberries late, and early, hon hanse for about 200 hens,> barn or garage, well and cistern, no lghts, hydra- just past hause, town wateý Just past house, about 50 app1e trffs. Taxes $13-25. Sold I 1939 and 1040 about $100 worth apples. Will soîl for $1500.00 cash. Ap- ply ta T. H. Knighit. 2-1 LOGS WANTEO. Bass15wood - Eln Beech 2nd Growth Hard Apply The OakviIIe Basket <JOMPANT, LTD. Oakville-,Ontario -, I *Room 'end Boiard ROONM OR BOAR]DERS -3 patyheated rooms, also paty. frshed, ta rpnTu orboereuj ApplyMrs. Erneat Trney, co~d Scugog & Odoll Sti, BmW ville.21 DISCOVERY -,in Eyesight inCofort 0 Now Science gives us Tillier Lenme-the latest discoer inmreducing ey-talndifatigue. If you wea lseslet usfit tem itTillyerLenses. They ,will bring yoix a new and noticeable eye comfort. Wo lilb. glad t. asoow diffrenfromordam sean.. Jury &Lovel PHONE 778 How f0 tell Direction without ca Compasa Local. he 1hB9Dp..rqg~ po nory lino throbih I thewbêôd stars of thse bowL The. frst brlght star abmost an this fine s the North Star whlch shines ovr th. NorthPolo.. And's how Io f1.11 GOOD COAL Look for the REDtrad.niork spots. When you se. these, you know you're getting genuine Formous Reading Anthracite -the Iow ash hard cool. Try this premium prod- uctthat costs you not a penny extra. ltsa sure-Aire money saver. J. J. FLETT FUELS Yard C.N.R>. Bldlag Phono $673 Resldoace,,Oatarlo Street Phone oés6. DOWMANVELLE HAVEYU HEARD ' About CARTER9S 1$coertal "M othhlg te <Wh fT PAYS &bout s4th Ma cromrwhel.ome 4own àle oraay'aboit *a et -$hop et CARTE RU l1IV NRNT CARTgR'8 nuiaonet o! the bout Dowbile lu- q.Odent. tbat moDey gag, buy. THE, CARTER FAMILY DAM"RS OP4 TWO GNSRIo J-USIT .IMAGI-NE! A. PARADE 0F .79'1410 CHILDREN PASSINO THROUGH ONE DO RWMAY The H OSPITAL for SICK CHILDREN 67 COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO I'WHUJLftU O CHILI) KNOCKS lm VAIN' 1 - m 1 -1 - 1 1 : 1 . 1 - il - TOZ BOWMANVIL14 ONTAMO. i 1

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